• Published 7th Dec 2017
  • 19,696 Views, 1,666 Comments

Responsibilities - Hiver

Blank Page continue his life in Equestria. Everything seem to be going his way for once... hah!

  • ...

Chapter 47

“Luna?” I asked as I trotted into our rooms.

Movement on the bed drew my attention and she looked up, “Page?”

Moving over, I jumped onto the bed in the dark room, settling down next to her, “Hey.”

She shifted and rolled onto her stomach and I leaned against her side, slipping in beneath her wing, “I’m sorry, My Page. You are right, I should have known that you…”

“It’s fine,” I interrupted her softly and nuzzled at her neck, “I’m a little hurt that you thought I wouldn’t have told you, but I can see why you thought that.”

Luna rested her head on top of mine, “Still.”

“I shouldn’t have yelled either,” I said and nuzzled, “You and Sparky both meant well. Even if it did mean trying to get me in bed with Sunset.”

Blushing slightly, Luna sighed and nosed at my ear, “…You have to admit, you two are a good match.”

“Cadence didn’t seem to think so,” I said with a smile, “Stupid ponies, remember?”

Luna pulled back to look at me with a smile, “She didn’t mean me and Twilight Sparkle.”

I blinked at her.

“… Oh. Well, she can’t be right every single time.”

She shook her head, “No, Cadence isn’t right every time, not even when it comes to love.”

“See?” I told her with a smile, “Sunny may be my best friend other than a certain alicorn in this room, but we aren’t romantically involved.”

Luna nodded and pulled me closer with her wing, “I see,” before she smiled, “…of course, she was right about you and me.”

“Huh? She was?”

She nodded and smiled, “She… how do I put it?” she asked and sighed before she admitted, “She helped me a bit with what to do. Gave me tips. I was a bit… out of date.”

Cadence helped?

I suppose that makes sense. If Cadence didn’t already have quite happy dreams almost every night, I would be sending her a whole bunch of them for that.

“I should thank her for that then,” I said with a smile, “That’s a time she was right.”

Luna stole a small kiss and pulled me tighter with her wing, “She was indeed.”

Nodding, I rested my head against the side of her neck.

“Page?” Luna said quietly, “I’m sorry. You are right, you would have told me.”

“It’s fine,” I answered and nuzzled, “But Sunset and I really aren’t romantically involved.”

Luna nuzzled at your ear, “It was easy to think you were.”

I gave her a suspicious look, “You know, I always think you want me to get together with Sunset.”

Sighing softly against my mane, she nuzzled, “I just…” she pulled back to look down into my eyes, “I don’t want you to discover in fifty years that you should have acted earlier.”

That I could really understand. That would... hurt. It would hurt horribly bad.

Smiling softly up at her, I gave her a small kiss, “How about I promise that if I find somepony, I’ll act on it?”

Kissing back, Luna then nodded, “That will suffice. But I still wish to get to know Sunset Shimmer better as she is your best friend.”

I gave her a slightly suspicious look but then nodded and relaxed against her side, “I’m sure she’d like that too.”

“Just perhaps not on our vacation,” Luna agreed and rested her head on top of mine, “So where would you like to go?”

“Good question,” I asked and frowned slightly in thought, “Somewhere nice and civilized. Not some beach somewhere… even if that could be relaxing for a while. I want to be able to go out with you to nice places.”

Smiling Luna nodded and cuddled close, “Sounds nice… Are you going as unicorn?”

“Not sure I could manage without magic to hold things,” I admitted, “Never got comfortable with my hooves and mouth. Besides, not sure I could manage an actual transformation like you and Sunshine, I have to go with an illusion. Easier to hide wings than a horn.”

“Pegasus for me,” Luna said with a sigh and rested her head against my mane, “I think I’ll do like my sister and try to copy what I might have looked like.”

I blinked at her before I grinned, “Looking forward to that, if the result is as good as hers was, you’ll look amazing.”

Luna smirked a bit and scooted back, her magic whirling around her. When it cleared, it revealed the most beautiful Pegasus I had ever seen. Her coat was the same dark, dark blue like before and her cutie mark was the same. But instead of the size and legginess of an alicorn, she had the athletic slenderness of a Pegasus. Her mane were a lighter blue and her eyes the same beautiful teal as before.

