• Published 1st Sep 2018
  • 3,582 Views, 106 Comments

Love Letters of the Princess of the Sun - Echo 27

"I believe that I will, for the time being, use this diary to record my thoughts on the matter. Perhaps this will help clear my mind."

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December 4th, the Year MCCCXLV - January 1st, the Year MCCCXLVI

December 4th, the Year MCCCXLV

The palace is going to be rather empty soon. Not that I will want for company, nor that I have cause to worry. The holidays are upon us! And more importantly for my soldiers, Block Leave has arrived along with it. A rare opportunity for them to return to their homes scattered across the country, rejoin with old friends and family. I encourage as many as possible to return and rest, to be with their loved ones. I would have it no other way.

… And yes, it will give me time to be with Ford more often. Since he has no family or friends to return to, Ford has decided to remain on duty so as to stay with me. It is odd, but I will have a companion for my Hearth’s Warming. Luna and I are often tugged so many different ways that finding a time to come together is… rather difficult, to say the least.

I am proud of my sister. She has done well since her days of imprisonment, fighting constantly to shed the image of her days as Nightmare Moon, as well as her own personal demons. She often patrols the wildlands and keeps Equestria’s more violent beasts in check, as well has helping to keep local animal populations well-controlled. Her guards even are the primary leaders of search-and-rescue for the entire kingdom. Luna, despite all her early misgivings, has become a critical function for the lives of normal folk in this country. However, it does make her somewhat isolated, brash, and occasionally difficult to be around. I love her immensely, but I believe her romps in the wild parts of the world have made her somewhat wild herself. It would be good for her to not spend so much time in isolation, or in such dangerous conditions.

This Hearth’s Warming season, I am going to try to find a means of bringing my sister in. To have a genuine holiday where she can relax. Now if only I knew how

December 9th, the Year MCCCXLV

I am considered by many to be wise. Often I am told that I am a wondrous resource for all manner of counsel. Princess Twilight has always considered me to be her greatest word of wisdom.
And yet, I cannot think of a single gift for my own sister that is worthwhile! I have considered so much -the extravagant, the flashy, the beautiful- but hardly anything I think of can be considered practical- which would fit Luna’s lifestyle best. Her heart lies in the wilds, so much of what I might consider to be a good present is not really suitable.

Perhaps I just do not possess the right mindset.

But then again, I do know someone who does.

December 10th, the Year MCCCXLV

Most of my Guard have departed. A small contingency remains on duty, but much of the Solar Guard has returned to their homes, or have gone to spend the holidays with family. It is quiet within the palace walls again, and I am glad of it; my soldiers need true time to rest, and the lack of personnel means much of my time can be spent with Ford. Beyond major issues of state or critical emergencies, Day Court has little to do until the New Year’s Celebrations.

Ford’s schedule, unfortunately, has suffered somewhat due to the absence of many of his fellows. With so few names left, the roster for duties has become thin. He, along with all of my guards, have an excess of tasks to complete. Thankfully, with the shortened nature of Day Court during Hearth’s Warming season, I can mitigate some of it myself with it.

Today was the first day all week I was able to meet with Ford privately. As the weather has grown cold, we have taken to retreating into my chambers more for warmth rather than sexual comfort.

… Although, if I am honest, that is something of a reason itself.

I discreetly ordered drinks for us, a specialized blend of hot chocolate Cadance had once given me when I visited the Crystal Empire some years ago. Ford felt it somewhat beneath him, worrying that his status as a soldier had led him away from such things.

“Hardly. Wouldn’t the difficulties of your path mean that silly things suddenly become precious?” I asked him.

Ford hadn’t thought of that, but still remained somewhat self-conscious. “It’s just been- well, it’s been a while since I could really- you know, loosen up,” he said lamely.

He had been young when he had lost his family. I felt a pang of sympathy for him, knowing that he must have been forced by circumstance to grow up rapidly. “Then see this as… making up for lost time,” I told him. “I promise, you will enjoy it.”

