• Published 15th Jul 2018
  • 3,713 Views, 271 Comments

My Little Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door - Codex92

Another adventure in the Mushroom Kingdom, though in a new land with new foes, and even scarier dangers than anything in both this world and Equestria combined.

  • ...

Facing the Dreaded Hooktail

"Ooooh. We're so high up," Pinkie said in awe, looking over the edge as the group climbed up the staircase spiraling around the outside of Hooktail's tower. "Probably not as high as the clouds, but pretty high!"

"I'm actually shocked to see just how broken up this castle is, yet we were able to find a way to reach the top from ground level," Starlight said. "Then again, the Castle of the Two Sisters back in Equestria had seen better days, and that's still standing after over a thousand years."

"Ah bet Kooper would have loved to find out the history of this castle before Hooktail took over," Applejack said.

After climbing all the way around, they finally reached the giant doors leading into Hooktail's huge tower, the doors actually big enough for the dragon to fit through. Everyone stared at the double doors, most of them steeling their nerves as they prepared to face a dragon of all things as their first challenge to retrieve the Crystal Stars. Koops's hands trembled, sweat beginning to trickle down his head, facing Petalburg's worst nightmare and ending it once and for all, and he was already getting second thoughts about coming.

"W-Well, here goes nothing," Goombella said, then moved behind Mario and nudged him forward. "Uhh, why don't you go on first, Mario? Heroes before heroines?"

"Come on, Goombella, don't be such a chicken," Rainbow chided. She looked at the door, gulped nervously, then joined the Goomba and helped push Mario in front of them. "B-But, you do have a point. You got this, Mario. It's like fighting Bowser...only fifty times bigger, with wings, and can eat us in one bite...No pressure, big guy."

Mario rolled his eyes, taking the lead while the others stayed behind him. Grabbing the handles, he opened the doors and walked through, entering the incredibly spacious, yet dimly lit room. With all the thin gaps in the walls of the tower, there should have at least been some decent lighting, though that didn't seem to be the case. The doors closed behind them, though their entrance didn't go unnoticed as they heard a low growl in front of them.

"Who dares approach me?" The mares, Goombella, and Koops yelped and quickly hid behind Mario, staring down the dreaded dragon of Petal Meadows; Hooktail. They got a pretty good close-up of the orange dragon, its underbelly white, a blue, thin, forked tail, purple claws, small wings that were able to lift it into the air, and behind its head were antennae that looked like ponytails. Hooktail let out a roar, making the group wince from its ear-piercing cry and nearly stumble over from how loud it was. The dragon looked down at them, amused by the cowering group behind the plumber, though he stood his ground despite the major size difference between them. "So, you must be friends of that strangely-cloaked one from earlier, huh? I didn't expect anyone else to steal the treasure I protect."

"Someone cloaked?" Starlight asked. "We don't know who came here before us."

"Unless you're talking about Ms. Mowz?" Goombella questioned. "But...she left after getting what she came here for. And she wasn't wearing a cloak."

"Well, regardless, it was pretty foolish to come here and face me," Hooktail said.

"Was there anyone else that showed up here?" Starlight asked. "A princess? And someone who likes like any of us?"

"My last snack who 'visited' me was a clueless Koopa who thought they stood a chance against me, but I gobbled him up for a good snack," Hooktail said with a cackle, making Koops clench his fists and glare at the dragon, though he was still afraid as he trembled slightly. "Looks like I have a smorgasbord of flavors to choose from, but you're all so small. I bet you'd all make a nice light lunch, and the bottoms of your feet smell like they would make a good sauce with some spices."

"Eww! I'd rather keep my hooves intact, thank you very much, you grotesque beast!" Rarity exclaimed.

"Oh, it won't be too messy, if that's your concern," Hooktail chuckled lowly. "I'll saute you all to crispy goodness and gobble you down...HEADFIRST!" Hooktail reared its head back, taking in a deep breath and blew out red flames from its maw. The party quickly split up to avoid Hooktail's fire breath, Mario, Koops, and Goombella diving to one side while the mares jumped to the other. The hungry dragon looked at the two groups, setting its sights on the colorful ponies, licking its lips in delight. "I wonder what colors of the rainbow I'll taste from you strange appetizers."

"We're not gonna be dragon chow!" Rainbow said. Even though she stood her ground, she and her friends screamed as Hooktail lunged its head forward, moving fairly quickly for a large dragon as it tried to chomp them. Luckily, Mario rushed toward them, using his hammer and held it out perpendicular to the dragon's jaws, keeping it from biting. "Whew. That was a close-"

Hooktail growled, swinging its head while Mario held onto his hammer for dear life. While trying to fling Mario, Hooktail stomped the ground, trying to squish his prey under its paws. The ponies were faster than its feet as they regrouped with Koops and Goombella. Hooktail was smarter than Bowser after a moment of swinging its head around, giving when more hard lunge as it opened its mouth, making Mario yell as he was flung across the other side of the room, slamming into the wall with a thud, sliding down to the ground with a groan while his hammer bounced to a stop a few feet away.

"Almost gave me lockjaw, you irritating morsel," Hooktail said to itself. It then turned its sights on the others, giving them a toothy smirk. "Now, where was I? Oh yes. Snack time!"

"Scatter!" Starlight screamed as Hooktail lunged its head at them.

Left with no choice but to try to fight, the group did all they could to hurt the massive dragon: beams of magic, slamming, ramming, or bouncing on its massive paws, but Hooktail barely flinched from their attacks, alone or together.

"Nothing's working!" Fluttershy said as she backed away. "We're g-going to be eaten!"

Mario grunted and shook the cobwebs out of his head. He watched his friends struggling not to get munched or stepped on by Hooktail. It was like Hooktail was a dog and they were the annoying fleas that barely did anything to the beast, failing to even be pests at all. As he stood up, he recalled the odd hint given to them by both Ms. Mowz and Kolorado's father's final words. Reaching his hand in his pocket, he pulled out the Sound Effect badge they grabbed, the odd badge that made any sound he made sound like a cricket's chirps. He was as skeptical about this badge like the others, but if Hooktail really had a weakness to crickets, he was willing to give it a chance. Pinning the badge to his shirt, he ran up to his hammer, then lifted it and slammed it hard into the ground.

Hooktail caught Koops in a corner, the Koopa trembling as he tried to put on a brave face. "You look just like the last Koopa who tried to stop me," it said. "Was that a family member of yours?"

"M-My father," Koops said timidly. "Y-You...Did you...eat him?"

"Oh, I did. And he was absolutely delicious." Hooktail laughed as it instilled more fear in the timid Koopa. "I wonder if you'll taste the same way!" Hooktail roared and lunged its jaws on Koops, who quickly ducked in his shell to defend himself in vain. Suddenly, a loud cricket noise rang out in the room, causing Hooktail to stop its jaws mere inches from chomping down on Koops. Lifting its head up, Hooktail's eyes grew wide in shock, the antennae ponytails straightened out as the same chirping rang out around them. "...I-Is that...a cricket???" Mario continued slamming his hammer down on the ground, each chirp made from every impact making the dragon's face turn pale, letting out a pained groan as it clutched its stomach. "Ooooogh! N-No, where is it coming from!? I got really bad food poisoning when I accidentally ate one."

"Huh. Guess Fluttershy's guess wasn't that far off," Rarity uttered.

With Hooktail distracted and clutching its belly, Mario ran toward the dragon and leapt onto its back, slamming its hammer down on Hooktail's back, causing it more discomfort as it let out a sickening belch. "Ugh! S-Stop it! Oooogh, my tummy!" Mario leapt up high, then fell down with a powerful slam with his hammer on Hooktail's head, smacking its chin to the ground. Hooktail groaned, feeling more woozy than ever before and in severe pain from the skull-cracking force of Mario's hammer, the plumber landing in front of the dazed dragon and his friends gathering around him. "Ugggggh. So...woozy...I think I'm gonna be sick."

