• Published 5th Sep 2018
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My Little Pony Godzilla: Dawn of Monsters - lazejovanov

Mysterious portals begin appearing in different locations in Equestria, allowing giant monsters from another world to enter and roam the land. Including the King of the Monsters: Godzilla.

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First Bonding (edited)

Over six days had passed since Godzilla's battle against King Ghidorah in the Dragon Lands, and the news of the Monsters King's existence in Equestria was quick to spread all over the land. Godzilla would be occasionally sighted by ponies and other races, roaming through the vast land and coming to different locations in Equestria to curiously observe them. However, Godzilla did not attack nor do any kind of harm to the inhabitants of Equestria that he encountered, and would leave as soon as he was done inspecting said locations.

Over six days had passed since Godzilla's battle against King Ghidorah in the Dragon Lands, and the news of the Monsters King's existence in Equestria was quick to spread all over the land. Godzilla would be occasionally sighted by ponies and other races, roaming through the vast land and coming to different locations in Equestria to curiously observe them. However, Godzilla did not attack nor do any kind of harm to the inhabitants of Equestria that he encountered, and would leave as soon as he was done inspecting said locations.

Additionally, another unusually large creature had also been spotted roaming Equestria. It was described by the ponies of Starlight's village - who first witnessed it dropping from a portal - to look like a combination of a crocodile and a hedgehog. No other creature similar to them was reported, yet. As of recently, Godzilla and this other beast had seemingly disappeared and no pony (or creature) knew where they were currently residing.

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were currently in the Castle of Friendship, along with Twilight and her friends. There, the Elias, through telepathy, explained the origin of Godzilla and the creatures that came after him. They explained that Godzilla was indeed not a dragon, nor related to them. He was a semi-aquatic reptile that could live both on land and underwater. Many years ago, before Godzilla became what he is today, his form was quite different from the one the ponies saw. He was smaller and lacked many of the abilities that he now possessed. In fact, as the Elias further explained, these abilities were not natural to Godzilla nor his species, but were a side-effect from a devastating weapon he was exposed to long ago.

The Elias also explained that before the Godzilla they now know, there was another of his kind.

This first Godzilla had a family and was living in an underwater cavern with them. Unfortunately, the main inhabitants, the humans, of his world had become increasingly paranoid of one another and began starting wars.

During these countless wars, they had developed a horrible and extremely powerful weapon known as the atomic bomb, that was far too frightening to even mention. This weapon could wipe out entire kingdoms in an instant, and whats worse, it would leave behind a deadly poison known as 'radiation' after its detonation that would kill any creatures that came into contact with it.

The humans used this weapon near Godzilla's home to test its power. The weapon completely destroyed Godzilla's underwater home... and killed his family. Everyone Godzilla knew and cared for, all of his loved ones, his mate and his offspring, were gone before his very eyes. The poison of the weapon, however, did not kill Godzilla. Instead, his body absorbed it, and the radiation altered and enhanced his body, increasing his size many times to what it was before and granting him the ability to shoot a devastating beam of energy from his mouth, the very same one Twilight and her friends saw in the battle against King Ghidorah.

Devastated and heartbroken, Godzilla left the destroyed remains of what was his old home and found a new place where me might call home; a small island that was known as 'Odo Island'. For the next few years, he spent most of his life in the waters that surrounded the island and rarely came ashore. The villagers of Odo Island eventually discovered his existence and were awed by his great size and power. They began worshiping him as a king or a lord — or perhaps as something even greater. They would even bring sacrifices to him in the form of animals to appease him.

But eventually, Godzilla discovered the true reason behind the demise of his family. He somehow discovered that the misery, pain and loneliness he had to suffer was because of the actions of humans.

Enraged by this, Godzilla took out his rage upon the inhabitants of his world. He destroyed any boat that came near Odo Island. When the wider world discovered his existence, they sent ships to kill him by dropping bombs in his territorial waters. Unfortunately, the humans would quickly realize that they had made a grave mistake, as not only did Godzilla survive their attempts to kill him, but he left the island and reached the nearest city called Tokyo, filled with unsuspecting civilians of what was about to happen. Once he arrived there, Godzilla showed no mercy; he destroyed and burned down everything in his path, tore down buildings with his claws, crushed civilians underfoot, and burnined what was left with the newfound ability he gained from the weapon that mutated him. He spared no one, he wanted them to feel the exact same pain he felt when he lost his family.

After turning the entire city into a sea of flames, Godzilla returned back to the ocean — back to his now-destroyed underwater home.

One of the humans, however, had created an extremely deadly weapon that came to be known as the Oxygen Destroyer. A weapon that was quite possible even worse than the atomic bomb that killed Godzilla's family.

They located Godzilla in his underwater home where he was resting, and activated the weapon while he was sleeping. Godzilla was completely defenseless against the Oxygen Destroyer's power. He cried out in pain, but his cries ceased as his life slowly and painfully escaped his body. Depraved of oxygen, Godzilla surfaced and let out one final roar before finally asphyxiating and dying. But he did not die alone — the creator of this weapon, a human named Daisuke Serizawa, feared that others were likely to use this power for war. After seeing the horror and suffering the atomic bomb inflicted on his country and people, the thought of a weapon even more dangerous was too terrifying to even imagine. Thus, he allowed himself to perish alongside Godzilla, to insure the secret of his creation will remain hidden forever.

Once the story was finally over, the room was filled with uncomfortable silence. The ponies and the baby dragon were at a loss for words after hearing this tragic and horrifying tale. They could not describe this feeling they were experiencing. They were not used to so much... death.

They did not know where to start, they were shocked and horrified by the destruction and pain Godzilla caused, yet at the same time, they could not bring themselves to hate the saurian. In fact, they felt sympathy for him. He was not a monster, but a tragic creature who was as much a victim of humanity as they were of him. His rage and anger towards the humans was very understandable, as the loss of loved ones could cause any creature to preform the same actions. But at the same time, they could not simply overlook the unimaginable destruction he inflicted on the humans who had nothing to do with his suffering. Innocent civilians who were merely minding their own business until his arrival.

Fluttershy, being the animal-lover that she was, was quite possibly the most saddened and horrified by this story. It was a miracle she hadn't broken down in tears after hearing it. For a creature to lose his loved ones over some stupid test for a meaningless war — it actually made her feel some resentment towards the human who created the devastating weapon. But the people who Godzilla killed in his rampage did not deserve what happened to them.

Rarity initially thought that Godzilla was simply a giant beast. But now, after hearing how the first Godzilla had lost all of his loved ones because of the inhabitant's paranoia, it made her feel very guilty for judging him too quickly. But at the same time, she could not overlook the death and destruction the saurian caused during his attack on Tokyo.

Pinkie Pie wasn't her usual cheerful and bubbly self. She was used to happiness and smiles. But hearing such a terrifying and tragic story made her feel different — it filled her with sadness and empathy at what Godzilla had went through, and what he did in his blind rage against humanity.

Twilight Sparkle could barely comprehend how shockingly tragic and horrifying this story was, and what made it even worse was the fact that this was not a made-up tale; it was as real as the castle she was living in. She could never have imagined a creature to have such a horrifying experience; to lose an entire family and watch them die, all because of senseless and pointless wars. Part of her wanted to shift all the blame on the humans who did this to Godzilla, but she knew better than to use a scapegoat. It would be like demonizing every dragon simply because one dragon polluted Ponyville with smoke due to choosing to nap at the top of a nearby mountain, oblivious to what it was causing.

Like Twilight, Starlight Glimmer could also sympathize with Godzilla, minus the death, destruction, and suffering. She had once lost her best friend, Sunburst, when she was a filly because he gained his cutie mark at a very young age and was subsequently taken away when they were young, which led her to demonizing all cutie marks and viewing them as the source of division among ponies. Now she wondered what she would have done if she had experienced what Godzilla had lived through. To lose her entire family and friends, everypony she knew and cared for to die right in front of her very eyes, and then to discover their demise was the result of some creatures testing out a dangerous weapon, clueless to the destruction they had just caused. Knowing how she initially turned out before Twilight helped her realize her mistake and changed her view on cutie marks, Starlight had no doubt that she would have probably done the exact same thing Godzilla did. Perhaps she would even do worse, and go as far as to try and wipe out all of humanity in a fit of blind grief and rage. She shivered at the thought.

"He never deserved this..." Princess Celestia spoke softly, the sadness and sorrow in her voice as as clear as day.

Princess Luna was no different. When Godzilla first arrived in Equestria, she instantly saw him as a threat due to his size and appearance. But after learning what another of his kind had suffered, and what he did in his grief and anger, Luna became filled with immense guilt; she should know better than to judge a book by its cover.

The Elias continued speaking to them...

"Godzilla, that innocent and tragic creature, was gone, where he joined his family. However, thirty years after the first Godzilla had perished, another arose, and this one was bigger and even more powerful than the previous."

It was now that Twilight came to the realization...

"This is the Godzilla that's currently in Equestria, isn't it?" She asked.


The Elias replied softly.

"Unlike the previous one, this Godzilla lived a solitary life on an island far away from where the previous one had lived. But, much as with the previous member of his kind, he, too, was exposed to the radiation of the atomic bomb when the humans tested another weapon in the sea near his island. Though the blast did not reach him nor his island, the radiation did. Thus, he was changed forever into the powerful creature you now know. After he was mutated, he became too big to live on the island he called home, and was forced to leave and go to the nearest landmass he knew. After experiencing the attack from the previous Godzilla on their city, the humans believed that this Godzilla would be no different and quickly began to attack him without a second thought. As a result, they had provoked and caused him to fight back against them."

While the ponies and Spike frowned at the idea of judging an individual creature before they truly knew him, it was also understandable after hearing what the first Godzilla did to them. After all, they were pretty quick to label Thorax as an enemy before Spike convinced them he was not like the other changelings.

