• Published 13th May 2022
  • 522 Views, 51 Comments

The Last Changeling War - Coyote de La Mancha

Her failures are legion, her power unquestioned, her madness unparalelled. The endgame of Queen Chrysalis, monarch of the Changeling hive.

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Chapter Eleven: My Heart is Stone. (The First Front)

Much to Celestia’s surprise, there had also been a physical battle, though it was very brief. It seemed that a few dozen Changelings had stayed behind in the Hive, which had somehow protected them from Cadence’s heart. But while Cadence was far from a seasoned fighter, Celestia had more experience than she liked to admit. And however effectively the Changeling throne might have blocked pony magic, it had done little against an alicorn’s physical might.

Then they’d wandered deeper into the Hive itself, leaving marks on the walls as they went. Finally, they’d found the throne room, and Cadence had given a terrified gasp upon seeing the prisoners where they hung, motionless, their eyes wide in frozen horror.

“They’re alive,” Celestia had assured her. “Chrysalis put them in some kind of suspension, that’s all.”

Shortly thereafter, the prisoners had been cut free. Spike had been first, Celestia and Cadence both hugging him fiercely as soon as his cocoon had been broken.

Twilight hadn’t raised him alone, after all.

Then Twilight’s prison was broken, drake and alicorns all gathering her up in a relieved embrace when she emerged, still bruised from the Changeling Queen’s attacks.

Minerva had been last, furiously shaking herself free of the evaporating goo that covered her and flying into the dark, to tend to her own recovery.

"Minerva, wait!" Spike had shouted.

"Let her go, Spike," Twilight had said, putting a hoof on his shoulder. "She'll be alright. If my guess is correct, she was the first one taken. Let's just give her some time."

Spike had given a reluctant sigh. "Yeah, okay."

Then, despite her pain and injuries, Twilight had immediately turned her attention to the steaming shards of cocoon that remained and encased them in her own violet glow, storing them in temporary urns of amethyst-like force.

“For later study,” she’d explained. “Can you imagine how useful this kind of thing could be in hospitals?”

Once the Changelings had been defeated, Luna had opened portals throughout Equestria. So, across the next hour or so, as the four rested, spoke and exchanged glad laughter, countless unicorns had begun to gather. Palace guards, magicians, shopkeeps, stay-at-home parents, even those teens considered old enough to take part in the ritual had come. The trek across the desert bowl had been a long one, but they were here at last, almost every unicorn in Equestria. All of them equally determined to bring this madness to an end.

Paint, chalk, braziers, and other materials had also been brought, and the sorcerers among them would coordinate their fellows in preparation for the grand rite to come. A demanding ritual, and a potentially dangerous one, designed by Twilight shortly after her brother’s wedding.

Celestia nodded to them, saying, “Thank you, all of you. Please, take this opportunity to shelter and rest. Once our magic is usable, we’ll begin setting up the circle.”

But as the assembled unicorns began to converse and break out snacks, Twilight hung her head.

“I never wanted this,” she’d sighed. “Even while I was doing the research, even when I was planning it out, I was hoping it would never come to this.”

“But it has,” Cadence agreed. “If only…”

Her voice trailed off, and Celestia stepped between them, placing a wing over each.

“I know,” the ancient queen said. “Believe me, my dears, I understand.”

Twilight took a breath, closed her eyes. Then, she looked at Cadence. The empress met her gaze with equal determination, and both nodded.

“Then let’s do this right,” Twilight said.

Nopony knew quite what the ritual’s range would be, especially with so many participants. For obvious reasons, it had never been tested. But by Twilight’s calculations, it should make changeling disguises throughout Canterlot and Ponyville impossible, and make them more difficult even as far away as the Galloping Gorge. And that, combined with the preparations of earth ponies and pegasi, should be enough to guarantee the ponies’ victory.

But first, the centerpiece of Changeling power would be destroyed. Another measure the princesses had been hoping to avoid, stripping an entire nation of its chief means of defense. But it remained: this was the second time the Changeling Hive had invaded Equestria. There would not be a third.

And so it was that, in the dimly lit catacombs of the Changeling Hive, the princesses approached the Great Throne of the Changeling Queen, their subjects, followers, and friends behind them.

Jagged and unevenly shaped, it was a massive thing of green stone. It gave the impression of somehow being both inert and yet also alive, not so much carved as formed. Unfeeling, yet still hating. Its jade-colored foundation being both vine-like and almost thorned, joining into a narrow trunk that led upward to where the seat and back of the thing opened up like the waiting maw of a carnivorous plant.

Cadence shuddered. Celestia’s muzzle wrinkled in disgust. Twilight frowned.

Then, Celestia stepped forward.

“Well, I suppose we’d better start breaking this thing down,” she said. “We’ll probably have to scatter the pieces before our magic—"


It was Twilight who had interrupted. She continued to appraise the thing before her, her frown deepening.

Celestia paused, glancing back at her. “Whatever for?”

“I’m not sure. Just… give me a second.”

