• Published 27th Apr 2018
  • 937 Views, 13 Comments

Unnoticed Threats - smirker

Dr. Whooves becomes a therapist and learns about other threats Twilight and her friends have missed.

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The Book

Doctor Whooves was walking around with Derpy and looking around Ponyville, the two see several of Doctor Whooves' patients, the two see Equality acting as a marriage counselor while Casanova and Marine sat with him. The two walk more and saw Gogh with Twilight Sparkle,

"Hey, Gogh, my name is Twilight Sparkle, I'm Shining Armor's sister, he and Cadence told me about your wedding day, I am so sorry for your loss." Twilight Sparkle said, Gogh nodded,

"Thank you." Gogh said, Twilight Sparkle touched the back of his neck with her front right hoof to comfort him while he looked down, a mail pony flies to him and he got an envelope, it had fifty bits in it, and a letter from Prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadence sending their condolences to him, Princess Cadence was especially sympathetic.

Doctor Whooves walks to Twilight Sparkle while Derpy shrugs and walks with him,

"Excuse me, Miss Sparkle." Doctor Whooves said, Twilight Sparkle and Gogh looked at him,

"Have you heard anything from Jones?" Doctor Whooves asked,

"No, me and the other five have been looking for him, my five friends were especially suspicious about his tale with the cult in the abandoned town, but all six of us were in utter disbelief when we discovered his tale was true, the eleven members of the cult weren't there when we investigated, though, we've been very worried about him." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"You mean that unicorn who encountered the eleven ponies who were trying to summon the four horseponies?" Gogh asked,

"Yes, that's the one, he was one of my patients before you, Gogh." Doctor Whooves replied,

"I told Princess Celestia about what we found, she was in complete shock as well, she and Princess Luna are searching for the cult members right now." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Any luck?" Doctor Whooves asked,

"No, we haven't found any of them yet." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"I see, well, I have to get going, have a good day, you too, Gogh." Doctor Whooves said, they smile and wave bye at him and Derpy while they walk away.

Doctor Whooves and Derpy walk together and hear a female voice,

"Doctor Whooves." the female voice said, they look and see it was Solute, she limped towards them since her front right leg and right wing were still broken,

"I'm off from school today, and Data and Inertia went home to see their boyfriends, I have nothing to do, so I thought I could come see one of your therapy sessions." Solute said,

"Of course, Solute, I'd be honored to have you." Doctor Whooves replied,

"Thank you, but first, I need some help, because of my broken leg, I can't get my dress and earrings on." Solute said,

"I can help you with that." Derpy replied,

"Oh, you're Derpy, I remember hearing about you, thank you, please, this way, Derpy." Solute said, and the two walk away.

Doctor Whooves waits for a few minutes and heard walking,

"Doctor, we're done." Derpy said, and he saw Solute, she was wearing a long simple one-piece black dress that were just above her hind hooves, there was no opening in the front of the dress, it was sleeveless on her front legs, the dress also had holes on the sides so her wings can go through; she had a small earring in each ear, they were silver chain drop earrings with a light blue water drop at the bottom of them; Solute was also wearing black high heel shoes on her hind hooves. Doctor Whooves thought Solute looked beautiful, she had her dark blue eye shadow on as well, but her long purple, wavy mane and tail were still the same style,

"I thought you would style your mane and tail too, Solute." Doctor Whooves said,

"Oh no, Doctor, I don't like styling my mane and tail, I like having them down like this, I don't like tying my mane and tail, either." Solute replied, Doctor Whooves chuckled. The three hear running and they look, to their surprise, it was Roseluck, she hugged Doctor Whooves and he hugged her back, they let go after a few seconds,

"I heard your house bills got too high to pay, and needed another job." Roseluck said,

"It's alright, dear, I'm a therapist now, it pays enough to cover my expenses." Doctor Whooves replied, Roseluck smiled,

"Roseluck, honey, you remember Derpy and Solute, right?" Doctor Whooves asked,

"Of course I do, you were always a great friend, Derpy, and wow, Solute, you have grown, I remember back when you were a filly." Roseluck replied, Solute chuckled while blushing and smiling, she had her eyes closed as well,

"I have a patient today, but he is a little late so far." Doctor Whooves said, hooves then touch Derpy's wings, which makes her exclaim out of shock, they look and saw a male unicorn, he had a whitish blue coat, a short bright blue mane and tail, and purple eyes, his cutie mark was a fox's head with black eyes, and orange and white fur.

The unicorn smiled while looking at them,

"Hiya, I'm the patient you were waiting for, Doctor Whooves." the unicorn said,

"Well, come along, you're already late." Doctor Whooves replied, and the four walk to Doctor Whooves' house, Doctor Whooves sat with Roseluck to his left, and Derpy and Solute to his right, with Solute to Derpy's right,

"State your name and occupation." Doctor Whooves said,

"My name's Joker, and no, I'm not the guy with the white face, green hair, red lips, and purple suit." Joker replied,

"What is your occupation?" Doctor Whooves asked,

"Does comedian or prankster count?" Joker asked, Solute chuckled a little,

"Well, if you are them, then yes." Doctor Whooves replied,

"Well, I'm not, I'm just a college student." Joker said,

"So you don't have a job?" Doctor Whooves asked,

"This is my fourth job after elementary school student, middle school student, and high school student." Joker replied,

"What kind of jokes do you do, Joker?" Derpy asked,

"I do pranks, comedy skits, stand-up comedy, yo mama jokes, and whatever else I can think of." Joker said, the three mares chuckled,

"Well, moving on, let's start, and talk about yourself if you like, I'm already enjoying this session." Doctor Whooves said, Roseluck, Derpy, and Solute nodded while smiling,

"Say, who's that pretty Pegasus?" Joker asked,

"I'm Solute, family friend of Doctor Whooves." Solute replied, Joker smiled,

"Well, let's get started." Joker said, and he begins to talk about himself.

Joker grew up in Canterlot and was about the same age as Twilight Sparkle, but he lived far away from her, so they did not get to know each other. Joker's parents were scientists, Joker's father looked just like him, except his cutie mark was a white portal, and his mother had a bright red coat, long dark red mane and tail, orange eyes, and her cutie mark was a black motherboard, Joker also had a younger sister named Flamma, she looked just like their mother, but her cutie mark was a roaring tiger with an angry face.

Joker's parents were studying traveling between other dimensions, they created a portal for them to enter the human world, his parents would always come back with souvenirs for him, the first one was a big TV, they managed to connect it to the human world for him to watch, the TV shows were in white and black, Joker's favorite show was The Outer Limits, his favorite episodes were The Galaxy Being, The Man Who Was Never Born, Corpus Earthling, The Zanti Misfits, ZZZZZ, The Children of Spider County, Specimen: Unknown, Second Chance, The Mutant, Fun and Games, The Special One, A Feasibility Study, The Chameleon, Demon with a Glass Hand, Cry of Silence, I, Robot, and The Premonition. Joker also tried watching other human shows, he also grew to like Thunderbirds, he thought it was great for a puppet show, he liked The Prisoner as well, along with Kung Fu, and Kamen Rider, even though the special effects of Kamen Rider made him laugh, he took particular interest in the Shocker monster, Unicornos, even though it looked terrible.

Joker's mother gave birth to Flamma when he was eight years old, but as she grew up, she had no interest in human culture, anytime Joker tried to share it with her, it would anger her. Joker's parents got a Super Nintendo one day and Joker played a few of the games, the games were Super Mario All Stars, Super Metroid 3, Chrono Trigger, and Killer Instinct, his parents got a Sega Genesis as well, the video games were Sonic the Hedgehog, Golden Axe, Revenge of Shinobi, Shadow Dancer, Super Hang On, Streets of Rage, and Mortal Kombat. Joker's favorite Nintendo game was Chrono Trigger while his favorite Sega Genesis game was Mortal Kombat, his favorite character was Johnny Cage, his favorite move was the split punch, but he was disappointed the game only had seven playable characters, and he was never able to get Reptile to come out.

Joker and Flamma went to a school in Canterlot but they took their studies differently, Joker was carefree and did badly in school, while Flamma was serious and did great. Joker often got in trouble for trying to mimic human TV shows in the school, and telling jokes, there was one joke that still Joker still laughed to this day about,

"A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z." Joker said,

"You forgot P." the students said together,

"It's halfway down my leg." Joker said, the teacher and students screamed in shock and he was taken to the principal's office because they thought he really did wet himself and the floor.

Doctor Whooves, Derpy, Roseluck, and Solute were laughing at the joke, Joker had a smile on his face as well,

"That's one I haven't heard in a while." Doctor Whooves said,

"Joker, can you please keep those type of jokes to a minimal?" Solute asked,

"Is something wrong?" Joker asked,

"I have a weak bladder, and I'm prone to wetting myself, so please keep those to a minimal." Solute replied,

"Alright, it would suck if you did pee in that dress of yours." Joker said,

"Thank you." Solute replied, Joker noticed her hind legs twitching a little,

"Have to pee already?" Joker asked,

"Yeah, I'm training myself to hold it longer." Solute replied,

"Well, go on, Joker, I'm enjoying this." Doctor Whooves said, and Joker continues his tale.

Joker's parents were laughing at what Joker did while his teacher and the principal shook their heads. Another day came and the teacher screamed when Joker wrote the s word on the board, he was taken to the principal's office again and his parents were called,

"Your son wrote **** on the board." Joker's teacher said, causing his parents to burst out laughing.

Doctor Whooves, Derpy, Roseluck, and Solute burst out laughing while Joker laughed along with them,

"Well, that's a joke you don't hear everyday." Doctor Whooves said,

"Can I continue?" Joker asked,

"Hold on." Doctor Whooves said, and he and the three mares with him stop laughing,

"Alright, continue." Doctor Whooves said, and Joker begins to talk more about himself.

Joker's shenanigans constantly got him in trouble at school, especially his hallway pranks, one he liked doing in particular was releasing stink bombs his parents got for him from the human world, another prank he loved doing was going into the colts' bathroom, he would sit on the toilet and make extremely loud fart noises with his front legs and mouth, which made the students look at the bathroom, some of the students laughed at the sounds. A male teacher would have to take him out of the bathroom to make him stop, which got him in trouble, Flamma was always mad at him, he remembers one day when he was home with his sister,

"Joker! I am trying to study!" Flamma said angrily,

"Sorry, sis, but I'm practicing." Joker replied calmly,

"Practicing?! All you do is act stupid and make a fool of yourself! I'm tired of your pranks and jokes, you're not funny!" Flamma said angrily,

"Mom and dad think I am." Joker replied calmly,

"That's because mom and dad are not normal ponies, do me a favor, and start acting normal for once!" Flamma said angrily,

"Alright, I'll try." Joker replied calmly,

"No! Don't try! Do it!" Flamma said angrily, and she leaves in a huff while Joker sighs.

Joker did not share with the fact that he was actually sad and lonely, he had no friends in school, and the only ponies who were nice to him were his parents, but they were always busy helping Flamma with her studies, and she did not like him that much either. Joker was often bullied and the butt of cruel jokes in his classroom, one prank a student did on him was at lunch, the pony gave him a sandwich disguised as an act of generosity, he bit into it and screamed in pain, he noticed there was a metal fork in it, it cut the inside of his mouth, the students laugh while he was in pain. Joker was also excluded from doing other things with the other students, and when the students did pranks, he did not like them, especially the pranks they did to the kindergartners, one prank a female classmate of his did to a male foal who was playing a trumpet, the female classmate secretly put lit firecrackers in his trumpet and they exploded, scaring him and hitting his teeth on the mouthpiece, which really hurt him, he cried from the pain while Joker's classmates laughed at him.

Joker was unpopular in school, and highly disliked by other students and the staff, especially by the females, who thought he was not funny, and a loser. Joker got in trouble in middle school for beating up ponies who did a cruel prank to a foal, ponies around Joker's age were busy sharing a pack of candy that was very rare and one of a kind, a foal was hanging out with them, they were all talking about how delicious the candy was, the foal asked constantly if he could try one, the ponies finish and give him the bag, he was happy and reached in, but it was empty, the ponies laugh at him and he began to cry while they walked away. Joker watched the whole thing and began to feel his rage build up, he uses his telekinesis to hold them up, his magic aura was light blue, he runs towards them and attacks them while in a fit of rage. He stops and sees the beaten up ponies, he looks at the foal and noticed he was not paying attention because Pinkie Pie was giving him a full bag of the same candy the ponies ate in front of him, which made him happy.

