• Published 13th Sep 2018
  • 487 Views, 6 Comments

The Two Days War - Perpetually Confused

Star Kicker asks Luna questions.

  • ...

Of Clock Repair and Battle Mares

After our meal, good Star took the the liberty of laying out across my sofa, face content for the moment as I rummaged about my desk before pulling out my tools. Walking to the grandfather clock Celestia had insisted couldn't be fixed, I opened its glass cover. The sofa squeeked as the mare upon shifted and gave a yawn.

"You may stay here for the night, good Star. There is plenty of room."

Working my magic over the pendalum, I scowled as it was indeed stuck. As I picked up my oil can, I heard Star groan.

"No thanks. I'd like to, but you know, decorum and all that."

Nodding, I gave a slight nudge to the weight, watching it swing a moment then stilling again. Blast.

"You know Luna... that stunt was something friends don't do."

I looked behind me a moment, seeing she still lied prone across the sofa, and looked back to the clock.

"Mayhaps Star, but I offer no regret. I did so since I doubt your clan properly prepared you for matters, portraying things through... tulip hued spectacles I believe is the term?"

She snorts at that, then grows silent for a time.

"Ehh... kinda. Basic was a breeze since it was just home, and officer training went fairly good. But no one told me about my instructor... I mean, I expected a lot, but her... So, we get this earth pony as our instructor... Okay, first off, you only worried when she got quiet. Like this one time...

"What you looking at?"

I jerked slightly as the mare who'd been running our drill today paused in front of me, and leaned close. She was a pretty mare, I'd say that. Green eyed, white mane, brown coat. Unlike the others, she wasn't any sort of uniform, just stalked about. Since she lacked wings and a horn we just assumed she was there to watch, but I'd seen her keeping pace with a few of my clan mates in runs. We Kicker's sometimes get some attitude since we've trained for years before basic... but I'd seen Guards in full barding straighten when she walked by.

And right now she was standing in front of me. And I was terrified.

"I said why you giving me the eye recruit? Something funny?"

"No Ma'am!"

She tilted her head, smiling sweetly.

"Ma'am? Name recruit?"

"Star Kicker Ma..."

Her face was suddenly in mine, her muzzle inches away. I'd had plenty of this in the hold, but something about this...

"Kicker, you call me ma'am again I will tie you crotch tits into pretzel knots. Clear?"

I nodded.

"I'm sorry. I didn't hear you?"

My eyes darted around, looking for help...

"Oh? Do you have a problem now? Too good for me now Kicker? Hmm?"

"I... I don't know..."

Her grin was slowly spreading, her tone growing softer.

"Don't know? What do you mean don't know? I thought Kicker's knew everything. That's what I hear."

"Um... we..."

"That's not telling me much. What doesn't Star Kicker know?"

"Your... name..."

Her head slowly tilted the other way.

"My name? You wan't to know my name?"

I nodded, and she growled.

"Child, you don't need to know my fucking name. The first and last words I want out of that cunt mouth is drill sargeant. I ain't a ma'am, I work for a living."

"Drill sergeant yes Drill sergeant."

She slowly roamed her eyes over me, and in any other case I'd be giddy, but not with this mare.

"Long way from home Kicker. Kinda scrawny hmm?"

I frowned slightly, but bit back my snark as her eyes locked with mine once more.

"What, the clan forget your wheaties? Hmm?"

"Drill sergeant no drill sergeant."

"So... why is a runt like you here?"

I gulped then...

"Drill instructor to help ponies drill instructor."

Her smile fell in a instant replaced by a scowl.

"You got a problem with me being a mud pony?"

"No! Umm, Dril..."

"What's that? Think you can ignore direct orders because it from a earth pony? That it Kicker?"

"Drill sargeant no drill sargeant!"

"Think I'm dumb mare, hmm? Think your hot shit, think maybe you gonna be telling where the bearbug shits in the woods?"

I'm shaking at this point as she leans closer.

"I read about Shadow. She seemed to think she knew a lot about mud ponies. About how we should like being told what to do by featherbags and hornheads. I guess a Kicker hornhead is her gift then? Come on Star, tell me what to do."


She pulled away then, her smile returning.

"I guess you'll need time to think about it. Back of the line at chow time Kicker. Oh, and its drill sergeant Sunflower Smiles."

She walked up the front of the barracks, and with a turn, regarded us all a moment.

