• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012
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Alex Warlorn

Just your average Brony who happened upon an idea that might actually turn out to be clever enough for guys to love.


We've learned Majesty's turbulent origin, and Luna has told Applejack of Tirek's evil rise to power. Now Princess Luna will tell her of what happens when the irresistible force meets the unmovable object. How these two titans in the mists of the early days of the First Age, the Age of Myths, cross paths. There can be no compromises here, only defeat or victory! The battle has begun!

This story is a direct sequel to Majesty's saga AND Tirek's saga!


Don't forget to visit the trope page!


Cover art by Iguanodragon! https://iguanodragon.deviantart.com

Written by Wolfram-and-hart. https://wolfram-and-hart.deviantart.com
Edited By Alex Warlorn
Grammar check by Docontra https://www.fimfiction.net/user/226378/docontra
Fridge logic check by quantum-plasma-field.

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 62 )

Thank you very much for correcting the spelling of the title, I did not notice now. But now can you please share what you think of the story?

Yay! I'll say more when I have the chance, but right now this is great.

I enjoyed reading the origin of both Tirek and Majesty.

Sorry; I'm millions of words behind even if I were currently reading the series.

Things have kinda changed around. There's no way to know when Wolfram will get the chapters done to an endless parade of real life drama.

It's complicated. Basically this is now basically a sequel to Majesty and Tirek's story. The three chapter idea has sunk for now. I'd forgotten about it until you reminded me. I do hope this gets done as fast as possible. :-(

"MY CABBAGES!" yelled one of the cooks downstairs who was preparing some form of cabbage dish for tomorrow. From the sound of it, we may be eating Hayburgers again.

Even in Equestria, the Cabbage Merchant from Avatar is still suffering from destruction of wares.

Also the bit about how Equestria keeps sending all their evil artifacts and criminals to Earth is something they will never live down.

The edits are happy someone got that joke.

Well, we do have who inspired Applejack to do all this to begin with... and someone else we have seen since the first chapter of this saga.

"I call the End unto me.
From deepest depths of Oblivion's sea.
From She who when the last star dies is awoken.
Break the one who can't be broken...


I haven't really watched the show, only seen various clips of it, but is this the pony version of the Darkest Spell of Queen Moon from Star vs the Forces of Evil?

Because if so I'd call it appropriately Badass. :yay: Nicely done.

If AJ was too busy being corrupted, then how exactly did the journal entry get written in book?

She wrote it AFTERWARDS. And now you know. Thank you very much for the comment. I hope you enjoy the story now that you've have that bit of fridge logic explained to you.

Sorry about that. I realized that it was her journal and that page that happened to be undamaged was the one taken out of context shortly after. Was eating lunch and couldn't add an edit on time.

Liked and Faved. But why still marked as incomplete?

Wolfram and Hart wrote a little Omake for this that'll be posted later.

Now I hope you enjoyed the epilogue.

The Slender Pony tried to get the jump on what they thought was some lost hiker, and instead ran into Tirek after the Tartarus break out, and ran for its life.

G1 and G4 Tirek are the same person, since Tirek was pulled into Tartarus body AND soul.

You're the second person who's read this and not gotten that was Tirek.

Maybe I should've written this differently. I was I trying to go for subtle and I guess it just comes off as confusing.

Majesty kept that smug smile as her body turned to ash and dissolved into nothing.

Comment posted by Godiswithus3 deleted Oct 7th, 2018

Okay, time to sit down and give this a read.

Then, he would release the Rainbow of Darkness into the sky in a profane sacrament that would corrupt the fabric of reality itself, resulting in the very Concept of the Sun and the Day being severed from this world forever.

1. I feel that this would have been a lot worse than Nightmare Moon's scheme...imagine that.

It was ironic, while Tirek had taught them to be less naive, much like the Wuv Cats they simply became smarter and more capable, but remained pure.

2. I love situational ironies. :ajsmug:

I tried to reach him through the Dream Realm instead, but I ran into another problem. I don't know if it was a side effect of his powers or his own twisted mind, but he never dreamed. He never once had a dream or nightmare of any kind,

3. *opens mouth in shock* holy hell....

One of these allies, ironically enough given Tirek's past with one of the species, was the son of a Satyr and a Yeti with snow white fur and a black heart. He may have also been created in one of Tirek's ritualistic experiments. Or been mutated from Pandora's Box. Or a storm spirit who inhabited the body of a dying Yeti. I sincerely wonder if even he knew his origin, as he skulked in the shadow of the greatest tempests.

4. Storm King?

(Excerpt from Storm King's Official Autobiography 'I Am So Great!'

