• Published 13th Nov 2018
  • 5,482 Views, 287 Comments

Flash Sentry, Defender of the Peace S4 - Banshee531

One year has passed since our heroes first met and saved all of Equestria. Now, Flash must protect the newly crowned Princess Twilight as she carries out her duties. But when a strange new power awakens, he must learn to grasp his own destiny.

  • ...

The Tree of Harmony

Having lived with Twilight for over ten years, Flash had seen her in multiple emotional states. Happy, sad, annoyed, super caffeinated after that one time with coffee as a filly, angry, really angry, extremely angry, apocalyptically angry and turning into a rage-induced hair on fire pony kind of angry.

But he had never ever seen her in the kind of state she was in now. She was just standing there, her eyes glowing while mumbling something under her breath. He saw a small sob or two, and what looked like...confusion on her face. It was here that Springer nudged him and asked, "What's happening to her?"

"I...I'm not sure." Flash replied as he crossed his hooves at the sight, "I mean, I know the potion can't affect her, but...whatever she's seeing, it must be something bad. I've never seen her sob like that."

Rarity just sighed at this. "I just hope that whatever she's seeing will help us locate the princesses."

"We all do Rarity," Applejack added.

It was here that Twilight shuddered on the spot, her eyes now no longer glowing. After rubbing one of them with her hoof, she looked over at her friends and saw faces of confusion, "Um...why are you all looking at me like that?"

Everypony shared a glance, then turned to her. "It's just...you were mumblin' to yourself."

"Ooh!" Pinkie butted in, "and don't forget the weird sobbing!"

"We were really worried about you," Fluttershy added.

Flash then stepped up to her, "Are you okay? Was it something bad?"

Twilight shook her head, "I'm fine. Just a...well, a little frazzled after what I saw."

"I for one, found it delightful!" Discord cheered as everypony frowned at his comment, "It was a sort of...one-pony theater piece, if you will." He then warped over to Twilight and held up a poster, showing a moving image of the alicorn sobbing, "You should really consider taking it on the road."

"Not now," Flash told him before using Lightbringer to shred the poster.

Discord let out a huff. "Must you stifle my creative muse wherever you go?"


"Tch...party pooper, no cake for you."

The ponies, jakhowl and dragon all rolled their eyes at his antics before looking back at Twilight, Rainbow then asking, "So, did you find out whose rump we need to kick and where we can find them?"

Twilight shook her head again. "No. All I saw was something from a long time ago."

"What was it?"

"I...I saw when Celestia banished Luna to the moon." Twilight then looked away, "Its probably why you saw me crying. For a second there, I forgot I was in the past and...well, the battle wasn't the most pleasant thing to look at."

Her friends all frowned at this, Wild tilting his head in confusion as he asked, "But...why'd you see that?"

Twilight rubbed her chin in thought at this. "I'm not sure. Maybe I wasn't focusing enough on the time I wanted to see, and too much on who I wanted to see. That could be why I ended up seeing something other than the event I was looking for."

Springer thought about what Twilight said, then his eyes drifted up to her crown. "Or maybe the Elements affected the potion."

Twilight and everypony else looked at their Elements. "I guess that's a possibility. Maybe the Elements know what's going on and are trying to show us."

Zecora took the moment to step up to her with the potion again. "Perhaps farther back still are the answers you seek. Another sip of the potion will give you a peek."

Twilight took the potion in her magic again, looking at it in worry as Spike spoke up, "You sure about this?"

Flash saw the doubt in her eyes, causing him to step up next to her. "Maybe I should take the potion with you. That way, you won't have to see whatever horror you see alone."

Twilight smiled at Flash before nodding. "Thanks." With that, she took another sip while Flash did the same. Flash just hoped he did end up seeing the same thing as her, but figured if the Elements were causing their visions, then he would.

"Oh goody!" he heard Discord say as he drank, "I do hope they break into a song this time!"

Once the two finished drinking, they waited several seconds until their eyes flashed. Twilight's going white while Flash's sparked gold for a brief second before changing to match Twilight's. From the two's perspective, it looked like everything turned white before quickly changing back to normal. Scratch that, normal was the furthest thing from what they saw when the light died down. "Oh great, I know what this is." Flash grumbled as he saw several fish swimming in midair right in front of him. "We're gonna watch me and Springer get beat up again, aren't we? Blast it, why did Discord talk before we drank that?! It just messed this whole thing up!"

"Actually...I don't think it messed up Flash. Look!" Twilight pointed at three figures just over a hill, Flash following her gaze. It was here they saw that they were in a world similar to the one Discord had created when they had first fought him. The difference here was that Discord was sitting on a throne, only to see that Celestia and Luna were also there.

"Huh. I guess this is different." Flash commented as they watched the scene play out.

On the hill away from them, Discord spun around in his chair to face Celestia and Luna, laughing as he did. "Oh, this is so much fun." He then pulled out a familiar looking tail. "How about a game of 'Pin the Tail on the Pony'?"

Celestia's eyes went wide before she looked back to see her tail was missing, causing her to gasp. She then turned back to shoot the draconequus a dirty look. "Play time is over for you, Discord."

"Oh, I doubt that," Discord replied as he pulled out a bag filled with strange black balls. He started munching on the spheres before offering them to the alicorns. "Hungry?" He asked as several of the balls flew out and bounced off the mare's heads. Seeing Celestia and Luna were not interested, Discord continued to eat while spilling more on the ground. "Suit yourselves."

