• Published 15th Dec 2017
  • 3,728 Views, 81 Comments

Dashtale - Ghostaloo

Rainbow Dash wakes up in a bed of flowers in a cave as a filly with amnesia. Lost and confused, she's taken in by a goat monster named Toriel. That's okay though, as long as she has DETERMINATION she can get through this.

  • ...

Fancy Stars and the Déjà Vu Dilemma (Unedited)

Rainbow Dash was sitting under the tree outside the house, watching the red leaves slowly fall.

It was weird, she was underground but yet there seemed to be seasons. Chara recently told her about seasons. The earth was constantly going through some kind of cycle of life and death, and that it was an automatic process.

Rainbow was confused at first. Something inside her told her that it didn't work like that, but she was in no place to argue about it. She barely remembered anything about the outside world.

The young filly closed her eyes and took a moment to listen to the district sound of Froggit's.

The sound of Froggit's croaking happily in the distance filled Rainbow Dash with DETERMINATION.

Rainbow cracked open an eye and watched the weird star near the house flash momentarily.

"Still don't understand the point of those fancy stars," Rainbow mumbled.

SAVE Points, Chara suddenly said, cutting through the silence and making the young filly jump.

"C-Chara? You scared me! I thought you were asleep!" She shuttered out.

Nope, Chara said well popping the 'P', I can't sleep unless you do, unfortunately. The most I can do is doze off. Anyway, those are called SAVE Points, not 'fancy stars.'

Dash was quiet for a moment before she asked, "What's a SAVE Point?"

A SAVE Point is where you can, uh, save your 'Data' per say.


Oh God, how do I explain this in words you will understand. Chara mumbled before speaking directly to the younger of the two. If someone has enough DETERMINATION within their Soul, then that person can, um, 'edit' they're Soul Imprint into the very fabric of reality, leaving a 'tear' of sorts. Because of this 'tear in reality', if they die before their inner 'clock' reaches its set end, than the person's Soul can, uh, 'refuse' death and 'rewind' time and 'Load' at the last point they stored their 'Data'. Get it?

Rainbow Dash stared wide eyed at the SAVE Point.

"... I can do that? I can reverse my own death?" She whispered in awe.


The rainbow manes pegasus was silent for a second before she yelled out "Awesome!" At the top of her lungs.

"What else can I do?!"

Well, uh, you can RESET, see other peoples Stats, store your Items in the Void, give MERCY, and… some other things.

Rainbow Dash squirted her eyes and tilted her head to the side.

"'Some other things? Wha--"

It's nothing, don't worry about it.

"... Okay?"

They sat in silence for a bit before Chara broke it by saying something very weird.

This whole situation is giving me some serious déjà vu.

"What's déjà vu?" Rainbow asked.

It literally means 'already seen'. It is used the describe that very weird feeling that you've done, or seen this before. But that doesn't make sense… the last time I've explained this was when… Chara zoned off, mumbling incomprehensibly to herself.

"Uh, Chara?"

No response.

"Welp, she's out for the count." Rainbow sighed to herself and leaned back. She gazed up at the tree, thinking.

For some reason, everything about the Underground was starting to feel familiar. It was like… she's seen all this before.

Now that she thought about it, the very first thing she knew after she fell into the Underground was the strong sense of 'Have I been here before?'

The filly thought back to two days ago when Toriel finally noticed that Rainbow's cutie mark changed. The goat monster seemed… disturbed. Rainbow tried asking Toriel about it, but Toriel seemed just as confused as she was.

But then… something weird happened. Something that Rainbow still can't explain.

"I am sorry, my child, but I do not know why your cutie mark has changed. Although, something about it seems… familiar. I just can't seem to... to…" Toriel stared off into space with a lost expression on her face.

"Mom? Mom, are you okay?" Rainbow Dash asked worriedly.

After a moment, the Boss Monster snapped out off whatever fluke she was in with a smile.

"Oh hello, my child! When did you get here? I thought you were playing in your room?" Toriel asked with an air of confusion.

Rainbow raised an eyebrow, "Uh, I've been standing here for a while. We literally just talked about my cutie mark, remember?"

"...We did?"

Rainbow Dash was still scratching her head over it.

Nothing made sense to her anymore.

Author's Note:

Hmm, more mysteries, eh? I wonder what is going on?