Joker was in trouble with the royal guards and his parents were present,

"Now, son, we know you got mad, and you love foals, but you overreacted." Joker's father said,

"But they hurt the foal's feelings." Joker replied,

"Calm down, Joker, they're in trouble too, they're not badly hurt, but you're still grounded, no TV for a week." Joker's mother said,

"Yes, mom." Joker replied,

"Good, and try to control your temper next time, Joker." Joker's father said, and they headed home. Joker arrived home and Flamma punched him in the face with her right front hoof, knocking him down,

"YOU IDIOT!!" Flamma yelled angrily, Joker stood back up,

"Hey, what gives?" Joker asked,

"I was busy working on a hard math problem, with mom and dad, but then your stupidity had to get in the way and interrupt my train of thought!" Flamma replied angrily,

"Your train of thought? I was busy dealing with bullies harassing a foal!" Joker said angrily,

"So what?! Maybe that foal was a brat and deserved it!" Flamma replied angrily, Joker glared at her for her response, he did not say anything and went to his room,

"Come on, Flamma, let's get back to work." Joker's father said, and the family works together.

A few days pass and Joker practices doing jokes in his room, one comes to his mind,

"Yo mama so stupid, when an intruder broke in, she tried to dial 9-1-1 into a microwave to call the police." Joker said to himself, another came to his mind,

"Yo mama so ugly, when Discord saw her, he turned back into stone with his eyes missing." Joker said to himself,

"Yo mama so ugly, she turned Nightmare Moon back into Princess Luna with just her face." Joker said to himself,

"Yo mama so ugly, when a changeling tried to change into her, it died." Joker said to himself,

"Yo mama so fat, when Princess Celestia sent her to the sun, she ate it and it came out of her other end as ice cubes." Joker said to himself,

"SHUT UP, YOU ANNOYING BUFFOON!!" Flamma yelled angrily at him, which made Joker lose his train of thought.

A week passes and Joker spent his time watching TV and playing video games from the human world, he watched the cartoons Powerpuff Girls, Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends, The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, Looney Tunes, Popeye, Codename: Kids Next Door, Teen Titans, The Batman, Young Justice, Adventure Time, Regular Show, The Amazing World of Gumball, Sonic X, Ultimate Muscle, Johnny Bravo, Yu-Gi-Oh, Samurai Jack, The Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad, King of the Hill, Rick and Morty, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Black Dynamite, The Boondocks, Metalocalypse, Robot Chicken, Moral Orel, Titan Maximum, Fist of the North Star, Hellsing, Pink Panther, G Gundam, and Steven Universe.

Live action shows Joker watched in his free time were Chappelle's Show, Fear Factor, Ash vs. Evil Dead, Breaking Bad, Dexter, Sons of Anarchy, Better Call Saul, Ghost Whisperer, Are You Being Served?, One Foot in the Grave, Waiting For God, Blackadder, and Mr. Bean, he was still looking for good live action shows to watch.

Joker enjoyed playing video games the most out of all of the human activities, he loved it so much, he always asked his parents to come back with a video game for him to play, he had Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, Parasite Eve, Parasite Eve 2, The 3rd Birthday, Resident Evil 0, Resident Evil: Director's Cut, Resident Evil Remake, Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, Resident Evil Survivor, Resident Evil: Dead Aim, Resident Evil Outbreak, Resident Evil Outbreak: File #2, Resident Evil: Code Veronica X, Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles, Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles, Resident Evil: Revelations, Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 5: Golden Edition, Resident Evil: Revelations 2, Resident Evil 6, Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, Devil May Cry, Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening, God Hand, Viewtiful Joe, Viewtiful Joe 2, Okami, Dynasty Warriors 4, Samurai Warriors 2, Warriors Orochi 2, Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage, Soul Calibur II, Soul Calibur III, Soul Calibur IV, Gex, The Unholy War, Akuji: The Heartless, Kingdom Hearts, Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne, Persona 3 Fes, Persona 5, Catherine, Silent Hill, Silent Hill 2, Silent Hill 3, Silent Hill 4: The Room, Silent Hill Origins, Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, Silent Hill: Homecoming, Silent Hill: Downpour, Mortal Kombat II, Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero, Mortal Kombat 4, Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance, Mortal Kombat: Deception, Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, Mortal Kombat 9, Mortal Kombat X, Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy, Area 51, The Suffering, The Suffering: Ties That Bind, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice For All, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations, Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth, Ace Attorney Investigations 2, Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Spirit of Justice, Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Red Dead Redemption, Contra: Shattered Soldier, Final Fantasy V, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy X-2, Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Dishonored: Definitive Edition, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Batman: Arkham City, Dead Space, Dead Island, Chrono Cross, Ninja Gaiden: Sigma, and Demon's Souls.

Joker has decided to try other human entertainments, he tried live action movies first, he watched Howard the Duck, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Full Metal Jacket, Heartbreak Ridge, Red Dawn, The Breakfast Club, Scarface, The Crow, V for Vendetta, The Mask, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Child's Play, Scream, Saw, The Thing, Phantasm, Poltergeist, Jeepers Creepers, Gremlins, Alien, Predator, The Goonies, The Shining, Home Alone, Home Alone 2: Lost in New York, The Terminator, The Terminator 2: Judgment Day, First Blood, Hellraiser, Hellbound Hellraiser II, Animal House, The Big Boss, Enter the Dragon, Way of the Dragon, Game of Death, Big Trouble in Little China, Escape from New York, Mortal Kombat, Mortal Kombat: Annihilation, The Outlaw Josey Wales, Shane, Django, and A Fistful of Dollars.

Joker tried watching animated movies next, he watched The Secret of NIMH, The Secret of NIMH 2, Anastasia, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, The Hunchback of Notre Dame II, Mulan, Mulan II, Chicken Run, Grave of the Fireflies, The Illusionist, My Neighbor Totoro, Kiki's Delivery Service, Porco Rosso, and Castle in the Sky.

Joker was playing Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney and was enjoying the game, he looked at Phoenix and the judge,

"I swear, that guy in the blue suit and that guy with the beard look very familiar." Joker said to himself, and he continued playing the game.

Joker was in high school a few years later and he was about to start his last year, he was chasing after a foal who has kicked a baby fox into the river and almost drowned it, it was saved by a passing unicorn stallion, the foal was an earth pony. Joker and another pony caught up to him and held him down, the other pony pins him down and was about to kill him,

"Hey! What are you doing?!" Joker asked as he pulled the earth pony away, he had a dark yellow coat, his mane and tail were short and were mostly light orange, with a small moderate yellow streak and a big dark green streak in them, he also had bangs, his eyes were a moderate yellow, and his cutie mark was a black pentagram.

Doctor Whooves was in complete shock at what Joker just said,

"Great whickering stallions. You've met Daylight Dimmer!" Doctor Whooves said,

"You know him?" Joker asked,

"Yes, I had him as a patient three months ago." Doctor Whooves replied,

"Who is he?" Solute asked,

"I'll tell you later." Doctor Whooves replied, Joker looked and saw Solute's hind legs were shaking a bit,

"Say, is it okay if I hold onto one of the mares while I continue talking about myself?" Joker asked, the four ponies chuckle,

"Of course, choose your favorite." Derpy said,

"That would be Solute." Joker replied, they chuckle and Solute limps to him, he holds her at her mid-back and the back of her hind knees, Solute wrapped her front left leg around the back of Joker's neck as he held her,

"I'll admit, you really are pretty today." Joker said,

"Thank you, and did you know, Joker? Most boys feel better if they're touched by girls who they think are pretty." Solute replied, Joker chuckled,

"How about a kiss?" Joker asked, Doctor Whooves, Roseluck, Derpy, and Solute chuckle,

"Sorry, but no, you can look at me, you can touch me, just don't hit me." Solute replied,

"If I do, then it's by accident." Joker said,

"That's fine, just don't hit me on purpose." Solute replied, Joker nodded and continued his tale.

Joker and Daylight Dimmer look at one another while the colt watches in fear,

"What were you thinking?!" Joker asked angrily,

"I'm just doing what should've been done, this pony has been hurting the animals around here for a while, some of them have lost their lives." Daylight Dimmer replied calmly,

"It's a kid!" Joker said angrily,

"Doesn't matter, a murderer is a murderer, and all murderers must die." Daylight Dimmer replied calmly,

"But what if he doesn't know better?" Joker asked,

"That doesn't excuse his actions." Daylight Dimmer replied, Joker was shocked,

"What if it was in self-defense?" Joker asked,

"That's a different story, the animals he hurt were not in self-defense, he is guilty." Daylight Dimmer replied,

"Haven't you ever heard of second chances?" Joker asked,

"I'm aware of forgiveness and giving second chances to the guilty, but there are times where simply killing them is more effective." Daylight Dimmer replied,

"Can we try to give him a second chance first? Explain what he did wrong, and hopefully, he'll stop?" Joker asked,

"Alright, I'll give it a try, but if it fails, and if he does the same things again, I'm killing him." Daylight Dimmer replied, and he walked away, the foal sighed in relief. Joker explains what the foal did was wrong and to his delight, he stopped, so Daylight Dimmer will not come to take his life.

A few weeks pass and Flamma got into an accident at home while working on an experiment, it exploded and knocked her back, hurting her back when it hit a wall, their parents were in the human world at the time. Joker went to Flamma's room to bring her food and water, she just glared at him,

"Here comes your..." Joker said,

"Shut up, bring me my stuff, and get out." Flamma replied, Joker frowned, he just gave her the food,

"Sorry about your back." Joker said,

"I don't need sympathy from weak and stupid people like you." Flamma said, Joker glared and just left, he wished he could connect with his younger sister, he was not happy with the fact that Flamma does not appreciate his help, she said to him a few weeks ago that she hates him, and does not care about the fact that he was the one who took care of her when their parents were away.

Joker finishes school and tried to join the royal guard, but got disqualified due to his history as a class clown, much to his dismay, so he decided to go for a long walk, he walked out of Canterlot and was in the woods, he did not mind but came to an abandoned town while he was trying to think of yo mama jokes, he hears voices and saw the Mane Six, he decided to hide from them,

"Well, this is the place." Twilight Sparkle said,

"What was that pony's name again, Twi?" Applejack asked,

"Jones, if I remember right." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"Let's head on home, we did not find a thing." Rarity said,

"Wait, I remember, I think down over there is where he encountered the cult and unicorn horns." Twilight Sparkle replied as she looked to her right, the others look there,

"Really, Twilight? We haven't found anything." Rainbow Dash said,

"I agree, and I want to head home too, this place is scary." Fluttershy said,

"Let's just check this one last area, and we'll leave, where's Pinkie, by the way?" Twilight Sparkle asked, they hear Pinkie Pie scream and they run to where she was at, Joker ran with them.

Joker sees Pinkie Pie up ahead, the other five mares go to her and look on with shock, they see wooden structures of the four horseponies, and white, red, black, and pale unicorn horns nailed to the trees,

"Oh my gosh." Rainbow Dash said in a mortified tone,

"I can't believe it, his tale is actually true." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Unicorn horns, of four colors, I wonder who they belong to." Applejack asked,

"Did you find anypony, Pinkie?" Twilight Sparkle asked, Pinkie Pie was too shocked to speak,

"I'll take that as a no." Rainbow Dash said, Pinkie Pie snaps out of her daze,

"Hello? Anypony?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Let's spread out and look, there are eleven cult members, we have to stop them." Twilight Sparkle said, and they look around, they came back after a few minutes,

"I didn't find anypony, how about the rest of you?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Nope, not a single pony is here." Applejack replied,

"Rainbow Dash and I flew and searched, we didn't see anypony around here." Fluttershy said,

"Okay, I'll go tell Princess Celestia about this, I hope Jones is okay." Twilight Sparkle replied, and they left, Joker left as well.

Joker decides to attend college, which he found by himself, his pranks and jokes made him hated once again, one student in particular who hated him was a male earth pony in his final year of college, his name was Ace. Joker was impressed that he was literally everything in school except for club leader and student council president, he was the valedictorian, he had the highest grades in all honors and AP classes, he was the captain of every sports team, he lifted the heaviest weights in the gym, was the strongest hoof wrestler, the fastest runner on the sports team, and the boxing team's best fighter, and every girl wanted to date him, he had a whitish blue coat, short but well kempt white mane and tail, turquoise eyes, and was tall and extremely muscular, his cutie mark was a gold trophy with words "1st place" on it. Joker did not like Ace's personality, he was hostile and mean to everypony, and he will not help anypony who was in need of help. Joker highly disliked that despite the fact that Ace was the biggest bully in the school, he was never punished because of his good academic grades.

