• Member Since 20th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen 25 minutes ago

David Silver

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Twilight catches wind of a global leader that has no contact with Equestria. This will not stand. Fortunately, she's already made friends with one of their citizens and is ready to set sail to adventure! A journey to the pirate's home island to meet and speak with the people affected by the Storm King, and especially their reclusive leader, the so-called Lord of Pirates.

Can Pirates even have a lord? Twilight can't wait to find out!

Chapters (13)
Comments ( 125 )

Pirate Parrots, where the Sparrow beats the mighty Eagle.

By cheating better.:moustache:

I mean, Celestia ran the place last time, just what would they be able to do if Luna decided to be Pirate queen? she knows where they all live.:trollestia:

Also, Spike in that picture is so going ,pounded millet tonight.:moustache:

What's the worst that could happen?

For fuck's sake, Twilight.

They prefer "swashbuckling treasure-hunters".

I know we were harsh on this in the chat but after reading it in full context I really hope you choose to continue it.

Murphy smiled rubbing his hands together eagerly "Ohh this is going to be so much FUN!"

Jack Sparrow, Monkey D. Luffy, Edward Kenway, Blackbeard, who could it be?

"They were terrible rules, and we never agreed to who was giving them. Two reasons to hate them. Seriously, one lunch break for the entire day? I hope the guy enjoys being in a thousand pieces."
They're more like guidelines really.

What's the worst that could happen?

You never, ever, say this. Not even if your life depends on it. This is like asking the universe to bi***slap you. Repeatedly.

Is this story comics-compliant? Because if so, there was that time Twilight and her friends were pirates for a week or two. That could give her some credibility with the other pirates.

Defeating sirens could also probably give her some credibility.

Huh. I always called them harpies. With a name like Celaeno, what else could she be?

In any case, this looks like it'll be a lot of fun. For the readers, anyway. Twilight will probably end up with a headache at best.

Also, this restaurant serves typos:

There are many ponies in Ponyville, and even some not.

Really awkward phrasing; makes it sound like "and even some ponies who aren't in Ponyville." I recommend "and even some others."

There's one story out there that calls them "parroquai" or something like that.

I fixed it and forgot to note it. Thank you for spotting the typos.


Black Spot Pete and Cantankerous Tim playing Vinegar Talk

Just be glad its Rum, Twilight.

It could be Scumble. :ajbemused:

To Spike, wouldnt that be the start of his pirate hoard?

Squabble x Derpy. I totally ship it. :trollestia:

Can't wait to see Twilight's revenge on Spike.

So, erm, why is Twilight's name in the title if the story is about Spike? Purely to garner attention?

Ironically even IF Twilight does not find out about Spike's training initially , if he gains the skills in "Swashbuckling" and later helps in a fight, and Twilight sees said skills she will instantly learn what Spike had been up to, and he will STILL get in trouble.

Because Spike exists and is doing a thing? Because focusing on Twilight as she idles the time during the journey would be quite unamusing? Because it was her idea to be there? Because one chapter does not a story's purpose dictate?

I'm really lost on this argument.


How have times changed.

Spikes not the swim in lava diamond hard scaled dragon in this story? Even far softre sapphire, ruby gem hardness turns hardend steel without a scratch, or it going with moving up from hand to shoulder gets under the scales overlapping in the other direction?

I'm not sure Spike has ever been proven to be slash-resistant?


Nod. Rarity did use him as a pin cushion, and depends on the pins if they are sword, arrow class tempered and hardened steels?

People can serve as pin cushions, especially with practice. It doesn't make them any more slash resistant.

with a tri-tipped hat

Also known as a tricorne! :twilightsmile:

dividing plank - bulkhead

Celeano pat Twilight - Celeano patted Twilight

Hmmm... what are the chances that having the metabolism of an alicorn will protect Twilight from inebriation?

hooking it on a large knob of wood - hooking it on a large belaying pin -or- hooking it on a large cleat

She wouldn't have had it any other way.

Mullet set Spike down

This is really shaping up like a continuation of the movie in the scene imagery and pacing. I like what you're doing with it!

I too admit some surprise at that sword going through dragon scales deep enough to hurt. Thick scales mean you have to go deep to hit nerves; on anything else, that cut would be well into the muscle.

Still, the adventure begins. Hopefully Spike will handle himself a bit better in the future. And Celaeno may want to take the time now to guide Twilight through proper piratical parley.

That's not how nerves usually work. What hurts more, a deep wound, or a shallow cut? The latter. Spike also has no canon-shown resistance to being cut open that I'm aware of? Am I missing something severe here?

I love seeing your Spike as a precocious child. I would think he's already pretty skilled at sewing, helping Rarity out and all.

8726144 The little guy has fire immunity perhaps DR 5/Slashing. We've seen him take some blunt hits and ignore needles in his back, but not ignore slashing damage. Timberwolf bites certainly scare him.

both of your safety. - both of your safety."

a soft clearing his his throat - a soft clearing of his throat

This does open a can of worms. Maritime law in our world says that a ship can only have one captain, and for good reason. A captain's command is law on their ship. If Twilight insists on asserting her authority, at best she could be bestowed a title of 'commodore' while aboard, but she would still be second to the captain.

Of course the caveat here is that this is not earth and our maritime laws and traditions need not apply. But the fact remains that if Twilight asserts herself in another crisis and ignores or countermands an order from Celaeno, that could go poorly for everyone.


If Twilight became a Commodore, that would be one of those in jokes, accidental or otherwise, that you can find regularly through the show, but I suspect not many people would recognise it unless its coincidences accross multiple other events.

Wouldnt the female dragons hoard increasing in value that much more, help increase her physical size as well as clique standing?

I kinda wanna see Spike get his own ship.

I agree, she really ought to know her place, and stick to being a quiet-as-a-churchmouse passenger. Things only worked out here because of an extraordinarily lucky (and probably unique - no other dragon has ever behaved like the yellow one here) coincidence.

Oh, so Twilight wants excitement in her life, huh? Well, things can get pretty exciting out there...

Water most commonly? Now that's a nice way to say that, we're stealing !

Spike gets a small taste of battle, and maybe a small mark of requirement. Interesting that his dragon scaling is not quite tough enough to brave blades...

darn lucky that. Still, an autographed chalice is pretty valuable indeed...

I wonder if Spike will be tempted to stay forever with the pirates.

That's right dragons! Beware Twilight or she'll give you a friendship beating! Lol that one dragons reaction was just hilarious. She's such a fan girl.

Yeah, the crew's really lucky for that coincidence, isn't it? Almost as if someone is conspiring to make things go well for them.

Henry didnt even know about the dragons yet, either?

Maybe Spikes swim tipped it for him?


AUGH :twilightangry2:

Hate that SO much, What is wrong with "everyone" or "everybody"?

Those be filthy EqG terms. We don't take kindly to those 'round here.

(I kid.)

who here besides me think it would be hilarious if Spike or Twilight (most likely spike) got named Pirate Lord?

Seems like Twilight was successfully distracted from the fact Spike has a real sword. That will come back up later, but for now it's good to let the idea simmer. Perhaps it was just shock at another sample of pirate humor.
So the retired Lord is still holding back? We wonder if it's caused of good intentions or something else...
Keep going! ;)

Nah, they're not quite that daft...

About 54.9104 percent sure.

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