"I can't believe it's actually working," Goombella said in shock. "Hooktail really does hate crickets."

"Let's get him!" Pinkie yelled, pulling out her hammer as they rushed the weakened dragon.

Hooktail tried to defend itself, but every time Mario struck it, either with his hammer or his own fists and feet, the cricket noises kept making its stomach curdle and make it more ill than it liked to be. Hooktail tried to burn them, but even its fire breath was weakened due to how sick it was, barely singeing the party while also trying not to blow up chunks. One powerful uppercut in the jaw from Mario sent Hooktail falling, unable to stand as the cricket noises with each attack he made kept making its condition worse along with the beating it was getting from the group of nine that it towered tenfold.

"Whoo hoo!" Applejack cheered. "Ah guess this wasn't gonna be as scary as we thought!"

"Ptth! And you all worried our first adventure boss was against a dragon," Pinkie said, though she got leers from everyone as she was the one who stated her disdain about Hooktail as soon as they arrived in Petal Meadows. "...What?"

"You complained about that when we saw Hooktail for the first time," Starlight mentioned irritably.

"...Well...uhhh..." Pinkie scratched her head with the side of her hammer, sticking her tongue out as she thought of an excuse. "...At least it's not Bowser?"

"Let's just end this dragon and get the Crystal Star from it," Goombella said.

Hooktail grunted and got up on its feet, clearly not able to last much longer if they keep fighting it. "W-Wait, hold on a second! I surrender!" Hooktail exclaimed, confusing the party with its pleas. "I give up. I won't do anything bad anymore! I swear!"

They were warned not to believe Hooktail's lies from Kolorado's father's message, and if the dragon was resorting to begging for forgiveness, none of them were going to give it a chance to prove it was being honest. "Are ya sure about that?" Applejack asked skeptically, raising a brow as she judged the deceitful dragon's words.

"Er, yes!" Hooktail said. "To prove it, I'll give you 1000 coins! What do you say, huh?"

The group looked at each other, but they weren't buying it for a second, Mario shaking his head and denying its barter. "Yeah right!" Pinkie said. "You can't even give us 1000 coins because game logic states we can only keep 999 coins in our wallet, so we'd be out one little coin, along with whatever else we got from beating up baddies!"

"...What?" Hooktail questioned in confusion, but shook its head, ignoring Pinkie's random logic and came up with another excuse. "Ok, so no coins...How about an extra-rare special badge I have stored away? It's one of a kind and for a limited time! Will you let me go if I give you that!?"

"But...Ms. Mowz said she got a badge that was hidden here in your castle," Koops stated. "If it was that rare, she probably has it right now and is off somewhere else finding others."

Hooktail grunted in shock, that lie clearly failing as sweat began to drip down the dragon's forehead. "Err...W-Well, maybe I could apologize by...letting you smell the bottoms of my feet?"

"WHAT!?" the group exclaimed, clearly seeing Hooktail was reaching for any way to get them to lower their guard.

"Y-Yes! People pay good money to do this!" Hooktail lied. "I'm being completely honest right now! What do you say?"

"Ugh! That is just...disgusting!" Rarity exclaimed, everyone agreeing with the fashionista as she took the words out of their mouths. "I'd rather smell your dragon breath than go anywhere near those rancid toenails! Who knows what you step on if you don't fly around the place!?"

Hooktail gulped audibly, none of her lies able to get to them. "...Y-You guys aren't all that trustworthy, are you?"

"No, we're trustworthy, but we aren't going to believe any lies you tell others when you're about to fall!" Rainbow said. "You'll try to eat us if you so much as offer us anything that'll get us to come closer to you!"

"...I-I see..." Hooktail looked around, but when it looked at Mario, the dragon noticed the badge on his shirt. The cricket chirps didn't happen until he started hitting it and the ground, and there wasn't a badge on the plumber when they entered its lair. Hooktail recognized the badge, having locked it away in a cell no one could get into after figuring out what it did. Hooktail squinted, needing to get rid of before they could use its cricket sound effect on it anymore. "Ok, I give up. For real this time. You say you're looking for a Crystal Star, then I'll give it to you."

"...Really?" Goombella asked, shocking the others as Hooktail sincerely sounded like it was giving up.

"Yeah, sure. I've been guarding it for a long time, and it's been a burden with all these crazy explorers wanting to find the Crystal Star they hear I've kept. But, since I'm going to be beaten finally, I guess it'll have to go to you all." Hooktail waited to see if they would trust it, and after a moment with the group silently mulling over the dragon's offer, Mario nodded and approached it. As soon as he got close enough, Hooktail smirked, then lunged forward. Everyone gasped as Mario leapt back, but he didn't make it far enough as Hooktail managed to latch its sharp fangs on the Sound Effect badge, ripping it off his shirt, then clenched its jaws and broke the badge to pieces. "So, that was the source of those crickets chirping around me. I should have destroyed this badge long ago."

"Oh no! Not our secret weapon!" Pinkie screamed. "Ohhh, Ms. Mowz might not be happy to hear a rare badge just got bitten and broke to itty bitty pieces!"

"Ahh, I starting to feel a little bit better now," Hooktail said. "Maybe you can ease my upset stomach from such a dirty trick!"

The dragon quickly spun around, swinging its tail and smacking all but Mario back, the plumber jumping over the wide tail. While sent flying back, Koops recovered as he landed on his back, spinning around and break-dancing back onto his feet. He watched Mario try to fight Hooktail after weakening it greatly using the now broken badge, he was kicked back hard by one of the dragon's back legs, sent tumbling back a few yards before rolling back onto his feet. Hooktail turned around, blowing more fire at Mario, who quickly brought his arms up while his body began glowing yellow, using his protective enchantment to shield himself from the burning flames. The plumber was too focused on protecting himself from Hooktail's fire, he didn't notice Hooktail rearing up on its back legs, falling back down to slam its forepaws down on him.

"Oh no. Mario, duck!" Koops warned, showing off another hidden talent that only he was capable of doing.

Raising his arms up in the air, he focused on a powerful shield, then yelled as he threw his arms down. Falling down on top of Mario right as he looked up, a giant Koopa shell landed over him, shielding him just in time as Hooktail's paws slammed into the shell. The impact made a crack in the shell, but it still held strong as Hooktail stepped back in confusion.

"Huh!? Where did this come from!?" the dragon asked in shock.

As the others recovered from getting knocked back, they were just as surprised when they saw the giant shell, Mario lifting it up to peek from underneath it with the same confused expression. "Wow. That's a big shell," Fluttershy said.

"Where'd it come from?" Starlight asked. She looked over at Koops, who was relieved to have saved Mario in time, then went in his shell and tossed himself toward Mario, leaping onto the shell he created, then smacked Hooktail in the muzzle with his momentum. Lighting up her horn, she sensed around the room for any other source of magic, and was shocked to see that Koops was somehow able to use magic as the shell was created from a spell as a physical barrier to those he wanted to protect. "No way...Koops pulled that off? Aren't Magikoopas supposed to perform stuff like this?"

"Maybe Kameks, but not normal Koopas," Goombella said. "What other bits of potential is Koops hiding that we don't know?"

"Whatever it is, we need to do something fast before Hooktail tries to eat us again," Rainbow said. "But how are we going to beat it without that badge?" The girls slowly looked over to Fluttershy, the yellow pegasus looking at her friends, clueless to the simultaneous idea they all had. "Flutters, you think you can imitate a cricket?"

