• Member Since 4th Mar, 2018
  • offline last seen 15 hours ago


Hey all I'm Spy AKA SFL AKA whatever you wanna call me, anyway I like to write and draw, and here's where you can find my pony stories! I hope you're entertained and if not oh well I tried!



Seeing potential in Tempest Shadow and Discord's budding friendship, Twilight Sparkle assigns them the task of helping the Storm King's old soldiers reintegrate into society. But the appearance of a vicious creature in one of their southern towns threatens to destroy their newfound freedom, and so far from Equestria, it's up to Tempest and Discord to defeat it.

I also have a Discord! Rather quiet right now but feel free to join if you wanna talk fics or just ponies in general! Ask me for the link if you want in, I had to remove it because of too many spam bots.

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Chapters (32)
Comments ( 188 )

And now I wonder who came up with the idea of moving the sun, and how long ago it was that only DIscord seems to remember those days.

Me too. It seems like such a weird way to do things that I found myself wondering "Are the Sun and Moon in this world capable of moving themselves? If so... why the change?"

I probably won't explore it myself, I just wanted Discord to be snarky about it, but that could make a fascinating story.

I explore that in my fanfics; the answer depends of the continuity XD

Two chapters and no comments? A travesty!

I'm really loving this so far, the first chapter was sweet and I felt so glad for tempest!

Dorkcord was pretty good this chapter, and self booping tempest was cute :p


I liked the development, it was a pretty neat tidbit. I'd love to see what twilight would say to half the knowledge bombs discord has been dropping

Nice, reuniting with grubber and now the cat is back in the bag :P

Haha, I've been waiting for comments. Luckily I enjoy writing enough to do without, but thanks for commenting, I appreciate it. :D

Twilight would probably be skeptical. Until Discord shows her the math and makes her question her entire existence. Sounds like the kinda thing he'd do.

Maybe the crack shipping is keeping people off guard... Would they be an uncrack shipping because of the whole horn repair business? :p

Nice XD
I was getting the same impression. I do seriously like Discord predating the orbits being pony wrangled, and finding the current Equestria more chaotic without him.

Question now is, does Celestia have any idea about the orbit thing.

Also looking forward to more chapters! Very enjoyable read C:

Yeah the ship itself might be kinda making people unsure. also.. owo i see what you did there. But I'm glad for the people that are reading it, even if they don't have much to say. I don't think Celestia knows since she and Luna took over moving the Sun and Moon from the unicorns, but whoever was the first to start controlling them... I have much to ask.
Thanks for the comments, I'm glad you enjoy it. :D

For sure! Also I realized no comments is better than a ton of bad ones :pinkiesmile:
It means at least you aren't doing anything terribly wrong yet. :raritywink:

but whoever was the first to start controlling them... I have much to ask.

Me too

I like where this is going, i know it might be tough to keep going at times, but if you see this to the finish, I garrentee that you won't be disappointed.
also, do I smell fizzlecord/tempestcord?

Very nice!! Finally some small romantic moments :D really liked that part ! ^^ curious for more :3

Don't worry, I definitely plan on finishing. Got the whole thing outlined so I have no excuse. And hmm mayhaps :3c (Sorry I accidentally posted this to your page at first, it was a misclick)

the whole bloody thing outlined eh? good for you! I wish I could have that level of forthought.
(also, don't worry about my page, i've been wanting someone to liven things up a bit.)

I don't normally do outlines, but I was sitting at work and had been thinking about writing this so I just picked up a notebook and wrote how pretty much the entire thing would go. Although fun fact, I hadn't outlined this current part. Originally Tempest was going to go straight to Sunny Oasis, but I wanted to pad things out a little with Klugetown. But hopefully the Klugetown chapters will be done by about 15 and then I can move things along and get back to my outline. We'll have to see. :')

well, this should certainly be interesting

Oooo. Tempests back story. Loved that part of the movie

So.. Discord is a teacher now.. Nice.

I would have loved to find this story earlier, now I have to fight to keep up with it if other updates come more often. At least the chapters aren't to big this time and I kind of hope Discord and Tempest is the romance here.

I do plan on updating on Wednesdays and Sundays, so hopefully that's not too fast. And yeah, I'm not gonna spoil anything specific but that is where I plan on taking the romance eventually. :D My chapter sizes tend to range from 2000-3000 words unless I really get into writing one and can't find a good stopping point until later.