It was in that moment that the saddlebags that the two were carrying opened, six familiar jewels levitating out soon after.

"Are those..."

"Oh!" Discord gasped as he dropped his bag on the floor. "What have you got there?"

"The Elements of Harmony," Celestia firmly replied as The Elements began to spiral around her and Luna, creating a magic bubble of light.

"With them, we shall defeat you." Luna continued.

Twilight gasped at this. "This must be when they turned Discord into stone!"

"Of all the times to not have my camera," Flash added with crossed hooves.

It was here that Discord began to laugh. "You should see yourselves right now. The expressions on your face. So intense, so sure of yourselves." Celestia and Luna didn't seem wavered by this and placed their horns together. Doing so unleashed a blinding rainbow spiral, which flew up into the sky before arching back down towards Discord. "Hilarious!" Discord continued only for the rainbow beam to hit him, instantly turning him into stone, a prison he would live in for a thousand years.

But before Twilight and Flash could say anything, their vision was suddenly filled again by light. It quickly faded a second later, now transporting them to a new place. This one was a cave, where Twilight let out a loud gasp, causing Flash to turn and see a giant tree. It looked like it was made of crystal, and had five branches, each leading to a circular bed that held each one of the Elements. Flash and Twilight shared a confused glance as they stared at the tree, only for Celestia and Luna to appear.

Luna let out a gasp, "This is...the Tree of Harmony."

"The Tree of Harmony?" Twilight repeated, blinking at the sight.

"I think I might have missed this history lesson," Flash said as he turned to her. "Since when was there a Tree of Harmony?"

Twilight shrugged before taking a closer look at the tree, seeing that the trunk had a mark representing the sun, moon and- "My cutie mark." In the very center of the tree was a large star pattern that looked just like the one on her flank.

"This is too weird."

They then watched Celestia fly up to the tree and fire a spell at the star shape, causing it to glow before she turned to Luna. "Are you sure?" The princess of the moon asked as she flew up to her sister.

Celestia nodded at this. "We have managed to discover the only means by which we can defeat Discord and free the citizens of Equestria." She then magically removed the five revealed Elements, bringing them to her sister. "Even without these elements, the Tree of Harmony will possess a powerful magic. As long as that magic remains, it will continue to control and contain all that grows here."

As soon as the last Element was removed, the star shape began to open up. Flash and Twilight were expecting to see her Element, but were surprised when it instead revealed an empty slot. Not only that, it was shaped like a shield. The sight made Twilight gasp, soon pointing at the crystal on Flash's helmet. "Flash, that's-"

"What is this?" Luna interrupted while pointing at the tree.

Celestia hummed at the sight. "Legends speaks of a seventh Element, which will one day be forged when it is needed. I suspect that it will probably act as the guardian of magic, and help increase the power it and the other Elements wield." She placed a hoof on the groove. "It appears that this is where it will one day sit, protecting the magic so it might become strong enough to be without it."

No sooner had she said those words that the slot opened up to reveal the Element they were looking for. It quickly joined its siblings, spinning around the two alicorns as they glowed. No sooner had Twilight and Flash seen this, the world once again turned white. Seconds later, the light faded and the duo found themselves back in Ponyville, both shaking their heads as Spike and Springer rushed up to them.

"So what did you find out?" Spike asked.

"You see where the princesses are?" Springer added.

"No...we didn't."

"But we think we know why the Everfree Forest is acting this way," Twilight continued before turning to the others. "Something's happened to the Tree of Harmony."

This statement was met by nothing but confused glances and raised eyebrows. "The tree of what now?"

"Am I missing something?" Iron asked next.

Wild shook his head. "No. I think we're all in the dark."

Twilight nodded at this. "I'll explain. Its where Princess Celestia and Princess Luna found the Elements, and I think its in danger."

"Which would explain why our Elements wanted to show it to us," Flash added. "Who knows what'll happen to them if it dies."

"Well, all right then!" Applejack declared as she gave a reassuring smile. "Let's go save a...tree." She nervously chuckled before shooting Twilight a confused look. "Uh...where is it exactly?"

Twilight gulped before pointing at the Everfree Forest. "I think its in...there!"

Everypony flinched at seeing this, Discord laughing again. "Ooh-hoo! I'm going to need more popcorn!"

Iron shot the draconequus a dirty look. "Before you leave, can you turn him to stone so I don't have to listen to him? You can undo the spell when you get back."

Twilight let out a sigh as she turned to Iron, "Unfortunately, no. Though uh...could you hold down the fort while we're in there?"

Iron nodded in response. "No problem."

"Then let's get going," Twilight said as she turned and started to walk into the forest.

And as the group of friends made their way into the woods, Flash was reminded of the time almost a year ago when he and the six mares stepped onto this exact same path. He appeared to not be the only one remembering as Rarity spoke up. "Seems like only yesterday we were heading into these woods to find the Elements of Harmony."

Twilight let out a sigh at this. "Yeah...it also seems like only yesterday that I was foolish enough to think I should go after them on my own." She then turned to shoot a smile at her friend. "I don't know what we're going to face in there. But whatever it is, I know we need to face it together." Everypony nodded at this.

Flash let out a chuckle, "Plus, this time we've got Spike and Springer with us."

"You know it," Springer replied while putting his paws behind his head. "Anything shows up, I'll sense it and give you a heads up."

Twilight then looked up at Flash. "You've also got your Celestic Gear this time, so we shouldn't have any problems there either." Flash nodded at this and took the lead, remembering what Celestia had said in the vision. If he was meant to protect the Element of Magic, then that's what he would do.