Yo! Like! When I was getting my new furry white minions out of the deep freeze, and gettin' whipped into shape, I knew I had to be my own man, ya know? So like I, ditched the old symbol used by tall, dark, handsome, brilliant, and powerful (not me, the OTHER tall, dark, handsome, brilliant, and powerful guy) and updated it with a symbol for my own brand! I mean, you can't keep tethered to the parent company bro', so I took their clan symbol and made it my own! And it really looks cool!

Buy your copy at your nearest Storm Mart today!)

5. :facehoof: What an annoying and narcissistic monkey.

Hydia, and her family, to hold a black seance to strengthen the dark powers in the mountain's fire. They were among those who willingly followed my brother Morning Star, despite knowing full well the evil he represents. Why? Applejack, the answer is simple: evil is not stronger than good, but it is easier, more seductive. The allure of power, the allure of control, the allure of getting all you desire with no regard for anyone else. Evil drew to them because they were those that adored what evil permitted. My brother always preyed upon the foolish and the selfish in equal measure, and the Children of Lilith were indeed a selfish brood. Another reason is simple: those who did not worship Morning Star did not remain part of the family for very long. So as it were, the coven were Morning Star's devoutdevote worshipers.

6. :applejackunsure: I'm probably missing some context, because I do not understand why Morning Star would care for such imperfect beings as these witches from Lilith's line.

"... Yes. It is. We took it as a trophy, when Tirek tried to take Equestria when Starswirl was alive,

7. I'm very curious to know THAT part of the story.

Majesty was the most powerful unicorn of her time, perhaps to ever live. Like Tirek himself, she was a Titan, a mortal with might rivalling the gods.

8.Considering that she can move the sun and moon without breaking a sweat, it does not surprise me.

Wicked ponynapping witches were turned to trees, trolls that captured princesses were turned to bubbles, and that was before she was truly enraged.

9. Ohohohohohohohoho! I see she hasn't lost touch with her unusual punishments towards the most wicked of the wicked. I approve. :pinkiecrazy:

10. Wait...so Majesty, with divine help, can literally create a living and sapient pony....I think I can safely say that she has reached godhood....wow.

We shall share something with you Applejack, we strongly believe our sister once used similar magic during our banishment, to create a foal who could grow to become the Element of Magic she sought... no, not Twilight Sparkle, I shall say no more on what we have only conjecture and suspicion.

11. Son of a b:yay:tch! Celestia created Sunset Shimmer?!.......This is starting to make uncanny sense surrounding Sunset.

Commentators note: I'm getting tired and need some sleep. Will comment the rest later.

To continued:


5. :facehoof: What an annoying and narcissistic monkey.

It's incredibly annoying we didn't get to see more of his 'empire' (well, an Empire as the Huns understood it, not interested so much in ruling so much as claiming tribute from the domains he ransacked) ... Seeing him apply a business attitude to an empire was fun.

6. :applejackunsure: I'm probably missing some context, because I do not understand why Morning Star would care for such imperfect beings as these witches from Lilith's line.

Whoever said he did?

11. Son of a b:yay:tch! Celestia created Sunset Shimmer?!.......This is starting to make uncanny sense surrounding Sunset.

Celestia's letter to Twilight claims she met Sunset Shimmer when she was an orphan after the little filly managed to raise the sun. But what if that wasn't the whole truth.

Commentators note: I'm getting tired and need some sleep. Will comment the rest later.

Looking forward to it.

Continuiing from where I left off:

1. Wow....Applejack the First...is quite different from Gen 4 Applejack. And now I understand why she is such a silly pony. *urge to sing "Who's a silly pony" rising.*

"... Ah came here to learn about her... Ah've learned more about that monster Tirek than Ah've ever wanted ta know! Dagnabbit, Ah can't believe Ah'm sayin' it, but he's worse than Discord!"

2. I agree.

"I still remember the day you got that first tree from King Neptune." Applejack laughed. "I sure paid for those munchies."

"Heh, indeed."

"I just hope I don't pass that bad habit onto the next generation."

...Why are you blushing, Applejack?...My, that many of these apple fritters? Hehe...

3. Hehe indeed. :rainbowlaugh:

"And, we've fought lots of bad guys. Wizard WantAll, the Red Cloud, the Jewel Wizard, the Trolls of the Castle of Darkness, and lots of others,

4. Quite the resume these ponies have.

"The bad guys are coming." Majesty translated Wind Whistler's more advanced vocabulary. She had much experience, after all Wind Whistler was one of her oldest friends.

"Oh! Well, better get these apples ready." Majesty gawked as Applejack ate a crabapple in one swift bite before it even had time to pinch her. "What? I eat when I'm nervous, and these actually taste great."