"Well...I guess I could try," Fluttershy said. "It might not be good enough to get Hooktail sick, though."

"We'll take that chance," Rainbow said.

Hooktail roared, ignoring Koops as he dashed away from the dragon's maw. Mario ducked back in the magic shell as the dragon munched on the shield, its powerful jaws cracking it more and more until it shattered completely. Mario backed away as Hooktail growled, getting frustrated that her snack was still fighting back.

"I've just about had it with you-!" Hooktail froze when Fluttershy began imitating a cricket, using her wings to cover her mouth to hide her mouth so the dragon didn't try to go after her if it found out. It apparently worked as Hooktail groaned, quickly bringing a paw to its mouth as it retched and turned pale again. "Urp! Oh no. Not again! I destroyed the badge!"

"I-Is there...a real cricket hopping around in here?" Koops asked Mario, the plumber shrugged his shoulders in response.

"Come on, y'all, let's not waste any time standin' around!" Applejack said as the girls sans Fluttershy charged Hooktail, the animal loving pegasus continuing her mimicked cricket chirping to keep the dragon distracted.

Mario and Koops joined them, continuing battering the dragon as it staggered helplessly. Hooktail stomped down hard, stunning those stuck on the ground from the powerful quake, then turned and swung its tail at them, smacking them hard to give it some distance from the party while Rainbow continued attacking and Fluttershy kept making more cricket chirps. Getting knocked again knocked the wind out of the others, but as Mario stood up, he saw a faint light come from the Magical Map in his pack. He pulled out the map, sensing a powerful magic coming from it, as if it was asking him to use its power to aid them.

Holding the map up, it began shining, time slowing to a standstill around him as it floated up to the ceiling, hovering around the room as it sprinkled sparkles of light down in the room. Mario noticed his hands glowing, holding several small ethereal stars, and when he looked up, he saw the map drop hearts with his and his friends' faces attached to them, flowers, and dark green mushrooms, which were known as Poison Mushrooms, something he knows to avoid at all costs. As the hearts fell, he tossed the stars at them, and as he hit them, they floated over to the respective body it was attached to. Mario made sure to avoid hitting the Poison Mushrooms, unsure of what negative effects would happen if he hit one, keeping it up until the Magical Map's power ended. Time returned to normal, the amount of hearts Mario gathered to everyone he managed to hit took effect, surprising and confusing the party as their pain had mysteriously vanished within seconds, even Rainbow stopped when she suddenly felt more energy.

"Whoa! What just happened!?" she asked.

"It's like the two painful tail whips we felt are all mysteriously gone by some healing magic coming from something," Pinkie said.

"Well, whatever happened, let's keep going!" Starlight said. "We must be getting close to finishing Hooktail by now!"

"N-No, please!" Hooktail begged, but no one was going to give the dragon a chance to backpedal and really beg for mercy. Fluttershy went back to making Hooktail sick with cricket chirps while the others attacked it while stunned from the sickening sounds it hates. "Urp! W-Why? There's...so much I wanted to do with my life...So many meals..."

"There won't be anymore meals for you!" Koops exclaimed. He looked at Mario, getting an idea to finish Hooktail off. "Mario, knock me as far away from Hooktail as you can!"

The plumber nodded, gripping his hammer as Koops ran up to him, slipping into his shell as he slid toward Mario. Mario stepped down on Koops's shell, stopping him in place as he took aim, readying his hammer to smack the Koopa out through the doors of the massive room. With his Lucky Star and gloves glowing orange, Mario reared his weapon back, then gave it a quick, hard whack, sending Koops flying off at mach speeds, crashing through the doors and breaking them off their hinges while soaring out several hundred yards out in the air away from the tower. As Koops readied himself to rebound, Mario quickly warned the girls to back away from Hooktail, which they heeded posthaste as they regrouped with Fluttershy.

Hooktail groaned in agony, mostly from the sickness, but it was so weak that anything could hurt unless it managed to find enough strength to fly off and munch on a lot of medicine. Looking down at Mario with squinted eyes, the plumber smirked and pointed out to the broken down doorway, then leapt out of the way. The dragon looked out the door, but wasn't fast enough to react as Koops yelled and boomeranged back at twice the speed he was struck, bouncing up and rammed into Hooktail's muzzle hard. The impact sent Hooktail rearing back, its head snapping back as its back struck the wall of the empty room, letting out a pained grunt, then groaned as it keeled over to the ground on its back.

Koops bounced back and forth around the room after hitting Hooktail with one of his fastest and strongest tosses, slowing to a crawl as he wound up on his back. As soon as he stopped, he popped his limbs out, panting heavily in shock from the incredible amount of force he unleashed from the rebound. While resting from the heart-pounding experience, the rest of the party approached him, staying away from Hooktail even though the dragon was down and completely out.

"Wowie! That was super fast!" Pinkie said. "Maybe faster than Dashie!"

"Heheh. Let's not get THAT carried away, Pinkie," Rainbow said.

"...I-I can't...get up," Koops mumbled. Mario helped the Koopa back up on his feet, his balance shaky for a moment before he was standing on his own. When he looked at Hooktail, he was surprised to see his final blow finally put an end to the monstrous dragon haunting Petal Meadows. "...Whoa...I can't believe I did it...Er, I mean, we did it."

"Couldn't have done it without that unique skill Petalburg Koopas have, sugarcube," Applejack said. "Most of the credit goes to you."

"Oh, won't Koopie be surprised to hear her hero vanquished the evil dragon who terrorized their home," Rarity teased playfully, making Koops blush with a sheepish grin.

"At least Hooktail's finally done," Starlight said. "Let's find the Crystal Star and get out of here."

Before their search began, the group froze as they heard a rumbling coming from Hooktail, specifically around its abdomen. The sickening gurgling sound grew as they watched a bulge move from the defeated dragon's stomach, to its neck, and was making its way to its mouth.

"Uh oh!" Goombella panicked. "Hooktail's gonna vomit! Hit the deck!"

They ran away from Hooktail, but thankfully, instead of a stream of bile and whatever the dragon had stewing in its stomach, it spat out just one object. It fell and hit the ground, which happened to be a blue Koopa shell, surprisingly intact after being stuck in the belly of the unconscious beast for who knows how long. Koops thought it looked familiar, but as it shifted around, a pair of arms and legs poked out from inside, inhabited by a Koopa that was still alive, then stood up and poked their head out.

"Haaaaah! Finally, I'm free!" the Koopa said, the male Koopa's jolly demeanor, bushy brown eyebrows, and scruffy beard made Koops gasp in shock.

"It...It can't be," Koops uttered. After a few stretches, the freed Koopa turned to face his heroes, Koops stepping past his friends as he stared at the Koops in disbelief. "D-Dad!?"

"Huh...Koops?" the Koopa asked as he walked closer to the shocked, sweater-wearing Koopa. "Koops! It is you, son! My, you've gotten big since I last saw you!"

"This is your dad!?" the girls behind Koops exclaimed in shock while Mario stared in bewilderment.

"W-What...What happened to you???" Koops questioned.

"Well, that's a funny story," Koopley said. "A while back, I came here to deal with Hooktail to stop it from terrorizing Petalburg. Everything was going great...but just as I was about to deal the finishing blow, that dastardly dragon tricked me and gobbled me up whole. I've been hiding in my shell for nearly ten years inside its stomach! Bleck!"

"T-Ten years!?" Starlight shrieked, shocking all but Koops as he or others who mentioned Koopley's disappearance never specified how long he was gone for. "There is no possible way anything can survive ten years in a dragon's digestive tract! And how did you even eat if you had been surviving in Hooktail's stomach!?"

