• Member Since 14th Oct, 2018
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago

Guardian Amy



After Sunset committed suicide due to Anon-a-Miss, her friends along with Crystal Rose travel the universe to find her lost soul.

NOTE: This is parody of Disney's A Wrinkle in Time

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 218 )

Fuck you hit the ground running! Right into the action! I enjoyed the movie and am interested how this story plays out

Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy. All 5 of you have disappointment me for the last time. 😠

In my opinion, keep insulting Sunset, girls. That will just make your true suffering for when the truth comes out all the more delicious.

I rather throw β€˜em in a lion den!

Poor Sunset,😟 those jerks don't deserve you.

Why would you give the poor lions indigestion or food poisoning? What did they do to you?

While i like the idea, the way Sunset killed herself is rather...Weak. Stabbing the knife thru her head?
It would been more believable, if she slit her throat, or wrist or thru her heart somehow.

I guess it was a attempt to be dramatic but like i said can't see that happening nor do I want to. shudders!

Well it was either that or program a terminator to kill β€˜em. And I don’t have the equipment to do that

Oh boy, I can't wait for the minute they realize how badly they fucked up. I will savor there despair😈

Poor sunset you never deserved this. I hope those rainbrats gets whats coming to them.

Oh boy. Princess Twilight Sparkle is NOT going to like this.

lets see here this goes

Please continue and please don’t abandon this fic, I want to see those,


get what’s coming to them!!!

Let's see where this goes but I have to say the swearing is a bit much lol

There’s no way Sunset would manage to stab a kitchen knife through her own head. The strength needed would be pretty big, skull isn’t easy to penetrate after all, and the angle she would need to use would be awkward as well.

Personally, I would’ve gone with either slit wrists in the bathtub, a noose, jumping from a high place, or even a gun.

...Disney's A Wrinkle in Time?


Gah. That adaptation was a visually stunning scattershot of Madeleine L'Engle's original work. They barely referenced Aunt Beast, the Darkness wasn't even given the respect it deserved... it looked GREAT, but it didn't read well at all.

Nobody ever adapts A Wind In The Door...

And I'm not actually seeing how this is related to the adaptation, actually...

Look. This looks like it could be a great story, if you dropped the crossover in the title. Because that crossover creates expectations, from new fans and old. At the moment, this is a potentially gut-wrenching Equestria Girls fic, with a great start. Don't shoot yourself in the foot by tying yourself to something unrelated.

This is good so far, but I have one suggestion as to how Sunset killed herself. Human bone is an incredibly sturdy substance and the skull itself is thick. While it is possible to break it, it's not easy as you made it seem. Sunset wouldn't have been able to plunge a knife through her skull because it would take a lot more than just her raw strength to do it and because a human female's skull is just a bit thicker than a human male's. If her death is supposed to be as quick and painless as possible, you might want to change her stabbing herself in the head to her shooting herself in the head. A gun would be able to do what a knife can't in this case.

Sorry if I seemed a bit nitpicky. It just struck me as weird that a person could kill themselves by plunging a knife through their head.

Yeah I would think slitting her throat would be a little more realistic way to go

When are we getting an update?

wow that was shot. Oh well beggers can't be choosers.

"Seriously!" Shouted Rainbow, "that fucking demon still trying to prove herself innocent!"

"Twilight should know about this; we can't let Sunbitch continue trying manipulate people!" Said Pinkie.

"Ah'm already on it, Pinkie Pie." Said Applejack, grabbing a pen and began write down in journal she took from Sunset.

"Dear Princess Twilight..."

Bad idea. But Twilight is going to know anyway and it won't be pretty.

...I was excited to see this pop up as a new chapter. Then you gave us not even 300 words. For shame.

Sorry. They'll be more in the next chapter, I promise!

Wellllll they are fucked

9241167 Only too true.

It's gonna get reeeeeeeally ugly at CHS!

Definitely wouldn't want to be in the Rainbooms' shoes when a certain Princess of Friendship arrives at Canterlot High out for someone's blood.
(Hint: it won't be Sunset's.)

