• Published 8th Aug 2018
  • 11,887 Views, 591 Comments

Her Knight in Sunlit Armor - AliceLiz

Twilight Sparkle has always had trouble making friends since before she went to CPA. Until she becomes the tutor for the new girl, Sunset Shimmer.

  • ...


The doorbell rang, sending a surge of anxiety through Twilight.

“I’ll get it!” she called, rushing from the living room to the front door. She opened the door to reveal Cadance and Shining.

“Hi, Ladybug.”

“Welcome back, Twily.”

“Hi, Shining. Hi, Cadance,” Twilight greeted. “C’mon in.” She stood aside, letting the couple inside.

“You are looking distinctly beautiful tonight, Twilight,” Cadance commented as the three of them moved to the dining room. “I haven’t seen that dress in a while.”

“Thanks,” Twilight blushed. “I decided to try and look my best for tonight.” She’d spent the last couple of hours doing what she could to prepare for the evening.

“Hey, Twily? Is someone else coming?” Shining asked, counting the places at the table.

“Yep,” Twilight chirped. “My friend, Sunset, is coming. She should be here any minute, actually,” she added with a nervous chuckle. “Hey, Cadance, can I talk to you in the other room for a sec?”

“Sure thing, Twilight,” Cadance replied, following after the younger girl.

They made their way to the living room, and as soon as they sat on the sofa, Cadance spoke up. “What’s up, Twilight?”

Twilight took a steadying breath. “I'm gonna tell mom, dad and Shiny about Sunset. And, y’know… About me.”

“That’s great!” Cadance cheered quietly. “You have no idea how much I’ve been dying to talk to Shiny about you two. You’re lucky I didn’t spill the beans already.”

“Right, uh, thanks, I guess,” Twilight fidgeted. “So, you don’t mind me telling them tonight? What with it being a celebration for you, and all.”

Cadance waved her hand in dismissal. “Of course not, Twilight. I love sharing the spotlight with others.”

Twilight smiled. “Thanks, Cadance.” She noticed her phone, which she’d left on the coffee table earlier, and decided to see if there was a message from Sunset. “I hope she’s not late. Dad said dinner would be ready soon.”

“Actually, I think I can hear a car coming up the driveway,” Cadance said, grinning widely.

Twilight froze for a second, and as soon as she confirmed Cadance’s claim, she shot back up and ran back to the front door.

Cadance walked past her to the dining room, giving Twilight an encouraging pat on the shoulder, with a whispered, “good luck.”

Twilight stood by the door, waiting for Sunset to ring the doorbell. She counted the heartbeats before the bell rang, taking one more deep breath so as not to answer too early.

“Hi, Sunset!” she said, pulling her girlfriend into a hug.

“Hey, Twi. How’re you doing?” Sunset asked tenderly.

“Nervous, but better now that you’re here,” Twilight replied, ending the hug. She pulled Sunset inside and closed the door.

Sunset gaped at Twilight, staring up and down her body. “Woah, I am really underdressed,” she said, awkwardly tugging at the hem of her jacket.

Twilight waved her off. “Don’t worry, you’re not. It’s me that’s overdressed. And to be honest, I mostly did all of this to keep my mind off this evening,” she added with a crooked smile.

“Well, you look beautiful,” Sunset said, taking Twilight’s hand in her own before continuing in a whisper. “As usual.”

Twilight blushed. She desperately wanted to kiss Sunset right now, but decided against it, in case someone walked in from the dining room.

“C’mon, the food should be ready soon,” Twilight tugged on Sunset’s hand, leading her into the adjacent dining room.

When dinner was served, everyone collectively congratulated Cadance. Twilight and Sunset spent the most of the dinner telling the others all about their ‘skiing’ trip. A feat Twilight would have found impossible without having Sunset to back her up.

As the dinner wore on, conversation started to lull. Shining was making small talk with Night Light about sports, while both Cadance and Sunset kept giving Twilight meaningful looks.

A particularly sharp kick to her shin caused Twilight to look up at Cadance sitting opposite her. The older woman nodded her head pointedly towards the others.

Twilight set down her fork and cleared her throat. “Mom, dad, Shining. I need to tell you something.”

