• Member Since 27th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen May 27th


I write commissions and sometimes write stuff I come up with too. Nuff said.

Comments ( 51 )

Incomplete You Say?

Hmmmmmm... :trixieshiftleft:

Well, I originally had a second chapter for this idea, but didn't have the room to squeeze it into just 10k words. That, and I did indeed forget to switch it to complete, as I'm terrible at.

You seem to be having this problem a lot.

In the future you should write a sequel :twilightsmile: Because great work :twilightsmile:

I gotta ask, what is aromophilia/osmophilia? I can’t find any definition on google or my iPad.

Do you mean olfactophilia/osmolagnia, arousal from smells/odours? That’s the only thing I can think of when you say “cuz horses”

I think I’ve seen other stories from you with the same trigger warning and I have no idea what it is.

lovely story. hitting some of my favorite fetish ^^

Please continue with either another chapter or epilogue, I want to know how big does the family get!!

Could swear I had of said pokemon before

I think I came just reading the spoiler text.

Inspired by some now-deleted art by 'apis' on e621. It involved a young pokemon breeding his mother and getting her pregnant with his kids. Sound familiar?

Eh hem, would you happen to have a copy of this deleted art? You can't just drop that sort of bombshell and walk away. :rainbowderp:

I really wish I did, but sadly no. That's why I started downloading great stuff like that now.

Yeah, that. Gonna change my tags so I don't look like an incompetent person. Thanks for that.

This has to be the most sympathetic portrayal of mother-son incest I've ever seen.

Headcanon was pretty nice, though the fact earth ponies seem to be okay with incest in your universe does strike me as odd. Is there something that prevents genetic deficiencies in inbred offspring common to other species? It's offered as a convenient out but not entirely explained.

Aside from that little problem and the basic bare-bones sexual descriptive adjectives like "dong" and "cock", the characterization was excellent and Button's Mom does come off as not entirely insane for wanting to be bred by her own son which is not a common angle in this sort of fic. Most authors just embrace the insanity entirely and make it as wet and hairy as possible. Not this; you put actual thought and effort into your work and it deserves the recognition it got. Bravo sir!

Stealth edit: You're also to be commended on the lack of typos/grammatical errors on this work given it was produced in two days so well done there!

If you search "shinx luxray incest" the reddit result may be what they speak of.

I just found the images! PM me if you want links to them.

10109778 Thanks for the suggestion! That let me find them!

To be fair animals have a somewhat higher tolerance for the genetic issues you speak of and even in us, it takes a few generations of solid inbreeding to get there.

Ah. Bit of advice, google it first to see if the term already exists, that's what I did when I wanted to find out if my musk fetish had a name :P


This has to be the most sympathetic portrayal of mother-son incest I've ever seen.

Well, I wanted to do something different and more emotional than most incest porn, and I guess I achieved it.

Is there something that prevents genetic deficiencies in inbred offspring common to other species? It's offered as a convenient out but not entirely explained.

Well, I read somewhere that horses have redundant chromosomes, and that may make them more resistant to many of the negative effects related to inbreeding. Of course, multiple generations of inbreeding will, of course, make it more and more dangerous with the less variety there is in the gene-pool. That said, I mostly meant, like, casual sex incest, not necessarily for breeding. Like mom's helping their sons with their teenage urges, or brothers helping their sisters or moms with their estrus (protected, of course). That kinda thing.

side from that little problem and the basic bare-bones sexual descriptive adjectives like "dong" and "cock"

Yeah, I kinda regret adding that 'dong', should have used stallionhood perhaps. I never usually use that word...meh. No point stealth-editing it out since you already called me out on it. :P

[T]he characterization was excellent and Button's Mom does come off as not entirely insane for wanting to be bred by her own son which is not a common angle in this sort of fic. Most authors just embrace the insanity entirely and make it as wet and hairy as possible. Not this; you put actual thought and effort into your work and it deserves the recognition it got. Bravo sir!

Thanks again! As said earlier, I wanted this story to be something different than the usual incest works by others, or even those I've done myself. Sure, sex for sex is fine and fun, but I wanted there to be a deeper meaning for it in this story.

Stealth edit: You're to be commended on the lack of typos/grammatical errors on this work given it was produced in two days so well done there!

Thanks for that but, well, a lot of the credit for that goes to spell-check and my friend Laura. It was a bit of a mess before they edited it with me...^^'

Also thanks for the detailed review, don't get those very often!


