• Published 14th Nov 2018
  • 3,629 Views, 681 Comments

Yugioh EQG: XX - Banshee531

A year has past since our heroes battle against Sombra. Now, a new threat appears in the form of a tournament. Will our heroes be able to overcome this evil, or is the peace they worked so hard to achieve gone forever?

  • ...

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Turn 4: Wonderbolts

The sun was barely raising in the city of Cloudsdale.

Despite this, one of its residents was already up and ready for action. That was Rainbow Dash, the newest student of Cloudsdale's prize school. The Wonderbolts Academy.

As the sun rose high above the horizon, Rainbow was running at an even pace.

Despite her team's season being over, she saw it as no reason to lounge around and change her schedule. She was dressed in a dark blue tracksuit, with yellow running down the seams on her arms, legs and the zip of her jacket. On the breast of her jacket was the image of a lightning bolt with wings.

The sight of a certain building made her smile. Wonderbolt Academy was a boarding school for students who wanted to focus on a career in sports, while teaching them skills in other areas for when they chose to leave the playing field or are forced out due to injury. Rainbow had earned a spot there on a soccer scholarship thanks in part to her showcasing of skills in not only to Celestic Cup, but also when her Duel in the Crystal Tower was broadcast to most of the world.

She had been a little worried about going at first, but her friends had talked her into it and now she was glad they did. Not only had she gotten many new friends, but she had also been able to lead her team to victory in the school district championship.

And now that the season was over, she could kick back and work on catching up with what she had missed lesson wise in school. However, she had been surprised with how fast she managed to catch up with the rest of her class. She guessed it was Twilight, rubbing off on her.

She stepped inside the school and arrived at her locker, opening it up to grab her towel and wipe her brow while checking her phone. A text from Fluttershy caught her attention, telling her about the Double X Tournament and the rest of her friend's intentions to enter it.

Rainbow laughed as she headed to her room, knowing all about the Double X. "To bad I can't enter." One of the down sides of being a student at the Wonderbolt Academy, was that Cloudsdale had significantly less Duellists then Canterlot did. As such, finding someone to Duel was next to impossible and finding those wanting to form a team was even harder. She shrugged, "oh well."

She returned to her dorm room to wash and change out of her sweat soaked suit into an identical copy of it. After that, she went down to the school's cafeteria for breakfast. As she sat eating, the rest of her team showed up. This included Fleetfoot, High Winds, Fire Streak and Misty Fly.

"Sup Crash?" Fleetfoot asked before starting to dine on her cereal, using the nickname Rainbow had earnt in her first week of the team.

"Not much," Rainbow said. "Just kinda bored."

"That's what happens when you speed through your catch up work," Misty told her. "You and Soarin thought it was a good idea, but now look at you."

"Where is Soarin anyway?" Streak asked.

"I'm not sure," Fleetfoot replied. "Hey, have you guys noticed how weird Soarin's been acting lately?"

"No," Rainbow said, "not really."

"I have," High Winds said. "Whenever he's not on the soccer field, he's constantly tripping over his own feet." Rainbow knew this was true. The boy they were talking about, Soarin Skies, was a wizard when he was playing soccer. But whenever she saw him off the field, he suddenly seemed to have two left feet.

"How's that different from usual?" She asked.

"It wasn't like this last year," Streak explained. "He was never this much of the klutz back then."

"Here he comes now." The others looked up to see a teenage boy in the same tracksuit as them, with light blue skin and dark blue hair, walking up to them carrying a plate of food.

"Morning guys," he said as he moved over to their table.

"Morning," Fleetfoot said, "late night."

Soarin nodded as he tried to find a spear seat on the table. "I was doing some last minute work."

"On what?" Streak asked, "I thought you were caught up on your work."

"I am. This was something-" he yawned once again, "else."

"Like what?" Rainbow asked, but didn't get an answer. That was because Soarin suddenly tripped over a chair that had been left out, causing his food to go flying. Their target was the unlucky prism haired girl, who soon found herself covered in cereal and orange juice. "Awe!"

The others laughed, "nice one Clipper."

Soarin's eyes went wide as he looked up, seeing what he had done. "Oh man. Rainbow, I'm so sorry."