"After numerous attempts to destroy him had failed, the humans came up with a plan to successfully lure Godzilla at the entrance of an active volcano, where he fell inside and was trapped there. However, it did not take long for Godzilla to free himself with his Heat Ray, as he blasted himself free from the volcano."

"This 'Heat Ray' you mentioned..." Twilight recalled, briefly pausing the Elias. "Is that what the blue beam Godzilla shoots from his mouth is called?"

"Indeed. The beam is composed of the same source of energy that changed him. It is incredibly powerful and able to destroy many things upon contact. As you may have seen, before Godzilla fires his attack, the spikes on his back will give off a blue light."

"Well, I most certainly like it when those spikes of his glow blue. It would make a fine dress! A dress that glows blue in the dark!" Rarity squealed excitedly, thinking of the idea of a dress that glows blue in dark rooms, similar to Godzilla's dorsal spines. She had gained quite an inspiration after witnessing Godzilla's breath attack against King Ghidorah.

Spike, however, was less pleased with this, as he folded his arms and looked away with a frown. Feeling a hint of jealousy run up to him.

"After he was done dealing with humanity's antics, Godzilla finally left and disappeared into the ocean. Five years later, Godzilla would reemerge again, but this time he was not alone. He was locked in a ferocious battle with another giant creature called 'Anguirus'. Anguirus, like Godzilla, is a creature who was changed by the same weapon that changed Godzilla himself."

"Anguirus? That's a funny name!" Pinkie Pie commented with a small giggle.

"While Anguirus lacked the abilities that Godzilla possessed, such as his Heat Ray, he was still a very ferocious creature and was able to give Godzilla a decent battle. Though in the end, Godzilla proved too powerful and defeated Anguirus by knocking him out."

"Why was he fighting this 'Anguirus' in the first place?" Starlight couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Their reasoning is not clear, but we assume that the two species may be natural rivals. But that all changed when the humans created a very powerful machine that payed a close resemblance to Godzilla himself.

This machine was called 'Mechagodzilla', and it was a weapon specifically created to destroy Godzilla himself. In its hunt for Godzilla, Mechagodzilla encountered Anguirus and battled him. Try as he might, Anguirus was no match for the new weapon and was defeated, but survived. The weapon eventually hunted down and confronted Godzilla, and began battling him. Godzilla tried his best to defeat this powerful weapon, but Mechagodzilla lived up to its purpose and weakened Godzilla by absorbing and reflecting his Heat Ray back at him.

Before it could deliver the finishing blow, Anguirus arrived and attacked the machine. Godzilla and Anguirus both decided to put their differences aside and began working together to defeat Mechagodzilla. With two opponents to battle at once, Mechagodzilla became overwhelmed and was eventually destroyed.

Godzilla and Anguirus were both impressed with the each other's tenacity and bravery, no matter how powerful their enemy was. Godzilla and Anguirus eventually became friends. Anguirus is the first friend Godzilla ever had, despite starting out as enemies at first."

The ponies - especially Twilight, Starlight and Princess Celestia - smiled with happiness and joy upon hearing this. Twilight was especially happy to hear that Godzilla was not completely alone in his world, and that he had made a friend, despite starting as enemies. But then again, who was she to judge? After all, she and Starlight didn't exactly seem 'eye-to-eye' when they first met.

Rainbow Dash, on the other hand, was more interested with the battles Godzilla had. She would have loved to be there and watch the two giant creatures duke it out!

Still, the ponies and the young dragon now had a more positive view on this, and it certainly was a great refresh after hearing the first Godzilla's tragic story.

"What happened next?" An eager Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yeah! What happened next?" Pinkie chimed in while eating popcorn that seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

"Eight years would pass after Godzilla and Anguirus' victory over Mechagodzilla. A human scientist found and taken samples of Godzilla's scales left from the battle with Mechagodzilla. He then merged them with a plant as an experiment. However, his 'experiment' went horribly wrong and gave birth to another giant creature. It was half Godzilla and half plant, snd her name was 'Biollante'."

Most of the ponies gasped while Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were wishing they had some more popcorn with butter whilst listening to the story. Starlight Glimmer, however, was beginning to notice a pattern...

"Pardon my interruption." She said politely, catching everypony's attention. "But every time a new creature emerges, it seems to be a result of the humans' actions."

Indeed, the other ponies in the room were also now beginning to notice it as well. From the creation of Godzilla through the testing of the atomic bomb, to the creation of Mechagodzilla, and now, this new monstrosity. It seemed like a every time a new monster showed up, humanity almost certainly had a hand in it.

"Unfortunately, you are correct, miss Starlight Glimmer. Many, but not all, of these creatures are a direct result of our humanity hubris. Humans are not evil by nature, but they are very foolish and reckless in their pursuit of progress. They often push boundaries they must not, break the laws of Nature, and rarely foresee the consequences of their actions. As a result, creatures such as Godzilla are born. Still, there are many humans who try to understand Godzilla and find a way to peacefully coexist with him and the other creatures they had created."

The ponies and Spike smiled, glad to hear that, at the very least, some progress was being made for coexistence between the kaiju and the humans. After hearing what the humans of Godzilla's world had done, Twilight wondered if they were another breed of humans, given that she became a human herself when she and Spike entered the parallel world Sunset Shimmer lives in. Once she got past the awkwardness of becoming one of them, they were rather amiable to be around. At the same time, Twilight also began to wonder if the human world she knew also possessed the same devastating weapons or had similar giant monsters. She would have to talk with Sunset on the matter when she got the chance.

"As we were saying," The Elias resumed "After her birth, Biollante went on a rampage and proceeded to destroy everything that stood in her path, before she encountered Godzilla himself. Despite being mostly plant, Biollante was also part of Godzilla's race. Godzilla sensed this and tried to communicate with her, but Biollante was far too aggressive to be reasoned with and attacked him, forcing Godzilla to battle her. The fight was vicious, but Godzilla emerged victorious and Biollante retreated, never to be seen again.

Some time after the defeat of Biollante, another creature came, but this one was not from our world — it was a threat like no other. Meanwhile, Godzilla and Anguirus had encountered a flying creature named 'Rodan'. While Godzilla and Anguirus were at first were unsure about him, they were forced to join forces with Rodan when King Ghidorah arrived on our world to destroy all life."

This was the part where the ponies and the young dragon got really invested, as they had seen King Ghidorah and what he was capable of.

"Godzilla and his two allies battled King Ghidorah to save their home. The battle was long and brutal, but as powerful as he was, Ghidorah was eventually overwhelmed by their combined might. With no other option, Ghidorah was forced to retreat back to where he came from, while Godzilla and Anguirus had gained a new ally, and friend."

The Princess of Friendship and her friends were liking this more and more. Hearing how Godzilla had gained more friends, and how he and his friends worked together to defeat threats to their world, it reminded her of how she and her friends had defeated many of Equestria's past threats, such as Tirek, King Sombra, Chrysalis and the Storm King.

"I wish I was there. I would have given that three-headed monster a good, hard hoof to his faces." Rainbow Dash stated proudly as she puffed up her chest, acting all though.

"Sure ya' would have." Applejack quipped sarcastically with a smug smirk. She obviously did not believing her pegasus friend on bit.

"Hey! I would have!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"What happened next? What happened next?" Pinkie Pie asked frantically while happily bouncing up and down, eager to hear more of Godzilla's story.

"We soon came to realize that King Ghidorah was not acting on his own. He was merely part of a much greater threat that was to come..."

The ponies and Spike gulped upon hearing this, and felt a bed feeling for what they were about to hear.

Changeling Hive

Meanwhile, far away from Ponyville, the Changeling Hive was living in its most prosperous time.

The changelings were once a race of feral and vicious insectoid-equine creatures that fed on the love of other creatures, but after being taught how to share their love with one another thanks to Starlight's guidance and Thorax's example (a changeling who was already reformed), the changelings transformed into peaceful, colorful, and love-filled creatures. Their former leader, Queen Chrysalis, who deliberately kept them starving in order to rule them, angrily declared revenge on Starlight Glimmer before retreating, and Thorax became the new leader of the hive.

Unbeknownst to the changelings, outside of their hive, a group of unknown creatures were assembling and approaching the hive. Their yellow, pupiless eyes narrowed, sensing that this hive has lots of creatures —creatures to destroy for their pleasure.


The reformed changelings were having a peaceful time, with Thorax's brother, Pharynx, now finally transformed and accepting the new ways of the hive. However, Thorax couldn't stop his brother from being a little overprotective of the hive at times. Thorax was currently sitting on his throne with his older brother standing next to him, watching the changelings doing their new daily activities such as paining, dancing, preparing food and other peaceful activities.

"This new life is starting to get a little boring." Pharynx muttered under his breath. Because he was formerly a warrior, Pharynx always enjoyed a little combat.

"Well, you better get used to it, then." Thorax chuckled as he looks over to his brother.

"Maybe I should just change back to my old self." Pharynx joked, turning to Thorax with a teasing smirk.

Both changelings gave a light chuckle to each other. But shortly after their little laughter was over, Thorax gained a somewhat depressed and worried look, as he turns back to the other changelings in front of them, who were still having fun.

"I'm not sure how the other races in Equestria are gonna trust us, though." Thorax said sadly. "After all the bad things changelings had done when Chrysalis was in charge, I'm not sure if some of the other creatures will forgive us for what we've done." He mutters somberly. Even though they had changed, Thorax still worried of how the other races would now look at them; not everyone sees changelings the way Twilight and her friends now do.

Pharynx noticed this and gained a sympathetic look on his face. He then wrapped his left hoof around his brother's shoulder, causing Thorax to turn and look at him.

"Hey, listen. I know what we've done in the past was pretty bad. But that's all in the past now. We've changed, and others will see it too, just give em' time." Pharynx said with a reassuring smile.

"Thank you, brother." Thorax responded with a warm smile of his own.