For the next half hour, they proceeded through the dark forest. They would have been much further in, but Flash kept stopping them every time he heard a sound he didn't recognize. The others agreed with him at first, but after the eighth time Flash stopped due to a cricket chirp, they had had enough.

"Come on Flash!" Rainbow moaned, "I'd have found it by now if we didn't keep stopping!"

"She's right. Time is of the essence darling," Rarity added.

"Better safe than sorry," Flash told them as they spotted a river coming into view.

Twilight spotted several rocks littering the river, making a path they could use to get across. "We can use those to cross," she was about to step up to the first rock, only to feel herself being dragged away by the tail. "Huh?"

"Hang on," Springer said as pulled her to a safe distance. "I'm detecting a hostile aura pattern. I don't think those are rocks."

Everypony raised an eyebrow at this, only for the rocks to start moving. "Everypony, get up in the trees," Flash whispered, the others nodding as they quickly go up there. They waited and watched, only to then see the rocks rise out of the water and reveal that they were actually the humps of a strange creature that looked like Gummy's long lost cousin.

"It's a cragadile," Rarity explained. "Good thing it didn't see us."

"Yeah....nice save bud." Flash replied as he turned to his partner, Springer giving him a thumbs up in response. They waited until the cragadile lost interest in the area and walked off, allowing them to get down and cross the stream. Soon enough, they arrived at an area seven of them recognized.

"Isn't that?"

Twilight nodded. "Yeah. Its the cliff face that collapsed under us the last time we were here." They were currently in the valley below that spot, where Fluttershy had tamed the Manticore. They all looked up at the cliff as Twilight continued, "Its also where Applejack showed off her Element's virtue, which helped me realize what we needed when we used the elements that day."

Applejack blushed at this. "Aw shucks, nothing to it Twi. Couldn't have done it without macho pony up there," she pointed at Flash.

Flash smirked, remembering how he held back a boulder from crushing to two. "Eh, it was no problem back then." He then looked up and spotted a large boulder up above them, close to the edge. "That could be a problem."

Twilight looked up at the boulder and shrugged. "I'm sure it'll be fine."

"Better safe than sorry," Flash said before turning to Rainbow. "We'll fly up and push it away from the edge." She nodded and the two flew up to the boulder before beginning to push it, only to find its weight to be more than they could muster.

Twilight saw their struggle, only for a sigh to follow. "Ugh...this could take a while." She turned to her friends, "Come on, let's get moving while they're doing that."

"Twilight, wait a minute." Applejack tried to say as Flash and Rainbow had finally managed to push the boulder forwards a bit. It was here that they heard Applejack's voice and looked down, seeing the group passing under them. Unfortunately, this distraction was all the boulder needed, causing it to tilt slightly as they stopped pushing for that one second.

And as they did this, the rock rolled back into place, momentum instantly kicking in as it started to roll more and more, until it flew off the edge. "LOOK OUT!" Rainbow screamed as the two pegasi saw the rock move, causing everypony to look up and gasp. The event alone caused them to gasp and start to run back the way they came. That is, till gravity picked up the boulder, causing it to chase the group down hill.

"Come on!" Flash yelled before he and Rainbow flew ahead of the boulder and tried to stop it, only for its weight and speed to start pushing them back. "Not good...we're not..." he tried to say as his hooves grinded with the ground, only to look back and see that the forest was coming up. "Oh shoot! Move!" He and Rainbow jumped away immediately, dodging the rock as it crushed the trees a second later.

"Now what do we do?!" Rainbow yelped.


Twilight, along with the rest of the group, were now running from the boulder. As they did this, they all split up, only for Twilight and Spike to still be running away while the others successfully dodged the rock. And as they did this, the two soon found themselves coming to a halt in front of a large stone wall. "Oh no..."

"Can't you destroy that thing?!" Spike yelled as he pointed at the incoming boulder.

"I can try," Twilight replied before turning her horn towards the rock. She then fired off a magical blast, only for it to hit the rock...and bounce off. Twilight's eyes went wide at this, her ears dropping as she reflexively started flapping her wings, only to fall into the dirt immediately. "Oh boy, that's not good."

Spike watched the boulder get closer and closer, then grabbed hold of Twilight. "DO SOMETHING! NOW!"

At the same time, Flash and Rainbow were still chasing the tumbling rock, only to see Twilight and Spike huddled up to the stone wall. "NO!" Flash yelped as he flared his wings, darting forward as fast as he could go.

But it was too late.


The rock shattered against the stone wall, sending fragments everywhere. Flash and Rainbow both gasped at the sight, soon landing as Flash cried, "Twilight! Spike!" The rest of their friends arrived at this moment, quickly putting the pieces together and all gasping as Flash called out again, "Twilight?!"

"Up here."

Everypony looked up and saw Twilight and Spike hanging on a branch from a nearby tree. A collective sigh of relief followed as Rarity asked, "However did you get up there darling?"

"Teleported," Twilight grumbled as she let go of the branch, her wings flapping as she tried to glide down. But as she did this, they immediately stiffened, causing her to taste dirt a second later. "Ow!"

The others all walked up to them, Fluttershy helping Twilight up, "Are you okay?"

Twilight let out a long moan while Rainbow helped Spike down, Twilight then shaking her head in discomfort, "I'm fine. Just...frustrated." Twilight replied before flexing her wings. "I just can't seem to get these new wings to do what I want them to do when I want them to do it."