"It's cool," Rainbow stood up and took off her jacket before it soaked her undershirt. She then brushed as much of the cereal as she could out of her hair.

"I'm really sorry," Soarin unzipped his own jacket and offered it to her. "Here. You can use this until you clean yours. Don't want you getting cold."

Rainbow rolled her eyes but accepted the jacket, finding it several sizes to big for her. She then excused herself and rushed to the nearest bathroom and spent the next twenty minutes trying to get the milk and orange juice out of her hair. She had just finished when the bell for the start of classes rang, making her yell and rush to get there with only seconds to spare.

The rest of the day was relatively uneventful, despite needing to carry and soaking jacket around. During her lunch break she managed to run to her dorm and throw it in the wash while getting her last clean one, Soarin's being way to big to actually be of any use to her.

Eventually, the school day ended and Rainbow set out to return the jacket to its owner. The only problem was, she had zero clue where Soarin hung out after class. She asked a boy to go knock on his dorm room, since girls weren't allowed in the boys section, but was annoyed to learn he wasn't there.

Now all she could do was carry the jacket around in hopes of running into him, with the last option being keeping it until tomorrow breakfast. But as luck would have it, she spotted him sitting on the school bleachers hunched over. He had his back to her, so she couldn't tell what he was doing. But he was so engrossed in it that he didn't hear her approaching.

When she was finally behind him, she looked over his shoulder and went wide eyed when she saw what he was doing. "You Duel?"

"HOLY!" Soarin jumped from shock and accidently fell off the bleacher. Once he recovered, he looked up to see Rainbow. "Don't do that!"

Rainbow laughed. "Call it payback for this morning. Here's your jacket by the way." He took it and threw it on, then returned to the cards he had been sorting through. "So anyway, I didn't know you Duelled."

"I do it whenever I can. Not a lot of opponents to practise with, so I don't have much experience."

"That's cool," Rainbow sat on the other side of his card. "You know, I Duel too."

Soarin laughed. "Yeah, who doesn't know that." He looked up at her. "I was there you know, in Canterlot when you and the others saved the world. You were awesome."

Rainbow blushed, unsure why since this wasn't the first time she'd been praised for it. Something then clicked in her head. "So, why didn't you ever ask for a game. You must have wanted a chance to face me."

"Well," Soarin looked down at his deck, "I figured you wouldn't want to be distracted from soccer. Then when the season ended, I kept deciding to ask you but just chickened out. After all, why would a world class Duelist want to face off against me." He looked up at the sky. "To be honest, ever since you started at this school I've been a little intimidated by you. You actually saved the world, so why would you want anything to do with me."

Rainbow's eyes went wide as she realised why he was so clumsy. He was nervous around her. This made her smile as an idea popped into her head. One which would relieve her boredom and hopefully get rid of his nerves.

She got up and pulled out her Duel Disk. "Come on, let's go."

Soarin raised an eyebrow. "Go where?"

"Not go. Go!" She pointed a finger at him, the tip only inches from his face. "Soarin Skies, I challenge you to a Duel!" Soarin's eyes went wide as he realised what just happened, as Rainbow jumped back until she stood in the centre of the soccer field. "Come on. You game, or are you scared?"

Soarin frowned. No one called him a coward.

He jumped up before pulling out a light blue Duel Disk and strapping it to his arm before inserting his deck, a yellow blade appearing. "I'm game. Let's do this."

Rainbow smiled, seeing the same confidence and focus she saw him have when playing soccer. "Good. Then let's start."


Rainbow: 4000
Soarin: 4000

"I'll take the first move," Rainbow reached for her deck. "I draw and summon Rainbow Wing Knight Kestrel, in ATK mode!" A tornado exploded into existence infront of her, quickly disappearing to reveal a winged knight in red bird like armour. (A1500/D1200/L4/P5) "I'll end my turn there."

"Then I'll go," Soarin reached for his deck and drew his card. As he did, he started going over the best ways to take the lead with what he had in his hand. "Alright, I'll start by summoning my Techno Force Jet Jammer!" In a flash of light, a red eurofighter typhoon appeared. It whizzed around their heads for several seconds until it started hovering over Soarin's head. (A1800/D1000/L4)

Rainbow looked up at the machine in amazement, "awesome." She then looked down at Soarin, "what else you got?"

