• Published 28th Feb 2018
  • 6,764 Views, 45 Comments

Majin Android 21: Let's Eat I'm Hungry - golden dawn

HI, my name is Majin Android 21. U can call me 21 I fight Big Bad Moster for a living and help my family. So if you wan to see what happen come on in and find out! (^_^)

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ch 1

I sat down on a bench eating my ice cream cone, watching as everyone goes by. I had just made enough money this year to get a ticket to Comic-Con and enough more to customize my costume.

I went dressed as Majin Android 21. After playing as her character, I immediately fell in love with her. With a few changes here and there and switching those horrible high heels for combat boots that were to make this costume look fabulous, finally.

I was even asked by a couple of other cosplayers to pose with them while they took pictures. I had a great time throughout the day and got to play a few games with some people here. I made a couple of new friends and found out what new video games are coming out soon.

I decided to get off my butt since it started falling asleep sitting on this bench for so long. After making my way through a couple of stands in the back, I noticed one that seemed out of place.

While the others had big signs up showing which company or franchise they word advertising, this one seems to have none of those.

Making my way towards it, I noticed that a lot of the souvenir items they had out were from different games, anime shows and manga stories.

As I surveilled all the items, I noticed two major ones that I liked. One of them was a pair of boxes with 14 different dragon balls inside. It was incredible seeing all those dragon balls in one box huddle together to make them look even Cooler... haha, I made a pun.

The next item was another box, but this one was full of capsules from the capsule Court. I've been looking for this capsule box for a while now so I can complete the collection I had back home.

While looking at these items, I didn't notice The Girl Behind The Stand approach.

“ Welcome, welcome value customer. What can I get for you today.” Looking up, and to my surprise, I see Anna from Fire Emblem Heroes.

“Wait a minute, I know you-you're Anna from Fire Emblem. Waw, incredible you got everything right. I can't find one flaw in this costume.” I said as I began examining her all over, not one hair, makeup, or armer out of place. This was almost looking at the exact character in the game.

Anna blinked few times and surprise row before having a blush on her face and smile happily.

“ Wow, I didn't think I would meet someone who notices my charter right off the bat. You must be really into Fire Emblem.” Anna said while putting the Box she had in her hand on the table.

“ Oh yes, I am, I started off with Fire Emblem Awakening, and after that, I started looking for the older and newer versions. Ever since then, I've been into it and collected most of the games.” I said well, scratching the back of my head shyly.

“ Don't worry, sister, I know how that is. But anyway, you came to my stand, so most likely there's something you want what can I get for you.” Anna said that she put on a winning smile.

“Okay, I would like to buy those two boxes of Dragon Balls, the green one and the crystal one, as well as the capsule Court box you have right there.” I said, pointing at the three boxes that we're behind Anna.

Turn around, she noticed the items I had pointed out. He turned around with a smile on her face.

“ So I want to buy the green and Crystal Dragon Balls. Most people usually just go for the other ones. and I can finally cell this dang capsule box that I've been holding In stock for a very long time.” Anna said as she put all three boxes in a plastic bag.

“ That'll be $139, and it comes with these two statues of Shenron.” Anna said while putting up two different colored sand runs on the table.

One was a blue scale Shenron, while the other one was a completely grayscale Shenron. Smiling, I grabbed both statues and put them in the bag catching it, and began leaving Anna Stan. before I left, though, I had a question for Anna

“ Hey, Anna.”I said, turning around to find Anna moving a giant package from the back to the front's new space.

Anna looked up in shock see me in front of her, but soon that turned into a smile.

“Yes, 21. I thought you already left. Is there anything I can help you with?” Anna said as she put the box down.

“ Yeah, I was wondering do you know anyone here that goes by the merchant.” The moment those words left my mouth, I found myself in the back with Anna. Seeing her looking at me with her Axe at my throat.

“Why do you want to know about that retrospect bastard!” Anna said with a furious look in her eyes.

“Whoa whoa whoa whoa! Hold Freak Out what the hell happened to you. I just asked one question, and you just freaked out on me! Now put that damn thing away. I only ask because I need to find him to get displaced!” I said to Anna with anger in my voice, being threatened makes me very hostile.

