• Published 15th Feb 2018
  • 3,725 Views, 180 Comments

Dadonequus Discord, But It's The MLP Movie (And still doesn't have Discord) - CrazedLaughter

The "Hero Colt" Anon finds himself within the events of the MLP movie and tries to win the day in his own way. Of course, like everything else he does, this doesn't go at all like he plans

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Chapter 10: Tempest's Resignation

When Tempest realized you were being crushed in her grip, she accidently steps back and crushes the mirror under her right front hoof.

You plop onto the ground and let out a grunt and start taking deep breaths. When you look back up, you could see the reason as to why you were suddenly choked. Tempest was back to normal.

Tempest lifts her hoof and looks upon the shattered mirror, her shattered reflection. She too can see that she was back to her normal self. And yet, when she looked at herself through it, she felt that what she saw was a broken shell. That her obsession was now broken, and her need for her horn being restored was now pointless. She didn’t even feel a tinge of regret for reverting back to her normal form. She then looks down at you, but her stare, it didn’t seem like she had internally changed.

You just look back up at her, trying to figure out what she was thinking. It was obvious that being an adult again restored her mettle and her demeanor. But she wasn’t saying anything, she wasn’t acting. It was unnerving. “Tempest?”

“Don’t waste your breath, you’re still my prisoner.” She then turns to Capper “And I wouldn’t try anything either. Not unless you want to be kibble for my soldiers.”

Capper gulped as he raised a shaky finger and chuckled nervously “H-haha, that’s a joke right? I thought-”

“You thought wrong. And now you both have no power. And since we’re running out of time, I’d rather cut right to the chase.” She said, her voice going back to that evil smugness she had when you first met. She hopped off the table, taking your photobook and saddlebag with her, and opened the door. “Now march…”

“Tempest, I-I thought” You really thought she had changed. Did she not remember what just happened?

“Like I told the furball, you thought wrong.” Her horn started to sparkle for a moment there. It was clear she meant business.

And so you and Capper stepped out of the captain’s quarters, defeated and miserable. Tempest followed behind as she pointed you two to stand next to the pirates. God fucking dammit. How?! You did EVERYTHING right! More than right! It was perfect! And yet, maybe, she really was a monster...deep inside.

Grubber took no time to rush up to Tempest and give her a salute with cake smothered all over his lips “Commander Tempest, erm…” He seems to suddenly get anxious as he looks to the left and the right “I think I know how that colt got out...erm. You’re not gonna be mad, right? Because, it’s kind of funny. hehe...Y’know, just in case you were wondering how that happened. Speaking of, erm, what happened in there?”

But Tempest didn’t answer him, instead, she looked deep into his eyes without nary a word.

Grubber gulped “T-Tempest? You ok?”

“Tell me, Grubber. Who exactly are you loyal to?” She asks, her voice still cold and emotionless.

“Uhhh…”Grubber seemed a little confused by the question, he began to rub the back of his head nervously, unsure of what was going on. “I guess the Storm King? But uh, also you? Yeah, totally you mostly. I mean, he probably wouldn’t really let me into his army unless I was the minion of someone cool and amazing and strong. And uh, you’re all those things Tempest. So I guess it’s more you than the Storm King. Yeah...Yeah, that’s right.” Grubber puts on a proud smile as he pumps his chest “I’d follow you anywhere. Heh, we’re the best team, right? I mean, more you than me but it’s always great to see our enemies crumple like paper to you Tempest...also cake, I like all the free cake.” He somehow pulls another cupcake from under his shirt and eats it in one bite before giving a longing sigh “Ohhohooo, so good”

“Grubber, do you mean that? Do you mean to say that no matter what, you’ll follow me? Like say...a friend?” Her expression, for a moment, becomes softer. And you, and perhaps only you, took notice.

Ahh geez, it’s one of these. You’d think she’d have the damn courtesy to let you and Capper in on it instead of just seeming like an asshole. Ahh well, at least it meant you weren’t going to blow up. Speaking of which, this was going to be a hell of a show.

“I..Guess? Yeah...I mean. Erm…” Grubber suddenly becomes nervous as he looks to the side “Like, best friends? I’d say we’re best friends, but only because that’s what I think. If you don’t think that then it’s not true. Whatever you think it is Tempest, that’s what I’m totally down with.”

