• Published 31st Mar 2018
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Airship Mauled - Darkonshadows

We crash landed on a goddess. Welcome to Airship Mauled, where everything could possibly be worse.

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Character Sheet # 1 Jaded La Perm

Name: Jaded (Jade) La Perm/ Jaded ‘Bloody Berrytwist-er’ La Perm

Race: Abyssinian/ Pony Hybrid. (Mostly Abyssinian in appearance.)

Gender: Female.

Orientation: Barn door opens only for mares.

Class: Rogue Sun Priestess.

Do you have something you praise everyday as your deity or object of worship? Then you may be a priestess.

Do you like being a clever thief or an evil bugging nuisance when to you find a situation that demands you do something crazy? Then you may be a rogue.

If you praise the sun for another bright day, like to steal things and sometimes feel blessed, then you are definitely on the path to being a rogue sun priestess!

You are not bound to priestly duties like other priest/priestesses, you can do what you feel like as long as you continue to acknowledge your deity or object of worship every now and then. If it likes you enough, it’ll bless you at least once and then it’ll likely watch what you do with amusement.

Bio: In her past life, Jade was something else and she remembers it. Now newly born to Kurilian La Perm, her mother, she has been given another chance at life on the world of Equus in the coastal town of Pal Calico Coast, officially shortened to Palicoast.

Growing up she performed an exercise known as a salutation to the sun, ironically enough the sun eventually said hello back by giving her an ability.

She’s fairly intelligent and annoying her enough to go ‘Petty Kitty’ will spell just about anyone’s doom. Anyone who knows her also knows she has Deadly Dyscalculia and an Impossible Pain Threshold. She’s also know for minor Thieving Tendencies and Chaotic Planning.

She has a mischievous streak, is loyal to those she likes, she knows how to fight and is sometimes referred to as being jokingly, and sometimes seriously, as evil by her loved ones. She's always looking out for an odd adventure to go on and she tends to find them. She is sometimes called Catfish and is noted to be a Tom Cat.

Her father was a unicorn, long odds stated that he shouldn’t have lived with his illness as long as he did. He wouldn’t have done so without Kuril’s love and he wouldn’t have conceived the spell for cross species propagation. Pony’s already had a very large capability of interbreeding with multiple sub species of pony, griffon and etc. All Jade’s father did was just spread the compatibility one species further with the daughter he never had a chance to meet.

Kuril La Perm named her daughter Jaded after her feelings of having just lost the pony stallion she loved, but she still had what he left behind as a reminder and something to cherish.

Jaded is one of a kind in many respects. She’s self proclaimed Rogue Sun Priestess, the first Abyssinian Pony hybrid in existence and having an Old Soul that missed being cleansed in the cycles of life and death.

Appearance: Anthropomorphic cat with light beige fur, green hair of variable length (Usually upper back), green eyes and moderate length tail. Capable of quadrupedal or bipedal locomotion. Tends to wear shirts, cloak, shorts, occasionally skirts and her favorite pack full of odds and ends to help her on her adventures.

She is considered average by other Abyssinians in appearance except for the unusual mane of green hair.

Positive Trait/s: Impossible Pain Threshold, Chaotic Planning, Water Breathing*.

Negative Trait/s: Deadly Dyscalculia, Thieving Tendencies.

Racial Trait: Night Vision.

Racial Bonus: Abyssinian Agility. Add points to Dexterity.

List of Skills: Knife Mastery, Brawling, Acrobatics, Cooking, Exotic Weapons, Pilfer, Astral Projection*.

Special Ability: The Guiding Light bonfire.

The ability to create an ever burning bonfire that creates a field of protection from danger within close proximity of it, the fire is said to never stop burning as long as the soul that creates it still lives. Does not burn wood, does not burn out or require fuel, and takes a few minutes before it can be used again. It is the perfect camping fire to roast marshmallows over and talk about things at.

Warning: This ability causes extreme amounts of pain if used while astral projecting.

Magical Talent: Magical Alchemy.

The power of destroying objects, imbuing objects or permanently enchanting objects to cause magical effects related to the object used.

Cutie Mark: Sun Inside a lightbulb. Special talent increases Chaotic Planning passively.

Stats: Measuring from 1 to 10, 1 being weakest for given species, 5 being average for given species, 10 is strongest for given species. Anything above 10 for every 2 points has a title that goes from 'SUPER-natural' to 'Demi-god' to 'Godlike' to 'Minor God' to 'Outright God Of This One Thing In Particular'.