Nodding wordlessly, the Lady of Day stepped back.

Twilight slowly approached the terrible thing, head cocked to one side as she considered it.

“There’s really only one likely origin for something like this,” she said at last. “It must be a leftover from the Age of Discord. And judging from the shape of the Changelings’ homeland, it probably fell from the sky. My guess is this whole place is the crater left from its impact. And from what you’ve both told me about Chrysalis, I think we can guess how it was first shaped, and by whom.”

“That makes sense,” Cadence said. “But the Crimson Queen wouldn’t have made something like this.”

“No, this is Chrysalis’ work,” Twilight agreed.

Then, her frown deepening in determination, she added, “And what was changed once can be changed again.”

She fell silent. Even from behind her, the tension in her body was evident. Several minutes passed while she stayed there. Staring at the throne before her, concentrating.

At length, one of the palace guards reluctantly began to approach. “Um, Princess Twilight?”

Celestia barely turned. “Hush,” she said.

Bowing, the armored stallion backed away.

Meanwhile, sweat began forming on Twilight's brow, her frown becoming a grimace of strain.

I know you, she thought at the stone, again and again, projecting her thoughts at it with all her strength. At its memories. At the psychic imprints of the creature that had formed it. At the imprints of the creature that still used it today.

It wasn't just that the throne was old. In a sense, anything made from stone is old, or at least its materials are. But Chrysalis’ throne also held within itself a powerful magic; an ancient, alien magic. And it had been used by powerful magicians for centuries.

And as such, Twilight knew, it just might have absorbed enough memories over the aeons… to listen.

I know you, she thought at it. I know your Name.

Born from the outer chaos, falling to Equus in a rain of fire. Rendered by a queen of mayhem and woe.

Then claimed by another, her and yet not her.

You have bent your purpose before. Once. To her will.

Now, bend again, to mine.

The stone sat, unmoving, impassive.

Twilight closed her eyes, shaking, every muscle taut and straining.

Cadence moved to stand behind her, to her left. To her right, Spike was equally ready. Neither interfering, each of them there to catch Twilight should she fall.

Obey me! Twilight thought. I know you! Obey me, and change!

Impassively, never alive yet not quite inanimate, the stone almost seemed to reply in its silence: I do not know you.

Redoubling her efforts, Twilight thought furiously at the stone, focusing her will as if to conjure the magic forbidden by the very object before her.

From your maker's soul and body came the one who re-shaped you. From her heart and spirit, the pony by my side was given new life. And from her heart and her stories, my own heart was shaped in turn, even as you were shaped!

She and Cadence were friends. Cadence and Mira had never been friends, but there was still love there, and Cadence's power had made that bond more powerful than it could ever have otherwise been.

Slowly, blood began to seep from the skin of Twilight's withers and face, gradually staining her coat a deep magenta. Ignoring the pain, she reached with her mind and her power. Through her memories of Cadence, years ago, and the bond they'd shared. Then through that connection, forming a sympathetic link to Mira Pisaurina, long dead and yet living on in Chrysalis the Changeling Queen.

Twilight reached further, striving to link magic to magic, love to love, life to life.

Blood continued to darken her coat across her face and shoulders, turning it to a deep crimson.

Dimly, almost imperceptibly, her horn began to glow a dull green.

Look! she thought furiously. See! We are kindred, your maker and I! And through magic and love, you and I are kindred as well!

Again, silence, impassive and cold. Yes. I know you, it seemed to say. But I am not yours.

Twilight's head sagged almost to her hooves. Several unicorns started towards her, but, frowning, Celestia waved them away.

Finally, Twilight raised her head again. No longer straining, but simply tired and resolved.

“Then be my friend,” she said.

And so saying, Twilight slumped, her legs failing her at last, her two friends neatly catching her as she fell.

“Twilight!” Cadence whispered. “Are you alright?”

“We gotcha,” Spike added. “It’s okay.”

Blearily, Twilight re-opened her eyes, almost managing to focus them on her sister-in-law.

“I think... I hurt myself.”

Suddenly, Twilight gave an involuntary gasp. Her eyes screwed shut as purple energy cascaded out from her against her will in huge spirals of writhing power, gushing into the massive throne. It didn't seem to hurt, not exactly, but she clung desperately to Cadence and Spike for support, her aura coiling around and permeating the ancient stone edifice.

There was a deafening, grinding roar throughout the cavern as slowly, the stone structure began to move. While the ponies stared, it twisted, warped, gradually fell into itself… even as colors shimmered and danced across its surface, shifting and blending shades of sapphire, amethyst, and jade. Then, ultimately, it stretched upwards, like a newborn reaching for the sun.

Finally, the violet light faded, and the monolith above them stilled. Twilight gave a grateful sigh of relief.

“Well, that's done,” she said with a rueful smile.

Trotting forward, Celestia considered her former student's work quizzically, her frown slowly breaking into a grin as she beheld the glowering, ornately self-engraved stone pillar that towered over them all. Composed now of a purple stone so dark as to be almost black, its five sides shimmered with runes and glyphs of a subtle violet hue. Celestia could feel that the counter spell was gone, and from the multi-colored lights flashing behind her, it was obvious that the unicorns had felt the same.

