• Member Since 1st May, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Friday

Detsella Morningdew

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. - Theodor Geisel


An Undertale crossover.

When Asriel breaks the barrier and frees all the monsters from the Underground, he stays behind, knowing that soon, he won't be able to maintain his form, turning back into a flower.

But Frisk won't accept that, no matter what he says. After countless tries, he finally gets Asriel to accept his soul, fusing both of them together and saving Asriel from life as a flower.

But when Frisk tries to load a save, things get a bit glitchy, and they are thrown from the dimension to resolve the paradox.

Disoriented and spinning in the space between worlds, they attempt to return to their own. Instead they find themselves in Equestria just before Nightmare Moon's return.

Note: Frisk and Chara are often considered "genderless" by some, since Toby Fox said that they were intended to be assigned a gender based on the user's choice. For this story, I have decided to make Frisk male, mostly for the convenience, and to avoid the "changing genders" dilemma. (I made Chara female, but that really doesn't matter all that much for this story.)

Also, I would like to direct you to a neat little comic series called A Dreemurr Reborn. It is based on a similar premise (although without MLP). There was a bit of influence for this story, although I had this idea way before I saw that, back when I first played the game.

Yeah, I know the hype for Undertale has died down by now, but so has the hype for ponies. I don't really care. :rainbowwild:

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 50 )

Definitely love this already.
And i want more...

*gives a friendly boop to Detsella*:twilightsmile:

Thanks! More is definitely coming soon.

(I have 1 1/2 additional chapters stored up, since I wanted to make sure this wasn't just a passing idea.)

Oh goody, another story to add to my guilty pleasures list.

can not read dialog at all!

Sorry, due to colored text, you need some sort of dark theme.

I have the text formatted like Undertale, and I gave a few resources for making it look EXACTLY like Undertale, but just using a Dark theme or High Contrast Dark will make it visible.

An Undertale story? Those have all but died out! I'm glad I found this. :moustache:

Yeah. Couldn't find one that did what I wanted.

So I made my own. :derpytongue2:

Oooooo! So is Celestia like Flowey was? Does she share a SAVE with Luna? The possibilities are near endless? :moustache::moustache:: moustache:: moustache: out of five! Five is rare.

I'll second this. I had to highlight the dialogue in order to read it. Not ideal.

All right - majority vote - should I remove all colored tags? (Except the red ones)

That would allow for people to read it without a dark theme, but it would also reduce the impact of a certain scene.

She did. The circumstances of that whole thing actually had some impact on what happened those 1,000 years ago.... so it is spoilers to say any more.

Also note that souls without the Determination trait still hold an amount of Determination inside them.

And that Asriel didn't trump Celestia's Determination right away. There's a reason for that, too.

Nope! I like the colored tags!
I'll keep that in mind.

At least it's better than Pafriskus.

Please remove them I can barely read the white and yelow one's

Sigh.... I hope I get more people that agree with you.

Seriously, how hard it is to click a single button to get a dark theme?

I'll make it more obvious.

I thought it was perfectly obvious. It was put in the plainest (plain doesn't mean bad! don't take it like that.) of ways where it needs to be, and you gave multiple valid reasons for why it would be a good idea to do so.


Some people don't read Author's Notes, though, so I put in the main text as well. As well as where to find the Dark theme, so people who just casually read the site know where to find that option.

I know for certain that I was on this site for almost a year before I realized that was a thing.

Nice story, but yeah I understand why people think the formatting its annoying.

It is an original idea and I'm all for it but people usually use the default theme and rolls with it. I don't think even most of the people tinker with any of the options there (or knows that even exists). Personally I have no issue with the formatting. As I said its kind of a neat idea but for me reading anything with dark themes just destroys my eyes and I can't do it for long periods of time.

Ah, okay.

I understand what you mean.

(Now that I have a majority that isn't just "I didn't feel like changing it," and gave good reasons, I'll make it so.)