"I am drill sargeant Sunflower Smiles recruits. I will be assisted by drill Sargeant Eclair and drill Sargeant Noble Preceps in your training as member of the Equestrian Guard. We are seen as ones in possession of the highest of military virtues. We obey orders, respect our seniors, and strive to be the best ponies we can be. Spirit and discipline are the hallmarks of the Guard, and each of you can become one us if you possess them. We will give every effort to train you even when you have given up on yourselves. From now, you will treat all Guard with the highest level of respect, for we have earned our place and will accept nothing less from you."

Her eyes locked onto mine, then the other two Kicker's.

"We will treat you as we do our fellows: with fairness, firmness, and dignity. At no time will you be physically abused or threatened by any of our Guard or another recruit. If anypony should do so, I expect it to immediately reported to myself or my fellow sargeants. If you feel I have mistreated you, you are expected to report it to the series commander."

"That mare taught me a lot. Scary as fuck though."

At the name Sunflower Smiles, I pause in my work. I seem to remember... ah.

"Wasn't she the mare who razed a large cabal of my cultists?"


I nod, tinkering with hands as I recalled on incident as I had before one of the reality tears I used on Equestria for communication.

"High Priest..."

My cultist faded into view, his face hidden in his hood.

"My lady... our work in your name continues apace. We have..."

Suddenly a door slammed in the background and another stumbled into my priest.

"Ah, watch yourself whelp! I speak to our mistress!"

"Forgive me master, but we've come under attack! A single mare, but its..."

In the back shrieks and cries had begun to sound, and over it a mare screamed "NNNNNNNNNEEEEEEERRRRRRDDDDDSSSSSS!"

"My priest, that is not a chant, chant, chanting of my happy cult. Whats happening?"

"Naught but a trifle..."


"Stand fast my ponies! She cannot possibly break the wards... fuck she's breaking the wards!"

I facehoofed then. Couldn't find good help anymore. Why did Celestia hog up all the good ones while I got the rejects.

"My priest, I am quickly becoming concerned."

"Fear not my lady, we shall..."







"Things are well in hoof..."


I could hear the sounds of screams and splatters happen a bit longer, then silence.

"Just you and me padre."

"Stay back hound of the sun! You cannot hope to match the might of a uni... OH FUCK, GET HER OFF, GET HER OFF!"


Hmm... Looking back I'm rather surprised I risked my return considering the apparent mental state our ponies had fallen in.

"So, this mare was your mentor."

"It was... more then that. I guess we were a couple of oddballs, me with my clan her in the guard, but she took a special bit of attention on me. I mean... I learned stuff about survival and about myself I never thought I would."

I had begun to run an oil rag over my work as Star spoke, trying to clear out some grime from the gears.


"Shadow never said anything about how horrible we, her clan, could be."

I stopped a moment.

"She... she never talked about that. About triage or having to give mercy or looting. Sunflower was blunt: if it came down to it, we'd all steal, but there's a difference between bread and gold. Shadow... she never drew the line. She never talked about how their was difference between killing and pissing on the corpse. Or how we were obligated to refuse orders, that was one that horrified me. And when I brought up Sunbeam... I was told flat out that if I ever acted with unnecessary force on a prisoner, she'd see me court martialed. It seemed... Easier for her. Shadow I mean."

I had removed a file from my tools, and had begun working on some rust.

"That is because dearest Star, none would impede them. And no punishment came for their deeds."

"You would have punished Shadow? For what?"

"Hmm... disobeying direct orders, fraternizing with the enemy, conduct unbecoming, a whole host of personal reprimands for various instances."

"And Bright and the others..."

I blow some of the rust away.

"Bright is a mare I can say without a doubt would never had been the head of any of my clan holds. And we also did not turn a blind eye to clippings and that stallion would have had to deal with me personally. And if he thought he could cover it up by killing his son..."

My horn flared a moment.

"I would rip into his mind until I learned the truth."

"But... that's so..."

"Wrong? Yes. But in the circumstance justified."

"Huh... kinda sounds like rahj stuff."

I lit the end of my horn for a moment, peering into the gear work.

"Oh? Have an interest then?"

"Not... really. The rahj seem to... independent, you know? Okay, so like their whole sword love thing. I mean, isn't that dangerous?"

"A nation that allows it people the right to defend themselves and to bear arms? Don't you have a horn?"

"Well, Shadow disarmed Cloudsdale, so..."

CLANG! In my shock my file fell from aura as my jaw dropped and my heart pounded.

