• Published 28th Apr 2018
  • 12,042 Views, 609 Comments

Dragonball Super: Rise of The Super Alicorn God - UltraInstinctGoku

What would have happened if Lord Beerus was actually able to defeat Son Goku and destroy the Earth? What if the Super Saiyan God, just like his father Bardock, was sent to another world instead of dying a blazing death?

  • ...

Battle of Gods Saga: A New Beginning

[Everfree Forest, Entrance of the Tree of Harmony's Cave]

Lord Beerus slowly reached the ground while carrying the valiant Saiyan, or Alicorn in this case, and gently placed him in an open field, not too far from the entrance of the cave. The Mane 6, Spike, and part of the Dragon Team didn't waste time and ran to see their injured friend. The God of Destruction stepped aside as Whis appeared next to him through his fast-flying abilities.

"GOKU!" shouted both the old friends that could flawlessly move and the new ones as they were running. Vegeta was the only exception among the black-maned stallion's old acquaintances that had good control over his ponified body but chose not to go so quickly. The rest of the group, the ones that didn’t rush to see Goku, left slowly and eventually arrived at the cave entrance, only to see the others running to the downed Saiyan. They decided to give the worried ones some space, as they too would eventually catch up with them.

"DAD!" shouted the Alicorn's sons, who were among the first to reach their father’s side, with the other groups coming along eventually. Once there, the group of ponies surrounded their unconscious friend/father and could see that several parts of his body were scorched. It was probably due to the re-entry into the atmosphere and the explosion of that gigantic sun-like sphere. However, they also noticed that one of the feathers of his left wing was still made of energy and rainbow-colored, meaning that there was still a bit of the Tree of Harmony's magic within him.

Goten tried to wake his father up by shaking his damaged body a bit and calling out, but there was no reaction. He was very worried about his dad, even though he could sense that his energy was weirdly stable. “It’s low, but it’s stable somehow,” Goten worriedly thought.

Whis thought that it was the Magic of the mystical tree that prevented him from perishing. “Looks like there’s nothing to worry about,” Whis thought with a small smile on his lips as he looked down at the unconscious Saiyan.

Suddenly, the Magic stored in Goku's rainbow-colored feather engulfed him. Then, he started shining and a multicolored shockwave was generated by his body. The ponies closest to him shunned their eyes from the brightness, as the shockwave went through all of them. It didn't harm or move anyone in the area, but it expanded across the planet and beyond, repairing the damages caused by the battle between the god-like beings. The damaged environments were restored, the animals caught in the crossfire were healed or even resurrected, and the destroyed planets were rebuilt.

Once the light faded, everyone could see that he was completely healed. Then, the black-maned Alicorn began to open his eyes slowly, as all of his friends surrounding him began to smile because of this. The youngest of the Son Family couldn't help but hug his beloved father, who was trying to get up, making him fall again. This action forced Goku to open his eyes completely, finding out who was responsible for that tackle.

"Woah! Goten, why did you do that for?" he asked a bit in confusion, but then he realized, "Wait... Goten?"

"Hi, Dad!" he greeted with his inherited happy smile, then he asked, "Are you okay?"

Goku was surprised, confused, and a bit scared that this could be just a dream, but he was mainly bursting with joy. Catching the Z-Fighters and the Dragon Team off guard, he tightly embraced his youngest son and tearfully, but joyfully answered, "Yes, Goten, I'm alright."

While this scene was perfectly normal and touching for the Mane 6, Spike, the Royal Sisters, Lord Beerus and Whis, it was almost unnatural for most of the Saiyan's old friends. They never saw Goku openly display affection toward someone, not even his family. Only his oldest friends, Bulma and Master Roshi, remembered Fortuneteller Baba's Martial Arts Tournament, in which the brave monkey-tailed kid faced his beloved Grandpa Gohan. They both saw how happy he was when the old man revealed his identity.

That was probably the only time they saw their friend show any emotion other than just excitement for facing strong opponents, his trademark carefree happiness, or anger, until now. Even Goten was surprised by this, but he quickly recovered and said, "Dad, I'm not the only one here."

After those words were spoken, the Saiyan raised on Earth ended the embrace and noticed that they were surrounded by his new and old friends. "Gohan? Guys?" he asked, looking for a confirmation.

"About time you noticed us, silly," said Bulma from behind the crowd with a smile.

"Bulma!" exclaimed Goku, happy to see his very first friend again, "Krillin!” He said while his best friend smiled at him, “Master Roshi!” the turtle hermit nodded in response, “I can’t believe it, you’re all here!” said the Saiyan in joy, happy to see his friends back. He then wondered “But I don't understand, How is it possible you guys are here?"

"Yeah, that's something I want to know as well," suddenly started the God of Destruction, catching off guard most of those present.

"Well, long story short," began to explain Piccolo, "We used the Namekian Dragon Balls to be resurrected and sent here."

"Wait, wait, wait..." intervened Twilight, "You said 'resurrected'?!"