"Besides, I'll just force them to accept us as friends if they don't want to." Pharynx joked again, making his brother have another light chuckle.

However, their relaxing moment was soon paused when a changeling with a light-green body and blue eyes suddenly came flying to his King — and judging by the expression he had on his face, he did not appear to come with good news.

"King Thorax, we have a problem!" The changeling exclaimed as he landed before his King and bowed in respect.

"What is it?" Thorax asked in confusion, really hoping it wasn't some kind of a creature, like the maulwurf, that's threatening the hive, again.

"The hive is under attack by... some kind of creatures." The changeling answered, unsure how to put it exactly. "I'm not sure what they are, but they're definitely not friendly!"

This immediately caused all the other changelings in the room to cease their peaceful activities, and turn towards him with shocked and horrified looks.

Thorax cringed, not liking where this was going; the last thing he needed right now was another monster attack.

Soon enough, he and every other changeling began hearing unusual noises coming from the edge of the hive. The noises themselves sounded almost like a beetle crawling across a hard surface — only thing was, the sound they were hearing was much louder, as if the creature that was crawling was a gigantic beetle. These noises began to get louder and louder, as if something was climbing up the hive where they were residing.

Pharynx was already in a battle pose and was ready for whatever was coming their way, ready to defend the his brother, the hive and their subjects.

The source of these sounds eventually made itself known. Slowly, but surely, a creature began to emerge from the edge of the hive as it slowly crawled up and stood on the flat surface.

The creature had finally reached the top of the hive where Thorax, his brother and many more changelings were residing. The changeling's eyes turned into that of both surprise and confusion, because they had never seen anything like this before.

The creature was very crustacean-like in appearance; it had a bright red exoskeleton covering its body with six segmented crab-like legs and small spikes on each of its shoulders. It had a long neck and an even longer tail, which ended with a set of pincers, while its head had a frill-like crest and ferocious-looking mandibles. Finally, the creature had a pair of yellow, pupiless eyes. The creature was also quite large, more than twice the size of Thorax himself.

Thorax, his brother, and every changeling in the this part of the hive, simply stared at the mysterious and scary-looking creature that had suddenly made its appearance. They were unsure how to react to this strange 'visitor'. But little did the changelings know, what they are staring at was no ordinary creature — it was a monster that originated from the same world as Godzilla!

"I've never seen a creature like that before." Pharynx commented in surprise while staring at the creature with caution.

"Neither have I." Thorax also commented. As Thorax stared into the creature's seemingly emotionless eyes, he couldn't help but feel something very negative and very wrong about this creature, that sent cold chills down his spine — and little did he know, the bad feeling he was having was with good reason.

The monster slowly scanned the area around it, trying to decide who to attack first, before fixing its attention to Thorax himself, who still remained silent but continued staring at it with surprise and uncertainty. Deciding that he would be its first prey of choice, without any warning, the crustacean leaned its head forward... and fired a pink, mist-like beam from its mandible-mouth!

As the deadly beam raced for the surprised Changeling King with blazing speed, Thorax's brother quickly reacted for him! Acting fast, Pharynx jumped in and tackled his brother out of the beam's path! By the time the deadly beam had reached its target, both Thorax and his brother were safely out of the way, resulting in Thorax's throne instantly shattering into pieces when the beam made contact with it!

The changelings who witnessed this gasped in shock and horror, both at the sight of their king nearly being destroyed and the monster's unexpected ability.

"Thank you, Pharynx." Thorax said with a grateful smile as he and his brother slowly stood up.

"Heh, no problem." Pharynx smiled back. But his smile was quick to disappear and be replaced by a glare filled with anger, which he directed towards the creature that had just tried to kill his brother.

But that soon to changed into shock when suddenly, another creature of the same species crawled over the edge of the hive and stood next to the first one, and then a third creature came, then a forth. There were four, then five, then seven and the numbers continued to grow.

Thinking quickly, Pharynx darted upwards to get a better view, to see what was going on. Once he was hovering high over the hive, he could see what lied beyond the hive. Pharynx's purple eyes instantly widened in shock at what he was seeing — there were possibly hundreds of these giant crustaceans marching towards the hive like a swarm of ants, and some were already climbing the walls of it. Pharynx quickly flew down where his brother was waiting.

"What did you see, Pharynx?" Thorax eagerly asked.

"We have to prepare! There are more of these things coming! Its an attack!" Pharynx exclaimed.

Thorax was at a loss for words, the one thing he hated most was violence and war. But the Changeling King was quick to gain a serious and stern look on his face. Benevolent or not, as king, it was his duty to protect the hive and his subjects from all manner of threats, and this one was no exception!

"I understand." Thorax said before he himself got prepared for battle and went into a fighting pose, as he turned to face the creatures that stood near the edge of the hive, looking at him and his subjects with murderous intent. The other changelings did not need to be told by their king what to do, as they all got prepared for an inevitable battle that was to come!

The King of the Monsters was currently resting at the bottom of the sea floor in the waters of the Celestial Sea. It had been over six days since he arrived in this strange world, and it took some time for Godzilla to become aware that this was not the same world he originated in. For starters, there were no humans (which was a relief to him) and anywhere he went, he was often greeted by the sight of colorful equines that came in four different varieties; ones with horns on theirs heads that allowed hem to levitate objects, ones with wings that allowed them o fly, and ones without either. He had yet too see ponies who had both a horn and wings ever since his departure from Ponyville, which lead him to assume that that particular breed was exceptionally rare.

After coming to different locations and encountering more of these ponies, Godzilla became more and more surprised by them. Their behavior was very different from the ones that reside in his world. They acted much like how humans do, and they also (at least all of the adults) had symbols on their flanks; some had symbols of animals, others of plants and some had symbols of objects that Godzilla recognized from his encounters with humans.

There were very few instances where the ponies would scream and run away in terror upon his arrival in their location. For the most part, they would simply stare at him in awe and fascination when he arrived in their location and leave without further incident.

None of the creatures that were native to this world were hostile to him. Due to his huge size, none of the predators such as rocs, hydras, and tatzelwurm attacked him. As a result, Godzilla left them alone.

A thought suddenly came in the Monster King's head about the purple pony that had both wings and a horn. While she did not seem like much on the outside, Godzilla sensed an aura emitting from her — a very positive aura. He was not sure why, but he also felt the same coming from the other five ponies that were with her. Their presence alone felt very positive and welcoming, and surrounded Godzilla with a sense of goodness and happiness, something he seldom felt in his world.

The Monster King began to wonder to himself — What was he feeling? Could there be more to these ponies than meets the eye?

However, his pondering quickly stopped when Godzilla suddenly got the feeling of a very negative presence. He opened his eyes and raised his head off the sea floor, sensing that something was not right, as he felt the presence of an intruder in this world. Mysterious, yet familiar at the same time. Godzilla was not sure what it was, but he did know that it was definitely trouble, and that he intended on doing something about it.

Back in the Castle of Friendship, Twilight and her friends listend intently about how Godzilla and his fellow kaiju stopped an alien invasion who attempted to conquer their planet and enslave them. After King Ghidorah was defeated at the claws of Godzilla, Anguirus, and Rodan, it soon became revealed that Ghidorah himself was under the control of an alien race known as the M Space Hunter Nebula. These creatures resembled a cross between crustaceans and spiders, with bluish exoskeletons, six eyes, and mandibles. The M Space Hunter Nebula were notorious for conquering planets by sending their armies of mind-controlled monsters to wipe out the native inhabitants of said planets. Once that task was accomplished, the aliens would arrive to pillage all the resources from the planet to strengthen their empire, and then move on the next habitable planet to repeat the process all over again. They had access to both extremely advanced technology that far surpassed that of humanity and even access to some level of sorcery. Using this combination of science and magic, they unleashed kaiju that were under their control to wipe out the humans and the Earth kaiju.

But their attempted invasion had the unexpected consequence of awakening even more Earth kaiju that had been in hibernation or were hiding in remote corners of the planet. Godzilla, Anguirus, and Rodan found themselves fighting alongside Mothra, a gigantic butterfly, and whom the Elias worshiped as their goddess; King Caesar, a bipedal lion-like creature who could absorb and reflect energy beams back onto his opponents; Titanosaurus, an aquatic dinosaur who could create powerful winds with his tail; and many more.

After a long back-and-forth battle between Godzilla, his fellow Earth kaiju, the militaries of the world and the M Space Hunter Nebula with their mind-controlled space kaiju, the armies of Earth finally began pushing the aliens back. Many of the M Space Hunter Nebula's monsters were destroyed during the battle, including Gigan, a powerful cyborg monster, and Hedorah, a toxic monstrosity composed entirely of sludge and pollution. With their numbers faltering and their forces getting ever weaker, the M Space Hunter Nebula were forced to retreat from Earth, leaving Godzilla and his fellow Earth monsters victorious.

The ponies and Spike were in complete awe and admiration at what Godzilla had accomplished. They were all beyond impressed by the battles he and his friends had gone through, and the lengths they went to protect their world. In many ways, this battle for their world reminded Twilight and her friends of their own battles with various villains to protect Equestria. It was also ironic that the weapon that mutated Godzilla also gave him the power to fight off the invaders.

"Godzilla is super awesome!" Pinkie Pie squealed happily while bouncing up and down in excitement. "He showed those space meanies who's boss!"

"Yeah, his great and all.... but not as awesome as me." Rainbow Dash stated with pride, acting all though as she did so, much to the annoyance of Applejack.

"I'm just glad he doesn't eat gems." Rarity breathed a sigh of relief, knowing her new gem-styled dresses are safe.

"Despite this, however, Godzilla and some his companions did occasionally attack urban areas after the M Space Hunter Nebula were defeated. They did this for a verity of reasons, such as seeking resources or new territories to occupy. Unfortunately, it did not help that the humans are also increasing in numbers rather quickly, thus forcing them into conflict with the Godzilla and the other Earth creatures."

