• Member Since 20th May, 2017
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Tale Swapper

“Too much sanity may be madness. And maddest of all, to see life as it is and not as it should be.” -Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Don Quixote


On a cold winter evening, I met her, her cheeks chapped from tears frozen from the cold.

We took up talking for a while, and as I listened, I could tell she was out of aces, bound for nowhere.

She had the look of someone running away, with nowhere to go. Fleeing, not advancing.

I had a bit of advice. I've got no clue whether she took it.

I just hope she remembers the gambler whenever she gets to a place she could call home.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 24 )

Nice use of the song here. A lovely little character piece.

Certainly a heavy tale with depth, even for such a short little thing. Really makes you think about life and yourself. I'm hoping Sunset got the good ending after this.

Awesome read
It's got a Cowboy Beebop like vibe to it.

Fantastic work, I really was engaged reading this. It's got some great character work, both for the narrator, and for Sunset herself.

This leaves a tear in my eye. You did well my friend. :twilightsmile:

You've got to know when hold 'em, know when to fold 's. Know when to walk away, know when to run.

I love that song. Great story!

Never thought I'd like a Anon-A-Miss one shot with Sunset saying "Just fuck it" and leaving. But, you actually, someone, managed to make me like this story. Maybe it was the song, maybe it was the emotions, I dunno. Major props to you either way.

I swear you're one of the only authors that choose to do something interesting with Anon-a-miss instead of just the usual trash.

Yeah, original Anon-A-Miss stories(And moreover, good ones) are so few and far between these days really. Mostly, they're just the same old crap inspired by Dainn's work.

Seriously, I mean sure it was a pretty good story but it would be nice if people could stop adding some gimmick to it then pretend it's something completely new.

Yeah, can't even claim to be "Original" really. Honestly, Anon-A-Miss is mostly a genre that's been driven into the ground by this point if you ask me. It's rare to actually find a story in this sub-genre of accusation fics (Which are usually pretty bad by themselves) that's actually worth the time to read. Funny, how two of the only Anon-A-Miss fics I like are by the same person, namely this author.

Honestly? I don't know if Sunset said "fuck it" or not. She'll take te advice any way she wants. The story is unfinished, even in my head...

True, it is very open-ended, and we really don't know much about what prompted Sunset to skip town. She may just be going somewhere else to get away from things for a while till everything cools down for all the Hell I know.

I enjoyed this story a lot, even when I haven't read any of the Anon-a-miss stories. I only read this because I love the song, and wanted to see how you tied it to the story. And it was truly enjoyable! Thank you for the great read!

Reminds me of Dostoyevsky's "The Gambler"

Very well written.

A lovely little story. Good job! I enjoyed the gambler's conversation with Sunset and I hope that Sunset found her way back home.

Good to see a well-executed and open-ended piece. Glad you shared with us!

I've always loved the Gambler, and I really love this story. I have to admit, I'm surprised at the end the Gambler doesn't die. Guess with that Golden Coin he never had to break even.

Eh. I considered having him pass on, but I wanted to do the whole "I wonder where she went next" spiel at the end, and figured having a dude die on Sunset would be rather traumatizing, and I wasn't aiming for that.

Still, if you want to imagine it another way, I've considered the idea that he was (unknowingly) telling this story at the judgment of the afterlife. Take of that what you will.

This is a neat little story based on one of my favorite songs. It's always fun to see how people combine music with stories here.

Neat little idea, and quite unexpected, me likes.

Oh, and you're link is broken, here's a quick one https://youtu.be/esAr0qGu2S4

I love this story and the song it’s both great good job

If Sunset did indeed run from Anon-a-Miss...I can only imagine the aftermath when the real culprits come forward :scootangel: it'd certainly make a good "what if" story from this!

Absolutely lovely, in spite of the setting.

I abhor the Anon-a-miss storyline. Don't care if it's canon or not; the whole story is a pile of horseshit as far as I'm concerned. Bad writing all around.

Never read the comic, and have no intention. The different fan fics written involving it has been enough for me to get the gist. Like I said before, a pile of horseshit.

Doesn't mean that I can't appreciate a well-written tale that uses an otherwise garbage part of FiM.

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