"Oh, a few Mushrooms it picked up, berries, roots, some edible stuff Hooktail didn't notice it picked up when catching a snack," Koopley said, then sadly sighed and shook his head. "Wasn't able to help those poor victims, sadly. I guess I got lucky."

"Extremely, impossibly lucky," Starlight grumbled, her eye twitching at the improbable scenario, but at least Koops was reunited with his father after assuming he was dead for over a decade.

"...Dad...do you have any idea how worried we all were back home?" Koops asked, feeling tears well up in his eyes. "We all thought your game was over...Even I thought...I thought I wouldn't see you again."

Koopley's grin faltered, guilt settling in for worrying his son and everyone back home who knew him well. "I'm sorry, son. But I'm ok. That's good, right?" he asked, showing off his surprisingly undigested body to reassure Koops. "We're back together again." Koops nodded, letting out a sniffle as his tears began to run down his cheeks with a joyful smile. He approached Koopley, his father holding his arms out as he took the offered hug, hugging his father tightly after being apart for so long. "Can you forgive your old man for being so careless?"

"I'm just happy to have you back, dad," Koops said. Their hug didn't last long as Koops scrunched his face, breaking free from Koopley's embrace and held his nose. "Ugh. You really reek, dad. I think I'll be happier when you get a shower."

Koopley raised a brow in confusion before raising one of his arms and sniffed himself, flinching from the foul stench radiating from him. "Yeesh! I guess being in Hooktail's stomach for so long made me tolerate the stench in there, but now that I've gotten some fresh air..." The others laughed as Koopley winced as he caught another whiff, quickly putting his arms down and taking a shower when they got back home his first priority. "Well, speaking of Hooktail, what brought all of you here anyway?"

"Koops actually wanted to join us to reach Hooktail to beat it and prove to everyone, including himself, that he was strong and brave," Pinkie said. "And, if you look behind you, Koops beat Hooktail with a super powerful boomerangy shell toss move!"

"Really?" Koopley looked behind him, a little shocked to find the dragon on its back, lying unconscious with some of its limbs twitching. The older Koopa looked back at his son, amazed and beaming proudly at the incredible feat. "And I said I was careless. Son, you're a wild animal!"

Koops laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his head. "W-Well, I couldn't have done it without Mario and my other friends," he said. "But, aside from defeating Hooktail, they were also looking for the Crystal Star that's hidden here."

"A Crystal Star?" Koopley reached his hand in his shell, then pulled something out. "This wouldn't be what you're talking about, would it?"

In Koopley's hand, the mares, Goombella, and Mario were shocked to see what he held. It was a gray star made out of a mystical diamond gem, shimmering with light as sparkles radiated from it. Mario pulled out the Magical Map, confirming that the Crystal Star they were searching on the map matched the one in the older Koopa's hand.

"No way!" Goombella cheered. "That's the Crystal Star we're looking for!"

"My goodness, it's beautiful," Rarity commented.

"Where did you find that?" Starlight asked.

"I found it in Hooktail's belly," Koopley said, making the others cringe as the star must have smelled just as worse as the Koopa while disgusting them knowing Hooktail swallowed the Crystal Star to keep it protected. "I thought of keeping it as a souvenir, but if this is something you guys were looking for, you can have it."

"Seriously?" Rainbow Dash asked curiously.

"Of course!" Koopley assured. "You're Koops's friends. Think of it as a reward for helping Petalburg."

Unable to deny such a reward, Mario agreed to accept the Crystal Star, approaching Koopley and taking the mystical star.

As Mario touched the Crystal Star, it flew out from his grasp and began circling him, showering the plumber with sparkles of light. He felt an incredible power flow through him, just like the Magical Map had, the Crystal Star hovering over Mario and unleashed a flash of light. After the brief flash, the Crystal Star floated down in Mario's hands, finished granting him its power.

"Whoa, what a light show," Goombella said. "Did the Crystal Star give you another mystical power like the map did?"

"But what healed us earlier when we fought Hooktail?" Applejack asked. Mario told everyone about the Magical Map's power when it called out to him, even what it did after going through the odd mini-game of sorts that healed them. "Huh. That's...kinda odd for an ability from the map."

"I say we call that move 'Sweet Treat'!" Pinkie said. "Like a quick little snack that gets your energy back up when you need it!"

"Makes sense to me," Goombella said, then winced when she mixed the word "sense" with Pinkie Pie.

"I wonder what this Crystal Star gave Mario," Fluttershy wondered aloud.

"Maybe we'll find out when we're in a bind," Starlight said. "But maybe not here. How about we get out of this castle and head back to town?"

"Couldn't agree more!" Koopley said. "I am dying for a long bubble bath right about now!" His stomach began growling loudly, giving everyone a sheepish grin as he rubbed his empty stomach. "And something to eat. Maybe a big, heaping plate of Koopasta with some Fried Shrooms mixed in?"

"Sure, dad," Koops said. "I'll also catch you up on what else happened while you were gone."

"That I'm curious about as well," Koopley said, then smirked as he gave his son a look. "You met a cutie of a Koopa yet?"

Koops stammered and blushed heavily at his father's question, Koopley chuckling at his son's embarrassment. "...U-Uhh...W-Well...I-I-I d-do...have a girlfriend..."

"Ho ho! I knew it!" Koopley cheered. "You definitely inherited your old man's charisma. How'd you woo her? You two aren't getting too serious in your relationship at your age, are you?"

Koops groaned in embarrassment, though he did miss his father's doting if it meant introducing him to Koopie and enduring the fatherly teasing he would get. "L-Let's just...head back home."

"Alright, alright. I won't pick on you too much when I'm around your girlfriend," Koopley promised. No longer wanting to stick around the castle, the group headed back down and made their return to Petalburg. "But, I am seriously starving. Anyone got a snack for the trip?"

Twilight and Peach let out a groan as they began to wake up, feeling really drowsy as they had fallen asleep for quite a long while. They both sat up and rubbed their eyes, ignoring the fact that their beds felt harder and more solid than the inn's mattresses were.

"Ugh. Ironically the best sleep I've had while sleeping on a mattress made of steel in a dingy inn," Twilight muttered. She grabbed the book she took with her to bed and opened her eyes, but when she got a glimpse at their "room", they grew wide in shock when they were no longer in the run down inn her, Peach, and Toadsworth checked in. They actually slept on the floor of an iron cage, which was thankfully big enough for the two of them, and they were held in what appeared to be a metallic room with dozens of blinking lights and technology the alicorn was unfamiliar with. "...Umm...Peach? I...don't think this is the Rogueport Inn..."

When Peach opened her eyes, she gasped and stared in shock at their surroundings, then let out an irritated huff. "Not again," she groaned. "Welcome to the 'Damsels in Distress Club', Twilight."

"We've been kidnapped?" Twilight questioned. "By who? Bowser?" Twilight sat up, aiming her horn at the bars. "I'll get us out of here." She tried to focus her magic and break through the bars, but as her aura lit up, she winced as her magic sputtered, then dimmed out. "W-What in Equestria? UGH! Not again!"

"Twilight, what's wrong?" Peach asked. "Can't you get us out?"

"Please tell me I didn't lose my magic again!" Twilight groaned.

As the alicorn turned to face Peach, the princess stared at the ring that was firmly placed around the base of Twilight's horn. "When did you get that horn ring?"

"'Horn ring'?" Twilight reached her hoof up to her horn, feeling something wrapped tightly around her conical appendage. "W-Where did this-?" She tried using her magic again, but it failed as she tried to telekinetically pull it off. "Ugh! I-I can't use my-!" Twilight then gasped, realizing what kind of "horn ring" was on her. "Oh no...It's a magic inhibitor. That's why my magic's failing me." Forced to use her forehooves, she gripped the ring and tried to pull it off, but it was firmly attached to her forehead like a hungry tick. "Urgh! Come...on...you...stupid...ring!"