5. :rainbowlaugh: That was humorous.

The ponies had another small advantage, Applejack: while small, ponies are surprisingly dense and heavy for that size, and naturally under the center of gravity of larger bipeds. While this is little matter now when few bipeds of significant size still exist, the Reptilians discovered the hard way ponies had a far easier time knocking them down than the other way around.

6. Good to know if I ever fight a pony.

"I know, Applejack, but Gypsy's predictions have never failed us before. If she says something will happen at noon, then... What was that?"

A chorus of trumpets sounded high above the din of battle. The sun appeared from behind the clouds at its noon day height, as the trumpets were joined by the rumbling of thousands of feet stamping against the ground. At the east end of Dream Valley, Gypsy's prediction came true. A human army rode into the Valley, breaking the Reptilians' lines. At the head of the army was Prince Valiant, the ruler of a neighboring kingdom that the ponies had saved from Tirek's minions years before. At the prince's side was the Moochick, and his rabbit helper, Habbit. They had gone to seek aid for the ponies, and they had succeeded.

Help had arrived.


8. I gotta say, this battle, while it is a serious part of the story, is...extremely silly. I mean, using stratdons as pinballs between bubbles, turning the ladders into noodles, launching sweets at the enemy, and turning a giant lion into a tiny kitten, and on and on it goes. I really loved the cognitive dissonant situation this has become: serious but silly. Only these ponies are capable of pulling this off.


I'll presume that last one is a compliment. :-) Thank you very much for the comments!

"But your majesty! The fall!" His loyal guard said shocked as the ponies fell from the dying monsters’ claws.

"Don't worry, they have something the Stratadons don't: friends!"

"ThankyoufortakingWhizzerairlines,keepyourhoovesinsidethechariotatalltimes!" said the first pegasus to catch one.

"SURPRISE!" Shouted the second.

1. I don't know what it is, but these G1 ponies keep on making me smile despite the seriousness of the situation.

Meanwhile, in another universe

“In fact, you mortals recently discovered an interesting aspect of one of the potential Draconequi's domains, or Discord's, depending on the universe, known as 'quantum mechanics'-"


"MY CABBAGES!" yelled one of the cooks downstairs who was preparing some form of cabbage dish for tomorrow. From the sound of it, we may be eating Hayburgers again.

I was about to mention how there was a universe where dear Applejack spontaneously phased through the floor due to there being a non-zero chance of that happening. Apparently we're in one of those...I should go check if she's okay.

2, :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

This is too funny to say anything. The joke speaks for itself.

3. Poor Magic Star...I very much sympathyze with her personal loss. At least it was for an important and good cause.

“Majesty, we need to be very careful. Now, the Sea Ponies have been keeping tabs on this place for me and told me of a secret entrance near…”

“Thank you, Moochick, but I actually have a strategy for getting us inside.”

“Oh, really?”

The gates to Midnight Castle stood fifty feet high and were solid steel… and now they lay as several mangled chunks of scrap metal after Majesty blasted them off their hinges.

"Knock, knock," Queen Majesty said.

4. Heh. I guess subtlety is not part of Majesty's vocabulary.

Well, golly good battle this was. Now, the next battle will be on the enemy's turf.

I'm sorry I wasn't able to do more With Whizzer and Surprise and the other more secondary G1 ponies.

And yeah, Majesty went for the direct approach.

3. Poor Magic Star...I very much sympathyze with her personal loss. At least it was for an important and good cause.

Similar to the One Ring, she became LESSER for it being destroyed.

“Creature of darkness and bloody schemes
“I send you somewhere beyond all dreams!”

Majesty’s magic hit Gmork, who vanished in a cloud of dust and an echo of a howl.

What became of him, Applejack? I imagine you may have seen or heard him one night as a foal, scared of the dark and what may lay in it and believing you saw a monster protected and brought on to this world by the rainbow of darkness, prowling for whom it may devour. But worry not. Gmork is just that now: a figment of your imagination. He has no power in this world anymore. Just like that monster a child fears is prowling in the dark, he's no more than a shadow on the wall.

1. hohohohoho! What a cruel and delicious punishment for this beast. Appropriate if I say so myself.

While my brother was angry with me for all the work I gave him, I believe it took him far longer to forgive me for aiding one who would keep the souls of the dead from passing to the afterlife. Robbing the souls of the dead their final reward is among the most vile and grievous of sins in his eyes.

2. One reason why Tirek is number two on my sh:yay:t list. I have great hatred for these kinds of villains. Nightmare Eclipse is number one.