A knock on the door and Ford disappeared into the baths as a young maid from the kitchens brought a pair of mugs upon a silver tray, smiling but appearing uncertain. “Here’s your Spiked Chocolate as requested, Your Majesty,” she said with a curtsy, “I see your company has yet to arrive. Surely they haven’t kept you waiting?”

“It is for Luna and me, Brighid. You know how my sister can be,” I said pleasantly, though my stomach squirmed. I disliked lying in any form.

“Well, I certainly hope she’s staying warm, it’s gotten far too frosty for my old bones,” Brighid replied. “Hope you enjoy, Your Majesty, and a happy Hearth’s Warming to you.”

“And you as well, Brighid. Thank you, I’m certain it’s delicious.”

As soon as the door closed, Ford reappeared from the baths, peering at the door with a look of curiosity. “You know Brighid?” he asked.

“She’s been here several years,” I replied. “Have you met her before?”

Ford nodded. “She comes by the barracks to hand out gifts and care packages to the soldiers sometimes,” he said. “She dotes on us.”

I smiled. “Her sons both serve. They’ve been stationed in Baltimare for several years now. From her perspective, you’re all her sons and daughters.” Mentally, I made a note to reward Brighid for her kindness.

“So… Spike Chocolate?” Ford asked apprehensively, taking the mug in his hands. “I’m guessing it’s named after-”

“The Crystal Empire will likely never let go of the fixation,” I said, trying not to laugh. “Cadance brought this to me once some years ago. Take a sip.”

The mug, lined with flecks of chocolate along the rim, was still steaming hot as I took a small sip. The creamy comfort was heavenly upon my lips, and gave a wondrous warmth to my whole body. As the weather outside turned worse, it was a pleasant treat.

“Whoa.” Ford sat down his cup, looking at it with a mixture of surprise and delight. “That was… really good. Is there alcohol in this?”

“An alcoholic cream. Helps to keep warm, doesn’t it?”

He eyed me, his mouth twitching as he tried not to laugh. “Spike Chocolate, huh? That’s the worst pun I’ve ever heard.”

“Hence the name,” I replied, immediately taking another sip and letting the warmth flow through me. “Ford, can I ask a favor of you?”

“Well, you’re my boss. I think you’re allowed the right,” he joked.

I rolled my eyes. “Ford, I need your help on something. A word.”

“Alright, then. What’s the problem?” he asked, setting his cup aside.

“Luna,” I said.

Ford hesitated. “Is she still mad at you for something?”

“No. I simply don’t know what to get her for Hearth’s Warming and I was hoping you might have some idea,” I replied.

“Why ask me? I hardly know anything about your sister, you’re aware of that,” Ford replied.

“You’re a soldier- like she is,” I reminded him. “You know what is needed for a practical mind. Wouldn’t that be a good enough start?”

“I suppose so,” Ford said, taking a hearty swig of his drink and pausing to think. “I’m assuming you thought of something nice already, but decided it wouldn’t fit her?” As I nodded, he began to mull his thoughts together. “So practical… do you want to avoid flashy completely? Or perhaps something somewhat ornate to add a bit of flair?”

“I had thoughts, but nothing seems really suitable.”

“I think you had the right idea, just maybe the wrong aesth- uh, what’s the word?” Ford said, beginning to fumble.


“Yeah. So you like things that are pretty and look good, but Luna favors the practical and durable. You could probably find a way to make the two word,” he said. “Just have something ceremonial, or something that will work for a long while.”

“A ceremonial blade?” I suggested.

“Built out of a rarer metal,” he added. “Moonlit Steel shines well in the dark. Holds up very well, but a bit flashy. And maybe some high-quality leather for adventuring. Good leather, truly good leather, lasts a while.”

“It’s a wonderful idea,” I said appreciatively, wishing he was closer so I could grant him a kiss as reward. “You have been a great help to me, even if it seems like something simple.”