"Let me help," Peach offered, Twilight giving up on her own attempt as the princess gripped the ring with her hands. "Maybe opposable thumbs can help get this-" Peach pulled hard, unable to take the ring off while tugging Twilight's head. "-off!"

"Ah! Easy!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Sorry," Peach apologized, then tried again. After several hard tugs, even with Twilight bracing herself as hard as she could, the inhibitor ring wouldn't so much as budge. Peach let go and gave up, letting the alicorn rub her sore neck after being yanked so many times. "I can't get it off."

"I hope it's not glued around my horn," Twilight muttered. "Maybe there's a key to it, or it unlocks with some kind of remote."

Suddenly, the doors to the room they were kept in slid open, alerting the princesses as their captors stepped in. A pair of small humanoid figures dressed in red outfits with a black "X" on the front, white shoes, gloves, and droopy-eared hats, and goggles stepped through and approached their cell.

"Looks like they're awake," one of them said. He held up a card, swiping it over the electronic lock on the cage door, a beeping sound ringing before the door opened up. "Come with us, and don't try to fight back. There's no chance for you two to escape, anyway."

"Who are you?" Twilight demanded, only to yelp when one of the captors held out a small remote and pushed the button, shocking the alicorn through the inhibitor ring.

"And no backtalking, creature," the second one ordered.

Not wanting to get shocked again, Twilight obeyed as she and Peach were forced out of the cage, Peach bringing Twilight's book with her since she couldn't carry it herself. Flanked by the guards, they were lead out of the room and into a steel hallway, no windows or monitors to tell the princesses of their whereabouts. They stepped into an elevator, accessed by the same key card the first guard had, then stepped in as the futuristic lift arrived, then headed up one floor before stepping out. Continuing down this hall, they walked through the sliding doors and entered a large room, the guards stopping for a moment before saluting to someone at the other end by crossing their arms together to form an "X".

The room had some pedestals with purple orbs resting on top of them. At the other end of the room was a small flight of stairs leading up to a command console, where an oddly robed figure stood before it: his clothing purple and black with a curved up collar, a cloth hanging down the front that was red with the same "X" that the guards had on their outfits, only it was white instead of black, a pair of goggles concealing his eyes, wielding a gold staff with a clear blue orb at the end, and a strange looking hat with a glass casing, showing some weird electronic machinery inside, both the hat and orb with a similar "X" that seemed to be a theme to this strange group. Standing on the side was another follower, though he was bigger than the guards, wearing a black shirt with a white "X", purple pants and horned cap, and black pointed shoes.

Unable to observe their kidnappers for long, the princesses were forced forward until the guards stopped before their leader, stepping off to the side for him to get a good look at them. "O great, exalted Grodus, the princesses are awake, and we brought them to you as you requested!" one of them said.

"Finally, we'll get some answers," the leader, Grodus, said. "Now, I think it's about time you two tell me where the map is." Peach and Twilight looked at each other, confused by Grodus's demand and why they were kidnapped. "Speak when spoken to, princesses."

"What are you talking about?" Twilight questioned. "Who are all of you, and what do you want with us?"

"Don't play ignorant with me, little pony," Grodus said, shocking the alicorn from what the leader knew of her if he guessed her species correctly. "We know you both had the map, so I suggest you two be completely honest with me. We X-Nauts are not all rainbows and lollipops like your world, I assure you. We can be quite nasty if you do not cooperate with us."

Both princesses looked at each other, still unsure what to say. They figured they must have talked about the map they found in that chest, but considering how they kidnapped them and were clearly up to something despicable, they remained quiet about where they sent it. After a moment of silence, a holographic monitor appeared in front of Grodus, where one of his troops appeared and saluted to his leader.

"Grodus, sir, I have news!" the X-Naut troop said.

"Report at once," Grodus commanded.

"You know the Crystal Star we thought that Hooktail had?" the soldier asked. "...Well, someone nabbed it."

"What!? What did you just say!?" Grodus questioned angrily, startling the X-Naut. "Someone else is after the Crystal Stars? And you say he defeated that Hooktail dragon? SPEAK, soldier!"

"Y-Yes, sir. Sorry, sir," the soldier responded. "There's more to the report. According to this-" The X-Naut pulled up a sheet of paper, reading over the information aloud to everyone present. "-it was a mustached dude in a red hat and blue overalls, along with six of the ponies from that Equestria world that was announced in that news article months ago."

"Mario!" Peach blurted out, quickly clasping her hands over her mouth as she and Twilight winced at her accidental outburst.

Grodus looked at them, her blunder noticed by the X-Naut leader. "Mario, you say?" he asked Peach, then began to laugh as he put the pieces together from her and Twilight's reaction. "So, you know this Mario, hmm?" He then glanced at Twilight through his eyewear. "And...I assume the six ponies joining him happen to be friends of yours?" Twilight said nothing, but the nervous look in her eyes as she expected those ponies to be her friends explained everything. "Well, those fools don't really matter. I'll learn about them in due time. Soldiers take the princesses to their room downstairs."

"Yessir!" the two guards immediately answered, taking back their flanking positions between Peach and Twilight.

"And take good care of them, understand?" Grodus ordered. "They are not to be harmed."

"You got it, sir!" they responded, saluting to Grodus, then escorted both princesses back out into the hall.

Grodus then turned his attention to his right hand man. "Lord Crump, if this Mario character and those six ponies have the map, then it's highly likely they'll find the Crystal Star we're hunting in Boggly Woods. Return there immediately and hasten the excavation. It must not fail."

"Whuzzat!?" Crump exclaimed, difficult to tell if the higher-ranked X-Naut was even paying attention. "Oh, yeah, sure! Roger, Grodus! And with that-" Crump slammed his fist into the palm of his other hand. "-POW! I'm gone!"

Crump made his way out of the room, obeying his leader's orders. As soon as he left, Grodus let out a sigh, rubbing his fingers along the glass dome of his metal head.

"I wonder if sending Lord Crump there alone is wise...He is a bit...out there. Hmm..." Rethinking his plan, he turned back to the entrance. "X-Naut! I summon you!"

Walking into the room was a different X-Naut soldier, approaching Grodus and saluted to him. "You rang, dude? I mean, sir? You ran, sir, Grodus, dude? Grodus?"

"Shut up, you imbecile," Grodus demanded, annoyed by the lackadaisical tone of this soldier's voice. "Go and bring the Shadow Sirens to me."

The X-Naut gulped nervously. "T-The Shadow Sirens, sir? But they-"

"I don't care how you planned to finish that sentence, fool," Grodus warned, tapping the bottom of his staff against the floor. "Go get them. Now."

The soldier obeyed, dreading to know the outcome of Grodus's warning if he delayed any further as he ran out of the room.

"The honorable Grodus has need of us?" a mysterious, elderly feminine voice rang out, Grodus barely flinching at the mysterious voice that appeared out of nowhere. "Then we arrive without delay." In front of the X-Naut leader, three mysterious shadow creatures rose up from the ground in a void of shadows, small wisps connecting them to the ground. One was smallest of the three, though elderly with pale-blue hair, one was chubby and the tallest of the three with orange bang that concealed its eyes, and the last one was in between in height with light pink curly hair, the curly bangs also concealing their eyes, and all three had white and colored striped hats on their heads; blue, yellow, and red respectfully. The eldest one cackled with glee, her hat concealing most of her face as the trio bowed to Grodus. "Pray tell, have the princesses told you where the map is?"

"Still your tongue, Beldam," Grodus warned. "We would have already had it if you snatched them earlier. You missed your chance, and now some poor fool named Mario has the map, along with six of the pony princess's friends as well."