3. That wolf with the giant sword in her mouth....that hit me in the feels. Poor wolf. :ajsleepy:

"AT LONG LAST YOU FACE THE DOOMMANCER! LONG HAVE I WAITED! At last our epic battle begins, it will carry on through the ages! And at last I shall prove myself to Lord Death and catch him on the rebound from his break up with Natural Selection! See my power!" The witch's hands glowed with crackling red orbs of light. "Face the power of destruction! The very heavens will tremble with our-"

"I have had enough of this, please,
Get out of my way and become cheese."

In the blink of an eye, the Doommancer became a wheel of cheese.

4. I believe this qualifies as a death sentence if the mice roam in the castle. What a humiliating way to go. :pinkiecrazy:

5. Prince Valiant...they were too late, and I was just starting to like him...:ajsleepy:

"So that is it my friend? ... Do you think that seed would stop me?"

"Actually it would have sprouted inside you and consume you as quickly as your immortality could regenerate. I'd prepared it just for you. The tree would have fed on your own evil and held you for eternity."

6. Damn. So close.

She gasped. "...But it isn't on the blade...This isn't Valiant... which means…" she said, looking to 'Scorpan'. "...You're not Scorpan, are you?"

"I am!" replied Scorpan, though now she could see his expression was of dismay those were the words that came out.

Majesty looked somber. "... Like a different person every time... Because it was.Tirek never revived the real Scorpan... I'm sorry, Valiant, I didn't know."

7. :facehoof: Doh! Should have called it earlier.

8. O.O :pinkiegasp: Holy mother of crap. Majesty did it. She did it. She freed the souls, after all this time. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: My heart is happy now. You have no idea how cathartic it was to see Tirek feel so much pain after all the suffering he brought on those poor souls. TIREK, YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW YOU SON OF A :yay:TCH! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tirek stretched, giving an small glare. "Surprised?"

"More disappointed…" Majesty admitted.

"If it's any consolation, that hurt like Tartarus…" the centaur replied, actually allowing a slight amount of respect into his tone.

9. I liked this banter.

Tirek would not realize it then, but Majesty had done more than simply free the captive souls within his body. She maimed his soul. With that act, Majesty had forever stole from Tirek the power to take the spirits of others as his own soul had too many holes to hold them. My brother personally thanked her for that when they met.

10. Thank goodness. 👍

Tirek and Moochick both looked in total surprise to see the unicorn, herself, her shape completely unchanged, healed, invigorated, and her horn glowing bright, her magic fully recharged.

11. Oh good. *rubs hands together* The fight will be fair now. :pinkiecrazy:

Finally, the moment that I've been waiting for so long has come at last. When two powerhouse finally face each other at their full strength. One good. One evil. And the greatest battle ever. I certainly enjoyed this chapter. Rather cathartic after everything that has happened. When I have another free weekend, I'm gonna give the next chapter a solid read, with some good music at my headphones. Looking forward to that.

Gmork of course refers to Gmork from Never Ending Story.

And the golem, knight, king, and wolf, were expies from Dark Souls.

into seven notes of music,

A line from the beloved 'last unicorn.'

I only only only hope that Majesty and Tirek's fight ACTUALLY MEETS YOUR EXPECTATIONS! It's might be to be a fight of the two strongest black magic users to ever live! I ONLY HOPE IT MEETS EXPECTATIONS!

Okay, time to sit down and give this a read.

1. I feel that this would have been a lot worse than Nightmare Moon's scheme...imagine that.

You have NO idea.

2. I love situational ironies. :ajsmug:

Me too!

3. *opens mouth in shock* holy hell....

YES! I got a "holy hell"!

4. Storm King?


"... Yes. It is. We took it as a trophy, when Tirek tried to take Equestria when Starswirl was alive,

7. I'm very curious to know THAT part of the story..

Oh I'll get to that, don't you worry.

Majesty was the most powerful unicorn of her time, perhaps to ever live. Like Tirek himself, she was a Titan, a mortal with might rivalling the gods.

8.Considering that she can move the sun and moon without breaking a sweat, it does not surprise me.

Wicked ponynapping witches were turned to trees, trolls that captured princesses were turned to bubbles, and that was before she was truly enraged.

9. Ohohohohohohohoho! I see she hasn't lost touch with her unusual punishments towards the most wicked of the wicked. I approve. :pinkiecrazy:

10. Wait...so Majesty, with divine help, can literally create a living and sapient pony....I think I can safely say that she has reached godhood....wow.

8. I gotta say, this battle, while it is a serious part of the story, is...extremely silly. I mean, using stratdons as pinballs between bubbles, turning the ladders into noodles, launching sweets at the enemy, and turning a giant lion into a tiny kitten, and on and on it goes. I really loved the cognitive dissonant situation this has become: serious but silly. Only these ponies are capable of pulling this off.

