• Published 30th Aug 2017
  • 6,588 Views, 32 Comments

Common Ground - stillinbeta

Luna meets a nervous Sunset Shimmer pacing outside the throne room

  • ...


Princess Luna, Ruler of the Night, was sleepy. It was nearly afternoon, much later than she would normally stay up. She and Celestia had been talking over breakfast, joking about swapped cutie marks. Eventually Raven, Celestia’s personal assistant and probably the most patient pony in all of Equestria, arrived. She begged Celestia to go to court, to which she was already extremely late.

By chance, the route from the kitchen to Luna’s chambers took her past the entrance to the throne room. Not the fancy, elaborate main entrance petitioners normally took, of course. That had a large waiting room, queues, desk attendants, and a good number of followers. Not the place for a sleepy night princess.

Luna rounded the next corner, lost in thought. The hallway was unremarkable, and usually quite empty. Guards were posted on the far side of the door, to keep nosy petitioners out of the less public areas of the castle. Luna almost didn’t look up in time to avoid running headlong into a yellow unicorn pacing anxiously in front of the door.

Luna cleared her throat. “Can I help you?”

Equestria hadn’t seen an attempted regicide since before Luna’s exile, Celestia had told her, but you don’t get to be millenia old by taking chances. She subtly lowered her stance and readied a shield cantrip, just in case.

“Oh, hi, yes. Sorry. Um, I’m not really supposed to be here am I?” The unicorn replied.

Certainly an interesting gambit for an assassin.

“That depends. Who exactly are you?”

“Oh! Oh, sorry, I’m Sunset Shimmer. I’m uh, here to see Celestia.”

That name sounded familiar, but Luna couldn’t quite place it. There were definitely some disadvantages to a multi-millennium lifespan.

“Well, you’ve certainly come to the right place.” Luna pointed at the door. “ She should be right through there. Though I must ask why you are not waiting with the other petitioners.”

Sunset pawed at the ground. “I don’t exactly, uh, have an appointment.”

“I see. Dare I ask how you gained access to this part of the castle?

“Right!” Sunset levitated a scroll over. “Twilight wrote me a note.”

Luna took the parchment in her magic from Sunset’s and slowly unfurled it.

I, Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship and sovereign of Equestria, do hereby decree that Sunset Shimmer is under my protection and auspices. I furthermore decree that none shall impede her from visiting Princess Celestia.

HRH Twilight Sparkle, Dated 1025 AD 17-02 ref#1163987

Luna raised an eyebrow. Her horn lit briefly, verifying Twilight’s unmistakable magical signature.

“Huh. Well, welcome to Canterlot Castle, Sunset Shimmer. It is quite a pleasure to make your acquaintance”

“Thank you, um...?” Sunset trailed off, apparently at a loss.

“You... you do not know my name?” Luna asked.

“Should I? I don’t recall meeting you.”

Luna flared her wings dramatically. “I am Princess Luna, Diarch of Equestria and Princess of the night!”

“Oh! Like the vice principal!”

“I am sorry? What is a ‘principal’ in this context?”

“Uhm, right, yeah, ignore that. Ask Celestia sometime, maybe.”

“I believe I shall.”

The two kept looking at each other, maintaining eye contact.

Luna blinked once, twice, then coughed politely. “Do you plan to enter Celestia’s chambers? The door, as I mentioned, is right behind you.”

“Yep! Sure is.”

Sunset seemed frozen, as a single bead of sweat dripped down her cheek.

“Sunset Shimmer, is something wrong?”

“No! Yes. Maybe?”

“I am afraid I don’t understand.”

“It’s complicated.”

“Do you think an explanation is above me?”

Sunset’s eyes widened. “Of course not Princess! I’m sure you’re very smart and wise and I should probably be bowing. Sunset, that’s what you do before princesses you don’t know, you bow. I should do that.”

Sunset collapsed into an awkward bow at Luna’s hooves.

“Rise, Sunset Shimmer.”

The unicorn rose to her hooves, but kept her eyes fixed firmly on Luna’s.

Luna smirked, unable to resist a small prank. “Though t’wasn’t so long ago that such an offense would land one in a dungeon for a night or two.”

The resulting bow was deeper and much more hasty than the one that preceded it. A soft squeak that reminded Luna of Fluttershy accompanied it.

“Sunset Shimmer, I am merely teasing. You have not offended me.”

Sunset let out a clearly forced chuckle, looking around nervously. “You, uh, got me good Princess! Definitely thought I was gonna have to spend a couple extra nights in the castle.”