Joker was being watched by the student council president of the college, it was a female unicorn, she had a light purple coat, long light blue mane and tail, light blue eyes, and her cutie mark was a silver tiara, her name was Royal Sapphire, she was from a rich family. Joker was going to the student council's office to see her because she contacted him, he sat across from her,

"Now, Joker, I have recently received news that your sister has gotten in trouble the other day for her behavior." Royal Sapphire said, she had a very soft voice,

"How do you know about that?" Joker asked,

"As student council president, it is my duty to make sure everypony is okay and does fine, so if anything happens to anypony, it is my duty to check up on them, and try my best to help." Royal Sapphire said, Joker knew why Flamma was in trouble, he watched the whole thing. A colt came to the house and wanted to see Flamma, Joker was the one who answered the door,

"Flamma, you have a visitor." Joker said, and Flamma walks to them,

"Well, get out of here." Flamma said to Joker in a calm tone, and Joker walked away, he stood behind her,

"What do you want?" Flamma asked in a somewhat stern tone,

"I would like to learn the math subjects you study and do good on, I was hoping you would help me." the colt replied with a smile, Flamma glared at him,

"I would like to know why you're here asking me to waste my time to help you when you should be studying it on your own!" Flamma said very angrily,

"But the area I live in doesn't have the books to teach me." the colt replied in a timid tone,

"Not my problem, I'm not teaching you, get lost, you idiot." Flamma said in a calmer but still angry tone, the colt stood there scared,

"GET OUT OF HERE BEFORE I GIVE YOU A BEATING!!" Flamma yelled in rage, the colt screamed and ran away crying. Flamma slammed the door and saw Joker looking at her angrily,

"Why are you giving me that look?" Flamma asked in an annoyed tone,

"Flamma, you can't talk to foals like that, you're going to give him nightmares." Joker replied,

"That's not my problem, stupid people like him deserve it." Flamma said, and she went to her room. Joker went outside to go look for the colt, he looks for him, and to his surprise, he was being comforted by Princess Luna, who was holding him while he cried. Joker ran to him,

"Hey, kid." Joker said,

"Your sister's mean." the colt replied tearfully,

"I'm sorry, but my sister has always had anger issues, ever since she was a foal." Joker said,

"Joker, if you can, try to have your sister control her anger, the last thing I want is this poor foal having nightmares about her." Princess Luna said,

"I tried to reach out to her in the past, it never worked." Joker replied,

"Well, try to find a way to help her with her anger, I'll keep an eye on the foal." Princess Luna said, she looks at the colt and says "Come now, let's get you some ice cream." and the two walk together,

"Boy, the last thing I want is me and Flamma having a relationship like Dexter and Debra." Joker said to himself, and went back in. A few days pass and Joker's parents were back from the human world, they heard about what Flamma did and she was reprimanded by them, all she did was look down, the two also brought Joker a laptop, he uses it and enjoyed it, he remembers the fighting games he played and the fighting cartoons he watched, he tried to look up how to do them in real life, the main move he wanted to learn was Johnny Cage's split punch, he found Street Fighter on there as well, and taught himself how to do the Shoryuken, he used telekinesis on himself to give himself a boost, he tried to mimic Hokuto Shinken, Nanto Koshu Ken, Nanto Suicho Ken, Nanto Kokaku Ken, Nanto Hakuro Ken, Nanto Ho-oh Ken, Gento Koken, and Hokuto Ryu Ken, but he could not mimic them, not even close to the original, the closest one Joker could mimic was Gento Koken, but he had to make the energy waves come from his horn instead of his front hooves, and it was nowhere near as effective as the original.

Joker stops looking back and saw Royal Sapphire sat across from him,

"Do you have a girlfriend, Joker?" Royal Sapphire asked,

"You looking to be my girlfriend?" Joker asked jokingly, Royal Sapphire chuckled,

"No, but a boyfriend would be nice." Royal Sapphire replied,

"I'm still single." Joker said, Royal Sapphire chuckled,

"Sorry, but I don't want a boyfriend right now, I just called you here because I wanted to make sure everything was alright at home." Royal Sapphire replied,

"Well, my sister and I never got along, she's always had anger issues ever since she was a filly, anger management hasn't been able to calm her down, either." Joker said,

"I see, well, I just wanted to make sure you were alright, that will be all, Joker, have a good day." Royal Sapphire replied, and Joker stood up and left.

Joker was in the hallway and saw a mare standing in front of him, it was a Pegasus, she had a light greenish gray coat, wavy greenish white mane and tail, they were down and long, her eyes were a light bluish turquoise, and her cutie mark was a white cirrus cloud. It was High Flyer, one of his few friends in college, he only had her and three other mares as his friends in the college,

"Is everything okay, Joker?" High Flyer asked,

"Yeah, it's just, my sister got in trouble a few days ago for yelling at a foal and threatening to hurt him." Joker replied,

"I never did meet your sister, what's she like?" High Flyer asked,

"Angry, like the Hulk." Joker replied, High Flyer was confused,

"Say, I'm ready for another tongue twister battle with you." High Flyer said, Joker smiled, that was how they met.

Joker and High Flyer were in the same class, High Flyer challenged other students to do a tongue twister, to see who had the better tongue twister,

"Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers." High Flyer said, she used it all the time, the other students could not think of one, until she got to Joker,

"This valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin, vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition." Joker said, much to High Flyer's surprise.

The bell rings and it was time to go home,

"Sorry, High Flyer, but I have to go home now." Joker said,

"Alright, stay safe." High Flyer replied, and they hugged one another and went their separate ways.

Joker walks home and hears a foal scream, he runs to the scream and saw an injured colt, he looked and saw Ace was fighting him,

"You're pathetic, I'll never be able to be captain of the royal guard by beating up somepony as durable as you." Ace said, and he looked at the other foals, who were all either sick or injured,

"You, you're my next punching bag." Ace said, the sick foal shook his head and quivered in fear, Ace then proceeded to punch and beat the foal,

"You guys are pathetic, I can't down any of you in one hit, tell the hospital that they need weaker foals for me to fight." Ace said,

"Hey! Ace!" Joker said as he walked to him, Ace glared at him,

"I'll be your opponent." Joker said,

"No." Ace replied,

"Why?" Joker asked,

"I only fight and hurt sick and injured children." Ace replied, Joker was disgusted,

"You hurt foals?" Joker asked calmly by angrily,

"They are my test subjects, the weaker, the better, if I can take a sick and injured foal out in one hit, then I am fitting to be the captain of Princess Celestia's royal guard." Ace replied, Joker was angry, he ran to Ace and jumped, he tried to kick him with his hind legs, he hits Ace and knocks him back a little, but he hurts himself in the process, Ace laughed,

"Give up, Joker, you're a worthless weakling, you can't ever wish to beat me." Ace said, and he walked away. Joker notices that Ace was walking on his hind legs and was writing in a book with a pencil in his front left hoof, this caught his attention, but he was still angry and followed Ace. Joker watches Ace as he continues to write in the book, which made him curious, he sees foals line up in front of him and Ace proceeded to hit them to hurt them, Joker was confused and watched, he sees Ace look around and saw a house of a pony he did not like, so he writes something in the book, and the entire house falls, much to Joker's horror, Ace chuckles as he goes home. Joker runs to the fallen house, he saw it was High Flyer, she was injured as well, High Flyer was in tears at her house being taken down, Joker glares and runs to Ace.

Joker arrives at Ace's house and saw he lived in a manor, he had gold decorations everywhere, statues of himself, pictures of himself, and many unnecessary things only the rich can afford. Joker looks around the area and disliked it,

"Even Tony Montana wasn't this flamboyant with his rich life." Joker said, and he begins to use his telekinesis, he was having trouble, it was very rare for him to use it, so it was weak. Joker focuses hard and grunts, he pulls the supporting beams of Ace's house out and the entire thing falls, Joker then looks and was horrified at what he saw, there were baby animals with injuries on them, he could not believe it, Ace was also beating up animals to make himself stronger. Ace ran out of the debris and held Joker down with his front right hoof on his neck,

"Do you know who I am?! I can mess your life up if I wanted to!" Ace said angrily,

"You just did the same thing to another pony a moment ago!" Joker replied angrily,

"It was the right thing to do!" Ace said angrily,

"Why is that?" Joker asked,

"One, I don't like that person, and two, that girl is a loser like you, I'm a winner." Ace replied,

"I get it, you have good grades, and you're the most athletic pony in the college." Joker said,

"No, I'm a born winner, I was already the best of the best on the day I was born into this world." Ace replied, Joker was starting to get angry, he was starting to dislike Ace as much as he disliked him,

"Just you wait, you won't be telling your stupid jokes, starting tomorrow." Ace said, and he stood up and walked away, Joker headed home.

Joker remembered that today was Flamma's wedding day, she was marrying a male unicorn named Scholarship, a name that Joker thought was a bit funny, he was focused on his academics and grades just like Flamma, but he was much calmer and friendlier than her, and he and Joker got along great. Joker, Scholarship, and the groomsponies have decided to try a prank on Flamma for her wedding day, the two thought it would be funny.

Scholarship had a dark purple coat, a light purple mane and tail, purple eyes, and his cutie mark was a rolled up scholarship, he usually did not wear clothes, he and Flamma wore a tuxedo and pants for their wedding, Flamma hated dresses, the only difference was Scholarship's outfit was black while Flamma's outfit was white, and Joker was wearing the same outfit as Scholarship and the other groomsponies, he was elected to be the best stallion of the wedding.

Scholarship and Flamma were standing together, Flamma was getting impatient with the groomsponies, she hears Joker gasping and wheezing,

"Help me, the wedding's too far, I'm not going to make it." Joker said, everypony looks and they see Joker and the other groomsponies were on the floor, Joker was crawling and pretending he was dying while the other groomsponies were pretending to already be dead. Scholarship, the bridesmaids, and the others present at the wedding laugh while Flamma looks at Joker with shock.

Doctor Whooves, Derpy, Roseluck, and Solute were laughing at Joker's prank,

"Oh gosh, I can't help it, that is too funny." Roseluck said,

"Yeah, but that prank made me have a complete falling out with my sister." Joker replied,

"What about your brother-in-law?" Solute asked,

"He and I still get along, doing that prank was his idea." Joker replied,

"Did he tell your sister?" Derpy asked,

"Yeah, she doesn't care, though, she's mad at me for doing the prank, she doesn't care that it was his idea." Joker replied,

"Well, that's a shame, let's keep going, and try to speed things up a bit, Joker, we're starting to run a bit short on time." Doctor Whooves said, Joker continues talking about himself.

Joker was in his room the next morning, listening to I Ran (So Far Away) by A Flock of Seagulls while thinking about his sister, who was enraged at him for his wedding prank, he was looking back at his old pranks.

One day when Flamma was four and Joker was twelve, Flamma was taking a shower, it was hot and steam was everywhere in the house, Joker snuck to the door and placed his flank at the small gap at the bottom of the door, he let out a silent fart and snuck away, Flamma began coughing and gagging at the smell a few seconds later while Joker was in his room snickering.

Another day when Joker was in middle school, when the school was getting ready to celebrate a holiday, he did a prank that he greatly regrets. He was making apples on sticks with caramel on them, he decided to prank the school and replaced the apples with onions, the ponies ate them and they began coughing and gagging from how spicy it was, he got in very big trouble with the school for the prank. He grew to regret it because some of the ponies who ate the onions were foals, and they were crying from the spice.

Joker tries to remember more but could not, so he sleeps. He wakes up the next day and goes to college, he looks sees the students were all jeering and glaring at him, Joker began to has flashbacks of his foalhood when he was in elementary school. Students throw paper balls at him, but he uses his telekinesis to hold them back. He walks calmly and silently because he knew that he will only make things worse if he loses his temper. Joker walks forward and saw Royal Sapphire waiting for him,

"Joker, we've had enough of your pranks and jokes, one more prank or joke from you, and you're expelled!" Royal Sapphire said, Joker was immediately suspicious,

"What about my friends?" Joker asked,

"High Flyer, Holy Diva, Sorceress, and Jester have all been expelled for being associated with you." Royal Sapphire replied,

"What? But they didn't do anything." Joker said,

"It's your own fault, Joker, as punishment for your annoying behavior, we got rid of your friends in the school, good luck being hated and lonely, the only two things you deserve." Royal Sapphire replied, and she walked away.

Joker walks through college and everypony glared at him, some of them insulted him, and some of them stuck their tongues out at him,

"Ace, where are you?" Joker asked,

"Ace is too pure to have his presence tainted by yours, if you have any problems, you go to Royal Sapphire." a male Pegasus student replied,

"Does this apply to everypony?" Joker asked,

"No, just you." a female earth pony replied, Joker glared and just walked away.