Anna, I just looked at me for a while before slowly dragging her ax down and motioning me to follow her to a table in the back. Slowly getting my emotions under control, I made my way towards the table, sitting down. Anna, on the other side pulled up a teapot from... Where the hell did she get that?

“ Okay, so you're not one of those bastards then.” Anna said with a sigh of relief after pouring 2 Cups of Tea in handy one to me.

Taking the cup I took a sip to my mildly surprised of the flavor. It was chai tea my favorite.

“ So you going to explain what the hell just happened back there. I mean sure I know a lot of people hate the guy I mean I do to paste one of my best friends.” I said remembering what happened to Kaiyo his sister went into a such a horrible depression she disappeared a year later at the next convention.

“ Oh, I see yes that miserable bastard always Chose those closest to there friends and family. I know a few that are good that work with those miserable bastards, but unfortunately, they are outnumbered by the bad.” Anna said while taking a sip of her tea.

“ So I'm guessing you're trying to find the bastard to get displaced as well.” Anna continued to say as I put my fingers together sheepishly.

“Yes, I understand but….no, no, no, no, no, no I will not let you meet that. ‘inner screaming’ look if you want to get there so bad let me sand you!” Anna said with a bright smile as a twinkle was in her eyes.

While Anna was saying that, I was taking a sip of tea so I may have done a spit tack.

Thank goodness I was facing away from Anna, or that would have been painful.

“ You can do what in the what now!?” I asked her, entirely shocked at what she just said.

“ Why yes, my good friend 21 you see I happened to be with an organization just like the merchant, just like there are many different Merchants Anna's are just the same we also live in the void most of the time we're just Merchants most of the time though selling our products. but some of us, like a couple of my sister's, like to end of this place people too.” Anna said while opening a small window next to her, which for some reason wasn't there before.

Looking through it, I saw Realm of Darkness from Kingdom Hearts. I walked around the table, put my hand through and put my hand into the sand, picking it up. It was really it was bloody reeealllll!

I sat down on my ass, looking at the portal and disbelief as it slowly closes in front of me.

“ I know, right most people think it's horrible there, but really it's not that bad sometimes I take vacations there to have a quiet time to myself haha,” Anna said that she has a far of distance most likely remembering past vacations there.

“ Okay, so you can really send me there?” I asked Anna with a little bit of hope in my voice.

“ But of course, it's no trouble with my powers. But thankfully, since you came to me first, I stopped you from going to that bastard. Even unlock a couple of things you'll like.” Anna said while pointing the finger at me that was glowing green, then blue then red and finally a golden shine.

The beam shop towards me and soon I felt different my body felt stronger Mitel began moving around I felt like I had something New inside of me. Looking up I saw Anna panting as if she ran a couple of miles.

“There you go, haha I took a lot more than I thought. I have unlocked your full potential as well giving you the ability of Elder Great Guru to unlock other people's potential. You also have Kaioken, but you're going to have to train to master that. You have the knowledge of ki, but I hate that word so just call it Chi. I like that word better. last Lee, I've given you full control over your hunger so you won't go bezerk, as well as Full knowledge and control of all the cells that are combined into your body the Earthling/Saiyan/Bio-Android/Frost Demon/Namekian/Majinhybrid That you are, should be easy for you to control.” Anna said as she wiped another drop of sweat that was on her forehead.

I decided to check and see with her. Putting my hand on my chest, I begin to Focus. Soon enough I started receiving information on different ways to use Chi energy, Knowledge from Scientific Technology and biomechanics that I had never known before, information on Magic that I completely forgot DBZ had, and finally as well as details of all the specific cells that are inside of me.

Open my eyes, I looked at Anna with the look of absolute Wonder. Not only was I powerful, I could actually detect the Chi All around us. I could even see that her energy was one of the most highest that was around us with two others nearby just as powerful as hers.

“ That was awesome! I could feel the energy coursing through me. Not only that but I can also detect the Chi flowing all around us. Anna, you're one of the strongest beings here with only one other just as powerful as you.” I said with the look of excitement on my face as my Tail Wag left and right a happily.