"It wasn't my fault, truly!" Beldam explained. "There were too many prying eyes! Besides, knowing of the pony world and their magical feats, I wouldn't want to risk getting into a confrontation with someone as prodigal with elemental spells like we are. But why worry? All we have to do is steal the map from Mario, yes?"

"Yes, that is YOUR duty. Must I remind you? That map is vital to the X-Naut plan," Grodus reiterated, as if he explained this to Beldam and the other two Shadow Sirens multiple times. "I will have my men prepare gathering information about this Mario and these friends of Princess Twilight Sparkle's. For now, Beldam, you must take care of these troublemakers!"

"Mmmwee hee hee hee. Fear not, sire. I, Beldam, shall return with what you seek," Beldam promised, then turned to the other two Sirens. "Let's go, my lovelies! Marilyn! Vivian! Come! We've got a job to do!"

Beldam phased into the ground, followed by Marilyn and Vivian, the former letting out a derpy grunt in response while the latter giggled. Little did most of them realize that, throughout the facility, the security cameras had been watching the entire scene take place. The observer switched to different cameras, switching to a hallway that had windows, showing what appeared to be space as several stars dotted the dark blue sky, the facility built on what appeared to be a moon, then to a random security room, finally finding the right one in Peach and Twilight's room. There wasn't much in their room aside from some unused lockers, a pair of beds with a lamp on a small table, the door on their right the way out of their room, which was locked shut, while the left door lead to a bathroom with a shower, a sink with a mirror, and a toilet. Peach paced about nervously while Twilight stared down at the book she had held onto during their long slumber.

"...So, is this how it feels when you get kidnapped by someone?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Pretty much, but I get used to it, depending on where I'm being held prisoner," Peach said. "Most of the time, I end up in a cage or a tower, but I expected us to stay in that cage we woke up in...Probably because those X-Naut people thought you could still be dangerous, even without magic."

"But...the leader saw me as an sentient creature, unlike Bowser," Twilight noted. "And how did they know about Equestria? I didn't think news about it reached out to...wherever we are so fast..."

"At least we know Mario has the map, and your friends are with him." Peach sighed, fearing they have no idea where they are or that they were kidnapped. "I wish there was a way we could let them know about our predicament."

"And with my magic sealed off, I can't get away, send for help, or do anything simple at all," Twilight grumbled. Pouting and staring at the history book she borrowed, she placed it on the small table near the lamp, using her mouth since she was limited to using her maw to pick things up without her magic. "I'm going to see if that shower in the other room works. I need something to distract me from the fact I still have this book and I can't return it to that Goomba. It's like borrowing a library book and its return is past due for over a year, with the fine being several hundred bits that needs to be paid off!"

"...Uhh, sure. Go ahead," Peach said.

Twilight got up from her bed and entered the bathroom, always getting startled when the doors slid open as she got closer since they were pretty new to her. Luckily, there were some towels hanging over the curtain railing so they could dry themselves off after a refreshing shower, assuming there was running water. Her first instinct was to use her magic to turn the handles, only to remember the inhibitor ring on her horn as she groaned irritably, using her hooves instead to turn them. Lo and behold, there was water as it came out from the showerhead, slowly steaming up the room with hot water.

"Thank Celestia for running water," Twilight said to herself, stepping in and letting the water soak her fur. There wasn't any soap or shampoo placed for the two princess prisoners, but as long as there was hot water, it would be good enough for them. Twilight didn't take long, just needing a couple minutes to try to relax herself and not go into a full-blown panic attack, turning off the water and shaking herself dry before using one of the fresh towels to dry off what her shaking missed. After hanging the towel over the rail, Twilight walked back into the room. "Good news: the shower works. No soap, though, so it's either just a soak or a quick rinse."

"If I can manage going for days without a bath in Bowser's castle, which can reek if none of his followers clean up after him, I'll live with just hot water," Peach said.

Just as Twilight returned to her chosen bed, the entrance to their room slid open on its own, surprising the princesses. "...Umm...Peach? Those doors are supposed to open when we're near them, right?"

"Yes...But, we're not even near the door, and no one's on the other side." Confused and highly curious by this odd phenomenon, Peach and Twilight approached the opened door and looked out in the hall. There weren't any guards watching them, which was a good thing for the former so they weren't truly forced to stay confined in a bedroom. They both made their way down the short hall, finding the elevator, but without a key card, they can't access it. "Well, so much for an escape route if we don't have the key."

"As much as I want to study how all this technology works, I'm afraid it's going to go over my head," Twilight said. "The human version of Equestria had these 'computer' things, and I still have no idea how those things work."

Their only other way was the door on the other side, but as they stood only a few feet away, the doors opened automatically. "What is going on with these doors?" Peach questioned.

Both princesses peeked inside the room, which was dim at first before the lights grew a bit brighter for them to see as they walked inside, a humming sound ringing as the machines inside started up. Against one side of this room was a large monitor with a console connected to it, several servers, screens, and all sorts of other complicated console setups on both sides of the larger screen, a security camera above it that seemed to be moving as it watched the princesses.

"Is this...a control room?" Twilight asked.

Hello, Princess Peach and Princess Twilight Sparkle, a monotone, mechanical voice said, surprising the princess duo as they looked around.

"Who said that?" Peach asked. "Where are you?"

How amusing, the voice spoke again. I am right here before your eyes. Twilight and Peach faced the supercomputer, where the sound of the mechanical voice was coming from. I am this laboratory's main computer. I am the TEX-XX. Many call me TEC. You may. Sir Grodus created me to be a perfect computer, one that is flawless in its reason.

"A perfect computer?" Twilight asked. "Just how big can these computers get in different worlds?"

"You said Grodus created you," Peach noted. "He's that awful dome-headed thing who interrogated us earlier."

Sir Grodus is not awful, TEC assured. He is a very great person. He is marvelous.

"Not so great if he kidnapped us and sealed my magic," Twilight said, pointing at the inhibitor on her horn to the computer. "But, since you're that X-Naut leader's creation, I doubt you'll even listen to us."

"Were you the one who lead us here?" Peach asked.

Affirmative, but the reason why is concerning, TEC said. An unusual program deviation occurred while observing you two earlier. My higher-brain circuitry malfunctioned and nearly overheated at your image, Princess Peach. Also, an unidentified impulse sped through my processors. Peach and Twilight looked at each other with a raised brow at TEC's odd errors. These events are new to me. I ran diagnostic programs...and their solution was...I want to know more about you. I want to observe you. Such a compulsion has no precedence. Cause unknown.

"...That's...strange," Twilight uttered to herself. "Why does this sound...creepy coming from a computer?"

I, the perfect computer...I must diagnose this unusual situation. I will not fail. That is why I led you here. It started to become clear about TEC's explanation for his diagnostic problems, though they seemed more like feelings than a system malfunction.

"...You...want to observe me?" Peach questioned. "To know more about me?" She was shocked when she figured it out. "Could it be that you...? No! That's impossible! You're a computer!"

What has happened to me? TEC asked. If you know my malfunction, you must tell me of it.

Peach looked at Twilight, hoping to let her explain it for the super computer as she turned away out of awkwardness. "I might not know everything about this advanced form of technology about you, TEC, but if what you're saying is true...I think you might be...in love with Peach."

TEC didn't respond immediately, processing the answer to his problem. ..."Love"? What is..."love"? I cannot compute this.

"Seriously?" Twilight questioned. "You're a computer and you don't even know what the word 'love' even means? You're supposed to hold more knowledge than a hard cover encyclopedia set on several different subjects, and you don't even know the definition of love?"