Joker walks around and looks for Ace, he saw him in the principal's office, acting as the principal. Joker tries to approach Ace, but he writes in the book and two royal guards suddenly appear in front of him, Joker then realized that the book was not normal, he zaps the two guards and Ace away, he then takes the book with his telekinesis and runs away.

Joker runs to a private area and opens the book, he saw the book was updating itself at the end, orange flames appeared and he saw words appear on the page with him opening the book. The book was very thick but light, he skims through the book, and to his shock, every single event that has ever happened in Equestria and beyond was in the book, he saw that every single thing that the Mane Six, Cutie Mark Crusaders, the Princesses, and the Pillars of Equestria have been through were written in the book, along with several other things that caught his eyes; a male unicorn named Jones encountering a cult led by Claudius, a male earth pony named Gogh meeting an alternate version of himself from inside a painting, three female ponies named Data, Inertia, and Solute encountering a robotic alicorn, a male earth pony named Daylight Dimmer fighting some creatures called the Friendship Absorbers and other creatures, a male earth pony named Equality being in a town with only stallions, colts, and male animals in it, and many more events.

Joker could not believe his eyes, every single event that has happened in the world was written down in the book, right down to the smallest detail, he looks at the book and can clearly see the parts that Ace has changed because his hoofwriting looked nothing like the original writing, which was in cursive. Joker looks and sees what Ace has changed, he notices that Ace has written himself to be the smart and strong stallion he was now, he reads Ace's past and sees that Ace was a happy pony with many friends when he was a foal, but he finds the first part Ace changed and saw it said that he had the highest grade on every test. The next part that he changed was being in the best shape of any pony his age. The third part he changed said that he was the only one passing his classes, and made everypony else fail, much to Joker's shock. He finds the next one and it said that Ace wanted ice cream, but his parents refused, so Ace changed history by writing his parents died in an accident as karma, and he got all the ice cream he wanted because the vendor gave it to him out of sympathy, much to Joker's disgust. Joker finds that Ace kept changing parts of his life around so that he will always be the only one passing his classes, and the only pony to be in shape so he can hurt and bully the other students for his pleasure, Joker also finds several parts where Ace would write to make foals sick and injured just so they cannot defend themselves when he beats them up just so he can test his own physical strength and fighting skills, he did the same to animals as well. Joker finds another one and sees it was his and Flamma's parents dying in an accident in the human world so that Flamma's studies can be undermined, Joker could not believe his eyes, Ace has killed his parents as well. Joker finds that the college does not punish him for his cruelty because he is writing the events in the book and changing history.

Joker is tackled from behind and Ace takes the book,

"You want to mess with me?! Fine! Prepare to die!" Ace said angrily and he changes several parts in the book, a white flash happens and it blinds Joker's eyes for a bit. Joker opens his eyes a bit and saw he was in the middle of Equestria, he uses telekinesis on himself and floats up, he becomes shocked at seeing the new land, Equestria was ruled by Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker, with unicorn versions of Midnight Sparkle and Demon Shimmer as their pupils, the royal guards were under the command of Starlight Glimmer, and an evil version of Shining Armor, the changelings were under the rule of Queen Chrysalis, the Crystal Empire was ruled by King Sombra and an evil version of Cadence, the dragons were ruled by Discord, the yaks, griffins, and hippogriffs were under the rule of the Storm King, with Tempest Shadow and Grubber as his two commanders, and the rulers were all serving under Tirek, with the Pony of Shadows serving as his bodyguard.

Joker grunts and feels his horn disappear, he fell to the ground and looks around, he hears laughing and saw Ace in the sky with the book in his front right hoof, Joker can see that Ace has changed history to make himself an alicorn,

"There, now the battleground is set, you will never win." Ace said, he uses unicorn magic to make a shield around himself, it had a light blue magic aura, magic lines connect to the rulers and Joker realized he had to take out the rulers first before he can face Ace, Ace then disappeared while laughing.

Joker looked around and was nervous on where he should go first, he saw four royal guards coming to him, he tries to fight back but they overpower him. A red blast is shot at them and they disappeared, Joker got up and looked behind him and saw Daylight Dimmer and Starburn,

"Wait, it's you again." Joker said,

"I'm a bit surprised you're here too." Daylight Dimmer replied,

"Where did that zap come from?" Joker asked,

"That was me." Demonicus replied from behind Daylight Dimmer and Starburn, he walked to them,

"What the? You look a bit like Princess Celestia." Joker said,

"Well, she and I were students under Star Swirl the Bearded, and I got kicked out for wanting to kill our enemies." Demonicus replied,

"How did Equestria become like this?" Starburn asked,

"A student from my college has this book with him, it looks like a history book, it has every single event in the world written down in it, and it updates itself all the time, any changes to the book changes history." Joker replied, much to Starburn's shock,

"I thought so, I know that book, it's called the Tome of Equestria and Beyond, any change written in that book alters history, and the book will change itself so that the information in it does not contradict the new writings, nobody knows who created it or how it was created, it didn't work on me and my two pupils because I casted a spell to make us immune to its changes." Demonicus said,

"Well, this pony's name is Ace, and he has made himself an alicorn, and he has a shield up that won't go down until we take out the rulers." Joker replied,

"Well, let's get to it, then, you three deal with Twilight and Sunset, I'll handle Celestia and Luna." Demonicus said, and they run together. The royal guards try to stop them but Demonicus zaps them with his magic and they disappear, he runs to Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker while Joker, Daylight Dimmer, and Starburn went to fight Midnight Sparkle and Demon Shimmer, Midnight Sparkle tries to open portals to the human world and Joker sees the human world was unaffected by the book; Demon Shimmer tried to put the three ponies under mind control and threw fireballs at them, but Daylight Dimmer and Starburn resisted it while Joker was being taken over, he tries to think of something to throw their attentions off,

"Princess Celestia's behind you two." Joker said, Midnight Sparkle and Demon Shimmer look back, Daylight Dimmer and Starburn shoot energy blasts out of their front hooves and hit the two from behind, they scream and disappear.

Joker sees the evil version of Shining Armor and Starlight Glimmer,

"Let's go, Shining Armor." Joker said,

"My name is Sour Armor." Sour Armor replied,

"Different name, same pony." Joker said, and Shining Armor tries to charge towards Joker, he had a spear with him as well. Joker keeps him distracted by moving around and dodging the spear thrusts, a dark green blast is shot from behind and Sour Armor screams, he disappeared from the blast, Daylight Dimmer ran to him,

"Good job." Daylight Dimmer said,

"You too." Joker replied, and the two look around. They saw Starlight Glimmer was having trouble against Starburn, since he was still a colt, she could not hit him,

"Hold still!" Starlight Glimmer said, she then says "Guards! Seize him!" but nopony answered, she looked back and saw all of her royal guards were gone, Starburn used that time to shoot a red-orange energy blast from his front hoofs and hits Starlight Glimmer in the back, she screamed and disappeared. Starburn runs to Joker and Daylight Dimmer and they look around,

"Where's Trixie?" Daylight Dimmer asked,

"I guess Ace didn't write her in." Joker replied, the three hear fighting in the sky and saw Demonicus fighting Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon, Daybreaker was laughing manically,

"I am the goddess of the sun, I don't need anypony to help me!" Daybreaker said,

"That's what you think, I will show you that I am superior to you in every way by defeating him." Nightmare Moon replied, Daybreaker shoots a fiery blast at Demonicus that was from the sun while Nightmare Moon shot a blue blast at him, Demonicus used his telekinesis to fly around and used his horn to make the sun cooler, weakening Daybreaker's powers, he then shot her with a red blast, which overpowered her fire blast easily and she screamed, Daybreaker exploded into pieces,

"I told you I'm superior to you." Nightmare Moon said, and she flew around while shooting zaps at Demonicus, which he dodged by flying around, Demonicus fires a red blast from his horn and Nightmare Moon fired a blue blast from her horn, the two were in a deadlock, Demonicus shot red blasts from his front hooves that was made from his anger and hatred of his memories at Nightmare Moon, she did not see them, she was hit in the chest and she screams and explodes as well.

Demonicus floats down to the three,

"You all alright?" Demonicus asked, the three nod, but they hear noises in the sky and they see Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker reform, Midnight Sparkle, Demon Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, and Sour Armor came back as well,

"So that's Ace's plan, he's just going to keep reviving them so that we can't win, no matter how hard we try." Joker said,

"That's okay, watch this." Demonicus replied, and he casts a spell with his horn, it undoes what Ace has written,

"WHAT?! IMPOSSIBLE!!" the three hear Ace yell,

"What did you do, Master?" Starburn asked,

"I have a spell that undoes what has been written in the book, but it can only undo the most recent written thing, so whatever he wrote back then, I cannot undo." Demonicus replied,

"Can you undo the most recent thing before what you undid if you cast it again?" Joker asked,

"No, it only works if I cast it as soon as he writes it, I'm still working on perfecting the spell, though." Demonicus replied, he says afterwards "Let's go to the Crystal Empire next." and the four go together.

The four ponies run to the Crystal Empire but the evil version of Cadence stood in front of them,

"I used to admire you." Joker said,

"Used to?" Cadence asked,

"Yeah, until you became what you are now." Joker replied,

"You should have helped me when was I a foal, Cadence." Daylight Dimmer said,

"I'm not Cadence, my name is Love Stealer." Love Stealer replied,

"What happened to Shining Armor?" Starburn asked,

"Shining Armor's love was not enough for me, so I went to Discord, he couldn't give me enough love, so I'm now with King Sombra." Love Stealer replied, the four ponies get defensive,

"Guards, attack!" Love Stealer said, and they run to them, Joker remembers the moves from Killer Instinct and Mortal Kombat, he mimics them in real life and they work to an extent. Love Stealer shoots out a big light blue beam shaped like a heart from her horn, Starburn shoots a red-orange blast of hate from his front hooves and it was nowhere near powerful enough to stand against Love Stealer, she makes the other ponies' loves of one another to make a shield around herself. Daylight Dimmer tries shooting his energy blasts at her, his were too weak as well, he does a backflip to dodge her blast. Love Stealer shoots at Demonicus next, he fires a red blast from his horn and enters a deadlock with Love Stealer, Demonicus was overpowering her a bit, so Love Stealer flew up in hopes that it will mess up Demonicus' aim. Demonicus eventually overpowers Love Stealer's blast and hits her shield, it disabled and Demonicus immediately shot two red blasts of hatred from his front hooves and hit her, she screamed and exploded, she comes back due to Ace writing her revival, Demonicus casts the same spell again and Love Stealer disappears. They hear Ace groan loudly and angrily,

"Again?! What is wrong with this book?!" Ace asked angrily, which caused the four ponies to chuckle,

"Now's not the time to laugh, onwards to Sombra." Demonicus said, and the four go together. The four ponies run across the snow and arrive at the Crystal Empire, the guards were waiting for them, they saw King Sombra on the balcony as well,

"It's been a long time, Sombra." Demonicus said,

"Indeed, I am lucky that Celestia came after me instead of you." King Sombra replied,

"Well, Celestia's gone now, so is Luna and Cadence, so you have to deal with me." Demonicus said, King Sombra orders his guards to attack, only for Demonicus to cast a spell to obliterate all of the guards at once. King Sombra turns into his shadow form and goes down to the four,

"Oh great, a shadow Shoggoth." Joker said sarcastically,

"Focus now." Demonicus replied, and King Sombra came down. King Sombra shoots his dark magic and the four dodge it, black crystals form around him in the process,

"Master, we don't have any magic to counter this." Daylight Dimmer said,

"Leave this to me." Demonicus replied, and he uses dark magic, his eyes turn green with purple mists around them and on his horn. Demonicus turns into a shadow form just like King Sombra, he uses his hatred and anger of Princess Celestia and Star Swirl the Bearded to make long red spears come out of his body. Daylight Dimmer and Starburn summon their energy swords and try to attack King Sombra, the hatred that powers their magic had no effect on him. Demonicus and King Sombra were fighting with their heads, trying to bite one another, King Sombra went through the spears with no harm done to him, the two still try to bite one another with the other three watching, Joker was feeling useless and weak since he could not stand up against the enemies. King Sombra suddenly screams and he explodes, Demonicus changes back to normal and makes the spears disappear. The four look up and saw a hooded figure in a black cloak in the sky, it looked like a unicorn, but it had no facial features, its horn and entire body was black like a shadow, and its eyes were red and slanted, Joker remembered reading the book and realized it was Claudius. Claudius floats down and goes to them,

"Long time, no see, Demonicus." Claudius said,

"I'm not here for pleasantries, you're my enemy, always will be." Demonicus replied,

"Not this time, the book that changed this land's history is being changed, I wish for this land to be back to how it used to be, that's why I'm going to team up with you just this once." Claudius said,

"Alright, but if we survive this, we're enemies again." Demonicus replied,

"We always were, let's go to the Dragon Lands, I wish to take out Discord as soon as possible." Claudius said,

"Actually, I was thinking we should go to Queen Chrysalis next." Demonicus replied,

"Which one do you two want to go to first?" Joker asked,

"Queen Chrysalis." Daylight Dimmer and Starburn replied together,

"Alright, it really doesn't matter, as long we take out all of them in the end, let's go." Claudius said, and they go to the changeling kingdom next.