"*GASP* Does that mean you're Zombies?!" asked Pinkie Pie as she pulled out of nowhere her party cannon with cakes as ammunition, "Away from my bakery!"

Piccolo and the other Z-fighters were perplexed by the pink mare’s antics. “Um… Goten, how did she get a cannon from outta nowhere,” Trunks whispered to his friend, who responded by shrugging his shoulders. “Dunno, beats me,” said the second child of Goku.

"Uh, I'm pretty sure Sugarcube Corner is owned by Mrs. and Mr. Cake, Pinkie," commented Spike, "And aren't Zombies supposed to eat brains?"

"After a meal, everyone wants the dessert," answered the joyful pink mare while still pointing her cannon toward the Z-Fighters, who had a drop behind their heads.

Even though that weapon didn't seem to be dangerous for them, Gohan decided to explain to them the situation, "We are not Zombies: We are as alive as you all. We just used magical items that have the power to grant any wish, including resurrecting those who died."

His statement surprised the young mares, the baby Dragon, and even the Royal Sisters. For them, Magic was something powerful but limited. There were things that not even the most skilled wizard or the most powerful spell could do, and one of them was to undo the death, and yet this stallion was stating that there were artifacts capable of such prodigious feat.

"Hehe, you're joking, right?" asked Twilight with a nervous smile, "I mean, not even the so-called Necromancers can do that."

"He's serious, Twilight," supported Goku, much for Twilight's surprise, "The Dragon Balls can do many things. Speaking of which, if Dende is here, that means you have them with you, right?"

"Yes, they are all here," confirmed the Guardian of Earth as he tried to use his telekinesis to make the 7 mystical orbs float, but he used a levitation spell instead, something that he didn't notice.

Goku's new friends looked at the spheres in awe. They were really beautiful, especially for Rarity, who was almost thinking they were giant crystalline starry pearls, but amber-colored instead of white. Spike thought they were gems and tried to imagine how tasteful they probably were. However, he snapped his thoughts and asked, "Wait, you said those gems are called 'Dragon Balls'?"

"Yes, Spike," confirmed Goku, "And I'll use them, so you all will see what they can do. However, I want to introduce you all to my family and friends first."

"Oh, right, how rude of us," intervened Bulma, realizing that they didn't introduce themselves properly, and said with a smile, "Well, my name is Bloomers, but everyone just calls me Bulma. Nice to meet you all."

"I'm Son Gohan, Son Goku's oldest son, nice to meet you."

"My name is Son Goten, his little brother, nice to meet you."

"And I'm Krillin, former student of the Turtle Hermit and long-time friend of Goku."

So far, things have gone smoothly. The ponies were starting to memorize the names of Goku’s friends and family, as well as their potential new friends in the future.

"You can call me Yamcha, and this is my best friend, Puar."

"Hi !" greeted the cat-like shapeshifter.

"Oh, aren’t you just the cutest little thing," commented an enthusiastic Fluttershy, who approached the creature to pet him. Puar giggled when he was being petted by the yellow pegasus.

"You may call me Piccolo," said the Namekian. His deep, bellowing voice caught some of the Mane 6 off. Not only that, his appearance and giant physique made him quite the intimidating figure. “He must be as big as Big Mac,” Applejack thought.

"I'm Muten Roshi also known as the Turtle Hermit, but everyone calls me Master Roshi."

“So wait, you’re the guy who taught Goku the Kamehameha?” Rainbow Dash inquired.

“Yep, that’s me alright. Guess you can say it’s my trademark move,” Master Roshi responded with pride, seeing how far his former student has gone in life.

"I'm Trunks, son of Bulma and Vegeta."

"My name is Son Videl, Gohan's wife, nice to make your acquaintance."

"And I'm Mark Hercule Satan, Videl’s father, but you can just call me Mr. Satan, and this big guy over here is known as Majin Buu. Say hello to the ladies, Buu."

"HI!" greeted the ancient yet childish creature. The Mane 6, Spike and Princesses were still curious and confused about what he exactly was. But they let it slide, as they will eventually know the backstory of the pink blobby creature.

Bulma elbowed Vegeta to make him introduce himself, something that annoyed the Saiyan prince, but he had no choice, "I am Vegeta IV, Prince of the Saiyan Race, nice to make your acquaintance."

Hearing that he was a Prince, the Mane 6 and Spike kneel before him and said, "It's an honor to meet you, Prince Vegeta."

Their actions caught the prince off guard because no one gave him so much respect before. Maybe this place wasn't that bad after all: it seemed that here, royalty was respected. A small but satisfied smile appeared in his face. However, Bulma spoke, "Oh, there's no need for you to kneel before my husband: we're all friends here."

The Mares and the baby dragon stood up, but then Rarity realized what Bulma said, "Wait, did you say he's your husband?"

"Yes, I did."

"So, that makes you a princess!" she exclaimed in excitement.

"Well, technically, yes"

"Oh my, looks like there's another royal family here!"

"Uh, Rarity, we can talk about that later," commented Applejack, "Let them finish to introduce themselves."

"Oh, sorry," she apologized sheepishly.

