• Member Since 18th Dec, 2017
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


I like to eat my ice cream melted. Fight me.


Comments ( 15 )

Sequel where everyone learns the truth please.

Traitor is as traitor does. Monster is as monster does. The ends do not justify the means.
Twilight needs a cell right next to Tirek.

Wouldn't mind a sequel to this

Considering how mentally unstable Twilight has been during the entire show, I could easily see her becoming like this normally.

Letters to the spirit? What kind of spirit? The Spirit in the Sky?

Really would like to see an end to this story. I don't see Discord taking this laying down.

So let me get this straight. Discord: an immortal spirit so powerful it took the Elements of Harmony to actually stop him. With a single literal snap of his talons, could eternally make Twilight's existence a living hell. Turning her white cells into acid but making it to where she'll never die or lock her in her own mind as she watches her body bring chaos to the lands as a sick joke. "you love harmony? Well watch with a smile on your physical face as that, and everything else you've worked for, is destroyed by your own hooves."

Twilight: A 'genius' Alicorn who is well aware of what Discord is capable of. She destroyed the only link that stopped Discord from going full villain by destroying Discord's friendship with Fluttershy. Twilight can't have the Elements with her 24/7 because the tree will die and the other mortal bearers with eventually die. So now we have a lethal spirit of chaos on the loose, and Twilight only has till one of the bearers die, to think of a solution against a master trickster, who is pissed and out for blood with no one able to calm him down.

well to be honest, she isn't only targeting specifically him. but instead targeting what she sees as not part of her process to build a "kingdom of harmony", while simultaneously destroying what she deemed unfit in her "kingdom". of course, in her mind, chaos fits nowhere in a "kingdom of harmony". there's more sequels to this btw, telling a more in depth story, per say.

Oh, thanks for letting me know.

Hello! I really like this AU you've made! So, I was just re-reading some parts of it, and I came across some errors. Nothing major, just some basic typos

Jokes aside for him however, he really was kind of bothered by the thought. After being encased in stone for so many years, he had begun to realize just how hard differentiating what's real and wjat's fake in life. Perhaps to avoid any of these kinds of backlash is to.....well, stay home.

D....does Celestia even know what's gfoing on?

Should he tell her?

His thoughts were interrupted when he felt light tap on his shoulders. "THey'll be alright once you cooperate, Discord. Now, come with me and I'll-"

Sigh, Twilight. What a mistake it was for dear Sunbutt to anoint her princess. To say he was a narcissistic ruler was a damn insult compared to who Sunbutt used to think as her brightest student and future extraordinare.

Sometimes, he felt bad hearing her saying that she's trying. Because she's trying too hard. For him. And it makes him regret thinking that she was every going to betray him because if he felt guilty he wondered how he'd be if it actually happened.

"Alicorns are just average ponies plus power ups, I just know it. Like, I swear that alicorn has never heard of sleep in her life," he shook his head disapppointingly.

oof! thanks,, man! guess i gotta spell check more often haha

I'm happy to help. If you toss your fics into a Google Doc before posting, it'll catch a lot of errors automatically. It's probably more accurate than FimFic's error detection

I was confused the first half, but I’m a little bit upset about the second half, this man had the chance to tell his story but he didn’t. Also, the fact he didn’t fight back shows how good of a friend he is.

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