The five ponies go to the changeling kingdom next with Joker, Daylight Dimmer, Starburn, and Demonicus running, while Claudius was floating in midair, Joker looked at him and saw that not only was he not casting telekinesis with his horn, but he can clearly tell from his cloak that he did not have wings, this caught Joker's attention, but he ignored it and the five go to the kingdom. The changelings stand by and Queen Chrysalis laughs as they were ready to fight her and her army,

"You fools, you face the queen of the changelings, I sit on this throne, and this throne makes me immune to all magic." Queen Chrysalis said,

"Why are you telling us that?" Starburn asked,

"Why are you all here?" Queen Chrysalis asked,

"To tell you Shang Tsung said he wants his souls back." Joker said jokingly, Queen Chrysalis exclaimed in shock,

"How dare you! You will pay for such insolence! Attack, my changelings!" Queen Chrysalis said, the ponies get ready to fight, but Claudius floats down and holds his front right hoof out, the head of every changeling explodes and they fall. Joker and Starburn looked on in horror at Claudius' magic, Queen Chrysalis was in shock as well,

"Impossible! Such magic does not exist!" Queen Chrysalis said in shock,

"Be blind." Claudius said, and Queen Chrysalis' eyes exploded, causing her to scream in agony,

"Be deaf." Claudius said, and Queen Chrysalis' ears exploded, which made her scream,

"Be mute." Claudius said, and Queen Chrysalis' tongue flew out of her mouth, shocking her.

Claudius holds his front right hoof out again and Queen Chrysalis screams and her entire body explodes, much to Joker's horror, Ace tries to revive her but Demonicus makes her disappear,

"WHAT?! COME ON!!" Ace yelled with rage,

"Okay, let's go to Discord next." Claudius said, and the five go to the Dragon Lands.

The five arrive at the Dragon Lands and the dragons were ready to fight them,

"Now, now, everyone, it's no fun to just take them out immediately, let's toy with them." Discord said,

"Hey, Discord, Q wants his powers back." Joker said,

"Does he really? Well, tell him he can't have them." Discord replied, and he makes it rain chocolate from cotton candy clouds. Demonicus gets ready to zap the clouds to undo Discord's magic, but Claudius walks forward and the dragons eyes' glow red, they become put under mind control. Discord becomes scared and turns the dragons into stone to prevent them from rebelling against him, he then tries to make Claudius' horn disappear, but could not,

"What? No, this can't be right!" Discord said worriedly,

"Give up, your reality warping powers don't work on me." Claudius replied, Discord becomes scared and tries to use his powers on him, Joker was shocked to see that Discord's reality warping powers did not work on Claudius. Claudius uses telekinesis to lift up Discord and bends and contorts his body,

"Hey! Ow, that hurt!" Discord said, Claudius then makes Discord's head explode telepathically, he also makes comets fall from the sky and land in the Dragon Lands to destroy the dragons. Joker was having flashbacks of his TV shows as he watched Claudius, he could not believe it, Claudius had the exact same powers as Mr. Salacia from Metalocalypse, which horrified him.

Daylight Dimmer and Starburn notice Joker was scared of Claudius,

"I've never seen a pony like him before." Joker said,

"He's not a pony." Demonicus replied,

"Is he a shadow pony?" Starburn asked,

"He's not that, either." Demonicus replied, making the other three uneasy,

"He's something else." Demonicus said, Claudius goes to them and saw that Discord and the dragons were returning, Claudius holds his front right leg out and he freezes them in time completely, making Ace's writing in the book ineffective, they then explode with their bodies flying around like shards,

"COME ON, WORK, YOU PIECE OF JUNK!!" Ace yelled with rage, causing the five to chuckle,

"Alright, let's take out the Storm King next." Demonicus said, and they go to Mount Aris.

The five ponies go to them and Joker looked around,

"Are there any creatures Ace missed?" Joker asked,

"Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk, they're creatures from this world, but they were sent to another world, I don't think that book affects the world they're in, and he probably doesn't know about their existence, he must've skipped over it when he first found that book." Demonicus replied,

"Well that explains a lot." Joker said,

"We're here." Daylight Dimmer said, and they see Tempest Shadow leading the storm guards with Grubber,

"You wish to challenge us?" Tempest Shadow asked,

"Who are you?" Joker asked,

"I am Tempest Shadow, the second-in-command of the Storm King." Tempest Shadow replied,

"Really? You're the second-in-command? I thought that guy was the second-in-command." Joker said as he pointed his front right leg to Grubber, Tempest Shadow looked at him as well,

"Former second-in-command, I was demoted to third-in-command when Tempest Shadow joined." Grubber said,

"Oh, so I was right." Joker said,

"I have no patience for people like you." Tempest Shadow said, and she fires an unstable blast from her broken horn, Daylight Dimmer and Starburn make their bodies made out of their magic, while Demonicus and Claudius floated up, and Joker jumped to his left,

"What?! Earth ponies can cast magic, too?!" Tempest Shadow asked in shock, Daylight Dimmer and Starburn shoot energy blasts at her while she was distracted, she screams and exploded, Joker sneaked behind Grubber and proceeded to choke him to knock him unconscious, he drops him and Demonicus fires a red blast from his horn at him and destroys him,

"You should've choked him to death." Demonicus said,

"Sorry, but he looked like a kid to me, I don't like hurting children." Joker replied, Demonicus chuckled,

"Neither do I." Demonicus said, they hear walking and saw the Storm Guards going,

"Go, attack, my minions!" Storm King said from his airship, Claudius' eyes glow red and the Storm Guards had red eyes, they turn on the Storm King,

"Wait, what are you guys doing?!" Storm King asked, he did not know that his guards were currently under Claudius' mind control, he was scared. His airship gets destroyed from the inside-out and the Storm King falls in front of the five ponies,

"I bring you a message." Joker said,

"What is it?" Storm King asked,

"The Storm King from the Shrine of Storms said he's suing you for stealing his name." Joker replied,

"What?! There's another Storm King?!" Storm King asked in shock and confusion, Demonicus uses the opportunity to take the Storm King's staff and breaks it with his telekinesis,

"NOOOOOO!!" Storm King said, Claudius' eyes glow red once again and the Storm King and the Storm Guards were turned into scarecrows, surprising Joker. Ace tries to write have them come back, only for Demonicus to use his magic to undo what Ace wrote, Ace screamed in rage,

"WHY ISN'T THIS WORKING?!" Ace yelled,

"Alright, only the Pony of Shadows and Tirek remain, let's go." Demonicus said, and they run.

The Pony of Shadows appears before them and roared,

"My darkness will consume this land!" Pony of Shadows said,

"Uh-huh." Joker said sarcastically,

"Got any jokes to throw him off guard?" Daylight Dimmer asked,

"I'm trying to think of one." Joker replied, the Pony of Shadows fires a black blast at them, Demonicus and Claudius combine their magic blasts together and they enter a deadlock, Demonicus also fires a red blast from his front hooves and hits the Pony of Shadows in the chest, he winced in pain, but it did not stun him. Daylight Dimmer and Starburn shoot blasts from their front hooves as well, Joker got an idea and ran behind the Pony of Shadows and tries to do Liu Kang's flying kick from Mortal Kombat, he hit the Pony of Shadows in the back of his head, he screeched and was distracted, the four ponies hit him with their blasts and destroy him. Ace tries to write him to come back but Demonicus casts the spell again to undo the writing,


"Alright, time for Tirek." Claudius said, and they run to him.

The five ponies go to Tirek and saw he was in his complete form,

"What is this? You two have alicorn magic inside of you." Tirek said as he looked at Demonicus and Daylight Dimmer, and he summons orbs of Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, and Spike, he then proceeds to absorb the magic of Daylight Dimmer and Demonicus,

"Master! Uncle!" Starburn said in fear, he tried to fire an energy blast from his front hooves, it had no effect on Tirek, Daylight Dimmer and Demonicus fire energy blasts of hatred at him, it had no effect. Joker sees that Tirek was distracted and runs behind him, he jumps and grabs onto his tail, only for Tirek to smash it down. Tirek finishes absorbing magic from Daylight Dimmer and Demonicus, Demonicus' mane and tail were now only dark red instead of four colors,

"Uncle!" Starburn said,

"It's alright, Starburn, I can still fight." Daylight Dimmer said, and he and Demonicus stand up. Joker holds onto Tirek's tail while he continues to swing it down, Joker was getting weaker and was out of strength, he felt useless again. Daylight Dimmer and Starburn try shooting their energy blasts at him, it had no effect on Tirek, he laughs at their efforts,

"That tickles." Tirek said, Demonicus fires a red blast from his horn and it hit Tirek, it was not very effective on Tirek either, he fires a big orange blast from his mane and it hits the three, they grunt and are shot back. Demonicus stands up while Daylight Dimmer and Starburn were out of energy, he uses dark magic and changes to his shadow form, he uses his hatred and anger to fire red energy arrows out of his body and at Tirek, they had no effect on him, Tirek fires another orange blast at him and Demonicus moves around to dodge it, he fires a red blast from his horn while Tirek fired another orange blast, they hit one another and cause an explosion, but Demonicus' energy blast was not strong enough to hold Tirek's back, and the shockwave knocks him back, he pants and changes back to normal,

"You're a tough one, but even you should have limits." Tirek said, and he saw Claudius walking forward,

"Wait a minute, you're not from this world." Tirek said,

"My origins don't matter." Claudius replied, and he floats up and shoots a black blast from his horn, Tirek fires another orange blast and the two were in a deadlock, Joker was shocked to see that Claudius can match Tirek in a deadlock, the two continue and they were going nowhere. Tirek throws two orange orbs at Claudius with his hands, they miss him. Claudius holds his front hooves out and shoots black blasts out of them, Tirek shoots two orange blasts from his hands, they enter a deadlock with those as well. Claudius exhales sharply and his hood and cloak fly off, Claudius' eyes glow a brighter red than usual and a red aura appears around him, his mane and tail turn red and float around behind him, his unicorn horn also turned red, Claudius exhales and revealed a mouth, it was filled with fanged teeth, black tentacles came out of his mouth as well, scaring Joker.

Claudius' three blasts were bigger but still not powerful enough to overpower Tirek, Claudius' eyes glow even brighter and Tirek's eyes glow red,

"What's going on?" Daylight Dimmer asked,

"Claudius is putting a vision in Tirek's mind." Demonicus replied, Tirek becomes horrified at the vision,

"Yes, no matter how hard you try, you are doomed to fail." Claudius said in a voice that sounded like the control voice from the original Outer Limits series on the DVD menu when trying to choose an episode to watch. Tirek stops firing his blasts and uses telekinesis on Claudius, he opens his mouth to absorb his magic,

"Go ahead, absorb me." Claudius said, and Tirek does, but he gasps and screams as his body turns black and becomes a shadow like Claudius,

"That's right, you can't absorb me." Claudius said, and Tirek screams in pain and the black shadows consume him and eat him alive, much to Joker's horror,

"Master, am I going to have to fight him one day?" Daylight Dimmer asked,

"No, Claudius is the one enemy I will never send you or Starburn to fight unless I have no choice, he is the strongest enemy I have ever faced." Demonicus replied, Claudius floats down and changes back to normal, with the cloak flying back onto him magically and the hood going back onto his head on its own. Tirek's magic goes back to Daylight Dimmer and Demonicus and they get their powers back, with Demonicus' mane and tail being dark red, dark purple, gray, and dark brown again. Tirek was about to come back but Demonicus undoes the writing again,


"He's the only one left, let's go get him." Joker said, the four just stand there,

"What?" Joker asked,

"Didn't he make this place because of you?" Starburn asked,

"Uh, yeah." Joker replied,

"See? He's your enemy, this is your fight." Demonicus replied,

"What about you four?" Joker asked,

"We'll undo anything he tries to write, now go on ahead and take him down if you can." Demonicus replied, Joker nods and he runs to where he heard Ace's voice many times.

