• Published 29th Jul 2018
  • 3,832 Views, 87 Comments

The Dragon's Guide - Undyne Devotion

My name is Elliot I was left alone at a Fantasy Con where I found a stranger with a guidebook, now I'm stuck in Equestria as Elora from Avalar helping a small purple dragon find his destiny.

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Fanta Con Faun.

“I wanted a Satyr costume from ‘The Magma Cone’ not this!” I gave a loud groan aloud from inside the old beat up beige van outside ‘Fanta Con’ a large get together for the fans of fantasy.

“Oh c’mon, Elliot! It can’t be that bad.” Brigit gave a soft giggle to the door, her delicate hand tapping upon the hot metal frame. She was dressed much like Bianca from the Spyro series, complete with a slicked down pair of rabbit ears.

I sighed knowing I had no way out of this mess and I wasn’t about to let my tickets go to waste either. I gave a loud growl and swung open the door allowing the bright sunlight to shine upon me, dressed in a pair of light brown goat pants with soft white dots on my flank and topped with a fluffy copper tail, tipped with snow white fur.

Black hooves clicked the ground gently in annoyance, wearing a forest green sleeveless top with a cute single strap hanging on the right shoulder. The outfit screamed with feminine pride while the tail swished in place adorably as I shuffled in place annoyed. Brigit as well as Shaun exploding into laughter.

Shaun was dressed in a cheetah like attire, holding an oversized archers bow slung across his shoulder proudly. He made a good looking Hunter even as he chuckled aloud at me, this was his first Con and had never even played Spyro Two let alone know about the characters.

“Sorry dude, I told them I wanted a goat thing at the costume shop. The one from Spyro I said...guess I got the wrong one.” Shaun chuckled sheepishly.

“Elliot, you make an adorable Elora.” Brigit just gave a squee aloud, reaching inside the van and grabbing a copper wig before plopping it upon my head firmly.

“You owe me big time!” I gave a soft huff, brushing the bangs out of my eyes in growing anger.

The large Con already in full swing ahead of us, I might look like a goat's ass in this get up but at least good times were ahead of us soon. I reached into the van grabbing my nearby guidebook for the convention, I had our trip planned to the letter yet felt annoyed when I turned around to nothing.

My friends rushing off to the building ahead of me in a wild haste, the crowd quickly devouring them into the rush to get inside. I gave a loud groan quickly chasing after them, copper strands of hair falling in front of my eyes as hooves clicked loudly down the scorching hot road.

This was going to be a rough day.

I gazed up from my tattered guidebook in defeat, the convention was packed this year and I still could not find hide or tail of my friends. I thought they might be near the ‘Avalar’ Q&A for the upcoming release of the Spyro Trilogy Remastered, yet I was having a hard time trying to check it out.

“What do you mean I still have to pay ten dollars! The sign says Fantasy characters enter free!” A guy with a styrofoam shark head and a lion body yelled at the door man.

“Fantasy characters from a certain genre.”

“Chimera's are from fantasy!” The shark head slapped a fin on the large man's chest angrily.

“MUST be from a certain game.”

“Final Fantasy has chimeras!”

“They don’t have shark heads…”

I could only watch in awe as this asinine ceremony went on for an eternity, a loud sigh escaping my lips before I shuffled off into the crowd, I wanted to spend the day with my friends but found myself abandoned on the first hour.

They always used me for my intelligence, never really giving me my time of day. Just once I’d love to be the one in the spotlight, not just a stepping stone used to get places or have things done. My mind sinking into an abyss of despair before a large shoulder knocked into my chest hard, causing the oxygen to escape my lungs in a loud gasp.

I looked up snapping back into reality as a group of guys dressed like knights pushed by, causing me to drop my guidebook as they trampled the pages to shreds before me laughing aloud. Telling me to watch out while calling me a loser, vanishing as soon as they came into view inside the crowd my book nothing but pieces now.

“Aye! Those who give of themselves are rarely given their due.” A sinister yet calming voice of a stranger spoke up from my right side, gazing up in interest I spotted a small black booth lined with various memorabilia of all kinds.

“Tell me about it, my friends just bolted off without me…”

“Even though it was ye’ who secured the tickets.” The stranger gave a raspy laugh aloud.

“How did you know that?” I asked with a bit of intrigue, gazing across the various objects before me spotting a rare MLP comic based on Spike near the center.

“Cause just like Spike here, you hold a power as bright as a hero! Though are never given a chance to shine, the heroes of their own tales merely passing you by.” He gave a toothy grin to me, as I scooted back a little in disgust the stale stench of his breath wafting over me.

“Yeah. I guess Spike and I are kind of alike huh?” I gave a slight eye roll, thinking this weirdo might just be teasing me if anything.

“Perhaps so, though that comic isn’t meant for you. Elliot my friend you are a guide, take this instead…” He quickly dashed under the booth like mist, his oversized black cloak and hood a sudden blur.

Popping back up in a hastey fashion he clutched an old but pristine ‘Guidebook’ in his hand the title written in cursive and gold trim, holding it out to me the brown leather book almost glowing in place.

“Take this little lass. Help a hero find his path, then perhaps find your own along the way?”

I was in awe at this object as it almost seemed to call out to me from his hand, my heart was racing wildly in my chest as I heard him call me a lass finding it quite odd. Though against my better judgement I reached out, taking the 'Guidebook' in hand feeling a sudden tingle rush over me like a tsunami.

I wanted to ask so many questions, but instead the world around me faded away into a bright light. I could only gasp in shock and horror, clutching the book close to my chest as I let out a loud scream before falling into the abyss below.

My scream echoing around me in a elegant but sweet soprano tone of a young woman, the world being twisted into something beyond the normal. My body on fire as the costume I was wearing tightened beyond belief, the feeling of my feet suddenly becoming numb.

I let my eyes gaze down to my lower half in horror, the fake loose costume I was wearing becoming taught and firm in shape. the light brown fur becoming a shimmering silken hue, suddenly feeling the fur soften and connect with my body.

Once strong legs becoming smaller and longer in shape, softening as my thighs expanded like balloons swelling out thick and firm. Legs soon slender and very elegant, the tail springing to life on my backside as I could feel it swishing side to side on its own.

I gave a soft moan aloud my butt spreading out slowly, gently like a young flower in bloom blossoming out into a round plump shape. My tail lifting up in a adorable arch, my feet crunching inside the boots I once wore, hardening like diamonds while I felt bones shrink and squish down.

Hooves a shimmering umbra hue, soon brought to life, a soft white underbelly stretching up my body slowly much like a snake covering my midriff. The book pressed against my toned chest firmly as I winced in pain, feeling twin mounds pushing forward as breasts grew out slowly and firmly before me.

My whole body was shrinking smaller as I curled up into a small ball in the void, falling deeper into the blank canvas of this world. My lower back arching sweetly into an S shape, waist a narrow hourglass shape and shoulders narrow yet thin.

My arms were slender, dainty hands clutching the book for dear life. How could this be happening to me I thought as I began to whimper out in pain. The wig turning a softer copper hue, bangs showering over my eyes innocently. I knew it was my own hair now, a wig no more even as my ears began to shift and grow outward, moving to poke out from my hair on the side of my head cutely.

My sight seemed to increase as eyes grew larger, the scent of nature around me growing and becoming so potent threatening to overpower me. Trees towering above me like mountains, the grass so soft and full on my backside.

The void was fading away, my new small and soft body crashing onto the rough ground below. A delicate groan escaping my lips and wafting into the pale blue sky above, I was now in a world not my own.

The sun was so bright above burning my eyes like fire, yet even though I was in such pain all would soon fade to black.

Followed by silence.