• Published 6th Jan 2018
  • 15,682 Views, 648 Comments

Break the Walls Down - Super Saiyan D

In an effort to rid himself of his mortal enemy, Dr. Eggman flings Sonic into another dimension. Stranded, alone, and with no apparent way home, can he survive this strange new world? What adventures await him? Come along and find out.

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Chapter 1 - Hello and Goodbye

The planet Mobius. A world far, far away in the distant stars. Covered with sprawling green valleys, arid deserts, twisting underground catacombs, and ancient temples that floated in the sky. And populated by not only human beings, but all manner of unique, anthropomorphic creatures. Truly a wonder of a world. On the outside, one might call it a paradise. Peaceful and beautiful. But like many things, despite its serene looking surface, it wasn’t without its dangers.

Far beyond the natural wilderness, there lay a dark city. Stretching as long and far as the eye could see. Dark and gritty. Thick with the iron tinge of machinery and the ever present odor of pollution. It was essentially a city of factories, continuously billowing toxic fumes into the sky. Refuse created from its endless production of robots and weapons designed for conquest.

At the center of this mechanical monstrosity of a city stood a tower. A single dark blue structure topped with an oval-shaped dome that appeared to resemble a rotund human being. The curved roofing was red with a triangle-shaped, yellow and black striped design decorating the front like a vest. The head of the dome was wider, outlined with radar antenna, round windows, and striped white panels on front that gave the visage of a human head. Complete with a nose, eyes, teeth, and a large mustache. The kind of structure that reeked of pretentiousness and vanity.

Both traits of the mastermind of this technological terror. The would-be conqueror of Mobius: Ivo Robotnik. Otherwise known as Dr. Eggman. A brilliant, but unhinged scientist who had but one goal – to subjugate the entire planet of Mobius, and to turn it into his own mechanical empire. The single greatest threat to all inhabitants of this world. For years the mad doctor had worked to bring all he saw under his rule. Not the least of which included building terrible war machines, using innocent animals as living batteries for his army of robots, and transforming the members of the populace themselves into soulless automatons to carry out his will. He would have conquered the planet many times by now.

If it weren’t for one person.

Suddenly, the outskirts of the dank city echoed with a thunderous noise.


A sonic boom echoed through the eastern section of Robotropolis. One at a time, the many surveillance cameras spread throughout the city picked up a similar image. Something would quickly blast by their screens. Too quick for the cameras to make out a concrete image. The disturbance was only visible as a blue blur quickly racing past their lenses. Of course, this could only mean one thing:

He was here.

Alarms blared. Steel panels on the ground lifted up to reveal hatches, as round single-eyed drones wheeled out into defensive positions. Soulless red lenses scanned out over the area, searching for the target. It wasn’t long before the speeding azure bullet was detected in the distance. And it was closing in fast. As the blue streak blasted towards their position, their targeting grids scanned and locked on as they began firing the mounted guns. But their bullets couldn’t hit the bogey.

They were just too slow.

Seconds later, explosions riddled the pathway, throwing up smoke and fire. What were previously the robotic drones became broken bits of flaming, fractured metal as the high speed object tore through them.

Well, object wasn’t exactly accurate.

A sound akin to wheels suddenly braking on asphalt echoed as the thing that ripped through the metal robots came to a screeching halt. As the clouds of smoke finally settled, a figure became visible. He stood on two legs and his body was almost completely covered in blue fur. Peach skin covered his arms and the round of his stomach. His face featured a peach muzzle and a long, thin black nose. Six rows of quills fell down the back of his head, and two peach-filled blue ears stood on top. He had bright emerald eyes that beamed like brilliant gemstones. And his face sported a cocky smirk that oozed the persona of reckless abandon and a devil-may-care attitude.

There stood the world famous hero of Mobius – Sonic the Hedgehog.

Turning from the heap of destroyed robots left in his wake, Sonic faced down the wide stretching road to the citadel as the alarms continued to wail. From here he could already see the swarms other Badniks heading towards his position. He could make out shades of red lightly bobbing up and down in the distance. Egg Pawns no doubt. And up above them, blueish tints floating in the air, more quickly became visible as like giant blue wasps with yellow antennae. Buzz Bombers. The waves of robots headed towards him as a mechanical voice boomed over a PA system.


The hedgehog smirked in anticipation, rolling his shoulder. Word from the rest of his freedom-fighting friends was that Eggman was once again up to no good. After joining forces with the alternate versions of himself and Tails, Sonic successfully rescued his friends. It was a wild adventure traveling through time and space, revisiting familiar places, and facing off with old enemies from his past. He and his younger counterpart ultimately defeated the monster called the Time Eater and both versions of the evil scientist, once again scrambling the evil doctor’s plans. All just in time for Sonic’s birthday celebration.