Rainbow just waved a hoof at her, "Eh, you'll figure it out eventually."

"Eventually isn't soon enough," Twilight grumbled as she folded them back to her side.

Seeing this, Applejack shined a glum frown, "Ya'll have been having an awful lot of trouble with those things. And, well, who knows what else is gonna to come after us? You know...." she came to a stop as she thought about what to say next.

"What?" Springer asked as he, Flash, Twilight and Spike turned to her.

Applejack let out a long sigh. "That maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea for Twilight to go back to Ponyville and let us look for the Tree of Harmony without her."

Twilight's eyes went wide, anger now slowly building on her face, "What?! Why?!"

"For starters, ya just about got crushed by a runaway boulder."

Twilight then walked up to the farmer and hissed, "We all did Applejack. It wasn't just after me. I just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time."

"Sure....but uh...well, the rest of us aren't princesses."

"What's that got to do with anything?!"

Applejack just shook her head at this, "Twi....Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are gone," she placed her hoof on Twilight's chest. "If something happened to you, I...I don't think Equestria can risk losing another princess."

"Applejack does make a valid point," Rarity added. "Even if we manage to save the Tree of Harmony, it won't necessarily mean Princess Celestia and Princess Luna will return. Equestria will need somepony to lead in their absence."

The four all glanced at each, sad yet reluctant agreement soon showing on their faces as Springer spoke up, "They've got a point. Maybe you three should go back home. I'll stay with the girls and help them find the tree."

"But Flash and I are the only ones who have seen what the Tree of Harmony looks like."

This time it was Rainbow who countered her argument, "Huge tree, cutie marks on the trunk, probably being attacked by something hideously awful? Yeah, I'm pretty sure we'll know it when we see it."

Twilight's eyes started to water at this comment, causing her to slowly glance at each of her friends, "And...and you think I should just leave because of that?! All of you feel this way?! You really feel like I shouldn't be here?!"

Everypony looked away from her, not wanting to meet her eyes as Fluttershy spoke up. "It is probably for the best."

Twilight then turned to Flash, "Flash....you're with me, right? I have to go with you all!" But the unsure look on his face told her everything. "Not you too..."

Flash sighed at this, his mind now battling between friends and his new duty. "I'm sorry Twilight, but my job is to keep you from out of harm's way. And uh...the best way to do that is...well, its to keep you as far away as possible from any potential danger."

The dam behind Twilight's eyes finally burst, tears flowing down her face as she didn't reply. She had no need to, as her face said it all. Seeing this, Flash and Spike ran after her, leaving the others to continue onwards into the forest.

Back in Ponyville…

"RRAAUUGHHH!!! Will this ever end?!" Iron yelled as he sliced down another set of vines. He had been doing everything he could to stop the Everfree's expansion, Wild now having left him to keep an eye on the Cakes. (He thought this might help him score some brownie points with Pinkie) As such, Iron was working alone as the Ponyville's weed whacker.

Well...almost alone.

As the earth pony spotted a pair of ponies being tangled up by the weeds, he spotted Discord floating above them while filing his claws with...Gummy? "Iron Saber!" He swung his iron blade at the weeds, freeing the duo before they gave their thanks and ran away. Seeing this, Iron turned to the chaos monster, "Hey! Aren't you gonna do something?"

Discord looked down at him with a huge fake grin. "I am doing something. I'm providing emotional support."

"What support?! You're doing nothing!"

"Oh?" Discord then rubbed his chin and hummed for a moment, "Alright...maybe I need to be less subtle." A snap of a claw rang out next, causing him to reappear with four copies of himself, all of them dressed in cheerleader outfits. "Go Iron! You're the pony! Go Iron! You're the pony! Goooooooo, IRON!"

Iron let out a long, hissing eye-rolling groan, "I meant, aren't you gonna do something...useful."

The five Discords all flashed him an identical frown before all but one disappeared, that one holding up a tiny flag with Iron's Cutie Mark on it. "Iron, Iron, he's our stallion. If he can't do it, GREAT!"

"I hate you. I hate you so much." Iron growled as he turned around, Discord sticking his tongue out at him as he did this. And as Iron readied himself to take on another set of vines, he saw a trio come out of the forest, "What the-what are you three doing back here?!"

Discord placed a small 'kick me' sign on Iron's back before looking at three, "Yes, do tell. No luck finding your tree?"

Twilight looked away as she mumbled out, "We uh...ran into some trouble. And my friends decided it would be best if I returned to Ponyville while they continue the search."

"What!? That's ridiculous!" Iron yelped, almost hopping in place.

Flash shook his head, "No, its smart. Equestria needs a leader, and Twilight has to stay safe."

"That's the single dumbest-"

"I'm surprised that Twilight agreed to this plan," Discord interrupted, causing Iron to growl again as the chaos creature appeared in between the defender and the alicorn, "I must say Twilight, I never thought you'd be the kind of pony who would think she was better than everypony else."

Twilight's eyes went wide at this, only to let out a yell, "WHAT?! What are you-I don't think I'm better than anypony!" In response, the draconequus snapped his fingers, causing a royal gown and scepter to appear on the alicorn. "Huh?!"

"Oh my, how silly of me to assume that you would think that. All you did was choose to keep your precious princess self out of harm's way while your friends thrust themselves right into danger." He then pointed at the forest, only for a new of vines to appear. The sight made Twilight toss the scepter and gown away as Discord continued. "I'm sure you'll all be the best of pals again when they return from their terrifying yet deeply bonding experience that they're having without you."