Anna, was smiling at the compliment until a look of annoyance appeared on her face.

“ That must be the merchants the only one here as strong as me, well unless his boss was here she would be at the power level of the grandmaster of my organization.” Anna said well, I had a look of shock. Not only were these two very powerful, but their bosses were even more powerful than both of them.

“Anyway, it's time to send you off!” Anna said opened up a portal grab me by the front of my top and tossed me into it.

“Remember, if you ever need anything, contact me on the number on your receipt!” Anna said as the portal began to close, enveloping me Into Darkness.

Time date don't know

It has been 3 weeks since I've appeared on this new planet. During that time, I begin my training to understand my unique abilities and Powers.

I first began to master control over my Chi energy during the first week here. I knew how to create different Chi attacks starting with the Kamehameha, not even made a couple of different versions of it. Interesting enough, they're not blue but black and red when I fire them. Then there's the Mystic shooter, death beam and eye lasers, Spirit Bomb, although in a smaller scale than the one Goku makes as well as 16 other different special attacks that I wanted to try out.

I also learned how to turn myself into a giant like the namekian and also divided Myself into two different entities. this made for a great sparring partner because my copy would have just as much power as myself.

All that was just in one week.(^ 3^) The second week being here I began to manipulate my body structure with the help of the Majin cells that I had. I twisted and turned my body like a rubber band. I let myself turn into liquid, even a gas it was weird being a gas I felt light-headed 2.

Soon I began to train with the strength I had. Punching a boulder and to dust was very surprising. Ripping a Boulder out of a mountain was even more incredible. I was definitely stronger than my old body. But I wanted more difficulty so using my body manipulation, I increase my whole body weight twice as much as I am now.

Immediately I could tell that I was twice as heavier than I was before. I didn't know how to use magic yet to create gravity SEALS or had a gravity chamber so this is the best option. What the cells of the Majin race that I had I could change my body's weight automatically.

Soon begin doing push-ups, sit-ups, and pull-ups 3000 each set. I then started running around The valley that I found myself in. Every now and then, I would grab a stone that was on the ground and toss it in the air. The moment it came down, I would throw a punch at it, destroying it to dust. Doing this was really hard because each don't I threw would go into the air and wouldn't come down for a long time. This was to increase my reflexes, end the stones came flying down. I don't know where I would have to rely on my senses to pick when it arrived.

After a couple hours of that training I well then grab a boulder and sit on it for the next 6 hours. So it's it on the bullet or in a meditative position to focus on my chi manipulation. I wanted to have a large deposit of chi energy so while I meditated to help increase my pool of chi energy. During sometimes after I got off my meditation boulder I would find little animals either sitting on my lap or nestling into my hair. Period. It was bizarre.

I used hunger beam on the couple of items around the area. turns out I can turn anything that hits it into whatever I want to eat. So breaking up any boulder I would always have food ready for me. 3 cheeseburgers to milkshakes and a large salad with lots of ranch drip drip drip. I thought my mouth.

During those breaks when I would eat I would also turn a couple of stones around into food for the animals at began to Cluster around me.

After these brakes I would also begin to learn The fly. Most of those times ended with me meeting the ground a lot. It seems even if I have understanding, it's still would take a little while for this body to master those skill's.

Luckily after 3 hours I begin to slowly Master to fly. It was incredible to soar through the clouds. This Valley was so beautiful I could see the areas where I would pull Boulders out and the far-off regions of this area. My running around insert areas left indent that I've been here as well.

Soon enough I came to the most beautiful sight I've ever seen. I found an obvious part of the valley they had a lovely Lake as well as flower beds all around. It was breathtaking.

After I was done with my flight training I began working on my Kaioken ability. The first time I used it was painful. I had doubled the power I already had in me almost make me pass out. But luckily with the meditation training I've done I was able to control it better. this took me 3 days just to master the first KaioKen.

Deciding that disability was too dangerous I decided that I would only continue training disability more of my chi energy control. For now KaioKen one was at least available to me.

During the third week here I decided to take out the dragon balls that I've been saving. Opening up my belly where I was keeping the items. I found the 14 Dragon Balls still in the boxes. The major difference now was now they glow brightly when they were near each other.