1. Thank you for answeren that comment, because I forgot to put that story where I can read it later and would probably not have found it.

2. Okay I think that souds good, I can read two or more chapters at one day at least from this story, so I should have reached the end till sunday or the next wednesday.

I kind of hope to see you having done something else with Tempest and maybe not the usual frienship student Tempest, just because Starlight is one too and even if Tempest as the friendship guard looks good and makes sense, I kind of hope you were letting her keep her personality.

In some stories the main six kind of force the chars to change to much. This is just me hoping for something different, but I won't be mad if you have done one of these things, Tempest x Discord is already a new and interessting thing. Which hopefully shocks the others.
I could image Tempest saying something like "most of my life I had seen were big hairy apes (storm beasts?) and of course that means I would think Discord is especially sexy."
...that souded better in my head.

Np, I try to reply to everyone who comments.
Yeah I wanted to do a different sort of story with Tempest. I can see her doing guard work one day but for now I wanted to send her on an adventure. I'm gonna do what I can to keep her in character while allowing her to get used to friendship and even try out romance. She's been through so much that she deserves it.
Yeah the storm creatures are those ape guys from the movie, I originally did call them apes but while researching stuff on the MLP wiki I saw that they were called storm creatures so I just went with that. It sounds nicer than calling them apes.
And lol, well Discord probably does smell better ;) I'll definitely touch on how everyone else feels about their relationship, that'll be fun.

He really needed to ask her out already.

pst no he doesn't, its a bad idea,....forget about it.....please:fluttercry:
No matter how much they say it looks cute or whatever I think they don't fit together, that and I maybe dislike how his "romance" started.
I can't take baby spike seriously and usually never read any storie that is titled something like "Spike the hero" or something like that.

I would probably read Spike the pushover or something like that.....yeah I don't like him that much but I liked the idea with him and Octavia or him and Derpy, that was just something different for me and not quite so obvious or easy as the shipping with Rarity.
Maybe it also helps how that one guy had written it.

fter a moment, everyone dug into their plates and then complimented her cooking. Discord dropped the argument, more interested in eating. Tempest took a few bites, but then grew interested in lifting objects with her magic.

I could have imaged everyone eating and her just continue to poke at her new horn, whorshipping it a little bit.
Don't take me to seriously, lately I have the habbit to try at least to write down some of my more or less funny thoughts, it probably makes more sense in my head. That and I had a for me difficult day yesterday.

And now those nerves were healed. It almost felt strange. She'll have to get used to it.

If she kind of has learned to use her magic a little bit or something like that, wouldn't her trying to levitate things cause her to attack one of her friendsa accidently with a fork or letting it explode?, something funny like that?

I like the chapter and some parts already look like you aren't just going with whatever everyone else seems to believe in. I mean stuff like Tempest would have never been able to beat the princesses and stuff like that, but I say yes they can have a bad day or not a good enough reaction or whatever and can be beaten.

I like to believe their long life and big power doesn't gives them a big defense or makes them more clever than everyone. I mean you can go trough your life and bee only so smart or they could only learn the wrong stuff and believe in the wrong stuff.

I hope you really shock them with their possible relationship, like Discord doing a dicord like kiss in front of everyone.

I just prefer a comedy like action instead of them just telling the others, even if that would be okay too.

I really liked the story so far.

Oh I really liked how Discord treated Tempest during this chapter.

people deserve that privacy.

oh Tempest, Luna could learn something from you in some stories, Cadance maybe too.

“You call that a warm up?” she demanded.

Well at least in all possible animes that training would make her really strong.

I really liked this chapter but I need to stop for now.

Good point. I've definitely gotta think the scene through, I wanna make sure it's really good when it does happen. :D Thanks for commenting.

Yeah Luna needs to be careful with that dream watching, who knows what kind of things she could stumble into. :') And oh yeah, Discord's a bit fast-paced but it'll only be better for Tempest in the long run.

I really think some authors maybe don't think to much about what Luna or celestia are maybe doing sometimes, to me it looks like they often only think like Luna has those powers, so she "owns" the privacy, dreams and everything else she can get into with her powers no matter if it is a character that actually wants it or not.

Well I stop here, I don't want to make a big comment about that again without that being a thing here.

Tempest bit into the closest one. “Mm, cheddar.”

