• Published 2nd Dec 2018
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The Multiverse in a Nutshell - Pennington Inkwell

What do you do when you accidentally break the multiverse and scatter your friends to the cosmic winds? Go on a ROAD TRIP, of course!

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A Long-Expected Chat

"Heeeeeey.... Sunset?" Penn's voice called. It sounded muffled, but Sunset knew he was just working on the car. They'd stopped to replace the brake pads, and Penn had decided it was time for the oil to be changed, as well.

"Yeah?" She didn't look up from her phone, still examining the map of their route Isis had drawn for her. The hardest part was that two options had been offered to her: either one that changed to a different two-dimensional map every time they passed through a portal, or one rendered in three dimensions which consisted of dozens of concentric spheres.

"I think I need a hand, over here!"

Sunset finally glanced up, raising an eyebrow at the sight that was waiting for her. Penn wasn't underneath the car any more, instead stood up on his feet and hunched beside it. Almost his entire head had been hidden out of sight as he peered into the car's innards from above one of the front wheels. She smirked slightly as she walked over, seeing him pushing gently and fruitlessly against the car with his hands.

"Don't tell me... you're stuck in the wheel well?"

His hands dropped to his sides and his shoulders sagged as he seemed to accept his fate.

"Look, I just wanted to make sure the tie rod was holding up well, and having it jacked up meant that I could check it from above!"

Sunset raised her hand to her mouth to cover up her snicker. "So... you just wedged your head between the tire and the body of the car and thought that was a good idea?"

"Look, this isn't my proudest moment, okay? Can you just help me before the claustrophobia sets in?"

"Okay. This actually isn't the first time this has happened. Pinkie did the same thing when we were putting together our tour bus. Let me go grab some soap out of the toiletries bag, we can slip you back out..."

"Wait, wait!" Penn waved one of his hands to grab her attention. "I think if you just turn the steering wheel to the left, I should be able to get out!"

"Got it!" Sunset pulled open the door to the driver's seat. Waiting inside was Missy, casually filing her nails with a devious look on her face.

"You know, Sunset... this is a bit of an opportune moment, isn't it?"

Sunset blinked, realizing just what it was Missy was talking about a few seconds later. She felt the desire for a little mischief rise up into a grin plastered over her own face. "Hmm... You know, you're right, Missy!"

Missy floated by her, eventually seating herself on Penn's back. "You know, friendship is all about give-and-take, Penn... And you're asking us to give an awful lot!"

"I just want you to turn the steering wheel!" Penn cried as his arms flailed angrily.

"And I think last night I just asked for 'breakfast for dinner...'"

"You wanted a three-course meal of eggs, pancakes, and French toast with appropriate sides! Cooked over a CAMPFIRE!"

Sunset leaned over, placing her elbow on the small of his back. "Yeah, I mean, not much..."

"Is this payback for just sending you to bed with PB&J? I was TIRED!"

"Well, now we just want a little favor in return for giving you back your head!" Missy smiled and tapped at the back of his neck to illustrate.

Penn growled to himself and slammed his fist against the side of the car before finally sagging his shoulders in resignation.

"Fine... what's it gonna take?"

Sunset and Missy glanced at each other.


"You know, shaking things up for movie night and watching a rom-com WOULD be kinda nice..." Sunset smiled and stroked her chin in thought.

"I wanna watch The Nightmare Before Christmas!"

"It would be really nice to pick tomorrow's travel music." Sunset folded her arms over her chest with a smirk.


"Not to mention it would be nice if we moved that creepy doll on the rearview mirror someplace else..."

"Can we PLEEEEASE buy a new tent? One that's got better insulation? It's starting to get cold out this time of year!"

"Oh, that's a good one! And a space heater!" Sunset added.

"...is there anything else I can get her majesties?" Penn muttered.

Missy and Sunset glanced at each other and grinned wider, spotting the opportunity when it was presented to them. "Well, now that you ask-"

"Okay, that was sarcasm and you know it!"

Missy's fresh set of demands was cut off when the wheel turned to the side on its own, allowing Penn to finally pull himself out and stand up straight, which pushed both of them off. At the front of the car, the hood popped open, allowing Isis's drone to crawl out. Penn smiled and gave it a quick pat on its head.

"At least I can count on SOMEONE around here..."

"Awwww, we were having fun, Isis!" Missy groaned as she floated closer to Penn. "Soooo, uh, about those pancakes..."

Penn gave her a tired look before holding up three fingers. He counted off three letters on his hand before dropping to his knees and rolling back under the car.