“You... reversed it!” Celestia marveled.

Twilight shrugged, still leaning unevenly on Cadence, while Spike wiped the blood from her forehead.

“Inverted it, technically,” she explained. “Well, got it to invert itself drawing upon my magic as a power source, more technically. Or kind of give consent? I mean, it's not exactly self aware, per se, but since interrogative lithomancy utilizes the existence of a type of psycho-echoic memory absorbed independently from actual sorcery, and theoretically a sufficient store of memory can seem to self-actualize through deep magic... though, actually, that's pretty much all theory – until now, I mean – excepting of course the Hanging Stones Incident, but those results were never reproduced... though you know, I bet I could run some of this past Maude Pie, we could co-author a paper on the implications of...”

Celestia, Spike, and Cadence all gave her identical looks of fond amusement, and Twilight rolled her eyes.

“Right, refocusing. Anyway, I know we had a plan, but I'm thinking we change it a little, carry this to the ritual site...”

“...And use this as the central focus for your ritual!” Celestia cheered. “Brilliant!”

Cadence knelt down, and with Spike’s help, Twilight managed to climb onto her back. Then, Cadence began carefully carrying her out of the throne room with Spike walking beside her, steadying Twilight as they went.

Unheard by anyone but Twilight and Cadence, Spike whispered, “What the heck was that green glow?”

Twilight gave an exhausted shake of her head. “Later,” she whispered back.

As Celestia's golden aura encompassed the pillar, lifting it off the ground with ease, she began giving orders to the unicorns around her, coordinating and confirming the new plan. Within moments, her subjects began to vanish in brightly-colored bursts of light, teleporting themselves and those near them to the ritual’s planned site.

Sister? She sent.

Instantly, Luna caught the directed thought and forged a link between them.

**Am I needed?**

No, not at all. In fact, I think Twilight just made everything much easier.

**Ah. She... 'did a Twilight,' did she?**

She did.

Luna's thoughts became warmer as she sent, **Of course she did. Did she overtax herself?**

Celestia glanced over to where Spike was helping Twilight onto Cadence’s back, blood staining both of the ponies’ coats.

“That was an incredible feat,” Cadence was saying.

“Uh-huh,” Twilight mumbled.

“You sure you're okay?” Spike asked.


Cadence considered Twilight for a moment, shrugging her on a little better to keep her from sliding off. The younger alicorn's eyes were already closed, and Cadence and Spike exchanged a glance.

“So, I was thinking Spike could come and live at the Crystal Empire full time,” Cadence deadpanned as she set off in a careful trot. “Pinkie Pie could be your assistant from now on.”

“Okay,” came the bleary reply.

“That would free up Rainbow Dash to rule over the mole people,” Spike added.


“And then I could abdicate,” Cadence mused, “and you could rule the Crystal Ponies yourself from now on.”

“Sounds great.”

Cadence and Spike shared a fond chuckle as Cadence continued towards the exit, and Celestia smiled as well.

Maybe a little, she sent.

There was a mental sigh.

**She'd only just awakened, and was probably injured, so of course she did,** came the reply. **Still, you are smiling, Are there any visuals?**

Celestia sent a replay of what had just transpired, from Twilight's approaching the throne to her friends’ teasing afterwards.

**Ah,** came the relieved reply. **All right, that was funny. Still, t'was a foolish risk. Praise to our ancestors that she did not injure herself.**

Celestia grinned. I think she'll be fine. Remember, there are more than two of us now. I expect she'll insist on being part of the ritual, once it's ready.

A wordless chuckle. **I am certain she will. Will using such a powerful focus interfere with our communication, do you think?**

Normally, I would say no, Celestia thought in reply. But with the stone so attuned to powers not only polymorphic but also telempathic...

**That was my thought,** came the response. **Should I move to your location?**

Gliding out of the Hive, Celestia continued to levitate the massive stone towards its new position. Most of the unicorns were already gathered perhaps a hundred yards north from the crater’s edge, already marking out the preliminary circle. She thought for a moment, then shook her head.

I don't think so. You should still be able to send to us regardless, just not hear us. Other locations shouldn’t have that interference. And others elsewhere are far more likely to need you, including Sunny. I think your more central location is still best.

Carefully, Celestia set the newborn obelisk down, a few unicorns there quickly removing soil beneath it as it descended to give it a better foundation. Finally, it was in place, an upright pillar of meteoric power in the center of a magical circle not yet half-drawn, towering over the magicians at work.

Meanwhile, there was an instant where it felt as though Luna had been about to send something but had changed her mind. Instead, Celestia received, **Fair enough. I will signal you when their forces are in position.**

Celestia smiled. We’ll be ready.

She sent a small pulse of love down the telepathic link, which Luna returned before allowing the bond between their minds to dissolve. Then, Celestia turned her mind fully to coordinating the task ahead.