• Published 5th Nov 2018
  • 8,713 Views, 60 Comments

Let the music lift you (Anon-a-miss) - Xenont

Sunset's friends apologise to her for hurting her over the winter holidays

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The truth will out - Chapter 1

Sunset Shimmer walked into the school compound, taking a deep breath as she braced herself for what was about to happen. She knew what was going to happen. After all, it had been the same as the last few days in school. The only difference this time was that Sunset knew who exactly the culprit behind Anon-a-miss was.

The CMCs were the ones behind this. They were the cause of all her pain, hurt and abuse that Sunset had endured the last few days. Now, Sunset was going to principal Celestia to tell her the news. She, after all, was the only person who believed Sunset.

Sunset had given up all hope on her 'friends' who she had tried to convince she was innocent that day at Sugar cube corner.

Sunset walked into Sugar cube corner, a smile on her face. "Hey girls! I finally found out who Anon-a-miss is!" She had said. "Oh! So you FINALLY admit that it was you all along?" Rainbow had snapped back, causing Sunset to step back in surprise. "No, I mean...It's Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo! They are the ones behind all this!" The moment Sunset had made that remark, she had felt a rough punch and kick by Rainbow.

"How dare you push the blame to them!" She shouted. "Yeah! They ain't in the wrong! You are!" Applejack had said. Sunset felt her eyes fill with tears as she tried to explain why she thought they were the culprits, only to be cut off by Rarity. "Sweetie did not do anything to you! WHY would you blame her?!" Sunset choked on her words.

"No, no. I...." But before she could finish her sentence, Pinkie Pie stepped forward and pushed her out through the doors. "I don't wanna hear it!" She screamed at Sunset, sending Sunset running home, with tears streaming down her face.

Sunset had learnt something that day, Her friends were not what they claim to be. I thought REAL friends would always give each other the benefit of the doubt no matter how much the evidence points to them. Sunset whipped away a stray tear as she walked into the principal's office.

"Good morning Sunset!" Celestia greeted her happily. Sunset took a seat next to her and inhaled deeply. "Celestia, I think, no...I know who is anon-a-miss."

After an hour of explaining to the principal about the matter, Celestia was fuming mad. "Thank you, Sunset, I would take it from here..." She reached her hand out to the speaker to make an announcement. "Good morning CHS! I would like to see Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo in my office now!" Sunset just stared into space, to dead to even smirk that the culprits were getting scolded.

As soon as the announcement was made, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo knew that they were in trouble. They looked at each other with worry etched in their eyes. As they walked to office they talked to each other with hushed voices. "Do you think it's anon-a-miss?" Apple Bloom said. "Yeah." It has to be, why else would we be called all together?" Scootaloo said as they entered the office, their suspicions answered when they saw saw Sunset in the room, along with a very angry principal.

After the school day was over, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo had already made a public apology to everyone in the school compound, leaving everyone, especially the five formal friends of Sunset Shimmer in utter disbelief. "We.....we accused her of something that she did not do!" Fluttershy had whispered with tears in her eyes.

"What have we done?" Rainbow had gasped when she heard the news.

Throughout the whole of the winter holidays, the five of them had been scolding, bullying and hurting Sunset for nothing. For the rest of the day, the group of five had been looking for Sunset all over the school. "We really do owe Sunset an apology now, huh?" Applejack said as she met with her friends outside the school gates.

"Yeah, we do...." Rainbow said. "Specifically me. I punched and kicked her real hard back there...." Everyone knew that Rainbow meant it as the girl was not one to easily own up to her mistakes. "Where is she anyway? We haven't seen her since the accident at sugar cube corner." Rainbow added.

"Why don't we head over to her place, we are bound to find her there." Rarity suggested. "We can all head there now!" The girls nodded as they started running towards the direction of Sunset's house.

Upon reaching, the girls knocked on Sunset's front door, panting as they waited for an answer. Soon, the door opened. Sunset stood in front of them, her face streaked with tear stains. The moment Sunset saw the five girls, she slammed the door shut, leaving them in a daze.

"Sunset darling?" Rarity pushed the door open, realizing that it was unlocked, the group walked into the apartment, all eyes were on Sunset as she walked up to the couch and sat down.

"What, Rarity?" Sunset said, not looking at the girls that intruded her house. "By the way, show said I invited you guys in?" She looked at them. "What do you want so much that you had to come in?"

Rainbow walked up to Sunset. "We just wanted to say we're sorry...." She said. "We really should have listened to you...."

Sunset rolled her eyes. "Yeah, you guys, really should have." She said. "Well, I really should have trusted you guys as friends than." Sunset replied sarcastically. She crossed her arms. "That's all? What do you want me to say before you guys leave? I forgive you?" Sunset stood up as she walked up the stairs to her bed.

"Sunset...." Rarity said. "Whoa...." She said as she looked to where Sunset was. "Why is your bed so messy?" She asked. "Not like you...."

Sunset looked down at her formal friends. "You guys don't know so much about me, and not that it's your bushiness, but I'm going back to Equestria, where people actually trust each other. I'm leaving on Friday, two more days to go." Sunset said. "I already told Twilight."

"And she agreed?" Applejack asked.

"Course she did." Sunset answered. "Why do you think I'm packing now?"

Rainbow faced Sunset as she walked back down. "Please, you have to stay, we do trust you!" Sunset rolled her eyes. "Really, we do. And we do view you as our friend!"

"Yeah, friends who abandoned me when I needed your help the most! Friends who didn't even want to listen to my side of the story!!?" Sunset yelled, her eyes filling with tears again.

"Just forget it, you guy don't even care about me, why should I stay?" Sunset wiped her tears away and resumed to packing.

Author's Note:

Here's my shot at writing an anon-a-miss fanfic, hope it was good.

More chapters to come