"She what!"

"Well... yeah. The Rebellion. Its regarded as one of her more..."

"Are they still disarmed?"

"Uh... I think Celestia reinstated their rights a bit after Shadow died, but the clan objected."

I lean against the clock as my heart slowed. Thank goodness.

"What's wrong? I mean... I've heard Cloud worry about how wing blades should be a Guards only thing."

"What would have happened, good Star, if the only unicorn who could use magic was Sunbeam Sparkle."

I can practically hear her brain grind in its train of thought.

"Fair point. Anyway, the only reason I know about rahj philosophy is because of Shadow. She seemed to really go on philosophy bender after, particularly with the True Cords and the rahj."

"Good, good. All should seek some form of balance after all..."

"Clan didn't think too much of it though."

Hearing the tone in her voice, I smirked.

"I take it she duly took note of their objections and addressed the matter in the way I had always encouraged my pegasus to do?"

"She told them to go wank in a tea pot and brew themselves a nice cup of go fuck themselves."

Okay, that's a good one. Gold star.

"But you can't blame them really. She seems to have become friends with some consort of the sultan and one of their Janissary. And its seems he remained a diplomat, so I kind of think he influenced her. I mean..."

I looked over my shoulder as I wiped my hooves, watching Star scratch her head in thought.

"Okay, so like she was real hard up on the whole "no soft life" thing. Then she starts looking into the Cult of True Cords and talking about rugs or something."

I nod.

"The world is a tapestry of many colors and patterns. Its part of their belief that one has the right to live as one desires and also seems to be a statement as to the importance of remembering that one can never see all things clearly from only their perspective."

"She just... weird I guess. Softened, but grew more strict in other ways. She really seemed to hate the gryphon conflict when before... And Ash. Even Gale admitted she seemed a lot different. She was a fairly distant person in general, but him... She even had a rahj garden."

I stopped in my work, a small smile now on my muzzle. Shadow... you were truly blessed.

"Was that what it was? Did she... did she grow it herself?

"At first. But then that Janissary began helping and all."

I felt my heart thaw a little towards Shadow at the thought.

"The rahj have a philosophy. Consider the flowers, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even the richest of kings in all his glory bears no finer vestments."

Star has begun shifting again.

"All right..."

I smiled wider as I heard a click, and began winding my clock.

"It means that one should not worry over the petty or how one appears to others."

"Well, the gardens still there. We... we kinda like it. Its a good place to think. And the flowers are muted, definitely. Shadow always liked that most, said too much bright colors gave her a headache."

"And after she died, her friend came around all the time to keep it up. And I think a rahj from his family did it for a while too till we started. But we get seeds and buds all the time."

A pegasus clan being given such a thing... I wipe my eyes a moment.

"Oh child... you are more blessed then you'll ever know. To be given one of the rahj's flowers... it speaks volumes to their regard for another."

"What, they were banging?"

I can't even be mad as I turn, and can only giggle as I clap my hooves.

"My pegasus are being given the flowers of the rahj! Oh mare Shadow, your Luna is beyond proud! And no, it does not mean that."

I see Star giving me a perplexed look, and lower my hooves, still smiling.

"Star... the rahj are the people of a land of little beauty. They can keep themselves feed and watered, but in terms of asthetic, theres little there. They themselves are a sight, but really, I doubt the Kicker's would take a rahj as a present. And their flowers... The care, my child, they give them. Whole generations of their kin have often tended a single garden as long as they have been in a city. To give Shadow a garden, to declare it hers... It meant she was a good and gentle soul."

At this Star snorts, waving a hoof dismissively.

"Good. Yes. Gentle, come on."

Oh fie on thee child!

"Hey Luna, you said you and Celestia were going to a carnival."

"Ah, indeed!"


So, following the sound of the laughter and music, we were practically running towards the source. And as we crested the hill, it was no less then a Draft festival.

Draft... oh! Those ponies who all have the build of big Mac with the pet gryphons.

I would say they're more a part of their people then a pet.

Draft gave them food and beer and they stuck around. Sounds like a pet.


We hurried down the hill to the gathered wagons, a little saddened not much was out, but giddy to soon be in celebration. And moreover it was a day of the dead.

Day of the dead?

The Draft subscribe to the notion one should not mourn ones passing, but celebrate their life. So they spend a few days each season in celebration, hanging skulls about hither and yon with candles in them. They even have skull lights hanging from trees.