She felt Sunset’s hand searching for hers under the table, and grabbed onto it like a life preserver.

Once all eyes were on her, Twilight continued. “I’m gay.”

There was a beat of silence before three pairs of eyes drifted over to look at Sunset, who reacted with an awkward smile and a blush.

Twilight cleared her throat pointedly. “Hey! I already have a speech planned out for this, so don’t you dare jump ahead!”

All eyes snapped back to Twilight, and at the same time, she could feel Sunset’s hand squeeze hers a little tighter.

“Right, so.” Twilight sighed before continuing. “I started to notice these feelings a few years ago, but I didn’t really know how to talk about them back then. Although, Cadance figured it out pretty quick when I started hanging out with Sunset,” she added with a small smile directed at her ex-babysitter. “And yes, Sunset and I are dating. We have been for a little over a week now.”

“I’m glad you decided to tell us,” her mother said, reaching her hand to touch her daughter’s. “And if I’m being honest," she continued with a knowing smile. "This doesn’t come as a complete surprise.”

“Well, it certainly does for me,” her dad said, chuckling. “Y’know, I’m actually a little relieved. I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t been a little worried about the day you’d bring home a boy.”

“I for one, think that Twilight and Sunset are adorable together,” Cadance cooed, resting her head in her hands.

Twilight turned to look at Shining, waiting for his input.

The young man’s eyes were locked with Sunset’s. “So,” he said in a low tone, raising an eyebrow suspiciously. “Anything else you wanted to mention about that skiing trip?”

There was a muffled stomping sound, and a yelp as Shining abruptly turned to face his girlfriend.

Cadance was giving him a saccharine smile. “Would you like to try that again, Honey?”

Shining rubbed his foot. “I, uh…” he groaned. “What I meant to say is that Sunset seems pretty cool, and I’m glad you feel comfortable enough to share this with us,” he said, a little uncertainly and looking to Cadance for approval.

“That’s better,” Cadance smiled, taking a sip of her wine.

"So, you’re all okay with this?” Twilight asked hopefully.

The others all gave a chorus of nods and agreement, and Twilight felt her heart soar.

“Well, then,” Night Light said, breaking the short silence. “Who’s up for dessert?”

Twilight caught Sunset’s gaze. Her girlfriend was beaming, and she idly realized she was doing the same. She leaned in close, whispering in Sunset’s ear.

“I love you, Sunset.”

Author's Note:

This might be a little too happy and perfect, but I really wanted to end this story on a happy feeling.:twilightsmile:

Thank you all for reading. I hope you enjoyed the story. :heart:

So, that's the end of Her Knight in Sunlit Armor. I may one day decide to add a Vol 3, but as of right now, I have no plans or ideas for doing so.

With that said, I am going to be writing other stories, many of which are sure to feature these two lovebirds again. My next story is already pretty far along, though I still have a lot of editing work to do on it.

For those who want more awkward SciTwi shenanigans, adorable shipping, and even an M rating (a first for me), look forward to my next story, The Unexpected Adventures of Sparky Selene, Professional Pornstar, which I intend to release sometime in the next few months.

Comments ( 52 )

Any plans for a sequel?

Okay, I've got the warm and fuzzies. Happy feeling... achieved!

This was a nice ending.

It was great to get a conclusion to one of my favourie stories on here. There are so many things I'd like to say I loved, but then I could very well just recount the whole story. :twilightsmile:
I'm definetely going to read more of your stories tocome, but for now, thank you for a beautiful story that I had the pleasure to read! :heart:

Wonderful job! That was a really nice ending. I do hope you come up with an idea for a sequel in the future, but until then keep up the great writing!

Whipped like the family pig.

Doesn't cadance still think sunset is trans, boy is she going to be embarrassed when she finds out the truth if there is going to be a vol3.

I'll just have to wait and see.

An idea could be twilight turns evil since she did seem happy when sunset got mad and she and princess twilight did get into a fight.