“Oh, I’m sure that can be arranged.”

On seeing the poor mare’s face, Luna rushed to clarify. “I meant I can easily offer you quarters if you should need them.”

“Right! Of course, Princess!”

Luna could practically hear Sunset sweating. She sighed. “Sunset Shimmer, am I making you uncomfortable?”

“Definitely not Princess! Just, two mares hanging out, having a chat! Nothing weird here!”

“You need not lie to me. I can see when I’ve got off on the wrong hoof with a pony I just met. I shall take my leave now, Sunset Shimmer. I wish you better luck with your next Princess.”

Luna turned to leave. Thankfully, millennia of diplomatic training keeping her emotions hidden. But just as she began to away, Sunset called to her.

“Princess Luna, wait.”

Luna stopped, but did not turn. “Yes, Sunset Shimmer?”

“May I be honest with you, Princess?”

Luna stiffened. “Of course.”

“You did make me a little nervous, it’s true. But this whole time I’ve been talking to you, I haven’t been worried about speaking with Celestia at all. And I think... I think I needed that.”

Luna turned. “You need not spare my feelings, Sunset Shimmer.”

“You can just call me Sunset. That’s what everyone else calls me. My full name’s a bit of a mouthful sometimes. If you want to, of course. I don’t really know what the protocol is for being addressed by a princess is...”

Luna cut an increasingly nervous Sunset off. “Very well, Sunset it is. You still need not lie to me.”

“I’m not lying!”

There was an edge to Sunset’s voice which Luna hadn’t expected. Sunset apparently hadn’t either, because she clasped a hoof over her mouth.

“Sunset, I am clearly making you uncomfortable. Why do you wish for me to stay?”

“Because I can deal with this kind of uncomfortable. It’s manageable, I guess.”

Luna frowned. “I’m afraid I don’t understand.”

“I’ve... been away a long time, Princess Luna. Everything is different, and honestly kind of scary. But this is just a little awkward. I feel like I can fix this. A lot of the other things I’ve done... can’t really be fixed.”

Luna opened her mouth to reply, then reconsidered and shut it again. Poor Sunset was sweating in the silence. Finally, she formulated a response.

“Sunset, I believe we have some things in common. And I think, given time, we could find good friends in each other.”

“I would like that very much, Princess Luna.”

“Please, call me Luna.”

“Okay, but you’re sending me some sorta mixed signals here. One moment you’re threatening to throw me in a dungeon but now you want me to drop your title altogether?”

“Tell me, Sunset. Do friends throw each other in dungeons?”

“Um, probably not. Maybe in some very specific circumstances.”

The last sentence was scarcely a mumble. Fortunately all friends of Fluttershy were excellent at interpreting mumbles.

Luna raised an eyebrow. “I might like to hear about those circumstances sometime.”

Sunset looked incredible when she blushed. Her mane and coat complimented the pink flush perfectly.

“Um, perhaps some other time, Luna.”

“Hmm. I could make that a royal decree... but I suppose I shall let this one slide.”

Sunset gave a mock bow. “You are most merciful, Princess of the Night.”

“Tell me Sunset, why is it that your bows of jest are more formal and proper than the one you hoped would save you from the dungeons?”

“I uh, uh... I think that you’re messing with me again.”

“Clever mare. Now come, let us go get lunch.”


“Do you not eat lunch?”

“Oh, no, of course I do! It’s just a little early, is all. That’s fine, I didn’t actually eat this morning.”

“Then we shall embark immediately. Come along.”

Luna started off down the hallway, moving with a Princess’s purpose.

Behind her, Sunset coughed. “Um, Prin– Luna, isn’t the dining hall that way?”

“Very astute, Sunset. However, would I be correct in guessing that you do not wish to meet with Celestia quite yet?”

“It’d be nice if I could avoid her for now, yeah.”

“Well, Celestia will almost certainly be breaking court for lunch, and if we choose the great hall, we are likely to run into her. So instead we are going to my chambers.”

“Y-your chambers?” Another squeaked out sentence. Maybe Sunset was related to Fluttershy.

“Of course. They’re not too far.”

Luna could tell by listening that Sunset had to break into a canter to keep up with her. She considered slowing down, but she was quite hungry. Sunset would be fine.

Luna’s quarters were only a few minutes, at alicorn speed, from the entrance to the audience chamber. On the way, Luna flagged down a royal guard and requested a light lunch to be brought to her quarters.

