• Member Since 16th Oct, 2016
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


When someone needs help, let me know, I, Zedfire, leader of the X Army, swear upon my life, I will help you, provided you're on the side of good.

Comments ( 35 )

Say whatever you want, but the best scary car movie was "Ello Gov'nor". Shit once made a grown twenty something man had PTSD worse than a Vietnam veteran.

Then again, this was the same guy who was afraid of amusement park mascots, so...

I have the feeling "The Movie Vault" YouTube channel was involved in this somehow

You have my respect for giving these cars and trucks a chance in the spotlight.:twilightsmile:
However, I do think the main cast is a bit too big.

Well I have to say it's your first story. However I think you can do better. However I see high expectations on this story. However I can't judge yet till I see more of it at least more chapters (Not sure how many are you making at the moment) but, it's a start so far I like it. Just was wondering why so much enters???

The reason for this is because I wanted all of my favorites to be included in the story, also, I feel as though there aren't enough killer car fan fictions out there, at least, of this scale.

Did... you just make a Regular Show reference? Because that doesn't count!

Thanks, I appreciate the early praise. The reason for the enters is because of one thing! Someone demanded I do it because of double spacing! I just said F*$K It and just put three to be safe! It wasn't my call to make in the first place!

I guess I'll have to make it! *Dumps in freezer chest* done! :ajsmug:

You know those movies where one is chased by a killer driver/living car?

I wasn't aware there was more than one evil car movie.

If this is sarcasm, then I might consider changing that. If it isn't, then There's Christine, The Car (1977), Wheels Of Terror, Duel, Maximum Overdrive, The Ambulance, Crash! (1977), Black Cadillac, need I continue?

*<>* yay I finally have more friends that are also vehicles

I whole heartedly agree, more!, nothing better than a possessed killer car

Damn, if this is your first story, then Amazing work!:pinkiehappy: You did better than most on their first time writing! Good job!

I found it amusing imagining Queen Chrysalis, being the first notable creature to be involved in a Road accident... As well as her hammy 'Noooo!' as she got rammed by John... That scene was something I found hilarious to imagine, with Chrysalis kgetting Bug-Eyed at the sight of John The Car about to ram into her.:rainbowlaugh:

I would want to do fanart of it, but I can't post it if I did it, so I wonder if anyone would try drawing that scene.

You kidding? If it's at all possible, I'll grab it before it's taken down, then use it as the cover art. You really got me going now, I'm getting all sorts of ideas.

Don't know, I'm having a hard time getting any inspiration as of right now, but I have plans to finish it before my life ends.

Comment posted by fnaf1987 deleted Dec 30th, 2023

Well... This is a frankly bizarre concept, but I like it! Surprisingly entertaining. My one criticism is that you should work on formatting and grammar a bit. You have a lot of run-on sentences with commas that should be periods, and the paragraphs should be split up into smaller paragraphs. Otherwise, this is great and I look forward to whenever you post the next chapter!

WHEN is there going to be updates? I LOVE horror movie killer cars especially Christine (She's my fav), so seeing the killer cars I love in this fimfiction. I have to say one thing........ THIS IS BADASS!!!!!!!!66.media.tumblr.com/5d89ebe38b1d0acba633790a5203de44/tumblr_pgy1a7yzT71rnp0ybo2_500.gif

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