Celestia took my blades from me to seek the smithy while I went with the mares to assist in the foal herding and assist in the setting up.

You know... its still weird to think that their are folks with just as many stallions as mares.

You must remember that to the world, Equestria is the odd one.

Gotta say though, its kinda... cute. You being little miss homemaker and all.

Well, I've always been the one more prone to the ebs and tides of a mares life, and am proud to be one. Celestia has always been the more tomcoltish of us, taking an interest in politics where I looked towards the arts. It should be noted I was always thought of the more maternal of us. Celestia made the Canterlot Voice famous yelling for all those quote unquote "mewling shit heaps" to get out of her garden.

What were stallions doing?

Doing what all stallions do in this situation: have the gaul to think that after a day of fixing, pulling wagons, and defending their caravan they had the chance to take a rest and pretty much being as useless as bull tits.


And of course dear sister got along with them in the way she always had. For me, they had set our a small mat, and with my ale and... whatever that red topped flaky thing was...

I know I can't talk about this, but at least let me gush to my family about our millenia old diarch whose experienced about everything calling a food a red topped flaky thing...

Hush you...

And I had reopened my book, the instruments near playing the usually jaunty strum of pipes and violins one of their caravans families had brought from their carts began to fill the night as about milled stallions and mares, gryphon and hippogryphs, and about the foals ran and hid under that tables, the laughs and shouts often merely adding to the din then conveying any semblance of word.

But even above that, the sound of foreclaws and hooves slamming into hard wood sounded alongside the clatter of ware as the stallions had begun chanting.

"OY! OY! OY! OY!"

Sister had of course made her own amusements, and was currently working her gluttonous muzzle on yet another draught of draft ale, soon to be tossed behind her onto the ever growing pile behind her. And with a slam of it on the table, the cheers went from loud to thunderous.


Its so weird to think of her like that.

Well, we were blade mares Star. Still are in fact, though she is sickened of the sight of one now. And lets remember that while we are mares, that act of war and its trappings is largely a decidedly masculine fair.

Shadow would contest you on that. She always felt a mare should keep some form of poise and decorum even as a warrior.

Yes, well, Shadow isn't a Princess, so thbbttt to her.

And now I see an alicorn raspberry... I thought you were supposed to be all majestic and stuff.

Celestia just does that for the tourists.

As she threw her trophy to the, the mare running the barrels giggled as she waddled over, and by the stars I've never seen a more pregnant thing! I believe she'd had one of the wren tie her into a braid for the night, and her green eyes narrowed playfully as she slid another tray of pints onto the table.

"Now lass, go easy on her... you'll be finding the dog bite back if you catch my meaning."

Celestia smirked as she took her drink in her aura, and she reached a wing to slap our hostess in her rump.

"Nah, such a pretty..."

I barely even saw what happened next. One moment Celestia... the a whirl of the bar mares right hoof into sisters cheek and slaming her onto the ground.



Again, different time. Battle mare, masculine affair, so on and so forth...

Oh come on! She just wapped a mare in the butt with a wing! Even Cloud doesn't do that!

Somehow holding your cousin up as the gold standard of how one conducts oneself in terms of physical interaction with others does little to aid your objection.

I could only snort as I watched my sister once again make friends and influence others, the raucous roar of guffaws covering the litany of curses was laying upon my prone sister. And with one last sharp hmmph, the maid turned smartly, stomping back behind the barrels as Celestia struggled to upright herself, rubbing her cheek as she pouted at the jeering throng.

"What you lot lookin at? Go back to your pints ya cunts."

I shook my head as she rose onto her hooves and made her way through the throng. So went Celestia, future Queen.

I was well into the middle of my book when she returned, with two blonde maned draft, a mare under both wings with expressions both bemused and hopefully lecherous.

"Look Sel! Twins! One for you, one for me!"

Seriously! Ew!

Again, Cloud Kicker. Any objection you have has thus been nullified by mere association.

No, I mean it Luna! What the hay!

Yes dear Star, your purest mothers of sanctified whatevers have sex. We've also bonked, boinked, screwed, fornicated, gotten laid, banged, fucked ourselves into a near stupor, rutted on boats across the oceans blue and on clouds above, and have eagerly enjoyed both mares and stallions of many people! We've also loved more then a few of those we have done so, and frankly, I'm sick to the back teeth with the notions that one I shouldn't because I'm not supposed to for some obscure sense of political mechanation, and two that I erred in my love. And every time one of you open your muzzles in this regard, its more often then not to spit on the names of those I have loved and who loved me in return. So if you please would be so Guard like as to keep thine minge muncher shut, I would be ever so grateful!

