• Published 17th May 2018
  • 3,550 Views, 209 Comments

It Turns Out They're Windmills - J Carp

Fluttershy has a new boyfriend, which is strange, because her pony counterpart is super gay. Meanwhile, that shy little gay pegasus deals with an unexpected threat to her new relationship.

  • ...

Oh You Did

Fluttershy missed this.

She hugged her math textbook to her chest and listened intently to Rarity describing one of the opposing teams' soccer uniforms from earlier in the season. They were jarring and gaudy, she argued, especially in contrast to the green grass of the soccer field.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes as she led her friends across the school parking lot. "Oh, come on," she said, "that stuff doesn't matter. That game was awesome because of our comeback! Remember?"

"That's what I'm saying," Rarity replied, appearing honestly surprised about being misinterpreted. "Of course, I don't know what it's like to play a team sport, but uniforms aren't just a matter of looking stylish! They define a team. They symbolize cohesiveness and unity! The school should know that will have an effect on teamwork."

Rainbow scratched the back of her head. "I don't know, that's a stretch. What do you think, Fluttershy?"

The three of them as a group was slightly strange; there was practically nothing they had in common but their own friendships with one another. But there were no two people in the world that made her feel safer (except when they didn't make her feel safe at all, but Fluttershy didn't think about that).

"It makes sense to me," Fluttershy replied. "Don't you always say how important it is to feel like a team?"

"Yeah, but uniforms?" Rainbow shrugged. "I like looking awesome out there, but I don't think they make us play better."

"Color does surprising things, my dear," Rarity said. "Imagine you looked across the field, and everyone you had to pass the ball to was wearing fushcia. Or worse: chartreuse!"

"I'm pretty happy not knowing what those words mean," Rainbow said, apparently finished with the portion of her afternoon she was willing to spend discussing clothes. She tossed her bookbag through the open window of her car and stretched her shoulders. "Hey, you girls hungry? I got some time before practice, and I could use some fruit or something."

Fluttershy nodded happily. She had the whole Friday afternoon free; Weeping Willow was busy at his job, and she had no volunteering or extracurriculars. And it was her birthday tomorrow! She felt young and energized, and she wondered why she never spent time like this anymore. Then she glanced over at her friends, who looked delighted and surprised that she was joining them, and she stopped wondering.

Fluttershy took the back seat. It was cluttered in a way that was comfortably distinctive of Rainbow Dash. Rarity almost certainly wanted to complain, but as Rainbow turned the engine and backed out of her parking space, there was just a pleasant silence in the car.

"Whoa!" Rainbow suddenly bellowed as she drove past the straggling students languidly walking around the school premises. She already had the car turned halfway out into the road, so she kept going, but something had distracted her. "Did you guys see that??"

"Rainbow, please watch the road," Rarity said. "What was it?"

Rainbow laughed. "Okay, so I might be wrong, but I seriously think I just saw Wallflower Blush holding hands... with Trixie."

Rarity turned, though the school was far behind them. "Really?"

"Yup! Oh man, that relationship is going to last about five seconds."

"Sometimes opposites attract," Rarity pointed out. "And they're both very pretty. Though... ah, yes, I can't particularly see them staying together long as a couple."

There was a brief, heavy pause, during which Fluttershy failed to keep from noticing Rainbow Dash glancing at her in the rearview mirror. "Hey, Fluttershy," Rainbow said finally, stopping at a red light, "what do you think about it?"

"Oh, I don't know," Fluttershy answered, which was all she could think to say.

"It's a pretty weird couple," Rainbow continued, eyes boring into Fluttershy through the mirror. "I didn't even know they were lesbians or whatever."

Rarity's head whipped to Rainbow in alarm, which Fluttershy noted as a strange way to react. What was alarming about that? This was an entirely mundane conversation about entirely harmless things. The light turned green, and Rainbow accelerated.

Rarity seemed to recover, and she gave an enormous, dazzling smile. "Yes, well, gossip can be dangerous, so I think perhaps we should not talk about this."

Rainbow was driving slightly faster than the speed limit. "When else will we get the chance to? We barely ever even see, um, Trixie anymore."