"As much as I hate to agree with him...which I should really not say anything like that ever, Discord's got a point." Iron admitted as he walked around Discord and pointed at the princess, "You all taught me how important it is to work together. Maybe now you should take your own advice."

Twilight blinked at his statement, causing her to turn and stare at the forest. As she did this, Flash walked up to Discord and Iron, "That's enough you two. Twilight's staying here where she's safe. As much as I hate it, I have to put her safety above everything else, and that means keeping her away from anything that could put her in danger."

Discord just chuckled at this, "Well, it seems to me that you're not doing a very good job."

Flash raised an eyebrow at this, only to then frown, "She's running back into the forest, isn't she?" Discord and Iron both nodded, causing him to turn and see both disappear into the tree-filled mass. "Of course they are. I'll be right back." Flash flared his wings and took to the sky, quickly flying over the duo before landing just a few feet away. He flashed a hoof as he said, "Stop! Twilight, we talked about this."

Twilight shook her head back, "You talked, I listened, and it was a mistake to do so. I...we, are going back and finding our friends!"

"You know I can't let you do that. Its my duty to-"

"To keep me safe, I know!" Twilight almost yelled. "Well, I don't care. I'm going to help our friends."

Flash just sighed at this, "Twilight, we've done this before. Remember the Wonderbolts Academy incident? You need to-urk!" he yelped as he felt himself being magically lifted and then pinned to a tree.

"No, you listen! If keeping me safe means you'll abandon the rest of our friends, then I don't want you as my personal guard anymore! I told you I didn't want my friends to treat me differently! I thought you of all ponies would understand that!" More tears began to form under her eyes as she said these next words, "But if you can't...then you can stay here where it's safe and I'll go find our friends on my own!"

"Twilight-" Flash tried to speak, only for his mouth to be magically locked shut.

"I get that you want to keep me safe, but I'm not a filly Flash. I'm one of the strongest magical ponies in Equestria, even more now that I'm an alicorn. I'm not gonna break the minute I get into a dangerous situation." She then walked up to the defender, a deadly glare in her eyes, "Now, I'm gonna let your mouth go, and when I do that, your next words better be either to tell me I'm right or to tell me that you're staying here!" Her horn stopped glowing, causing the pegasi to slump down to the ground, "Well?!"

Flash just looked up and stared at the princess, only to let out a long sigh, "Okay...maybe you're right. Maybe I've uh...been taking this whole personal guard thing a bit too far."

"You think?" Twilight asked as she helped him up. "You really are a stupid idiot meathead."

"Yeah...I am." Flash replied as he got up, "But...I still need to make sure you remain safe. So if you're really determined to go back into the forest, then I'm coming with you."

"Good." Twilight patted him on the back as the two looked at the path ahead, "But from now on Flash, I want you to just keep doing what your were doing before I became a princess. I was safe enough like that."

Flash smiled and nodded. "As you command, your majesty."

Twilight rolled her eyes at this, slightly laughing as Spike hopped onto her back before the trio went back into the forest, ready to find their friends.

Back inside the forest...

"Anypony else starting to think this is a lost cause?" Rainbow asked as she and Applejack walked in front of the group. "We're almost at Celestia and Luna's old castle. Maybe whatever Flash and Twilight saw when they took that crazy potion wasn't real. Maybe there's no Tree of Harmony and–"

"Maybe it's right down there!" Applejack called out as she pointed at cave in the distance. They had arrived at a cliff with the river leading to the castle of the two sisters, only for a ton of fog to appear in front of them, complete with a barrage of dark weeds.

Everypony else moved over to the edge as Rainbow gasped. "It can't be!"

Springer closed his eyes and sent out a wave of aura, soon reopening his eyes, "Hmmm...I'm definitely sensing something."

"I see. But...how are we supposed to get to it?" Rarity asked as she stared at the cave, only for her ears to hear a strange noise. She then turned and saw Pinkie with a huge grin, hopping down the cliff. They all blinked at this, soon seeing she was going down several stone steps.

"Ugh!" She moaned as she crash landed on the bottom step, only to pick herself up and yell, "Take the stairs, silly!" They all laughed at this, soon walking down the stone steps. It was then that Springer came to a stop, his paw rubbing his chin as he stared around the area.

Fluttershy quickly saw this in the corner of her eye and turned to the jakhowl, "Springer? What's wrong?"

Springer hummed back, tilting his head in slight discomfort. "I...I don't know. It feels like I've been here before."

Everypony almost hopped in place at this, Rainbow asking, "Wait...seriously? All the way here in the Everfree?"

"I...guess?" Springer replied as he closed his eyes, tapping the side of his head, "I don't know why, but this feels so....familiar."

Everypony all looked at each other in confusion, Applejack then remarking, "Well...ya'll were found in the Everfree Forest, right?"

Springer nodded at this. "I was. Granted, all I really remember from that is the Timberwolf attack and meeting Flash. Before that, all I remember is wandering around. I can't remember anything else, anything important that is." He turned to the cave walls, scanning them with his aura, "But I know this aura...I don't know why, but I know it."

The others all shared another set of confused looks before Applejack spoke up, "We'll have to focus on that later. For now, we've got a tree to save." They all nodded in agreement, soon making their way through the cave.

It was here that they came to a stop, as they found themselves staring at a massive tree inside the cave. It was the Tree of Harmony, only it wasn't the sparkling crystal blue that Flash and Twilight had seen. Now, the crystal was dark gray, and the dark vines were wrapping around it.