After that, the rest of the Dragon Team resumed their introductions, "I'm Dende, the Guardian of Earth, nice to meet you."

“You and Piccolo really look alike. Are you two like brothers?” Pinkie questioned happily.

“Well… I guess we are… ” Dende responded, unsure on how to approach the topic of their race’s anatomy and biology.

Piccolo then intervened, “It’s hard to explain it in a simplified way. But to satisfy your curiosity, Dende and I are from the same race. We’re both Namekians from planet Namek.”

“Oooooh,” Pinkie responded. The rest of mares were fascinated by this information, finally confirming without a doubt that Goku, his friends, and his family, were indeed aliens from other worlds.

Twilight was looking forward to this, there was so much potential information in her eyes. “Imagine all the knowledge about their worlds, cultures, abilities, arts, sciences and more, ” she thought happily.

"I'm Android 17."

"Android?" asked Spike in confusion.

"An Artificial Human, or Pony in this case."

"Oh," simply said the Dragon. He just like Twilight, especially her, had other questions, but he wanted to ask them later.

"I'm his twin sister, Android 18, and this is my and Krillin's daughter, Marron."

"Hi," happily greeted the little filly.

Goku was happy that his old and new friends were becoming acquainted with each other, as well maybe even friends, but there was something off. If Gohan, Goten, and the others were here, then... "Wait, where’s Chi-Chi, Tien, Chiaotzu, and Oolong?"

"Tien and the others didn't want to come with us," answered Piccolo, but...

"What about Chi-Chi?"

No one answered as their previously happy expressions turned into sad or emotionless expressions. The black-maned Alicorn noticed this and his joyful expression turned into a serious one, "Where is Chi-Chi?" he asked again.

"Dad, Mom is..." tried to explain Gohan, "Mom is with the Supreme Kais, she didn't want to be resurrected."

"What? Why?!" he asked him both in confusion and in awe. Why did she choose to stay in the Otherworld? This didn't make sense at all.

"I'm not sure, but I think you should talk to her."

"Okay, I'll do it," answered Goku with a serious expression, much for his old friends and family's surprise. Since when Goku was able to behave like a responsible adult? "Lord Beerus said we're still in the same universe," he said as he closed his eyes, "Which means that I should be able to sense Elder Kai's Ki."

The ponified Saiyan focused on tracking the ancient god's presence. He already tried once when he was helping Twilight and Spike in Canterlot, but he failed at his first attempt. So, he tried harder than yesterday, and after a few seconds, he found him, "You can finish introducing yourselves in the meantime," he said, right before disappearing. His old friends had sad and worried expressions, probably because they knew that their talk wouldn't end well. On the other hand, the Mane 6 were a bit confused, but they understood that there was an issue with Goku's wife and hoped for its resolution.

Whis was looking at this with suspicion. Although the Pocket Dimension 7 belonged to Universe 7, his teleportation technique shouldn't have worked. Unlike the Otherworld, Pocket Dimensions were separated both by time and space. Not just space. If that was possible, it meant that its flow of time had been synchronized with that of the main space, but he wanted to confirm that by watching the past events in his scepter.

[Sacred World of the Kais, Universe 7]

Goku appeared in front of Kibito Kai and the Old Kai, much to their surprise. "G-Goku? How did you...?" asked Kibito Kai, but he didn't finish his question because the Saiyan quickly ran to his wife, who was some meters away with King Kai.

"Chi-Chi!" shouted Goku as he was approaching her and the low-class god.

"Hm? Who's calling me?" asked the Princess of the Fire Mountain as she turned to see who was calling her.

"Goku?" asked in surprise the North Kai, "H-how did you...?"

"Instant Transmission," he quickly answered, then his expression turned serious, "But I'm here to ask something: Chi-Chi, how is it you don't want to come with us?"

The uncrowned princess frowned and answered, "Isn't it obvious?"


"Because of you!" she exclaimed as she pointed her finger toward the martial artist, scaring a bit King Kai, who walked away, not wanting to hear their private conversation.

"M-me?" he nervously asked in confusion.

"Yes, you," she angrily confirmed, "You spend almost all of your time training, eating, and sleeping. You vanish for days, weeks, months, and even years for your training, and when you finally return home, all you want is eat and sleep to restart training."

"B-but..." the Saiyan tried to explain, but he was interrupted.

"And it has been as such since you battled that delinquent called Frieza."

"B-but, Chi-Chi, I'm a Saiyan and you know I train because I want to become stronger, so I can face stronger opponents," he justified himself.

"I know that, but Vegeta is a Saiyan too, yet he's not as addicted as you to battles. He doesn't go away for only Kami-Sama knows how much time, just to train! And he at least tries to be a father, unlike you!"

Goku couldn't say anything. Those were hurting words, but everything she was saying was true. After the battle against the evil emperor, he only focused on becoming stronger and facing powerful guys. Before the Androids events, he trained because Future Trunks told him about powerful foes that wanted to destroy the world would have appeared three years later. However, he almost did not spend time with his family during those years, apart from the meals time. Prior to that, he stayed away for an entire year just to learn teleportation and before Lord Beerus' arrival, he was training on the field instead of working on it.