Soarin smiled before taking another card out of his hand and placing it into his Duel Disk. "How about this, Frontline Base. This Continuous Spell lets me summon a Level four or below Union monster from my hand. And I summon Techno Force Armoured Assault!" This time a yellow M1117 armored security vehicle appeared, rolling around the field before stopping next to Soarin. (A500/D2000/L4)

"So he's a Union Monster user," Rainbow smirked. She'd never faced one of those decks before.

"Now," Soarin pointed at Rainbow's monster, "Jet Jammer attack!" The fighter jet fired its missiles at Kestrel Wing Knight, destroying it instantly.

Rainbow: 3700
Soarin: 4000

"And now Armoured Assault with attack you directly!" The tank aimed its guns before firing a round of bullets, which rained down on Rainbow.

"Wow!" She cried as she raised her Duel Disk to shield her face.

Rainbow: 3200
Soarin: 4000

Rainbow smiled as she lowered her arms. "Since I took damage from a direct attack, I can summon Rainbow Wing Yellow Eagle to the field." Another tornado appeared and from out of it flew the yellow bird of prey. (A1700/D1300/L4)

Soarin smirked at the girl's counter. "I'll end my turn by placing two card face down and activating Jet Jammer's ability." The jet fired a lazer at Armoured Assault, causing it's engine to die as it switched to DEF mode.

Rainbow looked over Soarin's field, seeing It was solid. Definitely one that would be tough to beat, which would make it all the sweeter once she did. "It's my turn. I draw!" The prism haired girl looked down at her hand and nodded at what she'd got. "Alright, I summon Rainbow Wing Purple Condor!" Once again a tornado signalled the arrival of Rainbow's monster, reveal the purple bird of prey (A1800/D100/L3) "And with Condor's ability, I'll be dealing you six hundred points of damage."

Purple Condor beat its wings, creating a gust that pushed Soarin back.

Rainbow: 3200
Soarin: 3400

"Next I'll play the Spell card Blustering Winds, to increase Condor's ATK power by a grand!" Another gust of wind swept across the field, spiralling around the bird of prey. (A2800/D100/L3) "Now attack Jet Jammer!" Condor flew up high before dive bombing towards the fighting plane.

Soaring smiled. "I activate my Trap!" One of his face downs flipped up, "Emergency Power-Link!" Since you declared an attack on a Machine type monster whilst I have a compatible Union monster on the field, I can join them together." Jet Jammer dodged Condor as Armoured Assault kicked into gear. The guns on its top folded out to the side as the jet landed atop it. "Say hello to Super Techno Force Jet Assault. And with this combo, Jet Jammer's power increases by five hundred (A2300/D1400/L4)

"That still won't be enough to save it!" Rainbow cried as Condor repeated its attack.

Soarin smiled. "Maybe, but my Trap has another effect. It protects Jet Jammer from being destroyed this turn." As Condor struck Jet Jammer with its talons, the combined vehicles remained in one piece.

Rainbow: 3200
Soarin: 2900

Rainbow smiled, "I'll place on card face down and end my turn." The wind around Condor died down. (A1800/D100/L4)

"It's my turn. I draw," when Soarin saw what card he'd gotten he smiled. "First, I'll separate my combo monster back into its separate components." The two machines detached from one another. "Then I'll active the Spell card Overclock. This bad boy lets me send a Machine monster from my deck to the grave," a card slotted out of his deck and he transferred it to the grave. "That allows me to supercharge another machine by the discarded cards Level times three hundred."

The two watched as an engine appeared in the air before flying into Armoured Assault, making it rev up even louder. (A1700/D3200/L4)

Rainbow whistled, "sweet move."

Soarin smirked, "that's nothing." His last face down flipped up to reveal a Trap, "wait until you see what my Roll Out can do. This lets me take a Union Monster in my grave and equip it to a compatible monster." In a flash of light, a rectangular blue submarine appeared. "This is Techno Force Sub Surfer, which I'll be equipping to Jet Jammer." The two machines linked together, Sub Surfer on the bottom and Jet Jammer on top. "Meet Super Techno Force Jet Surfer." (A2200/D1400/L4) "Don't blink, you might just miss him."

"Why?" Rainbow asked.