TEC was silent once again, completely clueless despite the vast amount of knowledge contained within his incredible hard drive. "Uhh, how do I explain this?" Peach asked herself, silently thinking of the right explanation for the term without getting hit on by someone else she has no interest in, especially when it was a computer. "Love tells you when you want to be with someone forever. It makes you feel happy just to see them happy, smiling...having fun. When you love someone, you will do anything to help them when he or she is in trouble."

Happiness? Fun? TEC asked in confusion. I have definitions for these words, but...My programming is insufficient. There should be nothing I cannot comprehend. I am a perfect computer.

"'Comprehend?'" Twilight repeated questioningly. "You can't comprehend love, TEC. You feel it...Though I don't see how a machine can feel emotions. You're kind of like something called a golem, a creation made by someone, given a life, but unable to feel any kind of emotion and follow the orders of their creator..."

TEC was once again silent, pondering what to do about his dilemma until he came up with a response. Princess Peach, Princess Twilight Sparkle...Will you teach me to feel this thing you call "love"?

"HUH!?" both princesses exclaimed in surprise.

I am perfect. There must be nothing that I cannot comprehend. Nothing, TEC explained.That is why you must help me understand this thing called "love". Please. Noticing the unsure expressions on their faces, TEC thought of an offer to bargain with the princesses so he could truly be perfect in knowledge. If you have any wishes that I can grant you in exchange, I will grant them. But, of course, I am unable to grant such a wish as letting you escape.

"Are you insane!?" Peach exclaimed. "You X-Jerks kidnapped us like common Koopas! And you call us over to where you're set to teach you the meaning of love!?"

"Why should we even believe you!?" Twilight added. "You could be trying to trick us and get us into more trouble than we already are! If I was able to use magic, I'd blast your screen to pieces!"

I understand you are both angry, an emotion I do comprehend. Twilight and Peach scoffed at that statement, finding TEC's excuse ridiculous if he can understand other emotions well and not love. You need not teach me now, but I must learn this thing. I must. There is no alternative. I must be a perfect computer. That is why, if you would just consider teaching me, I will grant your wishes.

Peach and Twilight grumbled, but when they looked at each other, it appeared they didn't have much choice if they wanted help. "...Does that wish include taking off this inhibitor?" Twilight asked.

I am sorry, Princess Twilight Sparkle, but I am not allowed to release the electronic lock placed on your magical nullification ring, TEC said. Sir Grodus believe you can be dangerous if you could use your magic. I must receive his authorization to do so, while he and the other X-Nauts have remotes that release a non-lethal, painless shock if you do not comply or behave aggressively. Twilight was about to interject on the latter statement, but TEC continued.I find the latter unnecessary as most of the soldiers see you as an animal, but you are a sentient being, intelligent, clearly not considered an animal despite that in the eyes of others.

Taken aback by TEC's response, Twilight somehow felt flattered being complimented by the super computer, which only made his personal goal of the meaning of love even more strange. "Uhh...Thank you...I think?"

"Well, if that's what you want, TEC...I guess we'll...help you," Peach said reluctantly. "Do you think we can try to contact someone? The sooner, the better."

Yes, of course you may, TEC said. Use my communicator to send wireless mail to anywhere you want. If you so wish, you can use it right now. Use the keyboard in front of you. Enter the recipient, address, and message.

Twilight stared at the keyboard, lifting up her hooves as she recalled her first experience typing on a computer back in Canterlot High. "Uhh...how exactly is this going to help us? I don't think Mario can receive a message this way."

"I think it can," Peach corrected. "There was a new device that was created a while ago that can receive and send wireless messages, and I know Mario has one. I got one, too, but I think the X-Nauts took it...or it's back with Toadsworth in Rogueport." Peach approached the keyboard, sitting directly under the large screen TEC instructed. She typed in her message and her heroes Mailbox SP address, Twilight watching over the princess's shoulder as she watched how typing the keyboard was supposed to look like, despite the fact she has hooves and that she'll end up hitting six keys if she tried. "Ok, TEC, it's ready."

Understood. Sending message. The screen in front of the princesses lit up, a trio of envelopes appearing as they lit up and dimmed out from left to right as beeps rang out. A moment later, a different sounding tone notified them of the message being sent. Message sent. For the time being, you may return to your room. I will call you in again when I want to ask you something.

"Uhh, ok," Peach said. "Good night."

Peach headed for the door, making her way back to their room, though Twilight stayed where she was as a question plagued her after Grodus and TEC's knowledge on her. "TEC, how do you know who I am?" she asked the computer. "I'm from another world, not this one. You and Grodus seem to know more than I expected about me."

I collect data from any important news that seems valuable to Sir Grodus: political events, royal celebrities, historical discoveries, changes to towns or cities. On the screen, a news article appeared, showing a picture of Twilight with Peach in Peach's Castle, both of them standing in front of the portal to Equestria as they shook each other's hand/hoof as photographic proof of the event's uniting of their kingdoms. She nearly forgot about that picture, feeling overwhelmed by reporters from the Mushroom Kingdom asking her questions about her world, how powerful of a magic user she was, and if there was some conspiracy theory of her and Mario as more than just friends, though the last one was just a lie one of the reporters tried to extort out of the alicorn's words just to make some money off a dumb rumor. The treaty of uniting both the Mushroom Kingdom and Equestria was published, and word has not spread outside of the Mushroom Kingdom. Sir Grodus sent his soldiers to gather information and stumbled across this, subtly gathering more from what they could without growing suspicious and cause a panic there. We only gathered intelligence on you more than your friends, your incredible magical power along with the "magic of friendship" as some locals had mentioned when tales of your ventures in your world were told...Is friendship really an essence of mana Equestrians can use?

"...Uhh...Well, friendship really is magic with what my friends and I have been able to accomplish," Twilight said, trying to figure out how to explain the magic of friendship to TEC. "We used to have powerful gems called the Elements of Harmony, and they work when my friends and I are together. At first, I didn't think friendship was all that important during my studies, but after that day during the Summer Sun Celebration, I realized how special it was to have such good friends to help me...Without them, I would never have turned into an alicorn and given the role as a princess: the Princess of Friendship."

Alicorn? TEC asked curiously. The only type of mythological creature known in this world that closely resembles you is either a pegasus or unicorn. My theory suggests that an alicorn in your world is a combination of the two species, correct?

"Yes, but I was born a unicorn before I basically ascended after solving an old spell a wise unicorn wizard a thousand years ago didn't finish, which I accidentally casted that had resulted in switching my friends' cutie marks around, ruining their lives and their true talents that I had to try to-" Twilight paused, realizing she was rambling to hers and Peach's kidnapper's "perfect" computer. "...And you're memorizing everything I'm saying, aren't you?"

...Correct, but your past accomplishments are not considered important to Sir Grodus, TEC assured. I shall store this data under my own interests as I am also curious about what else Equestria is like compared to this world...If you want to discuss them with me.

"Grodus doesn't find my world interesting enough to document?" Twilight asked, though TEC didn't offer a response. Mulling over Grodus's true intentions for a later time, Twilight decided to head back to join Peach in their room. "I...think I'm done talking. I'm heading back."

Twilight left TEC's room, the doors closing shut behind her as the lights began to dim down. Good night, princesses.