Rarity glanced around the car uncertainly. "Well. Maybe." Her eyes fell on Fluttershy, and her face settled into a hesitant, encouraging expression. "...I, well. I think it's mostly important just that everyone knows their friends will love and support them, no matter what."

Fluttershy blinked vapidly. She wanted to say, "I have a boyfriend," but realized that would be a strange non sequitur. Instead, she just looked around the car. She noticed that one of Rainbow Dash's sports bras was lying on the seat next to her. She began to feel nervous.

"Yeah, but that sounds super mushy," Rainbow said, staring straight ahead at the road. "It doesn't have to be mushy. It can just not be a big deal at all."

"Oh, of course!" Rarity said, touching Rainbow's arm lightly. "Exactly, darling. Whatever is easiest. Er. For Trixie."

Rarity's fingertips daintily brushed Rainbow's arm, like weightless shadows or cat whiskers. They lithely wafted down across the blue skin, then came to a rest, perched gently against the elbow. "I have a boyfriend," Fluttershy said.

Rainbow and Rarity looked at each other nervously. "Yeah," Rainbow said, then gave a helpless shrug to her passenger.

Maybe Rainbow and Rarity were trying to come out to her? That thought filled her with anger for some reason, so she said again, louder, "I have a boyfriend." She thought it might make them mad, and making them mad sounded good at the moment.

Rarity laughed, fakely and half-heartedly. "Yes. Yes, darling, how is that going?"

"Please don't change the subject," Fluttershy muttered crossly.

Rarity and Rainbow glanced at each other with increasing concern. "All right..."

"I knew some gay crows once," Fluttershy stated. "Two boy crows. And crows mate for life, too."

"Rarity, I think she might have gone insane," Rainbow said, voice tinged with worry.

"The other crows accepted them," Fluttershy said. "That's all I know about gay anything. Crows are very nice about it. Isn't that nice? I think it's nice. I have a boyfriend."

Rarity turned around in her seat. She reached forward to reassuringly place her hand on Fluttershy's leg, but she stopped before going through with it. "Darling. Please stay with us."

Fluttershy wondered why she was so light-headed, but then she realized she had not inhaled for at least a full minute. She gasped in air and panted for a few moments. Finally, she said, "Gregory and Walter... that was their names. The other crows would always caw for them. Crows are very smart. Rainbow, I think I'd like to get out of the car now, please."

Rainbow hesitated. "Uh, what?"

Fluttershy was near tears. "Rainbow, please pull over and let me out."

Luckily, Rainbow did as she asked. Fluttershy sat in the back of the car, feeling shivery and cold. She stared at her lap for a moment, then she looked up at her two friends, who were gaping back with heartbroken, worried expressions. "I'm not," she said. Then she opened the door and ran from the car.

She was only a few steps away and already fully in tears when she heard the clanking noises. She turned.

Squirrels, in the nearby trees, were pelting Rainbow's car with acorns. They chittered angrily, apparently disliking the state Fluttershy was in, and they were taking it out on the assumed instigators. Rainbow had her head sticking out of her sun roof. "Hey, knock it off!" she yelled, shaking a fist at the trees. "I said, knock it o...OW!" She rubbed the acorn-sized welt on her face.

Fluttershy ran forward in alarm. "Stop!" she called to the squirrels. "Please! They didn't mean any harm! They were trying to help!"

The clanking sounds stopped as the squirrels withdrew. Fluttershy stood, quavering and dissipated. Two sets of caring, despondent eyes looked back at her from the car. She thought she saw a small speck of blood on Rainbow's cheek.

"I'm sorry," Fluttershy said. "I tried to keep it from hurting anyone, but..." She ran out of words. She ran.

Sunset took a deep breath. It was far too early in the morning for this. "When?"

Rarity looked back at her with worry. Sunset noted with some relief that it was enough worry that Rarity did not see fit to comment on her robe, boxers, and her T-shirt that said 'Unicorns rule!' on it. "Yesterday afternoon."

Sunset sighed. "Okay. Come in."

Rarity stepped into the apartment, still looking fabulous despite the apparently dire situation. Sunset closed the door behind her friend and slogged to the kitchen. "Coffee?"

"Oh, yes please, darling, I barely slept a wink all night."

Sunset poured them each a mug of coffee and handed Rarity's over. She sipped her own thoughtfully. Finally, she said, "Who's we?"

