• Published 8th Apr 2018
  • 4,477 Views, 132 Comments

Alternative Reality - Crystal Night

Infinite finds himself in Equestria, where his presence may help the Princesses, if not whole of Equestria.

  • ...

Stage Fifteen: Dream Talk

Infinite stared at the ceiling for what felt like hours. His mind still trying to process what happened earlier. Luna kissed him, sure it was on the cheek, but that was the first time someone actually kissed him. Not only that, he felt different whenever around her.
Was it really possible he had fallen for her?


He shifted his gaze towards her. He wasn't lying about her beauty and Luna was quite the capable fighter.
His heart skipped another beat.

"Uhm?" Luna was looking at him. Crap, how I didn't noticed that?!

"Are you alright?"
He quickly pulled his look away even though it was already too late.
"Y-Yea, I'm fine, everything's ok."
The princess smiled and pulled back the covers.
"Like I said, there's plenty of space left and it's very comfy."

"Don't worry, sleeping on the couch is fine-" he felt his body leaving the couch as Luna used her magic on him. "W-What are you doing?"

"Giving you a proper place to sleep, I want you well rested in the morning and besides sleeping on the couch can be rough and not very healthy." She put him down on the bed. At first, Infinite wanted to protest but as soon he landed on it, his opinion changed.
"This...is quite comfy."

"See? I told you so." The princess placed the covers back. "Better now?"

"Yea, but you don't mind...ya know," he shook his head a bit, Luna didn't quite understand what he was saying. Infinite sighed. "Sleeping on the same bed..."

"Oh. OH!" Luna didn't actually realized what she had done. She placed him on the bed because it felt wrong leaving him on the couch, but now as her own cheeks turned into a bright red colour, the princess somewhat struggled to think clearly.
Infinite grew more nervous as the silence went on. Perhaps this was a mistake.
The lunar alicorn came to her senses when she noticed Infinite about to leave and very quickly placed a hoof on his hand, the jackal looked down and then into her eyes.

"Please don't go...stay with me." Even though Luna never had a special somepony, she at least knew that sharing a bed with someone else was seen as something romantic, like a couple. Plenty of times she wished to wake up and have that special one gazing at her, giving her the love she needed it. A nice morning smile and a cozy embrace. He had every right to deny her request, however a small part of her wanted him to stay.
"Ok then." Luna blinked, did she hear that right? "Just don't tell anyone about this." Wait, as he...blushing? By the stars! He was blushing! This time she could see it very well.
"Thanks Zero, I really appreciate it." - Luna smiled.
He nodded and went to lay back down as Luna did the same.
A few hours into their sleep and Infinite felt something shaking, as he looked to his side, Luna's back was turned towards him and she was shaking. It was a tad bit cold. His eyes scanned around the room for any extra blankets but didn't find none which was odd.
"Luna," - he whispered, trying to see if she was awake. The sudden movement of her ear told him the answer. "Are you cold?"

"A little bit, but it's fine. I'm used to it."
Infinite noticed the sadder tone when she said that. His mind wondered how lonely was Luna really. Sure, she had her sister and her friends back on Ponyville, but that seemed about it. From what he could tell she didn't seemed to have a romantic partner either. Being part of royalty probably made it more difficult for obvious reasons. Luna just wanted someone to be by her side, not just because of the title, but because she still felt alone, even after coming back from the moon. That's why she liked having him nearby.
Infinite's eyes never left the pony in front of him. He took a long breath as the jackal did something risky.


"Zero? What are...you doing?" She felt his arms wrapped around her barrel.

"Helping you." - he stated, pulling her closer.
"You know you don't have to do that right?"

"I know."
Luna blushed even more than before, a smile slowly creeping up. She moved her body, this time facing Infinite.
"I'm probably going to need more thanks, just for you."

He giggled. "Just don't tell Celestia, she would either beat me or never shut up about it."

"Probably both."

"Feeling better now?" - he finally asked.
The princess nodded and got closer, careful enough not to hurt him with her horn.
Infinite waited until she fell asleep, this night definitely took a weird turn. He was quite unsure on what to think or do. Perhaps this way it would be more easier for Luna to help him, or so he thought.
He felt his eyes growing more heavy by the moment and soon darkness took him.

The masked jackal stood in a middle of a broken city, buildings destroyed, explosions in the distance, broken robots.
He was back in Mobius, but how? It had to be a dream. Without any destination, he roamed around, scanning his surroundings. He reached the dead end of a collapsed bridge overlooking the town below.
Giant robots crushed anything, and anyone for that matter. Survivors ran as fast as they could while the resistence troops stayed behind, doing the best they could. The sounds of screams and shots only got louder and louder.

It's your fault...
He ignored it.

It's your fault...
"Be quiet."

The voice got closer.
It's all your fault.

"I said be quiet!"

IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT! - the voice screamed in his ears as he had to cover them.

"That's enough!" - another voice proclaimed itself, banning away the chilling voice.
Infinite gazed at the lunar princess as she landed next to him.
"Sorry I was busy dealing with another nightmare, how are you?"

"I... I'm fine."
Now that she had a moment to recollect herself, Luna looked around, the sight wasn't very pleasing.
"Is this Mobius?"
He nodded.
"One of its many cities...reduced to dust and rocks."

They sat at the edge, all the sounds now gone, replaced by their breathing.
"I can change this if you want." - offered Luna.

"Are you afraid of me Luna?"
What did he mean by that? He was more aggressive around others, specially when fighting, but moments like these he was completely different. So far he didn't really gave her a reason to be afraid of him, careful yes at first. He even protected her twice, which meant he cared.
Infinite waited for her reply. He was currently at a crossroads, unable to think straight.
"I'm not afraid of you Zero."
He looked into her eyes, trying to find the hint of a lie, but found none. She was being honest.
"Even if I caused all of this?" - he gestured with his arms.

"Just like me, you were misguided by other forces. But you have a choice, pick your way or follow what they say."
He wanted revenge, and because of that he caused a war, causing suffering to others that didn't had any deal with his own issues. He was influenced by the doctor and the power of the phantom ruby. Revenge consumed his heart and every action.
"Do you think that everyone deserves a second chance?"

"If I say no, then I don't deserve to be here now." - she smiled.

"Well, I'm glad you're here then."

"HUZZAH!" Luna jumped at the startled jackal, giving him a bone crushing hug.
Ok, for a pony she was quite strong.
"Luna. Air. Now."
"Oh, sorry!" - she quickly let him go with a giggle.

"So we got anything planned for tomorrow? Seems a bit early to return to Canterlot."

"We can do a little tour around the empire and show you some stuff. Afterall it's not very often we get to leave Canterlot outside of royal duties, which is quite boring and annoying."
He had to suppress a laugh.
"For a princess, you sure don't act like one."

"You should see my sister sometimes behind the curtains. Specially around cakes."
He raised an eyebrow.
"Why is that?"

She grinned. "Let's just say that cakes usually won't survive long around her."
They both shared a laugh while a certain sun princess sneezed.