Yeah, that's the point. It's to show the dark and gritty world Tirek made is being overtaken by the sunshine and raionbows of the Era of Ponies.


1. I don't know what it is, but these G1 ponies keep on making me smile despite the seriousness of the situation.


4. Heh. I guess subtlety is not part of Majesty's vocabulary.

Well, golly good battle this was. Now, the next battle will be on the enemy's turf.

Oh, she understands subtlety, but she's decided that the time for restraint is over, and she's moving on to "kick the door in and blow away any sorry idiot in her path."

Yep, that's how Gmork got sent to Fantasia in The Never Ending Story.

Hope you enjoy it when Majesty and Tirek get into the REAL fight. This so far? The warm up act. Next chapter? ROUND 1 FIGHT!!!

"Luna... Ah don't mean to be pushy... but are we ever gonna get to what, ya know, Ah actually came here to talk about to begin with? Applejack The First? My ancestor?"

1. Poor Applejack. She and I have different reasons for listening to this story. Mine is to read this epic battle of proportions.

Father, I'm bored. I'm sick of listening to this.

'Now now my little princess. Trekkie was the first and best evil overlord, Groggy and Stormy learned from him! And so should you!'

You say that like either of us intend to RULE anything after we break the world and make it unpalatable to Those Who Watch.

'Well, never hurts to see how the great fell and learn from it.'

Like you?

'... Yes. Besides, it's not like you couldn't just go watch Fate Net or God Tube in the meantime.'

"That conceited upstart thought he didn't need my help anymore," Umbra Breeze added with a heavy dose of resentment.

2. ....ooooookay. Moving on.

3. Sonic Mania....I'm jamming to this music. Good choice.

"Your friend was tasty, I should take another bite!"



5. Good points for saving the goblins, Mjaesty. Good points.

6. Well, that cat and mouse game was a little amusing.

As Majesty ran, she suddenly tripped. She tried to get back up, but she slid across the floor into the wall. She braced herself against the stone wall, but then noticed the torch hanging there: the flames were rising sideways.

She looked down the hall and saw the corridor was twisting. Tables bounced around and shattered as the walls spun like a carnival funhouse. She looked around and saw Tirek bounding down the shifting the hall towards her.

"You're in my world, little pony. This castle might as well be an extension of me!" said the Dark Lord.

7. Well, this battle sure took a twist for the turn.

“There's a power in every breath
“There's a power in every note
“A power that starts within the heart
“A power that rises through the throat!

“And when it sails up through the air
“It's the most beautiful of prayer!
“This power could right a wrong
“And it will always thrill the ear
“Of those who have the power to hear
“The magic of this song.”

8. I liked this song. It's...very...deep.


Concentrated light magic connected with concentrated dark magic in a place of rampant, ambient mana in a constant state of flux. It was like lighting a match close to a leaking gas oven in a room full of oil and gunpowder. The resulting explosion blew the top half off of Midnight Castle, and they heard it all the way in Dream Valley.

9. Whoa! That was a blast! :pinkiehappy:

And there was the truth Applejack, Tirek might have been rusty, but Majesty had never directed a war, and while Tirek had won his fights easily in the last eons, Majesty had NEVER had to engage in a prolonged fight since gaining her special talent, she'd gone from running for her life, to swiftly ending enemies, Tirek HAD fought for his life with nothing but his wits and his sword once upon a time.

10. That context provided here helps me appreciate the battle more.

"I'm just teaching you what Thunderstorm taught me, and what Thunderstorm learned from listening to his owner teach his sons. On the battlefield, it’s not about how diverse your arsenal is, but how you play them."

11. I will keep this in mind in my fights as a self-defender.

Before he could figure that out, she took a page from Surprise's book and met his gaze with an attempted magically generated cream pie to the face, which Tirek promptly vaporized in fury at the attempt and charged her. "Stop playing games!

12. I love a good Surprise to the face! :pinkiehappy:

13. Whoa whoa whoa! When you titled this CLASH OF THE TITANS, I didn't think actual giants would be involved!

But Tirek sneered as Majesty realized he had grabbed her crown, the present from her ponies.

"Give that back!"

"No!" Tirek crushed it.

14. Bastard.

13. Oh....so Mimic is Majesty's daughter...heh. Majesty must have been proud when her daughter knocked Discord's fang off. I guess being a badass runs in the family.

And Tirek and Majesty, in that briefest of moments, understood. For the smallest fraction of time, they shared a slight smile with each other, a understanding that went beyond words. It was not Thunderstorm Majesty could have become; it was Tirek. It was not his father nor his brother Tirek could have become, it was Majesty. Both were worthy of the Rainbow of Darkness, of the Gift I have given Tirek, and Tirek, if nothing else, couldn't help but admire anything that reminded him of himself...