"Rainbow and I," Rarity answered, stirring her coffee idly. "We spoke to her and we tried to very gently offer support, and... we may have gone too far in our references to her sexuality. She ran off, and squirrels attacked us. It was a whole thing."

Sunset shook her head and looked up at the ceiling. "Why couldn't you wait? We were all going to come up with a plan."

"I couldn't wait anymore," Rarity replied with more sharpness Sunset had ever heard in her voice. "And I feel terrible she was so upset, but I won't apologize for trying to talk about it, either. Fluttershy is too wonderful to hide away. Not when she so clearly wants people to know about her."

"Rarity..." Sunset pressed her fingers against her forehead and took a deep breath. "Look, you're not wrong, but I really wish you hadn't done that."

Rarity glared, her decorum beginning to fade. "Well, I had to do something, unlike some people! You asked us all to wait while you came up with some grand plan, but nothing happened!"

Sunset was surprised to find that she did not feel anger in response to Rarity's accusations. The feeling she felt instead was not new for her, but she had never been able to name it. It was a wilting, dry, unraveling feeling. "I know," she said softly. "I tried."

"I don't understand," Rarity declared. "You are normally so confident. Why are you like this? Do you not want Fluttershy to be out of the closet?"

Sunset looked away. "I do! But... we need to protect her too, right?"

"Fluttershy is stronger than she looks."

"I know!" Sunset hugged herself softly. "Believe me, I know. But... think about it."

Rarity raised an eyebrow. "Yes?"

Sunset sighed. "If she had been out two years ago... I would have used it."

"Used it to... oh." Rarity paused, her body relaxing slightly. "Sunset, none of us blames you any more."

Sunset did not reply. She just sipped her coffee and found herself staring into the cup.

"Now now, no self-pity," Rarity snapped. "What's done is done. The question is what to do now."

Sunset nodded. "Okay." She took a deep breath. " Okay. What are we doing now?"

"Rainbow is telling Pinkie. We ran in to Twilight last night and told her, and, ah, we asked if she would tell Applejack this morning. We need to get organized."

"Organized for what? Are you planning something?"

"The time for plans has passed." Rarity's eyes were steely but gleaming. "There is no choice now but to confront her." Sunset began to argue, but Rarity pointed a finger harshly and immediately interrupted, "No no! You know as well as I do that it's true." Her eyelids drooped slightly. "If necessary, I will fully take the blame for what's happened. I'm the one who crossed the line and put her in this position. If she can't forgive me, then... then very well, I'll accept that."

"Rarity, we can't make you..."

"I don't care," Rarity interrupted. "I'm willing to lose her friendship if it means she can live without shame."

Sunset lost the last vestiges of her mopiness watching her friend's increasingly mournful expression. She walked forward and wrapped her arms around Rarity, hugging tightly.

Rarity sniffled, somehow in a completely ladylike manner. "Thank you, darling," she said.

Sunset pulled away, and Rarity, for apparently the first time, noticed her shirt. She froze, looked up to Sunset's face, and then back down to her shirt. 'Unicorns rule!' it continued to display.

Embarrassed, Sunset quickly closed her robe and tied it off. "It's supposed to be ironic!" she defended.

Rarity smiled politely. "Yes, of course, of course." She gave a dignified little laugh and returned to her typically poised self. "Well, in any case, I hope you're ready for a big day."

Sunset frowned. "I'm still not sure this is a good idea to just confront her. I'm on board, I promise. But there's gotta be something we can do to make it easier."

Rarity shrugged, glancing at her phone. "I'm sure we're all open to a clever Sunset stratagem. But we're going to find her and talk to her, no matter what." She looked intently at her friend. "Soon."

Sunset frowned and sipped her coffee. She nodded. "Okay. Soon."

Starlight Glimmer trotted along, simultaneously worried and cheerful. She was worried because there was a problem, but she was cheerful because she had a great idea to fix the problem, and that made her proud of herself. (She had learned that this tendency, though not exactly noble, was generally positive: helping was helping, and there's nothing wrong with feeling good about it.)

She arrived at Fluttershy's cottage and rapped smartly on the door. There was an odd scrambling sound, and after a few moments, Fluttershy opened the door, looking haggard. A hair brush and Angel Bunny were both hanging, tangled up in her mane. "Oh, good morning, Starlight!" Fluttershy said with surprising sweetness given the circumstances.