Far off in a desolate kingdom, the sky bleak and the ground barren with rivers of lava flowing throughout the land, a stone castle with spikes built around the edges of the towers and base of the massive structure stood on an island of stone surrounded by a lake of lava, the only safe passage a small trail curving up to it. This fortified palace is home to none other than the well known villain of the Mushroom Kingdom, Bowser. Throughout the halls, his guards ranging from Koopatrols, Magikoopas of different magical skills with Kameks being his highest ranking mages, Hammer Bros., and even the lowly lackeys of Goombas were either standing guard, cleaning the castle, or transporting weapons or supplies throughout the structure. The King of the Koopas himself wandered the halls out of boredom, still fuming over the humiliating loss he faced in his last attempt to kidnap Peach. Even when he had the Star Rod, when he thought he finally defeated Mario and took over the Mushroom Kingdom, he still lost to the heroic plumber. And to make it even more embarrassing, he was beaten by six technicolor ponies from another world, thinking he was rid of them, too, only for their own magic and strengths to defeat him along with Mario and his small army of partners.

As he headed for his throne room, he spotted one of the Koopatrols leaning against the wall while reading a newspaper. On the front was the continued news article about the portal to Equestria open to those in the Mushroom Kingdom, showing both Princess Peach and Princess Twilight Sparkle in their treaty shot the day it was announced. Growling angrily, he roared and blew flames at the Koopatrol, the guard yelping as he heard his king and ducked in his shell while his paper was burnt to ashes.

"You bring in anything involving those rainbow freaks in my castle, I'm throwing you out in the lava moat!" Bowser warned.

"Y-Yes, Lord Bowser! Sorry, Lord Bowser!" the guard obeyed fearfully, popping his limbs back out and ran off back to his post.

Letting out a frustrated grunt, Bowser continued onward. As he reached the doors to the long hall leading to his comfy chair, two Koopatrols opened the door for him, hearing his heavy footsteps coming from a mile away.

"Kammy, where are you!?" Bowser shouted. "What is it that you want to tell me when I want to wallow in misery!?"

"Uhh, Great Lord Bowser?" one of the Koopatrols said, getting his king's attention, though it came as a nasty glare. The Koopa gulped nervously, being mindful of his choice of words so he doesn't infuriate his leader further. "K-Kammy Koopa will arrive in just a moment. She had...an errand to run?"

"...Fine. But she had better be back soon!" Bowser stomped down the hall, grumbling to himself.

He passed by a pair of Hammer Bros., overhearing one of them telling a story about him. "So, the other day I saw Lord Bowser gazing longingly at a picture of Princess Peach."

"Uh, you may want to put a cork in it, man," the other Hammer Bro. warned, trembling in fear as Bowser silently walked up behind the storyteller.

"Ha! I tell you, the look on his face when he was mooning over that thing," the other Koopa continued despite the death glare Bowser gave the back of his head. "And the next thing I knew, he-" He was interrupted when his friend pointed behind him, sweat trickling down his face with a look of terror on his face. "What? I'm getting to the good part. It's hilarious!"

"Oh, is it now?" Bowser asked. The Hammer Bro. blanched, heel-turning to face his king, yelping in fright as he hid behind his friend. "Oh no, don't stop on my account. I'm dying to hear the rest of your 'hilarious' story, Mr. Comedian."

Unable to escape from continuing his story, the Hammer Bro. stammered before he finally found his voice. "...W-W-Well...T-The next thing I k-knew...L-Lord Bowser put the picture away...and n-nothing awkward or embarrassing...h-happened?"

"Wow! Great story!" Bowser exclaimed sarcastically. His mock grin turned into a sneer, grasping the sneaky minion's neck in his giant claw, then hoisted him up to his eye level threateningly. "If you want to snoop around, do that with finding a way to destroy Mario, capture the princess, and take over the Mushroom Kingdom, not me! You tell anyone else that story, I'll feed you to a giant Chain Chomp, then dump your remains in a pit! Do you understand!?"

"Y-Yes, my liege!" the Hammer Bro. said, letting out a yelp as Bowser dropped him.

The irate Koopa King stomped off to his throne, sitting down with a heavy thump and rubbed his hands against his face in irritation. "Can I get minions who don't find a way to infuriate me for just one day? It's bad enough I was beaten by those six things and Mario's little hero crew. All that power, and I still lose..."

While mulling over his latest defeat, Kammy Koopa had arrived through the double doors, slowly walking down the carpet to her king's throne, which irritated him further with how slow she moved. "Sorry I am late, Lord Bowser," Kammy apologized.

"Why did you call me out here?" Bowser grumbled.

"Please, Your Grumpiness, don't be so impatient with your servant," Kammy said, which made the king grumble. "It is my displeasure to report that Mario is off at a town called Rogueport, along with those ponies, as they're oddly, yet accurately called."

"Do you think I care about what he does?" Bowser growled. "I'm not his babysitter! And I don't care what those colored creatures are actually called! They're just stupid animals who talk about 'friendship is magic' and all that goodie-goodie nonsense that makes me sick to my stomach! I still feel ill when they used that stupid 'friendship beam' on me, along with whatever else hit me while I was invincible!"

"Yes, well, that terrible loss aside, Mario's actually there hunting for an amazing treasure," Kammy said.

That peaked the fire-breathing Koopa's interest as his tirade came to a halt. "...T-Treasure?"

"They've gone off to search for star-shaped jewels called Crystal Stars," Kammy explained. "I'm looking into what they are, but there's no question these must be in high value."

Despite stars being a considerable nightmare to him now, Bowser saw dollar signs at the mention of such rich jewels, while also sounding like they could hold mysterious powers that would be perfect for his next conquest attempt. "Hmmm...They sound like good world conquering tools...Yes, very good. Kammy, continue researching this for me, you brainy hag, you."

"Yes, sir," Kammy said. Before she left, she turned back around with something else she wanted to tell Bowser. "Oh, by the way, Lord Bowser...Do you like fried eggs?"

Bowser blinked, staring at the old witch he just complimented, now wanting to retract said compliment over such an odd question. "...Why do you ask?"

"Well, during my recon, I stopped by a lovely place called Petal Meadows," Kammy explained. "I was planning on taking everyone there for a picnic." Bowser's eye twitched, his blood boiling at the insane idea while he was focused on figuring out how to defeat Mario and kidnap the princess. "Of course, I wouldn't think of sending out invitations without your permission!"

"A PICNIC!?!?!?!?!?!?" Bowser shouted angrily. "You insane, senile old hag! This isn't the time to throw a picnic! This is why my plans keep getting derailed! You clods always goof off!"

As he had his angry fit, stomping his foot hard in the ground while rambling about how incompetent his army is, a Kamek rushed in and whispered something to Kammy. The older witch was shocked by the unexpected news, something that Bowser clearly needs to know right away.

"Lord Bowser! Terrible news!" Kammy exclaimed, stopping the Koopa King's stomping a hole in the hard stone floor. "Some bold fool abducted Princess Peach in Rogueport!"

"WHAT!?!?!?!?!?" Bowser roared. Charging toward them, the two magic-wielding Koopas screamed as they were nearly bowled over, picked up by the panicked, enraged king. "Tell me you're only joking with me! Who!? How!? Why!?"

"W-We don't know, Your Majesty!" the Kamek said. "We didn't gather enough intel on that, aside from the fact the purple pony from that new world was kidnapped along with Princess Peach."

Bowser snarled, dropping Kammy and the Kamek, clenching his fists while gritting his teeth to the point of cracking them in fury. "Under NO circumstance is ANYONE allowed to kidnap her without MY say-so! I'm going to Rogueport and kidnapping her back!"

"W-Wait, Your Grunginess!" Kammy called out, but Bowser ran out and made his way to where his Koopa Copter was docked. Kammy used her magic, calling forth her riding broom and flew off to catch up to him, the Koopa King jumping in his vehicle and starting it up, dead set on getting Peach back from who he considered his enemy for kidnapping his princess. He flew out of his castle, using a map of the world stored in his copter he barely used to find Rogueport, Kammy chasing after him while worrying about what crazy shenanigans Bowser will end up in without a straightforward plan. "Wait for me!!!"