Did that meant she ate a living being?, at least how Discord explained it?

I think i maybe make the story one of my well deserved favourites, but I wait till I catched up with it. I mostly only manage to read one or two chapters lately, but here I'm pretty focused on the story which probably means I really like what you did with it.

“Sounds great. I think I want to play as a sorceress.”

Now you should think about adding such a chapter as a bonus and please try to make it a big one or maybe do something like this for a sequel or as a side story.
It doesn't need to be perfect but I like such stuff, I could probably show you one or two stories that are mainly about this.

“Unfortunately she won't be able to. We need her help back at the school, plus she is still my student, I want her to stay close,” Twilight explained.

If you take the school thing a bit to seriously then they probably shouldn't be able to do everything, their job, having free time and the school, but maybe like in some stories a school day isn't so long for them.

Little Tempest is maybe already starting to experience her first crush, if she knows it or not.
How much did your Tempest here already learned about love and whatever? I had a story in which it looked like because of her live with the storm king she knew hardly anything that others would consider common knowledge or stuff like that.

I imagine Tempest isn't too familiar since she ran away when she was very young and she didn't get much experience with romance among the storm creatures. She was the commander, she had a job to do and didn't let herself get distracted. But now that things are less serious, she can open herself up to friendship and... whatever else may come from that. It's definitely going to be interesting for her but she's open-minded.

Lot of the best shipping stories are the weird ones. If nothing else it’s nice to read a more unique relationship between the usuals.

“Look little lady, genuine Klugetown sand globe!” he said dramatically, giving it a shake. Sand swirled inside the globe, covering a little horse figurine.

Is it that town with the cat capper?

I agree.

Discord stared, then flattened his ears back, coughing. “Oh, well uh... I was out. On a little vacation actually, I uh... actually had no idea anything was happening until I got back afterward.

I'm kind of curious what would have happened if Discord just came back and put her horn back on the head in the middle of her beating someone up.

“Yep! Honestly I've messed with the princesses loads of time. Especially Twilight. She's so tolerant.” Discord grew bored of just flying slowly at a walking pace, so he swooped down and nudged Tempest. “Want to race back?”

I like it, it is something different from the usual "Celestia is so perfect, she doesn't even get bothered by anything Discord is doing" stories. I like it everytime they actually have some serious flaws, that makes them more likeable sometimes too.

Capper x Curly seems semms interessting too, I actually wanted to suggest that as a shipping.

Haha, it could be cute but I actually have plans for Capper much later on. Once this is done I'll do a little compilation of various romance stories and Capper will be involved in that. :3c

If Tempest had her horn I don't think they would have beaten her. Then again with her horn back she'd probably just stop since she got what she wanted and leave. And oh man, Discord definitely bothers Celestia, and she can't really stop him, it's great.

Well… to be honest, I abandoned them. They were kids, of course they were scared. They stayed away so I wouldn’t hurt them.[/quote

I don't see it like her fault or at least I like to pretend she only left because they really hurted her with their behavior and something like that, then she maybe left yes.
Now I finished the completel chapter and yes it was good.

Personally I’d feel weird getting romantically involved with the first pony I’ve ever befriended

:heart: Not exactly how I said it, but it was funny enough to read something similar.

compilation? I'm not exactly a fan of those collection of one-shots, but I wait to see what you do, since I like at least how you write and this story is good so far.

I like this story, if I'm honest with you I already image a sequel with them adopting someone, just because I like something like that.
Then I had to think about Tempest being a chaos student and if that title maybe makes Twilight go crazy or something.
Then I had to image her turning into some sort ot Alicorn of chaos. I know that is maybe difficult to do since some maybe hate something like this.
However I since "chaos" I could image them flipping Celestia the bird and not sharing any duties with her and still doing what they like Alicorn or not.
There are just so many possibilities and this story gives me ideas.

Ohh I have lots of plans for a sequel after this, and will touch on kids and whatnot then. Yeah the one-shot compilation will be mostly to set up my next gen, so at least the couples, and their respective kids, won't come as a surprise when they get mentioned in the sequel. I won't make Tempest an alicorn, but I WILL be doing plenty with alicorns, and it's gonna be fun times. But I'm still planning things out. Right now I'm more focused on getting this story finished. :D

I hope the sequel is still about Tempest, I have to admit I'm not to fond of let's say the first story being about Pinkie x Fluttershy and then the sequel continues with Breaburn or something like that where you rarely see the original main char anymore, just saying because I bet there is going to be much I would stil like to see when they finally entered a relationship.