The pegasus stallion glanced at the strange mare accompanying the princess. However, Luna’s word was literally law, and no argument was made.

The last time Luna had lived in the castle, a Princess’ chambers would have consisted of scores of rooms. Drawing rooms, sitting rooms, antechambers, all arranged maze-like. That had apparently long gone out of style, and now she only had a bedroom, a closet, and a modest washroom. In those days past, having another pony alone in her bedroom would’ve been cause for a flurry of gossip amongst the castle staff. Perhaps this was no longer the case, but Luna was still most assuredly blushing as she led Sunset past her bed to the small sofa in the corner.

“Welcome to the Lunar Chambers. Or Chamber, I suppose.” Luna tightly curled up on the small loveseat to make room for Sunset.

“It’s... nice.”

Sunset was obviously still nervous, but hopefully some of Basil Sprig’s daffodil sandwiches would get her to open up.

Luna tried again. “So, where was it you said you were from again?”

Sunset stiffened “Somewhere very far away.”

“Is it nice over there?”

“It’s... different. Good, but different.”

“Perhaps I should visit someday, then.”

Sunset didn’t even respond, instead staring straight ahead. She was sweating again.

The two of them sat in horrible silence. Mercifully, a guard arrived with a tray of sandwiches and salads. He placed the platter on the coffee table in front of them, then made a hasty retreat. For a moment Luna was worried Sunset wouldn’t even touch the food. But a red aura tentatively lifted a single sandwich and brought it over to the unicorn.

Sunset’s demeanor changed the instant she took a bite. It looked to Luna like she hadn’t had a meal in years. After that first nervous bite the plate’s contents disappeared in the blink of an eye.

“Should I send for more?” Luna raised an eyebrow.

Sunset seemed to notice the crumbs on the plate for the first time, immediately blanching.

“Luna, I’m so sorry! I just got carried away and –”

“Worry not, Sunset. The royal kitchens shall surely take it as a compliment. I am glad you enjoyed yourself.”

“Wow, okay, yeah. We really don’t have food like that back in... where I come from.”

Luna gave a wry smile. “Perhaps I should reconsider visiting, then.”

“I don’t know about that. It certainly has its charms.”

“Oh? A local cuisine maybe?”

“I suppose guess you could say that. You have to be careful about what’s in the food you order though.”

“Ah, some hidden pitfalls, then? I remember a visit to a South Amareica where I accidentally ordered crickets.”

Sunset’s eyes shot open. “No!”

“Oh yes. They were very crunchy. Not too bad, really.”

“You ate them?”

Luna nodded. “It would’ve been insulting not to! It was hardly the restaurant’s fault I don’t read Spaneighsh very well.”

The two of them laughed together, and suddenly the ice was broken.

“You think insects are bad, imagine learning what you thought was a particularly good artichoke sandwich was actually made with chicken.” Sunset shuddered.


“Yes. A real live chicken that someone had killed and dipped in breadcrumbs.”

Luna was on the edge of her seat. “What did you do?”

“I certainly wasn’t as polite as you. I spat it out, right onto my plate.”

“Oh you poor thing.”

Luna hoped her tone conveyed earnestness. After an unfortunate incident she now understood that phrase was often employed sarcastically.

“Not to mention how impossible it is to find decent hay fries. They make them out of potatoes instead.”

“I’ll admit —” Luna grabbed another sandwich. “—you aren’t exactly selling this place.”

“It has its charms. The things they can do with spices, for example, will blow you away. But the real charm is the inhabitants.”

“Oh? Taken a bit of a shine to the natives?”

Sunset was blushing. Interesting.

“They’re... very different from ponies. Ponies here, I mean. But also very similar. It’s certainly interesting.”

“Have you found yourself a special somepony over there, then?”

Sunset blushed even harder. Suddenly her muzzle matched her red highlights instead of the yellow part. Truly she was a mare designed to blush.

“Nononono, definitely not. There’s some cute pe–ponies there, but sometimes there’s no place like home.”

“Oh come now. A cute mare you like you, in a foreign land for years, and you’re still single?”

Such a good blush.

Sunset, apparently, had decided enough was enough. “What about you, Princess? This small bedroom doesn’t seem like it’d accommodate much of a royal harem...”

“Those rumours were never proved!”

Luna realised she may have answered just a little bit too quickly.

Sunset smirked devilishly. “But there were rumours?”

I could’ve showed you if Celestia wasn’t such a prude, Luna thought. Apparently it was “unbecoming” of royalty these days.

Instead, Luna harrumphed, extremely royally. “Back in my day, we had respect for our elders. And our diarchs.”