Taking the Crystal dragon balls out I put them on the ground as I get into Focus.

“ Eternal Dragon Shenron here my call come to me and grab my wishes!” I announced While still being a little bit disturbed with a new voice. While I was at it I sent 7 pieces of my body onto Each Dragon Ball, So when they were about to scatter around the world my body cells would wrap around the dragon balls and bring them straight towards me.

The Crystal Dragon Balls begin to Glow brightly Then a beam of light shot up into the air soon to being began to transform into flash if they'll finally the mighty Dragon Shenron appeared.

Looking up and up and up...This mother freaker is 3 * bigger than the Shenron I saw on the show.

I thought in amazement as I saw the giant blue Shenron appearing in front of me.

“ What is your wis-” That is this for Shenron could get before I flew right up to him and started hugging his face.

“ Oh my God You're so big and your scales are incredibly beautiful they shine like Sapphires.” I said while rubbing my face on the smooth scale of a Shenron.

After a few minutes I noticed that everything became so quiet. Looking up I noticed that he was looking at me what the face that just said utter disbelief. But as I kept looking I noticed that a very large blush was also appearing on shenrons face.

Causing me to break out into a Large smile and start giggling. Which caused him to snap out of it and shake me off his head.

“Ahem thank you for the compliment Miss now what are your wishes 4 you have called Blue Shenron.” Shenrons B said as is surprisingly golden eyes looked at me.

“ I first like to ask questions Mighty Shenron blue, first I like to know how many wishes I have as well as the things you can and can't do.” I knew enough about Dragon Ball to know that some witches can't be made. Unless they were the black star dragon balls but those things will destroy a planet if you make a wish so hell know!

“ Very well the first you should know is that I can grant up to 5 wishes. If a wish you met is extremely more powerful it will take to of your wishes for instance resurrecting a large population that has died will cost you two wishes. Three wishes will be taking if involves granting abilities that involved the Multiverse or dimensions. This world is giving me extra power so unlike The Shenron you new we are far more stronger than him if I had to take a guess we are right now at ultimate Shenron strength I can kill someone if wished for. the same can be said for my brother.” Shenron said while pointing a finger at me most likely towards the green dragon balls.
“ Is there anything else I should know Blue Shenron?” I asked him as I floated a few feet from his face holding back the restraint to touching his scales again.

“ I will say this, the world is increasing mine and my brothers power, it is very slow but I can still feel it in time we may become Stronger if not more to the Super Shenron.” blue Shenron announced which made my jaw drop. If I remember correctly which I think I am it said that the Super Shenron Creator maybe is more powerful than Zeno.

“ Wow just wow... okay well I know my wishes.” I said still a little dumbstruck of what I heard.

“ What is your wish?” Shenron asked while finally getting a hold of himself again.

“ My first wish is to be granted the ability to travel Different Multiverse or dimensions.” I said I watch blue shenrons eyes glow I can feel that I had gained something new in my body immediately.

“ Your wish has been granted you have two wishes left.” blue Shenron set as I decided to see if it worked opening a portal I looked inside to see space only to see a giant Reaper pass by the portal. Immediately I close at 4 it'll and did not want to look back.

“Ok My next ability if you can grab this one is to upgrade my absorption.” I asked blue Shenron as I wanted to see if he could do this.

“ I understand with the wishes but I want to make sure you're asking for your absorption ability to be upgraded to not only absorb Organics but also synthetics and non living creatures correct.” blue Shenron said as I nodded my head up and down.

“That wish can be granted.” blue shenrons eyes glowed again as I felt a new ability being obtained.

“ Sweet before I make my last wish I need to ask how long will the Dragon Ball by incast in stone after I make my final?” I asked blue Shenron and I had forgotten to ask that last question.

“ Oh yes I forgot that. Thanks to this planet the resting period of the dragonballs is not a year, but 8 months if you only used one wish it would be one month, 2 wishes make it 3 months, 4 wishes make it 6 months.” blue Shenron said which made me thankful for that.