I guess I'm just not sure what you mean with next gen since most of the stories I saw with something like the new main six generation ended up being somewhat akward in the end. It never felt really right.

edit: I mean I like to see the kids and whatever they do, I just hope the sequel isn't avoiding Tempest and maybe we get some chapters with her or in her pov.
I guess if her child would be the main char it would be similar good.

edit 2: I'm probably always just a bit dissapointed if it suddenly ends and if we don't get to see more of the characters even if that is the same story and I understood you plan to do it like that.

Well, I think I'm actually going to do a small sequel directly after this one heavily involving Tempest and what she does AFTER she helps the storm creatures (but i'm not gonna spoil it), and once that's done, there will be another story that will still feature her and Discord and the other show characters, but will gradually make its way to being more focused on the younger generation which will involve more of my OCs. I'll do my best to keep a good balance though between the younger ponies and the older ones like Tempest and her friends.

Hhhhmm okay, I see how it will look, I just never understood why some like that so much, changing the chars I mean.
I always get rather into the chars and are mostly dissapointed when they sudenly change, but like I said, I think if it maybe involves her child or something I would probably get easier into it again, the sequel I mean.

Then again...if there is not exactly a big timeskip maybe after that there is still a chance for more Tempest. I will stop asking for now because I probably repeat myself anyway, but this looks so good so far and maybe the sequel will too. I'm just a bit wary about the character change, like I said your very into the former main char and I never had seen it done so well.

“Oh yes, there are a lot of royal duties you have to keep track of.

and a lot that you woul probably have not to do.
Because of some stories and maybe the show I don't know anymore, I started to believe they do much more than they would need to do, it was like "princess celestia I can't open my glass with mayonnaise please help me".

“It takes very powerful magic,” Discord replied. “And it's some kind of harmony magic at that so I can't do it myself.

I won't say anything about the theory, but I like it because it makes me curious if you have something like the opposite planned for Tempest, not exactly an Alicorn, but something like an Anti-alicorn because Discord.

I can't wait for their romance to start, mostly because I want to see many reactions of their friends and whatever character and I want to see them acting their relationship out. I mean some chapters with them dating and stuff like that, not just the kiss but I guess you where planning to do something like that.

I don't fully know what all the princesses do but with Twilight specifically I imagine she has a lot on her plate these days, what with running a school AND probably still dealing with friendship problems. "Princess of Friendship" probably gets a lot of people coming to her with their problems and she's too nice to run them off. :')
And ye, with the romance, I don't wanna spoil things but I think I have a good plan for it.

Well with her hobbies and everything she takes way to seriously, yes she would have much to do I believe, I even thought that her friend can probably hardly manage their own life with working in the school and doing their own thing.

I could nearly image a story with Fluttershys animals dying or something like that because she maybe feeds them more rarely and they maybe can't feed themself anymore, stuff like that which is most likely not that much possible, but if you want a dark story or something, I could image this being a possible scenario.
I'm a bit tired so forgive me if that reasoning looked rather weak.

Well I won't argue about it in this story, but I hope that not every story shows her as a whorkoholic in the future. I don't need Twilight and the others being to busy to do hardly anything because of what happens in the show.

"Princess of Friendship" probably gets a lot of people coming to her with their problems and she's too nice to run them off. :')

Yep like I said, they probably do much more than they would need to do to look like a good ruler.

I don't know to much about kings and stuff like that, but I always imaged they can probably have more freetime and stuff like that than Celesestia (at least in most stories) wants us to believe.

And ye, with the romance, I don't wanna spoil things but I think I have a good plan for it.

okay, I just dislike it if that happens in the last five chapters or near the end of a story so that we don't see much anymore.

I Can't wait for any possible akward situations, I just like to let my imagination run wild right now, since she is with Discord.
I even had to think about a scene about how they maybe find out about it.
I have probably suggested three or four things so far, but I imaged if it would be funny if they run in on them cuddling or whatever, just something that would probably at least Twilight weird out

I’m hoping that we find out the idiot who nearly got eaten is named Last Words. He’s pretty famous around Kludgetown.

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