“Always happy to be of service, Ford said pleasantly. “Now if only I could find an easy solution for you.”

I am embarrassed to admit it, but I felt my face go completely flush at his words. “Ford, you do not have to give me anything. I am the woman who has everything.” It was not a false statement. I had wonderful friends, a devoted sister, and a man who loved me with all his heart. What more could I ask for?

“And that’s what makes it difficult. For the woman who has everything, what can I possibly give?” Ford said.

“Your good company will be more than enough,” I said to him, flattered at his kindness. “Do not fret about it, Ford. To have you with me will be the best gift I can have.”

“And you think that will stop me?” he asked teasingly. “I’m going to get you something, Tia, even if it takes me the rest of the month-”

To hear my name said like that gave me a start. “Excuse me? Tia, did you say?”

The smile fell from Ford’s face in an instant. “Umm… yes. It just feels a little more affectionate.”

“I believe that is the first time I have ever had a ‘pet name,’” I remarked, walking over to face him.

“Is that… bad?” he asked uncertainly.

A kiss said no.

December 15th, the Year MCCCXLV

Luna’s presents have been commissioned. A highly reputable blacksmith from a village outside Van Hoover took the job, apparently one of the few who knows how to smelt Moonlit Steel. A local leatherworker in Canterlot took on the other half of the job, building a beautiful belt for her.

The remaining gifts to be sent are rather easy. Cadance and Shining Armor received a smattering of things, including some needed baby toys for young Flurry Heart. My little niece is growing up far too quickly. As for Twilight, a collection of beautifully written poetry that I happened upon in an antique shop a few days ago.

For the first time in many years, I am excited for Hearth’s Warming. Luna has already agreed to join me for the actual day itself, and a wonderful dinner is planned for all who remain. It will be a magnificent day.

Oh heaven help me, I forgot to get something for Ford.

December 22nd, the Year MCCCXLV

Ford, I know your personal life is very private to you. But I did my digging, making inquiries as to your records and those of your family.

I hope you are not upset by your gift, my love. May the memories make it worth keeping.

December 25th, the Year MCCCXLV

Hearth’s Warming is here! The most wonderful day of the year has come at last, in all its wintry glory. It is a bitterly cold day, a gentle snowfall still pressing against my window pane. But inside it has been wondrous to behold.

As I awoke and brought the sun forth, the sound of bells began to ring across the city, signaling that Hearth’s Warming had finally arrived. The sound of carols and merrymakers soon began to follow. Candles were lit in every window for all to see, turning the land of grey and white into a sea of lights. It has always been a favored tradition of mine.

I summoned Hearth Fire, who had chosen to remain on duty for the entirety of Block Leave, and told him to spread word across the barracks: all those who had no duty were to be invited to a Hearth’s Warming Feast in the banquet hall, and those who would be on duty were to be delivered a special meal by Hearth Fire and myself, as gratitude for their dedication this holiday season. For those with families, a personal meal will be delivered to their homes so they can celebrate the day with their loved ones. Hearth Fire took to his orders with enthusiasm, and I am quite certain I could hear the roar of approval that rose from the courtyard all the way in my personal quarters. Shortly after, the appearance of Luna at my doorstep took all other matters from my mind. She seemed discomforted, but her smile was genuine as she handed me a small gift and placed it on my bedside. We agreed that our time for gifts would come later.

After all meals had been delivered, the time for feasting had come. The feast itself was glorious, a beautifully prepared meal that the kitchen staff had been preparing for nearly a week. My soldiers, off duty and in their normal clothing, looked more relaxed and themselves than I had ever seen them. In their midst was Ford, who braved being caught and gave me a small wink as he passed me by.