He didn't really think about this, due to his carefree nature, and he was finding it weird that he was able to understand what Chi-Chi was trying to imply.

"You're so addicted to battles you can even forget about taking care of yourself," continued the offspring of the Ox-King, "You said that a future version of Trunks gave you a medication that would have been able to prevent and cure your heart disease, yet you totally forgot about that. I think you remember what happened next, right? That's why I'll give you a lesson you won't ever forget."

The Saiyan raised on Earth got scared and asked, "W-which one?" He thought that she would have hit him or something, but he didn't expect the following sentence.

"I want a divorce."

Goku was silent for a few seconds, then he asked in confusion, "Uh, what's divorce?"

Chi-Chi comically fell where she was standing before replying with a serious tone, "It means that you and I are no more Husband and Wife. We won't live together anymore."

The Saiyan's eyes wide opened and said, "What?! You can't do that! What about Goten??"

"You'll take care of him of course!" she quickly answered, "This will be your punishment: to learn the meaning of responsibility the hard way. It's time to grow up, Son Goku!"

Goku didn't know what to say or how to feel since it was the first time he found himself in such a situation. Only one thing was clear: the responsibility of being a parent would have weighed on his shoulders only, from now on. He was still wondering how he could comprehend these things; perhaps that boulder was the reason? However, his shocked expression turned into a serious one and said, "You're right."

"What?" asked in awe the ex-martial artist. Goku never reacted like that: He usually tried to justify his behavior or completely ignored her lectures, repeating the same errors, something that was one of the main reasons why she was always angry; and now, he agreed with her.

"After Raditz's arrival, you basically raised Gohan alone," he continued, "And you did the same with Goten for most of his life. So, it's fair: I'll take care of him from now on."

Those words caught the housewife off guard. Since when her ex-husband was that... responsible? She was even wondering if he was the real Goku, but she decided to let it go and replied as she looked away, "Good. You can go, now."

The warrior nodded and put two fingers on his forehead to perform the Instant Transmission. However, before disappearing, Chi-Chi could notice a hint of sadness in his serious look. Was she doing the right thing by breaking up their relationship like this and letting him in charge of Goten? Well, she couldn't undo anything, now: what was done was done. Besides, he deserved it for being so egotistical, right?

[Everfree Forest, Entrance of the Tree of Harmony's Cave]

After Goku left to discuss his marital issues, the Mane 6, Spike, and the Royal Sisters proceeded to introduce themselves to Goku's old friends.

“Welp, it’s only fair that we introduce ourselves as well. My name’s Applejack, owner of Sweet Apple Acres and home to the best apples in Equestria,” she said in a confident and prideful tone, “Nice to meet y’all”.

“I’m Pinkie Pie! Baker at Sugarcube Corner and Ponyville’s Party Pony. It’s so nice to meet you all! OhhowIcantwaittothrowallofyouandGokuyourWelcometoEquestria/EquusPartysincewe’reallfriendsrightandanyponywho’safriendofGokuisafriendofmine!” She said in a joyful voice and ended with a big smile.

All of the Dragon Team was left blinking by her statement, trying to process what she said. “How did she say all of that in under one breath?” Gohan wondered in confusion. His thoughts were shared by almost all of the new arrivals. Their silence ended when Bulma decided to speak up.

“Well, Pinkie... it’s nice to meet you too. We’re glad that you’re throwing all of us a party. I like to thank you for spending your time and energy in making us feel welcome, right guys?” She ended by looking back at the group, in a tone and look in her eyes that essentially told them there was no objection.

The others, knowing Bulma quite enough, either nodded, murmured in agreement or said nothing. Majin Buu decided to speak up. “Will there be lots of cake and candy?” he asked in a childlike demeanor.

“Of course, silly! There will be tons of candy, cake, sweets and other delicious treats for all of you,” she responded joyfully.

“Woohoo! Buu get candy! Buu like candy and Buu like Pink Pony!” He said while rushing to Pinkie and hugging her. Pinkie returned the favor by hugging the big pudgy creature.

All of the others looked at the event transpiring, as after their hug, they went on to talk about sweets and parties. Seeing how it’s time for another to introduce themselves, Rarity decided to step up.

“It’s nice to see that some of us are getting along quite well, but anyways,” she offhoofedly remarked, “My name is Rarity, owner of the Carousel Boutique and fashion extraordinaire. Nice to make your acquaintance.”

“The name’s Rainbow Dash! Wonderbolt Cadet, weather manager, and holder of the fastest and most awesome pony you’ll ever meet! The honor is yours,” she ended with a confident, arrogant smirk as she hovers in the air.

Krillin and some of the others were left bemused by what they saw, “Oh boy, looks like we got another Vegeta here,” he said in a tired tone.

Speaking of the Prince, he was internally scoffing, “Really? The fastest pony you’ll ever meet? Please, I can beat her anytime of the week, ” he internally said while smirking.

