• Published 13th Aug 2018
  • 1,019 Views, 25 Comments

Super Smash Bros. The RPG - FandomPlays1234

When Fandom get's sucked into his favorite game series, his life becomes a whole new world of games, anime, and even the internet

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Prologue: The Cartridge

It was a beautiful winter morning and Fandom was excited as ever. Today was the first day he was home alone while his parents were on their business trip to Russia. He was lucky enough to have parents who trusted him enough to have friends over while they were gone. He had a lot planned for the next six days and couldn't wait. Having a party with his friends was exciting enough, but there was one activity he was really looking forward to. Super Smash Bros. He had just recently got a Nintendo Switch for his birthday and one of his friend had gotten him an extra copy of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate to celebrate.

"Finally after so long, I can't wait to start playing," squealed Fandom. He walked down for breakfast when his phone rang. He picked up and placed the receiver to his ears. "Hello?"

"Hi honey!" cooed a woman's voice.

"Hi mom," said Fandom.

"How are you doing, everything ok?" asked his mom.

"Yes mom, everything's fine," answered Fandom.

"Hey bucko, you didn't burn down the house did you?" joked his Dad.

"Yes dad, house is still standing," answered Fandom. "What about you two, make it to the airport?" asked Fandom.

"Yes honey," answered his mom. "By the way we wanted to remind you that today is garbage day,"

"Oh yeah, almost forgot," said Fandom slapping his forehead.

"Well get to it bucko, and try not to break anything," said his dad.

"Yeah, you two be careful too," said Fandom.

'We will, love you," said his mom.

"Love you too," said Fandom. He hung up and walked over to the kitchen to grab the trash bag. He quickly ran around the house collecting every trash from their waste baskets. Once he gathered the trash from the final basket, he tied up the bag and walked out. Being cautious not to slip on the ice, he carried the trash bag to the trashcan. "Looks like the snow plow already came by," said Fandom looking at the cleared road. he opened the trash can's lid and was about to throw in the bag when he noticed something. 'Hmm what's that?" He placed the bag down and pulled out a small cartridge from the can. Examining the cartridge, he could see that it was for the switch. The strange thing was there was no illustration like all the other cartridges. "Strange," He looked up as the trash truck rolled up near his house.

"Oh morning Fandom!" said the trash collector.

"Morning Davey," said Fandom. He had known Davey ever since he moved to this neighborhood.

'You got any trash for me buddy?" asked Davey.

"Oh yeah here," said Fandom handing him the trash bag.

"Thank you," said Davey taking the bag. He threw the bag into the back of the truck then looked back at Fandom.

"Oh what you got there?" he asked.

"I don't know, some sort of cartridge, found it in my trash," answered Fandom.

"Somebody probably threw it in there," suggested Davey.

"Yeah I guess, you wouldn't mind if I keep it would you?" asked Fandom. Davey shrugged.

"Say hi to your parents for me," said Davey banging the side of the truck.

"Will do," said Fandom. He watched as Davey followed the truck to the next house. Fandom walked back in holding the cartridge. He cleared the dust off the cartridge and inserted it into the switch. "Pfft, like the hell it would work," said Fandom turning on the switch. The screen lit up as the menu popped up as usual. "Yeah knew it," said Fandom. he was about to turn off the switch when a title suddenly appeared to the left. "Super Smash Bros?" Fandom asked himself. 'Well how convenient, Smash for the switch," laughed Fandom. "But wait it doesn't say Ultimate strange," ignoring the change he selected the game. Strangely, the first thing that popped up was Mario defeating Master Core. Fandom remembered that Master Core was the enemy on the Wii U and 3DS version, so why was this on the switch? Before Fandom could ask any questions an error popped up stating the game crashed. "Pfft knew it," he reluctantly turned off the switch and placed it down. he was about to head over to the kitchen when the screen began glowing. He slowly turned around as familiar white hand slowly crawled out of the switch. "What the Master Hand!?" Fandom gasped. Once the villain finally emerged from the switch he turned towards Fandom and pointed.

"You!" he boomed.

"Me?!" yelped Fandom.

"You are the one!" Master Hand boomed.

"What the hell does that mean!?" asked Fandom.

"You are the chosen one!" answered Master Hand.

"Chosen one for what!?" asked Fandom.

"Don't ask, just come," said Master Hand.

'Wait what!?" yelped Fandom. But before Fandom could ask anymore questions, Master Hand slowly reached for him. Panicking, Fandom scrambled to his feet and tried to run, but Master Hand plucked him off the ground and began dragging him back into the switch. "Wait hold on I didn't agree to this!" Fandom screamed as he was dragged in.

"What the hell, where am I?" he asked. Looking around he found himself in a completely black void. "Guess I should walk around to see if I can find a way out," Fandom said standing up. He was about to start walking when the area lit up. "Wha who did that?" Suddenly, the theme from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate began playing as the Super Smash Bros logo appeared in front of him. "Wait a minute, am I in the game!?" gasped Fandom.

"Super Smash Bros!!!" the announcer beamed from overhead.

'Wait just Super Smash bros?" Fandom asked himself.

"Press Start to begin," said the announcer. Fandom looked in front of him to see Press Start flashing in front of him. Cautiously Fandom raised his hand and pushed the flashing words. The words disappeared and was replaced by a small black text box.

Please spell out your name

"My name?" Fandom asked. He looked below the text box as a transparent keypad appeared. Hesitating, Fandom began spelling out his name then hit ok.

Welcome Fandom Suddenly the floor beneath Fandom opened up as a portal materialized.

'Wait what?!" Fandom gasped. Before he knew it, he sank into the ground and disappeared.

Author's Note:

Prologue complete. This is why you should never play with strange game cartridges you find in your trashcan. So yeah this is technically Super Smash Bros Ultimate and Smash for 3DS and Wii U for those of you who are curious. Though the story is my idea. However the Subspace Empire is a parody of the original Subspace Army from Brawl. The Subspace Empire is only a copy of the original but with several tweaks added to fit the story.