Not long after the feasting began, a small group of the Solar Guard asked whether or not the kitchen staff were allowed to join us, becoming more and more raucous until their enthusiasm became infectious and spread across the room. Soon, the entire kitchen was emptied and all manner of the staff came to join us. Scullery maids, cooks, and all those who wished to be part of it, and even at the end there was still plenty of food left for all. Deciding nothing would go to waste, several packages of untouched food were wrapped and to be distributed throughout the poorer areas of the city, in case there was a want or need to be filled.

Unbeknownst to me, a tradition of the Solar Guard had come to pass. As the last of the food disappeared from the table and those gathered began to talk and rest amongst themselves, my Commander took to his feet, his voice booming- not a command, but a song. A beautiful carol from days past, synonymous with the soldier and brotherhood they share. For a few moments he sung alone, but soon a rousing chorus joined in as all present took part. Luna beside me sung quietly, her eyes misted as she likely thought of her own soldiers, keeping watch out in the wildlands.

As the carol came to an end, the sound of thunderous applause erupted from across the room, and Hearth Fire struggled to regain order. “Gentlemen, that’s enough- enough, I tell you! Bunch of wild heathens, all of you!” he said, his harsh words contradicted by his jovial countenance. “You all know what comes next, gentlemen! The snow is on the ground in thickness. The board is set, it is time to act! Commanders, are your men prepared?”

There was a smattering of responses as various sections of the Solar Guard replied, and Hearth Fire turned to face me. “Your Majesty, with permission, the Solar Guard wishes to continue the tradition of the Winter Wars. On your mark, may these men take part?”

I had not the faintest idea what Hearth Fire was referring to, but I had no qualm letting them continue on with their holiday. “Ladies and gentlemen, it has been a pleasure spending this feast with you- with all of you! I am grateful for your work, and the hearts that burn beneath them! You are dismissed- enjoy your day with friends and loved ones!”

“Hail!” The cry rang across the banquet hall and all the Solar Guard stood as one to face me, giving a departing bow before making a rush for the door. As they emptied, I could hear Hearth Fire’s laughter above the din of marching footsteps. I made my way to him.

“And what is the Winter War?” I inquired.

“This way, Your Majesty,” he replied, pointing towards the windows overlooking the balcony. “A storied, historic game.”

I peered down and the saw the crowd of soldiers that once filled my banquet hall now out upon the snow-covered courtyard, taking positions in various corners, building snow forts and arming themselves with mountains of snowballs. Soon they began their games, the sound of cheers and jeers easily audible. I couldn’t help but laugh. “I should have expected as such,” I said to him.

“I must continue on with my duties, Your Majesty,” Hearth Fire said. “It has been a pleasure, Your Majesty.”

“Likewise, Commander,” I replied. “My well-wishes to your wife and children.”

The banquet hall was empty now, save for Luna and myself. She had hardly said a word to anyone throughout the meal, now staring at me with a wistful expression upon her face.

“Your soldiers… are livelier than I remember,” she remarked.

“A rowdy crowd, but they are good. I could hardly ask for better,” I replied.

“They are lucky, truly,” she said. “They have a compassionate leader over them. They give you everything they have, and you do the same for them.”

“If only I could give them more,” I said.

Luna’s expression turned sorrowful. “Here I stand, in warmth and comfort, while my own soldiers are still out there. Cold, alone… I cannot give them enough for what they do.” She turned to me. “Sister- please do not think less of me, but I wish to be with them. If they suffer, I do not wish them to suffer alone. Allow me the pleasure of seeing you open your gift before I go.”

“Of course,” I said, beckoning her to walk with me. Her eyes remained locked on the windows and beyond, peering far out into the cold and snow and ice, where her heart likely remained- where her loyal soldiers remained. In that moment I think I began to understand her dedication that I had once considered obsession. It was not a desire to be a part of the wilderness, untamed and vicious; it was a deep, faithful love of her soldiers that drove her to be near them.

As we returned to my chambers, I took to opening Luna’s parcel immediately, extracting an exquisite chain of gold, each bead sparkling in the candlelight. “Luna, it’s beautiful,” I said. “Thank you so much.”