Sunset stuck her tongue out.

Kids these days!

“Do you wish for me to resume referring to you by title, Princess?”

“That will not be necessary.”

“Then I’m not going to worry about being all formal with you. Plus it was meant as a compliment. You’re looking pretty good for whatever kind of ‘elder’ you are.”

It was Luna’s turn to blush. Turnabout was fair play, after all.

“Flattery will get you nowhere, Sunset.”

Sunset grinned. “And yet here I am, in your bedroom.”

Luna sputtered. She was millenia old, had faced untold foes, wielded the elements of harmony and yet this unicorn had made her sputter. This could not stand, it was time to go on the offensive.

“So, Sunset. What was it that brought you to Canterlot today, anyway?”

The smirk was immediately wiped from Sunset’s face. “I... I came to apologise.”

That much Luna had mostly figured, but Sunset’s conviction took her by surprise. The young mare looked to be near the verge of tears. Quite the turn from her flirtatious jabs.

“Celestia is usually a very forgiving pony,” Luna finally answered.

“Yes, she is. But I don’t know if what I’ve done can be forgiven.”

Luna forced herself to stay her tongue. Sunset clearly needed to tell her story. Her own could wait til later.

“Celestia gave me everything. She trusted me, cared for me, and I... I just threw it away.”

Luna looked over and saw Sunset’s eyes well up with tears. She shifted closer to Sunset on the couch.

“I was greedy. Ambitious. Stupid. I thought I knew better than her, and I hurt her very badly.”

“You certainly aren’t the first,” Luna muttered.

Sunset pressed on. “I was given an opportunity to return, to set things right. But what did I do? I doubled down, and I gave myself over to my greed.”

“You’re here now, though.” Luna gave the unicorn a squeeze. “What changed your mind?”

“It was a who, actually. Twilight Sparkle, specifically. It took a lot of convincing... and a rainbow to the face. But she managed to show me the error of my ways.”

Luna marvelled at just how familiar all of this sounded. Change a few words and Sunset may as well have told the saga of Nightmare Moon, right down to the main protagonist. Perhaps she was the one pony in Equestria who could reassure Sunset.

“Twilight’s a pretty amazing pony, isn’t she?” Luna asked.

She was mostly stalling for time, collecting her own thoughts.

“I don’t even want to think about where I’d be without her. There was a time when I wanted what she had, but now... I think maybe she has the hardest job in all of Equestria.”

The two sat in silence for a moment, Sunset looking pensive, Luna willing herself to speak up. It had been many years since her return, but to a millennia-old alicorn it felt as raw as if it had been yesterday.

“I know a lot more about betraying Celestia than anypony should. I was very close to her, and my treachery cut her deep.” Luna stared down at her own hooves, drawing in a breath. “But at the end of the day, Twilight and Celestia both believed in me again, and they welcomed me back.”

“Is there any forgiveness after a betrayal?” Sunset asked quietly.

Luna remembered her nights haunted by the Tantabus and shuddered.

“Others forgiving you is the easy part. Celestia and Twilight... they were quick to let my past go. I was the one who hung on. Forgiving myself was the hardest thing I’ve ever done.”

Luna looked over at the trembling unicorn. To her surprise the mare was looking right back at her, their muzzles inches apart.

Blood rushed to Luna’s face and she could see the blush mirrored on Sunset. The quick transition from flirting to consoling left her emotions running high, and suddenly she felt totally at a loss for what to do. Almost instinctively, she unfolded her wings to embrace Sunset.

Sunset’s eyes widened at Luna’s touch. She drew forward, nearly closing the gap between them. Luna swallowed, heart pounding in her chest. She knew when a kiss was wanted, expected, and this was definitely one of those times. But as her heart and her mind fought a battle for control she found herself quite unable to move. All the while Sunset’s muzzle grew closer and the decision would soon be made for her.

Suddenly, Sunset blinked and drew back, as if she had only just realising what she was doing. Once again she did that perfect red blush. The one that made Luna so conflicted in the first place. She stumbled backward, rising hastily to her hooves.

“I um... I think I’m ready to talk to Celestia now.”

Sunset galloped out of the room. The heavy bedchamber doors slammed behind her.

Luna was left alone, confused, morose, and suddenly achingly, desperately lonely.

When Sunset returned, Luna had migrated to her enormous four-poster bed. She had prepared herself for bed by rote. The knock came just after she had finally laid down.