Mine too. Here's hoping you like(d) it!


In that case, you...may wanna go change your pants. :pinkiehappy:


Glad to hear it! ^^



I might eventually write what I planned for the second chapter as a sequel later on, but for right now I really need to get back to work on my commissions.



I hadn't considered the higher tolerance towards inbreeding angle because I don't really see them like animals as much as horse people. That's a fair rebuttal.

You did a damn good job with their... instinctual, ancestral behaviors. I absolutely love shit like that! :rainbowwild:

Glad you liked it. I personally love primal breeding and courting like this. If you like this, check out the sex chapters of 'Farmer's Hospitality' and 'Just His Luck' for more like that! Matter of fact, most of my stories are like that to some extent, for that matter.

“So...my hooves can get a mare pregnant?”

Dear GAWD this colt is hopeless.

Cream decided though, after a performance like that, and indeed being the reason she was pregnant at all, Button deserved to cuddle the result of their love. “My lovely stallion, and father-to-be of my future foals. My lover, my son.”

Well... That was something.

What a fun ride. This story gave my heart a boner.


That said, I mostly meant, like, casual sex incest, not necessarily for breeding. Like mom's helping their sons with their teenage urges, or brothers helping their sisters or moms with their estrus (protected, of course). That kinda thing.


10111484 Yeah, comedy is always a good addition to most stories, and mine are no exception.

Hope you liked the story!


How does one's heart get a boner? That sounds...unhealthy...?


Kifflom, brother brother

reptilian brain.

I don't understand.


idk just trying to be funny

The part of the brain responsible for primal instincts, like balance, breathing and heart rate, and breeding instinct and drive. Google is your friend if you don't understand something.

I see. Thank you for explaining. Have a nice day

"“Wait, sex makes foals?” Button asked, looking quite clueless, “What...what even is sex?”"

AllI could think of was this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=US39_ZA2HPA&feature=youtu.be&t=32

Why the hay is this in the pokemon completed section XD


Duh of course. I hate that mission where you have to run around the desert.


Tch, Kyle doesn't even know how to wear clothes. Right Dylan?


-Shut up and go find me some watermelon.
-Sure thing Dylan!

WATERMLLAON to my face then, I don't care, its like a pie in the face with a BE, BE, GUN PHPH!!:pinkiecrazy:


It better be important Dylan.

Ya know i have stories to read *end of conversation *
Good story tho

This is your official review from Dirty Little Secret's Dirty Little Contest!
Remember to vote in the contest's poll -- voting closes at midnight, June 6th.
And make sure to allow notifications from the contest group and/or follow Dirty Little Secret to get the full results and the awards show post on June 9th!

------ Review ------

Please keep in mind, I know I can be overly critical and negative at times. I can always find something to nitpick, even in the greatest works of literature ever written. Please don't take it personally!
-Plenty of nice, juicy details.
-Some unexpectedly dark stuff in the beginning.
-The ten centimetres line was oddly precise.
-family soon," Cream said with a beaming smile, reaching up to rub noses with her child, her mate, “Cuz you’re -- improper capitalization.
-Excellent use of the incest fetish without making it overbearing.
-Nice that you don't give them simultaneous orgasms like every other clopfic ... even I'm guilty of that a lot of times!

------ Scores ------

To clarify what these scores mean, check my judging rubric.
Cloppability: 98/100
Allure: 94/100
Enticement: 85/100
Immersion: 90/100
Prose Quality: 89/100
Total Score: 456/500
The more specialized scores for individual prizes, as well as the results of the community poll, will be published when the full results are announced. If this story wins any awards, there will be another post in the story comments sometime after June 9th announcing that this story has won.

Thank you for participating, and thank you for contributing to Fimfic's collection of clop!

Congratulations on winning Dirty Little Secret's Dirty Little Contest!
For the full results, check the Dirty Little Award Show.

This story won:

Fetish Fuel: Impregnation
That's the whole point, isn't it? To make babies? Your clopfic had the best scene where someone gets pregnant.


W H A T T H E -

She wanted for him to find love, and perhaps make her a grandmother

Edit 12/9/2020:

Cream raised a foreleg and bit her cannon,

Her cannon?

tapping against the entrance to the womb that had held him for over eleven months,

God what a himbo. They were really leaning into that "This is her child" angle.

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