• Published 4th Sep 2017
  • 4,279 Views, 31 Comments

A Pup's Place - PropMaster

Spike isn't sure where he fits into Twilight's family. Maybe he needs a reminder of what is important.

  • ...

Spike The Dog

Spike lay on his back on the floor of Twilight's room, staring up at the ceiling fan. Once upon a time, back when he was an ordinary, non-talking, semi-intelligent dog, this would have brought him joy. He'd often pondered the meaning of life while watching this fan, and typically arrived at the answer as 'belly rubs', or sometimes 'treats', depending on how hungry he was at the time. Now, though, those simple answers no longer brought him comfort. Sure, he still loved belly rubs and treats, but... recently he'd been thinking beyond the needs and wants of the moment. He had more on his mind, now.

When he had been granted this magical intellect and the ability to speak along with it, something inherently core to his identity had been taken. He wouldn't ever want to go back to not being able to talk! He loved being able to understand things, and be understood in turn, but this... this was more than he'd bargained for. The weight of the change in his mind had taken a while for him to grasp. It was beyond his typical, simple reasoning. He wanted to talk to Twilight about it, but she was always so busy, and always worrying about so much. Grades, friends, saving the world... she had so much on her plate. He didn't want to add one more thing to her list of things to deal with—he'd seen the list, it was already too long!

The rest of her friends were great, but they still treated him like a pet. Not that he minded being treated like a pet, because he loved it, but sometimes it also meant being overlooked, or ignored. It was sort of frustrating at times, and downright depressing at others... like today. Today wasn't a good day for Spike. Twilight was off, out and about, doing things with her friends, so he had nobody to talk to and these thoughts just kept bothering him.

Who was he to Twilight?

That was the thought that was at the forefront of his mind. He could only ever remember times with Twilight, but she was his owner, not his mom... not that it wasn't hard to think of her as 'mom' sometimes. She'd raised him, taught him things, been with him when he was scared. Even when he'd been just a dog, he'd known dimly that she was different from him, but now it was very apparent that there was no way they were related. What was he, to her? Was he just a pet, now, even though he was smarter and able to communicate? Was there more to their relationship?

It was all very confusing. Spike sighed and rolled to his paws, trotting over to the window seat and hopping up onto it to look outside at the street. He spotted Twilight coming home, and his tail began to wag despite his heavy thoughts. She looked like she was in a great mood, and that made Spike feel better, even if he wished he'd been able to come along. The sad reality was that he was still a pet in the eyes of most of the world, so that meant it was hard for him to go the same places that Twilight went. No school, no movies, not even very many stores. He smiled, though, because he was happy to have some company. Maybe Twilight could help him figure things out. She always had answers for him, and even if she didn't have them, she knew how to get them. She was amazing.

Spike darted around to the front of the house, little paws pattering on the floor as he barked happily, skidding around a tight corner and bouncing off a wall. He leapt up to the door as he heard Twilight struggle with her house keys, slapping the lock open with one paw and hitting the latch on the way down with the other. Twilight blinked down at him as the door opened as she pressed against it, her key outstretched towards the lock, and she smiled. "Thanks, Spike."

"No problem! And welcome back!" Spike said, beaming up at her and trotting ahead into the house. Twilight let out a happy sigh and pulled her backpack off of her shoulder and let it fall to the floor, and she reached up and pulled a few bobby pins out of her bun, letting her hair fall loose around her shoulders. She shook out her hair, stretching as she ran a hand through it absently and pulled it back into a more comfortable ponytail. Spike smiled up at her. "How are the girls?"

"Good! They say hello. I'm sorry you couldn't come along," Twilight said, bending down and giving him a fond pat on the head that changed to a scratch behind the ear that had Spike's eyes drooping and his rear leg thumping happily. "I wish there were more places you could go. Maybe we can hang out at the park next time... or maybe I can look into getting you registered as a service animal..." Twilight pondered her options, pursing her lips thoughtfully.

Spike frowned slightly. "Service animal?"

"Yeah. They are allowed to go places that normal pets aren't. You'd have to be careful about talking, still, but at least you could tag along more places. Would you like that?" Twilight said, smiling at him.

Spike sighed, ears drooping. "Yeah, I guess that's a good option..."

Twilight noted his downcast look, and she crouched down next to him. "What's the matter, Spike? Is something bothering you?"

Spike glanced up at her and said gently, "I don't want to bother you."