"But why do they have to be in odds with one another?" Asked Rarity. "After fighting alongside each other to defend their world from the aliens, didn't the humans see value in Godzilla and his friends?"

Many humans did, but not all, miss Rarity. Life is more complicated than that in our world, and because they once had a common enemy, it does not guarantee that they will coexist peacefully."

Eventually, humanity grew weary of these conflicts, thus they developed a new weapons to deal with them. But rather than destroying them, this weapon instead creates portals. They tracked Godzilla on his home island and fired the weapon at him, banishing him from his world... and sending him in yours. After Godzilla was successfully gone, the humans proceeded to do the same with all the other giant creatures in their world."

Looks of displeasure and disappointment were on the faces of the ponies and Spike after hearing this. The fact that very few humans acknowledged what the kaiju had done for them, the fact that they sent Godzilla and his allies here to be their problem instead of trying to find a way to coexist peacefully — it was something that greatly upset the ponies of Equestria.

"We are currently trying to find a way to return Godzilla and the others back to our world."

"Then I wish you the best of luck." Princess Celestia said politely.

"As do I." Princess Luna followed.

"We all do." Twilight Sparkle said with a gentle smile.

"Thank you, miss Twilight Sparkle."

"Please, just 'Twilight' is fine." The Princess of Friendship blushed at being called 'Miss'.

All of the sudden, everypony in the room was caught off guard and startled when they all heard very loud screaming coming from outside, and it seemed to be of the negative kind. It sounded like something they would hear during Nightmare Night, except for the fact that it wasn't Nightmare Night and the scream itself sounded very serious rather than being scared for fun.

"What the hay was that?" Applejack asked in surprise.

"I don't know, but we better hurry!" Twilight Sparkle said before quickly getting off her throne and immediately going for the exit doors, followed closely by her friends.


Not a second too soon, the ponies and Spike raced towards the doors to see what was going on outside, and much to their horror and shock, they were presented with a very terrifying sight after opening them.

A number of the same creatures that were currently attacking the Changeling Hive were now also doing the same to Ponyville, and were currently attacking ponies!

Some of the creatures were blasting houses with their pink rays while others were chasing ponies around, intending on killing them! The beasts were also quite large, a single one of them was taller and larger than Princess Celestia herself!

"What the heck are those creatures?!" Spike exclaimed in disbelief, watching the carnage before him unfold.

"We shall figure that out after we deal with them." The Princess of the Night declared before spreading her wings and flying off to stop the rampaging monsters from harming any of her subjects, followed by her elder sister, the Mane Six and Starlight Glimmer!


One of the monsters had cornered Lyra and Bon Bon/Sweetie Drops against a wall. Both ponies were hugging each other with fear while staring at the monstrous crustacean's pupiless eyes, and they could see that it had only one intention — to kill. Charging up its body, the creature fired its deadly beam at the two scared mares! But before the beam could reach them, a blazing speed passed the two mares, leaving nothing behind but a rainbow trail. With its intended targets missing, the beam instead struck the wall and made a large hole.

Initially confused at first, the monster sensed another life presence nearby. Turning it's head to it's left, the creatures saw, standing sixteen feet away from itself, Rainbow Dash with Lyra and Bon Bon. Rainbow Dash had used her incredible speed to grab and move Lyra and Bon Bon out of harm's way just in time!

"Thanks, Rainbow!" Lyra said happily.

"No problem! You two better get out of here." Rainbow Dash said before turning to face the monster head on. "I'll take care of this."

Not needing to be told twice, Bon Bon and Lyra quickly fled the scene as fast as they could, leaving Rainbow to deal with the beast on her own.

The monstrous crustacean now had its attention fixed on the rainbow-maned pegasus. Both angry by the fact that she stole its prey, but also interested by the potential that she may prove to be a more challenging prey.

"Come on, you overgrown crab! Let's see what you got!" Rainbow taunted the crustacean, irritating it.

With an angry screech, the crab-like monster began charging at Rainbow Dash with full speed! However, the mutant crustacean did not know what the pegasus was capable of. Once the monster came close enough, Rainbow used her own speed to take off and dart upwards before the beast could reach her. The monster quickly stopped in its tracks and looked up in the sky, scanning for its prey. As it continued looking up, Rainbow quickly revealed herself to the monster... with a hoof-kick to the left side of it's head. Unfortunately for Rainbow, her kick did not send the creature flying like she expected. While Rainbow Dash's kick was strong enough to make the crustacean feel some pain, it did not do any serious harm to it as the creature stood it's ground; not even moving an inch.

"Wow..." She muttered in surprise.

Quickly turning its head, the monster fired its ray at her! But like before, Rainbow Dash's incredible speed helped her in avoiding the monster's primary weapon by flying upwards again, even if she was dangerously close to it. The beast was hoping this pony would give it a challenge in a full-on fight, but the fact she was using her speed to avoid its attacks and get strikes of her own simply annoyed it.

Rainbow Dash now moved behind the seemingly unsuspecting creature - with a twenty foot distance placed between them - as it was still looking around.

"Alright, let's see you handle this!" With that, Rainbow started racing straight for it with incredible speed, intending to take it down by surprise! But she did not anticipate the creature's tail to be a problem. Once she came closer - about five feet or so - Rainbow Dash was caught completely off guard when the creature's long tail suddenly swung like a whip, smacking her across the face, and sending the proud Wonderbolt crashing through the dirt!

The crustacean now turned and began approaching it's downed prey. Rainbow quickly got up and shook her head before turning to her right - to see the ravenous look on the beast's face, who was now standing only inches away, with one of it's front legs raised, ready to strike down and impale the young Wonderbolt. But her reflexes were faster than the mutant expected; she quickly jumped out of the way before it's leg shot downward and pierced the dirt instead.

"What are these things made of?" Rainbow Dash questioned to herself, surprised by how though its exoskeleton was. But nevertheless, she was still ready to go for another round with the red monster.


In another part in Ponyville, another one of the beasts had attacked the school where the young colts and fillies were residing by breaking through the wall to reach them. Luckily though, everypony inside the school managed to successfully escape the monster without any harm.

The monster was now currently chasing the teacher, Cheerilee, and her students through the town.

As they were running, however, one unfortunate filly - which happened to be Diamond Tiara - accidentally tripped and fell on the ground. The other fillies and colts were too caught up to notice this as they ran for their lives screaming! Diamond turned behind to see her pursuer slowly approaching her before coming to a stop. It stood about nine feet away from her. The young filly was consumed with fear, as she stared back at the creature's murderous eyes. Wasting no time, the crustacean quickly fired its primary weapon at the filly, intending for a quick kill. But luckily, its deadly ray ended up being blocked by a purple-colored, transparent, bubble-like force field — and the creator of this was none other than The Princess of Friendship herself!

Twilight had flown in between Diamond Tiara and the monster's primary weapon before it could reach the filly to create a shield just in the nick of time, thus saving both herself and Diamond's life.

The beast continued firing its deadly ray while Twilight still kept her shield up. As she was doing so, Twilight turned to Diamond Tiara with a concerned look.

"Are you okay?" She asked, clearly worried.

"Yeah, I am now." Diamond Tiara said with a thankful smile which caused Twilight to smile back at her. However, this was cut short when something suddenly caught Twilight's attention. Turning back to where the pink beam was still hitting, Twilight became shocked to find cracks in the spot of the shield where the monster's beam was currently making contact.

Twilight did not know what that ray was composed of, but she now knew that it was very deadly and very powerful!

After the beast finally ceased its assault, Twilight dematerialized her shield.

Turning to Diamond Tiara, Twilight yelled "Go!"

Without hesitation, the filly quickly turned and galloped off without looking back.

Now, with nopony to worry about getting harmed, Twilight turned her glare at the monstrous mutant. As if returning the favor, the beast narrowed its pupiless eyes at its alicorn opponent. With a sudden loud screech, the vicious beast began racing towards Twilight, before suddenly jumping towards her like a lion pouncing on an unsuspecting antelope. The Princess made good use of her wings; with a quick flap from them, she was out of harm's way just as the monster slashed its front sharp legs at where she was previously standing a moment ago. Twilight, now hovering in the air above the monster, retaliated with a purple beam of magic she shot from her horn, striking the crustacean's chest and causing it to screech in pain.

Magic was something this ancient predator had never felt before, and it hurt quite a lot. But thanks to the durability of its exoskeleton, the monster was able to withstand an attack that would blow a timberwolf to pieces, albeit not without taking some damage. With this, the monster returned the favor with its own long-range, energy-based attack. Its pinkish beam shot from it's mandibles and raced straight for Twilight. The young princess, knowing what this attack was capable of, easily evaded it by moving out of the beam's path, while at the same time firing another beam of magic back at the creature!


Meanwhile, Princess Luna herself was currently locked in a battle with another of the beasts. Despite its larger size, the Princess of the Night was able to hold her own against the vicious crustacean. She was, after all, one of the most powerful ponies in Equestria. Aiming her horn at the monster, Luna fired a blue beam of magic, hoping to end this battle as soon as possible! Though, that was far easier said than done — her powerful beam was quickly countered when the mutant fired its deadly ray from it's mouth at the same time she fired her's from her horn!

Magic and micro-oxygen clashed with one another, as the two beams of different colors became locked in a struggle for dominance.

The Princess of the Night gritted her teeth and mustered all her strength to overwhelm the monster's primary weapon. Yet, despite her best effort, she was not winning whatsoever. The beams were still evenly matched. That was until the monster's pinkish beam began to slowly, but surely, overpower and push back Luna's magical one. Try as she might, the Night Princess could not stop it nor push it back, no matter how hard she tried.

