• Published 16th Oct 2018
  • 1,378 Views, 64 Comments

First Thanksgiving To Equestria and the Lands Beyond - xd77

Nathan invites everypony and his new friends to his church for Thanksgiving

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Part One of Invitations

It was a good relief for Equestria since all the stolen magic was returned to its rightful owners and Luna and the royal guards putting Cozy Glow in Tartarus. But three months had gone by after all of that happened and Nathan was pretty much in a good mood now that he had heard that the real perpetrator was locked up. The citizens of Dallas and the children and nuns of the Lone Star Orphanage were also in relief because two-thirds of the city had been rebuilt including the church that Nathan attended and Sunday worship service had been put back in place.

Luckily though, it was November and since the church had been rebuilt, they would go back to doing their annual Thanksgiving Worship Banquet. This banquet was a time in which the church members, congress, and almost the entire city would be invited to come and spend Thanksgiving with a fresh meal. Plus, they would have a moment to write down on a piece of paper what they were most thankful for, after that, they would have worship and Pastor Steve Schwartz would preach his daily evening message from the Bible.

Anyway, it was nearing the ending of Sunday morning worship service as Nathan sat with Kyle and Luke in their pew listening for the upcoming announcements as the deacons had just finished up with the morning offering. As if right on cue, the main deacon came up with a paper in his hand that contained the announcements.

"Now the only announcement we have for today is our annual Thanksgiving Banquet is coming up in two weeks, so grab as many invitations out in the hallway on the tables and invite as many people as you want. It is November 20th at 4 PM and ends at 9 PM in the chapel downstairs, bring any food you want."

Nathan was really excited about this because he could let the student 6 experience a human holiday because ever since the accident on Hearth's Warming, they've always asked him about human holidays and now would be their chance.

"Nathan, aren't you hyped up?!" asked Luke excited.

"You bet, Ah'll get to invite the School of Friendship over here for it!" Nathan said.

"Why?" asked Kyle.

"Because they've been buggin' me to experience a human holiday, so ah' figure now is mah' chance to do it." said Nathan.

"Alright." said Pastor Schwartz, "Now that we have our announcements done, will you all stand and we'll be dismissed in prayer."

The entire congress stood up and bowed their heads and after their prayer, almost the entire congress went over to the tables getting as many invitations as possible, Nathan managed to get the amount needed since he knew how many to invite.

"Well Nathan, we'll see you at the banquet." said Luke.

"Right, bye y'all." said Nathan as he hugged his two best friends. He then put the invitations in his bag that contained his Bible and Sunday School books that contained lessons, then proceeded towards the crowd that was going out the doors to their cars and heading home. As he exited the church, he was surprised to find Lucy there waiting for him and take him back to the orphanage.

"Hi Ms. Fanning." Nathan said hugging her, Lucy returned his hug.

"Hi Nathan, you ready to head back to Equestria?" she asked.

"Am ah' ever, ah've got a bunch of invitations to give out." Nathan answered.

"Are you going to invite your friends at the School of Friendship, because I'm pretty sure they wouldn't mind experiencing a human holiday as you said they called it." remarked Lucy.

Nathan shrugged, "Ah'm not sure, but one thing is certain, Smolder and the others are going to finally stop pesturin' me about it when ah' give them these invitations." he said as he hopped in the back of Lucy's GMC Yukon and buckled up. Lucy then started her car and left for the orphanage.

Lucy had managed to make it to the orphanage without any problems whatsoever, parked her car, and turned off the engine as Nathan unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the backseat, grabbing his bag, and hopping out with Lucy. After he shut the door and Lucy locked it, she gave Nathan a goodbye hug.

"I'll see you at the banquet in two weeks." she said.

"Ah'll see ya there as well, bye Ms. Fanning." Nathan said as he pushed a device on his wrist that activated the portal, Lucy waved goodbye as Nathan stepped into the portal and got sucked in. As Nathan was journeying through the portal, as usual, he could feel his bat wings developing on him as he saw the the Crystal Heart which powered the portal from the Equestria side and he landed beside it glad to see the Crystal Empire in its usual look. He then touched the Crystal Heart with two fingers and deactivated the portal, then walked to the castle entrance.

