• Member Since 11th Mar, 2017
  • offline last seen 14 hours ago


Some trust in chariots and some in horses.


What if Twilight doesn't like Rarity back? Or worse... what if she does?

Literally fofs' fault

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 9 )

This is the definition of adorable. If fofs is to blame then dammit we can never stop.

Nice, short, bittersweet. Thanks for sharing!

Nice, Short and Straight to the point. I liked it, but wouldn't this be classified as an AU, since show Rarity was after the affections of every male Canterlot noble? including one Prince Blueblood and Trenderhoof.

Gosh, their interactions are so cute! :raritystarry: To me, it seems plainly obviously just how much they...ahem, care for one another. :raritywink:

Oh wow! I wouldn't dare call that ending anti-climactic, but my. I was completely wrong in my previous comment. :facehoof: Oh well.
Bravo, dear Author. :twilightsmile:

With textbook confidence, Twilight recited, “Rarity Belle Flanks Crumbles, owner of the Carousel Boutique, bearer of the Element of Generosity, and–” She paused, eyeing my blush. “–my flustered friend.”

love Rarity’s terrible and beautiful full name

Was the dignitary… single? The question bounced around in my mind curiously. I know I’m known as quite la commère, but still. Was she flirting with me? I dismissed the thought. Twilight wouldn’t do something like that. Flirt, yes, but romantic Twilight has all the subtlety of an elephant. Or perhaps she’s been reading romance novels?

I ignored my inner tempest and snorted. “Well, word on the street is ‘yes’.”

idk what it is about this but it really feels like you are nailing Rarity here

She did look so adorable with frosting smeared around her lips, like I caught her with her hoof in the cookie jar.

so very Twilight, if her burger habits are anything to go by

Barely suppressing a giggle, she asked, “How’d it go with Prince Charming?”

sadly does track with Twilight’s naïveté

We rested in blissful silence, a silence she broke with the question I’ve been dreading. “Rarity, please answer honestly… Are you keeping any secrets from me I should know about?”

I noticed her blush.

“Of course not,” I lied.

noooooo why would you do that Rarity

Twilight snorted. “Purrjury?”

“What, have you ever seen a cat lie?”

“Well, no, but–”

“But nothing!” I shushed. “Purrjury it is.”

love this love her

I shook my head, letting my ears flap about, and advised, “Flirting is fun, but it’s not a lifestyle. Long-term, committed relationships are worth it; gala flings, not so much.” I sunk my view into the ground, the dirt absorbing my vision. “At least, I’ve assumed that much from romance novels.”

Twilight opened her mouth as if to speak, but no words came out. Oh, how adorable she was when flustered! If only I had a camera in that moment. I suppose I have to settle for treasuring her countenance in my memories. Eventually, she softly asked, “You’ve never dated?”

I shook my head longingly. It was the truth, wasn’t it? Fillyhood crushes hardly count. “No, I suppose I never have.” I bit my tongue and in barely more than a whisper revealed, “I’ve never managed to get close enough to a pony – in that way – to pursue that kind of relationship.”

definitely how i think of Rarity. that the most hopelessly romantic of ponies has never dated might seem ironic, but it makes a lot of sense to me

I have to remind myself, I am the Bearer of the Element of Generosity; I cannot let myself selfishly crave a romantic relationship I can never have.


I shook my head. I took a deep breath and calmly said, “I’m gay, Twilight.”

so true

I darted her gaze. I wasn’t sure I could handle going through my usual stream of Twilight emotions in front of Spike of all ponies. Poor thing, having to deal with Twilight’s drama as well as my own. Just kidding about the second part – me? Dramatic? Impossible, I say! Impossible!

love Rarity so much

What would I give for her to see inside my head, the way I love to pretend to see inside hers?

What would I give?

Be strong, Rarity, for Twilight’s sake.

Be strong.

and augh, so painful, yet so beautiful

I can’t be strong! I simply cannot take it anymore! There is no hope for my strength and dignity! Out of all the things that could happen, this is the wors— okay, you get the idea.

you really do understand Rarity perfectly

He raised his eyebrow at me. “‘Love?’ Don’t you usually go around calling ponies ‘darling’?”

not the time to be genre-savvy, Spike!

She smiled sympathetically. “Even with a friend. Don’t take this the wrong way. I love you, Rarity – but platonically, that’s all.” She paused. “Are you disappointed?”

my own heart did break here, possibly more than Rarity’s, given the quick dénouement

it really did feel like a look directly into the inner monologue of Rarity, and captures my idea of her perfectly. not sure if this is what you intended with it, but the tension she has with herself about not telling Twilight in order not to risk their friendship really does feel exactly like the kind of romance that is most true to herself and what is truly important to her at her core. it's such a shame so many people read her as frivolous and shallow but that is misogyny for you

anyway, excellent slice of Rarity! i truly loved it

omg thank you :raritystarry:

"To a Princess" is very much a Younger Fillyfoolish fic. In all honesty I don't think the way I wrote romance changed after my first real relationship, but the number of friendzone fics dropped off considerably then :twilightsheepish:

I'm glad you liked Rarity's gratuitous French the story despite its tristesse du fin :raritywink:

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