• Published 24th Mar 2018
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Mario and Kirby: Equestrian Adventures - FandomPlays1234

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Chapter 4: Tower Power Battle

"So how'd it go?" Bowser asked

"Perfectly, this evenin' one of his snotty friends, gonna be challengin' me to a duel," laughed Guyson

"It's not gonna be enough to take out all his friends but I guess one is better than nothing," said Bowser.

"Hey I'm getting rid of those rodents, you better give me my pay afterwards," said Guyson.

"Sure, sure Dedede has all the rich, I'll be sure to let him know," said Bowser.

"You better keep your word Koopa," said Guyson.

"Yeah sure, by the way shouldn't you be practicing?" asked Bowser.

"I was just leaving," answered Guyson. He turned around and slammed the door as he walked out.

"Such a merciless guy isn't he sire?" asked Kamek.

"Shut up Kamek," growled Bowser.

Mario and his friends found old koopa Sheldon sitting in his rocking chair on his front porch. Well they say koopa, but at this point he was just a dry bones.

"That must be him," said Tiff.

"Let's go ask," suggested Luigi. The group slowly walked up onto his porch.

"Eh who goes there?" the Dry Bones asked.

"Sorry to interrupt you sir but are you Sheldon?" asked Twilight.

"Yeah if you're looking for the old duel champion that's me," said the Dry Bones.

"Oh thank Celestia," said Fluttershy.

"Why you need somethin' from me?" asked Sheldon.

"You see earlier our friend was challenged to a duel by Guyson," answered Starlight.

"That no good criminal eh," said Sheldon. "Well no can do, can't fill you in,"

"We don't need you to fill her in, just some advice," said Applejack.

"Ah comin' to an old man like me, well not that old, alright then but ah tell ya,it's been a while so ah might be a little rusty," said Sheldon.

"Great thanks Mr. Sheldon," said Fluttershy.

"Ah no prob, now where is your friend?" asked Sheldon. Mario and Meta Knight shoved Rainbow Dash as the others moved out of the way. "Hmm interesting, y'all just wait here while ah teach this lil' missy a thing or two about duels," said Sheldon. The group thanked Sheldon as he took Rainbow Dash into the house. For the next several hours they all waited while Rainbow practiced shooting a revolver and getting some pointers from Sheldon. Eventually the time came for the duel to take place. As the citizens of Appleloosa, the members of the Black Krow Bandits, the sheriff, Braeburn and even Sheldon gathered in the town plaza, Mario and his friends sat on the sideline preparing Rainbow for her duel.

'You ready?" asked Mario.

"Trust me I'm always ready," Rainbow answered confidently. Her friends pat her on the back as they sent her out. For some reason she was wearing one of those cow girl vests, boots, and stetson hat like Applejack's.

"What's with the outfit?" asked Spike. Kirby let out a quiet Poyo as if he was asking the same question.

"Oh just a little somethin' to make it more realistic," said Sheldon.

"Y'all showed up ah see," laughed Guyson.

"I would never dare to run out on you Guyson!" Rainbow announced.

"Hmph cocky, well then let me explain, the rules are simple, each of us gets one bullet only, no dodgin' and if ya DO dodge the other gets a free shot," said Guyson.

"Sound good to me," said Rainbow.

"Good then we'll get started on the signal," said Guyson. Rainbow looked forward towards Guyson as her hoof hovered over her revolver. The crowd fell silent as two stared each other off. Fluttershy covered her face as the others watched nervously. A bead of sweat rolled down Rainbow's face as Guyson's mask seemed to glare at her. The silence went on for another 30 seconds before Guyson gave the signal.

"DRAW!" he yelled. And both fired. For a while everything was silent. That's when it happened. Rainbow winced as she collapsed on the ground. Twilight and her friends gasped as the Bandits exploded in excitement. "Haha another victory for Guyson!" Guyson announced.

"Oh no," said Fluttershy. Twilight was about to run out to her friend before Meta Knight stopped her.