Twilight frowned. "Don't worry about bothering me. I'm more worried about what's wrong with you."

Spike flopped onto his side, whining as he wriggled anxiously. "Twiiiiiii, I dunno. It's hard to explain!"

"I'm willing to listen," Twilight said, reaching out and stroking him along his side with slow deliberation, comforting Spike.

Spike relaxed a bit, letting out another sigh. "I guess, it's... me. I'm different, now."

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "Different?"

Spike raised an eyebrow. "You know any other talking dogs?"

Twilight's eyes widened in understanding, and she giggled. "Oh. That."

"Yeah. That," Spike said, pawing at the air with his front paws. "I can talk. And I'm smarter, now. I used to... kind of understand you. Like, seeing a picture and knowing what it meant? But now, you speak, and I understand. I'm different."

Twilight nodded, sitting down on the floor beside Spike. "Yeah... I sort of wondered about how you were dealing with that. I actually, uh," Twilight blushed, "I've been taking notes on you. Like a scientific case study."

Spike stared up at her, his jaw falling open. "You... what?"

Twilight grimaced slightly, her blush intensifying. "You know me. I can't help myself. I've written papers on you before, but that was... well, when you were a dog."

Spike wasn't really sure what to think about that, and the conflict must have shown on his face, because Twilight was looking upset, now. "I'm sorry. I can... get rid of them, if you don't want me to do that."

He considered this for a moment, and resolved himself. "N-no, actually... you've been paying attention to me while all this," he gestured to himself, "has been going on?"

"Well... of course. You're my best friend, Spike, and you changed dramatically from a simple, animal intelligence to a fully actualized mind. It's pretty incredible, but I was also... worried. Worried about, well, pretty much exactly this happening," Twilight said in a rush, as though confessing, and she sighed, smiling at him. "I'm sorry I didn't ask your permission, or tell you, but I didn't want to interfere if you were going to be able to figure things out for yourself."

"Oh," Spike said wistfully, looking down at his front paws as he held them close to his chest. So, she had been watching... but hadn't wanted to bother him? "So... if I asked you about some stuff, you'd help me? Because I think I can't figure this out by myself."

"Of course!" Twilight said, patting his cheek gently, and then paused. "Uh... am I still allowed to pet you like a dog? Is it too demeaning?"

Spike's eyes widened, and he rolled over and jumped into Twilight's lap. "No way! I'm still a dog, Twilight! I love belly rubs and pats!"

Twilight giggled and scratched him behind the ear. "Good. I was sort of worried."

Spike hummed happily as Twilight held him close and rubbed his ears. "Yeah. This'll never, ever get old. I promise."

"Okay. So, what's bothering you?" Twilight asked, regarding him with curiosity.

"Well," Spike hesitated, and then looked up into Twilight's eyes earnestly, one paw reaching out to press against her chin. "What... what are we, now? Am I still just a pet?"

Twilight stared at him, comprehension seeming to hit her. "Oh. Oh! Spike, you've always been more than a pet, to me. You were my only friend for so long... the only one that I had!" She wrapped her arms around him and picked him up as she stood up, cradling him close. "I know that I have more friends, now, but you will always be my first, and you'll always be important to me. You... you're like family."

Spike cherished the closeness and the comforting words, and he smiled happily. "But... we're not really family. I mean, you're a human, and I'm a dog."

"That doesn't matter to me," Twilight said, walking with Spike into her room and setting him on the bed, and sitting down next to him.

Spike squirmed uncomfortably. "Right. Of course. I just have been wondering," he hesitated briefly, before finally saying, "where I came from."

Twilight smiled uncertainly. "Oh. Well, that's something I can answer. We got you at a farm."

Spike blinked. "A... farm?"

Twilight nodded. "It's sort of weird to say it to you, now, but we bought you from some nice people looking for homes for a litter of puppies that one of their dogs had. You were the last puppy they were looking to give away when we got there, and you were so precious. The adorable runt of the litter! So we brought you home that very day. You were an early birthday present. My parents thought that you'd help me... be more social. After Shining Armor left, I was pretty lonely, too, so I think they were hoping you'd help me with that."

"Oh," Spike said, staring at her. He'd come from a farm... and he was supposed to help Twilight. He smiled uncertainly. "Did... did I help?"

"Of course you did!" Twilight said, grinning at him. "You were my constant companion! My little lab partner! A tiny, fuzzy, little brother, practically."