Strength: Physical prowess of the character. 6/10.

Jade is not the strongest being to exist, but she’s got a decent right hook.

Constitution: Injuries the character can take before death and the amount of stamina they have. 12/10.

The ‘Impossible Pain Threshold’ Trait makes Jade capable of taking punishment that should outright kill any other Abyssinian.

Dexterity: How fast a character moves or reacts to their surroundings. 9/10.

All Abyssinians are naturally agile and have good reflexes for the most part, unless they are extremely lazy. Jade is no exception in this with her ability to outrun the Royal Guard consistently.

Abyssinian Agility automatically gives points in Dexterity.

Intelligence: Knowledge and the ability to use it. -2*, 18*, 9/10.

Never underestimate an Abyssinian's intelligence, Jade is really quite quick witted. Suffers a -11 intelligence when doing math thanks to Deadly Dyscalculia. Deadly Dyscalculia prevents Jade from using anything but the most basic forms of math, sometimes not even that.

Star Stat*: Usually when Intelligence goes into the negative, it kills the character as they have become braindead. In the case of Deadly Dyscalculia, the character’s base intelligence is not actually dropping to below zero where intelligence using math is concerned.

Star Stat*: The longer Jade has Chaotic Planning running to achieve something, the more it slides towards 'Minor God'. Chaotic Planning cannot exceed 'Minor God'. If Math is used in Chaotic Planning, intelligence stat will always be -1 or lower and cannot go above 0 thanks to Deadly Dyscalculia which takes always priority over Chaotic Planning's slow building stat increase.

Wisdom: Common sense, self-restraint. 3*, 7-9*, 6/10.

Jade thought jumping off the side of Canterlot seemed like a good idea at the time even though she didn’t know how she’d land without dying. Just because she’s intelligent doesn’t means she’s wise, it also doesn’t mean that she can’t be wise.

Star Stat*: Due to Thieving Tendencies, character’s wisdom has a high random chance of dropping by -3.

Star Stat*: Due to being a priestess of any class, low to moderate random chance to have 1-3 points more wisdom than usual.

Charisma: Leadership, persuade, adorable antics. ??*/10

Whether it’s playing in a cardboard box, purring when getting head rubs, getting tied up by a yarn ball or following a dot of light on the ground, Abyssinians have plenty of charisma. Jade has this well enough too as an Abyssinian, but she also has the charisma score of a pony making her charisma fluctuate at random wildly.

Star Stat*: Charisma is randomized to within 4-6 points, but also judges by interactions and relationships to others character interacts with. Hated relations have -3 Charisma modifier. Bad relations have -2 Charisma modifier. Confused relations 0/+1 charisma modifier. Good relations have +2 Charisma modifier. Family relations have +4 Charisma modifier. Loving relations have plus +6 Charisma modifier.

Luck: Determines if good or bad things happen. 5/10

Hidden Abyssinian Trait: Thanks to Abyssinians tampering around with their luck through mystical artifacts like the Misfortune Malachite, Abyssinian luck tends to be stagnant or at the very least barely any Abyssinian is luckier than any other, as such all Abyssinians start with and will almost always have 5 luck no matter what modifiers attempt to add to or subtract from it.

Skills: What is the character good at doing?

Knife Mastery: Whether it’s chopping vegetables, gutting fish or defending oneself, the knife is a lightweight option and tool for most situations. Your character can wield one of these with quite a bit of proficiency.

Brawling: Learning how to fight with your bare hands/hooves/claws/etc. is a good thing, even without a weapon you are not unarmed until you are literally un-armed.

Acrobatics: Able to climb up to high places, leap around like a grasshopper and tumble around or dodge attacks without injuring oneself. You are not likely to pick up the negative trait ‘Acrophobia’, unless you suffer and survive a fall that immediately puts you in critical health. Even then, you can resist ‘Acrophobia’ if you can still walk afterwards, because any landing you can walk away from wasn’t so bad.

Cooking: Learning how to identify and utilize ingredients from nature or your surroundings to make meals for yourself is a helpful ability. Cooking automatically gives you decent foraging ability.

Exotic Weapons (Yo-yo): A flail is an odd weapon, whether on a wire, a string or a chain. If you can learn how to wield this kind of weapon with decent proficiency, then you can bypass held shields and do some really odd things depending on the weapons design.

Pilfer: Able to steal almost without being caught or noticed, if you want to be a magician then this can be used to perform a sleight of appendage trick at a magician’s show.

