• Published 10th Jul 2018
  • 1,885 Views, 55 Comments

Paper Mario: Elements & Stars - ThePegaKris

Our flat, beloved plumbers must save Equestria from both their old archenemies and the evils of Equestria.

  • ...

18: Flight of the Ponies

”Let’s get to the Hive first.” Twilight said. “Thorax should help us.”

”Wait, aren’t we forgetting something?” Fluttershy asked.

”The artifacts?” Bowser raised.

”Most importantly, the Elements of Harmony!” Spike panicked.

”Unbelievable!” Rarity exclaimed. “All this rushing is now making us forgetful! Well, it’s back to Carousel Boutique for me!”

”Wow, we just fooled ourselves right there.” Rainbow zoomed out.

”You ladies gather what you need and the rest of us will be on the lookout while you get back.” Tempest added.

”No need.” Star Swirl the Bearded came in. “If this foul demon wants our artifacts, then we’ll give them to him the hard way!”

”That’s right, we’re coming with you to bring justice once and for all!” Mage Meadowbrook vowed.

”It is within our pride that we must do battle!” Flash Magnus declared.

”No set of moves is without style!” Mistmane exhilarated.

”Strength will be on our side, comrades!” Rockhoof nodded.

”Hope for the best!” Somnambula alluded.

”Oh really?” Twilight asked. “This is so incredible!”

”Don’t forget about me either!” as Daring Do rushed in.

”We’re setting sail with you as well!” Captain Celaeno and her crew chanted.

”It’s a good thing my ship can hold all of you inside.” Tempest pointed out. “Just be careful not to set anything off until we say so.”

”This is going to be so awesome!” Rainbow giggled. “With all of us, Sombra will definitely be outnumbered!”

”I wouldn’t jump to a conclusion already, Rainbow Dash.” Rarity admitted. “Who knows how strong Princess Peach will be when her power is combined with King Sombra’s?”

”If Mario was still here, he would be able to take care of her.” Luigi sighed.

”Yeah, and this’ll be our first time against Sombra.” Bowser pointed out.

”We’ll plan everything inside.” Tempest said. “Is everypony here?”

”Uh-huh!” Everyone else nodded.

”Grubber, can you get this thing started?” Tempest asked.

”I got you, bud!” The hedgehog replied.

”Twilight, can you bring yourself and your new friends above deck, please?” Tempest added.

”Yes, Tempest. Spike, you and everyone else will be inside the cabins. Luigi, Bowser, Cappy, and the professor are with me up top.”

”A surprise assault for later, perhaps?” Star Swirl wondered. “If so, we need time to think carefully.”

”Ooh, I like surprises!” as Pinkie hopped inside the ship.

”I think we’re good to go, Twilight!” as Spike gave the thumbs up.

As everyone got inside the airship, the landing platform retracted and closed itself in. Above deck, Grubber took to the controls and started to slowly lift the ship off the ground. The wind current was steady enough to not let any turbulence occur during mid-flight.

”We should be at the Hive in about an hour or so!” Grubber called out.

”Okay!” Luigi exclaimed. “What should we do now?”

”Uhh...” Twilight paused. “Want to see a magic trick?”

”It’s not really a trick since you know a lot about magic and know how we’re going to react.” Bowser replied.

”He’s right about that.” E. Gadd sided.

”Aww...” Twilight frowned. “What about you, Cappy?”

”Maybe later, Twilight. I’m still sad about Mario.”

”Yeah, I miss him too.” Twilight added. “I thought I could maybe lighten things up a bit. Guess that’s what we have Pinkie here for, though!”

”Indeed.” Tempest soaked in. “The Changeling Kingdom is located somewhere west of Ponyville, but it’s quite a distance. Let’s not hope that any of Queen Chrysalis’ Changelings are still there.”

”I’m sure they’re probably either being reformed by Thorax or running away with Chrysalis.” Twilight said. “Good job on stopping her by the way, Bowser!”

”Yeah thanks, but I didn’t expect her to turn into Mario, myself, or even you, Twilight.”

”For the record, you still managed to defeat another one of Equestria’s most feared threats.” Twilight mentioned. “That means we only have to deal with King Sombra.”

”What about this Tirek you’ve talked about before?” Bowser interrogated.