“M-my n-name is Fluttershy,” said the yellow pegasus in a quiet and timid voice

Some of the Dragon Team didn’t quite get her voice, as she was too quiet and far to be heard. “Sorry dear, but I didn’t quite get that. My ears are quite old as you can see,” Master Roshi said.

“Uh… M-my n-name is…” She tried to say, but she was getting further anxiety from the amount of eyes looking at her.

“She said her name is Fluttershy,” said Piccolo. Unlike the others, his ears were able to pick up what she said perfectly thanks to him inheriting his Namekian abilities, even after transforming into a pony.

“Fluttershy, eh? Hmm, a pretty name. Well, it’s nice to meet you, dear,” Master Roshi said.

The yellow pegasus just looked at the ground and quickly retreated to the back of her group, but added in a quiet voice, “Thank you, Piccolo,” she said as she looked at the giant stallion while pawing the ground. Piccolo replied to her gratitude with a simple nod.

“I am Princess Twilight Sparkle, and this is my number one assistant Spike,” she said while she pointed to the dragon, who merely responded by waving his claw at the group.

Some of the group were taken aback by her rank and the fact that they forgot to bow before the rulers of their new home. “Oh my, excuse me Princess for our lack of understanding,” said Gohan, as he, Bulma, Videl, Yamcha, Puar, Mr. Satan, Trunks, Goten, Krillin, and Master Roshi bowed before her. The others didn’t bow with them either because they simply refused to or they couldn’t be bothered by the courtesy regarding royalty.

Twilight wasn’t expecting this, as she wasn’t really used to ponies bowing before her. She started to feel uncomfortable, “It’s fine, really, you shouldn’t have to bow before me. Besides, you just came here out of the blue.”

“And it’s because of your sudden arrival that you’ll be excused from common Royal courtesy,” intervened her former mentor, surprising Twilight, “I am Princess Celestia, co-ruler of Equestria and raiser of the Sun.”

“And I am Princess Luna, co-ruler of Equestria and raiser of the Moon.”

“Excuse me, your highness, but did you say that you and your sister raised the sun and the moon yourselves?” Krillin inquired.

“Indeed, sister and I have been doing this for thousands of years, ever since Discord’s fall from power. It is our duty to bring both the Sun and Moon to our land and subjects we hold dear, as well as to all the inhabitants of Equus.”

The new arrivals were amazed by this. The fact that giant celestial bodies such as planets and even stars were able to be controlled was surprising, even to the powerful Dragon Team. Surely, only deities can perform such acts. And not only that, Goku transformed into an alicorn, so that makes the three alicorns in front of them deities, right?

“Excuse me, Princesses, but do you know Lord Beerus and Mr. Whis?” Goten asked in curiosity.

“Indeed we do, little one. We have known those two for quite some time now,” Celestia responded to the young Saiyan hybrid.

“Really!? Do you mind telling us how you first met?” Twilight asked excitedly

“Very well, Twilight,” Celestia answered, “Hmm, let’s see, It all started a long time ago…” she trailed off.

While the two groups were listening to her tale, Whis and Beerus were quite far back from the rest. They left the huge gathering to their own accord as Beerus was relaxing and winding down from his long, intense fight with the Super Saiyan God. Whis, on the other hand, was looking back in time with his scepter to see how the Z-fighters were able to arrive on Equus, despite the dimensional wall separating the pocket dimension and the main universe. During his search, he found something that caught his attention.

“Lord Beerus, I believe that you should see this,” the Angel said in a serious tone.

The Destroyer God was caught off guard by the demeanor of the Angel, as it wasn’t often that Whis spoke something so seriously. Regardless, he will find out why his assistant was in that way.

“Very well, Whis, show me what you found,” Beerus said

Whis nodded, as his scepter lighted up and projected an image on a screen above, revealing Porunga being summoned by Grand Elder Moori, who was about to state his wish.


The dragon was in silence for a few seconds. The Grand Elder feared that the wish was beyond Porunga's power, but then, the dragon's eyes glowed for a moment. "YOUR WISH HAS BEEN GRANTED. STATE THE SECOND WISH."



"DO IT!" exclaimed Moori and Porunga obeyed as his eyes started shining.

After that, the projected image ended as the scepter's light ceased to be. Beerus’s demeanor had changed, from what was a relaxed expression had turned into a serious one after hearing what the Namekian Dragon said.

“So, we’re dealing with rule breakers now,” Beerus said to Whis for confirmation.

“Indeed, Lord Beerus, what they did before is strictly forbidden and violates the rules of the universe.”

“I see,” he said while rubbing his chin, “Looks like my meeting with Celestia will have to be postponed until later. C’mon Whis, we have a problem to settle and punishing to do,” he said as he and Whis were walking back to the rest of the group.

During this time, Celestia had just told everypony the story on how she and her sister established their friendship with the purple cat, much to their amazement. “And that’s how Luna and I became friends with Lord Beerus and his assistant Whis,” concluded Celestia with a smile.