"P. B. J."

Missy sighed, pouting and folding her arms over her chest. "Okay... maybe we milked that a little too much..."

Sunset snickered. "Still fun, though. Come on, we weren't REALLY going to blackmail him like that, right? So nothing's lost!"

"Speak for yourself! I really wanted those pancakes!"


Sunset took a deep breath, relishing in the feeling of the campfire's warmth. Autumn was settling in fast the farther north they traveled, beginning the first stages of brushing color onto the trees as they passed. The breeze was starting to carry a chill, especially whenever they set up camp for the night. For the moment, the blankets and sleeping bag in the tent had proven more than enough to keep them warm through the night, but it wouldn't be long before they needed starting to take extra steps.

For now, she enjoyed the feeling of the drastic gradient of temperatures across her body, her front excessively warmed by the fire while her back was still feeling the chills of the night.

Sunset paused, listening closely. There was only the sounds of the campfire crackling and the soft breathing of her friends. She glanced to her right, confirming that Missy had dozed off on the ground, her marshmallow roasting stick still in her hands. Opposite her, Penn was staring into the flames as if he was hypnotized, but Sunset couldn't help noticing that his mouth was pulled into a terse frown. Sunset had a feeling that she knew what he was thinking about, and with Missy asleep, it was time to address it.

"Okay, Penn... I think I've given you enough time. We NEED to talk about what happened to you. You can't keep bottling it up."

He didn't react for a few seconds, but his resistance finally seemed to lower as he closed his eyes.

"What's there to talk about? I was tortured and it messed me up in the head, then I set off a bomb for revenge..."

"You KNOW there's more to it than that." Sunset reached up to the back of her neck, undoing the clasp on her geode. She held it by the string as she walked around the fire and sat herself beside him. She held out the precious stone, which he eyed warily.

"Take it. When I was at Beacon, the rest of Team RWBYS decided they weren't going to force any answers out of me. I want you to know I'm making the same promise... I'm the one insisting we deal with this, but we're still doing it on your terms..."

He stared for another second before nodding and taking hold of the geode, gripping it tight in his fist. Sunset let go, allowing him to take it.

"Salem... wanted me on her side. A long time ago, she turned evil because she lost someone who meant the world to her and the gods refused to give him back. She was trying to protect him... and she failed. When she threatened you... I kinda lost it, too." He shook his head. "It was stupid. She was an incredibly powerful dark witch from the dawn of time, and when she threatened you, I tried to PUNCH her!"

"Wait... don't tell me she gave you the whole 'we're not so different' line!"

"Well, she didn't SAY it outright, but..." Penn waggled his hand back and forth. "She tried to break me the same way SHE broke. All of her torture was either physically beating me-" Sunset flinched at that, remembering the scars she'd seen on his arms and legs. "-or showing me these horrific visions of you, dead or dying, and asking why I didn't save you by giving in..."

Sunset felt her hands tighten into fists as her outrage began to boil over. She took a deep breath, forcing herself to stay calm.

"I guess... that explains why you-"

"Developed a pathological need to protect you as my older sibling instincts were twisted into a guilt complex in order to coerce me into betraying you?" he rolled his eyes as he floated through the complex sentence with ease.

Sunset blinked. "Y-yeah... that. Guess you've been thinking about this a lot without me, huh?"

"When you flunk out of college because you can't get a handle on your own mental illness, you learn to break down your own thought process." He shrugged. "Doesn't mean I can quite control it, or undo the damage, but understanding it is the first step, right?"

Well, that's one mystery solved. Guess that's why he was delivering pizza instead of finishing college... "Speaking of which, Isis told me you have to take medication for that... have you been taking it since we got back?"

"Yes. Isis won't leave me alone about it. It's just gonna be a little time before they start working again." Penn sighed. "I... I was really in a bad way when I got out of there, Sunset... and having it pounded into my head that I'd failed you by letting you get hurt. I don't know if I'm going to be able to stop trying to keep you safe. Whether you need it or not..."

Sunset sighed. It wasn't exactly the result she'd been hoping for, but she could work with it.


Penn leaned back, staring at her in surprise. After a moment, he leaned in and pressed the back of his hand to her forehead. "Okay, who are you and what have you done with Sunset Shimmer? Do you have a fever? Are you feeling sick?"