YASSSS! I just loved this story since it was on that tiny "break" and couldn't wait for it to be finished. Now here I am, the big ending, and I just gotta say: it was an awesome read. <3

This story started off a bit rough and simple in both premise and writing, but after a few chapters the quality has certainly increased and the entire thing was very cute and enjoyable. :twilightsmile:

Was worried when you posted last chapter that there was one more as the story had been slow for the past few chapters and wasn't sure how you could tie up the story with out rushing parts. Glad that wasn't the case for the most part. It came to a satisfying conclusion and left me with a genuine feeling of contentment once finished. Well done.

Overall, having read your story in almost one go, I enjoyed it immensely. Your characters felt thought out and believable and it was fun to watch them grow and interact. The romance between Sunset and Twilight was slightly on the rushed side but it still hit the points it needed to so that was fine. I would have liked to see Sunset interacting with more students at Crystal Prep but seeing as the story was from Twilight's perspective and how alone she is, it makes sense why we didn't get to see that.

The only part I felt was really lacking was the development of the Rainbooms. Their words and actions seemed so off as it related to the situation. It was as if they were apologizing for not inviting her into the band right after Rainbow Rocks, rather than for casting her out and her feeling so hurt and isolated that leaving one of the only places she knew in a world she didn't grow up in was more appealing than staying. I wrote that their first interaction a few chapters ago seemed to lack any introspection on their part, and the second interaction proved it. They come off as more than a little stupid, as if they can't believe that someone who they said wasn't their friend anymore and left hanging in a hostile school would be hesitant to be their friend again. I'm glad that Twilight and Sunset were able to tell them how much it affected Sunset and about their actions even before anon-a-miss, but the Rainbooms reactions was as if they hadn't even considered the possibility which shows no character growth at all for them. I do think the outcome was a good one, where Sunset is willing to try again but this time from the ground up to see if they can be friends rather than everyone being pressured into it by Princess Twilight. Overall it turned out OK, but if you ever decide to do some edits and rework a bit I think some tweaking to those two interactions on the Rainbooms side would help immensely.

I don't want to end on a criticism though, as it really doesn't ruin my enjoyment for the story. While this one has ended, there is still room for more story to tell if you ever decide to continue and give use a view of Sunset and Twilight, and maybe some new friends, lives at Crystal Prep in the future. Should that story be written I will definitely be there to read it. If not, I can be happy with this fun, feel good story you gave us.

I not happy with Sunset giving those idiots a second chance so easily. Should been much harder and taken more time.

Sure she forgave them, but they will probably never have that level of friend ship they want to have from Sunset, and at a point Anon-A-Miss wasn't that important aside from splitting Sunset from the girls. Sure it would be cool to see Sunsets reaction to who they are, but their identity probably does not matter to her anymore now that she does not have to worry about convincing anyone who she is anymore

Heh, loved the part with Shining at the end. His big brother instincts were kicking in. :rainbowlaugh:

Also, I enjoy happy endings my own self. So I'm glad that you decided to end the story this way.

Wait? Vol. 2 is over!?

Awww, man! But this was getting so good! Oh well, it was fun, entertaining, & emotional as well as worth the wait to get here... Now we play the waiting game again for Vol. 3, til then cya Alice :twilightsmile:

What a great story. I really enjoyed this one and the endings was very nice. Looking forward to read more of your work.

Welp, Volume 2 is over, but it was a fun ride. The moments between Sci-Twi and Sunset was sweet as always and the confrontation between them and the Rainbooms was... actually pretty good. While they're not immediately friends again (probably for a long time), but at least Sunset was willing to forgive them and allowing them to slowly build her trust again.

Unless if Sunset finds out who the real Anon-a-Miss is. :applejackunsure:

Anyway, whether you decided to do Volume 3 or not, it was still a satisfying conclusion. I'm looking forward to read more of your work! :twilightsmile:

Awww, it's the end? But It was such an enjoyable time! This was a great story and maybe, I hope for a sequel

I'm sad to see this story done but I have hope to someday see a sequel for it.
That being said I loved this story very much and it will forever have a place in my favorite folder.

it was nice
good ending
good beginning
and it was just fun to read hope to see more form you sometime.