"Because I'm banishing all three of my Techno Force monsters in order Unison Summon something better." Armoured Assault changed to way it had before, its guns shifting to the side as Jet Surfer landed on top of it. The tank then split down the middle before separating, folding down to take the form of legs and a waist. Sub Surfer also spilt down the middle, extending forwards to reveal a pair of upper arms while two fists came out the end. The arms moved to the side to give the machine the appearance of having a midsection and arms. Finally, Jet Jammer split into three. Its tail and wings folded back while the nose folded forwards. The midsection remained where it was, as a robotic humanoid head popped up.

This new monster looked humanoid. It had a yellow waist and legs, blue arms and chest with a red jet nose shielding the chest. A red metal cape could be seen on its back and atop it stood a silver head. "Introducing Mega Techno Force Attack Convoy!" (A2800/D2600/L8) Soarin looked towards Rainbow and saw she had stars in her eyes. "Pretty cool, huh?"

"It...is...so...awesome," she whispered out that last word.

"Thanks," Soarin said, "now let me show you what he can do. First I'll discard a card from my hand, which lets me destroy one monster one your side of the field whose ATK points are lower then Attack Convoy's. I'll destroy...your yellow Eagle." The guns that were attached to Attack Convoy's hips aimed as the bird of prey before firing and destroying it. "Plus since the card I discard was Techno Support AFV, it's ability lets me draw two cards. Now I'll attack with Attack Convoy."

Rainbow watched, as the missiles on the jet wings were launched into the air before arching downwards towards Purple Condor. "I activate my Trap card," her face down flipped up. "Tornado Guard!" A powerful tornado appeared around Condor right before the missiles struck, causing them to explode off the vortex but left Condor unharmed. The force of the explosion did hit Rainbow, who skidded back.

Rainbow: 2700
Soarin: 2900

The tornado disappeared as Rainbow lowed her arms. "Tornado Guard lets me protect my monster and cut the damage I take in half."

Soarin nodded at this. "Alright, I'll place one card face down and end my turn."

"Alright," Rainbow went for her deck, "it's my turn. I draw." She looked through her hand and saw she didn't have any Level threes, meaning she couldn't Xyz Summon. That was likely what Soarin was planning, when he destroyed the monster that attacking would have caused more damage. But, he obviously didn't know her deck as well as he thought he did. "I activate the effect of Supporting Filly"

In a flash of light, a small orange pegasus with purple hair and tail appeared. Seconds later, the filly was surrounded by a tornado.

"By banishing this little squirt, I can move one Winged-Beast Pendulum Monster from my Deck to my Extra Deck." Rainbow's Deck slotted out a card and she took it, "so I'll be moving Rainbow Wing Knight Condor there." The tornado exploded and revealed a winged knight in purple condor armour, which flew into Rainbow's Extra Deck. "Next, I'll activate the Spell Second Wind. This card let's me take up to two Wind Pendulum Monsters out of my Extra Deck and place them in the Pendulum Zones. So I'll be setting the Pendulum Scale with scale two Wing Knight Condor and scale five Wing Knight Kestrel."

The pillars of light appeared on either side of her before the two Rainbow Wing Knights flew into them. Once high enough, the two unleashed beams of light which connected to open a portal. "Now watch, as I cut through space time and carve the arc of victory!" Rainbow smirked as the portal opened, "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and unleashed a single light, which struck the ground before revealing the monster. Said Monster was a blue pegasus with a rainbow coloured mane and tail, with Rainbow's emblem on its flank. "Rainbow Wing Pegasus!" (A1800/D1300/L4/P5)

"Huh," Soarin said, "haven't seen that monster before. Or that other pegasus."

"Well wotcha expect?" Rainbow asked, "you gotta keep upping your game, or you'll never move forwards. That's not the only new addition my deck has."

Soarin smiled hearing this, "love to see what else you got?"

"With pleasure," Rainbow replied. "First off, since Rainbow Wing Pegasus was Special Summoned, her ability lets me add a Winged-Beast to my hand that's Level four of below." Her deck slotted out a card, which she took before slapping onto her Duel Disk. "And I'll summon it right now. Rainbow Wing Blue Falcon!" A tornado appeared and from it appeared a blue bird of prey. (A1600/D1400/L4) "And that's not all," Rainbow said as Falcon and Pegasus started glowing. They then morphed into lights that shot into the air "with these two monsters I build the Overlay Network." The black hole appeared below her which the lights flew into. "Wings of freedom, descend upon this land and unleash a hurricane of power." The black hole exploded in a burst of light. "I XYZ SUMMON!"

