• Published 10th Oct 2018
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Voyage of the Equinox - Starscribe

Equestria's first interstellar ship is crewed by the best and brightest Equestria has to offer. Twilight Sparkle and her friends are determined to uncover the origin of the mysterious alien Signal, no matter what it costs. A comment-driven story.

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Chapter 9

Twilight knew Applejack wouldn’t be happy even before they reached the docking platform. But whatever else might be said for the former prospector, she had good common sense. Whatever distrust she might still be feeling towards Spike, she didn’t show it.

“Here to join our little investigation, eh’? Guess you didn’t quite get to finish yer beauty rest.”

Spike chuckled weakly, showing no sign of his emotional weakness earlier. I’m glad I didn’t tell him that Applejack was the one who discovered all this. It would hurt him even more to know that she’d been involved. Maybe this way he could pretend it had nothing to do with her, and keep their relationship relatively normal. Please Celestia, no more dragon oaths.

The airlock to the lander showed all green, just like it had over the computer. For that reason Twilight hadn’t brought a space suit, though she did carry a gun. The crystal sticking out the back was bright enough to double as a flashlight, and the plastic bullets inside wouldn’t pierce their hull if it came to shooting.

“Did you get any readings out of the lander?”

Applejack shook her head. “Nothin’ that would interest ‘ya too much. She’s readin’ as 11% more massive than she ought to be… like she’s got a full cargo bay. Pulling about 3% more energy, too… but that’s within tolerances, so the computer didn’t neigh at me.”


“None,” Applejack glanced quickly over her shoulder at Spike, then back to her. “But you said it would be a cryo pod. But I haven’t tried to open ‘er up yet. Figured it might be best to have your authorization to be the one giving the order, just in case.”

Twilight nodded. “Something tried to…” she hesitated. “Hurt me. When I opened the cargo bay. Before I scan my card, I want you to go over the docking system like it was one of your family’s haulers. No, better.”

“Can’t do better than an apple hauler,” Applejack muttered, moving past her to the docking ring. She dropped to her knees, opening the hatch with her mouth and sliding goggles down over her eyes.

Applejack searches for sabotage to the docking system. Failure

But she was barely down five minutes before she rose to her hooves again, flipping the colored lenses out and away from her eyes. “Nothin’ there, captain. She hasn’t been touched.”

Twilight nodded, then levitated her master keycard out from her pocket and into Spike’s claw. “Applejack and I aren’t as sturdy as you are, Spike. I hope you don’t mind if I ask you to open it. Just in case.”

Applejack’s eyes widened. Behind Spike’s back, she mouthed something, probably ‘Not him’ though it was hard to be sure. Twilight ignored her. She hadn’t had the chance to verify spike’s claims of innocence yet, it was true. But she didn’t need to. His explanation made sense, and he was her dragon. If she couldn’t trust the one she’d hatched from an egg during her first day of High Officer’s training, who could she trust?

“Of course,” Spike said, taking the key without flinching. “My scales are pretty tough. You’d be surprised how many little explosions we made it through together.”

“We’ll be right around the corner,” Twilight said. “Where we can still see,” she added in a whisper.

“This is a mistake, Twi.” Applejack hissed into her ear. “I know he looks fine now, but we haven’t made certain of it yet. If there’s one thing you don’t do when yer’ away from home, it’s puttin’ someone who ain’t all together in charge of anythin.’ Even scrubbing dishes could start a fire or somethin’.”

Twilight shook her head. “It wasn’t him.”

Spike scanned the keycard, and the outer airlock slid open.

Everything happened in a rush. There were a few flashes of light from the end of the tiny hallway, followed by the unmistakable “hull breach” alarm. Air roared past them towards the bulkhead, lifting a cloud of debris from the floor and some of Applejack’s tools from beside the airlock and tearing them right out into the bulkhead.

Spike staggered back, sparks showering from his front as little tears opened in his jumpsuit. Behind him the docking bulkhead slammed shut.

Then Twilight felt it—a slight shove against her hooves, one that pushed against all the Equinox. Her center of gravity briefly faltered, and she nearly fell over—but her worry over Spike was just too severe. She ran to his side anyway, tearing away the remains of his jumpsuit. There was a little blood from where a few scales had cracked, though nothing too serious. He looked up, wincing weakly as he met her eyes. “Good thing it was…” and he fell limp, unconscious.

The rushing sound stopped, along with the sirens. Applejack hadn’t followed her—instead, she’d crossed to the little balcony above the dock, and the viewing window there. There, she would have an excellent view of their landing craft, taking a nice chunk of the docking tube with it as it drifted into space. Applejack swore, and for once Twilight didn’t even think of reprimanding her. “Well… I’m loathe to say I told ‘ya so…”

“You told me there was nothing to worry about,” Twilight hissed, glaring at Applejack. But she didn’t leave the words to linger long—they were all in trouble. “Chief Engineer, bring me a medkit, as fast as you can gallop. After that… I want you to make sure nothing else is going to blow us up.”

Applejack ran to do as she was told, while Twilight busied herself with a few simple medical spells. It seemed spike’s collapse was mostly shock—his injuries were not that serious. She’d bandage him up, then…

1. Exhaustively search for sabotage. Whoever did all this knew the Equinox well enough to trick Applejack. But I know the computer, and she’s harder to fool. I’ll find the trail they missed.

2. Care for Spike. Not only is one of my crew injured, but staying at his side will make sure he can’t do anything, if he was the one behind anything that happened so far.

3. Investigate the Cargo Bay. Whoever ruined the cargo bay is probably floating away in the Prospector right now, but that doesn’t mean we might not be able to learn something useful from what they left behind. A full inventory should show us some of what they planned, and if we’re lucky they left some of their own possessions behind too.

4. Breakthrough. Applejack is feeling deeply ashamed about not discovering the sabotage before it cost the lander, and so she works in an absolute frenzy to put right what she’s done wrong. If chosen, her brief surge of engineering genius will repair both the transmitter and the eye, along with detecting any sabotage to those systems.

(Certainty 150 required)

Author's Note:


So for those wondering, I actually don't just decide to inflict these terrible things on our intrepid explorers on a whim. In reality, I have no more control over how this goes than you do, since I'm using a GM emulator system called Mythic to control the story. My rolls and everything else are "above the table," for anyone who wants to verify for themselves in my discord server. Obvious spoiler warnings if you go there, though, since things that have been rolled in there haven't all been discovered by our crew yet, and more of that is always likely.

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