“Oh my,” I said softly as I watched her scoot closer and move in beneath my wing, nuzzling at my chin.

“Should I summon my sister, so you may compare, My Lord?” she cooed before she laughed at the look on my face and gave me a small kiss, “Somepony liked that idea,” she teased.

Growling, I pinned her down and nipped at her ear, “Wench!”

All I got in response was a giggle.

Author's Note:

This is the last part for now with Page, but he will return again in the future. Next time, we continue with a sequel of That First Step named Living With Dragons. The first story in the series can be found here: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/that-first-step-si.303750/

Hope everyone enjoyed this and if you did, I have a https://www.patreon.com/Hiver.

Comments ( 122 )

Aw, gonna miss getting little updates on this story all the time. :fluttershysad:

That said, I really enjoyed reading it and look forward to seeing what's in store for Page and Co. in the future. :twilightsmile:

I, too, will be missing this story.:fluttercry:

Hope to hear from you, mister author!:twilightsmile:

I really want to know what awaits Page and Luna in the future! :pinkiehappy:

Thanks for the update, I love your stories. Read them over at space battles as well

D48 #4 · Mar 9th, 2018 · · ·


I really want to know what awaits Page and Luna in the future! :pinkiehappy:

A fun, relaxing, and very M-rated vacation. :raritywink:

Aww. I was liking all those delicious updates. I can wait though.

I'll check those other stories out. I was needing something to tide me over until my other stories update.

I have really enjoyed all the series as they are fun and entertaining to read on a mostly daily basis.

Looking forward to you publishing the next in the series.

So the Clear Skies issue isn't going to be resolved in this book of the series after all? This is just going to come back to bite Page when everyone has forgotten about it, isn't it? :trixieshiftleft:

Reykan #8 · Mar 9th, 2018 · · 1 ·

Someone walks in
*gasp* Page is cheating on Princess Luna!



Will Smissth the page, but hopefully the wait won't be long...

Most likely, considering how Discord was handled.

xoid #13 · Mar 9th, 2018 · · ·

Really? :ajbemused: This is where you end it? :trixieshiftleft: If you had used more foreshadowing and added some needless drama regarding the assumptions both princesses made then this might be a proper climax, as it is this is pretty much an anti‐climax.

No. Nonononono. I need my fix Hiver, don't do this to me! I need my insufferable cliffhanger, my reality is collapsing around me!

Im gonna miss this story... Page feels like a best friend I never met.

”and sooo,
the time has come,
and now we reach,
the final curtain.

My friend,
I’ll say it clear,
I’ll state my case,
Of which I am certain.

The tale,
Of Page goes on,
It is not done,
Until the wedding.

I have a few,
Namely wishing,
For him and Sunset.

But all and all.

I read it all,

I thank you for it,

I’d read again.

Aaaaand did it....(Help me out everyone)

Awww. Gonna miss this.

Is there gonna be another story? Please tell me there is...

Thanks again for another excellent bit of fanfiction. I'll have to check out your other works in other genres!

bravo a exultant story.
Page has developed in to a grate story line.

It's... It's over? :raritydespair: :raritydespair: i'm not ready :raritydespair: :raritydespair:

No one ever is. It’s With you for a while, so much so you become accustomed. Then one day it’s done, and we must go back to life. Only we find that the world around us has been made better for it. We met a few like minded people on the way. Had some laughs, some conflict, some intrigue, and speculation for the future.

That. My friend. Is a Hiver story.

Until next we meet.

[Utterly misses the complete tag and process to read the chapter with the belief that one of his favourite stories, will not end... Reaches end...]

"What!? Nooo... I love this story too much. I will miss the regular updates. :pinkiesad2:
It's hard to believe that this newest story has only been here since December, it really does feel like its been longer, I've grown accustom to reading this story's updates every few days. Until next time Page.

Same, I worded it as "hoping for a family like bond", myself. But yeah, wishing for no item like behaviour and just a good old friendly friendship.


Are they really going to...

My thoughts were along the same coding, was like:
"Seriously?..."[reads rest] "Oh wow, real clever."