Tempest let’s out a quick chuckle as she shakes her head “Grubber, I’d just like to say we are best friends. And yes, you’re forgiven for losing your keys to that cat.”

Grubber eyes suddenly went big with relief and care as he rushed over to her side with excitement. He never thought in a million years that he’d be forgiven for such a screw up. And furthermore, he had never heard her say such nice things before, at all. It made him feel a wholeness he never really felt before. “Yeah! Haha! You really are the coolest, Tempest! So what are we gonna do with these traitors?” Grubber gives you all, especially you, the evil eye.

Tempest looks to the storm beasts with militaristic flare “All of you, line up!”

The storm beasts roared and huffed as they all formed a single file line. They seemed a little confused as to what was going on, but they weren’t going to question Tempest...not like they could, didn’t seem like they could talk.

Tempest just looked upon them with a smirk as she stepped in front of Grubber and nodded at them. “Good, very good. But I know you all follow me because the Storm King has you follow me. And I know that courtesy only extends to me as as long as I follow him. And while the perks of our highness is good at the price of destroying the hopes and dreams of everyone we come across. I have decided to take my life in a different direction…”

Everyone, everyone but you were suddenly confused with her words. Oh man, you wish you had some popcorn. Because this was gonna be a hell of a light show.

“So…” She looks over to you.

Oh man, you just wanted to spring up and tell her to blast the fuck out of them. But you kept your cool. And nodded.

Her eyes, they became friendly, if only for a moment. She must have looked at you for just a quick reminder for her choice. But when she saw that nod, that gesture of approval, she felt her heart warm. She didn’t want to seem cruel after what you had done, but it was the only way she was going to be able to get her forces to line up for what she was going to do.

She then looked to her confused little comrade. She hadn’t the heart to blast him, and for all intents and purposes, it seemed he’d probably join her on the flip after she’s done executing her plan.

She then smirks at her former soldiers “Consider this my resignation. Oh, and be sure to let the good king know his reign of terror is going to be over soon enough.” And her horn went alit with magical fury as she released a huge burst of lightning like magic that exploded like a bomb, sending the now charred soldiers back onto the airship as the stream of magic destroys the spear anchor’s chain like it was paper. It was a thing of fucking beauty!

Celaeno was just stunned, she just raised a talon and pointed it at the now escaping airship, then to Tempest, then back at the airship. “..What just happened?”

You couldn’t contain yourself. Like, holy shit. That was amazing! You rush right into her and hug onto her leg “Tempest! That was fucking amazing! Holy crap! You got them all in one freaking blast!”

Tempest let’s out a light hearted chuckle as she she looks down at your absurdly cute reactions “Well, now I know you weren’t lying about my magic. You’re right though, that was pretty cool”

“Tempest? W-what’s going on?” Grubber seemed both scared and confused. He couldn’t figure out why you seemed so excited or why she blasted her own soldiers.

Tempest looks back at him for a moment, she didn’t know how she should approach him with her sudden change in allegiance. But, she did want to make sure he’d follow her on her decision. So she looks away and speaks in a distant voice. “If it’s not obvious by now, I’ve decided to leave the Storm King’s army. And I’m not coming back. So, what are you going to do, Grubber?”

Grubber gulped, looked to you, the pirates, the escaping airship, and then back to Tempest. For being rather pea-brained, he was giving this a lot of thought. He turned his back on her for a moment and held up a Storm King action figure and gave it a long stare. “Tempest, um. Do you think we can make action figures of us when we beat everyone up?”

Holy crap, he only half got it.

“Dude, she’s joining our side. She’s asking you if you’re gonna join us, not form some splinter group to beat us and the Storm King down.”

“I knew that!” He didn’t, but her turned around looking rather angry “..And yeah, fine, I’m up for it. Tempest is the best anyway. Kicked your butt, like, all over the place. Slammed and caged like a bird!” He snickers at you as he crosses his arms triumphantly.

..Ugh, you were having second thoughts about him. But it was clear he really was Tempest’s “Spike” to the highest degree. “Whatever...oh wait…”

You forgot about the pirates themselves. It was their fucking ship after all.

You look back at the pirate captain and smile nervously. “Haha! This must all be really confusing right now, right?”