"Whoa..." Springer whispered, his eyes just blankly staring at the tree. "This is...the aura of this thing is unreal! Its like...something familiar, yet so much more. I just don't know what."

It was here that Fluttershy got him out of his trance as she gasped at the sight. "I think its dying!"

"So let's save it already!" Applejack shouted as she and Springer ran up to the tree, the pony grabbing a vine and pulling. But as she did, it refused to break, soon lashing her away. "Ack!"

Springer on the other hoof, took his battle form, "Steel Paw!" The metal claws appeared in his paws, soon slashing the vines. But like Applejack, it didn't do a thing, the vines instantly countering him, knocking him back into his regular form.

"Nice try," Rainbow commented as she flew past them. She then spun around, preparing a powerful kick, only for the vines to flick her away too. "Whoa!" She cried as she crashed into the ground. "Oof!"

As Fluttershy and Pinkie helped Applejack and Springer up, Rarity stared at the tree. "Valiant efforts on your parts, but the tree remains in jeopardy."

Applejack turned towards her with a growl. "And I suppose you've got a better idea?" She watched Rarity think for a moment, only to sigh and shake her head. "That's what I thought."

"I know who would know what to do," Fluttershy told them before sighing. "But we sent her home."

Everypony looked down at this, realizing all to late what a massive mistake telling Twilight to leave had been. It was here that Rainbow turned to give Applejack the stink eye. "It was your idea Applejack!"

Applejack just growled back, "We all agreed it was the best thing, Rainbow Dash! We were tryin' to protect her."

"Except she didn't want protecting," Springer spoke up in a glum tone. "I guess we got so caught up in her princess status that we forgot there was a pony under that crown."

Everypony sighed at this, only for their ears to suddenly catch a very strange sound. "Oof! Ow! Ugh!"

They all shared a confused glance before running back to the cave's entrance, only to see Spike falling down the stairs. As he reached the bottom, Applejack managed to catch him in her hooves. "You okay pardner?"

"Ooohhh…" Spike moaned as he blinked rapidly, soon recognizing the farmpony a second later as he gasped, "Twilight! Flash! Trouble! HELP!"

Rewind several minutes...

"Are we there yet?" Spike asked as they trekked through the forest.

"NO!" Twilight yelled as her and Flash both stared at their surroundings, having lost track their way half way through the forest. "Don't ask that again Spike, as I currently don't know where we are. We're lost."

"We'll be okay. We just need to stay calm."

Twilight growled back at Flash. "What we needed to do, was to never leave our friends in the first place! I still can't believe I agreed to that."

Spike and Flash both frowned at her, Spike leaping off her back. "We can't just give up," Spike commenting as he looked up one of the trees, "Maybe if I get up there, I'll be able to spot 'em." With that, he started climbing.

Flash smirked at his enthusiasm, "Did he forget that out of the three of us, he's the only one who can't fly?"

Twilight let out a small giggle, "Eh, maybe he'll get some wings one day."

And as Flash laughed along with her, Flash's ears twitched for a second, soon turning and tackling Twilight as he yelled, "GET DOWN!"

"Eep!" Twilight shrieked as both hit the ground, her eyes now seeing why Flash tackled her. It was a kind of living Venus flytrap that was the same color as the dark weeds, and it had just missed eating Twilight's head. And as they both picked themselves up, two more appeared out of the undergrowth. "What...what are those things?!"

"I'm guessing trouble," Flash replied as he pulled his sword, his eyes already blank as he entered Theta Mode. And as he went to this mode, the flytraps sprayed out a blue mist, causing him to grab Twilight again, hopping back several steps before firing a Flash Cutter. The energy blade sliced one of them half, only for two to appear afterward. "This isn't good."

"Let me try." Twilight yelled as she shot a beam from her horn, instantly destroying both of the flytraps. That is, till three more grew from the ground. "Oh, you have got to be kidding me."

"Its fine. We can take 'em." Flash added as he shot two more Flash Cutters, "Just keep firing your magic."

"Got it." Twilight said with a nod, soon firing magic like her horn was a machine gun. It wasn't long as they duo started taking down every plant possible. And as they did this, only flytrap slowly grew right behind Twilight, creeping up until it opened its mouth, spraying a blast of mist. "Aaah!" She cried, accidently breathing in the fumes. Doing so caused her to go light headed, her body slightly faltering.

"Twilight!" Flash yelped as he turned to her, only for another flytrap to appear, spraying him as well. Flash began to cough, trying to fight off the toxins. As he did this, a flicker of gold radiated from his eyes as he felt himself begin to recover, only for four more flytraps to appear, all spraying him at full force. "No...I..." he moaned as the spray consumed him. "Twi..."

"Aura Force!" A beam of blue light came from out of the woods, slicing half of the flytraps' heads off. And as they grew back, Flash looked up and, a small smile soon appearing on his face. It was their friends, all here to help.

Applejack was first, pulling out a lasso and wrangling a flytrap near Twilight as she yelled, "Listen here, you rabid rhododendrons! You mess with one of us, you mess with all of us!" She, Springer and the other ponies then appeared and all stood together, the flytraps all letting out some kind of war cry in response.

Rainbow pumped her hooves at this as she took to the air. "Up here!" She yelled before riding a blast of wind, causing the plants to get tangled up from the gust.

"Yoo-hoo!" Pinkie bounced around, the flytraps chasing after her, "Come and get me!"

