• Member Since 19th Jan, 2015
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Meep the Changeling

Channeling insanity into entertaining tales since 2015-01-19.


Unrelated to Prior Works - New Story, New Setting

“Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying.”Arthur C. Clarke

If you send a message to the stars, you just might get a reply. If one person can hear you speak, so can others. Some who hear your cry will extend a hand in friendship. Some will hear and think only of what they can gain by force.

Rainbow and Pandora learned this when Pan’s nightly chats his interstellar pen pal lead a fleet of interstellar pirates and slavers to Equestria. Where they found Rainbow’s friends.

Neither of them are happy about it. Both will try set things right, or die trying. Even if that means being lost forever in the void between stars.

Featured on: Wednesday, September 12, 2018 at 6:46 am UTC

Chapters (23)
Comments ( 687 )


Let's get it on!

Meep gonna give it to ya!
Buck waiting for you to get it on your own,
Meep gonna deliver it to ya!

Knock knock, open up the book,
With the scifi, poners, and alien spiel!

Very interesting so far. I see a lot of potential in this.

MAN, do I love space and THIS LINE:

Rainbow Dash - Rainbow Dash - 8th of Faust, 1st year of Harmony

749556.65 A.H.

Lunar Orbit - Equus, K3 Sector

That line gave me chills. So far, this story encompasses exactly what I like about space stories. The writing itself is pretty good, too.

You now have a favorite, upvote, and track. Godspeed and good luck, sir. Hope this story comes a long way. Glad I caught this in the 'new stories' section!

1 - Into the Dark / Hope Renewed

Into the Dark

:trixieshiftright: Coincidence?


Not really. I just had a story called Into the Black: A Mare's Tale that was another space sci-fi. I figured it was just a funny coincidence, but figured I'd test it, just to see :twilightsmile:

Is this a sequel? How do I know this story won't die after only one chapter?

9023835 This is not a sequel. If you want my track record for finishing stories, I have only cancelled 2 out of 25. Furthermore, chapter 2 is already written and will be relaced tomorrow if this is featured today.

9023451 The PoV header gave you chills? Interesting! I've always done those for the sake of liking it when movies to them. Is there any reason it grabbed your attention? If I had to make a guess, it's that the stardate combined with the location tag tapped into your expectations for science fiction, drawing on memories of (most likely) Star Trek. I only ask because I've always been bad with narrative hooks XD

Astonishingly, her friends still had no idea as to the symbolism Rainbow’s subconscious had chosen when purchasing a tent.

Shipping senses... tingling!

Okie-dokie, I'm following this now. It's sounding like I'd be mad not to. :rainbowlaugh:

9025769 Hey! You're the guy who wrote Grief is the Price We Pay ^.^ That story was awesome! I hope you enjoy this one as much as I enjoyed it :3

Well, having read the second chapter and gotten a better feel for Pan's character and what's up with him, it'll definitely be...interesting. Regardless, I've been hoping to find a sci-fi themed fic like this for awhile now, so this should still be fun. :twilightsmile:

9026046 Don't worry,Pan's just being set up for character growth and development :3

Gotta agree with Pinkie there. Shipping intensifies! :pinkiecrazy:

Curious new character, that one. I wonder if he'll be able to get his horn back when they get out of the planet.
Also, ouch on why he hasn't got a horn anymore. Even worse is, I can see that happening :fluttershyouch:
He was absurdly lucky to be able to tap into the galactic internet though. I wonder if Luck's Discord's cousin thrice removed or something, it would make just too much sense :derpytongue2:

That's a different take on Rainbow, a rather novel one. Her having insecurities is pretty much a given, but thinking herself a normal mare in the midst of heroes is new. I find that I rather like it.

Camping in the woods with your friends, what a noble endeavor. Oh, a wild fan appears! He used Ask For Autograph, it's super effective! :rainbowlaugh:
Character goes away, slaver pirates happen. Kinda cliche, but then again what isn't, nowadays? Bonus points for the plasma pistol though. Let's hope he doesn't roll any 1's :twilightoops:

Wow, this starts right in the thick of the action.

RIP Equestria, doomed by coincidental first contact.