“Very…” Captain Celaeno takes a dare and steps towards you and Tempest. “But I noticed that mark on your hat and flank. Your Aunt mentioned you, kinda promised her I’d try to save you if I could if I ran into her.” She points a talon at Tempest “But, let me guess. Given she just blasted her own crew and her escape route, You somehow handled the situation in there and turned her to our side. Right?”

Wow, she didn’t seem to be too suspicious of the situation. Not as much as you thought she’d be anyway. “Errr….Yeah, uhhh. You seem like you’re ok with that.”

Celaeno let’s out a long sigh as she kicks over a crate, causing Storm King merchandise to fall out of it. “Yeah, we were kind of on the same boat as her. Gonna assume that cat guy was too, right?”

Capper smirked as he picked up a mug with the Storm King’s face on it and gave it a stare “That’s right. I gotta admit, ponies seem to have this cool vibe that just changes the soul, y’know? So, we’re all cool now, right? Because I think there’s six ponies and a dragon who’s gonna need a pick up. I mean, check it out.” He hops up on the banister of the helm and starts counting on his fingers “We have pirates, a colt with the power of chaos, The Storm King’s former commander, yours truly, and after we pick up our pony friends? Them and a whole lotta hippogriffs. The Storm King won’t know what hit him!” He throws it down with a loud shatter

Celaeno let out a out a smug little “Hmph” before looking to her crewmates. “Well, What say you? He makes a pretty compelling argument, and it’s not like we can’t make her walk the plank if she acts up.”

They just look at each other until the portly fat one just huffs and starts to walk away. “Well, I know where this is goin’. Gonna have to make enough grub to feed an army and not enough time to do it.” Then she stops and points a spoon she’s holding at Grubber “You! You’re going to help me in the kitchen. I need a set of hands, and you seem to have an eye for the sweet stuff.”

“Sweet stuff?” Grubber’s eyes suddenly light up and sparkle “You mean like...cake?”

“Yeah, we do have children on board, after all.” She tells him

Grubber suddenly jumps with joy “BEST! BETRAYAL! EVER! I’ll see you later Tempest, I’ll make sure to make a cake just for you!” He rushed over to the bird’s side, ready to make as much cake as possible.

Tempest was just surprised, she looked to Celaeno with uncertainty. “You trust me, just like that?”

Celaeno chuckles at her and reaches into a supply crate, pulling out a red striped cloth. “We’re past the point of suspicion. All we can do now is be as” She looks up for a moment “Awesome as we can be, anyway” She tosses the cloth to Tempest “Not the best thing to use, but if you’re going to be on my ship then I want you to look the part.” She then adjusts her captain’s hat “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a ship to sail. Carry on” She begins to walk off, then suddenly she stops as she then looks to you “Oh ha, almost forgot. You’re the one to thank for all this, right? Well…” She bows “Thanks a lot, and welcome aboard.”

You smile at her and bow yourself “Thanks, I know we just met. But it’s a pleasure to meet you.” You then wonder about something, you already got this far after all. “Erm, Captain Celaeno, ahrm.” You look at her with more confidence “I’d like to be captain of the ship, I’m dressed for it and I did pretty much save everybody. I mean, it’d just be for the adventure. You’ll see that I’m pretty smart and you’re going to need me if we wanna beat that guy successfully.”

Celaeno smirks at you and leans down to your face...oh god, she really was the looker “Do you even know what direction starboard is?”

You gulp “L-left?”

Celaeno grabs your hat and pulls it over your face “Nice try...And besides…” She tilts her head to Tempest “She’d have more insider information than you would. So there’s that.”

Damn, foiled again. You just wanted to lead a ship all badass like and all. It’s rare you get to be a pirate.

Celaeno notices her decision slightly upsets you. She reaches over and gently scratches under your neck “Come on, it’ll be fine. Trust me, if you want to be a pirate captain like me, you have to earn it. Your talent is chaos right? Well, if you work at it, I’m sure you’ll be one when you grow up. Anyway…” She stands up and begins to walk off. “Work to do, and not a lot of time to do it.”

You were a little stunned. Not by her words, but by her scratching. Oh, they were like gentle fingers. Now you know how a cat felt.

Tempest just looks over to you at a moment, she smiles just a little, feeling a feeling that had long escaped her. She had been accepted, her partner saw her as a friend, and then there was you. She looked upon the cloth, and expertly used her hooves to form it into a bandanna. She was ready. Her past no longer haunted her and she was ready to face her future without fear.