“ Okay for my final wish I wish for this entire Valley to grow. I want the resources to grow the area and protection.” I said while I looked around in the valley I had begun to call my home. After Learning to Fly I noticed that the valley was entirely surrounded by mountain regions. It was a very large force close by but in the most part it was just a secluded Valley in encased around by mountains all around.

“ Very well your word shall be granted.” Blue Shenron said as his eyes glow it again soon the valley began to expand more the force that were nearby I grew taller the plants around group bigger and stronger the lake grew larger as well, the mountains that surrounded the valley grew taller and higher into the sky, most likely making a even difficult for any sentient creature to see this place.

I began to detect something beneath the ground Landing down I put my hand on the surface to fill that the materials underground began to also increase.

I smiled as I looked up at blue Shenron.

“ Thank you Shenron, I hope to see you in 8 months.” I said wave my hand. Cheryl began to Glow just before he disappeared I could have sworn I saw a smile on his face before he left.

As soon walked as the dragonballs begin to hover high in the air glowing brightly. But before they could separate the blob pieces that I had put on to the dragonballs began to grow and engulf them soon all seven blobs at fully and case the dragonballs and shot a piece at one another tying them cells together.

As soon as they finished all seven of them were shot off in 7 different directions. They began stretching further and further away at very high speeds. But sure enough I could see that they were slowing down. After a couple more minutes went by I saw that they had completely Stopped.

No sooner had they stopped that my blouses begin to retract towards the knot they made in the middle. As soon as they came into contact the blobs felt towards me that were engulfed into my body.

I could tell immediately that the Crystal Dragon Balls Had turned to stone. But at least I didn't have to look the entire planet for the dragonballs which would have been very annoying.

Time date 2 years

During this time I had been training my body to become more quicker on reflexes. Thanks to finally mastering my dividing abilities I now can make four copies of myself. With my 4 copies I train myself on quick reflexes having all for my copies attack me at once.

I had also increase my body's weight from 2 to 60 times its original weight. Thus increasing my training exponentially. I also summon blue Shenron again as well as grey Shenron. I didn't have any wishes but since I still had not met any sentient creatures they were the only company I had.

I had also learned I if I do not made any wishes I can speak to both shenrons whenever I have all the dragon balls with me.

Speaking with both of them was very nice. Blue would always have more wisdom than grey. Well gray always had Interesting ways to change what I have already learned something. For instance Gray showed me That if I changed a couple of things in my Hunger beam I can transform other things into whatever I wish.... I love my new Sword.

During my time in the valley The creatures here Begin Interacting with me more. Sometimes a couple of foxes would bring me food they've caught, whichever then transform into something bigger with my Hunger beam. Little birds would come and just lay on my hair or head keeping me company singing their little songs.

During one strange time woke up to be in the closet of a dinosaur using me as a plushie... When the heck did this thing get me? I thought to myself as I morph my body into a liquid and slipped out of its grip.

I've also got in the more higher control over my chi and now can go 2 Kaio Ken times 60. I will say this though hurts like bloody hell if I mess up. Thankfully with the advice of both blue and gray Shenron I have a down size version of Kaio Ken. Adaptive skill the Kayo transformation.

My Kayo 2 transformation is just like the Super Saiyans. The only difference is instead of blue Lightning crackling around them minds are all light red.

The highest I've gotten with this technique at the moment is Kayo 3. this form transforms me into looking just like evil Majin 21. my skin turns purple with dark spots and my aura becomes much darker. While in this transformation I could easily Crush mountains just by poking them.

Afterward I began using my tell my battle forms. Most of the time it would be used to sneak attacks or help me deflect beams that were shot at me. After mastering more motor control on my tail I began using it as a third hand. Not only could I pick things up with it now I can also shoot my own beans out of my tail.

I have also decided to make a couple of alterations to some of the skills I've learned, such as the Kamehameha wave which usually requires two hands to launch it. So with some training and alterations of the energy I can now fire two Kamehameha wave out of both my hands. While firing a super Kamehameha wave from my tail.

During the last year of that training I focused most of my time on Chi control. My meditation Boulder has now become a garden. Every time I begin meditating little creatures and animals just seem to be drawn towards me.

