• Published 19th Mar 2018
  • 6,250 Views, 52 Comments

Godzilla: Clash of the Titans - Gojipower12

Godzilla and the Main Six are in for a loop when a three-headed space monster arrives to Equestria with a thirst for destruction.

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Chapter 9

"Is everyone okay?" Twilight asked as she pulled Rarity out from the wreckage with her magic. Despite the severity of the crash, it was a miracle that no one got seriously injured.

"Yeah, we're good." Rainbow said, rubbing her head.

"I've seen worse crash-landings...." Onix said, still shaking dust from his mane. Celestia looked around at her surroundings, letting out a soft sigh as she gazed upon the plethora of trees dotting the landscape.

"Well, I suppose we could have crashed on a more unpleasant area." Celestia remarked.


"What was that?!" Rarity yelped in surprise. Everypony turned their sights skywards as a massive shadow loomed over them. The culprit whom took down the airship was a enormous bat-like Titan. In general appearance, the Titan looked like a combination of a bat and a dragon. It was a rusty-red color with a mahogany underbelly. The creature sported a fleshy wattle hanging from its throat that resembled a uvula. The bat-like Titan hissed as it landed on the wrecked vehicle, scanning the area with its lime-green eyes before stopping to gaze at the tiny ponies below it.

"You got a catchy name for the big ass bat?" Onix asked, backing up.

"I have been doing research on Titans for the last two years. This Titan resides near these island regions. The locals native to these islands dubbed it Bagorah, the Voracious Demon." Celestia replied in a barely audible whisper.

"Gee, that's real freaking comforting." Onix retorted. With a screech, Bagorah unfurled his wings in a threat display, letting out a furious hiss while expanding the size of his wattle to twice its original size.

"That thing looks pretty mad. I think we should get out of here...!" Rainbow said. Bagorah screeched as he dived towards the now running ponies, taking a swipe at the Main Six. Twilight shrieked as she narrowly dodged the massive talons aimed for her. Bagorah screeched in frustration, banking to the right as he targeted a very unlucky Rarity that tripped over a buried root.

"AHH! MY HOOF!" Rarity cried. Right as the white unicorn stood up, she was met with massive talons closing in on her.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" Rarity screamed as Bagorah grabbed the unicorn and took off with her.

"RARITY!!" Twilight cried, taking off into the sky after the giant bat Titan. Rarity began smacking her hoofs on Bagorah's foot in a feeble attempt to force him to release his grip on her.

"UNHAND ME YOU VILE, BARBARIC BEAST!!! I AM NOT SOME CHEW TOY TO BE PLAYED WITH!" Rarity screamed. Twilight flew right in front of Bagorah, firing a volley of magical projectiles at the Titan's face.

"LET HER GO!" Twilight angrily yelled. Bagorah screeched in annoyance before snapping his jaws at the flying Alicorn, hissing in frustration as the Alicorn continued to dodge his attacks. Unbeknownst to Twilight, the ground below began to violently tremble. Before anyone could react, the ground exploded as another massive Titan emerged from the underground. The new Titan looked like a cross between a rhino, a dinosaur, and a crocodile. It walked on six legs ending in powerful clawed paws and possessed a heavily armored body. Its head was equally armored with a backwards facing frill jutting out from the end of its skull and a trio of blunt horns jutting out of its snout. The armored Titan opened its massive jaws filled with countless razor-sharp teeth as it lunged straight at Twilight.

"OH SWEET FAUST!" Twilight yelped as she dodged out of the behemoth's way. The armored Titan roared angrily as it charged after Twilight with hunger in its eyes. With another defeaning roar, the armored Titan leaped towards Twilight. Twilight quickly flew up and grabbed hold of Rarity before using a teleportation spell, teleporting herself and Rarity away just before the armored Titan accidentally smashed headlong into Bagorah, sending both Titans tumbling into the ground. As the two Titans struggle to recover, Twilight and Rarity spontaneously appeared in front of the rest of the group in a flash of magic.

“Princess Celestia! There’s another Titan on this island!” Twilight exclaimed.

“He looks rather ghastly, to boot.” Rarity added.

“Yes, we witnessed the creature emerge from underground.” Celestia stated.

“Y’know with all your power, you could’ve done a little more than “witness”. Now, let me guess, the other monster got a name too?” Onix remarked.

“Rokmutul.” Was Celestia’s only response before the sounds of angry roaring and screeching caught everyone’s attention. Rokmutul and Bagorah finally managed to right themselves up, snarling in anger as both Titans glared at the multi-colored equines. The two behemoths were about to attack when the sight of pitch-black clouds caught their attention, along with the ponies’. Golden lightning violently danced around the clouds, as if it was alive and brewing with anger.