Second verse, same as the first

My feeeeeeels :heart::heart:

It felt like the Rainbooms were only apologizing for what happened prior to Anon-A-Miss. What about the abandonment? Anon-A-Miss wasn't actually addressed here. Do they honestly believe a simple apology will suffice?

I don't have any problems with forgiveness but what exactly are they being forgiven of?

good story but I feel like there need to be a sequel deal with how school is under candacne leadership and friendship game,

Just a quick question but is this based off another story, cause the part about her having a song and getting adopted by celestia remind me of another one, though in that one it's before anon-a-miss and luna lives with them

I didn't intentionally make this story based on another one, though I took inspiration from lots of stories.

Truth be told, I've read so many EqG fics that I've lost count. I definitely took plenty of inspiration from a few different ones when I wrote this story, like Sunset living with Celestia for instance. Though the song part came about fairly organically while I was writing.

Oki, just wondering, still this story is great and definitely one of my favorites, though you probably noticed that, thanks for sharing it 😄

Just finished reading, and I loved it! Nice job. Have a mustache: :moustache:

we need a sequel:trollestia:

Just the dose of sunlight I needed ❤️

Aaaah! These two are so adorable together! The play so well off each other :rainbowkiss:

Here's hoping we might see a Vol. 3 someday. The Butterflies from this AU are some of the most interesting I've read on the EqG side of things.

Dude I live in Alberta, trust me, I get it

And the best part? A twilight started it up. Oh the irony

Pansexual is when someone can have sexual and emotional feelings towards anyone despite gender (trans, cis which is gender alignment with what you where given at birth, non binary gender neutral etc...) and sexuality (gay lesbian other pan folk bi folk) usually if your gay female and a pan male wants to be with you you wouldn't date them as they are male and vise versa. For me personally as long as the person is good to me and I know them well and we both like each other then we would give it a chance. In sunsets case as long as she can have a intelligent chat with the person she will give it a chance.

Ah, i see. Thank you...now i have to go reevaluate my life choices.

Have you ever thought about doing a sequel to this? Like how your Celestia adopted Sunset? I think that would be so cool to see!

I did consider it briefly, but I don't have anything more for this story. I've moved on to other things. Besides, I always struggled to write anything from Sunset's POV, so a story about her and Celestia would have felt forced and stilted. Luckily others have written great stories about those two.

Thank you for the comment though, and I hope you enjoyed this story.

A rather interesting story that I found enjoyable, it was certainly a different way of approaching the A-Non-Amiss comic compared to the other ones, even if I'm a little sad she split from her old friends it was nice to see a different way compared to the others. I really liked Sunset and Twilight's relationship here, it seemed natural and rather loving without any unnecessary conflict.

Thank you so much!
I'm a sorry to hear the ending didn't fully work for you, but I'm glad you enjoyed the fic :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the fic! It was really cute!

Kinda wish the story ended with Sunset transferring back to chs with twilight too but this story was still good and ended good. A bit

My god your right

I feel the same way

Liked your story, also I have to ask... The others stories are not based in the same universe of this, right? Just to make sure

That is correct, all my stories are separate. And sorry for the super Kate reply, I don't actually come here often anymore.

Uhh, I guess she blocked their numbers after getting those texts?
Tbh I have no idea, that's probably a plot hole on my part, sorry :rainbowlaugh:

Thank you for the sweet and short lesson. If I'm being honest, I know basically nothing about music theory, and I knew even less when I wrote this. So you're probably right and I just didn't put any real thought into that bit.

Really cute fic, feels like we need a sequel plzzzzzz:twilightsheepish:

This was super cute! Both volumes are adorable, and I loved the duality of one being in the EqG world while the other was in Equestria. The only bit of criticism I can offer (and I struggle to really call it that) is that I wish the conflict between Sunset and the rest of the girls was a little more expanded on? The confrontation scene kind of speeds by, and considering that was a big point of contention throughout the entire story, I expected that part to have a little more weight to it. That said, what you did with it was fine as is.

Otherwise, this was a lovely read. All the bits of fluff are super adorable, and the way their relationship develops, blooms and thrives is as cute as it is satisfying. If you ended up revisiting this little canon, I'd certainly be here to read more. Good work, and thank you for sharing this with us! :heart:

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