• Published 29th Aug 2017
  • 3,150 Views, 17 Comments

Festival Love - Rock Slide

Apple Bloom didn't want to go to the Harvest Festival to get her heart broken twice over. Diamond Tiara didn't want to risk seeing Apple Bloom with someone else. Could their friends really show them how wrong they truly are?

  • ...

To new Beginnings.

Apple Bloom paced the floor of her room, muttering to herself about that darned Diamond Tiara.

“You know, you’re eventually gonna wear a hole in your floor, right?” Scootaloo inquired from her seat on the edge of Apple Bloom’s bed.

“I’m not doin’ it! I can’t be at the darned Festival! What, with Diamond Tiara an’ that girlfriend of hers goin’!”

“You said you were over Diamond, but we’re seriously starting to think you really aren’t…” Sweetie Belle said with a sigh, her arms crossed her chest as she rolled her eyes.

Apple Bloom sputtered, as her eyes shifted towards Sweetie Belle. “I am over her. I’ve told you this several times now!” she said, her tone icy.

“Clearly, you’re not.” Scootaloo chimed in,, “if you were, you wouldn't be so worried about her being there. It’s been two years!”

Apple Bloom closed her eyes, her arms tightly crossing her chest, and she bit her bottom lip. “Alright, so what if I ain’t?” Her voice softened and she refused to open her eyes, “It won’t matter a darn thing!”

“Why wouldn’t it matter?” Sweetie Belle asked as she got up from her seat and put a hand on Apple Bloom’s shoulder.

At first Apple Bloom didn’t notice the hand and she crossed her arms tighter around her chest. When Sweetie Belle started to rub her shoulder, she finally realized the situation she was in.

Tears stained her cheeks as Apple Bloom tried to push Sweetie’s hand off, but her friend’s grip was too strong. Before she knew, she was wrapped in a tight hug by two sets of arms. “Thanks girls, I don’t know what I’d do without ya…” she whispered, and laid her head on one of their shoulders as she opened her eyes.

“You know what you should do!?” Scootaloo grinned as a plan formed in her head.

Apple Bloom snapped her head to Scootaloo, taken aback by confusion as she noticed the expression on her face.

“What?” she asked hesitantly, unsure if she really wanted to know what Scootaloo was planning.

“You should show Diamond Tiara what she’s missing!” Scootaloo exclaimed with a grin. “Show her that you’re a catch she’s lost!”

Sweetie Belle looked at them as her own thoughts formed about Scootaloo’s plan. “For once, she’s right,” she started jokingly, a glare aimed at her head as she continued, “I can call my sister, we’ve got an outfit to put together!”

“I cannot believe I said yes,” Diamond Tiara placed a hand over her face, as a groan escaped her lips, “All this is going to do is cause more drama with Apple Bloom, and I don’t need that.”

A slender female, with red hair smirked as she looked at Diamond Tiara. Scarlet Luster daughter of a wealthy businessman and Diamond’s new girlfriend.

“Yes… You’ve got me, you don’t need that hillbilly,” Scarlet said as she twirled a strand of her hair around her finger, “but you do need to go, you promised!.”

Silver Spoon looked at Scarlet with a raised eyebrow, a soft frown on her face. As much as she had judged the Cutie Mark Crusaders back when they were younger, Apple Bloom had grown on her when her and Diamond Tiara used to date. She decided at that moment to send a quick message to Sweetie Belle and she put her phone away afterwards.

A throbbing pain stretched across the front of Diamond Tiara’s head as she heard what her girlfriend said. As much as she’d come to love this girl, she still got quite annoyed at Scarlet.

“I love you Scarlet but please, we do not need more drama!” She exclaimed as her hand went to her temple and rubbed it softly, “Especially not with my ex-girlfriend and her friends, I’ve...had enough drama with them in the past. I wish for no more.”

Scarlet huffed upon seeing a wistful look enter Diamond’s eyes. Why did she care about that hillbilly so much, when Diamond had her to love? “What does she even matter, you left her for me anyways!?” she asked, annoyance clear in her voice, “or are you regretting the breakup?”

“Y-You know as well as I do why I did! My father never would have accepted her and I as much as I’d have liked him to!” Diamond blurted out.

