• Published 31st Jul 2018
  • 2,710 Views, 110 Comments

Unwilling Recruit - Starscribe

Equestria is real, and Jacqueline Kessler has been dragged into its cold war with human authorities. She might not know who's right and wrong, but at least she can keep her little sister safe. And maybe get that cute changeling's number...

  • ...

Chapter 10

Patreon Writing

“You’re quite lucky to be talking to me.” Sunset pulled over a chair, sitting on it backwards and watching her. “I’m guessing you did not have much exposure to the propaganda.” At her nod, the woman continued. “We keep areas off-limits for a reason, Jackeline. Exposure to that much magic is difficult for an unprepared mind. Every human has… a spell protecting them. You were born with it, and exposure to magic weakens it. Too much magic at once and the whole thing unravels. The psyche is unprepared for the sudden destruction of the spell that cements your identity.”

“It’s not right, what you’re doing,” Jackie said, though she didn’t have the strength to actually try and argue with this woman. “We can’t be the only ones who want to know. We got it all on video, and we’re going to make sure everyone else can see. Sorry, but humans don’t keep secrets from each other.” She sounded braver than she felt—but once the words were out, she couldn’t get them back. Not that I have those videos. She hadn’t seen any of her possessions in that hospital room. Not the go pros they’d been hiding, nothing.

Sunset stiffened. “You aren’t human. Nopony is. That’s… the reason we’re here.”

“What do you mean that no one is?” Jackie tried to stand up, tried to show of her absurd cat-sized body. But she could only make her wings obey her for very long. This time she felt like one her forelegs had moved the way she wanted, but not once she tried to put her weight on it. She sighed, slumping back to the table. “You’re changing us into ponies. We saw it under Unity. We’re going to show everyone else.”

Harley remained silent, not interfering in the conversation. Even so she reached out with one of those gigantic hands, gently stroking down Jackie’s neck. She seemed experienced with this, because Jackie felt a slight shiver pass through her at the touch. The place just between her wings seemed to be much more sensitive than the rest of her back.

“No, we aren’t.” Sunset didn’t sound argumentative. She didn’t sound like she had any doubt, or any need to prove it to herself. “Jackeline, let me tell you a story. It’s the last lesson you’ll be getting here in Unity, because we won’t be allowing you to sabotage our work. Please ask any questions you have now, because you won’t get another chance. You need serious treatment... treatment that will require a trip to Equestria. When you return, you won’t be allowed to come back here. You can’t be trusted not to share what you’ve learned.”

Jackie glanced back at Harley, expression desperate. Her girlfriend could come to her rescue, her girlfriend could save her. Harley had been the only thing to make this nightmare worthwhile, even if she was a giant.

But she saw no resolve from Harley, only sympathy. A quiet, almost guilty look, as if to say ‘Sorry, Jackie. You’re on your own.’

Jackie looked back around to Sunset, glaring her sternest, angriest expression. She puffed up her wings for extra effect, whatever the hell that was worth. “What if we don’t cooperate?”

Sunset didn’t look upset, only disappointed. “I don’t need your cooperation. Cooperating only helps you, Jackeline. The sudden destruction of your spell—often has a devastating effect on the more primitive sections of the brain. Worst case, your heart stops when you transform, or you can’t breathe. I’ve seen it happen.” There was no doubting the sincerity of that expression. Harley’s hands stiffened a little as she said it, though her actual expression was a mask.

Sunset went on. “Thank Celestia you’d been at least a little exposed before. Cutie mark, wings… I guess it was enough. But that lack of coordination you feel, your inability to control your own body—that won’t get better on its own.”

The weight of that hit Jackie like a brick. She wasn’t just a freak, wasn’t just a freak the size of a pet—but she had been permanently disabled. Everything she loved to do in the world was forever out of reach. She could almost feel the tears come back. But they didn’t start again. She wouldn’t let the regent see her crying.

“There is help, though. Princess Luna… she’s the greatest Neuromancer who ever lived. I’ve seen her repair minds that were in far greater disrepair than yours. With her help, and plenty of physical therapy… you should recover. In time. If you don’t cooperate with us, if you try to stop yourself from going to Equestria… you might not get the help you need. You might never see Earth again.”

Jackie grumbled, folding her arms. “Whatever. You said something about a story? A way of… explaining all of this. Might as well tell me.”

She did. Sunset Shimmer was quick about it, describing Earth as an ancient colony of ponies from long ago, fleeing a terrible enemy called Discord. They had adopted a spell to restrict their own magic, transforming themselves to look like the natives. But the magic in their blood was powerful, and it persisted as they interbred with the native population. In time everyone was descended from the ponies, and was still one of them deep inside.

Unity was not transforming anyone, but exposure to magic did gradually unravel their protection. The mind and body were deeply interwoven, and making this transition too quickly could cause serious harm to both.

“We meant to introduce magic to humanity over the course of generations,” Sunset finished, several minutes later. “The propaganda we created wasn’t even supposed to interest any but the youngest of one sex. They would raise a more magical next generation in some years, and we could expose them to further magic. The transition would’ve been so gradual that no one noticed and nopony suffered.”