During my Meditation I focused on increasing my chi energy. While doing this I would have one of my duplicates Watch Over Me to see if there was abnormal the changes. After each meditation period The information I get back was interesting, It seems that I wore meditating would unconsciously leak energy from my body. So during my next few meditation. I would concentrate keep my energy from seeping out of my body.

After half a year for meditating I was able to keep my energy from leaking out of my body. This also help increase my chi manipulation. I was no longer wasting valuable Chi energy.

This was prove it after having a sparring match with all four of my duplicates. Not only wear their attacks more powerful, but they we're not even winded after using one of my most powerful techniques. As well for my reflexes as I was able to dodge said technique.

After finishing the year of the meditation I was not able to focus my chi into 3 special techniques that I had.

To my first technique was a version of the Kamehameha wave, I decided to take a page from my old science. As I began to create the ball of energy in my hands I focus as several other small circles began to circle around the big orb. As soon as I was done focusing all the energy in to the point I want it I extended both my arms forward and shot Towards the Sky.

Just like every other Kamehameha wave a beam shot out of my head but instead of just having one large beam several tinybeans circling around it shot out as well circling the larger wave. I called this new technique the atom Kamehameha.

The next technique I made was Stardust breaker that Gogeta created in the Movie Fusion Reborn. Stardust breaker is capable of demolishing any truly evil being and is technically non-canon. As shown in the movie. When being formed, the atoms in the air are drawn to that spot. Eventually, the atoms form a beautiful rainbow colored circle, thus stardust breaker is made.

This technique is created with an upwards open palm.

The last technique was more like a ability instead of a technique. It took me a few times just trying to find how to create this ability but after a couple of times I finally learned how to time-leap period after watching how Hit use this ability I decided to create a version of my own.

At the most I can freeze time for 15 seconds. I'll have to train this ability so I can extend the time, but that was good for now.

Time date 5 years

During my time in the valley I begin to notice certain things that should have been odd but I haven't been picked up on it for a while.

One such thing was that for as long as I've been living here I had not looked up at the Moon at night. So Color Me surprised when I saw the picture of the mare in the moon on the moon... How the freaking hell did I not notice that!

The second thing was that all day today I kept feeling like something was Coming. It was beginning to annoy me so I decided to do one of my favorite things to do when I was annoyed.

Taking out my Galaxy+ I began looking through my music attack on my favorite one. Turning it on I began to beat myself to the dance of the music and soon began to sing.

As I sing the song I began to hover into the air soon twirling around and spinning in the air.

Assume divided myself into two more copies which sung background with me. While doing so I had not noticed the present I had detected coming closer towards me.

I rows higher to the air as my doubles stayed lower singing background for me. While doing so I didn't notice that the presents I had felt was now 30 minutes away from me.

Once I send the final lyric from the song and open my eyes. Only to have something slam into my gut send me flying towards the Ground.

Pentagram didn't hurt so much. But the migraine I got from hitting the stone behind me was becoming really I could swear I had anime swirling eyes right now.

As about to get up until I noticed something strange. When I felt something plump and round sitting on my abdomen. It felt soft and Squishy. Taking my hands up I gave whatever they were a firm squeeze. Gaining me a Yelp which I quickly retracted my hands from.

After getting the dizziness out of my vision I finally took notice of what was in front of me. In front of me stood Female Anthro Grey Pegasus, she had a golden mane and tail that caught my attention as well as beautiful gray fluffy Wings on her back. I could see she had Hooves instead of feet. She wore a strain battle armor if I look closely I can see chainmail underneath with her fur is as well as some coming her privates... I wasn't looking!

Her armor had white Shields blocking vital points And some sort of protective guards on her legs just a few inches away from her hooves. Just as I was about to say something the female Pegasus spoke up.

“ I I just don't know what went wrong?” the female Pegasus said that she passed out landing on top of me. smashing her chest plate onto my Head.

“... well damn the first person that I meet and she passed out..What the hell do I do now?” I said to myself as I stood up and picked up the gray Pegasus slinging her over my shoulder. Nearby saw a sword and grab it with my tail as I made my way towards my home with a surprising guest with me.