...Both saw the paths that had led them here... Neither had discarded their savage heart, what had led them down their different roads was something else.

14. Two warriors, two killers, whose brutality and savagery is done for what they love, one for himself, the other for her loved ones. I'm reminded of the song:

Standing here, I realize that you are just like me, trying to make history
But who's to judge the right from wrong, when our guard is down, I think we'll both agree
that violence breeds violence, but in the end, it has to be this way.

Tirek and Majesty both forced themselves to their hooves, panting and limping. Majesty's right front leg was now useless while Tirek's left arm hung useless at his side. The Centaur's form had visibly shrunken, his horns now stubs and his muscles far less pronounced. He was still a giant, but it was clear the battle had taken its toll. Majesty meanwhile looked more like a red unicorn than a white one, her mane and tail half vaporized.

15. Loving this. Absolutely loving this.

And a cold contempt... as the wicked stepfather died... he'd taught it to never act unless it said so... it could have acted on its own... it could have saved him... Instead... it let the wicked stepfather die.

'You let him die,' Majesty thought in horror.

...*slowly face palms and pulls hair back*...I'm at a loss of words.

Majesty felt like her legs had been pulled like taffy, and her forehead had been struck like a lance the length of the world serpent. Her blurry vision returning, she saw her hooves bleeding, and the golden horseshoes, her gift from the elves, gone. But that was NOTHING compared to the pain in her forehead... she crossed her eyes.. And saw a shattered stump where her horn should have been, sparks randomly flying from it.

And beyond that... she saw the Rainbow of Darkness returning to Tirek... fully healed and invigorated. Still in a weakened form, but in much better shape than she was by any stretch. And he was grinning at her.

And Majesty, in her daze, swore she heard, or rather, felt the impression of the idea, 'Knew that would work, you just don't have the infinite hunger for power my friend does. You failed your test.'

:pinkiegasp: that's...what...no...tha-, THAT'S CHEATING! THAT'S F:yay:CKING CHEATING! NO NO NO NO! :twilightangry2: I can't believe it. I actually found someone I hate in this story more than Tirek.....that piece of sh:yay:t does not deserve to live after this, or for what he did to Heathspike for that matter.

*Finished reading this chapter*

.....*slumps at my chair*...so this is what it came to. This definitely answered the one nagging question I always had at the back of my mind, both in canon and at the POV universe. Why does no one remember Majesty?....

...I don't know what to feel. Sad? Angry? Numb? I understand why Majesty needed to take this course of action, but...I feel somber and hollow. Up to this point, I grew to love Majesty, all the way through. I dare say that she has become one of my two favorite characters in the POV series, the other being Rarity from the Dark World. I enjoyed every moment I read about her, and was very pleased and excited to see her kick Tirek's ass, the villain I've grown to hate so much. (Heh, One character I love and is my favorite, the other I despise with the passion of a thousand burning suns. Good job on that.) ....but now....she's gone...only a few in the mortal realm will remember her....

*Deep breath* Congratulations Alex, Wolf, Personna, and others. You not only exceeded my expectations...but left me at loss of words and mixed feelings. :ajsleepy:


13. Oh....so Mimic is Majesty's daughter...heh. Majesty must have been proud when her daughter knocked Discord's fang off. I guess being a badass runs in the family.

I imagine Majesty might have become rather paranoid of not leaving a legacy behind after losing her first herd, and then losing her community again (which I still feel was over the top by the author), Majesty went to a lot of trouble to create an entire slew of offspring. Spike, Mimic, the Princesses, Lucky, she went to a lot of trouble to make sure her family would endure. It's a question of how many ponies are descendant from her clones.

Thank you. The story isn't over yet. I hope the read the rest of the chapters!

I saw something click in Applejack's head.

"So... Majesty... she was..."

"Yes... Majesty is my mortal grandmother... Lucky and Spike were my uncles, and the Paradise Ponies were my aunts and godparents."

1. It just occurred to me that this whole time, Luna was talking about her mortal family, and that Majesty was her grandma...Oh jeez. :ajsleepy:

2. Wind Whistler really needs to learn to not overanalyze stuff and say things she will regret.

Megan was something else: she saw ponies getting attacked by a giant dragon thing, and she rushed to help when she didn't even know who we were.

3. So Megan is your stereotypical White Knight. Although since she is a kid, this is kind of excusable to some extent.

Of course we found out later she's from a world with all kinds of crazy stuff. She's told us stories about an army fighting snake men, giant transforming robots and old monsters coming out of the ground.