“Wait, that’s the same storm we picked up before Bagorah attacked us. How can that be possible? It was on the other side of the map!” Twilight said. Onix narrowed his eyes as he glanced at the storm quickly approaching.

“Thunderstorms don’t move that fast. In fact, they don’t even move on their own at all...” Onix stated. “Unless....”


Everyone froze over hearing that very familiar and dreadful shriek. Almost instantaneously, the truth behind the dark clouds was revealed to the ponies.

That was no thunderstorm brewing in the sky.

A flash of golden lightning streaked through the clouds, briefly casting Ghidorah’s massive sillhuette before going dark again. Like a eagle diving towards the ground from mid-air, Ghidorah dove out of his cover and barreled towards the island. With a loud shriek, Ghidorah smashed into Bagorah with enough force to level a mountain, grabbing hold of the significantly smaller Titan in his talons and slamming the beyond befuddled thing into the ground. using her magic, Twilight teleported herself and everyone out of the brawling Titans' path and onto a nearby cliff, where they would be safe.

"Hey, better them getting torn apart by Ghidorah than us, right?" Rainbow said with a uncertain grin.

"How can you say that, Rainbow?! Those Titans are animals just like rabbits and bears! It's not right seeing any living creature get hurt, not even Titans!" Fluttershy scolded.

"Oh, save me the lecture, Flutters. The giant bat and that lizard thing down have been nothing but pretty damn hostile towards us! I think it's great that those big jerks are getting their butts handed to them by something even bigger than they are!" Rainbow shot back, crossing her arms in her usual pouty mannerisms.

"That's such a mean thing to say!"

"Maybe it is, but that's just way life is sometimes. Nature isn't always cute and fuzzy like you want it to be. It can get real ugly sometimes. You of all ponies should know that!"

"Gals, quit yer fightin' already! We got other problems t' worry about!" Applejack yelled.

"You mean like that?" Pinkie asked, motioning to the towering form of Ghidorah getting sent sprawling into the cliffside.

"LOOK OUT!" Twilight yelled as she once again teleported everyone to safety right before Ghidorah smashed into the cliffside. Rokmutul charged at Ghidorah, only for the golden Titan to grapple onto the armored Titan's face with his talons. Ghidorah's three heads latched their jaws on Rokmutul's backside, lifting the Titan in the air before flipping him over and smashing him on the ground. Bagorah screeched as he lunged at Ghidorah and began swiping his talons at the triple-headed Titan. Ghidorah's right head clamped its jaws on Bagorah's tail and pulled down hard, slamming the bat-like Titan into the ground. Ghidorah's right and left head then grabbed onto Bagorah's wings and forcibly outstretched them, causing the Titan to screech in pain. With a snarl, Ghidorah's center head opened its jaws and fired a fully-charged gravity beam straight into Bagorah's chest, sending the Titan flying into the ground. Ghidorah snarled and turned around, watching with mild amusement as Rokmutul stood back up, roaring with fury. Ghidorah simply unfurled his wings and took to the air, grabbing Rokmutul in his talons and flying a couple thousand feet into the sky. With a shrill hiss, Ghidorah dropped the unfortunate Titan out of the sky while simultaneously firing a volley of gravity beams straight into Rokmutul's stomach and sending the Titan crashing into the hard ground below.


"Back to the ship! Hurry!" Twilight exclaimed, running towards the wreckage with the others. Onix's horn ignited with its red aura as he began magically replacing the damaged parts of the ship with new ones, managing to at least revive the engines.

"Get inside! I got the engines working!" Onix yelled. His gaze turned to the enormous three-headed Titan, who had just noticed his airship, charging towards the ponies with renewed bloodlust. Onix quickly rushed everyone inside as quick as possible.

"Go, go, go! You too, Celestia!" Onix exclaimed. After everypony was inside the ship, Onix jumped in the cockpit and activated the thrusters.

"SKREEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!" Ghidorah angrily screeched as he neared the ship.

"He's getting closer! HE'S GETTING CLOSER!!" Rainbow frantically exclaimed. After a moment, the ship finally came to life and rocketed into the sky just mere seconds before Ghidorah's center head could bite down on the vehicle's rear propeller. Ghidorah snarled with rage as he watched the ship fly off.

"WHOOOOOOO! WE DID IT! WE DID IT! WE DID IT! WE DID IT! WE DID IT! WE DID IT! WE DID IT! WE'RE ALIVE!" Pinkie exclaimed joyously, shaking Rarity by her shoulders.

"PINKIE, DARLING, CAN YOU PLEASE STOP SHAKING MEEEEE I'M GETTING A BIT DISORIENTED...!" Rarity exclaimed. Pinkie finally let go of the white unicorn, giggling like a little kid.

"Oops. My bad!"