“You have always had an eye for pretty things,” she said to me. “It suits you.”

“And hopefully your gift will suit you just as well,” I said, snapping my fingers and spawning her gifts before her. “Happy Hearth’s Warming, dear sister.”

“Sister…” Luna hardly dared to touch the blade, a beautifully crafted sabre with a small diamond crafted into the hilt, alongside a leather belt with the crescent moon grafted as ornaments. “Sister, these are- they are beautiful…”

I smiled. “I hoped you would like it. Ford was a great help to me in finding something for you. The gift was his suggestion.”

“Ford?” her eyes narrowed at the mention of his name, Luna still not quite over my deception- nor his illicit relationship with myself. “He… certainly was correct.”

I laughed this time. “I will be certain to tell him that.”

Luna sighed, setting the blade at her hip. “I suppose he will be part of your life for some time, I see.”

“It is the hope,” I remarked.

She shook her head. “At least it was not a fool you chose. Farewell, sister, and truly- thank you.” In a flash she was gone.

That evening as the sun fell and the candlelight grew brighter, Ford made his appearance, his cheeks still red from his time in the cold. “Did your sister approve?” he asked.

“She was quite surprised to hear how you had helped,” I said pleasantly, welcoming him into my arms. “She was delighted.”

“I’m glad. I hope you are too,” he said, bringing forth a small box from his pocket and placing it in my hand.

“Ford… you didn’t have to get me anything,” I said. “Your company is more than enough.”

“I wanted to,” he said. “It’s an old family token. I wanted you to have it.”

It was a simple item, a carved piece of wood in the shape of a tear. But nevertheless a beautifully crafted pendant, painted a lovely dark blue with the words ‘No more Tears’ written upon the back.

“My mother gave it to me. She said my father gave it to her when I was born,” he remarked. “When my brother died, she gave it to me and wrote the words on the back. It’s been a good reminder ever since.”

“Oh, Ford,” I whispered, cradling the pendant as though it were priceless. “I cannot possibly accept it. This is… it’s…”

“It belongs to you now,” he said, closing my hands around it. “You remind me of those words every day. It should be with you.”

I could hardly bear to take it, touched beyond words as he saw my smile. I was so enraptured by his kindness that I almost forgot one last item hidden away. “I have something for you,” I said slowly, now feeling uncertain as to my decision. “Ford, I… I had Vannhoover go through its old records on your family.”

Ford took a step back, already appearing apprehensive.

“Please, I hope you aren’t angry with me,” I added. I brought forth a small book and placed it in his hands. “But I believe these belong to you now.”

He opened it and his expression was tumultuous. Pictures of his family, nearly forgotten in the halls of records immeasurable, now sat before him. The shining faces of his parents, the steadfast visage of his brother, friends and loved ones long forgotten beamed up at him. How many memories now resurfaced at the sight? How many words and voices rang clearly in his mind?

For a moment, I believed I had made a mistake. Ford’s face was shadowed but he gazed at me with tears in his eyes- a sight I had never believed I would see. “Thank you, for this,” he said gruffly. “I had almost forgotten what they looked like.”

I kissed him before his words could fail him, holding him in my arms as we let the night pass.

It has been a long and difficult year. But I have company to pass through it all. A loyal sister, steadfast friends, and a loving companion to help stem the tide.

The new year is waiting.

January 1st, the Year MCCCXLVI

A New Year’s Eve attack last night in Manehatten. Over one hundred dead, with nearly one thousand injured. A Griffon Kingdom terror cell has been blamed for orchestrating the attack.

Heaven help us.

Author's Note:

It's back! And with that, the First Arc is now done, and Arc Two is ready to go. We're pretty well halfway there! I'll be trying to finish this up around the same time as Till the Dawn, as I have a major announcement after that particular story is finished.

As always, comments and corrections below. Enjoy, y'all!