”He won’t be leaving Tartarus any time soon.” Tempest claimed. “He’s too weak to absorb any magic at the moment.”

”So, that old guy we found while Bowser and I escaped from that prison is Tirek.” Luigi brought up. “It makes sense why he’s locked up, but not us.”

”I’m hungry again...” as Grubber’s mouth salivated.

”I feel you, little buddy.” as Tempest patted his head. “Maybe we can grab a bite on the way there. How about you, guys?”

”Okay!” Everyone else nodded.

”Hey Twilight, does every single pony around here communicate with letters?” Cappy asked. “I remember you telling Spike to go send a letter.”

”Good question. Letters are a common form of communication in Equestria, but I believe that I’ve written the most out of anypony, mostly for friendship lessons to Princess Celestia. I still remember the story about me missing the usual letters I write to her ever since I became a princess.”

The Golden Oak Library was quiet and serene. Little moonlight came through the window and slightly illuminated the dark home and revealed that Spike was sleeping in a hoof-made crib. The gentle glow of the moon reflected off of the purple scales and green spikes of Spike’s small stature. A small puddle of drool was beginning to form on his soft blue blanket as he snored. He clutched his warm blanket as he muttered in his sleep, "Rarity…are those gems…for me?" He continued to murmur, snore, and make other strange noises.

Later that night, the front door slowly creaked open and let in the warm midnight spring breeze and a small amount of light to reveal Twilight’s silhouette. She quietly stepped inside and carefully closed the door and lit some candles by her desk with her magic. Owlowiscious, Twilight’s pet owl, had already set down a blank parchment on the centre of the desk, a quill above the parchment, and ink on the left side. She was very pleased with the owl now that he knew about the mare's obsessive-compulsive disorder and the preferences that came with it. Now, working at night was as easy as working during the day.

Twilight allowed a soft grin spread across her face as she realised she was about to do her favourite thing she always did at the end of the day: write to the princess. These weren't her usual weekly letters to the princess about her studies on the magic of friendship. They were just nonchalant letters about her day or questions about trivial things or just little secrets that she only trusted Celestia with. Twilight still remembered the day at the Grand Galloping Gala…

"Oh, Princess Celestia, I'm so glad I could talk to you this time!" Twilight beamed at the large alicorn.

"Indeed, it was quite generous of my sister to greet the guests this year so we could talk and she could get used to the modern crowd." The princess gave her star pupil a warm, bright smile that reminded those who saw it of her amazing sun.

Twilight just stared at her mentor with wide, sparkling eyes, like a little foal staring at an ice cream factory. She never did get very used to the fact that she was the princess's student.

After ten seconds or so, the princess felt a little awkward and cleared her throat before speaking, "Um… I, well, I trust that you and your friends had a great time at the gala this year?"

Twilight realised she had been staring. She lowered her head and tried to hide her now red violet face behind her mane.

"Y-Yeah, um, we had a wonderful time this year, especially since we all looked after each other and made sure not to cause as much trouble as last year… Ah ha…hahaha…"

"Oh, Twilight, sure your friends made a mess, but it was entertaining! Would you like to tell me about all of those adventures you fillies have all the time?"

Twilight leaped for joy at the sound of those words, "Of course, princess! Now where should I start…Oh I know! There was this one time…"

The princess listened to the purple unicorn tell her stories about her friends for the rest of the night. Both of the ponies wished they could stay like this forever, telling stories and laughing just like Twilight always did with the princess as a foal, talking about her favourite stories except now those stories were real. Unfortunately, the sun must always set some time.

"I wish we could talk like this more often.” Twilight sighed before she drank from her glass. “The only time I get to communicate with you like this is in my friendship letters, but I wish I could tell you about my friends and our adventures just to tell you about them instead of telling you what I learned from them."

”Hehe, I know just how you feel, Twilight. There’s always a time for talk, but...there’s always a time for action.”

”I now only write letters to Princess Celestia in case of either emergencies or an urgent task.” Twilight explained.

”What did you two talk about when you went to get the Memory Stone?” Bowser asked.

”Well, she actually was at an important meeting, but her younger sister, Princess Luna, was the one who gave us the Memory Stone. She just told us to be very careful out when we get to King Sombra.”

”I never thought you were so interested in reading books like me, Twilight!” The professor glanced over.

