• Member Since 17th Sep, 2013
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Captain Unstoppable

"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." Sherlock Holmes


Fame and glory. For the longest time, this was all Spitfire needed. She had her Wonderbolts, some close friends, and the adoration of millions. However, when a newspaper posts and article about her love life—or rather, her lack of one—and those around her all get special someponies, Spitfire gets desperate. Desperate to go on a date with a clown.

This story was created for Jack the Army Guy's strange ship contest that was two months ago. I was mostly done with the story then, but life got in the way with my mom getting cancer, my own heart giving me problems, and just a whole pile of other problems. Just as the old sang goes, it never rains but it pours.

I have never seen a ship story between Troubleshoes and Spitfire so I decided to take it up. This was once a clop idea I had but never got around to writing. So here is the safe version, you all can think of the cloppy parts on your own.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the story, it was a lot of fun writing it. Thank you to Arbarano as always for the edits and the cover art belongs to jekidrawings.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 19 )

Very excited to see a new Spitfire romance! Hope this is as good as I'm wishing it to be :twilightsmile:

Chapter title, very apt.:rainbowlaugh: Never thought of this shipping before, I admit... But it's kinda fun in a way.

I thought his name was Jake the Army Guy.

I strategy liked this shipping. Wouldn't mind to read more.

Really odd pair. Like really. But that just made the story all the more enjoyable :ajsmug:

I'm sorry to hear about all the crap that's going on with you. I recently lost my grandma to cancer so I know the sting :ajsleepy:

But reading stories like yours and others has really helped me so much so please don't stop. Keep up the good work my good man :pinkiehappy:

“Know any place around here to get drinks? Maybe around eight?”

I wonder how many males (myself included) would NOT have interpreted that as a hint for a date, but as a tourist requesting information. I'm surprised Troubleshoes picked up on that instead of answering "Try Dusty Trails. Nice place," and go on his way.

Lol, and that night Spitfire would be incensed because he never showed up.

Loved this! Fantastic characterisation, great interaction, really smooth pacing. Awesome job.

Might we be seeing more Spitfire from you in the future?

Sounds great! Im glad you enjoyed the story, can't wait to see that blog!

PLEASE write at least a couple more chapters, I NEED more of this, it's so simple yet such a fantastic idea. God the characters are grounded and complex I just want to see more of them interacting in a couple setting against the backdrop of ordinary problems or dealing with the paparazzi or something. It's a wonderful gem of a story and it needs more love from fans.

Author Interviewer

Super cute date. :D

Thanks! I'm happy to see you read this! Also fills me with fear lol. Merry Christmas!

PresentPerfect sent me here! This is really a super cute one-shot. The dialogue and characterization are quite well-written. There are a number of typos and missing words, but typos are the most forgivable mistake in fanfic. Definitely saving this one!

it's funny. I originally read this cause me and a buddy were making a game of coming up with off the wall ships and these two came up.
was very surprised that someone actually ran with this idea.
that said, this was a very cute story.

“Mac is not some hookup when I need to get off! He's the strongest, most caring, honest and loyal pony I've ever met!” Rainbow spat, her magenta eyes locked on Spitfire, like she was trying to add extra meaning to her words with that glare. “Yeah, he's not the pony I saw myself going for, but screw it and screw anypony who thinks it's too crazy to work! I love him! If you can't handle that, then screw you too, Captain!” Rainbow finished, taking the glass of whiskey meant for her and downed it in a single gulp. She sat back down in her chair, forelegs crossed, glaring at Spitfire still.

Wow now that is awesome you say that Rainbow Dash

“Rainbow Dash, I see a lot of myself in you when I was your age,” Spitfire said, smiling, looking down into the amber drink.

Wait is she older she kinda almost like the same age as rainbow but I don't know the age is a little unknown in this world

“And who is this mysterious stallion that is going to beat my Applejack, and Rainbow’s stallion?” Soarin asked, a subtle edge in his voice. Spitfire kept on grinning like the cat that had caught the canary. She couldn't wait to see the shock on Soarin’s face when he got a good look at her stallion.