"Um." Starlight realized she should stop thinking she was done being surprised by this sort of thing. "Good morning, Fluttershy. Is everything... all right?"

"Oh, yes, yes. Just some bunny naughtiness." Fluttershy beckoned Starlight to enter. As she shut the door behind them, she turned, giving Starlight a good view of Angel's face. Indeed, he looked sour but unperturbed.

"Uh, well... oh, happy birthday!" Fluttershy smiled bashfully in reply, and Starlight continued, "Are you looking forward to your party tonight?"

Fluttershy nodded hesitantly. "Yes, but... I have some things I need to do today first. Twilight, Moon Dancer, and I need to... talk."

"I know, Moon Dancer told me," Sarlight said, before immediately realizing that maybe she should not have said that.

Luckily, Fluttershy just looked back at her with wistful anxiety. "I'm not really worried it won't end well. But... it's going to be hard while we do it."

"Oh yeah, I get it!" Starlight agreed. "But I totally believe in you three. Last night, Moon Dancer was talking all about how she cares about Twilight and wants things to go well." She grimaced slightly. "Uh, I think that was before we all started debating how sexy Countess Coloratura is. We... kind of overdid it."

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow, still seeming anxious but also a tiny bit amused. "Oh?"

"Yeahhhh. Moon Dancer ended up staying at the castle overnight. But it was really great to get closer to her." Fluttershy smiled warmly, and Starlight walked closer, proud of herself for identifying another problem to fix. "Hey, want me to help you out, there?"

Fluttershy nodded gratefully and turned around. Starlight delicately pulled at the hairbrush with her magic, carefully and slowly disentangling it. After a few moments of silence, she said, "Hey... I don't know of any not awkward way to say this, but I was kind of worried recently that I haven't supported you very well about being... um. Gay." Fluttershy, with her back turned, did not have a readable reaction. However, Angel, dangling diagonally, crossed his paws over his chest and watched Starlight with interested suspicion.

"You never really talk about it, so I guess I kind of assumed it wasn't a big deal," Starlight said. "But I bet there's stuff about it that's hard, and... I mean. Just, if you think of things I could be doing, or not doing, let me know sometime, okay?" She pulled the brush out and carefully untangled Angel, who regarded her warily the entire time she levitated him to the ground.

She was relieved when Fluttershy turned around to face her, looking beatific and grateful. "Thank you, Starlight. That means a lot. I can't think of anything right now, but I'll tell you if I do."

Starlight nodded, then grinned. "Speaking of which, I need to tell you why I came here. Someone might need your help. I know today's a big day, but I kind of thought it'd be better than sitting around worrying before Twilight comes back, anyway."

Fluttershy tilted her head in confusion. "Why me?"

"Because you're the perfect pony to do it," Starlight said. She reached with her magic into her saddlebag and pulled out a large, bound book. "Twilight asked me to correspond with Sunset while she was gone, and it's a good thing she did, because look what I got this morning." She opened the book to its most recent message and held it up for Fluttershy to read.

hi, Twilight. Im sorry to bother you, but something happned and Fluttershy is very very upset. ithink, if someone came over from your world, it would be just what she needed. it needs to be today. i will wait by the portal.

Fluttershy's mouth hung open. "You... you think I should go... to another dimension?"

"No pony or human knows how she feels any better than you could," Starlight said encouragingly. "The human you... she has good friends over there, but you're the one who can really help."

Fluttershy stared at the ground in thought. Finally, she said, "Is she really a lot like me?"

"Yeah, but she's young. I liked her a lot, but she felt like your little sister."

Fluttershy paused, then she nodded. "All right. I'll do it."

Starlight smiled with relief. "You will?"

"Yes. I think her friends will be able to help her the most, but I want to do what I can, too." She looked up at Starlight hesitantly. "Um, is it weird to only have two legs?"

"It's the weirdest thing ever!"

Fluttershy gulped. She turned to Angel, giving him a tender look. "I have to go help someone. Are you all right making sure all the critters around the house get their breakfast?"

Angel frowned, but after a moment he nodded. He held up a birthday candle and tilted his head in questioning.

