• Published 25th Aug 2017
  • 5,404 Views, 124 Comments

Tripped Out - Majin Syeekoh

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Bad Idea

Sunset Shimmer thumbed through the sheaf of papers Twilight had handed her a few minutes ago, her lips pressed into a slight pout.

This seems like a really bad idea.

“So,” Sunset said, her eyes trained on the documents in her hands. “This chemical looks… interesting. Are you planning on synthesizing it?”

Twilight shook her head with a smile and adjusted her glasses. “No, I’m planning on ingesting it.”

Sunset gulped.

This is a horrible idea.

“This list of side effects seems a little troubling.”

“Side effects can be mitigated with proper preparation.” Twilight hummed a bit. “The thing is…” she trailed off as she bit her lip.

“Go on,” Sunset said as she continued paging through the information, “I’m listening.”

“Well, uh.” Twilight looked up and to the left. “I really want to reexperience the sensations I encountered while in the Midnight Sparkle state without, the, uh.” She giggled. “Trying to destroy all of reality part.”

This sounds like the worst idea ever.

“And this… chemical… is what your research led to?”

“Yeah,” Twilight said with a delicate nod, “I cross-referenced the feelings and sensations I, uh, felt, on a search engine, and all roads led here!” She clasped her hands together.

“Mhm.” Sunset put the stack of papers down on the table next to her and clasped her own hands together. “Well, it’s clear to me that you’ve done the appropriate research.” She looked down and to the right. “I’m just not sure why you decided to tell me.”

Instead of replying, Twilight offered a two-page document to Sunset.

Sunset took it, looked at it. Frowned. “You need someone to watch you.”

“Yeah, uh.” Twilight reached over to the paper stack, flipped to the page she was looking for, and pointed out the appropriate section. “It’s recommended that the intoxicated party has a sober partner to mitigate any possible incidents, like cutting yourself by accident, falling down the stairs… emotional support…”

“You already have this notarized,” Sunset mused. “Well, I guess I could—”

“You could?” Twilight asked with a wide smile on her face and a pen in her hand.

Sunset returned the smile and took the pen. “I’m somewhat honored you decided I was the person you wanted to keep you safe,” she said as she signed the form and handed it back to Twilight.

I can’t even begin to express how inherently awful this idea feels.

“I couldn’t think of anyone else more appropriate,” Twilight said with a slight chuckle as she set the signed form to the side, her smile appearing more natural.

Sunset leaned in. “So, now that that’s out of the way,” she said before she pursed her lips a bit, “I didn’t really see in the information you gave me where one would get this.” Sunset rolled her wrist. “What… store, would we find this at?”

Twilight’s eyes popped open before she snorted a bit, licked her lips, and looked to the side. “Well, uh.” She sighed. “Let’s just say it’s somewhat nice to see this level of innocence still in you.”

“This is hilariously illegal, isn’t it?”

Twilight looked down, licked her teeth, and nodded her head. “Not if, we file a request with the appropriate federal agencies and wait a few years for them to honor our request.”

Sunset groaned. “But I’m guessing you didn’t do that.”

“Right you are, Sunset!” Twilight said as she raised a finger, then put her hand to the side and blushed. “You’re so perceptive.”

“Mm.” Sunset cradled her forehead in her hand. “So how are you obtaining this?”

“I’m glad you asked!” Twilight clapped her hands together. “So, I’ve been making friends outside of our normal circle.”

Sunset sighed. “Uh-huh.”

“And these friends know people who know people who can obtain the materials that I was seeking!”

“Yeah.” Sunset’s eyes audibly rolled. “Criminals.”

Twilight’s eyes darted left and right. “Well, when you put it like that, sure.” She fidgeted with her fingers a bit. “But they seem to be on the level. They’re not like, bank robbers or murderers or anything.”

Sunset looked up. “Well, actually—”

She was interrupted by Twilight’s phone buzzing, at which Twilight’s face lit up. “She’s here!” she said with an expression that could only be described as innocent delight. “Stay here while I get the door, okay?”

“Sure,” Sunset said as she leaned back with a grunt as Twilight practically skipped out of the living room towards the front door. Sunset closed her eyes and put a hand over them.

She planned this from the start. She knew I’d agree for some reason and set this whole thing up. I’m now wondering what would’ve happened if I said—

“This is a very lovely home you have here,” a syrupy voice she had thought long banished said. A voice that twisted into her heart and pulled her into a seated position.

No. Oh no. It can’t be.