"A little brother?" Spike said, his eyes wide.

"Yes. Of course," Twilight said, leaning down and giving him a kiss on top of his head. "You're part of my family, Spike."

Spike blushed. "That's... thank you." He felt warm inside, and loved. All the concerns that had been plaguing him quieted, and he felt more at ease than he had in the last few days. "I guess I just... I wondered, you know? Where I came from? What I meant? Where my place was? It's a lot, going from a dog to... whatever I am now. A smarter, more talkative dog?"

"Something like that," Twilight said with a giggle, rubbing his head. She stared at him for a moment, and then stood up. "I have an idea."

Spike looked up at her. "Yeah?"

"Do you want to visit the farm we got you from?"

Spike went still as the idea hit him. Go back? He could see where he came from? Would...

Would she be there?

Spike swallowed hard, and looked up at Twilight with uncertainty. "I, uh, I dunno, Twilight."

"What's the matter? It might help!" Twilight said.

"Y-yeah. Maybe?" Spike mustered a little enthusiasm. Twilight was smarter than he was, and if she thought it might help him, she was probably right. "Maybe. Yeah!" He stood up, smiling at her hesitantly. "If you think it's a good idea?"

"You seem worried," Twilight asked with a concerned frown, reaching down and gently scratching the top of his head.

"Well... it's just..." Spike hesitated, trying to articulate his fears, before he shook his head. "No. It's fine! Let's do it."

"As long as you're sure," Twilight said, standing up.

Spike nodded. "Yeah. When do we go?"

Twilight smiled. "We have the whole weekend. We could do it tomorrow... or now, if you're worried about overthinking it and backing out."

"Now is good," Spike said with a nervous whine. Twilight gave him a pat, which made him feel a little better.

"Okay. I'll call Applejack, and see if she can borrow the truck to drive us out. If I remember correctly, it's near Sweet Apple Acres."

The ride out into the country was a fairly quiet one. Applejack had listened to their request, and had seemed to immediately understand Spike's worries. She hadn't said much, simply allowing him some quiet as they rode out of the suburbs and into the country. They drove past Sweet Apple Acres and down a few more quiet roads until they reached a long gravel driveway that wound across a few pastures. Applejack slowly pulled into the front of a beige, two-story farm house. It was an unassuming place, with a porch and two chairs set out front, an open door with a closed screen, and lots of windows. It looked cozy, and as Twilight opened the doors, Spike's nose caught a scent that was immediately familiar. He'd been here before, and though he might only dimly remember, his nose knew where he was. It was the smell of puppyhood, of warmth and safety, of a nostalgia like none he'd ever experienced in his short life. He froze in place, overwhelmed by just the scent of this place, and he stared at Twilight. "Twi?"


"I'm scared."

Twilight and Applejack shared a look, and Applejack smiled at him, speaking softly. "That's understandable, darlin'. This should be scary. Been an age since... well, since you saw this place. I remember when I came back after spending a summer with my Aunt and Uncle Orange. I was a mite bit scared. How much had things changed? What had I missed? It's a lot to take in. Y'all just take your time, and go at your own pace, sugar cube."

Spike smiled at Applejack and leaned against her side gratefully for a moment, taking comfort in the farm girl's understanding. Twilight gently stroked a hand across his head. Slowly, Spike's heart stopped pounding, and he slowly stood up, peering out the window. Two people were standing outside, an older man and woman, both dressed in simple, utilitarian work clothes. They gave gentle waves towards the parked truck, glancing at each other, and the woman went inside the house. Twilight stepped out of the car first and walked across the driveway to the porch, speaking with the man quietly. Applejack stepped out of the car as well, pausing only long enough to give Spike a gentle pat. "Like ah said, just take your time."

Spike nodded, swallowing, and he hopped out of the car. Gravel crunched under his paws as he walked towards the house. His eyes took in the fields, gentle rolling hills filled with grass, and his nose picked out the scent of healthy animals. Some little animal part of him knew they were prey, herbivores, beings that needed careful watching and control. Some part of him stirred, and he lifted his head, breathing in the smells of the farm. There was another scent, now, stronger as he approached the house. Twilight was smiling as she spoke, and Applejack was gesturing, talking with the farmer, but Spike's focus was elsewhere. They didn't matter, anymore, because he could smell her.

She was here.

Spike stood stock still, staring into the house, willing his eyes to pierce the shadows of the threshold. He was trembling with anticipation, now, even as he stuck next to Twilight, keeping beside her, her presence calming him. The door opened, and she trotted out.