But they had let their guard down; let themselves relax for too long. So much so that the mad genius had managed to escape from the white, timeless dimension he had been trapped in. The doctor was even able to collect all seven of the Chaos Emeralds from right under their noses. That meant time was short to stop whatever nefarious plan the good doctor was cooking up this time.

But hey, when you’re the Fastest Thing Alive, you’ve got all the time in the world. As far as he thought anyway.

With his destination ahead and only a few dozen Badniks in the way, the hedgehog set his right foot backwards and bent his knees into a loose stance, readying himself to take off.

“All right, Sonic. Maximum effort.”

And in a flash he was gone, booming off towards the army.

6:12 PM
Robotropolis Citadel: Command Center

Up in the highest, widely spaced room of the tower, a multitude of figures and calculations buzzed across a large plasma screen. A few meters in the background was another large machine and control panel. The top of the piece of equipment had a large glass cylinder built into it built with a glass cylinder. Inside the container was a console that held seven, brilliant cut gemstones, each of the sparkling jewels in a different color. Sure enough the seven Chaos Emeralds were in his possession.

Standing before the panel of buttons and devices stood the doctor himself. He gave knowing frown at what the cameras relayed to him. He wasn’t surprised in the least. From the moment he heard that boom in the distance, he knew it was his hated adversary. His mind just couldn’t fathom it. He could build the most amazing things and plot a hundred steps ahead. He was destined to conquer the world and lead it into a glorious new era.

But then one insipid, blue-furred speedster continued to defy him. All the building, calculating, and planning in the world was never enough to do away with the meddling Mobian. A vein lightly pulsed in his forehead, anger swelling within him as the mere thought of the accursed hedgehog sent a storm of emotions swirling beneath a still surface. Humiliation. Hatred. Loathing. Years of failure and indignity at that rodent’s hands. He had more than enough time to think about all these things while trapped in that insufferable dimension with his past self.

Well no longer. For now, Eggman was devising a way to rid himself of his hated enemy for good.


And right on schedule. That sounded like the hedgehog beginning to take apart the first wave of the citadel’s defenses. Eggman’s fingers again started typing away on the panel. The program was ready. Once the launch was initiated, he would have that blasted rodent right where he wanted him.


Another blast reverberated through the walls. This one louder than before. He was getting closer. Everything was nearly in place. Analytics were done and the final output was determined. One more flip of a switch, and–


The wall behind Eggman exploded with a blast of smoke. Sure enough, his blue nemesis stepped through the cloud with look of purpose on his face.

“Hold it right there, Eggman!”

Steadily looking over his shoulder, the mad genius looked toward his old enemy. Everything was falling together perfectly. Despite his previous growing anger, his face couldn’t help but break out into his usual wicked smile. This was the day. The day he would finally end it all. With a cruel smile, he stepped forward.

“Welcome, hedgehog. I've been expecting you.”

Sonic cast his eyes to the left of Eggman, fixing on his device, and the Emeralds inside. Tails had been right after all. Returning his gaze to his archenemy, he said: “Hatching up another evil scheme so soon, Doc? You think you'd learn to take a vacation.” His lip curved into his usual cocky smile “When you wake up twenty minutes from now in a pile of scrap metal with nothing but smashed dreams and a splitting headache, give it a try.”

Eggman huffed, running a gloved finger through his mustache. “That obnoxious wit is surpassed only by your overconfidence.”

“Helps that I always win.”

Forcing agitation down, Eggman sneered. “Then come get me, if you dare.”

Sonic smirked before curling his body forward into a ball. He spun, revving against the metal floor with his trademark Spin Dash. Friction-generated smoke peeled behind him and traces of blue light generated around his body, before he blasted forward and straight for Eggman.

The doctor simply awaited his opponent’s imminent arrival, still and unflinching .

Now at maximum speed, Sonic’s curled body sprung off the ground, aiming for a devastating blow to the villain.


Before he could reach the doctor, Sonic crashed into a transparent barrier, stopping him in his tracks and preventing him from getting any closer. His spinning form ground against the energy field, producing white-lit sparks .

He pushed forward with all his might, but in the end he was thrown back, landing hard on his rear and skidding roughly across the metal floor. The hedgehog shook his slightly throbbing head, attempting to get his bearings again with a half surprised, half pained groan.

“What the..?”

Eggman laughed from inside his square-shaped wall of protection. The force field confined him, the control panel, and the machine harnessing the Chaos Emeralds.

“Sonic, Sonic, Sonic. So pathetically predictable.”

Stepping forward to the edge of the barrier, he gave it a few knocks for demonstration. “Impressed? It’s a high density energy field, powered directly from the radiation emitted by the Chaos Emeralds. You can kick, spin, and headbutt all you like, you won’t get through it.”

Sonic stood up again and dusted himself off. “Heh, so that’s the big master plan now, Doc? Hide out in your little safe zone like a wuss? Hope I give up out of complete boredom?” Sonic mocked, resting a fist on his hip. “Pretty anticlimactic, don’t you think?”