"Oh, I'll be back in time for my party, don't worry."

Angel put his paws on his hips and glared at her in frustration. He pointed more elaborately at the candle.

"Oh." Fluttershy blushed. "Um, yes, it will be a carrot cake tonight." Angel nodded and, satisfied, hopped away.

Starlight raised an eyebrow. "Is he always so self-centered?"

"No," Fluttershy said, flashing an embarrassed grin. "The truth is... I don't like it when things are stressful, and everypony acts nice to me because of it." She realized what she said and shook her head in alarm. "I mean... I certainly appreciate it! And sometimes I really need it! But... it makes it seem like everything's so brittle and dangerous. Angel knows that what helps most, when I'm worried, is to act like himself, even if that's kind of troublesome. It makes me feel like things are normal."

Starlight frowned. "So... the ways I've acted have been wrong?"

"Oh, no!" Fluttershy surprised herself by forming a genuine, reassuring smile for her friend. "It's just a way that Angel understands me that no one else does. The way you've acted has been really helpful, too! Actually... coming to ask me to help someone who needs it is making me feel a lot less worried."

Starlight smiled back. She picked up the magic journal and turned towards the door. "Yay," she said, half-facetiously, "I helped!"

Fluttershy smiled wider. "Yay," she said, "I can help, too."

That was when Starlight was hit in the face with a broom. "Hey!" She turned just in time to see Angel Bunny using the broom to literally shoo them both out the door. When he had jostled them outside, he slammed the door behind them.

Starlight blinked. "Okayyyy, I guess it was time to go." She looked back at Fluttershy with confusion. "And it really makes you feel better, when he acts like that?"

Fluttershy giggled nervously. "Well, at least it doesn't make me feel worse."

Moon Dancer opened one eyelid and immediately regretted it. She closed her eye and then tried the other eyelid. That one wasn't any better.

She closed her eyes and cast what she hoped was something approaching a hangover-cure spell. A small popping noise resounded through the room, and she felt a bit better. However, she also felt a soft weight on her head. She reached up and felt a soft, curly mass over her mane.

She sighed: clown wig. Every time she messed up a spell, she conjured that stupid clown wig. At least Minuette wasn't around to make fun of her about it.

She groped around with her magic until she felt something glasses-shaped and slid them onto her face. She forced her eyes open and looked around. She did not recognize the room, but from the look of the walls, she was in the castle. She was lying in a very comfortable bed, very comfortable blankets all around her. Knick-knacks lay everywhere, books and kites and clothes. There was a mirror on one of the walls, and in the frame there were photos: Trixie, Maud, Twilight, Fluttershy.

Moon Dancer blinked. She was in Starlight's bedroom.

Luckily, she noticed the note on the desk quickly and felt relieved, partly because it presumably explained how she got there, and partly because of the tepid cup of coffee next to it.

She staggered to her feet and swallowed the entire cup in one gulp. Refreshed and grateful, she turned her attention to the flowery and feminine quill writing that was unmistakably Starlight's: --Good morning! We figured it was easiest just to take you back to the castle. Hope you don't mind! Don't worry about me, I'm crashing in a guest bedroom. Just find me or Spike when you're up!

Moon Dancer could not help smiling at the earnest dorkiness of a pony she apparently could confidently think of as her friend. She felt oddly strong. She was hungover, wearing a clown wig, had not yet bought her special somepony a present for her party that was fewer than eighteen hours away, and had to confront her best friend about betraying her, but things were all right. She could do it.

A knock interrupted her reverie. She set the note down and went to the door; Starlight must have heard her bumping around. She pulled open the door and began to say something, but then completely froze.

Twilight Sparkle stared back at her, an expression of utter horror across her face.

They both just stood there for a very long time. Finally, Twilight said, with rasping surprise, "Uh, you're not Starlight."

Moon Dancer remembered how angry she was at the pony in front of her. Her eyes narrowed to a glare. "I'm not Starlight, no."

"You're wearing a clown wig."

Moon Dancer did not reply.

Twilight tried an innocent grin. "Oh well, um, I just wanted to tell her I was back. Big... emergency at the Crystal Empire, but..."

"Twilight. Don't."

Twilight closed her mouth. She hung her head. "I didn't want to do this yet," she muttered. "I'm not ready. I wanted to think first."