Her ears were floppy, like his, resting on the sides of her head and framing her strong nose and wide lavender eyes. Her coat was a dusky blue, with patches of grey-green, speckled with a deeper blue. Her tail was raised, her head low as she inhaled, her eyes locked on him. She approached at a trot, and Spike stepped away from Twilight, approaching her, his eyes watering. He spoke, but it was a bark, a question that she could understand, a simple vocal. She couldn't speak like he could, and he knew that, but every movement she made spoke to the animal part of him that understood it like he now understood words on a page.

"You. You have my scent. I know you, child." Her bark was gentle, a low exhale that carried a startled tone of surprise.

He approached her, head down, low to the ground, and she flowed up to him. She was graceful, beautiful, a working animal that moved with purpose. She smelled him, taking him in with her most powerful sense. He yipped, a happy sound, unable to contain himself anymore.


Then they were rolling in the gravel, tails wagging, faces pressed together, coats brushing as they got to their feet and raced aimlessly, exulting in this sudden moment. She laughed soundlessly, a smile on her face. "Child, I know you. You are one of mine."

Spike was crying, and he knew he shouldn't, because it would make the farmers curious, but they'd moved into the house, now. Twilight and Applejack went with them, leaving him to this moment. Spike and his mother were alone. She licked his face and cheeks and tears, laughing still, her tail a furious fan behind her. "Welcome home, child."

"Mama. I missed you," Spike said without saying, speaking to her as she could understand.

"I missed you. You are healthy. You were small, but you are healthy, now." She laughed, "Still small, but small is fine if you are healthy, too."

Spike laughed too, his tail wagging. "I'm still growing."

"You are. You smell of youth, still, a tiny pup in so many ways, but a dog in others," She said, wriggling in the grass as she circled him, sniffing him all over, making him giggle.

"I'm so... so happy."

"I am too." She grew still, ears perking slightly as she turned, her eyes on the grass, towards the herd animals somewhere. Her nose inhaled, and her tongue lolled out of her face as she relaxed, smelling that all was well. "You are soft. Do you run much?"

"Not a lot. I spend a lot of time with Twilight. She does not run often."

"She should run more. Running is good. Do you walk much?"

"She takes me on walks a lot."

"That is good." And it was. She stilled again, flopping into the grass, an invitation, and he fell into the grass beside her, wriggling closer to her.

"I..." Spike panted, an anxious sound, "I was afraid."


"Afraid you wouldn't remember me."

She laughed. "I remember you."

Spike giggled. She was... so simple. It was refreshing. A reminder of what he was, once upon a time. He'd been like this, a bundle of senses and energy and basic things. Her 'words' were straightforward, basic, filled with the wisdom of an animal that understood her place and her wants and needs. He envied her, in that moment. He wished that he didn't have to be so complicated. He was so happy that he could connect with Twilight in such a deep way, and that he could better understand the world he lived in. It was scary, sometimes, being a dog. Things happened that didn't make sense. He remembered trembling and hiding from a thunder storm. The sounds had overwhelmed him, confused him, and left him anxious and afraid. Now, when it happened, he could climb into bed with Twilight and she could tell him about ionized particles and electricity and polarization, and all sorts of things. It still scared him a bit, but he understood it. It was an irrational fear, now, one that he felt he could master in time.

He wasn't a dog anymore. She didn't know, but being around his mother was the clearest reminder he'd ever received of the gap between him and other animals. He was something new. He smiled at his mother, though, because she couldn't possibly understand these anxieties and fears, and maybe that meant that it... didn't really matter. His mother, perhaps, had her priorities straight. She existed in the moment, her eyes wandering over the farm, her tail wagging, breath even as her nose pulled in the scents of her home, telling her that all was well with her world.

Spike closed his eyes and inhaled, and he could smell Twilight. As much as this place was beautiful and nostalgic, when he took in her scent, he smelled home. He smelled family. He opened his eyes, and his mother was standing, trotting towards the house. He got to his feet and followed. She leapt up as she reached the door, pressing against it with both front paws, and pushing it open. Spike smiled, marveling at the trick. His mother was smart. It reminded him of Twilight, and he suddenly barked, rushing past her as she pushed the door open. He followed his nose, running into a cozy living room, leaping onto a couch, and finding his place in Twilight's lap.