“But… that isn’t what happened,” Jackie said. “Your ‘propaganda’ was too good.”

“That’s part of it,” Sunset muttered. “There are Equestrian agents at work on your planet as well. They appear to be manipulating your governments to turn against Equestria. They’re destroying many of your own citizens in the process, any who manifest magical talent. Everything we’ve been doing… Unity, all the rescue teams… we’re trying to repair the damage we caused. Our interference is what did it. We don’t have any choice but to help you ponies now.

“Unity’s goal is to keep you human as long as possible. When the change is gradual enough, you don’t experience the damage you’re suffering from now. Your sister, for example—she’s not a pony yet, but she’s already learned to walk on hooves. The other one, Sven… he’s a pony too. But he won’t need to go to Equestria with you. He had already been exposed to far more magic than you were. That was why we wanted to keep ponies out of the lower levels. The secret was meant to protect you.”

Jackie’s ears flattened close to her head, and she looked down. She probably made a few more pathetic sounds, though she couldn’t have said for sure. She wouldn’t remember it terribly clearly afterwards.

She felt herself sliding along the table. Harley scooped her up before she could protest, lifting her down and settling her in her lap. Any of the more suggestive interpretations were lost on Jackie in her current state. Under the level of the bar, far away from the eyes of Sunset Shimmer even, and surrounded by warmth, she felt a little better.

“Stop it,” Harley cooed, her voice soothing. “You were punished enough by what happened. You shouldn’t torture yourself too.”

Across the table, Sunset Shimmer rose. “She’s right. You shouldn’t.”

“What do you care?” Jackie could be a little braver when she didn’t have to look at the regent. The gigantic, powerful figure, with absolute authority over her future. “You probably wish I was hurt worse.”

Sunset was suddenly on her feet again. She twisted the back of Harley’s chair, spinning her so that Jackie was no longer under the bar. She glared down at her. “Princess Celestia appointed me to protect the ponies of earth, Jackeline. I take that duty seriously. Half of Unity has had a week of sleepless nights thanks to you. When you’re back in that hospital room, look around.”

She turned away, deflating a little. “I’ll arrange for your sister to see you before you leave. She started walking away. Some part of Jackie wanted to let her leave, but not the stronger part.

“Wait!” she called, reaching after her. “You said… I had to go to Equestria. I get to come back, right?”

“To Earth? That depends on you. And Princess Luna.” Sunset didn’t stop walking, didn’t turn around. She vanished out the cafeteria door, leaving Jackie and Harley alone.”

“Guess I… guess we screwed this one up pretty bad,” Jackie muttered, glancing back up towards Harley’s face. She was so tall, so powerful from this angle.

“I tried to protect you,” Harley leaned back in her chair, though one hand still remained protectively on Jackie’s back. “Honored Queens know you should’ve listened. You’d still be your normal, primate self, instead of one of the sexiest little—” she blushed, looking away. “I mean, instead of helpless and adorable.”

Jackie managed to twist around, propping her forelegs up on Harley’s chest. It was more accurate motion than she’d managed since waking up. “You’re shitting me. At best I’m a weird animal. You can’t think ponies look attractive.”

Harley looked indignant. She reached out, scooping Jackie up from under the legs and settling her back on the table in front of her. “You’re the one who’s joking. Jackie…” she leaned in close, so her face was only inches away. She lowered her voice, as though sharing a dangerous secret. “I don’t know how to tell you this, but you look the way most of us do. The things ponies say about the way humans look are very unfriendly.”

She straightened, her voice changing. With each sentence, it became a perfect imitation of someone else, shifting randomly between sex and age. “They’re so stretched! That’s a disgusting amount of skin. It’s like they’re sick all the time! Those beady little eyes. Celestia is doing them all a favor to help them change back.”

She stopped. “Well, I’m a Changeling. We’re an enlightened race, who have as much sex with as many creatures as we like. But most of the ponies here in unity don’t even have relationships while they’re on Earth. Even some of the married couples sleep in separate beds.” She reached out, running a hand through Jackie’s hair. Well… not her hair. Her mane. It was long and unruly, but didn’t grow the same way as a full head of hair. She brushed it out of the way so it only covered one of her eyes, instead of hanging in front of both.

“If we’re being honest for a second, I’ve been… kinda looking forward to this. I was worried…” Harley looked away. “Worried that we wouldn’t stay together long enough for me to see you this way. Relationships between and ponies and changelings often don’t work out. Queens only know why. You’re… prettier than I imagined. I know ponies who spend thousands of bits and don’t come out the other end half as graceful as you are. I guess that’s part of how the spell works—the human shape it makes for you is a reflection of what’s really underneath.”

She stood up, turning away before Jackie could reply. “You’re not gonna fall over, right? No? Good.” She took a few steps back, glancing towards the open doorway. “I’m gonna… I’m gonna go wake up your sister. You stay right on that counter and don’t go anywhere. Katie is gonna be thrilled to see you…” she lowered her voice, wings twitching uncomfortably as she did so. “If you really want to see what a monster looks like, just wait until morning. When we go through that portal together… you’ll see.”

She left, not giving Jackie a chance to respond.