Princess Luna was already at her limit, sweating and concentrating even harder simply to halt the monster's attack, but to no avail, the beast's primary weapon continued pushing back Luna's. But out of nowhere, a yellow beam suddenly shot past Luna and clashed with the monster's pinkish beam to aid her magical one. Luna turned slightly to her left, to notice her elder sister who controls the sun, firing her own magic at the monster's primary weapon. Luna smiled, appreciating the help from her sister.

Together with their combined might and power, the magic of the two sisters almost immediately began turning the tables and overwhelming the beast's weapon! Its eyes widened in shock as the combined beams of yellow and blue colors eventually overwhelmed its own, pink one, and shot towards it, blasting it in the face and body. The combined beams knocked the beast backwards off its feet, sending it crashing across the ground like a football.

"These creatures are powerful." Princess Luna commented, still breathing heavily and still exhausted from her struggle.

"And what's worse, there are too many of them." Princess Celestia added with dread. Just one of them had already proven to be superior to Chrysalis in terms of power, and with who-knows how many more were out there, she could only hope that help would come soon.

Back at the Changeling Hive, things were pretty much the same. A group of intruding creatures had invaded and attacked the Changeling Hive for reasons unknown to the changelings. Despite now being a peaceful race, the changelings were still fully capable fighters and warriors. The intruders mainly relied on their rays, sharp legs and tails in combat. After seeing what these beams were capable of, the changelings were wise to avoid them. One thing the changelings had as an advantage, was their ability to fly and shapeshift, making it quite difficult for the seemingly ground-based creatures to fight them head-on.

But one of these invaders did not bother to join its brethren, as it stood quietly outside the hive. It was standing a good distance away from the hive and watching the battle unfold. It knew that these creatures would not fall so easily, but it already had a solution for the problem. Lifting its head up, the crustacean let out a very loud screech from its mouth.


The rest were still busy battling the changelings. Firing their rays, swinging their tails, trying anything they could to kill at least one of them.

This went on... until they heard the call.

Upon hearing it, all the invaders suddenly ceased their assault and turned towards the direction of where the screech came from. Then, much to the surprised changelings, every single one of the dangerous creatures almost immediately began retreating from the hive, climbing down from the tall hive until they reached the ground below and crawling away.

"Heh, look at that, they're retreating!" Pharynx gloated at their apparent victory, but Thorax was not so sure if that was what they were actually doing.


The crustaceans have left the hive and were now racing towards the lone one that was patiently standing outside and never attacked the hive. Then, surprisingly enough, all the creatures began to pile up on the lone one, much to the changeling's utter confusion as they watched from above. But their confusion would soon be turned into surprise and awe when a very bright, orange-yellow light suddenly erupted from where the creatures had piled together, forcing the changelings to cover their eyes with their hooves due to the light's intense brightness. It was far brighter than the lights the changelings did when they transformed into their new forms.

When the light finally ceased, the changelings removed their hooves and opened their eyes to see what was going on — and they really wished they hadn't done so, for their faces were now filled with shock and horror at what they see.

In the place of the smaller creatures, stood one large creature, and by large. In terms of size, this beast was nearly the same height as the Changeling Hive itself and would make a maulwurf look like a guinea pig. In terms of appearance, it looked almost identical to the smaller ones, but with some minor physical differences. Besides the size difference, it had two crab-like pincers located on its chest and two long spear-like appendages sprouting from its back.

The smaller creatures had merged together into one, gigantic monster. This was the Aggregate form of Destoroyah!


"Who could have guessed that they can do that?" An orange-colored changeling asked among the crowd of shocked changelings.

Thorax and Pharynx simply stared in shock and horror, completely bewildered and in total disbelief by this new and unexpected ability their opponents (now single opponent) possessed.

Turning its attention to the hive, the newly evolved monster began to advance towards it. The changelings now begin to get really worried, and even panic. It's one thing to fight creatures of similar sizes to themselves, but to try and fight a gigantic creature that was nearly the same height as the hive itself?

Despite the seemingly hopeless situation, Thorax's expression hardened in determination and seriousness. "Well, no matter what, we're gonna keep fighting on, whatever it takes!" He declared with a unusually loud and stern tone, something which even surprised Pharynx.

"Heh, never thought I'd see this side of you." Pharynx commented with a smirk.

As the Aggregate Destoroyah was coming closer and closer, ready to demonstrate its new power... it suddenly stopped and halted in the middle of its advance. Now standing half-way towards the Changeling Hive. Turning to its right, the monster stared at the distance, seemingly at nothing.

"What's it doing now?" Pharynx in confusion.

His question was quickly answered when another bright light appeared from the Aggregate Destoroyah, completely engulfing the creature and forcing the changelings to once again cover their eyes. When the light disappeared, a new form emerged, which immediately took to the sky.

Unlike the Aggregate form, this new form of Destoroyah was visibly different in more than a few ways. It retained its red exoskeleton and its frill-like crest, but it looked less like a crustacean and more like a dragon, with not one, but two sets of wings. It retained its long tail with the pincer at the end, but had no visible legs, nor any kind of limbs for that matter besides its four wings. It had a reptilian mouth instead of mandibles and a pointed horn protruding from its head. The Aggregate form of Destoroyah had transformed into its Flying form.

The changelings simply stared in even more surprise and shock as they watch the Flying Form of Destoroyah head east, to an unknown location.

The initial confusion for Thorax remained for no longer than five seconds, before he gained a look of horror and fear at the realization of where the beast was now heading.

"It's heading for Ponyville!" Thorax exclaimed loudly, before taking off into the air and turning back to his fellow changelings. "We have to warn Twilight, Spike and everyone else!"

The changelings nodded and, Pharynx included, began flying up with Thorax.

"Pharynx, wait! I need to you look after the hive while I'm gone!" Thorax ordered. "In case more of those creatures arrive."

"Good idea, brother, you can count on me!" Pharynx said before flying down.

Thorax nodded before he and his fellow changelings quickly flew off to where the Flying Destoroyah was now heading, hoping to reach them in time before the beast could!

Back over to Ponyville, things were not looking any brighter. The invading monsters' power and numbers were overwhelming, even with the combined effort of the three Princesses and Twilight's friends. But miraculously, no pony or animal was killed.

"Alright you big crab...spider...scorpion...uhh, thing...meanie! Time to eat your just desserts!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, aiming her Party Canon at a Destoroyah that was coming at her, and shooting all kinds of desserts and confettis in the creature's face, particularly its eyes. While the desserts didn't really do any harm to it, they did blind it as the monster halted and shook its head to get rid of the smeared desserts. "Ha! I knew my chocolate cupcakes would come in handy one day!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed to herself proudly.

"Take that, you beast!" Rarity exclaimed, firing a blue beam of magic from her horn at another Destoroyah, and hitting it in the face. While her magic was not quite was powerful as Twilight's, it was still somewhat effective. But all she did was succeeded in mostly irritating the crustacean, which responded by firing its primary weapon at the now-frightened fashion designer.

Before the beam could strike her, the unicorn seemingly popped out of existence. Rarity reappeared next to Starlight, who had used her magic to teleport her out harm's way in the nick of time.

"Thank you, darling. That was a close one!" Rarity smiled gratefully.

"Any time, Rarity." Starlight Glimmer smiled back. Turning around, Starlight glared at the monster, which was now charging towards them! Firing several beams from her horn in rapid succession, Starlight struck the crustacean in the chest several times. It was more effective than Rarity's attack, as it was enough to cause the crustacean to stop and screech out in pain. The creature regained its composure, before returning the favor with its deadly ray.

Thinking quickly, the unicorn summoned a shield and successfully blocked the attack. But was taken aback when her shield showed signs of cracking the moment the ray made contact with it. When the monster ceased its attack, Starlight dematerialized her shield. Starlight looked at the creature with surprise and concern — even Twilight Sparkle would have a hard time getting past her shield, yet this creature was able to do it with seemingly little effort. Whatever these creatures were, they were quite powerful.

Elsewhere, another Destoroyah had cornered Angel the rabbit against a wall. The white rabbit shook in fright as the monster stared at him hungrily, drooling with starvation. The creature was slowly advancing towards its prey, when suddenly...

"Stop it!"

It froze in place when it was met with a very intense and almost frightening look from Fluttershy, who had flown in-between Angel and the monster. Fluttershy hovered in front of the monster's face and used the full power of the Stare as she looked into the beast's eyes.

"You listen here, buster! How could go around hurting innocent ponies and animals like that? Have you no shame?!" Fluttershy scolded the monster rather fiercely as she floated in front of the larger creature's face, not taking her eyes off its surprised face.

The mutant was initially still, its widened eyes in direct contact with Fluttershy's. The pegasus would use this on misbehaving animals... but unfortunately for her, this creature was not the same thing as a misbehaving animal — it was far worse. The effect of the Stare did not last as long as Fluttershy had intended, the monster's pupiless eyes slowly narrowed before closing completely. The beast shook its head, breaking Fluttershy's eye contact completely, before reopening its eyes and looking the yellow pegasus again. This time, its face resembled that of an angry tiger ready to strike.

Fluttershy's scold turned into a frightened gaze, as she realized that the beast had overcome her ultimate weapon. The crustacean now inched closer to her, its mandibles an inch away from Fluttershy's muzzle. As the frightened pegasus gazed into the monster's murderous stare, she felt something bite onto her tail from behind before suddenly pulling her away from the creature... just in time to avoid the beast's extendable inner jaw shooting forward like a piston that nearly had her.

Once Fluttershy was safely away from the creature, she turned to see Applejack holding her by the tail with her mouth. Should the farm pony been a second too late, things would have been extremely bad.

"You okay, Sugar Cube?" Applejack asked worriedly, letting go of her friend's tail.

"I think so." Fluttershy replied softly. Both ponies quickly turned back in fright to see the crustacean standing dangerously close to them, having one of its sharp-tipped legs raised in the air and ready to strike them down with it.

But before it could do just that...