Rainbow nodded, her cheeks darkening slightly. “Uh, yeah. My grandma is a tropical pegasus. Ever see one? Their feathers are really colorful too.”

Interesting idea.

Twilight's unnatural memory dooms Equestria.

They really ought to get the details about the attack on Pan from him, Twilight has enough connections for it to be looked into and to find out why nobody else did.

Whoops. Well, guess they need to be rescued somehow.

I may steal the Chernin and hastily duct tape them into other settings.

Christ, that poor unicorn sounds like he was on the wrong end of Laramie Wyoming.

I'm interested in seeing where this story goes. Thank you for all your hard work, Meep.

Well, it's always fun reading your stories, and this is no exeption

9037435 Tiz the internet, do as you will :3 (Seriously, I'm writing fanfic. What right have i to say other's cant use my creations?)

Grin like an idiot and flash the pony an approving hand gesture. “You go, tiny pony! Show physics who's boss!”

YES just YES

Ok i rely like this story, and Space Russian for the win

The sight of the sun rising over the blue and green planet below brought a smile to Penny’s face. She been to far too many Death Worlds to not get a little emotional when she got to land on a good old Class-M planet.

Oh, silly Penny, just wait until you spend some time on that planet... :rainbowlaugh:

I find myself intensely doubting anything that square could ever reach anything near supersonic, let alone reentry speeds... in space it would be fine, yeah. But physics is a mean mean god.

Good chapter though, looking forward to more. Story has definitely improved since the first chapter, to be honest, glad I stuck around.

9038525 Well, we can assume that it's shields would help with the areodynamics. But for fun I built one in Kerbal. It worked XD

The whole part with Penny and the Hoatzin was great! I loved the energy of it all, As well as the clear way her thoughts and actions are explained. I was really drawn in and enjoyed it intensely!

Nice exploration of Luna's room. Its only fair that one thousand years leave something on the mind of someone. At least Luna is trying to do something nice about it.

Great story so far.

Lately, I have been reading a few sci-fi books off of Amazon.
They are often of lower quality, more poorly written, and full of grammatical errors than most fan fiction I have read her at fimfiction. Professional writers shouldn't loose to fan fiction authors. 😖

Here's hoping that in convincing themselves that it was the minotaurs when it really was aliens all along that they don't actually start the war they think the minotaurs are starting.

Dash, this is terrible safehouse behavior.

The bags didn’t have any air inside, and thus couldn’t be used as an emergency shelter. Nor did they automatically place items you were searching through them for in your hoof. They did have all the basic features of Deep Pocket brand saddlebags though.

Whoops. That air pocket would have been convenient a bit later on.

Many species were surprised when they learned Chernin weren't actually twice the size of most races the Galaxy had to offer.


Looking back at her through the cockpit window, not three meters from the Hoatzin, was a rainbow-maned cyan-colored cartoonishly adorable winged quadruped with massive eyes.

Penny took several seconds to process the fact that a flying pony was keeping up with her at just under the speed of sound and did the only thing she could do. Grin like an idiot and flash the pony an approving hand gesture. “You go, tiny pony! Show physics who's boss!”


9039301 Wait, really? AM I actually better than for-profit self-published authors? Huh... You know I could rewrite this to be non-copywritten once its done if people love it >>

9038944 It dosent even need to be a decade to do that. I lived in Germany for two years as a teenager. When I got back to the states, the US felt alien. The houses looked wrong, it was so weird that beer wasn't on sale next to soda, and hearing people speak English in public blew my mind. It felt even weirder when I was liked "Dude, you were living here 2 years ago..." I can't imagine how much more pronounced the effect would be after 10 centuries. Hell, Luna might find Equus's flora and fauna as depressing and dismal as most humans find the gray dust fields of the Moon.

There's just so much well-done here. Quite a few sneaky jokes and references, and it's good to disillusion Dash quickly. Ironic that the minotaurs actually DID have a ship out, though! Still, space Lada for the win!

You should have made a mention of seeing C-beams over the Tannhauser Gate. :D
(I've never seen the movie, but I like the image of the reference. :P)

9039850 I'm actualy saving that for a letter from Rainbow to home XD

Interesting explanation for Rainbow Dashs mane..