Joker runs to where he heard Ace, he saw his manor from before, but he notices that there were foals working on his house, they were exhausted, starving, sick, and had bruises all over them, he realizes that Ace had foals working as his slaves. Joker walks past them while they plea for his help and cry, Joker was very sympathetic and angry at the same time,

"Where is Ace?" Joker asked,

"I'm sorry, but we can't tell you, we'll be killed if we say anything about it." a colt Pegasus said, much to Joker's disgust, he decides to just look around on his own and saw more fillies and colts being forced to move heavy statues of Ace, the unicorns had a magic restraining lock on their horns, and the Pegasi had metal bands on their wings so they cannot fly. Joker goes past them and sees some of them were collapsing from exhaustion, Joker goes past them and continues to look for Ace. Joker arrives at the front of Ace's manor, and saw baby animals had to work too, they were exhausted, starving, sick, and injured as well, most of them were kittens and puppies, the puppies were whimpering as they worked.

Joker was in disgust at seeing baby animals being forced to work for Ace while not being fed or treated properly, some of the animals go to him in hopes that he would have food for them, he did not, all he could do was pet them to comfort them, he gets up and goes to the front door of Ace's manor and goes into his home.

Joker looks around and sees Ace had statues and paintings of himself everywhere, much to his disgust, he then hears a dog whimpering in pain and whipping sounds,

"This is a message to all of you stupid animals and foals, you do not work, you get a beating, those who question me will get an extra beating, your job is to build my home and put my statues where I want them, that is your life's duty, make my home the way I want it, or face death." Ace said, causing the foals to whimper in fear.

Joker runs to where he heard Ace's voice, he sees the head of many adult animals on Ace's wall, he notices that they were the pets of other ponies. Joker keeps running and arrives at where he heard Ace's voice, he saw many foals and baby animals in pain with scrapes and bruises on them, he can tell that some of them were sick as well,

"Where is Ace?" Joker asked the foals, they point to the doorway on the other side of the room, Joker enters it and goes to the next room. Joker looks around and saw mares in the room, they were all making sandwiches and living in the kitchen, he saw High Flyer and Royal Sapphire there, he also saw a female earth pony there, she had a light red coat, long light blue mane and tail, turquoise eyes, and her cutie mark was a black music note, it was Holy Diva, one of his friends. Joker looks and sees a female unicorn, she had a dark purple coat, a long black mane and coat, dark red eyes, and her cutie mark was a light brown spell book, Joker realized it was Sorceress, another one of his friends. Joker walks forward a bit and saw another mare, she was a unicorn, she had a light purple coat, the right half of her long mane and tail was red while the left half was blue, she had green eyes, a round yellow earring in each ear, and her cutie mark was a red and blue jester's hat, Joker can tell it was Jester, his last friend.

Joker walks past them while the mares ignore him, Ace has completely erased their memories on him, he arrives into the next room and hears slapping, he heard a grunt, he realized it was Flamma, he runs as fast as he could and saw her on the floor, he also saw Ace walking to her,

"I didn't say you can question my authority, Flamma, I am the ruler of this land, your job is to cook, clean, make me sandwiches, work in the kitchen, and let me beat you." Ace said,

"Y... Yes, Ace." Flamma said, Joker becomes angry and runs to them,

"What did you do to my sister?!" Joker asked, Ace chuckled while Flamma walks to him,

"Stay away from him, Joker, I don't care if you're my brother, I won't let you harm my husband." Flamma said,

"Hu... Husband?!" Joker asked in shock,

"That's right, I'm your brother-in-law." Ace said while he smiled at him,

"Where's Scholarship?" Joker asked,

"Buried six feet under the ground." Ace replied,

"Scholarship? Who's Scholarship?" Flamma asked,

"Nopony important." Ace replied,

"Ace, if you don't accept me as family, then you and I will have to fight." Joker said,

"I'm not fighting you, I only fight sick and injured children." Ace replied,

"Why?" Joker asked,

"It's more fun." Ace replied,

"Why are you like this anyway?" Joker asked,

"Why? Why?! I was always the best and the winner at everything as a colt, but then, I did a math contest, and somepony did as equally good as I did, and it was called a tie with both of us winning! I'm a born winner! I can't be a winner if there are two winners!" Ace replied angrily,

"That's it?! That's your reason?!" Joker asked angrily,

"No, those annoying baby animals would cry at night and keep me up, them serving me and receiving beatings until they die is their punishment for keeping me up at night!" Ace replied,

"What about the foals, why are you hurting them?" Joker asked,

"I beat up foals when I was a foal, I just wish to continue it, I never liked facing strong opponents, that is why I only hunt and hurt the weak." Ace replied, Joker was disgusted,

"If you could have, why didn't you make yourself the captain of the royal guard?" Joker asked,

"Why be a captain when you can be a ruler, Celestia, Luna, and Cadence were never fit to rule." Ace replied,

"Why is that?" Joker asked,

"Because they're girls, girls are meant to serve us, men, they were always physically weaker than us, we hunt, we fight, women are too soft and gentle to rule." Ace replied,

"Dude, Queen Chrysalis!" Joker said,

"I was forced to give her the throne, Thorax is too much of a weakling to rule, which sucked." Ace replied,

"Enough talk, let's fight, Ace." Joker said, Ace takes the book out and writes for Flamma to protect him,

"Joker, if you're going to hurt my husband, I will beat you to your last breath!" Flamma replied,

"This guy is actually harming you and making you do things you don't want to do, I'm the one who took care of you!" Joker said,

"It doesn't matter, I'd rather take his beatings and be bossed around by him than live with you and deal with your annoying jokes any day!" Flamma replied angrily, Joker growled. Ace proceeded to write in the book to make Flamma attack him, Joker grunted and watched Ace run away while he wrote in the book, a spell is cast and Ace's writing was undone,

"WHAT?! NOW TOO?!" Ace yelled angrily, Joker realized that Demonicus was still casting his magic to undo Ace's writings. Joker hits Flamma on the right side of her neck with his front left hoof to knock her out and he runs after Ace.

Joker chases Ace and saw he was flying away with his Pegasus wings, he looked back and shot zaps from his unicorn horn at Joker, he ran past them with ease, his magic aura was sky blue. Ace tries writing in the book to make obstacles block Joker's path, he ran past them all easily. Ace growled and he made the ground break apart, Joker jumped over it and continued chasing Ace, he got angry and shot another zap from his horn while flying away, Joker ran to his right and dodged it. Ace began to pant and was flying slowly, he was falling as well. Joker jumped up and tackled him onto the ground, he grunted and fell.

Ace stood up and quickly opened the book to write in it, but a red blast hits the book and Ace was startled,

"I don't think so." Demonicus said from behind Joker, Daylight Dimmer, Starburn, and Claudius were there as well,

"What?! Why aren't you guys attacking him?!" Ace asked,

"Not everyone is affected by the book." Claudius replied, Ace was shocked and tried to write something, but the pencil turned black and was shot out of his hoof, he exclaims in shock as he looked at Claudius,

"I choose my fate, and a mere book cannot change it." Claudius said, everypony except for Demonicus was shocked, Claudius was completely immune to the affects of the book,

"Let's go, Ace, you and me." Joker said,

"No, I'll fight him instead, to the death." Ace replied as he pointed his right front hoof to Starburn,

"He's actually stronger than me." Joker said,

"What?!" Ace asked, Starburn uses his hatred and anger to summon two energy swords, Ace exclaimed in shock,

"You have no choice, Ace, I'm the weakest of the five." Joker said, Ace was shocked and tried to run away, but there was a black wall in front of him, he tries to write in the book to make the wall disappear, Claudius held his front right hoof out and made the book turn black, Ace could not get the pencil onto the page, he growled in anger,

"You didn't know? You can only use the book a certain amount of times." Demonicus said, which was actually a lie,

"What?!" Ace asked,

"That's right, the amount of history you can change is limited, and you have run out." Claudius said, Ace growled and threw the book and pencil behind him,

"Fine, I'll just kill you with my bare hooves." Ace said, and he and Joker were ready to fight.

Ace runs towards Joker and was trying to do several knife-hoof strikes with his front hooves, Joker dodged them all easily, he eventually went to Ace's blind spot to his left and did a knife-hoof strike with his front left hoof onto Ace's back, he exclaimed in pain and Joker ran to the book, he quickly made a few changes with the pencil in his front left hoof. Ace lost his horn and wings while Joker got his horn back, he also made Ace less durable. Joker heard Ace getting back up and he quickly ran to Ace.

Ace turned around and saw Joker use telekinesis on himself, he flies towards him and does Liu Kang's bicycle kick. Ace is kicked in the face five times and was stunned, he growled at Joker's move, he tries to punch Joker with his front right hoof, Joker got ready to block it but Ace moved his hoof back and hit Joker in the left side of his face with his front left hoof, he grunts and looks at Ace. Ace punches his front hooves forward several times and Joker dodged them all with ease, Joker tried to do a hook punch with his front right hoof, only for Ace to punch him in the chest with his front right hoof, making him grunt, he then punches him in the face with his front left hoof and Joker was knocked down.

Joker gets up and focuses on him, Ace runs forward and stands on his hind hooves, he kicks his right hind hoof up and aimed above Joker's head, missing him, Joker uses telekinesis on himself to make himself do a split, he then punches Ace in the groin with his front left hoof, Ace's exclaims in pain and his eyes widen, Daylight Dimmer, Starburn, Demonicus, and Claudius chuckle, Joker stands up and decided to try the technique Ganzan Ryozan Ha, he does a knife-hoof strike with his front right hoof and hits Ace in the center of his face with it, he screamed in pain from it, but it did not have any of the same effects as the real move. Ace recovers and proceeds to choke Joker out of anger, Joker puts his front legs between Ace's front legs and punches him in his eyes, he screams and gets off of him while Joker stood up,

"I don't understand, how can I be losing? I know karate." Ace said, and he ran towards Joker, he decided to try something,

"Endokuken!" Joker said and shot a light blue energy blast out of his horn and at Ace, he screamed when he was hit by it and was shot back, he fell onto the ground as well,

"Killer Instinct, Mortal Kombat, and Fist of the North Star beat karate any day." Joker said, Ace growled and was moving slowly, Joker can tell that Ace was nearly out of stamina, he tries to run but could not, Joker used the opportunity and ran to him, he tried to mimic the technique Hokuto Hyakuretsu Ken, but it was not even close to how it was performed. Joker punched Ace about twenty times before running out of breath, it was surprisingly effective, Ace tried to get up but had trouble, Joker quickly ran to the book and looked through it, one thing that caught his mind was when Ace was younger, he threw a party and invited everypony except for one pony because he did not like him, a few weeks later, that pony threw a party of his own, and did not invite Ace, Ace broke into his house and took his life. Joker keeps flipping through the pages and sees the part where Ace was born; Ace got up and was ready to run; Joker quickly got the pencil and held it in his front left hoof, he erases the part where Ace was born and wrote down that his mother did not get pregnant, and Ace was never born. The book changes itself so it had no contradicting information in it, Ace floats in the air and screamed while he faded away and was erased from existence, everything Ace has changed undone itself and everything was back to normal, Demonicus put a barrier around himself, Daylight Dimmer, and Starburn so the book does not affect them, Claudius just watched.

Everything turned back to normal and they were in a grassy field, away from society,

"If I remember right, this is where Ace found the book when he was a foal." Joker said,

"So this was where it was found." Claudius replied,

"Why didn't the book affect me for?" Joker asked,

"The writer is unaffected by the book unless they write about themselves." Demonicus replied,

"I still wonder, though, where did this book come from?" Daylight Dimmer asked, the others shrug, a light blue and white portal opens to the west and a colt walks out, he was an earth pony, he had a sky blue coat, a short white mane and tail, and pale yellow eyes, he did not have a cutie mark yet,

"That book is not from this realm." the colt said,

"Wait, I remember reading about you in the book, you're Walker, you're in another realm." Joker said,

"Yeah, the realm I'm traveling in is called the Void, that book is from that realm." Walker replied,

"I see, so he's the creator of the book, I'd figured it'd be him who created it." Claudius said, and he disappeared completely,

"Are you here to take the book back?" Demonicus asked,

"No, I'm just here to let Joker know that the book must be protected, if that book is destroyed, then this world will be erased from existence." Walker replied,

"I will." Joker said,

"And Walker, can you tell Spirit I said hi?" Demonicus asked,

"Sure thing, I'll be going now, I have my own journey to go on, till we meet again." Walker replied, and he went back into the portal and it closed,

"Master?" Starburn asked,

"Yes, Starburn?" Demonicus asked,

"Why haven't you or Celestia dealt with Claudius earlier?" Starburn asked,

"Claudius can't be sensed by our magic." Demonicus replied,

"What? Claudius can't be detected by magic?" Joker asked,

"No, not at all, I tried, Celestia hasn't detected him either, if she did, she would've known about him a long time ago." Demonicus replied, Joker was very scared of Claudius, he is immune to Discord's magic, Tirek cannot absorb him, he is unaffected by a history changing artifact, he cannot be detected by magic, he can take the lives of many in a second, he can transform, he can turn people into scarecrows, he can give people visions, and he can teleport, Joker was wondering what the full extent of Claudius' power was, he was still having thoughts that he was a real life version of Mr. Salacia from Metalocalypse, and the fact that he is of unknown origins and not from this world made him believe even more that he was Mr. Salacia in a pony form.