”When this is all over, maybe I can take you to the Canterlot Archives, where most of the greatest masterpieces ever written will be!”

”Nerds...” Cappy whispered.

Suddenly, a hatch opened up from underneath the crew’s feet and out came the Pillars of Old Equestria. Grubber then put the ship on autopilot as the ponies and Mario’s team gathered up.

”We have come up with a possible solution, and one that may turn the tide of this upcoming battle.” Star Swirl suggested.

”This better be good, wizard.” Bowser aspired.

”Twilight, remember when we sealed the Pony of Shadows in limbo?” Somnambula questioned.

”Yes, what about him?”

”We’re going to do the same thing with Sombra!” Flash Magnus counted on.

”Oh really?” Luigi anticipated. “How are we supposed to turn Shadow Queen Peach back into Princess Peach if she’s under Sombra’s possession?”

”Don’t bother, my friend.” Rockhoof concluded. “We’re going to seal that witch along with him!”

”WHAT???”Twilight and the rest of the team freaked out.

”Why would you guys do that?” Cappy begged the question. “Not only are you taking away the ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom, but you’re also taking away one of Mario’s best friends!”

”Can’t we just attempt to free Princess Peach like we did with Stygian a while back?” Twilight wondered.

”Unfortunately, things are different this time around.” Mage Meadowbrook broke the news.

”You said yourself that Mario was the only one who knew how to free the princess from the darkness, but...he’s not here.” Mistmane assumed.

”So what?” Bowser argued. “It doesn’t mean that we’re not able to at least try and do whatever he did! You can’t possibly tell us to give up, not when we’re this close!”

”I thought the whole point of this was to go and avenge Mario!” Luigi yelled at the top of his lungs.

”My thoughts exactly!” Tempest exclaimed.

”Do you have a better plan then, Twilight?” Star Swirl minded.

”I...I really...”

”We’re on your side, Twilight!” Bowser confirmed. “We know you’ll help us free Princess Peach!”

”Don’t listen to this babbling buffoon, Twilight!” Mage Meadowbrook spit out. “Are you going to trust your own kind or these total strangers?”

”Uhh... I...”

”M-Maybe I should...continue to the Hive?” as Grubber bit his nails.

”I think you lied about Mario trusting you from now on, Bowser!” Star Swirl claimed. “Maybe he still thinks you’re just as evil as you always have been!”

”That’s not true, he does trust me now! I just saved all six of you from Queen Chrysalis and this is how you’re going to talk to me now?”

”We could’ve easily stopped her ourselves, but no, we wanted to see whether or not if she was a problem in your little fetch quest instead!” Flash Magnus bickered. “We don’t associate ourselves with weaklings like you fools!”

”Who are you calling weaklings?” Luigi quarreled.

”If you consider Mario to be the Mushroom Kingdom’s greatest hero, then I don’t understand why he would have the need to make friends with you!” Star Swirl disputed.

”How dare you?” E. Gadd crossed swords. “Mario knows that we’re not weak because we’ve been by his side all these years and he doesn’t just put us aside like trash! We’re his real friends!”

”Well, it doesn’t look like that, huh?” Mistmane raised an eyebrow.

”What doesn’t look like what?” Luigi minded.

”You said you’ve been by Mario’s side all these years, and yet, you’re not by his side right now.” Somnambula grinned mockingly.

”T-That’s because...” Cappy hesitated.

”Just as I thought...” as Star Swirl brushed his beard. “I don’t believe that’s how friendship works, right Twilight?”


”Twilight, are you...alright?” Tempest checked up.

The sounds of anger were coming directly from the Princess of Friendship
as her breathing became inconsistent. Mario’s friends, Tempest, Grubber, and the Old Pillars slowly approached the Alicorn pony, but were blown back upon a furious face from Twilight. She lit herself on fire and her entire body turned white and blaze red.

”ENOUGH!!!” Twilight screamed.

”Hey, what’s going on up there?” Rainbow popped her head in.

”T-Twilight?” Fluttershy shivered.

”This doesn’t look good...” Spike gulped.

Hehehe... Yesss, that’s more like it...

”You’ve got to be kidding me...” Bowser facepalmed.

”That voice...” Rarity consumed. “King Sombra!”


”And don’t forget about me!” as Shadow Peach made herself visible.

