• Member Since 10th Feb, 2017
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Magi Tail Welkin

Born under Leo in the the Year of the Fire Rat. Christain. Englishman. Storyteller. A resident Thomas the Tank Engine fan and casual MLP fan (And a Flashlight fan too. You may start hating me now)


Set in the EK Verse.

Flash Sentry is visiting his family for the weekend but then learns about reactions to the Journal of Friendship.

Now he goes to set the crowd straight.

As well, as this three certain ponies are in the area and watch the Royal Guard.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 10 )

I am still giving this a like as well as adding it to my favourite list but u made some mistakes that u need to change like, "No one in prefect" unless if I'm misunderstanding that but I'm pretty shore that it is suppose to be " No pony is perfect".

Thanks, maybe you can PM me the other mistakes?

"but I bet she’s starting to get stick of all this adoration", it is suppose to be sick not stick.
"the fulfilment of its propose" the second word is spelled like this "fulfillment". U left out 1 "l".
"How can I respect someone who doesn’t agree with me" unless if your writing an EQG fimfic, it is suppose to be somepony not someone. Lastly and in my opinion u don't have to change this but u don't need a dash (-) whenever u use words like somepony, everypony, etc... And thats it, at least to my nowledge of the fimfic which is a good fic in my opinion and i cant wait to read more of your stories in the future. Keep up the good work.

This is great. :rainbowkiss: By the way, I could be wrong, but I thought I saw a bit of C.S. Lewis in Flash's argument. Goodness me, I half-expected that crowd to tear him apart, bake him into a pie, and eat him, considering his status in the fandom. :ajsleepy: Thankfully, that's not what we got. :twilightsmile:

C. S. Lewis? Care to explain?

I don't think Flash played a large role, if any in the Journal, so I don't think many in the crowd would know him.

Thanks for that.

But in the case of fulfilment, I live in the UK so my spellcheck is set to the British spelling of words.

I see, well, that makes seen now, interesting that C. S. Lewis did a version of the Divine Comedy.

Personally for me I imagine Hell being based on the Ten Commandments, not the Seven Deadly Sins.

Imagine what would have happened if he had been in the journal.

Fan ponies: Hey, isn't that the guy who stole Princess Twilight from us?
Fan ponies: Let's get him! :flutterrage:
Flash: (runs away screaming)

Too bad there are no entries from Spike and the CMC.

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