Despite herself, Moon Dancer softened. "Look. Okay, I'm not ready to be rational, either. I just woke up. And I'm not doing this without Fluttershy. So I'll just go, and we can meet back here in an hour."

Twilight nodded, relief clear on her face. Moon Dancer suspected Twilight had no idea how frantically she was keeping it together, but she did her best to just not think about it.

She needed time alone to collect her thoughts and keep from completely exploding. She trotted past the pony she saw as a best friend, wishing she had the concentration to just teleport away. If she could just get away and be by herself, things would be fine. She just needed a minute.

But Twilight called after her. "Wait."

Moon Dancer looked back at Twilight's guilt-stained face, willing herself to keep the walls up. "Twilight. Please. I can't do this right now."

Twilight shrunk back. "Okay." Moon Dancer turned to walk away, but Twilight apparently could not help herself, because she said, softly and miserably, "Just... I'm sorry."

And that was all it took. "You're sorry."

"Yes. I didn't mean..."

"You didn't mean." Moon Dancer turned on Twilight. "You didn't mean to what, Twilight? Try to steal Fluttershy from me?"

Twilight recoiled, ears flat on her head. "I didn't! I just..."

"It must have felt really unfair, huh?"

"What?" Twilight blinked, nonplussed. "What was unfair?"

"I can't imagine how you made sense of it," Moon Dancer kept going, slowly circling around Twilight as she spoke. "There's this pony you were always better than, all through school. Some bookworm you could always look down on. But she got a special somepony before you did."

Twilight shook her head, breaths becoming ragged. "I never... I never looked down on you..."

"It must have made you feel crazy, right?" Moon Dancer peered down at Twilight over the rims over her glasses. She stood tall and terrifying. "It's so unjust. You could always count on 'Phew, I'm better than Moon Dancer,' but not with this."

Twilight was cringing like there was a monster in the room. "No, that's not true," she stammered. "I swear, I never felt that way!"

"But you're a problem-solver, right? That's Twilight Sparkle. So you just deserved Fluttershy, of course, because you're the great alicorn princess."

"No! I talked to Cadence. I don't have any feelings for Fluttershy! I was just..."

"Wait." Moon Dancer had not even said that word loudly, but the rage in her voice stopped Twilight cold. "You don't even like her. You'll try to take her, and you don't even like her." Moon Dancer squeezed her eyes shut for a moment, the anger was causing almost physical pain. "Just... why? To put me in my place? To make sure I know how little I matter?"

"I didn't mean... Moon Dancer, you matter!"

"Apparently I don't!" Moon Dancer screeched. She took a moment to get herself back down to the level of quiet fury she was at before and continued. "Apparently I don't, because look at you. The perfect friend can just forget about me and abandon me and betray me and nothing happens, she's still Princess of Friendship, still just chosen and special."

Tears were streaming down Twilight's face. "I know I do bad things. I just..."

"Just what, Twilight?" Moon Dancer felt like she was being encased in ice; rigid and cold and strong. "Just 'don't blame me, I deserve everything; I deserve Fluttershy, I deserve the Magic of Friendship.'"

"You... in school, you were my best friend..."

"Your best friend," Moon Dancer sneered, voice dripping with contempt. "And you're still doing it. You think you can do it forever, just string me along and wreck my life as many times as you want." She stood over Twilight, disgust practically radiating from her like a halo. "It's what you always do."

Twilight was lying on the floor, heaving with sobs and covering her face with her hooves. "Please," she whined. "Please stop. I'm sorry."

Seeing her so pathetic only fueled Moon Dancer's anger, but before she could say anything else, she heard, "Twilight!" and footsteps coming down the hall. She looked and saw Spike running towards them, alarmed.

He put his claw on Twilight's shuddering form and looked up at Moon Dancer in bewilderment. "What's going on?"

"Just the Magic of Friendship," Moon Dancer said. She adjusted her clown wig and disappeared in a puff of smoke. Just before the smoke consumed her, she saw Twilight look up at her with tear-filled, heartbroken eyes, and that was when she started to cry, too.

Author's Note:

Don't accidentally do things you'll later regret; oh no, you did.
Some things can't be taken back; don't do them. Too late, you did.