Joker stops thinking and thought he should go home, but decided to ask something,

"What is Claudius after?" Joker asked,

"I don't know, but when I last met him many years ago, he was trying to summon the four horseponies, it will end this world if they are summoned, but if Claudius is still the same, then he has other goals in mind with them." Demonicus replied, Joker was uncomfortable,

"What is he?" Joker asked,

"Nobody knows, and one more thing, Claudius can take on more than one form, that form he took when he fought Tirek was not his true form." Demonicus replied,

"How do you know that, Master?" Daylight Dimmer asked,

"I've seen his true form before." Demonicus replied, making Joker uneasy,

"We'll be going home now, good luck with your life." Demonicus said,

"Alright, you too." Joker replied, and Demonicus teleported himself, Daylight Dimmer, and Starburn home, Joker then went home.

Joker arrived home and saw Flamma was still angry at him,

"That press to my neck really hurt!" Flamma said angrily, Joker was confused on how she was able to still feel the pain, but he got angry, but he then remembered that he just did a prank on her recently, he snuck up on her and pressed his front right hoof on the side of her neck, it hurt when he moved his hoof away, but he decides to try saying the truth to her before changing the book,

"I just saved your life!" Joker said angrily,

"I DON'T CARE!!" Flamma yelled angrily and stormed off to her room, Joker growled and looked at the book, he has had enough of Flamma's anger and ungratefulness, so he goes into his room and writes in the book that he and Flamma were really close, and she had no anger issues. Joker walks out and saw Flamma run to him and hug him, she had a smile on her face,

"Thank you for taking care of me when I was injured, big brother, you're the best sibling ever." Flamma said happily, Joker was very happy with the change he has made,

"You're welcome, but I'm tired, I'm going to rest." Joker said,

"Go on, Joker, you deserve it, Scholarship and Star Shooter are coming to study tomorrow." Flamma replied,

"Star Shooter?" Joker asked,

"You know, that colt who asked for my help in his studies, I took him in." Flamma replied, Joker smiled,

"Okay, good luck, I'll be going to bed now." Joker said, and he went to his room and fell asleep.

Joker wakes up the next morning and goes out,

"Good morning, Joker." Flamma said,

"Morning, sis." Joker replied, Flamma smiled and she and Scholarship continued teaching the colt. Joker reads the book and found that Limestone Pie said she was not jealous of Maud Pie getting a boyfriend, so he decided to go see her with a joke in his head. Joker arrives at the rock farm and saw Marble Pie, she went to go get Limestone Pie and she went to the front of the farm,

"Why are you here?" Limestone Pie asked,

"To tell you Johnny Bravo wants to be your boyfriend." Joker replied while smiling and laughing on the inside,

"I don't know who that is!" Limestone Pie said angrily while blushing,

"Oh, you don't?" Joker asked,

"No!" Limestone Pie replied,

"Oh, I see, sorry for wasting your time, then." Joker said, and he walked away while Limestone Pie and Marble Pie just watched.

Joker went back to Canterlot and went to his college,

"Joker!" a voice called out, he saw it was Holy Diva, High Flyer, Sorceress, and Jester were there as well, they hug him,

"Has everything been alright?" High Flyer asked,

"Why you ask?" Joker asked,

"You don't remember? You hurt yourself on your last prank." Sorceress replied,

"No, I don't remember, I'm fine, though." Joker said,

"That's good, come on, High Flyer's got some tricks she wants to show us." Jester replied, and the five walk together and watch High Flyer fly around, Royal Sapphire was watching as well,

"Is it okay if I ask you girls, but did you girls ever meet a pony named Ace?" Joker asked,

"Nope." High Flyer replied,

"Never heard of him." Holy Diva said,

"No." Sorceress said,

"No clue who that is." Jester said, much to Joker's happiness. High Flyer flies down and walks to them,

"Have you decided which one of us you want to date, Joker?" High Flyer asked,

"Why are you asking that for?" Joker asked,

"Isn't your sister married?" Jester asked,

"Uh, yeah." Joker replied,

"See, she's younger than you, Joker, you should get into a relationship too." Sorceress said,

"Well, if I could, I'd date all four of you." Joker replied, his four friends laugh,

"That would be nice, but you can only choose one, go on, Joker, choose one of us." High Flyer said,

"I'll need some time to think about it." Joker replied, the four chuckle and Joker headed home.

Joker headed home and slept, he began having bad dreams about Ace and Claudius, he woke up and it was still daytime, he headed out,

"You didn't sleep that long, Joker." Scholarship said,

"Yeah, I had a bad dream." Joker replied, Flamma ran to him,

"You okay, big brother?" Flamma asked,

"Yeah, I'm fine." Joker replied,

"What was the bad dream?" Star Shooter asked,

"It's hard to describe, I saw this pony in a black cloak and red eyes." Joker replied,

"Never mind, I don't want to know, that sounds scary." Star Shooter said, and Joker went into the bathroom.

Joker washed his face and opened the cabinet so he can use the dental floss, he looked and saw a piece of paper in the cabinet, he takes it out and unfolded it,

"I'm behind you, don't freak out, I just want to talk, and don't turn around." the letter read, Joker closes the cabinet and saw Claudius in the reflection, which scared him a bit,

"Relax, I'm not here to kill you." Claudius said, Joker was still scared,

"You have seen my powers and capabilities, don't speak to it about anyone, because if you do, I will kill you, and don't contact me, I don't answer, is that clear?" Claudius asked, Joker nodded while scared,

"Good, don't say anything, or you will die, remember that." Claudius said, and he disappeared. Joker decided to look for a psychiatrist to help him with his dreams, but nopony believed him, he then found the information for Doctor Whooves as a therapist in Ponyville, so he went to Ponyville to go see Doctor Whooves.

Joker sat across from Doctor Whooves, Roseluck, and Derpy, and he was holding Solute in his front hooves,

"So those two are enemies." Doctor Whooves said,

"Something catch your mind, Doctor?" Joker asked,

"This is the second time for me to hear about Demonicus and Claudius." Doctor Whooves replied,

"I was surprised now that I look back, a pony named Solute dealing with a robotic alicorn." Joker said,

"That was me." Solute replied,

"Wait, you were the one who dealt with the robotic alicorn?" Joker asked, Solute nodded,

"I still have bad dreams about my experience, too." Solute said, she was tightening her hind legs since she had to use the bathroom,

"Can I take a look at that book?" Doctor Whooves asked,

"Wait, what are you planning?" Joker asked,

"One of my patients named Jones has gone into hiding, his whereabouts are unknown, I was wondering if I can find out what happened to him." Doctor Whooves replied,

"What was his story?" Joker asked,

"He came across a cult when he was five years old, Claudius was the leader of that cult." Doctor Whooves asked,

"Wait, Doctor Whooves, is this the same Claudius?" Roseluck asked, Doctor Whooves nodded, shocking the other four ponies,

"This Claudius is scary." Derpy said,

"I know, I find him to be scarier than Paragon." Solute replied,

"Well, I'll be back." Joker said, he went outside and to Canterlot. He went to his home and saw nopony was present, he goes into his room and gets the book out from under his bed, he takes the train back to Ponyville and goes to Doctor Whooves' office. The five ponies look into the book, they find that while Jones seeing Doctor Whooves was in the book, him encountering the cult and where he went afterwards was not,

"Great whickering stallions! It's not here!" Doctor Whooves said, horrifying the other ponies, Solute's attention was caught when she sees Gogh was one of Doctor Whooves' patients,

"Wait, Doctor, that painter in the town was another one of your patients?" Solute asked,

"Yes, what happened to him was tragic, you're welcome to read about it." Doctor Whooves replied, and Joker finds it, he reads it with Solute, Derpy, and Roseluck, the mares gasp at learning about his wedding day, Solute was nearly crying,

"Hey, don't get tears in the book." Joker said,

"I can't help it, that is so sad." Solute replied, and Joker closed the book before the tears fall on the pages,

"Well, that is all the time I have today, till next time, Joker." Doctor Whooves said,

"Say, Solute how about a date?" Joker asked, the other ponies chuckle,

"Sorry, but I want my boyfriend to be a Pegasus like me." Solute replied,

"Oh." Joker said sadly,

"Sorry. Do you have a bathroom, Doctor? I'm about to wet myself." Solute said,

"Bathroom's in the back." Doctor Whooves replied, and she went while Joker exited Doctor Whooves' house with the book in his saddlebag after paying him ten bits.

Joker headed out and saw Gogh looking at a picture in his front left hoof, he saw a glimpse of it and saw it was a picture of Eurydice, Sweetie Belle walked to his left,

"You really do miss her, don't you?" Sweetie Belle asked,

"Everyday." Gogh replied,

"Well, my sister wanted me to check on you and see if you were in the mood for painting today." Sweetie Belle said,

"Not right now." Gogh asked,

"Do you want me to leave?" Sweetie Belle asked,

"No, it's fine." Gogh replied, Joker realized that he was Gogh, he was sympathetic over the loss of his lover, Solute came out shortly afterwards and saw Gogh,

"Oh, Gogh." Solute said as she limped to him,

"Have you been managing fine?" Solute asked,

"So far. Who are you?" Gogh asked,

"I'm Solute, I'm another one of Doctor Whooves' patients." Solute replied,

"I see." Gogh said while smiling, Casanova, Equality, and Marine went to him as well,

"Hey, Gogh, I'm Equality, I'm a marriage counselor, would you like to schedule an appointment?" Equality asked,

"I don't think I need it right now." Gogh replied,

"I understand your pain, Gogh, I lost my loved one, too." Casanova asked,

"Your loved one was killed, too?" Gogh asked,

"No, she died while giving birth to my son." Casanova replied,

"I lost both of my parents recently, these two adopted me." Marine said, Gogh was sympathetic as well,

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Sweetie Belle asked,

"Not at the moment, Sweetie Belle, but I really do appreciate the sympathies you, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Apple Bloom, Applejack, Scootaloo, and Rainbow Dash have given me." Gogh replied, Sweetie Belle smiled,

"I'll be going home now, tell Rarity I'll paint another time." Gogh said, and he hugged the ponies around him and went home.

Joker decided to walk around and try the book out, he saw Fluttershy's cottage and saw many animals, he decided to try something, he writes in the book that the dog in the bear trap from Resident Evil 4 was in the Everfree Forest, he hears the dog whimpering and goes to it, he saw the dog with its left hind leg in the bear trap, he hid behind a tree and saw Fluttershy flying around since she heard the whimpering, she exclaims in shock when she sees the dog with its leg in the bear trap, she tries to free the dog with her wings but could not,

"Hang on, I'm going to go get help." Fluttershy said and flew away, she came back with her friends and they see the dog, they run to it while Rainbow Dash flew,

"Oh, you poor thing, hold on." Twilight Sparkle said and she uses telekinesis to open the bear trap, the dog yelps and walks out while Twilight Sparkle stops using magic and the bear trap closes,

"Let me take a look at that leg." Applejack said and she does,

"It ain't too bad, he should be able to move fine." Applejack said, the dog went to Fluttershy and licked her, she laughed,

"Come along now, I have a home just for you." Fluttershy said, and she takes the dog to her cottage while her friends left, Joker smiled as he watched.

Joker walked to Ponyville, and looked around, Pinkie Pie dashed in front of him,

"Hiya." Pinkie Pie said, Joker recognized her from many years before,

"Pink Diamond?" Joker asked,

"No, silly, I'm Pinkie Pie, still though, Pinkamena Diamond Pie. Hey! That actually sounds pretty good." Pinkie Pie replied,

"How many sisters do you have?" Joker asked,

"Three." Pinkie Pie replied,

"Look at that, three older sisters, and their names are Bluie, Yellowy, and Whitey." Joker said jokingly,

"No, silly, I have two big sisters, and a baby sister, they're Maud, Limestone, and Marble." Pinkie Pie said,

"Oh." Joker said,

"What's your name?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Joker." Joker replied,

"Well, nice to meet ya, Joker." Pinkie Pie said,

"I won't be here for long, I'll be going back to Canterlot soon." Joker replied,

"Aw, that's too bad, I was about to plan your welcoming party." Pinkie Pie said,

"Sorry, but I'm not moving here." Joker replied,

"Aw." Pinkie Pie said, and she walked away.