All I can hear while reading this comment, is this:

As always Thank you Hiver for this story, I look forward to parhaps reading some of your other written work now. See you around.

You do realize that he's completed some of the stories in the past as well right? He's probably going to do another one after this one.

And so another tale comes to a close.
Very nice work, I deeply enjoyed it and will be looking forward to a sequel.

And in a separate note, now that this is over I can say that this should be the official theme song for the story:



[Hard to go wrong with a Sinatra classic. :twilightsmile:]

Really nice ending.
I like endings on soft and tender notes, and the fact that Cadence ships them gave me a good laugh, having my guess from the last chapter confirmed.

Looking forward to seeing the next story of Page and all his lovely lady’s. :)

I agree. This simply didn't feel like an ending it felt like the lull before the ending.

A great instalment like always, Hiver.

We’ll wait patiently for the next episode of Blank Page. Cheers mate.:twilightsmile:

Really awesome and brilliant story. Such a shame that Page and Sunset aren't getting together. But I still hold out for Page getting herd that consist's of Luna, Twilight, and Sunset.

Luna nuzzled at your ear, “It was easy to think you were.”

Wait, what? Hey! No breaking the fourth wall!

Cute story. You also might as well go for a polyamorous story that could be interesting.

Now the biggest issue I have with this story is that it had no impact what so ever, you can skip from the first chapter to the last and still have a pretty good Idea of what went on... Maybe not that much but skipping 35 ish chapters and everything still would make sense. It's a in between kinda story.

I wonder how many sequels remain? I originally expected this one to wrap everything up, but there is still a fair amount left to go. Mind, the series is quickly catching up to the show canon timeline.

Huh, I wonder if Hiver intends to incorporate the movie (which I still have yet to see) at some point?

I don't think that's a terribly unlikely outcome, depending on how much time goes on by the time the saga ends. I mean, Page and Sunset are already a pretty good fit, even they recognize that to some degree I expect, though they're currently drifting down the (arguably) longest river. Page has already considered dating Twilight and just backed off because Sunset expressed such interest.

Well. My last comment's fear has come. I have caught up. I hope to see the next book soon, I really love this series.

As a fan of RHJunior, and looking at what's happened so far, can I hope that there will be more ascensions in the future?

Rhjunior? I don't get that reference.

You may have known him as RealityCheck, or see my recent blog post. He was a really good author who used to be on this site, and wrote an awesome and down-to-earth story about the sisters' secret plan to make everyone alicorns. It's mainly a quest by the ascended mane six, though there are others involved too (Trixie and Sunset, for one). No word on what happens to the other races yet, though.

Regarding Twilight and the Orange Transformation spells. I'm guessing you forgot about the scene in the show? Twilight gets distracted and accidentally turns a frog into an orange with frog legs.

Sunset and Page remind me of that greentext story where two guys have sex with each other but are laughing the whole time because they’re “just joking” about it.

RHJunior is the one who left because he made his own side-stories for Nyx, and a section of PenStroke diehards blasted him for it, right?

Because he’s got all his work on Archive of Our Own.

Yes, that's the author.

ive bern binge reading this story sequal and i finally got to the last story!!! hallelujah!!!!

Luna smirked a bit and scooted back, her magic whirling around her. When it cleared, it revealed the most beautiful Pegasus I had ever seen. Her coat was the same dark, dark blue like before and her cutie mark was the same. But instead of the size and legginess of an alicorn, she had the athletic slenderness of a Pegasus. Her mane were a lighter blue and her eyes the same beautiful teal as before.

Change the cutie mark, too, it's a dead giveaway, otherwise, pretty good...

I bother because Hiver bothered to foreshadow it, and when an author foreshadows something, they need to follow through on it.

I'm a little foggy on that, what's Twi got to do with sunset in this story?

Whew! A week of binge reading to refresh up to here.

Just 39 Chapters to catch up to where I left off, then it's onto the new material! :twilightsmile:

i just noticed that his coat and mane look more ruffled up in this over than in the previous ones.

Azure Memories/Memoir of Misery
In both of those stories a pony names Sapphire Rain is the main character

Whew!! Done! I'm on a ROLL!!!!!

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