• Published 11th Mar 2018
  • 3,559 Views, 122 Comments

It All Started With A Big Bang - Cipher800

In a surpise turn of events, Bowser's Galaxy Reactor malfunctioned and reset the universe, with Bowser being the only survivor of the cataclysm. But what would happen if he landed in Equestria after this? Read this story to find out what will happen.

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The Reunion Between the Rulers

When we teleported back to Ponyville, Twilight felt a little nauseous, and not just because of my spin. Her teleportation is a bit different, she said. Whenever I teleport, it looks like I disappear, but to me, the background distorts. This is nauseous to most, but to me, it is a smooth ride. Fawful isn't my target right now, the Dark Star is, and that was partially the reason that we were back at Ponyville. Well, apparently, since Twilight and her friends are the bearers of the Elements, I honestly hope that infusing the Elements with my power does not have any unwanted side effects.

We went to the Castle of Friendship, where we met the rest of the Mane Six. "Alright, the Dark Star was a threat from my world, and a very powerful enemy, so expect it to be a challenge. However, I got these." I opened the sack and took out the six gemstones. "At their current state, they're useless, but I might know how to buff them up, but there's probably no turning back once I go so." I said. Twilight turned to her friends, and they began to whisper to one another. They were obviously debating on whether to let me carry out my plan or not. But when they went up to a conclusion, Twilight turned to me and gave me their answer.

"Alright, Bowser. We'll do it." she said. I nodded as I focused my magic on the Elements, infusing them with some of my own magic. Again, I have to thank Kamek for my knowledge of it, but I never really used it in battle. Orange and yellow energy began to circle the elements and alter them slightly. When it is done, the Elements resembled the cutie marks of the Mane Six much more than usual, and yes, that was a real nickname for them, and no, I did not make it up. Rainbow Dash's element had its cloud and multicolored bolt, for example, and Twilight's element had the white secondary spines that she had on her star, but that's just an example. When the infusion was done, the Elements floated to the six and manifested golden collars, or, in Twilight's case, a crown. "Wow." she said as she looked at their energy signatures with a spell. Sure, it was different to what they're used to, and much stronger as well, but that was just about it.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it. But don't think it'll one-shot the Dark Star, even I don't have that power." It made them a bit sad that they couldn't so it. "However, it can still do some serious damage to it. It won't be easy, but it'll all be worth it once we finish it off." I said.

"But what about that crazy Fawful guy?" Pinkie asked. How did she even know about him to begin with. But, she was probably there where the crazy bean attacked Ponyville a while back, before I finished him, of course.

"If he shows up on the scene, don't let him and the Dark Star get close to one another, Fawful said that he will merge with that thing. I don't know what'll happen, and I don't want to." I said. "Now, any questions?" I asked before the sound of a train whistling came to my ears. "I guess not." I said as I looked out the window. A crystalline train was parked at the train station, most likely from the Crystal Empire. "So, those are your friends, huh?" I asked as Twilight nodded. "Well, what are you waiting for? Talk to them!" I said. Pretty soon, we all went downstairs as they ran to the train station. As for me, I just walked there. Zecora was there, too, but she was going back to her home, I presume. She probably has something to do with potions that she has to do.

Twilight couldn't believe it. Even if the Dark Star has taken over the Crystal Empire, at least she can see her sister in law before she can. She eagerly awaited as the ponies went in and out of the station, and then, the ponies she has been waiting for came in. She waited for what seemed like hours, when she saw her targets walk in. "Caddy! Shiny! I'm so glad you're alive!!!" Twilight said as she galloped towards them and tackled them into a big hug.

"Twiley, you're choking us..." the white unicorn wheezed. The alicorn looked to realize that she was hugging them too tightly and quickly released them from almost certain doom. "We came as fast as we can."

"Where is my niece? Is she okay?" Twilight asked. Both nodded their heads as a guard pulled out a stroller. A white alicorn foal with a purple mane lay in there, sound asleep. "Aww, and here I thought I lost you..." she cooed, waking Flurry Heart up. Her soft, beautiful eyes remained completely unscathed as she cooed to the sound of her aunt.

"But, we have more pressing issues. The Dark Star, it doesn't plan on stopping at the Crystal Empire. We went as fast as the engine would allow us, and already, its minions killed a good number of citizens and captured Sunburst." Cadence said. Twilight gasped at this dilemma. Never did any villain she came across EVER killed anyone. Nightmare Moon just wanted her subjects to see the beauty of night, she would never kill anyone on purpose. Discord just wanted to pull pranks, and Chrysalis just wanted to feed her people, both got it the wrong way. Heck, even Sombra and Tirek never killed anyone. "We never thought that there could be a being even worse than King Sombra was. Key word: was."

"Wait, what do you mean?" Twilight asked.

"We have found a strange unicorn frozen in the ice. He said that this Dark Star character and its minions had stolen his powers from him, and that he was, in fact, King Sombra." Cadence exclaimed. "At first, I thought that he was lying to us about it, but, after a test with a crystal, it showed that he was telling the truth. I still don't trust him, though."

Twilight couldn't blame them, though. "We'll let him recover, but this is the same guy who took over the Crystal Empire and ruled it with an iron fist. We're keeping him under our watch, just to be safe." Shining Armor said sternly.

Twilight let out a deep sigh. She can't blame her brother, either. But their train of thought was interrupted when a familiar turtle walked in. Cadence and Shining's gaze turned to see Bowser walking over. "So, what did I miss?" he said as he went towards the couple. "Oh, who am I kidding, I was here the whole time. You like the improvements I made to the Elements of Harmony?" he asked. Both Cadence and Shining Armor, along with several other ponies, looked to see the difference in the structure of the Element of Magic. The rest of the Mane six also had their Elements on, and they all resembled their cutie marks much more than previously. They were also a lot more powerful than usual.

"How did you know where the Tree of Harmony was?" Shining Armor replied.

"I found it." the Koopa King said. "Long story short, fought this crazy bean, punched him to the Everfree, and after fighting him again, he vanished, and I found the tree and took the Elements." he replied as a familiar pink unicorn with a purple mane walked in.

"I came to see Sunburst. Where is he?" Starlight asked. As Cadence and Shining Armor told the story, Starlight Glimmer broke into tears. She had just reunited with him, and that, thing captured him. "Please. Is... is he okay..." Starlight said with tears in her eyes as her teacher softly patted her on the back.

"We haven't heard from him. We don't know his condition. What we do know is that it's pointless."

"Au contrare, mon petit pony. I'm here, and, if you forgot, I buffed up the Elements. I don't know how that thing came back from the grave, but I'm gonna be sure that thing will die and stay dead for good." Bowser replied as he got near the train. "So, who's in for a rescue mission?"

Comments ( 8 )

get ready ponies...... its bowser time!!!

When will this be updated?

Iron HOOF!

I like this. Update soon please?

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