“Wow, who would’ve known that the God of Destruction of all beings was a food lover and connoisseur!” Pinkie said in wonder.

“Well, it did initially work for us,” Yamcha added, “but it’s charm can only last for some time until certain events led to our home’s destruction. But it’s fine, their mess is about to be cleaned up, thanks to the Dragon Balls,” Yamcha ended with a smile.

“Speaking of mess-makers, here they come,” Rainbow said as she pointed her hoof to the direction of Beerus and Whis. Everyone looked as the duo approached the group of ponies after having concluded their private discussion. Celestia was the first to speak up, “So, Lord Beerus, do you have anything in mind that you’ll like to share with us?” she said as she smiled at the purple cat.

Before Beerus can even say anything, suddenly, Goku appeared out of the blue. The trademark noise of the Saiyan's teleportation technique could be heard, as some of the ponies were surprised and shocked by his sudden appearance. Seeing how his opponent had arrived, he decided to bite his tongue and let it slide for now. Gohan turned and wanted to ask him, but he then noticed that his father looked a bit dejected and sad. His expression alone was enough for Gohan to understand that things didn't go well. "Dad? How did it go?" he asked in a worried tone.

The rest of Goku's acquaintances there noticed Goku’s expression as well and were a bit worried after seeing his demeanor. What happened to him?

"Well..." hesitated the ponified Saiyan, but then proceeded, "Chi-Chi just gave me one of her lectures, and..."


Goku sighed and continued, "And she isn't my wife anymore."

This news shocked Gohan and the others. His old friends were left speechless and the new ones gasped at the revelation.“ Jeez, that’s gotta be tough,” Spike thought as he looked at Goku in empathy.

Most of the ponies felt sorry for him, while Vegeta thought, "Hmph, she was a nuisance anyway."

What they didn't know was that Goku was sad just to an extent because Chi-Chi decided to do that. After all, he was used to not living with her because of his long training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, as well as the seven years he spent in the Afterlife. He was sad mainly because what she said was true: he gave more importance to his training than his family and friends. All because of his greed and quest for power.

However, he tried to smile and said, "It doesn't matter, now. The priority is Earth's restoration."

The group understood that he didn't want to speak about it right now, as Dende approached him while carrying the Dragon Balls. Piccolo told others to make room for the seven artifacts as the Guardian of Earth was putting them in front of Goku. The Mane 6, Spike, and the Royal Sisters wanted to see the power of the items they said had the power to resurrect those who passed, especially Twilight.

Goku looked at the seven orbs and proceeded to call upon the being inside of them, "RISE, ETERNAL DRAGON! AND HEAR THE WISH OF HE WHO SUMMONED YOU!"

"Wait," said both Spike and Fluttershy, "Did he say 'Dragon'?!" While the little Dragon was amazed that a dragon could live inside some gem-looking orbs, the shy mare was terrified to see the giant creature.

The magical spheres began to glow in response to the Saiyan's call. Clouds of tempest began to darken the skies as a lightning-like wave of energy generated by the shining items soared on. The electrical-looking wave was taking shape between the clouds as the sky was completely darkened. The yellow trail quickly turned into a green serpentine body with four legs that extended throughout the skies of the forest. Finally, the head of the creature came out from the clouds, revealing his true appearance: he had brown antlers, sharp teeth, a green scaly skin, completely red eyes, two long flowing whiskers, a long snout, crescent-shaped nostrils, and flowing green hair on his cheeks.

To say that the Elements, Spike, and the Rulers of Equestria were amazed would have been an understatement. That Dragon was bigger than anything they ever saw in their lives and Twilight was sure that an Ursa Major would have looked like an ant next to this creature. Fluttershy just wanted to run for his life, but her legs didn't obey her commands. Noticing this, her friends stood next to her in order to reassure her, even though they knew her fear wouldn't have passed that easy.


"I think that... I am going to have to faint now," said yellow pegasus as she was trembling even more after hearing Shenron's mighty voice.


"What's all that insolence, dragon?" asked Lord Beerus in a serious tone, something that scared Shenron.



"IT HAS BEEN SETTLED FOR YOU," said the dragon, now known as Shenron, as his scarlet eyes shone for an instant, "NOW, STATE YOUR SECOND WISH."

"What!? He can grant more than one wish?!" asked Twilight in awe.

"Well," began to speak Bulma, "Since Lord Beerus isn't going to destroy us, we can return back to Earth."

"I’m afraid not," replied the God of Destruction, catching the Dragon Team off guard.

"But why?" asked Gohan in confusion.

"Whis," called the deity, implying that he should be the one to explain.

"You altered the time flow of Pocket Dimension 7 in order to be teleported here by Porunga, nullifying the time gap between here and the universe's main space," explained the Angel.

"I still don't understand why we can't return home," said Bulma.

"You see, time travel and alteration of the flows of time are severely forbidden. Only the Goddess of Time is allowed to do that."

"Exactly," confirmed the purple cat, "I should destroy all of you for that!"

Everyone was scared because of his statement, but Bulma justified, "B-but we didn't know it was forbidden."