The new monster was a person in black cloths with golden armour around his chest, waist, arms and feet. A single black wing was sprouted from the right side of his back while a metallic wing made of gold folded out of his left arm gauntlet. A scabbed carrying a long katana was strapped to the back of his hip, and a golden bird mask concealed all but his mouth. Finally, two green lights flew around him. "Rainbow Battle Wing Gold." (A2500/D1500/R4/P7)

Soarin was just as amazed as Rainbow had been seeing Attack Convoy. "Awesome, so this is Assault Wing Gold's evolved form."

"That's right," Rainbow replied. "Now let me show you his ability. By removing an Overlay Unit, I can look at the top five cards of my deck and summon any Level four or below Winged-Beast." Battle Wing crushed an Overlay Unit in his talon's hands, allowing Rainbow to drew her cards. She looked them over and found only one fit the bill, "I summon Rainbow Wing Pink Owl in DEF mode." Yet another tornado signalled the arrival of a fluffy pink barn owl. (A100/D100/L1)

Soarin frowned, wondering if Battle Wing had the same ability as its predecessor.

"Now I'll have Battle Wing target Attack Convoy" The Xyz Monster leapt into the air before unsheathing his sword. "And when Battle Wing attack, his power goes up by three hundred for each Winged-Beast on the field." (A3100/D1500/R4/P7) With a slash of its sword, Attack Convoy was destroyed.

Rainbow: 2700
Soarin: 2600

"I activate my face down," the card flipped up to reveal a Trap. "Interdenominational De-Fusion. Since I have a Fusion Monster in my graveyard, I can now banish him to add one of each of my banished materials to his hand." He took his three cards and added them to his hand. "And since I got three cards back, I get two hundred life points for each one.

Rainbow: 2700
Soarin: 3200

"Well they won't be around long, because Condor's ability will knock six hundred life points away from you." The bird beat its wings and unleashed the wind blade, which slashed at Soarin.

Rainbow: 2700
Soarin: 2600

"And he's still got his attack left." With a strike of its talons, Condor slashed away eighteen hundred of Soarin's life points.

Rainbow: 2700
Soarin: 800

"I'll end my turn there." As the battle phase ended, Battle Wing's ATK points returned to its normal total. (A2500/D1500/R4/P7)

"Then it's my turn." Soarin knew if he wanted to end this Duel and a win for him, he needed something big. He place a hand on his deck, "I draw!" He looked at the card and compared it to the others, nodding as a plan came to mind. "I'll start by setting the Pendulum Scale with scale two Techno Support MAZ-Six-Three-Seventeen and scale six Techno Support WC-Five-Four!"

Two pillars of light appeared besides him. In the first appeared a green truck with a load that had cloth covering it, while in the other appeared an old fashioned army ambulance. Once the two were high enough, a portal appeared between them. "Now watch, as I cut through space time and carve the arc of victory!" The portal opened, "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

Three lights shot out of the portal, striking the ground and transforming into the three machines that Soarin had banished last turn. "Not bad," Rainbow said. "But none of them'll be enough to take out my Battle Wing, even if you combined two of them. And you've got no cards, so your only hope would...be..." She looked up at the pillars, making Soarin smirk.

"That's right, I'm using WC's Pendulum Ability. An ability that lets me resummon a Fusion Monster that's been removed from play. And all I gotta do is banish its materials from the field, which I have." The ambulance shot a beam of light from its headlights, which caused a portal to appear above the machines. Those machines flew up and into the light, coming out the other side as Attack Convoy. (A2800/D2600/L8) "Now attack Battle Wing!" The missiles launched and then arced back down before striking Rainbow's Xyz Monster, destroying it in an explosion. Rainbow meanwhile, staggered back due to the force.

Rainbow: 2400
Soarin: 800

"What's more, when Attack Convoy destroys a monster, you take damage equal to that monsters Rank or Level times three hundred." Attack Convoy aimed its hip guns at Rainbow and fired, knocking her off her feet.