Christ, that poor unicorn sounds like he was on the wrong end of Laramie Wyoming.

... I don't but also do want to know... PM me details on that place please?

Interesting though Rainbow Dash in the previous chapter is unfamiliar with airships judging how fast others ships are would be hard

Rather like how Celestia's the one who does all the diplomatic and ambassadorial stuff, while it's Luna who serves as basically commander and chief for the country's military. I'm sure Celestia could totally step up to the same tasks herself no problem (it's been vaguely implied that she has done so in the past), but only reluctantly. Luna's always been the one who seemed more gung-ho about it.

Don't have much else to comment on other than the story continues to be intriguing. :twilightsmile:

They think it's Minotaur's hah that's precious. I'd like to know how long it takes for them to settle this snafu... It looks like Dash is going to vanish, but with that re-entry what are the chances Luna is going to find out it was actually aliens.

Lunar space program begin!

(Also didn't realise you could do that with the Kerbal Lynx, looks cool, making me want to back to Kerbal.)

9046274 If you do it, make sure you reenter at a fairly shallow angle, and go backwards. Going steep and forwards almost vaporized the cabin. Almost...

Very interesting chapter flash cloning. I debate about a real doctor moving that fast especially with an unknown species

9051086 Unknown, yes. But ponies fall into the Near-Human category. A very very common class of sapient lifeforms which share certain biological commonalities. It would make the fix quick and easy. Especially since all proper doctors are AIs.

I truly hope that no one is surprised to see one of the princesses showing up here. Princess Luna may still be busy with that Minotaur airship, but Penny's shuttle came down directly over Canterlot. Every guard on duty and any citizen that looked up curiously at the sound would have seen it clearly as it slowed enough to lose the fireball. And even those guards that were inside, and possibly Tia as well since she may have been in Day Court, would have known what direction it went because of the contrail as well as Rainbow's coruscating rainboom pointing the way.

I'm also very glad that Tia did show up personally instead of just sending some soldiers. It gives Rainbow a lot more legitimacy in her quest, so she doesn't have to worry about having abandoned anything, and it also solves what could have been a very sticky problem for all three of them once outside of the K3 sector.

Nothing like starting to lose to a flying brick to make a speedster get mad enough to break the sound barrier :rainbowdetermined2:

The amount of Slav in Penny is through the roof. I approve! :pinkiecrazy:
Now I read Penny with a thick Russian accent. She's now 20% funnier.
Bonus points for the most Slav thing ever (this chapter): a T-34 personal mech that can squat.

"Privetstvuyu, moy samyy vysokiy!"

Oh Gods Meeps, MY SIDES!!! :rainbowlaugh:

Suddenly princess. I wonder if she was surprised to see Blue Fast going after the shuttle. Or finding that the shuttle is a brick. Her wings must feel insulted.

Oh Lyra, that makes just so much sense :facehoof:

The sci nerd in me wanted to say "eyes don't blow up in space!!" But, well, ours don't. Maybe pony ones do. Fortunately the lack of oxygen allowed then not to feel it, because ouch :fluttershyouch:

I wonder, can Penny restore Pan's horn? Can a good standard AI doctor do it? Let's hope so :twilightsmile:

Penny found one option and giggled. “Ey? Huh… As a captain, I could marry you to Pan, and then you could come with us no problem!”

Rainbow snorted. “Pass!”

Five bucks says they end up doing that anyway at some point. :rainbowlaugh:

It’s true. If you start a conversation with porn as the topic it will bring out the weirdest parts of people.

Yeah, porn's funny like that. :rainbowlaugh:

“Did you refer to me as ‘my tallest’?”

There was plenty more little moments like that I could comment on, but let's not be here all day, shall we? :rainbowlaugh:

Maybe Pan doesn't mean to be a misanthrope, and I get the way he looks at things the way he does on this subject, but I kinda have to side with Rainbow on this, he does come across as a bit of one at first glance.

The recap's over, now on into the action! Looking forward to it! :twilightsmile:

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