4. :applejackconfused: What are you talking about, I don't remember humans fight some snake- wait a second....

...:rainbowderp::pinkiegasp: Oh, she's talking about the 80's tv shows....pfft :rainbowlaugh: Good one.

I was a bit shell shocked from being saved by underwater ponies!

5. Nice pun.

He said the only thing that could defeat him was a Rainbow of Light.

6. Considering what happened to Majesty, I have to agree. That Rainbow of Darkness needs to be met with an equal amount of force.

7. Huh. Megan and company can thank Majesty for emptying out the castle, so to speak. Especially that wolf. *shivers*

The Rainbow of Light didn't waste time, it zoomed upwards and spiraled around Tirek; all Master could say was, "No! Agh!"

8. *Breathe in, breathe out* It is done. Finally. That monster will finally pay for his crimes and the innocent lives he has ruined and taken. Justice is done.

Moochick told me that had been Tirek's father, Chiron... I hope he finally found peace, he looked so tired. Moochick said only an angel working for Death in atonement gets those wings.

9. Huh. So that what Chiron has been doing this whole time. Must have been exhausting.

I think our friends were all dizzy from having just saved the world!

10. No. They didn't save the world. They liberated it. That feeling is much more...pronounced when you realize that liberty can finally reign again.

Ember sneezed on one of the freed butterflies, and fell into the shallow stream, splashing Bubbles... we couldn't help it, after all this, something that simple and ordinary was too much, and we all burst out laughing. Happy ending!

11. Yup. A happy ending...at a serious cost...Majesty. :fluttercry::ajsleepy:

Some of us visited her over there too... she had a pony that wasn't smart like us though. That's just plain creepy.

12. I could imagine. :rainbowlaugh:

The Moochick even told us that the Rainbow of Darkness was never meant to be bad. It was supposed to work with the Rainbow of Light to make things better, but then Tirek got ahold of it and ruined it. And I don't mean with evil magic. Mr. Moochick said that by the time we defeated Tirek, he'd warped the Rainbow so badly that it could never be what it was. When it attacked the Rainbow of Light, it was basically trying to kill its own sister, not because Tirek told it to, but because it wanted to. The Rainbow of Light tried to heal it, but it didn't want to be healed. Tirek had turned it into a monster like him, and the only mercy the Rainbow of Light could offer its twin was the kind we saw at the end of the movie Megan showed us about the family dog who went rabid. It's no wonder the Rainbow destroyed Tirek for what he'd done.

13. Knowing about the sapience of the two rainbows, it makes what happened sad and tragic to me. I greatly sympathize with the Rainbow of Light.

Heck, without the nighttime, when would we ever get any sleep? Shucks, Wind Whistler says you'll die if you don't sleep.

14. True.

Applejack looked thoughtful... and slowly nodded. Tears in her eyes, but not sad or angry tears. "Yeah... ironic. It reminds meh of how lots of ponies felt after what Discord did... Guess meh and her have more in common than eatin' apples and farmin'."

Imagine that.

15. .....learning the true ramifications of what Luna did, how it easily could have been avoided, what could have happened with Majesty but was lost to oblivion....I will be honest, I have...lost significant respect for Luna. It will take a long time for me to forgive her...I acknowledge that she's making up for it by passing the story on to Applejack and attempting to keep Majesty's existence alive in history and in the minds of others, but it does not negate the wrong that was done, a wrong that cannot be corrected....I think it will be wise that me and Luna do not get anywhere near each other for now.

16. Rump designs...? RUMP DESIGNS?! :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: That was good.

Applejack has her answers now. She need not know the details that the Rainbow of Light did not kill Tirek, but sent him alive body and soul to Tartarus. Nor would she gain any wisdom from the tale of Tirek and the true Scorpan's return to the mortal world. Tirek escaping Tartarus during the war, taking Scorpan from purgatory, and Starlight Angel trying to stop him wouldn’t hold her interest either. And if she has had her fill of epic battles, she’d have no patience for how Scorpan befriended with one of the Starswirl the Beardeds during our reign after Discord's first defeat, bravely stood up to what his brother had become, and the ensuing battle where I took the Chariot of Midnight. She knows her family were not that monster's cohorts, and that is enough. If you wish, perhaps one day you can listen in on me telling Pip... again. He will never hear it enough times. Even if the version I tell him leaves out details that young foals needn’t hear.

17. :twilightangry2::twilightangry2::twilightangry2: That f:yay:cking bastard just does not want to stay in hell, does he?

"Then I may rest in peace," she replied.

"Do you wish to wait and watch his end so you may be certain?" Mortis asked.