Sunset rolled her eyes. "I wasn't finished. On one condition. I want you to let me save YOU when you need it! No more dropping bombs on people. If you're in trouble, you have to be just as okay with me saving you as you want ME to be when you protect me! It's only fair! That way we can split the heroics fifty-fifty!" She held out her hand to him, looking for a handshake. "You save me, I save you. Equal partners. What do you say?"

Penn stared at her offered hand for a second, frowning and turning back to stare at the fire. "And what if I think Salem was right?" he whispered. "What if I WOULD burn everything to the ground just to keep you safe? I already did it to her castle, then I tried to take on the Ender Dragon by myself... What if I'm okay with becoming the bad guy just to protect you? What if I cross some line I shouldn't, or worse?"

Sunset cringed, a question she'd been avoiding asking for a while now forcing its way out into the conversation. "Penn... why do you care so much about me? I know we're friends, but even when we'd first met, you were putting your life on the line for me. That's not something most people would do for a stranger they found laying on the side of the road!" She looked down slightly. "I never wanted to ask because I was just glad to have a friend, but I think I need to know now..."

Penn took another long, deep breath. "Because... because if it wasn't for you, I never would have gotten help with my depression. The ones who made sure I went to a doctor... we were the fan club for your show at the college. If your show, if you hadn't brought us together so they could help me, I'd either still be in absolute misery or..." he gave the campfire a dark look, "or I wouldn't be here at all."

"... oh." Sunset paused, trying to process the weight behind his words. "That's... wow. I'm not really sure how to respond to that..."

"I figured you wouldn't, which is why I didn't bring it up..." he muttered bitterly.

Both of them sat in silence for a moment after that, each looking awkwardly at the fire until Sunset reached over and gave his hand a squeeze.

"Well, I'm glad you're here, Penn. REALLY glad, because I couldn't ask for a better friend to help me through all of this. And if you ever think you're becoming the bad guy just for my sake..." She smiled and yanked on his arm, pulling him in for a hug. "I'm not going to lose my best friend, not even to himself. If I have to save you from yourself while you're saving me, I will."

There was a moment before he finally returned the hug, pulling her in close. She felt the tingle of Equestrian magic flowing through her as he body transformed, ponying up in response to the moment of pure empathy between them.

"Th-thank you..." he whispered. "And... I know it wasn't REALLY you in all those visions, that none of it was real, but I just have to say it... I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all the times I couldn't save you, the times I failed you, I'm sorry! I'm sorry.... I'm so, so sorry..."

Sunset could feel him starting to break down again, the shuddering sobs shaking both of them. She didn't fight it when tears of her own came, wishing she could just make the pain stop, go back and stop him from ever getting captured so he would never feel like he had to apologize for things that never happened.

But he was addressing it now. Right here, in her arms, he felt safe enough to finally address it, and that meant she wasn't letting go.

"Shhh... There's nothing to be sorry for..." she whispered. "You did great. More than anyone could have asked for. None of those bad things ever happened to me. Everyone is fine."

"I'm sorry.... I'm sorry..." he kept repeating himself as if he hadn't heard her. Sunset closed her eyes, letting him finally release the pain. Even if what he was apologizing for wasn't real, it was a release he'd been holding back for weeks.

"It's okay, Penn... I forgive you... Nothing bad happened... It's okay..."

If I ever see Salem... I'm going to make sure she can NEVER do this to anyone again.


"Okay, Isis... there's something I don't get, here..."


"If Noir built you, and that's not what happened in the book you came from, how is it possible?" Missy placed one hand on her hip as she eyed the drone curiously.

"You of all people know that Penn is prone to imagining characters as visualization exercises long before he ever commits them to paper, yes?"

"Sure. He's got a whole nightclub in his head just for the characters he keeps kicking around in there!" Missy shrugged.

"While we are not entirely certain, I have discussed this matter with him and we have arrived at the tentative conclusion that I am the initial Integrated Superior Intelligence System. The 'first draft' that he utilized for visualization, who was still 'kicking around in' his head, as you put it."

"Oooooh! The one he and Noir bounced ideas off of each other to brainstorm!" Missy snapped her fingers as a smile of recognition spread across her face. "I get it! So... where's 'final draft' Isis? The version actually IN the book?"

"I am certain she is out there somewhere in the infinite multiverse, cataloging these new phenomena as furiously as I am. When we meet, the data exchange will be monumental. I am quite looking forward to it."

"Yeah, that'll really be something..." Missy said wistfully as she inserted a small lollipop into her mouth. "Hey, do you think we're going to find one of the other Rainbooms soon? Halloween's coming up soon, and even if I DID put Mary in charge of our haunted house, I should really be there to make sure it all goes right!"

