• Member Since 8th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago

Freescript the Bard

Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there's injustice, and somewhere else the tea's getting cold.


This story is a sequel to Brony Recon: To Live and Love in Equestria

Please read the slightly lower-quality prequel before reading this, as it contains important events linked to this story. Otherwise, Enjoy!

Six bronies, transformed into ponies and sent to Equestria, were charged with the task of developing a diplomatic relationship with Equestria's royalty and determining if they can integrate and thrive among the native ponies. After two months, it seems their mission is a triumphant success; each of them has found a place in their new home. But when a series of unfortunate happenings upsets their new lives, they find that Equestria is not the utopia as they knew it to be. In this, the second story in the Brony Recon series, the bronies find themselves facing new challenges they could never have prepared for.

Welcome to the second installment of Brony Recon. It will be a long and bumpy ride. Oh, and to be warned: in the aftermath of a quartz experiment, Skyblaze and I have been separated, and he is helping me (with some constructive critism) at the end of each chapter!

EDIT: Alternate Universe, as the bronies' introduction to Equestria is right after season two, influencing all events. Season three episodes are not considered.

Chapters (31)
Comments ( 452 )

The sequel? So soon?!
*2 hours later*
My apologies. I seem to have fainted for a while.

Edit: I'm sorry for this useless comment. Also, no first!

Just remembered I forgot to comment on last chapter of story, come on FIMfiction, see notification, click it, HOLY :trollestia: you weren't joking when you said the sequel was coming soon! :pinkiehappy:

Great ending to the last one by the way, can't wait to read this one. :twilightsmile:

Word of advice: add a link to the first fic in the description...

Oh schist! This is like Cold Mountain all over again. :fluttercry:

Why Aegis, why? If only I was a pegasus I could have saved you...

Hehe, the Chrome Spell-check for pegasus is sugar-peas :rainbowlaugh:

Great plot as always! Hehe, plot...

Keep them coming! :twilightsmile:


Two things, brah: one, if you were a pegasus, I don't even think you could lift Aegis. Two, schist is copyright infringement on your part. See you in court.

JK! Use it whenever :twilightsmile:

You sure that Twilight didn't faint from something else. :rainbowkiss::rainbowlaugh:

Man that ????? is a player, and he don't even know it. :raritywink:

Amazing story... just amazing!

btw there should be a "n" in amount :P

"If somepony were recording the amou t of magical power being transferred, it would be comparable to somepony teleporting six other ponies from Canterlot to Manehattan."


And wait... so aegis now has amnesia, nice...:trollestia:

Now, are you SURE it's the tail that was erect :trollestia: ??

Amoung others… yes. :twilightblush:

Thank you for that. FIXED!

Yay! Onward to the mane story! I can't wait!

its five thirty in the morning and i just finished the first recon story... *sees this* well... sleep is over rated. anyone with me?:twilightblush:

Why doesn't everypony SLEEP! Sleep is good! When I get good sleep, I write better! Srsly, everypony, go to bed, get at least six hours of sleep, have a cup of coffee or tea in the morning, and you feel like taking on the world!


oh and an update on the whole no sleep thing. im still awake since i posted that comment!!! i think im going insane.:pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:
*cue creepy laugh*

Wait wait wait WAIT!
The hell happened to Aegis? DId I miss something in the first Brony Recon?
GAH! I loved Aegis!
Wah happened? :fluttercry:

I don't even...I-I hate you so much, yet love the story you spin Markus.
Keep up the good work as always, but why Aegis?
He impersonated Big Mac so well...

*slams hoof on desk*
I want more.
That is all.
Have a nice day.

This is an awesome story, both 'Brony Recon' and 'Ascension'
Hope you get back soon and update.