The words echoed across the room.

Diamond's eyes widened. She clasped a hand over her mouth and dared not to look at Scarlet.

Silver Spoon sputtered as she heard what her friend had said, then spoke out softly with a glare pointed towards Scarlet, “That is not true, you know. Your father adores you. Now your mother on the other hand…”

“Let’s not talk about my mother,” Diamond interjected as she looked over at her girlfriend.

Scarlet at this point, blinked as a frown graced her lips. Although the apparent twitch in her eye was what caught Diamond’s. “So you do regret breaking it off with that… troglodyte,” she said softly, her voice laced with venom.

“If… you want her so much, go get her, because I’m done.” Scarlet sneered, as she grabbed her purse and walked towards the door, “but you will regret it someday.”

Silver Spoon tried to keep back the cheer in her voice as she sneered back at Scarlet, “See you later. Not!”

A huff was all they heard that accompanied the sound of Diamond’s bedroom door slamming shut.

“Well, glad that’s over,” Silver spoon said, and leaned back on the bed.

“Silver Spoon…” Diamond started when she looked back to her friend, “thanks for being there for me. You were right about her. Once again.”

Silver Spoon smiled softly and got up from the bed, crossing to give Diamond a hug as soft sobs sounded throughout the room. “Let’s get you ready for the Festival, you're going to win back Apple Bloom.”

Apple Bloom was beyond nervous. Her hands fiddled with the sleeves of her denim top as she tried to find an exit. “I...really don’t think this is a good idea.” She said quietly as she looked at Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo each on opposing sides of her.

“You’re not backing out now. Rarity made this special outfit for you to win back Diamond Tiara, and you're going to go through with this,” Sweetie Belle urged, giving her a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

Apple Bloom listened and nodded lightly. The sounds of music echoed throughout the festival and she looked up at the ferris wheel in front of her. She had loved when her and Diamond had shared their first kiss on this same ferris wheel when they had gotten together. History might repeat itself, she thought as she smiled at the happy memories, hopefully only the good parts will.

She smiled as they passed the tilt-a-whirl and a stand selling fried dough. On the other side of it there was an apple-bobbing station and even a kissing booth. Canterlot High had truly improved the Festival this year. Apple Bloom couldn’t believe her eyes as she watched the firework set up across the street.

This year would truly be spectacular.

“What are you daydreaming about, Apple Bloom? Is her name Diamond Tiara, perhaps?” Sweetie Belle cooed, and pinched Apple Bloom’s cheek.

“Hey! Okay, maybe a little bit, but more about how wonderful the festival looks," Apple Bloom admitted as she swatted at Sweetie’s hand.

As much as Scootaloo hated most mushy romance, her and Sweetie squeaked happily as they saw a small smile on Apple Bloom’s face; they were excited for her to be happy once more. They noticed Silver Spoon and discreetly waved at her. Their plan became a reality as she smiled and waved back at them. “Hey we’ll be right back, I think I see my sister and Rainbow Dash, and Scootaloo wants to go say ‘Hi’ to Rainbow. Will you be ok for a little bit alone?” Sweetie asked Apple Bloom

“Sure! Go have fun!” Apple bloom said to Sweetie, she knew Scootaloo still always leapt at the chance to talk to her idol.

Apple Bloom smiled as she watched her friends wander off, then went to sit on the closest bench. She smiled softly, stuffing her hands in her pockets, and lifted her gaze to the sky. The moon was full, and in all its splendor, surrounded by thousands of little dots that lit up the night sky. It was utterly beautiful.

Suddenly, her thoughts on the night sky were broken by a familiar voice. “Apple Bloom?”

Apple Bloom looked down and saw something that made her heart skip a beat. There, in front of her, was Diamond Tiara in a short light blue dress that complimented her figure.

“U-uh, hi Diamond Tiara,” she stuttered, “what are you d-doin’ here?”

Diamond walked towards the bench where Apple Bloom was sitting, and joined her ex-girlfriend in gazing at the sky.

“The same as you, Apple Bloom,” she chuckled, trying to lighten the mood although she herself was quite nervous, “So… you here with anyone special?”