Majesty gave a snort. "And miss another moment with my family? He's not worth it."

18. Good answer. 👏👍

"Great work knockin' down all those tyrants, girl. And big props for taking Tirek down a couple pegs." Anarchy gave the queen of Dream Valley a thumbs up and a wink.

"Always happy to serve the cause of freedom."

19. HURAH!

"Glad she got the endin' she wanted," said Applejack with a smile.

20. Me too.

Truth and privacy have never been friends.

21. mmmmm. Not always. But interesting to think about.

I considered giving her one of Megan's books based on her visits to Ponyland, but Megan's editors had revised the accounts to make them more appealing to audiences, and Megan herself had made changes to appease watchful parents and not to give her own children nightmares.

22. Clever way to lampshade how the whole pony universe sounds like a kids show.

23. Phew, almost finished.

I hope reading Rescue At Midnight Castle from Applejack's point of view was fun, and that it felt like a true story and not just an empty summary!!!

Ah...there's the 'Gifted Unicorn face'. Okay then, guess trying to get a brainiac to listen to a big historical thing is easier than Ah thought.

"A queen who erased herself from history?! Holy horseshoes this is huge! This changes the entire study of ancient history! All those books needing to be revised, all the secrets of our past, all the new discoveries it could lead to! There would be YEARS worth of research, fact checking, cross referencing! CHECKLISTS! The checklists alone would take years to compile! It's a historian's dream come true!"

...Oh, sweet Celestia, what have Ah done? I can only hope she doesn't get Twilight in on this, or Equestria will get buried under an avalanche of research notes.


Ponythulu never understood why ponies kept trying to take a shortcut through his basement. Maybe he needed to get around to patching those holes on his domain's walls. He'd tell them to politely avoid his realm, but last time he tried that he drove someone insane. And he'd have to tell Cousin Slendy to stop crashing there every other day between stalking the woods. Not that he didn't love family get togethers, but a little heads up would be appreciated instead of just showing up. Even if showing up with no explanation was Slendy's whole shtick. That and Slendy was allergic to stuffed animals that were truly loved and Ponythulhu had to put away his daughter's before a visit.

Oy chihuahua, these abominations are something else.

Funny. Seems like a lifetime ago since Ah came here the first time and got this whole mess about our ancestor started.

You don't say.

Ah'll tell yah one thing: listenin' tah the story of the worst baddie in history and the one about a queen that was lost to time? It was worth it tah see the look on Goldie's face when she learned the truth about our ancestor… even if she was a silly pony.

Look who's talking. :ajsmug:

Well, after a month of reading these three fics....I was defintetly on a roller coaster ride. I'm gonna add these to my "David Crespo's Picks" only the best stories go into that box and I consider this to be one of them.

And you guys have no idea how happy I am that the Rescue of Midnight Castle was retold and fleshed out in a fanfiction. It really needed it.

And...I'm happy that Majesty's existence will revive in due time.

Well guys. You have written excellent pieces of literature and was worth my time. Thanks for sharing. :twilightsmile::rainbowdetermined2::ajsmug::yay::pinkiehappy::raritystarry:

It did. You did not disappoint.

I hope you're inspired to take on the rest of the verse. I literally gave to it the best years of my life!!! Your comments mean a LOT!!! THNAK YOU FOR THEM! I hope you got a satisfying ending to this side story saga. I hope you'll read the rest of the pony pov series!

Tirek is out already? That was too early.

Remember, the Tartarus break out happened during season 2.

So as it were, the coven were Morning Star's devoutdevote worshipers.


Typo. Taken care of. I hope you're enjoying the story.

Majesty: Song
"It won't be easy, you'll think it strange
When I try to explain how I feel
That I still need your love after all that I've done
You won't believe me, all you will see is a girl you once knew
Although she's dressed up to the nines
At sixes and sevens with you
I had to let it happen, I had to change
Couldn't stay all my life down at heel

Looking out of the window, staying out of the sun
So I chose freedom, running around trying everything new
But nothing impressed me at all
I never expected it to

Don't cry for me, Ponyland
The truth is, I never left you
All through my wild days, my mad existence
I kept my promise
Don't keep your distance

And as for fortune, and as for fame
I never invited them in
Though it seemed to the world they were all I desired
They are illusions, they're not the solutions they promised to be
The answer was here all the time
I love you, and hope you love me
Don't cry for me, Ponyland

Don't cry for me, Ponyland
The truth is, I never left you
All through my wild days, my mad existence
I kept my promise
Don't keep your distance
Have I said too much?
There's nothing more I can think of to say to you
But all you have to do is look at me to know
That every word is true"

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