P.S. I suck at using emoticons, and proper spelling.:derpyderp1:

Sad Rainchaser... :applecry:

Don't worry, Rain, you will have your POV! As for Aegis... :fluttercry:

Muhahaha!!! Now I am following you on Twitter! :pinkiecrazy:

Also great chapter... :pinkiehappy:

Look what you've done now! You've made me join DeviantArt. :derpytongue2:

This definitely needs more "LyraxBonBon" with a bit of "Doctor Hooves making an appearance" on the side. And definitely more references! :pinkiehappy:

How'd the flying go by the way? Do anything that would make Skyblaze jealous? :raritywink:

Holy schisht, Btw I like the use of that. My freinds used to do that in earth sceince and be like " HOLY SCHISHT" :trollestia::yay::trollestia:

Great chapter btw MOAR!

Haven't read this yet. I was just wondering whether this is actually Song of the Immortals part 4 or it's part 3 with a typo. I don't want to spoil part 3 if this is part 4.

Your most faithful reader,
Crimson Bolt


You have to get celestia knowing SOON I have to know her reaction.

Whoops! Fixed, sorry. You may read. :twilightblush:

Oh don't worry. That's coming up faster than you think!

When are we to expect the next update, this is a very intriguing story and I can't wait for the rest of it.
Also, I, among others I'm sure, want to know how Aegis is going to get back to the Recon team.

-Ambassador of the Changelings
Dopple Ganger

If all goes well, will be released today! Just gotta finish Aegis' POV… maybe later this morning?

I won't lie I am enjoying reading about the current situation. So anywhere from shift, sky, luna, shining, celestia, cadence(when she finds out), twilight, or anyone else who will FLIP out when they see twilight.

Personally, I expected a huge outcry for Aegis or Rainchaser, possibly even Ben or Storm. We've seen a lot of Shift. But I again, I did make this a public thing so… I must appeal to the public!

Continue voting obviously…

Chloe and Ben.... I want to see Ben walk in first thing next chapter asking what the racket is about...

I also love how every pony in the room was all dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Spitfire_dayum.png dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Soarin_dayum.png except for shift who was :fluttershyouch:

When I saw Tia show up my first thought was that something like the bottom of this image would happen...
...actually make that Ben's reaction:pinkiehappy:

I always like hearing about things from Shift's point of view. But because we've seen so much from his POV lately, my vote goes to Shining Armor.

I actually want to see what's going on with Aegis. :twilightsmile:


well hes fucked hope he has a good fun:pinkiesmile::rainbowlaugh:eral

I still want to hear the story behind how he turned twilight into an alicorn.

BEN! I want neigh NEED to know what the diplomat thinks of this fiasco... that or Shining Armors... no wait... put it in Velvet's POV just for the hell of it.:trollestia:

1093415 I'm almost positive that Neither Shift or Twilight have any clue as to how in the name of Pony Hell that happened.

... also has anyone else noticed that the reply things seam to be having issues today?

Poor shift. hopefully twilight can explain everything to cadance before its too late...


Twilight, as already demonstrated, has a abundance of light magic.

Shift then proceeded to add a (pardon me) shitload of shadow magic.

My guess is the combination of light and shadow magic created a sort of balance.

This balance, combined with the raw amount of power, caused Twilight to become the embodiment of magic itself.

Oh, and Skyblaze is best human-turned-pony, so show his POV.

I'm waiting for more cannon POVs like Cadence's or Lyra's.
Also, Shift...
d3j5vwomefv46c.cloudfront.net/photos/full/613487952.gif?key=320240&Expires=1345133292&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIYVGSUJFNRFZBBTA&Signature=0YfzgNdn7hqxGRicgwH4OJQobrEvC4MCpPaF6yVzU~9KQk9QD8equSuz3Zo64hhLLv6wqmZIV6UEGUWHrBgb7DzlIR1dL0ggW4Fj7x4pS7jVBK4TCLdUKN5dyXBsnDTWpH4UP8RZP4QpZmZE1rTKgOnvMZ3RMjBBKr8w3HWg8kk_ YOU CAN'T BE THIS STUPID!
Don't just reveal the fact that you are a changeling right in front of them! Either wait until they know and trust you better, or tell them when you are not in the same room (in a letter for example).

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