"However," he continued, ignoring the scientist's last sentence, "I'm satisfied with the battle I and Son Goku recently fought. Not to mention that I want to taste Earth's food again. For those two reasons alone, I won't eradicate your souls from existence."

The Dragon Team sighed in relief, but the god hadn't finished yet, "But that doesn't mean your actions will go unpunished: I forbid you all to return to Earth until I say otherwise."

"WHAT?!" asked the Z-Fighters in shock.

"The only exceptions are the Guardian of Earth, Son Goku, and... Bulma, right?" he finished. They were the exceptions because Dende was the Guardian of Earth, therefore his duty was to look over the said planet. His absence would affect that world's balance. Son Goku earned Lord Beerus' respect in their battle, so this was more like a reward, and Bulma was free from the punishment because the deity wanted to eat Earth's delicious dishes, and she was his go-to guide for Earthling cuisine.

After a few seconds, the Dragon Team recovered from the shock and got over it. They arrived in Equestria thinking to restart their lives there, anyway. "Well, in that case, I have a wish." said Bulma, "SHENRON, PLEASE, GRANT US THE ABILITY TO MOVE PROPERLY WITH OUR PONIFIED BODIES!"

Shenron's eyes as well as the bodies of those who couldn't walk properly glowed for an instant, then he said, "YOUR WISH HAS BEEN GRANTED! STATE YOUR THIRD WISH, SO THAT I CAN RETURN TO MY SLUMBER!"



Goku was wondering how it was possible, but before he could say anything else, Bulma spoke, "SHENRON, I WANT MY CAPSULE BOX NUMBER 0!"

Shenron's red eyes glowed again, and a white box, with the number 0 on it, filled with many capsules appeared in front of her, making her smile. The others were wondering why she needed that box, but they were sure that she would have explained it later.

"ALL OF YOUR WISHES HAVE BEEN GRANTED! FAREWELL!" said the Eternal Dragon before disappearing inside the Dragon Balls. The Saiyan raised on Earth quickly tried to find the Four-Star Dragon Ball as the seven spheres were ascending to the sky. Once recognized, he teleported in front of the magical item and grabbed it while the other ones scattered around the world. The dark clouds and dimmed sky dissipated, as the sun and the moon returned to be seen once more.

While the black-maned Alicorn was reaching the ground, Luna, who recovered from the shock, lowered the moon to make room for the bright sun. Meanwhile, Fluttershy sighed in relief because the gigantic dragon finally went away while Twilight was still processing that there was a wish-granting dragon that could do what she thought was impossible. Spike was marveled that dragons could use magic too, or at least some of them. Pinkie Pie and the others had different thoughts, but what they all had in common was asking the dragon something, from the silliest wish to a very serious one.

Even the Royal Sisters had a wish they wanted to be granted and that made Celestia realize how tempting those artifacts were. If they ever fall in the wrong hooves, it would be a disaster. She wanted to discuss that matter with Son Goku or one of his friends, but it wasn't the right time to do that.

Meanwhile, Goten approached his father and asked, "Dad, why did you take a Dragon Ball?"

"This isn't an ordinary Dragon Ball, Goten," answered the Alicorn stallion, "Hehe, I was so focused on my training and facing mighty foes, that I stopped caring about this," he continued as he was looking at the petrified item he was holding with his magic with a nostalgic expression. After all, all of his adventures started thanks to that orb, that was also his grandpa's last gift.

"Well," suddenly spoke the God of Destruction, "What about if we leave this forest and go for something to eat? I'm famished."

After those words were spoken, Goku's stomach growled so hard that the Mane 6, Spike, and the Royal Sisters thought that a group a Timberwolves were coming to their position. "Hehehe," he laughed as he was rubbing the back of his head, "I'm hungry too: I hadn't eaten anything since yesterday."

Realizing that it was just Goku's belly, his friends laughed with him or smiled as they all proceeded to leave the feared forest.

[Ponyville, Sugarcube Corner]

Half an hour later, all of them were eating in the most famous bakery in the town... and also the only one. A place compared to the heavens in Majin Buu's opinion. It wasn't unknown that the pink demon loved to eat, especially candies and sweets. Lord Beerus could finally taste a jar of pudding and it was as delicious as he thought. The others were having a good time as Goku, Pinkie, and Majin Buu were eating like there was no tomorrow, much to Rarity's disgust, while Rainbow Dash was praising the Saiyan's flying and combat skills during his duel against the Destroyer.

"... I mean, that was the coolest battle I ever saw!" finished the speedster.

"That's right," confirmed Applejack, "You saved all of us up there. I mean, you destroyed a darn sun!"

"Well, uh, I didn't really like watching you being hurt by Lord Beerus," commented Fluttershy, "But I thank you for saving us," she then said with a cute smile.

"You're welcome Fluttershy, but you shouldn't worry about me," replied Goku, who finished his twentieth dish, "I'm used to stuff like that."

"Hey, Goku," called Twilight's number one assistant, "Why did you bring that stone with you?" he then asked while pointing the round object that was next to his dish.