"Don't forget about me!" Rarity added as she did the same, causing the flytrap's vine to tie around Pinkie's. Fluttershy also had one chasing her and quickly got it to wrap itself around a tree, Applejack and Springer doing the same to the last of the evil plants. Eventually, the chain reaction of knots caused them to all be trapped together.

"Ta-da!" Pinkie cheered with confetti coming out of her mane, only for one stray flytrap to shoot out at her. But before it could get close, it was destroyed by an orange and purple laser blast.

Flash and Twilight then picked themselves up, both heaving and panting as Spike and Springer helped them up. "Ah sure am glad ya'll both came looking for us," Applejack told her as she patted her friend's back.

"Not as glad as I am that you found us," Twilight replied.

Flash nodded at this. "Yeah, that was a close one. Thanks."

"No prob," Springer told him as he reverted back to normal. "But why'd you come back?"

"Because even if it's dangerous, splitting up should never be an option." He looked at the others, "sorry I've been ignoring you guys and putting Twilight's safety above yours."

Pinkie just giggled at patted his back, "Its cool mister bodyguard. We get it."

Twilight shook her head, "Even so, I'd rather have things go back to the way they were before I was a princess. With all of us working together."

Everypony nodded at this, Rarity speaking up next, "Actually...the truth is Twilight, we're simply lost without you."

"Yeah," Rainbow added, "Equestria may need its princess-"

"But we need our friends," Fluttershy finished.

Twilight and Flash both smiled as their friends all gathered around and pulled into a hug. "Thanks girls."

Springer then pulled away. "Not to kill the mood, but we've got a tree that probably needs more than some water and sunshine to help it."

The others all nodded before leading Twilight and Flash towards the cave. As soon as Twilight saw the tree, she gasped before flying up to examine it, only to then dodge an attacking vine. It was here she landed back at her friends, an idea now in her head.

Seeing this, Flash knew what to ask, "So? You figure it out?"

Twilight nodded. "Yes. I know how we can save the tree." She then looked down as she continued, "I think...I think we have to give it the Elements of Harmony."

Everypony's eyes went wide at this, Rainbow flying up to the front of the group, "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Did you not hear what you just said Twilight?! How are we supposed to protect Equestria if we give up the Elements?!"

"Not only that, how are we meant to rein Discord in if we can't use the Elements to turn him back to stone?" Rarity added.

Applejack then stepped up to the alicorn, "Twilight, the Elements of Harmony...they're what keeps us connected no matter what."

Twilight sighed at this, soon taking off her crown and staring at the jewel. Her eyes glared at the jewel, only to look up and glance at each of her friends as she replied, "You're right about one thing Applejack, the Elements of Harmony did bring us together." her smile then increased as she looked the group over again. "But it isn't the Elements that will keep us connected, its our friendship. And that...well, its more important and more powerful than any magic." Everyone smiled at hearing this, her words now sinking in as continued, "My new role in Equestria may mean I have to take on new responsibilities, and our friendships may be tested, but it will never, ever be broken."

Everypony nodded in agreement. "You're right Twilight. Besides, Equestria survived for a thousand years without the Elements before we found them. Its still got the Royal Knights, the guards, and all the other ponies who are willing to fight to keep it safe."

Twilight nodded back. "You're right. Though remember, I'm not saying that keeping Equestria safe without the Elements will be easy, but it is possible." She turned back towards the tree, "There's no time to lose. Everypony ready?"

"READY!" Her six friends all replied as they stepped up beside her.

Twilight flew up and turned around, her horn glowing as the Elements reacted and were surrounded by the magic aura before flying out of their holsters, up towards Twilight and spinning around her. Twilight's own Element did the same, joining the others as their speed increased. It was in that moment that several dark vines shot out from the tree, aimed straight at Twilight and the Elements. But then, a flash of orange cut them to shreds.

Twilight turned to Flash, who smirked back at her while holding his Celestic Gear. As more vines tried to attack, the pegasus slashed them away, allowing Twilight to put the elements within their rightful place. One by one, the Elements were placed in their slots, the Element of Magic and Courage being the last. Magic was then placed it its slot while Courage floated in front of it, crystals growing out of the sides as it enveloped the Element of Courage like a shield.

With the Elements in place, their magics radiated into the Tree's crystal bark, its color instantly turning back to its shimmering blue. The vines immediately reacted, only to be destroyed as a blinding light blasted out of the tree.

"Whoa!" Flash yelped as they watched the vine destroying magic fly out of the cave and head into the forest. "Here's hoping that spell reaches Ponyville."

"I'm sure it will," Twilight replied as the two landed next to the others. They then turned back to the fully restored tree and spotted two piles of coiled up dark vines. Barely a second later, the vines began to disappear and reveal a pair of alicorns that had been trapped inside. Everypony gasped at seeing Celestia and Luna be freed, the two picking themselves up and walking over to them.

Tears ran down Twilight's face as she threw herself into the two's embrace, the sun and moon princesses returning the hug as Celestia spoke up. "Thank you everypony. We know how difficult it must have been for you all to give up the Elements. It took great courage to relinquish them."

Twilight smiled at the praise as she looked up at the tree, only for her smile to change into confusion. The Elements were all radiating a pulsing glow, which then shot through the trees branches and into the Element of Magic. The Element's glow increased before it went down the trunk, through the sun and moon symbols, and into one of the trees roots. Everypony stepped up to the root as a single dark pink flower sprung out before growing into a giant bulb. Twilight stepped up to the bulb, as if drawn to it like a trance, before reaching out and touching it.