Rainbow: 1200
Soarin: 800

"And with that, I end my turn." Soarin watched as Rainbow picked herself up, "you okay."

Rainbow smiled. "More then okay. That was a pretty sweet move, how you managed to get your monster back from being banished."

"Thanks," Soarin told her. "I'm just happy I get to Duel an awesome opponent. Man I wish more Duellists came here."

Rainbow smirked as she reached for her deck, "well focus on trying to win this match before you go looking for your next opponent."

"No problem. Especially with your best monster chillin in the grave."

Rainbow's smirked grew bigger. "Who said he was in the graveyard. I draw." Rainbow looked at her card and nodded as the portal above her began to form, "I PENDULUM SUMMON!"

The portal opened and two lights shot out and struck the ground.

The first became a large pink bird. "Tornado Bird!" (A1100/D1000/L4)

And the second became Rainbow's Xyz monster. "Rainbow Battle Wing!" (A2500/D1500/R4/P7)

"What the?" Soarin's eyes went wide, "how'd you manage to summon your Battle Wing back?"

"Because he's a Pendulum Xyz monster, meaning whenever he's destroyed he gets sent to the Extra Deck. So as long as I have a Pendulum Scale that lets me summon a Level four, I can always summon him."

"Oh boy," was all Soarin could say.

"Oh boy is right," Rainbow pointed to Attack Convoy. "Battle Wing, attack! And don't forget, that he gains three hundred point for every Winged Beast on my field." (A3700/D1500/R4/P7) Battle Wing unsheaved his sword and flew at Attack Convoy, unleashing several swipes that shredded the metal giant to pieces.

Soarin's eyes went wide as he watched the junked remains of his monster rain down on him like meteors.

Rainbow: 1200 (Winner)
Soarin: 0

As the monsters faded, Rainbow moved over to Soarin. "You good?"

Soarin lowered his arms and nodded. "Yeah, I'm good."

"Great," Rainbow smiled, "that was an awesome Duel."

"Thanks," Soaring said as he removed his Duel Disk, "sorry I couldn't be more of a challenge."

"You kidding. You were great. Those Techno monsters of yours were awesome. Can't wait to see more of them."

Soarin gently laughed as he scratched the back of his head. "I guess you'll have plenty of chances to see them, since I'm likely the only one around you'll be able to get a match with." He laughed again, "sorry if I end up boring you. To bad there aren't other Duellists around we can play against, but there's nothing we can do about that."

"Yeah," Rainbow nodded...only to stop as a thought entered her head. "Actually, I think that is something we can do."

"Really?" Soarin asked, "what?"

Rainbow's lips slowly curved into a smile as she turned to Soarin, "just follow me and try to keep up." With that, she turned and raced off the field with a surprised Soarin in pursuit.

Inside one of the school's offices, we find Wonderbolts Academy's principal at her desk. Around the room were many shelves, some holding books but mostly they were filled with trophies. The only out of place thing in the room was a single table besides the window, which had the stone statue of a dragon surrounded by tornadoes on it.

Spitfire had once been at the school she now ran before heading out into the pro soccer world. After many years, and many victories, an injury had ended her career. But instead of mopping about it, she took it as a sign that she was meant for something else. That something else was returning to her alma mater as its English teacher and soccer couch, until eventually she found herself as its principal.

And currently, that principal was going over the strenuous amount of paperwork that came with the title. Luckily, today appeared to be a lax day so as long as nothing interrupted her she would have it done-

Knock, knock, knock.

Spitfire sighed as she stopped writing before taking off her reading glasses. She looked up to the door, "come in." The door opened and Spitfire saw her newest and probably most talented student walk in, another of her best students following after. "Rainbow Dash, Soarin Skies, what can I do for you two today?"

Soarin turned to Rainbow, the look on his face telling Spitfire he was as in the dark of the situation as her. The rainbow haired soccer star stepped up. "Well ma'am, as you know the schools soccer season has recently ended."

"I'm aware," Spitfire told her. "If you're here looking for some thanks and a pat on the back because you won, then I thank you not to waste my time."

"No ma'am. I'm here to request permission to form a new team to take on a new tournament."