"Wait," he said. He pointed towards Rainbow. She opened her eyes and winked at the group as she began laughing.
Guyson and the others turned towards her confused.

"Wow Guyson I got you good!" Rainbow announced as she got up.

"What impossible, but how!?" Guyson stuttered. "Ah thought ah said no dodgin',"

"I didn't dodge," said Rainbow pulling off her vest. She held up high so that the crowd could see. There was a crease where the bullet had hit.

"What how?" asked Guyson. That's when it hit him. "You, y'all used a bullet proof vest!?" Guyson asked. "But that's cheatin'!" announced Guyson.

"Uh no it's not, you said one bullet and no dodging, you didn't say anything about a Bullet Proof Vest!" announced Rainbow.

"She's right you know," said Tiff.

"Lies, all lies, where are y'all proof?" asked Guyson.

"Here," said Sheldon holding up a recorder. Everyone turned towards Sheldon as Kirby happily pushed the play button. Guyson and the Bandits stood in shock as his voice began to play.

"The rules are simple, each of us gets one bullet only, no dodgin' and if ya DO dodge the other gets a free shot," "No, no it's still consider cheatin', y'all know that ain't aloud," said Guyson.

"Oh shut up Guyson," yelled Braeburn. Guyson turned towards the stallion as he glared at him. "We've had enough of you," he yelled. The crowd yelled in agreement.

"Who cares if she cheated!" a pony yelled.

"You need to get out of here!" yelled another.

"Curse you pony I'll shoot y'all here an' now!" said Guyson pointing his revolver at Rainbow. The sound died down as they stared in horror at what Guyson was about to do. But when he pulled the trigger nothing happened. "What?" he asked.

"Why are you even trying, you already used your one bullet," said Rainbow. Guyson yelped as he dropped his guns.

"Give it up Guyson you've been outsmarted," said Rainbow. At this point Mario and his friends walked up and joined Rainbow.

"It's about time we throw you behind bars!" said Applejack.

"No, not the cells!" Guyson yelped.

"Then how about this, we know you have a Crystal Star, hand it over and we'll let you go," said Mario.

"He isn't giving up anything," said a voice. The group looked behind Guyson and saw two strange creatures standing behind the gang. One looked like a smaller Bowser with a mask, while the second was large tall and orange with small green spikes protruding from each of the segments. A figure wearing a blue cloak was hovering next to them on a broomstick.

"Bowser Jr!" Mario yelled.

"Who?" asked Rarity.

"He's Bowser's son, and that must be his henchmen Kamek," said Luigi pointing towards the figure in the robe.

"Guyson you're a failure," said Bowser Jr.

"Wait come on another chance?" begged Guyson.

"Sorry Guyson, but lord Bowser has no use of you anymore," said Kamek. He pulled out a magic wand and threw him off to the side with his magic. "Now for the rest of you, I'm afraid that our little friend won't be handing over that Garnet Star he holds," said Kamek.

"What are you planning?" growled Yoshi.

"Oh nothing much, it's just that we won't allow you to interfere with Master Bowser and Master Dedede's plans, therefore we're going to have to cut your little quest short," said Kamek. "Oh Mario you DO remember Tower Power Pokey right?"

"No you're not planning to, you don't even have a royal sticker!" said Mario.

"I don't need that paper glued piece of trash, with my magic I'll transform this Pokey into the beast you fought before," said Kamek. He flew up and began waving his wand over the tall creature. It's body began to glow and before Mario could stop Kamek, the creature grew bigger and it's body began to shine brilliantly in the sunlight. The towns people screamed and ran around panicked as Bowser Jr. flew up in his clown car next to Kamek.

"Oh my Celestia!" Rarity yelped.

"It's been a while since we saw this guy!" said Luigi.

"Yeah, but is it just me or does Tower Power Pokey look a lot stronger than usual?" asked Mario.

"It must be Dark Nightmare's Power," suggested Luigi.

"Well then we're going to have to take it out quick!" announced Mario.

"How?" asked Tuff.

"Knock out all it's segments then attack the head," answered Mario.