As soon as she did, the bulb sprang apart and bloomed into a flower, which summoned something new. It was a single crystalline chest, which had six sides, each side having a small key hole while a seventh hole could be seen on the very top. Twilight raised an eyebrow at this as Celestia and Luna moved up beside her. "What's inside? How am I supposed to open it?"

"Seven locks, seven keys." Luna noted as she stared it over.

The two then turned to Celestia, who shook her head in response. "I do not know where they are," she then smiled before stepping aside to bring Twilight's friends into view. "But I do know that it is a mystery you will not be solving alone."

"You...you're right. Thank you Princess Celestia." Twilight replied, getting a nod in return. Twilight then turned back to the box one more time before the group began to leave the cave, all ready to go back home.

But as they did this, Luna looked back as well, noticing an odd small groove in the Tree of Harmony. Walking back up to it, she looked it over, blinking as she whispered, "Hmm? This shape...this wasn't here when Celestia and I took the Elements, but it doesn't look recent. Strange..."

"Luna? Are you coming?"

"In a moment sister!" Luna replied back before glancing one more time at the tree, "I don't know, I just don't know..."

A little later...

When the group arrived on the edge of the forest, they were relieved to see that the dark weeds, strange clouds and the half day, half night sky were all gone. Everything was back the way it should be.

"Bravo ponies, bravo!" Discord cheered as banners with crudely drawn faces and streamers appeared. "How ever did you save the day this time? Blast the beastie with your magic necklaces, I presume?" He then came to a stop as he noticed something was missing, causing him to warp onto Applejack's back while dressed as a cowboy. "Say, where are those little trinkets of yours? You know, the ones you use to send me back to my extremely uncomfortable stone prison?"

Applejack sighed before replying, "Gone."

"Gone?" Discord asked in surprise, warping back to normal as an expression that screamed 'evil scheming' appeared on his face, "As in...gone for good gone?!"

Seeing what he was thinking, Fluttershy flew up to him. "But our friendship remains," she then poked him in the chest. "And if you want to remain friends, you'll stop thinking whatever it is you're thinking and help us clean up."

Discord, who had been shrinking in size the entire time this had been happening, let out a large huff. He and his decorations disappeared in a flash as a maid outfit appeared on his body. "Fine. But I don't do windows." With that, he walked off as Flash turned to Fluttershy.

"You go girl," Fluttershy giggled as the two hi-hoofed.

It was here that Applejack spoke up, "One thing ah don't get though. Why did all this happen now?"

"I have no idea," Discord replied nonchalantly. "Those seeds I planted should have sprouted up ages ago."

Hearing this, the group came to halt as Flash yelped, "Discord...you wanna run that by us again?"

Discord smirked at this before pulling out Zecora's potion. "Oh, well....why should I try to explain it when you can see for yourself?"

Twilight snatched the bottle from him before her and Flash both gulped down the last of the drink, their eyes turning white the next second. Once again, they found themselves watching the battle between Discord and the royal sisters.

"Play time is over for you, Discord!"

"Oh, I doubt that," Discord replied as he pulled out a bag filled with strange black balls. He started munching on the spheres before offering them to the alicorns. "Hungry?" He asked as several of the balls flew out and bounced off the mare's heads. Seeing Celestia and Luna were not interested, Discord continued to eat while spilling more on the ground. "Suit yourselves."

It was here that Flash and Twilight's vision followed the spheres go into the ground, only to notice they were now seeds. And as they touched the ground, all of them started to bury themselves.

"Oh, you have got to be kidding me." Flash grumbled before his and Twilight's eyes went white, soon bringing them back to present day.

"See what I mean?" present day Discord said next, getting the duo's attention as they shook off the potion's effects, "Obviously, things didn't go according to my original plan. My plunderseeds should have stolen the magic from the Tree of Harmony and captured Princess Celestia and Princess Luna thousands of moons ago. Alas, it seems the tree had enough magic to keep the seeds from growing up big and strong....until now, that is."

Hearing this, the two began to show scowls on their faces as Twilight yelled, "You realise this is information we could have used HOURS AGO!!"

"And rob you of a valuable lesson about being princess?" Discord asked before moving over to her and grabbing her cheek. "What kind of friend do you think I am?"

Flash shook his head at this before turning to Twilight, "I can go back and get the Elements. I'm sure the tree can last five minutes while we deal with him."

Twilight let out a low growl, "As much as I'm tempted to say yes...I'm gonna let him off this once." Discord's face showed a huge grin, only for her to poke him in the chest. "One last chance Discord. Now go help clean up the town."

"Fine..." Discord mumbled as his grin half-disappeared, soon vanishing after a snap of the claw.

Flash gave a shrug at the sight, "Welp, I think that's settled. Think we should check and make sure everything's in order before heading back to Canterlot?"

"Sounds good to me. Maybe Scootaloo can come this time and spend some more time with my parents. I get the feeling that school's gonna be cancelled tomorrow anyway."

"I guess there's one good thing to come out of all of this," Flash chuckled as he patted Twilight's back.

"I just hope we don't regret giving up the Elements. Who knows what could happen without them."

"We'll be fine. After all, saving Equestria's only required the Elements two times out of six so far. I'm sure we can manage without them." Everypony nodded at this before walking into town. They didn't know what the future entailed, but they knew that no matter what, they could face it together.

Author's Note:

Well, that's it for the season 4 opener. Now its on to the main event. Next chapter's gonna be a little character building, then its on to something really special.