This statement caused Soarin's eyes to go wide in surprise, while Spitfire raised a single eyebrow in intrigue. "Go on."

Rainbow took a deep breath, knowing this pitch would decide whether or not her plan would work. "The Double X Tournament is coming up and I would like to form a team to enter it."

"I see," Spitfire sat back and fought it over. "The Double X Tournament is a Duelling contest, if I'm not mistaken. I know you have the skill for it, but one good player won't be much use if the rest of the team isn't up to par." She turned to Soarin, "how confidant in your Duelling skills are you Soarin?"

"Um," Soarin began to sweat as he hadn't been expecting this, "I'm...pretty good."

"Don't let him sell himself short," Rainbow stepped in. "I just Duelled him and he's got skill. I'm sure if we enter our team will win, and if not we'll be sure to rank high."

Spitfire hummed. "This is a very interesting proposal. This time between season is suppose to be so the players can catch up on school work, but you both are fine in that category."

"So you'll let us enter?" Rainbow asked.

Spitfire spun in her chair, getting up to stare out the window. The room was completely silent as they waited for her to talk, only to watch as she turned to the table besides her. She picked up the stone statue and placed it in the centre of her desk. "Do you know what this is?" She asked as she sat down, the two shaking their heads no. "It is known as Marventus, the Dragon of Limitless Skies."

"Marventus?" Soarin asked.

"It was said to have control over the winds and lightning. long ago, the beast was said to have appeared and reeked havoc on the land. That was until a great warrior stood up to the dragon and slayed it, trapping its spirit within this statue. That day proved the limitless potential of any human that is willing to push themselves, not because they have to...but because they want to." She looked around the room. "It was that warrior who first built this building, which was later made into a school. Our school and its teams were named after the beasts most powerful attack, the Wonderbolt."

"Cool," Soarin said, "but what does any of that have to do our current situation?"

Spitfire rolled her eyes. "I'm agreeing to let you form a team for the Double X Tournament." This made the two smile as they high fived, but Spitfire wasn't done. "However, I have a few ground rules for the picking of your third member. Like you, they're teams season needs to have ended and they need to be caught up on all their work. I know that might lower your options, but I can't risk any other team or students grades."

"We understand ma'am," Rainbow assured her. "We won't let you down."

Spitfire narrowed her eyes in serious focus, "I'm putting a lot of faith in you. Don't let me regret it."

"We won't" Soarin said. "Expect to see Team Wonderbolts in the very finals of the tournament."

Spitfire nodded. "Very well. Once you've found your third teammate, come tell me so I can start on the...paperwork. Dismissed." The two stood to attention before turning to march out the office.

The continued marching until they were halfway down the corridor before stopping and turning to one another, massive grins plastered on their faces. "YEAH!!!" They both high fived.

"I can't believe we're actually gonna be in the Double X!" Soarin almost yelled.

Rainbow grinned. "Well believe it, cause we're going all the way to the top."

"Yeah. All we need to do is find a third teammate, though that might be tricky."

Rainbow's grin only grew larger. "I wouldn't worry to much about that. I've already got someone in mind for it."

"Really?" Soarin asked, "who. Their team's season's over right?"

"Yup. It ended on the same day ours did. And like us they managed to win first place as well."

"Wait," Soarin said, "are you talking about someone on the kick boxing team?" All Rainbow did in reply was smile.

Inside the schools gym, we find a girl pounding away at a boxing bag. She had light brown skin and white hair that was dyed purple at the tips, wearing a white tank top with the schools sports jacket tied around her waist. She also wore the schools blue pants with yellow seem stripe.

This girl was known as Gilda and she was focusing all her attention and beating the ever loving snot out of the poor bag. Eventually, she spun around before kicking it so hard it was knocked off its hook and flew across the room.

Gilda sighed in relief before moving over to a bench and grabbing her water bottle, taking a drink before drenching her head to cool off. The look on her face was one of relief before it morphed into one of boredom. "This is so lame," she said.

Rainbow and Soarin's dreams to enter the Double X were only just beginning. But, could they find a final teammate in time and get them to join?

Author's Note:

Hope you enjoyed the Duel. Tell me what you think of Soarin's deck and Rainbow's new cards. Next time, Gilda's chapter.

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