• Published 12th May 2018
  • 1,722 Views, 26 Comments

Equestria's Star Warrior - castroedgar316

It has been a thousand years since he left equestria for the safty of the galaxy, but now, a legendary star warrior returns to equestria to live in peace for the rest of his days, only to find his services of protecting others aren't done yet.

  • ...


Outside of the atmosphere of the star-shaped planet Equus, a yellow star-shaped spaceship had suddenly appeared after exiting lightspeed.

The pilot of the ship looked at the planet below, happy that he had found it again after all of this time.

"Planet Equus, possibly the most peaceful planet I've ever been to." The pilot said, "I just hope that she is still there like she said she would."

With that the pilot begins to press a few buttons before his ship began to descend into the planet.

In the garden of canterlot castle, we now see Princess Celestia along with her pupil Twilight Sparkle and her dragon assistant Spike getting some fresh air after a long day of studying.

"After a long day of work, some fresh air sure does relieve some of the day's stress." Spike said.

"I agree." Princess Celestia spoke up, "Whenever I'm done with a day of my royal duties, like step outside for a while enjoy some tea."

Almost as if by cue, a waddle dee with a plate full of tea cups with a pitcher of tea walked up.

"Thank you." Princess Celestia said before asking, "If you can be so kind, can you bring us some snacks as well?"

The waddle dee nodded before walking off with it's new task.

"I've got to admit, I'm still getting used to seeing waddle dees work in the castle now despite already seeing a few arrive when King DeDeDe makes a visit." Twilight spoke up.

"Well King DeDeDe did give us a few of his own waddle dees when he found out that we didn't have any working in the castle." Spike reminded Twilight, "He also said if we liked their services, simply find some waddle dees that are currently wondering aimlessly and take them to the castle, he did say waddle dees will work for anyone as long as they are fed."

"I still find it a bit weird how they will do just about anything you ask them without question." Twilight said before noticing something in the sky, "What's that?"

Following Twilight's gaze, Princess Celestia and Spike saw something yellow moving through the sky. As they watched however, they saw that the object was getting closer, and was headed straight towards them.

Princess Celestia was about to attempt to grab the object but noticed that the object began to slow down on it's own until it stopped a few feet above them before descending to the ground in front of them.

Once the object landed, the trio saw that the object was what appeared to be a star-shaped spaceship.

Before the trio could investigate it, the ship let out a hiss before the hatch on top slowly lifted, with steam pouring out in the process.

Amoung the steam, the trio saw a figure climb out of the ship before landing in front of them.

The figure was the same height of Spike and it's body was pink and appeared to be almost completely round (with the exclusion of it's feet, which were red, and it's arms). It wore a golden star-shaped mask that allowed only it's pure green eyes to be visible. It also had wore an aqua and white cape along with aqua and gold colored shoulder plates, it also had golden plates on it's feet.

The trio simply stared at amazement. Twilight never thought in her life she would meet a creature from another planet, Spike was amazed by the creature's appearance, and Princess Celestia was in shock and disbelief of what she was seeing.

"It's great to see you again after all of this time Celestia." The creature said in a voice that indicated that the creature was a male while also showing his experience.

After regaining her composure, Princess Celestia replied, "It is good to see you again as well, old friend."

"Wait, you actually know him princess?" Twilight asked.

After noticing Twilight and Spike, the creature asked, "Who are the ones beside you Celestia?"

"Right, introductions." Princess Celestia said before turning towards Twilight and saying, "This is my my star pupil, Twilight Sparkle. The dragon is her assistant, Spike."

"Twilight and Spike huh? Those are easy names to remember." The creature said, "Being that you made introductions, I suppose I should make one myself as well. You can may call me, Star Knight.

"Well, I suppose it's nice to meet you Star Knight." Twilight said as she offered her hoof.

"It's nice to meet you as well, Twilight." Star Knight said, accepting Twilight's hoof.

"If you don't mind me asking, is Star Knight your real name?" Spike asked.

"No, but for now I would prefer to keep my real name to myself until grow to trust you to the point where I know that everything you do if for the greater good." Star Knight responded.

"I, guess that makes sense?" Twilight said in a uncertain tone.

"If you want a better explanation for my explanation, just about every star warrior does this to show that they truly trust someone." Star Knight said.

"Wait, YOU are a star warrior!?!" Twilight asked in shock.

Star Knight chuckled before responding, "I see you have heard of us."

"Who wouldn't?" Spike asked, "Star warriors are the the greatest warriors of all time. Although a good amount of them were lost hundreds of years ago."

"If you don't mind me asking, how did you manage to survive in battle?" Twilight asked.

"I didn't battle, I was only a baby at the time so I was sent away in hopes that I grow into a true warrior, which you can clearly see." Star Knight responded.