Joker decided to try to a few pranks in hopes of seeing if the town shares his sense of humor, he writes in the book to make several pranking supplies appear, and he was ready.

Joker decided that his first victim should be Cheerilee since he hated school, he put a whoopee cushion behind her desk, she sat and it made a loud fart noise, causing her students to laugh,

"RAINBOW DASH!!" Cheerilee yelled, Joker's attention was caught and he looks through the book and read that Rainbow Dash was the resident prankster, he decided to target her next so she does not become a scapegoat to his pranks. Joker took a cardboard toilet tube out of his supplies, he ripped it into several pieces, put water on it, and reshaped it to make it look like a stool, he uses telekinesis on himself and the cardboard tube and puts it into Rainbow Dash's bed, under her blanket. Rainbow Dash came a few hours later and laid down in her bed, she felt the wet cardboard tube on her back, she moved back and saw the smashed cardboard tube, she screamed in horror really loudly. Rainbow Dash flew out while her friends went to her,

"What's wrong, Rainbow Dash?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Somepony pooped in my bed!" Rainbow Dash replied, disgusting the others while Pinkie Pie screamed in shock, Twilight Sparkle takes the cardboard tube parts of Rainbow Dash's back with telekinesis and examines it,

"Wait a minute, this is cardboard." Twilight Sparkle said, shocking Rainbow Dash,

"Okay, everypony, we've got a prankster, and this time, it's not Rainbow Dash, let's spread out and try to find out who it is." Twilight Sparkle said, and they split up.

Joker decided to target Rarity next, he can tell by just looking at her how much appearance and fashion mattered to her, fortunately for him, and unfortunately for her, it was currently a very hot and humid summer afternoon, and Joker had just the prank for her.

Joker gets a bottle out and puts the bottle into Carousel Boutique and sprays it everywhere with telekinesis, he hid and snickered when he saw Rarity enter her home, she picked up the scent,

"What is that smell?" Rarity asked, and she exhaled deeply, she screamed in shock and ran out while gasping for air, Joker moved away and laughed hard, what he sprayed in her home was bait spray, rotten potato scent,

"I cannot work under these conditions!" Rarity said, she then gagged and wheezed from the smell, Joker snickered and walked away.

Joker decided to keep pranking,

"Hey, I know you!" a colt said, Joker looked and saw Pipsqueak,

"You're Joker, I've heard about you and your pranks, I think you're funny." Pipsqueak said,

"Thank you, I didn't think I'd meet a fan here." Joker replied,

"Actually, I was hoping you would perform for me and my friends." Pipsqueak said,

"Sure." Joker replied,

"Great, follow me." Pipsqueak said, and he does.

Joker arrives at Pipsqueak's house and they get ready, Joker heard clapping,

"Okay, everypony, a friend of mine in Canterlot told me about him, and I thought he was funny, so to you guys, I give you all: Joker!" Pipsqueak said, the ponies clap and Joker jumped out from behind the red curtain,

"Good afternoon fil.... hey, where are the fillies?" Joker asked, Pipsqueak only had three other colts with him, one of them was Truffle,

"Sorry about that, Joker, a lot of my friends are busy today." Pipsqueak said,

"Oh, well then, I'm going to talk about a play I had to do when I was your age, I was the fifth and the last pony, and boy, did I get in a lot of trouble for it, we were animals, and had to describe why we were called that, it was of our choice, here goes." Joker replied,

"They call me the tiger because I'm on four legs." Joker said, the colts were silent,

"They call me the dog because I'm loyal." Joker said, the colts were still silent,

"They call me the bear because I'm strong." Joker said, the colts were beginning to glare,

"They call me the lion because my voice sounds like a roar." Joker said, the colts glare even more,

"They call me the elephant because I've got the trunk in the front." Joker said while he pretended to show off his groin, the colts laugh and were grossed out at the same time, they finish after a few minutes,

"Okay now, when I was younger, one I used to do was Doctor Stupid, it never did well back at home, but I'm willing to try here, here goes." Joker said, and he uses telekinesis to make himself look different, he had a goofy smile, big buck and crooked teeth everywhere in his mouth, and a black tie that was half hang off of his neck, he also made a desk prop and a chair appear, he sat in it,

"Hi, everypony, I'm Doctor Stupid, list your problems and I'll try to help you with them." Joker said in a goofy voice,

"I have chronic flatulence." Truffle said, which made the other colts laugh,

"Eat plenty of gassy foods and proteins, drink carbonated drinks, and if you have the courage, let out a loud one by your crush." Joker replied, the colts chuckle,

"Next problem." Joker said,

"My house's floor is uncomfortable." Pipsqueak said,

"Cover your entire floor in legos." Joker replied, confusing the colts,

"Next." Joker said,

"I can't do a sonic rainboom like Rainbow Dash." the Pegasus colt said,

"You'll go sonic boom when you fart." Joker replied, the colts chuckle,

"Next problem." Joker said,

"My magic is nowhere near as strong as Princess Twilight's." the unicorn colt said,

"Try cutting off your own horn and replacing it with hers." Joker replied, the colts did not find that funny,

"Are you colts enjoying this skit?" Joker asked in his regular voice,

"Not really." the four colts replied, Joker took the fake teeth out and the tie off,

"Tell you what, one I used to like doing was fooling around with other ponies in town, take me to one." Joker said,

"Wait, I have an idea, come on, guys." Pipsqueak replied, and they walk outside.

The colts and Joker head to Scootaloo while Pipsqueak talked about her, they saw her walking around and Joker stood in front of her while she was distracted, she screamed in shock when she saw him,

"Who are you?" Scootaloo asked,

"Name's Joker, comedian." Joker replied,

"Don't sneak up on me like that." Scootaloo said,

"Well, you didn't see me coming, so be careful, or next time, I'll photobomb your pictures of Rainbow Dash." Joker replied, shocking Scootaloo while the four colts laugh. Rainbow Dash overheard Joker and screamed out of shock, she flew down to Joker's left and confronted him,

"I heard that! That is not cool, don't you ever photobomb her pictures of me!" Rainbow Dash said angrily,

"That's if she can catch me first." Joker said, Rainbow Dash growled,

"I swear! If you photobomb my pictures, you're gonna get it!" Rainbow Dash said angrily and flew away, Joker decided to walk away before things got worse.

Joker walks with the four colts behind him and saw Apple Bloom, she looked at him,

"Say, mister, Ah've never seen you in town before." Apple Bloom said,

"Just passing by, I won't be here for very long." Joker replied,

"Where are ya goin'?" Apple Bloom asked,

"Room 302, South Ashfield Heights." Joker replied jokingly,

"Like I will ever go there." Joker thought to himself,

"Ah've never heard of that place." Apple Bloom said,

"It's not on the map." Joker replied,

"Oh." Apple Bloom said,

"Well, I have to get going, nice talking to you." Joker replied,

"Alright, later, mister." Apple Bloom said, and Joker walks with the four colts behind him.

Joker walked away from the town and saw it was nearly night time,

"Okay everypony, let's try a game, I'm going to say a speech, your goal is to count how many words in my speech start with the letter V." Joker said, the four colts were ready to listen,

"Alright, here goes." Joker said, and he inhaled deeply,

"Voila! In view humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin, vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that its my very good honour to meet you and you may call me V." Joker said, the four colts were completely lost and could not keep up. Joker gave up when the colts did not answer,

"I have another skit, this involves you four, we need something filled with water, and big enough for the five of us." Joker said,

"I've got a bucket at my house we can use." Truffle said,

"Let's go then." Joker replied, and they go.

Truffle's bucket is filled with warm water and the five lay in it with Joker in the center,

"This feels so good." Joker said in another goofy voice, which made the four colts laugh,

"Look over there." Joker said, they turn to their lefts and Joker farts, making bubbles appear in the water, the colts snicker,

"There's something behind us too." Joker said, and they turn a hundred eighty degrees, Joker lets out a bigger fart, the colts laugh a bit,

"Ooh, there's somepony over there, to the west." Joker said, they all turn a hundred eighty degrees again and saw Applejack, Joker let out an even bigger fart with big bubbles in the water, Applejack chuckled at hearing the fart, so did the colts,

"Oh, look over there, to the east, everypony." Joker said, they all turn a hundred eighty degrees once again and saw Rarity, Joker lets out a big fart with big bubbles coming out, Rarity exclaimed in shock and she looked to her left while the colts laugh a bit,

"My, how ill-mannered, you can at least say excuse me." Rarity said, and she walked away,

"Ooh, look to the front." Joker said, and they do, there was nothing, Joker lets out a loud and humungous fart that makes the water go into the air and fly out of the bucket, the four colts scream and run out. Applejack and Rarity hear it and look back,

"What the?" Rarity asked,

"What in tarnation?" Applejack asked;

the four colts look at the bucket with shock after Joker finished farting, there was white mist all around it,

"Something stinks." Joker said, causing the four colts to laugh, Applejack chuckles while Rarity looked on with shock,

"I have time for one more game with you foals, it's hide and seek, go hide somewhere, but you must stay together, starting... now." Joker said, and the four colts run away.

Pipsqueak, Truffle, and their two colt friends were camping in a forest, and by coincidence, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, and Starlight Glimmer were camping beside them, the seven were nice enough to let them share their tent,

"I don't think Joker will find us here." the Pegasus colt said,

"Trust me, I'm sure he will." Pipsqueak replied,

"Well, he's taking a while." the unicorn colt said,

"Yeah, he's right, I think he would've found us by now, it is dark." Truffle said, the tent zipper opens and Joker bursts in while using telekinesis to hold a two handed axe with a wooden handle and silver blade on his front hooves,

"HERE'S JOHNNY!!" Joker yelled while smiling menacingly, scaring everypony except Pipsqueak,

"See, I told you he'd show up, eventually." Pipsqueak said, the seven mares look at him disapprovingly,

"What?" Joker asked,

"That wasn't funny." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"Wait a minute, you're the guy who said you'll photobomb all of Scootaloo's pictures of me." Rainbow Dash said,

"You were the guy who was fartin' in that tub." Applejack said while chuckling,

"I remember, you said you weren't staying." Pinkie Pie said,

"Yeah, I'm leaving tomorrow." Joker asked,

"What are you?" Starlight Glimmer asked,

"A comedian." Joker said,

"Well, you're not funny." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"Everypony has a different opinion." Joker said,

"Are you staying overnight, Joker?" Truffle asked,

"Yeah, trains are down right now." Joker replied,

"You can stay with us, but no jokes or pranks." Twilight Sparkle said, and Joker laid down and went to sleep.

The next day comes and Joker was going to Ponyville to board the train to go back to Canterlot, he saw the four colts again, a party cannon goes off and streamers come out, Pinkie Pie popped up,

"Here's Pinkie!" Pinkie Pie said, the four just looked at her,

"What?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"We heard you coming." the unicorn colt replied,

"Aw, I need to work on it, I wonder how Joker did it." Pinkie Pie said, Joker saw Twilight Sparkle's castle and got an idea for one last prank, before he could do it, he saw Solute, she was still wearing her black dress, black high heels on her hind legs, and earrings in her ears,

"You're leaving today?" Solute asked,

"Yeah, I'm going back to Canterlot." Joker replied,

"It was nice getting to know you, hope to see you again one day." Solute said, Joker smiled and they hugged one another,

"Hey, watch my injured leg and wing." Solute said, Joker nodded and made sure not to touch them, Solute smiled and she limped to the School of Friendship.

Joker goes through with his last prank for Ponyville, he uses telekinesis and puts a fake cockroach in Twilight Sparkle's castle. Joker walks to the train station and he hears Twilight Sparkle scream, she runs outside,

"Help! Roach!" Twilight Sparkle said, Rainbow Dash flew in and got it out, she comes out and the other four friends were there,

"Shame you got one of these, Twi, these are mighty hard to get rid of." Applejack said,

"Still, where did it come from?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Uh, Twilight, hate to anger you, but this is a toy bug, it's not real." Rainbow Dash replied, Twilight Sparkle's right eye twitched and she let out a scream of rage,

"JOKER!!" Twilight Sparkle yelled in rage, Joker was already on the train and he left for Canterlot.

Joker arrives home and enters,

"Welcome back, big brother." Flamma said,

"Thank you." Joker replied, and he goes to his room, he puts the book in the wall so nopony will find it, he knew that one day, Princess Celestia will find out about the book he has, and she will ask for him to give to her so she can put it somewhere secure, but until that day, Joker was going to keep the book with him at all times, and make sure that someone like Ace never gets ahold of it ever again.