Twilight peered down at him, surprised. "Hey, Spike."

He smiled at her, and barked, pressing against her, and then turned to look across the room towards his mother. She approached, sniffing, and stopped before Twilight, staring up at her with curiosity and the loving interest in a new person that only dogs possessed. Spike's mother asked, "She is yours?"


"She is healthy." She sniffed, and smiled at him, "She could eat more. You should feed her more if she does not eat enough."

Spike laughed in a dog way, careful in front of the farmers, and Twilight reached out, offering her hand to Spike's mother to smell. Spike's mother gave a polite sniff, and then licked her fingers, and Twilight stroked her hand across her head and back. "Oh, she's beautiful. She has the same green that's in Spike's coat."

Spike's mother smiled, tail wagging. "She gives good pats."

"She gives the best pats," Spike informed her, jumping up to lick Twilight's face.

Twilight sputtered and laughed, patting him. "Spike! Come on!"

Spike stared up at her adoringly, and she looked down at him, beaming back. "Spike is... very happy. Thank you so much for letting us come and visit," Twilight said.

"Of course. Our girl's tickled you brought one of her pups to visit, isn't she?" She was. She barked, trotting across the floor to sit next to her people.

Spike hopped off of Twilight's lap, and his mother followed him, heading back outside in a rush of exuberant energy. They rolled on the grass and across the farm and down the gravel road and back up. His mother paused often, listening, smelling, always working even when she was at play. She and Spike toured around the farmhouse, his mother leading him, showing him things, teaching him in her own way. She was patient, focused. She was... so much like Twilight.

Her ears perked suddenly, prompting Spike to listen as well. He could hear, then, her voice. "Spike!"

His mother regarded him with a smile. "Your person is looking for you. Let's go!"

She lead, and he followed, back across pastures and under fences, weaving around and through bushes and finally reaching the gravel road and the cars. The sun was starting to get low in the sky, and Spike slowed, willing this moment to last a little longer. His mother smiled at him, her tail wagging, looking over her shoulder as she trotted ahead. "You are sad?"

"Yes." Spike sighed, stopping. "Yeah, I am," he said aloud, then. With his voice.

She stopped, turning to look at him with curiosity, her head cocking to the side. Spike stared at her, swallowing. "How... how do I tell you? How do I explain to you how much this means to me? How important this was to me? I'd just tell you, but I'm not sure you'd understand."

Her tail wagged, and her head tilted the other way, her eyes searching his face, watching him, ears perked. She was smart. She knew so much. "I love you," he spoke.

"I love you," she told him.

Spike pressed himself against her side as he walked back towards the car. Applejack was already sitting in her truck, the engine rumbling. Twilight stood outside, waving to the farmers, and she turned to look at Spike as he arrived. She crouched down, and Spike ran to her, then, pressing himself into her arms. His mother was beside him, licking Twilight's face, laughing her laugh. Twilight picked Spike up, cradling him in her arms as she often did, and walked back to the truck. "Do you... need any more time?" she asked.

"No," Spike whispered, snuggling into her embrace.

Twilight set Spike down on the seat, and then turned and knelt in the gravel, her arms going around Spike's mother. "I'm so glad I met you. I'll keep taking good care of him, I promise."

Spike's mom wagged in reply, and she looked up at Spike. "She is good."

"She is," Spike agreed.

Twilight let his mother go as the farmer whistled from the porch, and as she returned to the car, Spike's mother rushed to the side of the farmer, looking up at him with adoration. Spike smiled, and pressed himself against Twilight. The car moved forward, and Twilight looked down at Spike. "So... was it everything you hoped?"

Spike nodded. "Yeah." He didn't need to say anything more.

"We have a standing invitation, you know," Twilight said, stroking Spike's head and back as he pressed against her. "They were hoping to hear some ideas from me about improving their irrigation systems for some of their crops, and getting better yields through some modern agricultural techniques... so we can come back again. Whenever you want."

Spike smiled at her. "That sounds good."

Twilight giggled. "The next visit should be interesting. Did you know that three of your siblings were out helping herd their sheep out in one of the far pastures?"

Spike's eyes widened, and he stared up at Twilight. "S-siblings?!"

Twilight smiled. "You've got a big family, Spike."

Spike looked out the back window of the truck, staring out at the farm, and then back to Twilight. He grinned and hopped into her lap and pressed his face against her neck, making her giggle. "Yeah," he said, "Yeah, I do."