• Member Since 11th Jan, 2018
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago




This story is a sequel to A Queen's Perspective - Explaining Equestria

One year after returning from her trip through the mirror portal, Queen Twilight finds a book she recieved from Princess Celestia acting strangely. Finding a message from Sunset Shimmer to be the cause, she must reopen the gateway and travel to Canterlot Highschool once more, for a new magical threat has arisen.

Set in the continuity of the Hive-Series by Law Abiding Pony and one year into the time between Of the Hive and For the Hive. A retelling of Equestria Girls 2: Rainbow Rocks

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 49 )

Time/dimension hopping is weird & confusing, Anyways great job on the 1st chapter, canโ€™t wait for more!

The conversation Twilight had with the girls about her over 2000 children was adorable & sweet! You should do a spin-off where Twilight bring some of them for a visit to the EQG world.

*Deadpool gasp* Did ya just hinted a teaser? :pinkiegasp:

Sirens and Changelings are natural enemies, due to them 'ruining' the others meal, as Sirens feed off of negative emotions while Changelings feed off of positive emotions. When Adagio finds out just who they are facing, she will likely give Aria and Sonata one very simple order: RUN!

And that's not even the main problem with a changeling queen, like sunset, the three don't know just how far twilight's psychic abilities go. A lot of the changes in this are the result of twilight thinking more clearly because she worries less. Afterall mind controlling the three is still allways an option.
And few things are as reasuring as a fool proof backup plan

Sometimes I wonder who's side Sonata is really on.

I cant wait till twilight tell them about rainbow being a queen as well.

I'm looking forward to writing that aswell ... alas it'll be some time yet before that happens.

Uh oh.... What did Sonata find?

I'll just say that this plot thread did not come from nowhere ...

The layline map. Which at this point is a map that basically says 'This is where you will find the Rainbooms".

Because it was mentioned that it was left laying around. A detail like that tells you it will be important to the plot. It's a variant of the Chekov's Gun rule of literature.

Looks like the final showdown is about to begin

Well ... the next chapter is called 'Showtime' for a reason

can imagine twilights face right now

Maybe Twilight could form a rock band with her changelings?

well ... her children maybe a tad young for that ... for the moment at least ...

As the sining stopped Rainbow gave a few deafening riffs

, I think you meant singing otherwise the Rainbooms sinning before Rainbow's deafening riffs would be an interesting picture to see. :3

Well now.... I bet Twilight didn't see that coming

there, that should be fixed now. something allways slips through the cracks, doesn't it?

Indeed. Still some of the typos make for great jokes later on. I know I've had that happen with a few stories of mine.

Good story, might wanna go over this last chapter again though, I think your auto-correct is trying to sabotage you. I always thought the sirens were something of a loose end, they lose the fight and just vanish into the mist? Riiiiggght.

They still have that map though, yes?

In any case, keep writing dude, this is good stuff.

Great job with the sequel, gerandakis! Nice to see some of Twilight's kids make it to the EQG world. The only downside is that was a bit shorter than the 1st one, but hey beggers can't be choosers. :twilightsmile:

Can't wait for Queen to meet her double.

Sci-Twi: My double already have kids?! I haven't even got myself a boyfriend yet.


Well yes, they still have the map ... but without any way to access the magic, it's of little use to them.

agreed, it will be comedy gold:rainbowlaugh::derpytongue2:


Vinyl gave another thumbs-up and Twilight went to explain. "I tried to give her a loose idea when I took controll of her mind." She turned to Vinyl "Sorry about that by the way."

Um.. just wanted to say control only has one L

The currently-not-nymphs didn't seem deterred however. "I wanna be one of the Queen's guard." Aegis said proudly, while the other three gave sounds of general agreement. "I'm gonna keep mommy save."

Oopsie spotted another typo. It would make more sense if it was safe not save

there, fixed. Thanks for pointing those out

No problem, I'm loving this series so far... do you have anything planed for the Friendship Games?

For now, suffice it to say that I have something in mind that will change everything

Slowly, stretching out from the orb came the muticolored form of a changeling queen, bearing fur and large wings, holes in her legs and fangs, as well as eyes with slitted pupils, shining a pure white in the darkening sky of the evening. Most noticeable however were the plates of chitin covering the neck and upper torso of this queen, as well as some of her forelegs. Twilights mouth fell open, as she recognized this queen from one of Cadista's paintings. Yumia?!

OK. Thatโ€™s Awesome. Simply Awesome.

Glad to see you approve ...

8973301 Somehow, this link took me via the Cuban Missile Crisis to an analysis of whether the UNSC Home Fleet (Halo) could take the Death Star.

Now this is what I was hoping for. Bravo!

8976059 Conservation of drama. Changeling Twilight gives the Rainbooms a significant power-up, so the author has to give the Dazzlings some sort of additional boost to maintain a parity and prevent a curbstomp.

I saw a perfect opportunity. It would have been downright criminal not to take it ...

I enjoy your stories very much.๐Ÿ‘Œ However, your prose seems to be like running along gracefully, occasionally tripping over a spelling pebble. Or, like my daughter writing and hitting a few absence seizures when writing down her teachers instruction.
Still, thanks for your very creative writing, I am trying to read all of your work. ๐Ÿ‘

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