Eggman, however, just grinned. “Hardly, you moronic hedgehog. That is only the first step.”

The doctor began to pace back and forth in front of the force field, mere feet away from Sonic.

“I’ve had lots of time to think about the steps for this next project. You know. In that endless dimension you left me trapped in. But low and behold, a random portal eventually opened and allowed my escape. From there, I set about developing my latest work of genius. “It was a long, complicated process. Countless computer simulations, probability scenarios, tireless repetitions of different quantum analyses… nothing your feeble little mind could comprehend, of course. I just want you know how hard it was. And more importantly, how rewarding the end result will be.”

Sonic looked on, scowling at Eggman. The doctor’s pacing began to slow as he glowered at Sonic behind his dark glasses.

“You see Sonic, we’ve been doing this little run around of ours for longer than either of us can remember. How many times have you stepped forth to oppose me? How many of my brilliant schemes have you undone? How many humiliating defeats have I suffered at your hands? In short, I have grown quite weary of your constant interference. But… one thing appears to be quite clear. I… cannot defeat you. You’ve destroyed, smashed, and pulverized nearly everything I’ve sent your way over the years. For some reason, none of my genius inventions have ever been enough.”

His pace came to a stop and he turned his back on Sonic. “As much as it burns my soul to admit… I. Can’t. Beat you.”

Sonic for his worth was flabbergasted. His stare got more wide-eyed and quizzical with every second of Eggman’s monologue. The arrogant scientist, the one person on Mobius with a bigger ego than him, admitting defeat? And why did this speech bring some strange sense of deja vu? It was too surprising for Sonic to even muster a witty retort. He just stood there watching. Listening.

“So then, there’s only one option left.” Eggman proceeded to pull a lever and press a big red button on the control panel, immediately putting Sonic on guard. “If I can’t defeat you, I’ll just have to send you away. Forever.”


In an instant, the walls of the room were covered by thick and shiny red panels of metal slamming down from gaps in the roof and folding in on each other, solidifying into a solid mass that contained the entire room. Sonic whirled his head around, recognizing them easily. They were reinforced alloys that Eggman used in some of his higher end creations. Even he and Knuckles had a hard time breaking them.

He was trapped.

And that’s when the sound of crackling static caught his ears. “Huh?” He turned to see pulses of blue electricity sparking in a small circle in midair about twenty feet away. In the next moment, an indescribable sound was heard as a black wormhole began to open up there in front of him as his eyes widened. And it began to grow. “What’s that?”

Safe behind the force field, Eggman gave a smug look. “That Sonic, is a dimensional rift. A small tear in the fabric of time and space itself. And I will use it to send you to your doom.”

Gasping, the hedgehog turned around to glare at his arch enemy through the barrier.

“In all honesty, I have no idea where it will send you. Perhaps to a world where the inhabitants have mutated into hideous creatures of the night. Perhaps to a frozen, uninhabited world where you’ll slowly starve to death… if you don’t freeze first. Maybe you’ll warp right into extreme heat of a supernova. Or the cold, endless vacuum of space. Whatever the case may be, you will be gone, oh perpetual thorn in my side. Never again to interfere in my plans.”

The wormhole behind Sonic grew even larger. It soon began to create a vortex of wind that threatened to pull Sonic off his feet and suck him in. He ducked low trying to brace himself against the suction, grabbing at the edge of a panel in the floor. “You won’t get away with this, Eggman!” he cried out defiantly.

“Oh poor, deluded Sonic. I already have,” smiled the doctor, as he looked Sonic right in his eyes. “And once you’re gone, there will be nothing and no one left to stand in my way. I’ll conquer the entire world, and destroy all who stand in my way. My rule shall be uncontested. Your friends will suffer. They will either serve me as my roboticized minions, or they will die. And there will be nothing you can do to stop me. Carry that agony with you to oblivion.”

The vortex behind him became too much for Sonic to hold on. He slid along the floor towards it, his sneakers screeching on the metal floor. Until finally he could hold on no longer and was pulled off his feet, reaching out his hand desperately at the last familiar view he had, crying out as he was finally pulled into the dark void.


Eggman turned his back to his old foe. A mad grin split across his face as an unbridled sense of triumph welled up inside him. Today marked a black day for all the denizens of Mobius, and the beginning of a glorious era of the Eggman Empire.

He had done it.

His hated enemy was gone.

He had won.

Farewell, Sonic the Hedgehog.”

Author's Note:

Has Eggman finally won? Is this truly the end for our spiky blue hero? Find out next time on BREAK THE WALLS DOOOOOOWN!

...Lol, I watched way too much DBZ as a kid.

Aaaaand, done. Man this has been a long time coming. You get a cookie for each little reference you can catch. Feedback and constructive criticism is welcomed. Special thanks to my good friend on DeviantArt, BroDogz, for the commission.

My other sites where I'll be posting this story and related materials are here.