Anybody ready for Hiroshima-level explosions?

9241210 :twilightsmile:
I think we all are.

And when Twi finds out Sunset killed herself over this crap.....?
Ohhhhhh, boy!

9241278 Eeyup, And Twilight Sparkle is going to be one very angry Princess of Friendship.

Reminds me of the cellphone style of novel writing. Many chapters with few words which I find myself intrigued by.
Keep on writing.

the knife through the head things a bit over the top though, it's actually hard to cut through bones, take eating a pork chop with the bone in, for example, that's about what would happen. The human skull has evolved to protect the brain so there are very few places that a knife can stab and cause lethal damage. However, almost none can "instantly" kill you. If, by instantly you mean a snap of a finger. The quickest being from behind at the base of the skull and upwards to ruin the brain.

9241294 Oh, yeah, she will!

Like I said earlier, I wouldn't want to be in the Rainbooms' (can we say RainBUMS after this?) shoes when she gets there.



I AM!!!

*grabs my 🍿🍭πŸ₯€πŸ•*

*put on my movie πŸ•Ά*


Is Spike gonna be there? I have to ask because I feel like he doesn't have enough time or have a big part in all the Anon-a-miss stories.:moustache:

Meanwhile at a funeral home...

We are here today to say goodbye to 5 teenage girls who suddenly died because 1 teenage girl at yell at them, beat them up, and lets her little purple and green dog finished them off for being so stupid...


R.I.P. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy.

You will be missed.


Everyone checked their phone, it was a notification from MyStable. Everyone groaned in disgust as they read the headline:

'We're Anon-a-Miss! Not Sunset!'

"Seriously!" Shouted Rainbow, "that fucking demon still trying to prove herself innocent!"

"Twilight should know about this; we can't let Sunbitch continue trying manipulate people!" Said Pinkie.

"Ah'm already on it, Pinkie Pie." Said Applejack, grabbing a pen and began write down in journal she took from Sunset.

"Dear Princess Twilight..."

Rainbooms: Huh?! (The door to the store suddenly opens)
Me: Still believe Sunset is 'Anon-a-Miss', girls?
Fluttershy: Uh, JC? Is all well?
Rainbow: Don't worry about her. Twilight will take good care of her once she gets here.
Me: (rips shirt off)YOU HAVE BROKEN THE CELERY STALK ON THE BACK OF A SEA URCHIN!!! (charges towards the Rainbooms)
Applejack: (to the girls) Uh, what in tarnation did he say?
Me: SHAK-LA-HA!!! (punches each of them in the face and proceeds to give them a beatdown)

ok i really can't say much on this chapter since its so short like i can't even understand why. i thought the min was at least 1k these days

9241436 O.O Whoa. What a beat down.

I hope so! I was so excited about a update and this what we get...........:facehoof:

Nice Ed, Edd β€˜n’ Eddy reference

Wow you earned that profanity tag fast.

Don;t tell those Rainidiots still thinking it was a set up by Sunset?
That going to make things even worst, and wonder how long till they find out Sunset is dead?

Also will the charges be increased, as they find out Sunset is dead, the school year of Detention is not something care for....but ok.
I hope they get expelled soon.

The trio each took a breath as the followed the two principals, cops, and the enraged Twilight Sparkle.

She was shaking, a bit red in the face, and stomped all the way to the gym. She couldn't believe that Sunset's friends had turn their back on her, after they promise each other that they'll be there for her.

"Assholes, Bitches, Whores, Skanks, Sluts, Dicks, Fuckheads, Motherfuckers, Bimbos, Jack-asses" she fumed under her breath, clenching her fists. "All of you are to get want's coming to you."

:pinkiegasp: Damn. Sure got away with words Twilight.

"Assholes, Bitches, Whores, Skanks, Sluts, Dicks, Fuckheads, Motherfuckers, Bimbos, Jack-asses" she fumed under her breath, clenching her fists. "All of you are to get want's coming to you."

Do you mean the Rainbitches or the CMC?

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