A very loud and very familiar roar suddenly echoed through Ponyville. All of the Destoroyahs that were attacking immediately ceased their actions upon hearing this. Both the ponies and crustaceans looked to the east and spotted the King of the Monsters advancing towards Ponyville. With each step he took, Godzilla shook the ground beneath them and sent flocks of birds fleeing from the nearby trees. Due to his enormous size, the ponies could see that he was still much farther away from Ponyville, but that distance was closing fast.

However, Godzilla wasn't the only kaiju heading this way. Suddenly, a loud screech came from the opposite direction from where Godzilla was coming, prompting the crustaceans and ponies to turn and saw another giant creature coming from the west side and heading towards Ponyville. Unlike the Monster King, this new creature was flying in the sky and was approaching much Ponyville faster than Godzilla thanks to its more effective method of locomotion. Seeing this, the smaller Juvenile Destoroyahs almost immediately began racing towards the location of where the flying creature was predicted to land. All the crustaceans that were in Ponyville, that were battling and attacking the ponies, ceased their their assault and began fleeing from the town, leaving it entirely.

They left almost as quickly as they came.

"Look at that. Their running away!" Rainbow Dash gloated, hovering in the mid-air whilst thinking they had apparently won.

"I don't think they're retreating." Starlight said with concern, not willing to take any chances so quickly.

The flying kaiju eventually landed on the ground, on its stomach, a mile away from Ponyville. Once it did so, it wasn't long before the smaller Destoroyahs eventually reached it and immediately began to swarm the larger monster, climbing atop its huge body in masses. In no time, the larger monster was almost completely covered by the smaller, Juvenile forms. And after that was over and done with, an orange-yellow light suddenly erupted from the living mass of crustaceans. The light was so bright that the ponies and even Godzilla were forced to cover or close their eyes.

"Cool!" Pinkie exclaimed, watching the 'light show' with a pair of sunglasses that seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

"What the hay is going on?!" Rainbow Dash cried out while covering her eyes with her hooves.

"I don't know!" Twilight replied.

When the bright light finally died down and disappeared, the ponies were finally able to see... with utter shock and horror.

"Oh, my Celeastia..." Twilight muttered in disbelief as she covered her mouth with her left hoof. Her eyes widened while her pupils were the size of pinholes, while her ears flattened against her head, completely shocked and horrified at what she was now seeing.
The two princesses of the sun and moon were also equally horrified, as was everypony else was right now.

In the place of the flying and smaller creatures now stood a single, gigantic one.

This new creature looked something like a gargoyle and Sunset Shimmer's demon form, but far more terrifying than either of them. For starters, it was incredibly big, even more so than Godzilla, and bulky. Like the Monster King, this creature was also bipedal with two arms, and with sharp claws sticking out of its feet and knees. Its arms were cylinder-shaped with three large claws that opened like hands. Two sets of dragon-like wings spread from its back, the larger set behind the shoulders and a much smaller set on the sides between its legs and arms. Its chest was dominated by a beige-colored floral pattern, and its long tail ended with a set of pincers made for grasping. The creature retained its previous forms' frill-like crest on its head and crimson exoskeleton. Like its flying form, it had a reptilian jaw filled with sharp teeth, and much like the unicorns and alicorns, it also possessed a single horn on the top of the head. All of the previous crustacean-like creatures have merged together into one, extremely powerful being: Destoroyah! The Destroyer of all Living Things!

Once the transformation was complete, Destoroyah let loose a high-pitched roar from his nightmarish mouth.

At this point, Twilight Sparkle heard the two voices of the Elias in her head return.

"Twilight Sparkle, we heard a distress. Is something wrong?"

'Something wrong' would be a very light way of putting the situation they were currently facing right now.

"It's a long story, but to keep it short: Some kind of crustacean-like creatures attacked Ponyville a minute ago, and then a flying creature came and... they seemed to have merged together into a new creature." The princess explained the events that had just occurred the best and shortest way possible. She heard no response from her other-worldly friends. "Elias, can you hear me?"

After a moment of silence, the voices returned.

"Twilight... the creature you are describing... does it happen to have four wings, a tail and a horn?"

"Yes, it does. Is it a creature from you're world?"

With some hesitation, the Elias' voices came back, but this time they seemed frightened - very frightened, as if they just had a terrifying nightmare. Although, if they had already seen a creature like this before, their fearful tones should be easy to understand.

"Twilight, the creature that is currently in you're world is possibly the worst creature from our world to come."

This took the princess by surprise, and she really did't like the way the Elias described just it.

"How bad is it?" Twilight hesitated to ask while her eyes were still focused on the bipedal crustacean,and her mind was racing with terrifying thoughts and possibilities.

"The monster's name is 'Destoroyah'. He is one of the most powerful creatures in our world. He cannot be reasoned with, and his only purpose is to destroy all living things. He will never stop until he has hunted down and destroyed every creature in your world."

Twilight's legs were literally shaking with fear and her mouth was left hanging open. She stared at the demonic kaiju with a horrified look on her face. She expected this creature to be bad, but she did not expect it to be downright evil — that he desired the extinction of every living creature in their world. Even some of the past enemies such as Tirek, the Storm King, Chrysalis, and Sombra never had such horrifying and fear-fueling goals.


The two kaiju begin to battle as Destoroyah goes on the offensive by firing a Micro-Oxygen Beam from his mouth — a much stronger variation of his lesser forms' ray. The pink-colored beam struck Godzilla's left knee, causing the Monster King to roar of pain. But the Monster King is quick to return the favor: dorsal spines lightening up, Godzilla fires his Atomic Breath at the monstrous crustacean. Aiming for the evil monster's chest, the blue beam struck Destoroyah's floral pattern dead on.

Unfortunately for Godzilla, after the smoke cleared, Destoroyah was still standing, completely unaffected by the attack. The beast suddenly lunged forward towards the Monster King on foot, before reaching out and grabbing Godzilla by the throat with his three-clawed 'hand'. Using his immense strength, Destoroyah forcefully shoved Godzilla down and smashed his head against the ground. In retaliation, Godzilla swung his tail and smacked Destoroyah's leg with it. But the crustacean was nether phased nor impressed. In response, Destoroyah turned his back on Godzilla and grabbed the latter by the neck with the pincer located at the end of his tail. With a strong flap from his huge wings, Destoroyah took to the air and proceeded to fly north whilst still holding Godzilla with the tail. Destoroyah deliberately flew low to the ground, which resulted in Godzilla getting forcefully dragged through the dirt. Wherever Destoroyah went, Godzilla would follow through the ground itself.

Soon, both kaiju left Ponyville and went into the Everfree Forest, leaving the ponies both speechless and horrified at what they saw.

Twilight eventually snapped out it. "We have to help him!" She exclaimed, spreading her wings and preparing to take off.

"Are you nuts?!" Rainbow Dash flew in front of her, spreading out her front hooves. "You saw what that thing did! How are we suppose to fight it?"

"We'll think of a plan! Godzilla saved us from Ghidorah in the Dragon Lands. We owe him for that." Twilight argued back, her wings remaining spread and still ready for takeoff. She recalled the moment when Godzilla blasted King Ghidorah in the back just as the three-headed monster was ready to kill them. If Godzilla was not present, she doubted they would still be here. For that matter, Ponyville would probably not have been here, either.

"She's right, Rainbow. we do owe Godzilla one." Starlight agreed with her teacher as she stepped up next to Twilight, giving her a reassuring smile as she did so.

"Yeah, but..." Rainbow tired to argue but couldn't find the right words.

"Besides," Pinkie suddenly popped up."I think Rainbow is too sacred to go." She said with a mischievous smile.

"What?! I'm not scared of that overgrown..." Rainbow paused for a moment to find the right word, but couldn't think of one "Whatever it is!"

"I think you're scaaaaared~," Pinkie continued teasing her friend, her smile growing wider and wider.

"Oh yeah?! Alright then, let's go and help, Big G!" Rainbow Dash declared, turning and preparing to go after the two kaiju.

"While Ah do agree with ya'll, Rainbow did have a point. How do we help him?" Applejack asked, a little uncertain about the situation.

"Even with our combined power, I fear this monster may be too strong." Princess Celestia said in a worried tone as she approached them along with Luna. In fact, Celestia was certain that Destoroyah would be too large and too powerful to be contained in Tartarus with all the other monsters.

Twilight Sparkle thought for a moment, pondering how to handle this problem. "We could distract it, and maybe that could give Godzilla enough time to recover and fight back and, hopefully, defeat it." She suggested, turning to her friends for their opinions.

The princesses of the sun and moon looked at one another, still not quite sure if that will be enough to stop the monstrous crustacean. But right now, this was their best option.

"Very well, Twilight. We shall assist him." The sun princess finally said.

"Agreed, I shall smite that monstrosity!" Princess Luna declared loudly, smashing her front hooves together.

"Thank you." Twilight smiled before turning to her other friends. "Spike, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie, you stay here to help out Ponyville from the attack the creatures caused."

"Got ya, Twi!" Applejack happily agreed without question.


Destoroyah was dragging Godzilla further away from Ponyville and deeper into the Everfree Forest, until he finally released his grip from the Monster King's neck. Godzilla came to an abrupt halt after being dragged through the ground for long enough. He got up and roared angrily at the evil beast, who landed right in front of him. Clenching his fists, Godzilla swung a right hook, delivering a powerful punch across Destoroyah's face. This was followed with another blow from his left hook.

At this point, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer - who was using her magic to self-levitate - and Rainbow Dash arrived, getting close to the battle ground.

"Look, there they are!" Twilight exclaimed, pointing a hoof to where the two kaiju were currently brawling.

Destoroyah's horn became covered in orange-colored energy as it seemed to extend out. The vicious monster then bowed his head, and slashed Godzilla across the chest with an attack known as the Horn Katana. Destoroyah's energy sword sliced straight through Godzilla's seemingly impenetrable hide as the Monster King roared out in pain as he clenched his chest with his left hand. Once he removed his hand, he noticed blood on his clawed hand, as well as blood dripping from the fresh wound on his chest.