“N-no, just Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo as always. Where’s your girlfriend? Scarlet wasn’t it?” Apple Bloom asked trying to hide the jealousy in her voice.

“We’ve… decided it was best to go our separate ways.” Diamond spoke, a pained sigh escaping her lips.

“O-oh… I’m sorry. Would you...uh...like to talk about it?” Apple Bloom asked, genuinely concerned about her even with their past.

Diamond looked down for a second before she let out a faint chuckle.

“Not really. we weren’t meant to be, she and I. She wasn’t really interested in me,for me, and I’m in love with someone else,” she said wistfully, a small smile on her lips.

“Oh… Okay, still it must be a little hard, right?” Apple Bloom looked at her slightly confused, not sure if she interpreted what Diamond had said correctly.

All Diamond could do was chuckle as her hand moved from her side to rest on the seat of the bench. She blushed as she felt it brush against Apple Bloom’s.

Apple Bloom froze as she felt Diamond’s hand over her own. Doubt entered Diamond’s mind, her first thought involved running from her situation. So that was what she started to do.

“Diamond, wait!” Apple Bloom finally managed to say before Diamond could get up and flee.

She wasn’t going to let her go. Not again, not with how much she loved her. She jumped to her feet, and started to run after her.

Diamond had just gotten past the small line to the Ferris wheel when Apple Bloom caught up with her, and grabbed her arm.

“I...I’m sorry Apple Bloom, you probably hate me even after all these years.” she cried weakly, as she struggled to free herself from Apple Bloom’s grip as she brought her into a tight hug.

“I...I don’t hate you. Never really did.” Apple Bloom whispered, as she held Diamond in her arms.

“W-why though? I broke your heart…” Diamond asked, tears starting to ruin her make up, “and there goes my makeup…”

Apple Bloom brought a tissue up from her pocket, and gave it to Diamond.

“You never needed that stuff, you're beautiful without it.” She said, as her hand rubbed Diamond’s shoulder.

At this moment they both noticed where they were standing as a man asked if they wanted to get on the Ferris wheel.

“Why not? Join me?” Apple Bloom asked, releasing Diamond from the hug only to hold her hand out to her. “A new memory in an old place?”

“Sure…” Diamond said, and her hands shook slightly as she reached out and clasped her hand around Apple Bloom’s outstretched hand.

As they took their seats on the Ferris wheel and were fastened in, Apple Bloom let her hand drift on top of Diamond’s and she smiled. Slowly they rose, watching the people down below become as small as ants. “To new beginnings?” she asked, and intertwined her fingers with Diamonds, a hopeful look on her face.

“To new beginnings,” Diamond repeated, with a smile on her lips as she leaned forward.

Their lips met for a kiss as fireworks exploded high in the sky. Diamond rested her head on Apple Bloom’s shoulder, smiling as she watched the fireworks before the ride slowly brought them back to the ground, just as Diamond thought: Yes, to new and happy beginnings.

Comments ( 17 )

:3 hugs all around!

I'm not a fan of the DiamondBloom ship, but this one was written well and the coverart helped convey the appearance of 'em being star-crossed lovers.

I am glad you liked it I had fun writing it <3

Little story, but of great beauty. Congratulations on this small masterpiece!

<3 thank you for your kind words

Well-written. Nice characterization. I think you gave more thought to Diamond Tiara in this fic than the writers have the entire series. ;)

That was sweeeet. I'm always down for Diamond Tiara being, y'know, nice. Especially when there's love in the air.
:pinkiesmile: Nice story, and I hope we see more of them at some point!

It was sweet, but maybe a bit too short. I liked the characterisation and it was very well written, but the ending felt a bit rushed.

Still, good job. I liked it. :twilightsmile:

"See you later. Not!”

I have never been so happy to see Silver Spoon snark at someone. But the bitch had it coming, so there is that. Really there is no more to be said on that part of it.

Onto the actual story itself, well this feels a like a prologue for a longer story to be honest. And it's really well done too.

I'm willing to support this relationship if only because it makes the Equesteria Girls version of Applebloom and Diamond Tiara different and I can not make it clearer that that is very, very, very important.

By the way, I'm putting this on my list of stories to review.

Happy 6th Anniversary!

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