"Wow, where were you sent?" Twilight asked.

"I believe it's best if we save that for another time." Princess Celestia spoke up, "For now, being that you may have been a long journey back to equestria, would like join us for a quick snack."

"That would be nice, thank you." Star Knight responded.

Almost immediately after he said that, three waddle dees walked up with the refreshments Princess Celestia requested earlier (one with the tea, and the other two with a large plate of cupcakes, pies, and other snacks).

"I see you now have some waddle dees working in your new castle." Star Knight said as the waddle dees place the snacks on a nearby table.

"They were a gift from the current ruler of Dream Land." Princess Celestia said, "But enough of that, let's eat."

Soon enough, the four began to enjoy the snacks the waddle dees brought them.

As they ate, Twilight and Spike noticed that whenever Star Knight was about to eat something/drink his tea, he would move his mask upwards just enough so that only his mouth was visible before consuming the snack and putting the mask back down.

When Spike asked why he didn't just take off his mask, Star Knight responded by saying that it was similar to how he would refuse to give them his real name, they had to gain enough trust before he could reveal his face to them.

Once they were finished with the snacks, Twilight decided to approach Star Knight's ship in hopes of seeing how it works, but before she could get close, Star Knight jumped in front of her, blocking her path.

"I think it's best if you don't touch something you are not familiar with." Star Knight said.

"Sorry, I guess my curiosity got the best of me." Twilight apologized.

"I forgive you." Star Knight responded before turning towards his ship, "But I suppose I should move this so that it isn't in anyone's way."

Before Twilight could ask what he meant by that, the ship began to glow yellow before shrinking until it was small enough to fit into her hoof.

Star Knight then approached the shrunken ship began picking it up and tucking it into his cape.

"Woah! How did you do that?" Spike asked as he and Princess Celestia walked up beside Twilight.

"I turned my ship into pure energy before condensing it into a size that would make it easier to take with me." Star Knight responded.

"Interesting." Twilight said.

"What's going on over here?" A voice called out.

After turning towards the voice, the group saw one of the castle's guards who had white fur, and with a blue mane, tail, and eyes.

"Shining!" Twilight exclaimed happily before running towards the guard.

"Twilight!" The guard exclaimed before he and said mare hugged each other, "It's been a while. Who's the little guy with the star-shaped mask?

"Allow me to explain." Princess Celestia spoke up, "Captain, this is Star Knight, a star warrior who is also an old friend of mine. Star Knight, this is Shining Armor, captain of the royal guard."

"It's an honor to meet you." Star Knight said as he extended his hand to Shining Armor.

"I should be saying that to you, it isn't everyday that someone gets the chance to meet a star warrior." Shining Armor replied before asking, "Speaking of which, there isn't some sort of trouble here, is there."

"No, I came on my own terms." Star Knight responded, "I wanted to live the rest of my days in peace while protecting others when it's necessary."

"If that's the case, why not become a royal guard?" Shining Armor suggested, "Not too much happens in equestria and if something were to happen, you'd get the chance to protect others."

After thinking about it for a moment, Star Knight responded, "I'll do it. What do I need to do to prove myself worthy of such a task?"

"Considering all the experience you have as a star warrior, I'm sure that you're already worthy." Shining Armor replied, "But if you can beat me in a duel, I'll make you an honorary royal guard, deal?"

"Deal." Star Knight said without hesitation, "When do we duel and where?"

"In half an hour in the training area, I'll see you then." Shining Armor replied before walking off.

"Hold on, can't Princess Celestia just make Star Knight a royal guard without the need of some sort of test?" Spike asked.

"I could actually, but I would like to see how much experience he has gained since our time apart." Princess Celestia replied.

"And it would be an honor to do so Celestia." Star Knight said, "Now could you three please guide me to the training area Captain Armor spoke of? I am not familiar with this castle."

"Sure, and if you want, after you become an honorary member of the royal guard I could give you a tour of the castle." Spike said.

"I would like that very much, thank you." Star Knight said.

"Then let's get going!" Spike exclaimed before leading Star Knight to the training area.

As they followed closely behind, Twilight noticed that Princess Celestia had an expression that appeared to be a mix of deep thought and concern.

"Is everything alright princess?" Twilight asked.

Having been taken out of her thoughts, Princess Celestia replied, "I'm fine Twilight, nothing you need to concern yourself with."

Listening to her mentor's words, Twilight turns her gaze back to Star Knight and Spike, unaware that Princess Celestia had the same expression on her face again.

'Although he said he came on his own terms, a star warrior's ship almost always arrives to a planet that is a target of monsters or any type of evil.' Princess Celestia thought to herself, 'Meaning there is a good chance that something will be coming to threaten the planet. Whatever it is, despite having Star Knight at our side again, we must be ready for anything.'