"Wow, that's unexpected." Rainbow Dash commented in surprise at Destoroyah's new ability.

The evil kaiju followed his assault by firing his Micro-Oxygen beam directly at Godzilla's open wound. Roaring in pain, Godzilla fell down like a toppled tree as Destoroyah roared in sadistic delight at the sight of other creatures in such excruciating pain. Destoroyah opened his mouth to shoot Godzilla's with his primary weapon again, but was instead met with four magical beams of different colors that struck his face, particularly his eyes.

Destoroyah roared out in irritation, covering his eyes with his claws from the stinging pain. After removing his claws from his face, he began looking around for those who were responsible for attacking him. Looking up, the evil beast spotted the five ponies hovering high in the air, at which point Destoroyah narrowed his eyes, as he recognized all five of them. After all, he did technically fight all of them not too long ago, when he was divided into his smaller and weaker forms.

"I think that we got his attention. Now what, genius?" Rainbow turned to Twilight, hoping she had a plan for this. But truth be told, Twilight never actually thought that far ahead about what to do should Destoroyah turn in his wrath on them. Before she could reply, the enraged kaiju fired his Micro-Oxygen beam up at them, intending to kill all of the flying ponies at once.

"Watch out!" Starlight exclaimed as she and everypone else scattered in different directions to avoid the deadly beam of death. Thanks to their comparably small sizes, the ponies were actually rather difficult targets for Destoroyah to strike in the air.

Seeing this, the evil kaiju decided to get up-close and personally take out the equines with his claws. With a strong flap from his four wings, the demonic beast took off and flew upwards, going directly for the five ponies that were flying in the sky. Seeing this and knowing how powerful Destoroyah is, Twilight and her friends knew better than to face the demonic kaiju head-on. Without a second thought, they quickly turned and began flying away from the incoming monster. Destoroyah followed and chased the ponies through the sky over the Everfree Forest, intending on killing them. It was almost like watching a hungry hawk chasing small songbirds, with the ponies serving as the songbirds.

"For such a big monster, he's pretty fast!" Rainbow Dash commented whilst looking over her shoulder to see how far Destoroyah was from them. Indeed she was right, despite being many times bigger than the ponies, Destoroyah was a surprisingly fast flyer as he was effortlessly keeping up with Rainbow, Twilight, Starlight and the two princesses. In fact, Destoroyah was slowly gaining on them.

"He's coming closer!" Starlight exclaimed, looking back to see the monster fast approaching them.

Destoroyah prepares to fire his Micro-Oxygen beam at the fleeing ponies. But before he could unleash said weapon, he was suddenly struck down by an unknown force from above, sending him plummeting downwards and crashing on the ground below, crushing many trees in the process and kicking up a dust-cloud.

The ponies stopped to hover mid-air as they looked back and see what had just happened. Their faces were filled with astonishment and awe at what they were now seeing.

Hovering in mid-air not too far away from them was a creature that very much resembled a butterfly — except for the fact that it was huge. Granted, it was not as big as Godzilla or Destoroyah, but still was extremely large. It had six fuzzy legs beneath its body, while the rest of i's body was covered in white fur, with two blue eyes and a pair antenna perched on the top of its head, as well as having gray mandibles. But what was most striking, were the wings; they were very beautiful the way they were colored with a mixture of orange, black, yellow and red.

"A giant butterfly?" Rainbow asked, while the rest of her friends were almost at loss for words.

Twilight and her friends suddenly heard the Elias's voices return,

"Do not fear her, for that is Mothra — our guardian. She is here to help you!"

"Really? Thank you!" Twilight exclaimed happily, seeing as how they now had an even greater chance of winning this.

From the ground, Destoroyah got up and roared hatefully at the divine moth. Mothra responded by flying downwards towards Destoroyah, who, in turn, fired his Micro-Oxygen beam at his new opponent. In spite of her large size, the giant insect was able to skillfully evade and dodge the devastating beam, all whilst still flying straight for its owner. As Mothra came closer, however, she failed to notice Destoroyah's pincer-tipped tail, which lunged forward like a viper, grabbing her by the torso. Mothra chirped in surprise and struggled to break free, but it was no use. Holding Mothra in place with his tail, Destoroyah was prepared to shoot his primary weapon at her.

But before he could, Destoroyah and Mothra heard a familiar roar and turned to see Godzilla charging straight for the former. With his immense bulk, Godzilla smashed his right shoulder against Destoroyah's chest with full force, forcing him to release Mothra. Godzilla followed this by firing his Heat Ray at full power directly at Destoroyah's chest. But the crustacean's exoskeleton seemed to be far more durable than expected, and the mutant countered back with his own energy beam that struck Godzilla's shoulder.

At that moment, Twilight, Starlight, Celestia and Luna all fired their combined beams of magic at the monster, striking Destoroyah in the back of the head and causing him to roar out in pain and surprise.

the demonic kaiju angrily looked up at them, really getting irritated of these bothersome creatures. Flapping his wings, the enraged Destoroyah took to the air to try and attack the five ponies, but screeched in surprise as he halted in mid-air once he was not too far from the ground, because Godzilla had grabbed Destoroyah by the tail with his hands before he could fly any higher. Using his strength, the Monster King slammed the demonic kaiju against the ground as hard as he could.

"I believe we may be able to win this." Celestia stated with a confident smile.

Now extremely furious, Destoroyah got up and angrily roared at Godzilla at the top of his lungs, before lunging forward and grabbing the Monster King by his throat with his right claw while placing his left claw on Godzilla's chest. With strength that was nearly equal to Godzilla's, Destoroyah forcefully pushed and shoved the Monster King down on the ground.

Almost immediately after he did so, Mothra flew in front of Destoroyah, hovering in mid-air at his eye level. The butterfly kaiju flapped her wings and began releasing a yellowish powder-like substance in the form of shiny scales from them. Her scales seemed harmless enough, but they had a deadly surprise. Mothra hoped Destoroyah would use his energy beam to demonstrate this, but unfortunately for her, Destoroyah instead activated his Horn Katana. With a single swing from his head, Destoroyah slashed Mothra with his energy sword, seriously wounding her and sending her crashing onto the ground.

"Mothra!" Twilight cried out.

Godzilla soon got up and swung his powerful tail, smacking Destoroyah across the face with it. Quickly recovering, the evil beast turned to Godzilla — activating his Horn Katana again, Destoroyah bowed his head in an attempt to slice Godzilla with it. But instead of taking Destoroyah's energy sword head on, Godzilla wisely moved out of the way of the horn's path, causing Destoroyah to completely miss his target. By missing his target, the evil kaiju had left himself open for a counterattack.

And that was exactly what Godzilla did: clenching his right fist, the Monster King delivered devistating uppercut to Destoroyah's lower jaw, forcing him to take a few steps back and nearly knocking him down on his back.

Knowing his normal Atomic Breath was not very effective against Destoroyah, Godzilla had a solution for this problem. Charging up his body, Godzilla gathered more atomic energy than the usual amount. This was evident from the outside, because instead of the usual neon-blue light, Godzilla's dorsal plates flashed and glowed with a fierce, fiery red color whilst also being surrounded by red-colored electricity.

Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash and Starlight Glimmer - having never seen this before - could only gaze in surprise and anticipation to what Godzilla was about to do.

The Monster King opened his mouth... and fired his Nuclear Fusion Heat Ray — an even stronger variation than his Spiral Heat Ray. Unlike the Atomic Breath and Spiral Heat Ray, the Nuclear Fusion Heat Ray was red in color, and far hotter and more powerful. Destoroyah's yellow eyes turned from anger to shock as the crimson beam headed straight for him with blinding speed before smashing into his floral-patterned chest with incredible force and power.

The beast cried out in agonizing pain whilst being pushed back by the Nuclear Fusion Heat Ray.

The five ponies were at a loss for words as they watched Godzilla's newest attack in action.

"Wow! Is that fire?!" A shocked and amazed Rainbow Dash asked loudly.

"I don't think so. He's not a dragon, remember?" Starlight reminded her.

"Godzilla's power is at a level that even I cannot comprehend." Celestia muttered with even greater shock.

After the attack had ceased its assault and the crimson beam dissipated, Destoroyah was left with a large and very serious burn mark on his chest with smoke rising from it. He looked at Godzilla with a shocked expression, while the Monster King seemed ready to fire another beam. Turning his head to his right side and looking down, Destoroyah noticed a river flowing behind him. An extremely bright light erupted from where Destoroyah stood, and when it dissipated, the monstrous crustacean was gone — in its place were the small, crab-like creatures, which quickly raced towards the river before diving down to escape.

After the last of the miniature Destoroyahs had disappeared under the flowing river and fled, Godzilla allowed himself to have a roar of triumph.


The five ponies couldn't help but smile and cheer with Godzilla.

"Take that, Ugly!" Rainbow shouted mockingly at Destoroyah's retreat.

After the battle was over and done with, the Monster King turned his attention to the equines who helped him.

This made some of them feel a little uneasy as he stared at them. On first glance, Godzilla instantly recognized all five of them from back when he arrived in Ponyville, but the one that caught his interest the most was Twilight herself. Upon meeting her for the first time, Godzilla sensed nothing but positive energy coming from her, and since then, he wondered what it all meant.

At the same time, Twilight also began feeling something as she stared back into Godzilla's amber eyes. She felt something in his heart, which was neither hostility nor aggression. The Princess of Friendship slowly began to descend down to the Monster King's eye level. Her friends made no attempts to stop her, as they trusted Twilight's judgment and what she was doing.

When Twilight stopped, she found herself hovering right in front of Godzilla's face. inches from his snout and gazing into his brilliant golden eyes. Even now, the young princess still couldn't get over how large Godzilla was, even if it wasn't the first time she had seen him up close.