”Twilight!” Her parents cried.

”...M-Mom, D-Dad?” Twilight snapped out of it.

”What are you doing here, man?” Rainbow demanded. “I thought you guys were at Mount Aris.”

Yesss, but it appears that we’ve sensed a disturbance during your little trip...

”First off, where is Mario?” Shadow Peach asked. “Second, where in the world do you think you’re going?”

”None of your business, Shadow Queen!” Bowser fought back. “We came here to stop you from controlling Princess Peach so that we can save her, Twilight’s parents, and Equestria!”

There’s no use bluffing through your silly little teeth, Your Highness... I think we know what you’re really up to...

”Hah, what a real pity!” Shadow Peach chuckled. “Looks like the Mushroom Kingdom lost its only means of defense...and that’s Mario! You guys really think we’re going to let you fool us with a Changeling attempting to shapeshift into Mario?”

Well, Princess Twilight... Since you failed to obey our directions, I guess this is the part where I must get rid of your beloved parents...

”Don’t you dare touch them!”

On second thought, I decided not to harm them at all... However, I have something else planned for you, Princess Twilight...

”You want our artifacts so badly, do you punk?” Star Swirl challenged. “We’ve got them right here!”

Oh, goodie! I would unleash my full power right now, thanks to all of your help, but I’ve also decided to toy with you ponies one last time... Princess Twilight, your vessel of powerful magic shall be mine!

”Get away from me!” as the Alicorn tried to fly away.

”Nice try, but you won’t be going anywhere!” as Shadow Peach grabbed Twilight with a giant shadow claw.

”TWILIGHT!!!” Everyone else called out.

”I-I...can’t free...myself... She’s too strong...”

”She’s all yours, my love!” Shadow Peach exclaimed.

Thank you very much, my sweetheart... It looks like the Mushroom Kingdom and Equestria lost their most powerful means of defense! Come to me, Princess Twilight, and you shall be made useful...

”NOOOOOO!!!” Twilight pleaded.

Shadow Queen Peach put Twilight in a sudden sleep and King Sombra slowly began to bind his soul with the Alicorn’s body. A dark aura swirled crazily around the purple pony as her eyes and horn’s aura began to turn black and red. The Shadow Queen then freed her from her grasp until Twilight was standing up again.

”At last, I...am reborn, hahaha!!! The possessed Twilight laughed sinisterly.

”You’re going to pay for this, Sombra!” Bowser gritted his teeth.

”If you want to get to my master so badly, you’ll have to get through me first! I shall now be known as Shadow Princess Twilight Sparkle!”

A storm started to brew up in the sky as Equestria was now going through a downpour of rain and a furious storm of lightning. The ship was accidentally off autopilot and Grubber had to rush to get back to the wheel. Meanwhile, the evil Twilight was facing off against everyone else while Shadow Queen Peach and Twilight’s parents were watching from the side.

”I’m so sorry, Twilight, but ya leave us no choice!” A.J confided. “Gals, get ready with the Elements of Harmony!”

”I almost forgot about my own best friends!” Shadow Twilight mocked. “Would you girls care to join me?”


Twilight’s crown, which is actually the Element of Magic, started to get corrupt as it turned from a pink star to a black one. She zapped her five pony friends, who were wearing the other Elements of Harmony, and they fell under King Sombra’s spell too. One by one, they had a dark aura surrounding each and every one of them.

”Now this is more like it!” Shadow Dash smiled menacingly.

”You may call us the Elements...of Disharmony!” Shadow Fluttershy exclaimed.

”Who’s ready to have some real fun?” Shadow Pinkie giggled.

”You fools will understand the true meaning of pain and misery!” as Shadow Rarity pumped up her hooves.

”Don’t blink, or y’all would miss the part where we buck you into oblivion!” Shadow A.J betted.

”We’re so screwed...” Luigi’s jaw dropped. “MMMAAARRRIIIOOO!!!”

”I take back what I said before about you four!” Star Swirl corrected. “Now, we must assist you in this tough fight!”

”I see you’ve finally come to your senses, old man.” as Bowser crossed his arms. “Alright Twilight, don’t worry, we’re going to free you and your friends!”

”Try if you can, but you will obviously fail!” Shadow Twilight retaliated.

”Bring it on!” Cappy groaned.

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