Well, come on! I didn't say you had to do or not do anything, but geez! Its like listening to my grandmother talk about this stuff!

Ugghh... you mares have gotten so prudish... Anyway, back to our story...

"I can see that Tia."

She was practically bouncing in glee Star. I had never met a mare more excited about anything.

"Twins Selene! Come on, you need to get your head out of those nasty old books!"

Rolling my eyes, I stuck my tongue at the thought.

"Thank you sister mine, but I'm quite content not being a harlot thank you my dear."

Instead of an answer, I was greeted with a decidedly obscene sound, then sight as I looked up and watched as my sister had her muzzle locked with one mares and seeming to be at risk tangling their tongues together while the other mare growled playfully, nipping at her neck. Lifting a hoof, she gives a wave, and the three stumble of to one of the larger carts. As one pulls away to open the back door and head inside, my sisters pulls her head back, and giggles as her new beau nips her jaw. And with a last pull of her tail, the door shuts with a slam.

I merely roll my eyes again, returning to the world in my hooves. Leave sister to her dalliances, I'd just enjoy the festival on my own.

You sat there alone all night, huh Luna.

Not... all. No.

At some point, I was jerked out of my repose by a throat clearing, and looking up I realized our little camp hard largely fallen empty, the draft either in bed or sprawled across the dirt and grass. Looking at the stallion at my side, I let my eyes linger a bit over his legs and chest as I eventually meet his eyes. The fellow possessed a gray coat and white mane, a white star over his forehead. He smiles at me, holding out a blanket.

"Here we are miss Sel... figured you might be cold."

I looked at him a moment... then smiled, lifting a wing.

"Well, I think I'd need more then a blanket, wouldn't you my dear?"

He looks at me blankly a moment, then with a jump, grins and cuddles up next to me. For some reason, I begin to read to him, and he lays his head on mine. The nights then passed so slowly Star... they were cold, harsh things, filled with all manner of maw eager to bite, but that night the slowness was such a sweetness. As I read, he began nuzzling my neck, sending me into giggles. As we lay there, the others began putting tables and barrels away, and at some point the band left. I don't know which one of us got up, but at some point, a bottle of wine was there with two cups. I'd since put my book away of course, and as the fire flickered and dimmed, we were left in the soft glow of the skull lanterns. We both looked about the sky, then at each other.

"Selene... I think I should rest. I gotta..."

"Oh... Of course. I..."

His lips pressed to mine, and I returned the gesture.


My dear, I am no pegasus. I do not attend to such matters lightly and would be most remissed if you sought to emulate Cloud's ways should matters fail with your lady love. But there are times when one is alone... I was so sick of heart child. I had been alone for so long...

It's okay Luna.

No. Not it most certainly isn't. This was no mere dalliance, we both knew that. It was not my sisters overt appetites or your Cloud's pursuits. Do not allow yourself to become so... lost as to risk such a thing. We sang a heart song in the eves star light...

"I have to stay."

I nodded, trying to keep my stoicism in full as I felt my heart breaking. I gave him another kiss, and sighed.

"I know... Where do you head my love?"

He smiled, and I felt another crack that we would be apart so long.

"I go to the isles... But my Selene, I will always be yours. Once matters are squared, I'll be back."

I felt such love then Star...

Luna... it was just a one off thing. I mean, I'm sure he was sweet, but still...

I know... I've enjoyed my trysts, but have had my heart taken in the night and remained with many a mate for winters after, even a lifetime. Be careful in thy doings my dear, is all I say.

Did you see him again?

I did... He and I remained together his whole life in Canterlot. He proved a more then able home tend while I tended to matters of state with sister, although we felt the pang again and again as I returned to my pegasus in the coming years. He was a beacon in those days. One sorely needed for my deeds done.

I paused again, and realized I had moved to look at the window. Star had come to my side, resting a hoof on my shoulder and looking at me with heart sore eyes.

"You must miss him."

I nod, looking out over Canterlot, the light of my moon such that one needed no lantern to travel if they wished. Looking up at the moon, I scowled.

"I remember how I remembered those times made sweet up there... I remember being such a foul and wretched thing..."

I feel her hoof leave me, her voice uncertain.

"Luna... you're not her anymore."