Godzilla made no move and simply stared into Twilight's beautiful purple eyes, just as she stared back into his brilliant amber ones. Finally, after a few moments of hesitation, Twilight took a deep breath before extending her right hoof, and gently placing it on Godzilla's snout. The gentle touch of Twilight's hoof on him gave Godzilla a sense of kindness and compassion, not sensing any kind of fear or aggression in her. A feeling surrounds Godzilla, a feeling that he has not experienced or felt very often. Having lived for so long, he couldn't tell what to make of this feeling, but he did know that he's become fond of this pony.

The same can also be said for Twilight; despite Godzilla's size and scary-looking appearance, she felt pain and loneliness in his heart more than anything else. Remembering the tragic story of how another of his kind had lost his family and later his life, Twilight gave Godzilla a sympathetic smile as she kept her hoof on his upper jaw and gazed into his golden eyes.

Rainbow Dash's mouth was literally hanging open, completely amazed as to how calm and docile Godzilla was right now. Minutes ago, he was a force to be reckoned with, but now... now he seemed so... gentle. Celestia and Luna smiled sweetly at the connection between Godzilla and Twilight. The went for Starlight, who also admired the touching moment.

A sudden chirp caught everyone's attention. Turning around, everyone saw the-seriously-injured Mothra laying on the ground, hurt, but alive.

"Oh no, Mothra!" Twilight exclaimed. Quickly, she removed her hoof from Godzilla's snout and, along with her friends, quickly flew down to the ground where Mothra was currently laying. They land in front of Mothra's face, and looked at her as she stared back at them.

They hear the Elias's voices in their heads.

"Mothra has been hurt, hasn't she?"

"Indeed, but I know a pony who can help her." Princess Celestia stated with a benevolent smile.

All of the sudden, everyone began to feel vibrations through the ground heading their way.

"Now what?" Rainbow muttered before flying up to see what was going on. As soon as the pegasus was in the air, well above the forest, her eyes quickly landed on the source of the vibrations. "Guys, you might wanna see this." She called out, not taking off her eyes from the source.

Not wasting any time, the rest quickly flew up where Rainbow was currently hovering.

"What is it, Rainbow?" Twilight asked.

Instead of answering, the blue pegasus simply pointed at a certain direction with her hoof. Following to where she was pointing at, the other ponies were met with yet, another surprise, though one would think they should get used to seeing gigantic creatures by now. Coming from the north side was Anguirus.

"Elias?" Starlight called out while not taking her eyes off the quadrupedal dinosaur.

"Yes, miss Starlight Glimmer?"

"Please, just call me 'Starlight'." She blushed. "Anyway, there's another giant creature heading our way. It has spikes on its back and looks kind of like a crocodile." Then it hit her. "And I think this is the creature that my village encountered six days ago." Starlight explained whilist describing Anguirus.

"There is no need to fear him. That is Anguirus, one of Godzilla's friends, remember?"

"I imagined him to look a bit different." Rainbow Dash muttered under her breath.

Upon seeing Anguirus, Godzilla let out a roar, but it wasn't of the war cry-type, it was a very light and cheerful roar. Having been in this world for over six days and fighting some of his old enemies, Godzilla was happy to meet another of his old allies from his world again! Anguirus replied back with a non-threatening roar of his own.

"Looks like their happy to see each other again." Starlight smiled happily.

"Indeed." Celestia agreed with a kind smile of her own.

Twilight suddenly flew towards the two kaiju, until she was to Godzilla's eye level again.

"Godzilla, if you want to, you and your friends can come and visit Ponyville again." She offered him with a friendly smile. "I know you're first visit didn't exactly go all that well, but Ponyville is the friendliest place in Equestria, and everypony will accept you, no matter what you are or how you look. "

Godzilla stared at the pony in surprise. This pony was actually wanting him and his fellow kaiju to meet up with the other ponies again and befriend them? The humans from his world would never even think of anything like that, they always saw him as a monster without feelings or emotions that needed to be destroyed. But these ponies weren't like that — they were nice to him. Sure, more than a few ponies did show fear and concern when he first arrived, but they never actually attacked him in any way. So, to show his agreement, Godzilla gave Twilight a quick nod with his head and a low but friendly growl.

Twilight happily smiled at this.

The ponies in Ponyville were cleaning up and repairing the damage the mutant crustaceans had caused, when they suddenly felt the vibrations through the ground return, which caused them to face the north side, where they spotted Godzilla, along with Anguirus, approaching the town from the Everfree Forest.

Before anypony could make any kind of action or say anything, Celestia, Luna, Twilight, Starlight and Rainbow Dash landed in front of them.

"Everypony, please remain calm." Princess Celestia ordered with a calm but firm tone. "There is nothing to fear. In fact, I would like you all to welcome our newest friends," She then pointed a hoof up at the Monster King and his ally. "Godzilla and Anguirus!"

The ponies looked (understandably) shocked and astonished by this statement as they gazed up at the two enormous creatures.

With their huge sizes and the incredible ability Godzilla demonstrated during his short battle with Destoroyah near Ponyville, one would expect the ponies to be at least uneasy about them. But even though the kaiju looked terrifying on the outside - and granted, they can be when provoked - the ponies trusted their princesses regardless. The residents of Ponyville slowly approached the two titans... before they smiled up at them, and let out happy cheers, which were followed by their front hooves stamping on the ground as a form of clapping.

Now it was Godzilla and Anguirus' turn to be surprised and amazed. The ponies actually trusted them, and were happy to call the kaiju friends, despite how big, scary-looking and powerful they were. Both kaiju expected most of the ponies to show at least some levels of fear or anxiety, but they didn't. They truly see the kaiju as their friends.

Princess Celestia walked up to Fluttershy, who was gazing up at the kaiju before turning her attention to her.

"Fluttershy, one of Godzilla's friends has been badly hurt during the battle. Do you believe you can help her?" She asked.

"Of course! I would be happy to, priness." Fluttershy happily agreed.

"And I think you might like her once you meet her in person." Celestia added with a warm smile.

The two kaiju, along with all the ponies in Ponyville, suddenly turned their attention farther west, and noticed Thorax, along with several other changelings, heading their way. But they suddenly stopped and hovered in mid-air once they saw Godzilla and Anguirus standing there, no doubt alarmed by the presence of the two kaiju.

Spreading her wings, Twilight quickly flew up to meet up with her changeling friends.

"What is it, Thorax ?" Twilight asked once she reached Thorax and hovered in mid-air in front of him.

"Twilight, there was a flying creature heading to Ponyville... But I guess you knew about that, huh?" Thorax guessed as he turned to look at the two kaiju.

Twilight chuckled. "Don't worry, it's all been taken care of. But since you're already here, I'd like to introduce you to our newest friends." She said with a smile before turning to Godzilla and Anguirus, who both looked at the changelings with interest, having never before seen such bizarre creatures.


Griffonstone is the city that resides further east of Equestria's border. True to its namesake, this city is populated by griffons: a race of creatures with the front body of an eagle and hind body of a lion. Most griffons are considered quite greedy, their greed rivaling that of dragons, and unfriendly towards other races after the treasure 'Idol of Boreas' was lost. But that changed when the Cutie Map sent Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie to replace it with something far greater than treasure: Friendship.


The griffons were currently busy with their usual daily activities, unaware that they would soon be payed a visit from a guest... from another world.

Before any of them realized it, a very large shadow suddenly swooped out of nowhere and flew past the Griffon Kingdom in one second, creating small gusts of wind in the process — and that was all that was needed to catch the attention of its residents. When the griffons looked up in the sky to see what was going on, every single one of them quickly gained the exact same expressions the ponies received when they first encountered Godzilla seven days ago, and it was with the same reason.

It was some sort of a flying creature, unlike anything seen in Equestria. The creature itself was currently flying circles in the sky directly above Griffonstone, with its gigantic wings spread wide. It appeared to be observing the Griffon Kingdom from above with interest. Normally, the griffons would have simply ignored the visitor and pretend as if it wasn't even there — but this was clearly not the case; the griffons were gazing at it with disbelief and shock. What shocked the griffons the most, was the creature's size: it was incredibly large, more so than any dragon or even an Ursa Major. Although it was moving, the griffons could still make out the appearance of the creature was and what it looked like.

It somewhat resembled a roc, a species of giant birds of prey, in that it had a very bird-like body design, with two enormous wings, a sharp-looking beak and a trio of clawed toes that occupied its feet. But that was about all it had in similarities to rocs, and birds in general. It had absolutely no feathers and most of its body was instead covered with dark-red skin that resembled scales. It had a very short tail and two backward-facing horns residing on the back of its head. Its belly and chest were an orange color while also having a row of spikes running down its chest. Three pronounced claws were seen on it's wings. The wings of this gigantic creature payed a closer resemblance to a dragon's than anything else.

The griffons were looking at the Monster of the Skies: Rodan.

"Either I'm dreaming or this is really happening." Gilda commented to herself while gazing up at Rodan in shocked disbelief.

Ironically, it was no different from Rodan's point of view: the giant pterodon possessed excellent eyesight - far better than that of hawks, eagles or even rocs - that allowed him to see great distances away, or in this case, below; he could see the griffons quite clearly. He too was rather astonished and interested by such creatures, as he had never seen half-bird and half-lion hybrids before.

While Rodan was still curious about the griffons, he knew that he needed to explore this new world further in order to adjust to this seemingly alien world better. Finally changing course, Rodan turned and began flying farther west, away from Griffonstone.

"Well, that was... interesting?" Gabby said as she, and every other griffon, watched Rodan fly away from the Griffon Kingdom without looking back.

Author's Note:

The ponies in this chapter did come off as too misanthropic when learning about Godzilla's past. That's why I edited and rewrote certain parts of this chapter. Hope you like it.