• Member Since 26th Jan, 2017
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago

Some Leech

I...I am a monument to all your sins...

Comments ( 26 )

There's gonna be more to come. The Daybreaker saga started as a one off but I've decided to make it a series of connected shorts. There will be more details regarding what becomes of Cadance, Shining Armor, and the rest, so stay tuned!

That is wonderful news

I don't know. This feels... a little forced. Cadence makes the whole trip into enemy territory just to have a talk with Daybreaker on the steps of the castle and then leave when she hears the first no - it shows she had no plan other than "Please stop this." and then she ignores the advice of her security-expert husband to stay in the HQ of the enemy for the night.

Which is fine for a porn plot, I guess, but the other stories in this Daybreaker conquers all setting were more plausible to whatever degree.

I thought about expanding on that but didn't want it to get too lengthy. Essentially it boils down to the fact that Cadance hadn't seen Celestia since her downfall and wanted to pay her a visit to see if the rumors were true. I could have gone much further in depth on her motivation for the trip but wanted to keep it kinda short since it's just a stepping stone for future works. I will touch on it later, in some upcoming stories, but for now it is what it is. Thanks for the feedback though!


No problem, keep up the good work!

The rest of the morning went by in a flash. Cadance signed the peace treaty with Daybreaker and departed back to the Crystal Empire with her shipment in tow. Shining Armor and Sunburst, along with two guards, stayed behind as guests in the Canterlot Castle while they awaited more of the intoxicating drug that Daybreaker supplied. Little did they know that they had unwittingly fallen into the white alicorn’s clutches, but that’s a story for another day...

You know, at first I just thought, "Oh, this should be fun clop", but now you've got a STORYLINE, that relies on a lot of porn logic, but hey, it's decently solid porn logic, and I'm actually invested in the plot. And I don't just mean Daybreaker's, nice as it is.

Thanks! In hindsight I should has done this as one epic story broken into chapters but I think a string of connected shorts should suffice. Already cooking up plans for the vast majority of the cast as well! :trollestia:


I enjoy it as separate stories, gives you a bit more flexibility. Besides, your writing is solid, you've proven you can write serious as well as clop, I'm certainly game for more in this universe. You do good work.

Too bad you had to dumb down Cadance and company for them to fall in Daybreaker's 'trap'

Truly, the best critical feedback our age!


I've been berated, had enough comments deleted and blocked by enough writers to get the message and to stop explaining my reasoning.

I'm all for constructive criticism but simply replying with "dumb" doesn't quite give me any idea what you're referring to.
Is it the story as a whole? A particular line of dialogue? My writing style? The premise?

I mean, what the hell am I supposed to do with "dumb"? :unsuresweetie:

To the author - just saw your story next another author whose work i love reading.
gender switch of cadence and shining armor reminded me of a fic i read back when lurking about this site. in that story twilight sparkle was in love with her brother shining, it things like him watching his sister's performance where the royal sisters were drunk and making lewd comments (like two old guys from the Muppet show) when discord was freed causing amuck in canterlot, the couple genders were flipped and they had sex...but didn't go into detail. retold the events of past two seasons. i don't remember the title and it's probably gone!

question: is princess Luna dead in this universe? for i have no interest in backtracking this one. hope u don't mind:)

Neigh, she is not dead.
Basically, she's still NMM and in the employ of her sister!

Okay, thank you!:)

Any time! I don't mind answering questions about my junk! :twilightsmile:

I wonder if ya ever heard of this musical called spring awakening.
well one of the songs is called...
just instantly popped into my head from reading your comment;)

Hadn't heard that before, so thanks for sharing!

omg it's an amazing show. the story is even more .
it's based on German play in 1890's but due the subject matter of sexuality it was often banned or censored.
until in 2006 when the musical adaption was made, won a bunch of tony awards. then it was revived & restaged in 2015 for the deaf and blind audiences. there's a possible movie musical adaption but i'm on fence because Broadway musicals adapted into film takes years to be made & don't know if the film will be rated R or pg13.
p.s: I wrote this out yesterday and finished it today

“I can send a shipment with you on your trip home, after we sign the treaty of course. Shining Armor and Sunburst can stay around for another few days, we should have another batch done by then,” Daybreaker remarked thoughtfully, remembering her promise to the changeling queen.

See this is what happened if people were smart enough to make things like crack and the age of iron

May be blind, but was there any sequel with transformed Shining & Sunburst made?

Not yet, no

I haven't continued this series

Ah, dang. Gonna enjoy what I got then! Thank you for such a fun story.

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