I lower my head to Star's, and say "But I am my Star. I am her. The prophecy may not come to pass, but she is I and I am her. I need you to see that. Can you?"

She steps back, her throat working a moment with a gulp.

"What was it... like then? Being Nightmare."

I look to my moon again, the memory of what I saw below as clear now as it had been seven years ago.

"I... I can't truly describe it. I looked upon all here and felt such a shiver... Not only Equestria, but all the world, all the world could be mine, I thought. I paced and traced my fangs with my tongue, my mind and body aflame with such passion and fury... It could be, I said. It should be. It must... it will... all mine, all. I..."

I felt the gorge of revulsion so long buried in my stomach twist them again.

"I remembered my pegasus, I heard their call... and I was there again, in Equestria. I was... I was Bright. She thrilled as I did... we would take it all. I..."

I remember how I felt our body torn and ruined, how we lay and mourned. How I screeched and raged at us get up. Get up, such is ours for the taking. On the whole of earth as it was in Equestria, my will be done.


I began to pace then, and Star took a seat, eyes following me as I went, so close, so far.

"Where was the Maker... where was that bastard Star? Design? Who makes such a thing as I? Who... who sees one such as me and says "and it was good." I stood there, in the flesh of... of my daughter, of my little pony who I loved as any other... and said "All that is is mine, I answer to no one. All lands, my rule shall be questioned by none."

I stopped.

"Why... why didn't she stop me?"

I turn to Star again, and come forward on unsteady hooves.

"I feared even as I was... all that want and hunger, to know what it means to be an alicorn Star..."

I came close, our muzzles inches away.

"To know I could do whatever I desired..."

She shows no fear in her eyes... I'm her damn it. I'm as much her as Luna, why do you not see that. How can you not hate me Kicker. She wraps her hooves around my neck.

"I trust you Luna."

I slump to the ground, I feel such... despair.

"Don't Star. Don't trust me, or any alicorn. We... we'll hurt you. I wanted your love, I had it. I had what I wanted. Why wasn't that enough?"

She runs her hoof down my mane, like I'm... I feel the fury return. Like her, she's fucking treating me like she does, like I'm a foal. I yank my head from her, and begin flexing and arching my wings.

"Don't coddle me! I am an alicorn, a higher state! I need not your simpering weakness! I'm... I'm strong."

I shiver as I remembered what I had heard when I first returned to Canterlot in the day following victory... I remembered a Magus said come and see, and I saw... I looked and beheld a white mare..

And the name put on her was death. And I quelled before her.

I grit my teeth as that damn laughter starts again. I stomp to my cabinet, and rip it open. I glare down at the bastard there.

Bee in your bonnet Nighty? Come around for a night cap then? Might have to get it yourself my dear, I'm feeling out of sorts at the moment.

I yank him out, holding him to my nose, looking into his blackened eyes...

Weakling. Bright and Mama Lulu, two peas from the same piss ant pod...

I chucked him against the clock I'd repaired, my voice raw as I screeched "SILENCE WRETCH! DO NOT SPEAK OF HER!"

He lay there, chuckling.

I remember my colt died in... I think bridle shore. He bought it there over some such. Did I call on the gods? Did I become a higher being?

Star had pressed herself against the wall, waiting. Her ears wilted, tears flowed, but I didn't care. I only cared about the fuck laying on my polished fucking floor.

"Shut up..."

No, I was a fucking stallion and I got on my fucking boat and did the job myself. I didn't even wait to dock, swam right up to shore. A few families had gathered and waved. I left their stallion alive to bury the rest.

I stomp over to him, tears of fury now starting to fall.

Ah, but you know what that's like, don't you Nightmare? Standing there in Pegasopolis... wind in your mane, blade at ready... So tell me... how'd it feel, doing the job yourself? Coming down from on high to roll in the muck and blood?

I stood over him, my head lowered to that beast, that brute, the only pony in all the world who truly knew of my hunger...

How did it feel...

"I... I felt nothing that day. It was..."

I straighten again. I draw a breath, and wipe my eyes.

"Star... tend me."

She is at my side in moments.

"Yes my Princess."

"Can you take notes?"

She nods, and goes behind my desk

"Take heed my bodyguard... for tonight we speak of my siege of the city state of Pegasopolis. The war of the two sisters."

I can hear him and that damned laugh of his.

Hold onto your water wings friends and neighbours...

Something seems to shift in the gloom of his eyes

Cause I see a bad moon rising... and storms along the way.