"This is not a stone, Spike," he answered, "It's a Dragon Ball."

"Oh, come on, darling," intervened Rarity, "All of us saw how these 'Dragon Balls' look like: you can't compare those beautiful gems with this vulgar rock."

"Hehe, that's because it lost its power," replied the stallion, much for the Mane 6 and Spike's surprise, "Once Shenron has granted three wishes, the Dragon Balls scatter across the world and lose their magic for an entire year."

"Oooh," they all said in awe.

"And this is how they look once used," finished the Saiyan.

"But this doesn't answer Spike's question," pointed Twilight.

"Yeah, I want to know it too, dad," supported Goten, who was sitting next to him.

Goku smiled and said, "Because this is the four-star Dragon Ball: the last gift of my grandpa before he passed. Not to mention that thanks to it, I met my very first friend, Bulma."

"So, it has sentimental value for you," inferred the lavender Alicorn with a smile.

"I didn't know you met Bulma thanks to a Dragon Ball, dad," commented the youngest member of the Son family.

"Hehehe, It would be more accurate to say that I... ran into him in our first encounter," giggled the azure-maned scientist, who was sitting in front of Rarity. "But tell me, what's this Summer Sun Celebration you were talking about?" then she asked to the Elements Bearers.

"It's an annual festivity in which we celebrate the longest day of the year," explained Celestia's star pupil.

"Oh, so you celebrate the summer solstice."

"Yes, and the festivities will start in all of Equestria tomorrow before the break of dawn."

"Which reminds me," suddenly said Goku, "I still have to help you with your flying skills."

"Hey, I'm the one supposed to do that," replied the rainbow-maned pegasus.

Twilight's eyes wide opened after realizing that, and she started freaking out, "Oh my gosh, less than 16 hours remain before the start of the opening ceremony and I'M. NOT. READY!"

The black-maned Alicorn understood that there was little time to teach her how to fly, so he came up with an idea, "What if we team up to prepare her for that opening ceremony faster, Rainbow?"

The Fastest Flier in Equestria quickly understood what his plan was: with two cool flying instructors, Twilight would be able to fly in no time. "I like the way you think, Goku," she answered with a smile of complicity, "I'm in."

[Canterlot, Gardens of the Royal Castle]

Several hours later, the opening ceremony was about to start. Goku and his old and new friends were among the crowd of ponies who wanted to see their beloved princess rising the Sun. At first, they were afraid of Majin Buu, Lord Beerus, and Whis, but the Mane 5 and Spike reassured them that they were good creatures and that they shouldn’t fear them. Princess Twilight was with Princess Luna and Celestia, preparing herself for her part in that ritual. She was still a bit nervous, but the training with Goku and Rainbow was more than effective, so she shouldn't worry about anything.

Master Roshi was standing next to his former disciple and noticed that he was a bit sad, maybe because of what happened with Chi-Chi. "Hey, Goku, are you alright?" he asked in a worried tone.

"Yeah... No, actually," sighed the Alicorn stallion, "Chi-Chi was right about me: I put my training over my friends and family. But I can't help it: my own body is what asks me to get stronger."

"That's where you wrong, my boy," answered the Turtle Hermit, much for the Saiyan's surprise, "I'll ask you something very basic: what's Ki?"

"It's the energy that every living being possesses, but..."

"Is it only that?" interrupted the so-called God of Martial Arts, something that confused Bardock's son.

"Yeah... I think," replied Goku.

"Goku, Ki is all about Vigor, Spirit, and Mind," started to explain the old pony, "Vigor is the health and strength of your body, Spirit is the energy within you that is enhanced by intense and true feelings, and Mind is the control you have over both of them."

"But, Master Roshi, what do you mean by that?"

"I mean that you can overcome your own desires by improving your control over yourself," he quickly answered, much for Goku's surprise. "Since Raditz's arrival, you and the others focused on enhancing your Vigor only, forgetting about Spirit and Mind, especially you and Vegeta," he continued, "I think that you trained enough of your body: it’s time for you to train the other aspects of Ki. Meditation and spending some time with your friends and family will help you with that."

"Master Roshi..." simply said the ponified Saiyan as he was processing what his former Master just told him. However, he couldn't say anything else because the opening ceremony for the Summer Sun Celebration had started.

Author's Note:

Hello guys. This is the final chapter of the Battle of Gods Saga, hope you enjoyed it.
Now, I'll talk about some things about the previous chapter, this one, and what will come next.

1) In order to not make it feel that I'm breaking the power scaling here is the level of Goku's power in comparison with that of Beerus:
SSG Goku (First Battle) = 0.005% of Beerus power
SSG Goku (Zenkai Boost) = 0.01% of Beerus Power
SSG Goku + Rainbow Power = 5% of Beerus Power

2) I won't continue straight to the Lord Tirek Saga. I'll write "filler chapters" between each saga in order to make the story as complete as possible.

3) "Bloomers" is the name given to Bulma by the first Dragon Ball manga "Bloomers and the Monkey King"

That said, see you next time.