As Nathan opened the doors, he saw Shining Armor making dinner for the whole family.

"Hi Dad." Nathan said entering the kitchen.

"Hey Nathan, how was church?" he asked.

"Oh, it was good, we've returned to our normal routine and we've got our big Thanksgiving banquet comin' up in two weeks." Nathan answered as he went into his bag to show Shining Armor the invitations. Shining Armor quickly got curious and levitated the invitations out of his hands and into his view.

"Are these invitations to this banquet?" he asked.

"Yes, and ah'm invitin' you and mom to come." Nathan answered.

"Oh sport, of course I'll come, why don't you go upstairs and give your mother one." Shining Armor said as he put the invitation in a drawer.

"Yes Dad, ah've gotta go change anyway." Nathan said as he exited the kitchen and went upstairs. As he got up the stairs and into the hallways, he could hear Flurry Heart giggling and Cadance doing something to her, but decided to go change first before helping with Flurry Heart. As Nathan went into his and Skyla's bedroom, he closed his door, only to see Skyla in a deep sleep because she was taking a nap and since she and him shared the room he decided to dress quickly so as not to wake her up.

Putting on some fresh clean jeans and a shirt, he then left the room and quietly shut the door to let Skyla sleep. As he walked towards the room where Shining Armor and Cadance changed Flurry's diaper routinely, he heard Flurry Heart giggling along with Cadance.

"Boy you sure are giggly today aren't you?" she said where Nathan could hear, he then entered the room.

"Hi Mom." he said.

"Hi Nathan." she said, that's when Flurry Heart saw her big brother and flew up in a fresh clean diaper.

"Oh you wanna see your big brother, go on!" she said, and Flurry Heart quickly flew into Nathan's arms.

"Hey Tiger." he said giving her a kiss on her head as Flurry hugged him.

"So Nathan, what's the progress of Dallas?" Cadance asked.

"Well nearly two-thirds of the city has been rebuilt, and since mah' church is part of it, we're celebrating the return of our annual Thanksgiving banquet in two weeks and you and Dad are invited." he said handing over another invitation to her. Cadance used her aura to read the invitation.

"Oh Nathan, of course your father and I will come."

"Well, while you and Dad are puttin' two and two together, ah'm going to fly over to Canterlot and hand some out to Grandma and Grandpa while there is still daylight left.

"Sweetie, while you're there, how about seeing if Celestia, Luna, and Zodi would like to attend."

Nathan giggled, 'Oh mom, ya' know ah' will." he then turned towards his little sister.

"All right, Tiger, time to go back to Mom now." he said handing Flurry Heart back to Cadance.

"Be sure to be back in time for dinner." said Cadance.

"Yes mom." he said, heading out for the balcony, he then flapped his wings and shot for the air. He could now feel the wind blowing through his hair as he was now in the sky with clouds below him.

Nathan was gliding through the sky when the mountain that Canterlot rested beside on came into full bird's eye view on him, quickly going into rapid descent, Nathan landed at the gate entrance. Even though, it was guarded top to bottom, Nathan knew he was the future captain of the royal guards, so he had easy access.

Nathan walked through the streets of the royal city when he was approached by two familiar unicorns, Fancy Pants and Fleur De Lis who quickly greeted him with great appreciation.

"Good afternoon Nathan." said Fleur De Lis as she hugged him.

"What might bring you to Canterlot today?" asked Fancy Pants.

"Oh ah'm just handin' out invitations to a banquet on mah' world." Nathan answered.

"And what might this banquet be?" asked Fleur De Lis.

"It's to celebrate a holiday we humans call Thanksgiving."

"That sounds very delightful, but we're afraid we are unable to attend it." said Fleur De Lis, "Ta ta for now." she then hugged him again and she and Fancy Pants vanished into the streets of Canterlot. Nathan continued on himself as well towards the Canterlot Castle. As he neared the entrance doors, he was approached by two royal guards who bowed to him since he was going to be the next captain in line when Shining Armor died or retired.