The guards knocks were purposeful, strong, and loud. Celestia wouldn’t have bothered knocking at all, and her staff wouldn’t be awake until that evening. That left her afternoon visitor.

“Come in,” Luna called.

Sunset did. She looked around, noticing the darkened room. “Um, is this a bad time?”

“No, no.”

The lights came on and Luna sat up on the edge of the bed, beckoning Sunset over.

Sunset did, though she seemed nervous. For a spell, neither spoke.

Luna broke the silence first.“So...”

“So. Celestia’s sister, huh.” Sunset responded.

“Yes, I am. I did not realise there was anypony in Equestria who did not already know that particular fact. Did it surprise you?”

“I haven’t exactly, uh, been in Equestria, actually. So yeah, I was a little surprised. When I was growing up there was really only the one alicorn.”

“Does it bother you?”

“Well, Only in that I’ve been hitting on the sister of my mentor and mother figure.”

“Oh,” Luna said.

Sunset was pointedly not making eye contact. “Yeah.”

“Do you want to stop?” Luna asked, scarcely above a whisper.

“...Not particularly,” Sunset admitted.

Luna began to rise from her bed. “Would you like to grab dinner with me?”

“Perhaps later.” Sunset gave Luna a smouldering look. “But right now it looks like you are about to go to bed.”

“I was, I don’t usually stay up this late, or early. But I can make an... oh.

Sunset grinned, raising an eyebrow.

“I like you,” Luna said.

She killed the lights once more.

Author's Note:

Special thanks to Gara and Arkadarp for proofreading!

Comments ( 32 )

I really love this fic. It was a pleasure working with you on it.

Oh, this was glorious. The by-play, everything was spot on. It just felt... natural. Never thought I'd see these two in a relationship within a million years (Part of which may lie in me being a SunLight shipper) but you made it work here. Here, have a mustache.:moustache:

Wait, but in the first movie Luna clearly knew who Sunset was and where she'd lived. This doesn't make much sense, even if it's a great little story otherwise.

... oh."
“I like you,” Luna said.

Best part, in my opinion.

Why did this get a sex tag exactly?


yeah, exactly. I like erring on the side of caution for these things.

This fic made me smile and laugh all through it, great job!

This story....oh my goodness, how good it is! Loved the teasing back and forth and that reveal at the end! Have an up vote, a favorite and a follow. Good writing!

I hope you win the contest, this was great!

Oh Sunny that was hilariously effective :rainbowlaugh:

That was super cute loved the way u have this pairing

Wanderer D

Only thing that threw me off the tiniest bit was Luna's blush galore. Sputtering yes,... surprised or thrown off? Sure, blushing was just a bit juvenile in that sense IMO. Other than that, have an up-vote and best of luck!

Very good story, almost makes me wish for more but its just perfect as a one shot.

this was quite heartwarming......can you write a sequel?

This is funny! Is there going to be a sequel?

Needs a morning after chapter where Celestia finds them together.

Great story, very interesting shipping choice and it was done well.

That was fluffing awesome :D.

This is some damn great stuff here. Well done.

This ain't too bad, I like this.

Ҳикояи бузург буд! Ман ба инкишофи хаёт ва тарзи гузариш дар саҳнаҳо дӯст доштам! Тавсифи шумо маро хушбахт кард ва умедворам, ки хуб кор кунед! Боварӣ ҳосил намоед, ки чошнӣ дар ҷомашӯӣ гузошта нашавед!

This was so sweet. Wouldn't mind a sequel either. :)

I give this a solid giggty... Not a full on 'hehe alllright...giggity' cause no sex but still a good story and flirty Luna is adorable

I'm way late to this fic omg but I wanted to say it's really good!!!! I'd never considered these two before but you really make them work well!!! The framing of this being when Sunset goes to reconcile with Celestia is really cool too!!! Also that flirty banter???? A+ omg!! The dialogue in general is just really good and natural! All in all this was a lovely read, nice work!!!

Author Interviewer

I'm surprised this wasn't tagged comedy. Their banter is pretty funny! :)

Wowza, that was good.

Lol, gey :raritywink:
But seriously this was so cute and gay!

A few too many Fluttersqueaks and stammers for such forceful personalities, but all told, this was some quality banter. Thank you for it.

When I was growing up there was really only the one alicorn.

"What of Princess Cadence?"
"There was the one alicorn and a hopped-up feather duster with delusions of relevance."
"Sorry, that was the old me slipping out for a second."

Well, that was put to bed quickly.


cadence came when sunset was a pre-teen or early adolescence

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