"But be careful of the spikes on it's body!" said Luigi. Everyone nodded as they went straight to attacking Tower Power Pokey. Rainbow Dash flew up to the segment under it's head and began punching and kicking being careful not to hit the spikes. Twilight flew up to the third segment and attacked it with her magic only for it to bounce off harmlessly.

"Nothing is working!" said Starlight.

"There has to be some way to beat this thing!" said Spike.

"I know!" said Luigi.

"You got an idea bro?" asked Mario. Luigi walked over and began whispering something in Mario's ear.

"That could work," said Mario.

"Worth a shot," said Luigi.

"Ok everyone change of plans back away from the Pokey," Everyone did as they were told and backed away. Luigi quickly took the time to run on the other side. The brothers pulled out hammers and looked at each other and nodded.

"Here I go," said Mario. He brought his hammer back and swung it hitting the 5th segment and knocking it off. "There it goes bro!" said Mario. Luigi was prepared. As the segment came flying towards it, Luigi reflected it it but aimed it a bit higher so that the segment went flying into the head.

"Hey it worked," said Tuff. Kirby let out a happy Poyo as he watched Mario and Luigi do the same with the other four segments until they got to the head. Once the last segment hit the Pokey's head, it fell to the ground confused.

"Now's our chance, everyone attack!" Meta Knight ordered. Everyone quickly ran out and began attacking the head with everything they had. This went on for a whole minute before everyone backed up. The Pokey head was still alive but looked weak.

"And now for the finishing blow," said Mario.

"Ooh, ooh, over her Mario!" Pinkie called out. She had a large blue canon at her ready and Mario knew what she was planning. He raised the hammer and swung it as hard as he could towards Pinkie.

"It's all yours!" said Mario. The Pokey head flew into the canon as Pinkie aimed at Kamek and Bowser Jr. The two began to panic as they saw what was coming.

"Happy Birthday!" screamed Pinkie as she fired the cannon. The Pokey head flew out and struck the two and sent them flying off into the horizon. The crowd cheered with joy as they surrounded Mario and his friends to congratulate them. The group was walked out of the crowd and was greeted by Braeburn, Sheriff Silverstar, Little Strongheart, Sheldon, and Kersti.

"Cousin I can't thank you enough for what y'all done for Appleloosa," said Braeburn.

"Aww it was nothin'," said Applejack.

"Nothing, without you or your friend's help, we would've never been able to arrest Guyson and his Gang for good," said Kersti.

"Hey you this ain't over yet, ya hear, when ah get outta those cells, I'm gonna get my hands on you, ya hear!?" Guyson yelled as he was dragged off towards the sheriff's office.

"Anyways, as a thank you take this Garnet Star," said Kersti. "It's one of the Crystal Stars, you're looking for right?" Mario took the Brown Star from Braeburn and passed it off to the group.

"Thanks Kersti," said Mario.

"Anything for you friend," said Kersti.

"Now while we would love to stay, we have to go, we need to find the rest of the stars," said Mario.

"Hold up, before y'all go why not take home some of our cider and pie?" asked Braeburn. He handed Luigi a jar of brown liquid and Yoshi three brown boxes. "We also found this key on the ground after you beat that large creature," said Braeburn handing Mario a small red key.

"Is that?" asked Tiff.

"Yeah it's no doubt that that's one of the keys we needed," said Mario.

"Thank you," said Luigi.

"No thank you, and good luck, come visit Appleloosa when you get the chance," said the Sheriff. Mario and his friends said their goodbyes to the village as they hopped on the train to Canterlot.

Author's Note:

Chapter 4 complete. Success! Mario and his friends managed to recover the first of the crystal stars and even managed to outsmart Guyson and beat Tower Power Pokey in the process. In the meantime I wanted to ask what Star should the group go after next. The Ruby Star, Sapphire Star, Emerald Star, Gold Star, Crystal Star, or Diamond Star? Where should they go next and who should be the next guardian. Should it be a Mario boss or a Kirby Boss? Let me know in the comments.