Oh Spitfire you be very surprised what he does but he's a nice guy

Wow this was a pretty cute story and a very interesting shipping as well so it looks like Spitfire is been feeling kind of lonely lately despite her position as the captain of the Wonderbolts she even have a nice talk with rainbow about relationship so that was pretty nice but it looks like the Appaloosa Rodeo competition is going on and the Wonderbolts are in the performance and Rainbow is pretty excited to see big mac and Soarin same with Applejack which I kind of like the shipping between those two as well so Spitfire was walking around and she accidentally bump into trouble shoes and apparently it really hit her so much that she even asked him for a date which trouble shoes accepted it and she even bragged to Soarin that now she has a date but she didn't know that he was a rodeo clown but she really wants to give him a chance and once she got to the restaurant that troubleshoes talked about he met up with him and yeah at first things got a little bit awkward but then they start to talk and things kind of went very well they even have stories about them self and how much they really enjoyed their jobs but it looks like they really enjoyed so much that they forgot it was closing time so they had to leave but she really did enjoyed her night with him and even given him a little kiss and she never had anybody treat her with so much respect and everything that she really can't help but to see him again and with that she went back to the hotel well I will say this is a pretty interesting story and a very cute one as well keep up the good work

Huh. Only just found this story thanks to it being added to the Original Pairings group. Didn't even notice it wasn't new until I'd finished it and looked at the comments (I mean, the May Pairings contest's going on - I'm used to seeing new stories like this around this time), by which point I'd already noted all the typos I noticed. I realize pointing out mistakes in seven-year old story is kind of silly and might come across as rude - I apologize if it does - but as I've already done so, I may as well.

No other officer wouldn't had noticed; she wouldn't have noticed it either had it been any other day.

Double negative there - doesn't seem like it should be there.

The picture accompany her name was of her shouting at a trio of stallions at a bar, going full drill sergeant on them.


The exercise involved flying in pace till Spitfire shouted down

I'm guessing that's supposed to be 'place', given what comes later in the paragraph.

“Agreeing murmurs burbled from the other side of the wall, to which Spitfire couldn't help join.

Don't know if that technically works or not, but it seems kind of off to me.

It probably didn't speak to well to her overall mental health that she needed to get drink to convey her feelings,


Spitfire sighed, maybe she had a bit too much to drink; a lot of these feelings were a bit too personal than she had intended.

I think that should either be 'more personal' or just end after 'too personal'.

They were to perform twice, as other events went during the rest of the day.

Think that should be 'went on'

“I understand,” Spitfire reply, her smile turning more into a smirk. “I just wanted to let you know, before I inform Rainbow Dash, that my stallion is going to win the whole rodeo,” she said, rubbing a hoof against her chest, polishing the tip. Soarin’s head cocked sideways at her, confusion evident on his face.

Huh. You know, I was wondering why Troubleshoes hadn't ended up having any slip-ups or causing any disasters, and here we have our answer: because Spitfire is perfectly capable of causing disasters all on her own!

She had applied a hint of mascara to her lashes, while her ears glinted with ruby replicas of her cutiemark.

Whoa, okay, misread that as 'her eyes glinted..." which... is a piercing I've not come across before. It'd certainly be... a look.

She didn’t have to turn to know he was following her like a big ol’ puppy with his large presence

Hmm, don't think that works - the narrative voice has been standard throughout the rest of the story; dropping into an accent for a moment here just feels out of place.

The cider was bright gold color, emanating a strong apple scent before she had even picked it up;

'was a bright...' I believe.

She didn’t even realize how much time had passed it didn't seem like long, but here they were all alone.

Pretty sure there should be some punctuation to separate the sentence there.

Rolling his eyes, Troubleshoes looked back to Spitfire and smiled as he stood. “Shall we?” Spitfire stood from the table and followed Troubleshoes out the front door, faintly noticing that the space between them had shrunk noticeably since we they first entered.

Just 'they'

Spitfire couldn't help the smile creeping over face as she looked up at him, her eyes half lidded.

'Over her face'

There was no way that she word call it love, but it was definitely something deeper than simple attraction.


She really had grow to love… like that goofy stallion.

Should either be 'had grown' or 'could grow. Not sure which was meant, though the second feels more appropriate for the situation.


All in all, this was pretty fun - always down for a good crack ship and this definitely scratched that itch. Also, good use of side-ships - I'm often pretty critical of people including irrelevant ships into stories, since it very frequently boils down to "this ship's a thing, moving on", which just seems like a bad idea on all levels, but here you at least do something with those other ships, enough to justify their inclusion. Whether that was intentional, I have no idea, but it's good to see. Even if it does suggest a strange confluence of relationships among the Wonderbolts.

Then again, given Spitfire's initial reaction, it kinda seems like she just has a type. And that type is...


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