“I’ll be sure to pass the compliment on to my parents, Dagi,” Twilight breathed out. “I’m just really glad you’re able to help me like this.”

All of Sunset’s nerves stood fully on edge as voluminous orange and yellow tresses and a slim, female body entered the room accompanying Twilight, a shoulder bag slung over her form.

“I must say,” Adagio Dazzle said, “every room I see here is more and more—”

Adagio cut herself off when she lay eyes on Sunset Shimmer, the corners of her mouth turning down and her eyelids slitting like Venetian blinds.

“Im… pre… sive…”

Sunset growled from deep in her throat as Twilight traded glances between her good friend and her new friend, a confused smile-sneer on her face.

Twilight pointed at each of them. “Do… do you two know each other?”

“We’ve met,” both Sunset and Adagio confirmed, Sunset gripping an arm of the chair she was seated on and Adagio clenching the strap of her bag.

Twilight’s expression softened into a grin. “Well that makes this easier, then.”

Adagio pointed to Sunset and looked at Twilight. “She’s not going to cause any trouble, is she?”

“Oh, no.” Twilight shook her head. “I’m pretty sure she’s―”

“Me? Cause trouble?” Sunset said as her eyes widened and her mouth grimaced. “Excuse me?”

Twilight’s eyes darted between Sunset and Adagio. “I said I’m pretty sure she’s―”

“From what I understand, you’re no slouch in the danger department,” Adagio said with a smirk as she tugged the strap of her bag. “I was just better at it.”

Twilight started hyperventilating and wringing her hands together. “Now, now, this isn’t a contest, I’m sure we can find some common―”

“Now you see here,” Sunset said as she shot up from her seat and got in Adagio’s face, “I’ll have you know that—”

“Both of you, shut up!”

Sunset and Adagio both turned to see Twilight wave her arms in front of her, her chest expanding and contracting as shallow breaths escaped from her mouth. “Both of you, just. Ahhh!” She grabbed her head and sat down on the couch. “I’d just like to participate in a transaction that could get all three of us sent to prison without any speed bumps, so if you two could just put your differences aside for the length of this extremely illegal exchange, that would be great please thank you!

A ringing silence permeated the room as Sunset and Adagio both looked away from each other and Twilight clenched her teeth, harried breaths escaping from in between them.

After a few moments passed, Twilight quietly fixed her hairdo and Adagio and Sunset sat down, the latter in her former seat and Adagio next to Twilight, the silence extending still for a few moments more as the three of them alternated rhythmic exhales.

“Well, then,” Adagio said curtly as she removed the bag from her shoulder and set it on the coffee table in front of them. “Let’s get down to business, shall we?”

“Let’s,” Twilight said.

Sunset leered as she watched Adagio unzip a pocket of her knapsack and pull out a plastic zip-top bag. Inside were a number of square pieces of cardstock paper with various designs on them.

“So,” Adagio said as she worked up a smile, “how much did you want?”

A few moments passed as Twilight stared at the incredibly illegal package. “Um, I was looking for something in the range of five hundred micrograms.”

Adagio snorted. “Look, honey, I appreciate your enthusiasm―”

“Thank you!”

“But I can’t do that.”

“What?” Twilight asked as her curious gaze at the bag morphed into an indignant glare at Adagio. “Why not? I thought the customer had final say.”

“Yes.” Adagio patted Twilight on the cheek. “But maybe this sales associate wants to see the customer again, and not in a psychiatric institution.” Her hand moved to Twilight’s thigh, which set the hairs on the back of Sunset’s neck on edge. “Let’s knock that down to like, one, one-fifty?”

“Uh, okay.”

Sunset noticed that Adagio’s hand was still on Twilight’s thigh, which Twilight didn’t seem to notice. Then apparently Twilight noticed by moving her hand down to Adagio’s which was still on her thigh and keeping it in place.

Gripping the arm of her chair was all Sunset could do to not lunge in and strangle… one of them.

Adagio glanced at Sunset, gave her a smirk, then back at Twilight. “Secondly, I can’t give you a dose as exact at that because I’m not entirely sure what dosages are contained in these strips of paper,” she continued as she collected Twilight’s hand in hers, then stared back at Sunset with that smirk on her face. “I can estimate, but―”

A purple glow encased the plastic bag as it lifted into the air, Twilight disengaging the manual embrace as she stood up, the smile reappearing on her lips. “Well, I can get you exact dosages!” She ran downstairs, calling out, “Be back in a bit, Dagi!”