If you feel you really need to make them colored please do so! While having readers happy its a must for stories, don't feel obligated to compromise your creative drive if you think its a good idea before really putting it to use. Just maybe don't use the exact pallete of colors from Undertale and try to use some variations that are more readable for the standard theme? I don't really know how the colored text works to be honest since I've never tried it but maybe you can still play with it a bit more.

My problem with the dark themes its personal and I'm sure its not a generalized issue. I'm pretty sure that doing somthing in my side like upscaling fonts helps with the issue, I'm just used to small fonts and stuff :twilightblush:

Sorry, some of the colored text had to be removed. Now the only colors are normal and red.

This makes it so that both dark and light themes are supported.

At first, I was going to leave it alone, but >>Hywther gave a very good argument. Eye strain is something that is known by me very intimately. That in addition to the other problems about people not knowing how to apply a dark theme, and it makes my story more inaccessible.

Unfortunate, but not totally story-breaking.

(Aww, that reply in the middle didn't work.)

Well, after a while on High Contrast, even I get a bit of eye strain.

And I left the colors in that worked with both styles. Just the super-light ones had to be removed.

Also, it's a boon, in some ways. It means colored text stands out that much more.

I wish embedding fonts worked, though. That would be SO much easier.

Could this be the reason that Celestia could not SAVE anyone after her thousand years in solitary power were over? Because Asriel's Determination grew stronger than hers?

Have you ever noticed in the show how Celestia always seems to know what is coming before anypony else? How she knew which five ponies to assign duties for the Summer Sun Celebration? That Twilight was assigned to check?

And there are some other "convenient" things that have to do with Celestia's decisions. Even her defeat at the hooves of Chrysalis both distracted her from her plan and made her underestimate her opponents, causing Equestria to win in the end.

Think about that for a minute.

Now in this timeline, that is suddenly missing.

The end of this chapter reminds me of garnet from SU for some reason....

Well, Undertale fusion isn't all that different. There's a bit more separation, but the concepts are quite similar.

Oh, and unfusing is a lot more problematic.

The story was great! I loved the character development and the way you transitioned between scenes! Your description made me happy and I hope you do well! Sørg for at du ikke putter opp sausen i vasken!

But wouldn't the sauce just go down the drain? :rainbowwild:

Or is Google Translate just being spastic today? :trollestia:

Nice to see a new chapter. As always, great job, though you missed one thing.

"When does school start"

Missing '?'.

Yeah, it wasn't a good idea for Asriel to casually mention time travel like that. I'll bet Twilight's soul would be blue and I'm guessing Applejack would be green or yellow.

Say whenever I start a writing project on my computer I seem to get distracted or unmotivated. Will getting physical notebooks to write in help?

I personally think so.

In my case, it reduces overall strain, and often you can bring it more easily with you wherever you go, allowing you to write down ideas whenever they come to you.

If I could be one. Charecter from a game it would be Asriel I thinks there should be more stuff about Asriel out there

Yeah... if I was actually able to mod Undertale easily, I would totally make a game surrounding Asriel's story.

I know that would be the best I would totally play that if you made it

Love it, so.. when's the next chapter?

Hmm if so, don't rush, I can wait. Good luck.

*deep breath* UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flutterrage:

I know, I know... This story is actually my next priority to update on. So you should see an update rather soon, I hope.

I just didn't want to write more when I didn't have the inspiration to. That would make for a bad chapter. But I've learned how to instill my own motivation and drive.

*deep breath* YES!!!!!!!!! UPDATE:pinkiehappy:

A good chapter, cementing the story's placement in canon and setting up for the first episode, if we aren't in it a bit already.

Oh yes (similar) an update!

Based on Dreemur Reborn, you say? Well that's enough of a reason for me to give this story a shot. Looking good so far!

Can’t wait to see what happens

Dang it!
No new chapters yet, I guess I have to learn to be patient.

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