"Greetings young captain." said one guard.

"What might we bring from you today?" asked the other.

"At ease guards, ah'm just hear to see Princess Celestia and Luna, ah' wish to speak to them about somethin' important."

"As you were." said one guard and the stepped aside to let Nathan pass and Nathan opened the doors and entered the humongous corridors that surrounded and connected the entire castle. A lot sure had changed in this place to him since the day he ran away from home due to being jealous of Skyla.

Meanwhile in the far end of the castle, Celestia and Luna were with Zodiac in a huge playroom that contained a toy box with a decent amount of toys that he played with, a nice comfy couch bed that he used to take naps on if he got tired from playing or just tired period, and a balcony that had a decent view of the mountains and the river. Anyway, Zodiac was in here with them playing hide and seek and he was hiding underneath the couch bed as Celestia and Luna playfully searched for him.

"Where oh where is he?" asked Luna.

"When we find him, we're gonna gobble him up and give him a tummy attack." exclaimed Celestia, that's when they took notice of a hoof sticking out. They giggled and quickly dragged him out of his hiding spot as Zodiac laughed.

"Gotcha!" said Luna as she lifted his wonderbolt outfit and blew a raspberry on his belly and Celestia tickled his right side making him laugh louder, as they played with him, they heard a knock on the door, causing them to put down Zodiac.

"Who is it?" asked Celestia.

"It's Nathan." said Nathan from the outside, Celestia then opened the door to actually reveal him with a warm smile.

"NATHAN!!!!!!!!" Zodiac screamed happily.

"ZODI!!!!!!" screamed Nathan and they both hugged.

"So what brings you to Canterlot?" asked Luna.

"Well mah' gathering is havin' big banquet goin' on in a couple of weeks."

"I see." said Celestia with a smile.

"And where will this banquet take place?" asked Luna.

"At mah' church, it'll be on the 20th of this month from 4 PM to 9 PM and ah've got invitations for all of y'all." said Nathan as he handed three of them to Celestia, Luna, and Zodiac.

As Celestia read the invitation, she thought for a minute.

"I don't know." she said.

"Come on mom, Nathan just wants you and Aunt Luna to spend a day in human life." said Zodiac.

"I would have to agree with Zodi sister," said Luna, "we've been through a lot of bad predicaments lately, not to mention our magic failing, so I think it would be great to take a break and spend the day on Nathan's world."

Celestia smiled, "You know Luna, you're right, Nathan we would love to attend this banquet, we will see you at the portal."

Nathan smiled and hugged her, "Thanks Celestia, ah'll see ya' later."

"Bye Nathan, see you at school tomorrow, hopefully Headmare Twilight would allow you to hand out more of those invitations."

"Oh she won't mind, see you at school tomorrow as well." Nathan said as he hugged Zodiac a second time and then left. Zodiac was wanting to leave too, but as he was about to set hoof out the door, it suddenly closed shut on him.

"Wha..." he exclaimed, then he turned to see his mother and aunt with mischievous yet playful evil smiles on their faces.

"And where do you think you're going?" asked Celestia.

"We're not done with you yet." said Luna as they both walked up to Zodiac and cornered him, Zodiac laughed nervously and realized he was trapped.

"Come here, timberwolf." said Celestia, as she picked him up with her aura and she and Luna went back to tickling him and blowing raspberries on his belly.

"....Later that Night....

Nathan had finished his dinner about two hours ago and had finished taking a bath and had his teeth brushed. Now he was in his pajamas and sorting through school work that had to be turned in tomorrow, and stacking and sorting the remaining number of invitations that he would give to the student six and mane six, as soon as he got it ready and put in his backpack, Cadance came in the room.

"All right Nathan, bedtime." she said.

"Yes mommy." Nathan said and he climbed into bed as Cadance tucked him in and kissed him goodnight.

"Nathan, are you going to hand out more of those invitations at school tomorrow?" Cadance asked.

"Yes mom, good night." said Nathan as he rested his head on his pillow and fell asleep, Skyla falling asleep in her tiny bed as well.

"Good night dear." she said, turning out the lights and closing the door.