Sunset gave Adagio and her smirk a glare that could melt titanium. Adagio and her smirk looked around the living room as her fingers danced amongst themselves.

Finally, Sunset composed herself enough to not murder Adagio on the spot and asked, “So, uh, are you and Twilight…”

“Friends?” Adagio said, the smirk now a predatory smile. “Yes.” She grabbed her bag and rifled through it. “Friends enough to trust each other with a thousand dollars’ worth of materials, at least.”


Adagio set the bag beside her, where Twilight once sat. “Surprised that a villain such as I am capable of making friends?”

“No, I’m―” Sunset raised a finger, then curled it on her lips. ”I’m more surprised that it appears to be more than that.” She grunted and looked to the side. “Or that she didn’t tell me.”

Adagio rubbed one of her eyes and grimaced a bit. “Tell you what?”

“That you two, were, uh. You know.”

Adagio leaned in and showcased that same grin that sliced through Sunset’s spine. “That we’re what?

Sunset pressed her lips together as her eyelids did the same. “It’s nothing.”

“Sunset, dear,” Adagio said, “it’s okay.” She leaned back on the couch. “It’s a purely physical―”

Shut it.” Sunset was now boring holes into Adagio’s forehead with her gaze, her lips still pressed tightly together as she released staccato breaths.

Adagio took in the sight with what appeared to be pleasure.

“It’s just.” Adagio shook her head as she clasped her hands together. “It’s just so much fun pissing you off, you have no idea.” She chortled and looked up to meet Sunset’s gaze. “I hadn’t the notion that it’d be so easy, though. You must really have the hots for my friend Twilight.”

Sunset felt an ache in her jaw that suggested that it had been clenched for a while now. There were words that wanted to come out, but none of them did. She just took in the vindictive facial creases of the monster in front of her that was working her way into Twilight’s life.

They exchanged the shared scrutiny for a few moments longer before Adagio leaned back and sighed.

“Well.” Adagio examined her fingernails. “Like I said, I have no interest in her in that manner, so you’re free to do whatever.”

“I don’t need your permission,” Sunset growled.

Adagio whistled. “Well, I’m guessing you were waiting for someone’s permission, because judging by your reactions you wish you two were wrist-deep inside of each other.”

That drew a raised eyebrow from Sunset, followed by a vigorous shudder as her brain went through the mechanics of what Adagio had suggested.

Adagio winked at Sunset. “Like I said, so much fun pissing you off.”

Their pleasant conversation was interrupted by hurried stomping and Twilight reentering the living room, strands of hair out of place once again with zip-top bag in one hand and a piece of paper in the other.

“Okay,” she breathed. “I’ve, uh…” She looked at the bag. “Determined the dosages in each and have labeled them, and this—” she waved the hand with the piece of paper “—is the dosage we agreed would be safe.” She walked over to Adagio and handed her the bag, who took it and put it in her knapsack before slinging it over her shoulder and standing up. “So, let me run upstairs and get the money―”

Adagio put her hand on Twilight’s shoulder. “Not necessary. You’ve more than worked off the price for analyzing and labeling all of these for me.”

Twilight pouted. “But that was just a favor! You shouldn’t―”

“Of course it was,” Adagio said with a slight chortle before she threw a glance at Sunset. “And friendship should be rewarded.” She pulled Twilight in for a tight hug, who returned it. “And you’re such a good friend.”

Sunset clenched and unclenched a fist.

The hug ended. Adagio looked and Twilight and Sunset each in turn, then said, “Well, I have business elsewhere.” The smirk softened into a smile. “You two have fun, and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

The grin sharpened into a smirk as she gazed at Sunset again. “That is, of course, unless you already have.”

Sunset clenched and unclenched her fist. Harder.

Adagio walked out of them room and waved. “Well, ta-ta.”

Twilight’s grin threatened to rip her face in half. “Oh, this is going to be so much fun!” she said as she looked at the cardstock square in hand. “We’re gonna have deep conversations, and I’m gonna be able to,” Twilight waved her fingers around her head, “think really interestingly, and I’m gonna be on top of the world!”


“Aren’t you excited?”

Sunset rubbed her jaw as she released her clenching, the tension simply dissipating. “Yeah, Twilight. I’m really excited for your experience tonight.”

She really has an innocent curiosity about her, Sunset mused, always wanting to try new things.

Twilight glanced between the paper and Sunset with a wide-eyed grin on her face. Sunset’s face grew pensive as she sighed.

I don’t think she’d be interested in me.