"It is impossible to predict such an event. Also there is more than a month remaining before Halloween-"

"EXACTLY!" Missy shouted, nearly losing her lollipop in the process. "Only fifty-four days, four hours, thirty-seven minutes left! There's SO MUCH to do, and if it isn't done right we could be facing a crisis with no time left to recover! Monsters come from all over the world in our dimension to see the Ghostrick haunted house, and it's too important to mess up! At least if we could find ONE of the other Rainbooms I could have a substitute to tag in while I go home to make sure everything goes smoothly! I'd ask Alucard to cover for me, but we need all hands on deck for the big day!"

"If I make an inquiry, why not exchange places with Penn's dueling partner? I am certain she would be eager, if memory serves correctly."

Missy sighed as she sunk back down to rest on the car hood. "Yeah, I had a chat with her a few nights ago... She can't cross over. Apparently I hit a 'sweet spot' in terms of power. The gap between the world of duel spirits and the human world went from being a brick wall to a chain-link fence, but..." She shrugged. "Dueling opens up gaps and tears in the links, but if you're too strong, it's like being too big! You can't get through without ripping yourself to shreds! If you're not strong enough, you can't push through the gaps. Sis can't get through until there's a big enough gap, she can just stick a hand or her head through, just enough for Penn to hear her voice, but not enough to be, well..." She knocked her knuckles against her head to signify her corporeal body.

"Fascinating. So her own power is stopping her..."

"Yup. Pain in the neck, if you ask me. She had some CHOICE words about the whole situation..." she snickered. "She acts like I don't know what swear words are, saying stuff like 'Mother-hugger' and 'frikk" instead. It's adorable." She leaned back on the hood, setting her hands behind her head as she looked up into the stars. "She's GONNA figure out a way to cross eventually. When she does, well... If anybody wants to hurt Penn, they're going to be in for a bad time."

"As bad, perhaps, as the consequences Penn will bring down on those who desire to harm Sunset Shimmer."

"Oh, DEFINITELY worse. The black hole was HER idea, after all!"

The two of them sat in silence for a period after that, waiting for Penn's familiar call that dinner was prepared.

"Isis... you've got drones going everywhere. There's really no signs of the Rainbooms?"

"You may be overestimating my reach, Missy, but no. It would appear that wherever they arrived following the initial blast, they are either deeply embedded in another dimension or keeping a low profile."

"Darn... Guess Sunset's the one kicking up the most fuss, huh?"

"She may also be the only one aware of the nature of this disaster, thanks to her encounter with Penn. It could be that the other members are not aware that dimensions have intersected and are confining their searches to a single world. There is also the eventual probability that they were placed into a dangerous situation they could not escape or perished in the initial blast..."

Missy's eyes widened as she glanced back towards the campfire to make sure Sunset still was too far away to hear. "ISIS! Don't say things like that!"

"It is a probability that must be considered."

"No way!" Missy shook her head. "There's no WAY any of them died! I refuse to believe it!"

"It does seem improbable, given Sunset Shimmer's tendency for improbable scenarios to move in her favor, that they are NOT protected by 'plot armor,' which would make death itself improbable outside of an external metanarrative's machinations."


"It is statistically unlikely, given that they are the 'good guys.'"

"Well, I hope we find them soon. As much as I love our little family right now, it would be nice to see Sunset reunited with them." Missy reached up, rubbing at her chest. "She misses them so much it hurts, I can feel it through our connection..."

"Given the determination of all present, I would deem it an eventuality, rather than a probability."

"Missy! I'm your chef, not your waiter!" Penn's voice called, cutting their conversation short. "Come and get it!"

Missy hopped up into a sitting position, easily floating up into the air as she spread her wings. Isis's drone made a leap up onto her shoulders, and the two of them were soon on their way back to rejoin the other half of their group. Missy reached up and gave Isis's head a short stroke.

"Good talk, Isis. Thanks."



"MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS!" Missy cheered as Penn slowed the car and turned into the drive-thru entrance.

"Missy, may I remind you that there are still several containers of leftovers from last night that need to be consumed before they spoil?"

"Yeah, I mean... I like fast food as much as the next person, but we shouldn't be wasteful!" Sunset added. "Penn, are you sure we should-"

"MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS! MCDONALDS!" Penn added his voice to the chant, which only made Missy redouble her efforts. Sunset and Isis glanced at each other, reach rolling their eyes.

"McDonalds it is..."

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