Astral Projection*: This skill was brought about by being exposed to a spell, potion or method of separating ones astral form from their body as to be something akin to a living ghost. Most beings, including gods, do not have the capability to interact with the astral projection if something’s wavelength is far out of phase with the rest of reality.

Useful for scouting around safely, as long as the body is not left exposed to the elements or danger.

Traits: Natural positive, neutral or negative things about the character.

Impossible Pain Threshold: Allows one to take critical damage and survive it, going into shock doesn’t hurt the character as badly and character will be less likely to suffer permanent injury if medical attention is applied quickly enough. Characters will struggle to survive grievous injuries no matter what it takes.

Overall the characters with this trait will be extremely hard to kill. The more critical hits a character survives the more likely it is that this trait can randomly upgrade to ‘Goddess of Sorrow’ or ‘Goddess of Resilience’ depending on personality from repeatedly sustaining painful injuries over a short period of time that can result in shock.

Chaotic Planning: A character with this trait can come up with a plan, which may or may not be absurd to others, at whatever pace is needed for dealing with almost any unforeseen scenario on top of the scenario the plan is initially meant to be for. The longer it takes to make and hash out said plan, the likelier the plan is going to work no matter how absurd things gets, there are a number of things that are still impossible to plan for. The plans made under this trait usually thrives off of the oxymoron of organized chaos. The less time there is to create a plan, the higher the chances of failure will be.

Warning: Any plan involving the usage of math will immediately fail catastrophically thanks to Deadly Dyscalculia and will have an 80% chance to kill the plan maker.

Chaotic Planning with Cutie Mark Buff Applied: This trait is given the power of brighter ideas. Plans don’t need nearly as many steps to work, doesn’t take as long to make an effective working plan, plans are 22% more effective and can rarely even go better than initially planned. Also rarely a plan can even go ‘too’ well and do something entirely unintended for negative or positive consequences.

Warning: Any plan involving math might fail catastrophically thanks to Deadly Dyscalculia, the plan has a 40% chance to kill the plan maker and only the plan maker now.

Star Trait Water Breathing*: Through repeated use of magical alchemy the character is now incapable of drowning, either that or the character was naturally born with gills that recently started working. This however does not improve the swimming ability of those who were not born with Water Breathing naturally or happen to be aquatic beings.

Deadly Dyscalculia: Whosoever has this trait should never have anything to do with complicated math, as math will constantly attempt to get the holder of the trait killed or at least everyone around them if the trait holder is hard to kill. -11 intelligence when solving complicated math problems, upon solving problems the solutions will always be intended to lead to the certain death of the one who 'falsely' solved the math problem with this trait.

Any plan involving complicated math and this trait, will have a high chance of the trait holder and many others perishing by proximity. If a passive buff is added, then only the trait holder is likely to die at half the chance they previously would have trying to use math.

Side Note: This explains why Jade’s Ogres & Oubliettes character ‘stab the whole room rogue’ character died so often as planning and math was involved. By some random fluke, and someone else finally doing the math for her, Jade’s O & O character suddenly became an immediate lethal room clearing monstrosity that required monsters simply known as Blanks to slow down.

Thieving Tendencies: Whoever has this trait has a slight kleptomaniacal problem with stealing things that aren’t theirs. It is not uncontrollable, but it could be if the character doesn’t keep a tight leash on their urges. Stealing is sometimes a good thing, but it’s never wise as you just may end up upsetting a dragon.

When this trait activates, which happens fairly often, the trait holder loses three wisdom points with very little exception. Tends to activate more in the process of stealing something.

Worships: The Sun, Sekhet, Baast, Celestia, Discord, Chaos (Past Discord).

Minor Worship: Anubis, Veles.

Loves: Potato Stew, Fizzy, Maries, Family and Having Friends That Are Open Minded About Constant Rogue Actions.

Likes: Royal Guards, Being Chased, Yarn, Food, Spitfire, Snuggles, Nice Skirts and Cardboard Boxes.

Dislikes: Most nobles, Shining Armor, GODLESS organization and being caught unless she wants to be.

Eternal Hatred: Dresses of any kind meant for a female Abyssinian Kitten/Queen, includes dresses made for an Abyssinian to wear after being transformed into something else.

Allergies: Caffeine, Chocolate, Tea Leaves, Theobromine.

Most known for: Having Effective plans. Surviving LIMBO for five years with at least some modicum of sanity intact after acquiring negative trait 'Extreme Sanity Slippage' and managing to survive dropping her intelligence stats base to -20 by doing math multiples times while under the negative traits effect.

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